Student Membership
Last Updated Tuesday, 10 February 2009 21:58
Engineering students, both graduate and doctorate candidates, and those who are one year past graduation, can join FIATECH for only $40.00 for 12 months. FIATECH offers students this special opportunity because we realize the opportunities that can be created by better aligning, engaging, and leveraging academic research with private industry needs. By joining FIATECH, students will receive the following.
Research Unlimited access to FIATECH project deliverables, reports, survey results, and studies provided the student demonstrates how the information will assist in their research and agrees to supply FIATECH with a copy of their final research report.
Invitation Invitation to fully participate in both FIATECH's Annual Member Meeting and Annual Technology Conference and Showcase at a significantly reduced student price. Students who choose to participate in these events will be supplementing their academic education with real-world applications presented by leaders in the construction and technology industries.
Student Scholarships A limited number of scholarships will be available each year, sponsored by companies, to cover travel and lodging. In most cases, these are awarded on first come, first serve basis.
Promotion Opportunity to showcase research results that are of interest and relevance to FIATECH member companies either through speaking or exhibiting (poster session) at one or both of FIATECH's events.