User Acceptance of Mobile IT - Roadmap Element 8 Last Updated Wednesday, 21 July 2010 15:54
Overview End user acceptance of technology has been identified within COMIT and FIATECH as a critical factor affecting the success and failure of mobile IT projects. Despite increasing awareness of the business benefits, the construction industry still lags behind other industries with respect to realizing the full commercial potential of mobile IT. An identified problem is the fragmented and dynamic nature of the supply chain within construction projects leading to transient work teams and barriers to cultural change. This project will use a case study approach to analyze the adoption and diffusion (or lack thereof) of innovative mobile IT within the construction industry. The project will identify the key barriers and enablers involved in the process of mobile IT being introduced successfully within the industry, and used by ‘point of activity’ workers. These barriers and enablers will relate to user, technology, process and organisational issues. A detailed case study analysis will enable both key success factors, and potential barriers to be identified, for each case study.
Project Contacts FIATECH Project Manager: Neill Pawsey, +011-44-1787-269084 or
Lead Researcher: Dr Andrew May, +011-44-1509-226906 or
Challenge Increase success rate for expensive IT projects. Provide direct business benefit through improved processes. Increase organizational learning.