florida C P A
contents MAY / J U N E 2 0 1 4
cover story
26 Rep. Dan Raulerson, R-Plant City
Rep. Jim Boyd, R-Bradenton
Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater
Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon
Stronger Together Gov. Scott, Legislature make tax cuts a priority
departments 5
Chair’s message
President’s message
12 Staff reports 24 News Briefs 32 DOR update 38 CPAs in the Spotlight
Federal Tax Issues Affect Same-sex Couples
Motivating Auditees to Address Audit Findings
Client Data Breaches Proactive and reactive considerations
CPE Discussion Leaders Hit the Mark
Tips for Planning Your Best Bizcation The 2014 Mega CPE Conference
40 Marketplace 42 Take Five
Meet Bruce Narzissenfeld, CPA
43 Of Course! Reps. Dan Raulerson, R-Plant City and Jim Boyd, R-Bradenton championed FICPA legislation during the 2014 Session. Cover Photo by TREW Media Inc.
I am a member. I am
ficpa.org/membership | 800-342-3197
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Michael S. Kridel, CPA, chair David J. Hochsprung, CPA, vice chair Walter C. Copeland, CPA • Douglas E. Day, CPA Lynda M. Dennis, CPA • Casey A. Fletcher, CPA Troy Y. Manning, CPA • Vicki H. Meyer, CPA William C. Quilliam, CPA, Ph.D. All articles submitted to Florida CPA Today are subject to technical review, Editorial Committee review, space availability and editing requirements and restrictions. Please contact the editor before submitting unsolicited manuscripts. Florida CPA Today publishes letters to the editor in its Members’ Forum. For information about the guidelines, visit www.ficpa.org/letterstoeditor. Statements expressed herein are those of the identified authors and not necessarily those of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc., nor should statements be considered endorsements of products, procedures or otherwise. The FICPA reserves the right to reject any editorial material or paid advertising that does not meet Florida CPA Today criteria or detracts from its ethical and professional standards. Florida CPA Today is published bimonthly by the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc., P.O. Box 5437, Tallahassee, FL 32314. Telephone: (850) 224-2727 or (800) 342-3197. (Street address: 325 West College Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301.) Visit our website at www.ficpa.org. This magazine is provided to members of the FICPA. No specific amount of your dues, either expressed or implied, is for this publication. This magazine is not available for purchase by either FICPA members or nonmembers. For display advertising information, contact the FICPA Marketing Department at (850) 224-2727, Ext. 270. © 2014 by the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without the express written consent of the FICPA.
Connections Are Key to Professional, Personal Growth Ken Strauss, CPA
y year as your chair is drawing to a close. My favorite part has been connecting with CPAs throughout the state – at chapter meetings (23 and counting), during the 1040K Educational Foundation race in Coconut Grove, and through other FICPA events. It is my privilege to work with our dedicated Board of Governors, and to have the enthusiastic support of Chair-elect Marshall Gunn. The Institute’s future is in very capable hands. July 1 marks the beginning of the 201415 Fiscal Year, which means now is duesrenewal time. Please don’t forget to renew yours by June 30. The current fiscal year has been a busy one. We launched Connect, our member social networking platform, and we’re introducing new conferences, including Accel 2014 just for young CPAs. The Board reaffirmed the importance of FICPA chapters and volunteer opportunities are expanding as several new committees are added. We created these connections for you, and I hope you’ll get involved in at least one. By connecting with others we grow personally and professionally. In fact, I believe the secret to success lies in a mastery of soft skills. Those all-important skills aren’t taught in college and it’s hard to learn them on the job. But without great communication skills, it’s difficult for a CPA to be seen as a trusted advisor. Six years ago, I convinced my firm, Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants (BPB), to create an in-house Toastmasters International club to help FLORIDA CPA TODAY
associates develop and strengthen their speaking and leadership skills. The program has become an overwhelming success. Everything is easy once you know how to do it, and public speaking is no exception. Toastmasters excels at teaching communication and leadership skills with a methodical, organized and easy-toimplement formula. My team members have relayed story after story about how Toastmasters has changed their lives. One longtime CPA team member credits his growing self-confidence, assertiveness and newfound community service involvement to Toastmasters. By holding club officer positions, our young CPAs have learned leadership skills firsthand. They organize and run weekly meetings, and provide and accept feedback constructively. Participating team members have learned about each other, which has strengthened camaraderie and improved morale. And our Toastmasters club is a lot of fun! People look forward to the Thursday lunch meetings. They come away feeling happy, motivated and confident. Setting up a Toastmasters club isn’t difficult or expensive, but it does require commitment – a commitment by the business to allow team members time to participate, and a commitment from staff to join in and to support their peers. Done well, Toastmasters can be your next fresh idea. Let’s keep connecting!
The Advocate: A Day in the Life Deborah L. Curry, CPA, CGMA
o, Deborah, how much time do you really spend on advocacy and political issues affecting CPAs? It seems like you wouldn’t have that much to do!” I often hear this about our governmental affairs work, and it gives me the opportunity to spread the word about the important things we do. What’s the one job the FICPA does for members that no other association will do for you? We protect your license and monitor legislation affecting CPAs licensed in Florida.
• •
I wondered how I could share the message with you, and provide an example of what a day of work includes for our Governmental Affairs (Gov. Affairs) team, lobbyists and me. So, allow me to present to you: A Day in the Life of the Advocate. • Wake up: read latest news clips that include topics about CPAs, fraud, identity theft, the Florida Department of Revenue, taxes, legislators in the news, etc. I scan these while getting ready for work so I know if there’s a “hot” issue. • Before work: phone calls with Gov. Affairs staff and lobbyists about breaking news on a CPA in a newspaper article that may seem controversial. Call our public-relations director. (We often receive phone calls from the news media on these types of issues.) • Arrive at office: meet with Gov. Affairs staff before they head off to meet legislative staff members or attend committee meetings at the Capitol. • Review proposed revisions to the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA) and discuss with a Florida Board of Accountancy (BOA) member. FLORIDA CPA TODAY
Compare proposal with current UAA and discuss with Paul Brown, FICPA director of technical services. Redirect my attention to running the FICPA and working with staff. Lunch: head up to Capitol. Have a working lunch with a legislator and FICPA Key Person Contacts to discuss CPA legislation. We attend a committee hearing to stand in opposition of language that is not in the public’s best interest. Return to office: back to work on FICPA matters. Catch up on email and focus on budget projections to present to leadership. Call several CPA members who are subjectmatter experts to ask for their perspective on the proposed UAA language. Early evening: join Gov. Affairs staff at receptions honoring legislators. These events provide opportunities to show support and answer questions about our proposed legislation.
This is just an overview of one day. When each legislative session is over, we draft rules for legislation that passed, gear up for candidate interviews for upcoming elections and continue attending BOA meetings and serving as a resource. Legislative advocacy is an exciting and fastpaced environment, and our work benefits the entire CPA profession – not just our members. Help us create an even stronger voice in the legislative process: monitor our progress; read our e-newsletter, IMPACT Report; join the Florida CPA/PAC; call us with questions; and invite another CPA to become an FICPA member! FCT www.ficpa.org
TAX ISSUES AFFECT SAME-SEX COUPLES By Brad Gould, Esq. and Dana Apfelbaum, Esq.
ith the repeal of Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in United States v. Windsor, 133 S. Ct. 2675 (2013), CPAs will be called on to address issues related to same-sex married couples living in Florida. This article, the first of a two-part series, will highlight some of the income-, estate- and gift-tax issues at hand. The second article will discuss related estate- and businessplanning issues. Windsor repealed Section 3 of DOMA. In response, the IRS issued Revenue Ruling 2013-17 and a set of frequently asked questions to determine if two people will be considered married for tax purposes. In these documents, the IRS announced a “State of Celebration” approach, meaning the validity of a same-sex marriage is determined based on the jurisdiction in which the marriage was entered into, regardless of the couple’s domicile. Revenue Ruling 2013-17 provides that, with regard to the more than 200 Internal Revenue Code (IRC) provisions and IRS regulations concerning spouses and marriage, the terms “husband and wife,” “husband,” “wife” and “marriage” encompass same-sex spouses if they were lawfully married in a jurisdiction allowing same-sex marriages, and will be applied in a gender-neutral way henceforth.
Income tax The good news… There are many income tax benefits available to married couples. For instance, there is a benefit to filing jointly where one spouse earns significantly more than the other. Now, samesex couples also can use the increased tax bracket. Another benefit is that married couples may exclude up to $500,000 of the gain on the sale of a principal residence (single taxpayers only can exclude $250,000). Married couples also can combine their activity for material participation purposes. Another significant benefit exists with “spousal rollover” for deferred compensation plans. By rolling benefits over, the surviving spouse becomes the “participant” or “owner” of the benefits, gaining deferral advantages such as a slower rate of required minimum distributions (RMDs) and a later starting date for RMDs if the deceased spouse was older than the surviving spouse. The benefits and availability of electing spousal rollover should be individually analyzed in each situation. There are some situations where such an election is not possible 8
“Revenue Ruling 201317 provides that, with or desirable (i.e. younger deceased spouse or prenuptial agreements limiting the survivor’s rights of withdrawal).
And the bad news… There are several income tax provisions that penalize married couples. When both spouses are high wage-earners, filing jointly likely will result in a higher tax liability than filing separately. Further, if a married couple files separately, both returns must either itemize or claim the standard deduction, regardless of whether this is the best choice for both.
regard to the more than IRC provisions and IRS regulations concerning spouses and marriage, the terms ‘husband and wife,’ ‘husband,’
Trusts benefitting spouses sometimes are treated differently than other trusts. IRC § 672(e)(2) provides that the grantor of a trust shall be treated as holding any power or interest held by his or her spouse. If a person becomes the spouse of the grantor after the power or interest is created, the trust may become a grantor trust for the same reason and the liability for the associated income tax may shift to the trust grantor. Accordingly, special attention should be given to qualified subchapter S trusts (QSSTs) and electing small business trusts (ESBTs) as grantortrust status trumps the QSST or ESBT elections.
‘wife’ and ‘marriage’
Any trust may toggle into grantor status, including life-insurance trusts and other irrevocable trusts. Existing trusts should be reviewed and same-sex couples now considered married should carefully consider amending past returns. ➡
same-sex marriages.”
encompass same-sex spouses if they were lawfully married in a jurisdiction allowing
Estate and gift tax The good news… Same-sex spouses now may take advantage of the estate and gift tax marital deductions in IRC §2056 and 2523, respectively. These provisions allow property to pass outright or in certain kinds of trusts to a spouse without incurring tax. Portability also now is available to same-sex spouses, allowing a surviving spouse to use his or her own exclusion and the deceased spousal unused exclusion to pass up to $10,680,000 free of tax in 2014. This is done by making an affirmative election on a promptly filed estate-tax return for the first deceased spouse. Same-sex spouses now may elect to split gifts pursuant to Code Section 2513. It provides that one spouse may treat half of the total gift to any given donee as having been made by his or her spouse, thereby taking advantage of
10 MAY/JUNE 2014
two annual exclusions ($28,000 total in 2014) per donee. To take advantage of “gift-splitting,” the non-donor spouse must affirmatively consent to split all gifts on the donor’s gift tax return. Divorcing same-sex spouses now may take advantage of IRC § 2516. This applies to certain property transfers to an ex-spouse made pursuant to a written agreement regarding marital and property rights where divorce occurs “within the three-year period beginning on the date one year before such agreement is entered into (whether or not such agreement is approved by the divorce decree).” Same-sex couples now may make such property transfers without incurring gift tax.
And the bad news… The special valuation rules of IRC § 2701-2704 are designed to curb techniques used to reduce transfer tax value, but not the economic benefit to the recipient of the interest. To this end, IRC § 2704(b) provides that certain
“applicable restrictions” that otherwise would justify valuation discounts are to be ignored in intra-family transfers of interests in family controlled entities. IRC § 2702(a) provides that the value of retained interests is to be ignored in all but very select transactions to family members. Same-sex spouses previously were not considered family members for purposes of this rule, therefore escaping the special rules. However, that no longer is the case. One casualty of this change is the Grantor Retained Income Trust (GRIT), formerly a popular planning tool for same-sex couples due to discounts allowed because samesex partners were not considered family members. As this no longer is so – and, because of Windsor’s retroactivity – the gift values of past GRITs may change. Although no extra tax would arise because of the availability of the marital deduction, whatever value was left to the gift to the same-sex spouse may have used applicable exclusion
before the Windsor decision. Getting that back may prove difficult, but IRS guidance is expected on this issue. Tax practitioners need to know their clients and be aware of the issues same-sex married couples face. Practitioners need to carefully review prior returns to see if amending open years will be beneficial and must make sure they file correct returns prospectively. Practitioners also must carefully review their clients’ trusts to ensure income is properly reported. FCT Dana M. Apfelbaum, Esq., LL.M is an attorney in the tax and estate and succession planning departments at the law firm of Dean Mead Minton & Zwemer. Bradley R. Gould, Esq., M.Acc., CPA is a shareholder in the tax and estate and succession planning departments of the law firm of Dean Mead Minton & Zwemer in Fort Pierce. Gould is serving in his second term on the FICPA Board of Governors. He also serves on the FICPA University of Florida Accounting Conference Committee and is chairman of the LGBT Task Force.
Educational Foundation
From FICPA staff reports
New Members
By Jason Zaborske, FICPA educational foundation development director
Let’s Get Together! Register now for the Ocean Reef Family Retreat
The FICPA happily welcomes many new members throughout the year. To see a list of members who have recently joined, visit the FICPA Pictured left to right: Miriam Duarte, Hector Aguililla, George Gulisano , Carlos Alzate, Jon Baker and Jason Chorlins take a dip in the pool at Ocean Reef Resort.
website at www.ficpa.org/ meetnewmembers.
What: 6th Annual Ocean Reef Family Retreat When: July 31-Aug. 3 Where: Ocean Reef Resort, Key Largo Cost: $155 per person, per night (children free in parent’s room)
ake the stress out of summer vacation planning by joining the FICPA Educational Foundation at the 6th Annual Ocean Reef Family Retreat. Ocean Reef Resort is located in the tranquil, tropical paradise of Key Largo. It’s the perfect place to unwind, have fun and make memories with your family while supporting the Foundation. This event helps promote awareness about the CPA profession while raising scholarship funds for Florida accounting students. Previous retreats have attracted over 700 CPAs and their families, raising more than $65,000. Ocean Reef’s casual setting allows for a restful vacation and lends itself to networking. It’s an ideal opportunity to talk with CPA leaders while enjoying cocktail parties and a moonlit beachside luau. The retreat also offers two hours of A&A CPE at CPE by the Sea on Friday, Aug. 1 from 4:45-6:30 p.m. When the work is over, play a round of golf on one of three championship greens at the Ocean Reef Golf Tournament. Also available are an eco-kayak resort tour, a bike tour providing a historical look at Ocean Reef, and a Dive in Movie for the whole family! This event has sold out for the past five years, so mark your calendar to experience beautiful Key Largo and all that Ocean Reef Resort offers. FCT For more information or to book your room, visit www.ficpa.org/retreat. Or, contact Jason Zaborske at (850) 251-7274 or edfoundation@ficpa.org. 12 MAY/JUNE 2014
Foundation Thanks Athletes and Sponsors A big thank you to the sponsors, runners and golfers who participated in the 20th Annual 1040K and the 2014 Suncoast Scramble. These events would not have been successful without your participation. We appreciate your support of Florida’s aspiring CPAs.
Access Florida CPA Today Archives Online For your convenience, Florida CPA Today articles from 1997-present are posted on the FICPA’s website at www.ficpa.org/Content/Members/ Tools/Publications/FCT/Archives.aspx. The archives provide a variety of previously published information, including technical articles written by member CPAs, legislative updates, DOR and IRS updates and much more.
OFFICIAL NOTICE FICPA EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION ANNUAL MEETING In compliance with Article II, Section 4 of the Bylaws of the Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants Educational Foundation, be it known that the Annual Meeting of the Members and Board of Trustees will be held on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at Disney’s Contemporary Resort in Lake Buena Vista, Florida immediately following the FICPA Educational Foundation Board of Trustees’ Meeting.
FICPA OFFICIAL NOTICE In compliance with Articles III and XI of the FICPA Bylaws, be it known that the Annual Meeting of the Members and Board of Governors will be held at 9:05 a.m., on Friday, June 13, 2014, immediately followed by a regular meeting of the Board of Governors at Disney’s Contemporary Resort, Orlando, Florida. 14 MAY/JUNE 2014
Motivating Auditees to Address Audit Findings By Ted J. Sauerbeck, CPA, CGFO, deputy auditor general
ave you ever been concerned about the lack of attention given to timely correction of audit findings? Have you had to determine the cumulative impact of uncorrected audit findings from previous audits? Are you an external auditor for one of the hundreds of Florida governmental entity officials who received a letter from the Florida Legislative Auditing Committee (LAC) asking why the entity hadn’t corrected an audit finding? Has a client contacted you about such a letter and asked questions such as “What is the LAC?” or “Why have I never received a letter like this before?”
16 MAY/JUNE 2014
If your answer to any of these questions is “yes,” this article should interest you.
Auditor general issues financial trends and findings report Pursuant to Florida law1, the auditor general annually publishes a report on Significant Findings and Financial Trends identified in local governmental entity, district school board, and charter school financial audit reports. For several years, the auditor general has reported a high percentage of repeat findings for local governmental
entity audits, most recently in report No. 2014-053. Similar findings have been reported for district school boards and charter schools, most recently in report Nos. 2014-023 and 2014-002, respectively.
Legislature passes new law The Florida Legislature was concerned not only with efforts by local governmental entities, district school boards or charter schools to address audit findings. It also was concerned about such efforts by state colleges and universities. In 2011, the Legislature enacted a new law2 to help ensure that audit findings are promptly addressed. The new law created current Section 218.39(8), Florida Statutes (F.S.), which requires the auditor general to notify the LAC of any audit report prepared pursuant to Section 218.39, F.S., which indicates that an auditee has failed to take full corrective action in response to a recommendation that was included in the two preceding financial audit reports. A similar statutory requirement3 exists for state colleges and universities. The law provides that the LAC may take these actions regarding audited entities that have had the same audit finding for three consecutive audits: • Direct the governing body of the audited entity to provide a written statement to the LAC explaining why full corrective action has not been taken or, if the governing body intends to take full corrective
Resources The auditor general’s website provides auditor selection guidelines. They include detailed guidance on the audit committee and its role. www.myflorida.com/audgen The Government Finance Officers Association’s website provides Audit Committee Best Practices and Advisories. www.gfoa.org
action, describing the corrective action to be taken and when it will occur. • If the LAC determines that the written statement is not sufficient, it may require the chair of the governing body of the audited entity, or the chair’s designee, to appear before the LAC. • If the LAC determines that an audited entity has failed to take full corrective action and there is no justifiable reason for not taking such action, or has failed to comply with LAC requests made pursuant to this section, the LAC may proceed in accordance with Section 11.40(2), F.S. Actions provided in Section 11.40(2), F.S. range from withholding state funds to dissolving the audited entity, depending on the type of entity. These actions also could be taken regarding an entity that fails to provide for an audit required by Section 218.39, F.S.
“Actions provided in Section 11.40(2), F.S. range from withholding state funds to dissolving the audited entity, depending on the type of entity. These actions also could be taken regarding an entity that fails to provide for an audit required by Section 218.39, F.S.”
LAC takes action The auditor general’s initial notifications to the LAC, for 2010-11 fiscal year audits, occurred in August 2012 (charter schools, state colleges and state universities); September 2012 (district school boards); and December 2012 (local governmental entities). Based on those notifications, in February 2013 the LAC approved sending letters to 447 audited entities4. Letters were sent to four state universities; five state colleges; 27 charter schools; 33 district school boards; and 378 local governmental ➡ www.ficpa.org
entities. The letters directed each entity’s governing body to provide a written statement to the LAC explaining the corrective action that has occurred or is planned, or to provide the reasons no corrective action is planned. Similar letters later were sent to an additional 38 entities5 based on updated auditor general notifications for the 2010-11 fiscal year. At the LAC’s Sept. 23, 2013 meeting, LAC staff indicated the vast majority of entities responded that they had already, or were in the process of addressing, the repeat audit findings. At its Feb. 17, 2014 meeting, the LAC contemplated what action to take regarding auditor general notifications received related to 2011-12 fiscal year audit reports. At that meeting, the LAC approved sending letters to 319 entities, requesting each entity’s governing body to provide a written statement to the LAC explaining the corrective action that has occurred or is planned, or to provide the reasons no corrective action is planned. The LAC opted not to send letters to 195 entities
18 MAY/JUNE 2014
regarding 273 uncorrected 2010-11 fiscal year audit findings. For these findings, the entity’s auditor or LAC staff determined the entities had taken appropriate action to the extent practicable to address the audit finding(s).
Ensuring prompt correction of audit findings Local governmental entities; district school boards; charter schools; and state colleges and universities have a responsibility to promptly address audit findings. One of the most effective ways to ensure this is by using an audit committee that is charged with overseeing corrective actions to address audit findings. One of an audit committee’s responsibilities is determining whether potential problems are identified and immediately corrected, if appropriate. Auditor general rules require external auditors of these entities to report whether or not a finding in the current fiscal year audit report also was included in the prior
two financial audit reports6. Auditors should strive to clearly communicate audit findings in the audit report. Inadequately written audit findings may make it difficult for your client or other audit-report users to determine the exact nature of the problem addressed in the finding, and the necessary corrective action. In its most recent report on significant financial trends and findings (No. 2014-053), the auditor general reported that 51 percent of the findings included in 2011-12 fiscal year local governmental entity audit reports were not sufficiently detailed. A similar finding was noted for charter schools in report No. 2014-002. Receiving a letter from the LAC regarding untimely correction of audit findings does not necessarily mean the LAC will take any further action7. Nevertheless, auditors of local governmental entities, district school boards, or charter schools that receive a letter from the LAC pursuant to Section 218.39(8), F.S., should advise their clients to promptly and sufficiently respond. FCT
Endnotes Section 11.45(7)(f), Florida Statutes. Chapter 2011-144, Laws of Florida. 3 Section 11.45(7)(j), Florida Statutes. 4 Per meeting summaries and materials for LAC’s Feb. 11 and 18, 2013 meetings. 5 Per meeting summary and materials for LAC’s Sept. 23, 2013 meeting. 6 Chapters 10.550, 10.800, and 10.850, Rules of the Auditor General. 7 As of Feb. 17, 2014, no entities had been subjected to penalties pursuant to Section 11.40(2), Florida Statutes, for failure to timely correct audit findings. 1 2
Ted J. Sauerbeck, CPA, CGFO, is a Deputy Auditor General for the Florida Auditor General’s Office. He is a member of the FICPA State and Local Government Section Resource Council and a former member of the FICPA Board of Governors. He has more than 34 years of governmental audit experience.
Client Data Breaches
Proactive and Reactive Considerations By CNA Accountants Professional Liability Risk Control
ecause of the volume of client information that CPA firms maintain on various media, a data breach represents a significant risk. Breaches occur in many forms, including loss or theft of laptops and flash drives; emailing an unencrypted taxreturn file to the wrong client; and hacking attacks.
Laws, rules and regulations In addition to professional standards regarding client confidentiality, accountants also must comply with federal and state privacy laws, rules and regulations. Forty-six states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have established securitybreach notification laws. Because state laws differ, and many CPA firms render services in several states, multiple state laws may apply in the event of a breach. Florida Statute (F.S.) 817.5681 governs breaches affecting Florida residents (individuals and businesses). One of the requirements under the statute mandates notifying those affected within 45 days of determining that a breach has occurred. If it is determined that a breach may have occurred, promptly consult with competent legal counsel. Time limits on required actions vary by jurisdiction. Numerous federal statutes and regulations also govern privacy and security. Examples include the FTC Safeguards Rule; the Privacy and Security Rules promulgated under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act).
Breach costs The 2013 Cost of Data Breach Study, Global Analysis, published by Ponemon Institute, indicates the average cost to respond to a data breach is $188 per record in the U.S. Costs include the average of direct and indirect costs associated with organizational breaches, including 20 MAY/JUNE 2014
forensic investigation; credit-monitoring services; customer discounts for future services and products; and loss of business. Firms also may face fines and penalties for violating laws and regulations. For example, failing to adhere to the notification requirements under F.S. 817.5681 can result in an administrative fine of “$1,000 for each day the breach goes undisclosed for up to 30 days and, thereafter, $50,000 for each 30-day period or portion thereof for up to 180 days.” Failing to make notification within 180 days may result in an administrative fine of up to $500,000. Under the HITECH Act, firms with access to individually identifiable health information (e.g., CPA firms processing patient-billing records) are subject to civil and criminal penalties for violating applicable privacy and security rules. A data-security breach also can damage a firm’s public image and reputation, diminish client confidence and lead to claims for damages. Firms should consult with their insurance agents about the application of insurance coverage to breach-related costs under existing insurance policies, and the availability of supplemental coverage for these exposures.
Preventive strategies To reduce the likelihood and impact of a data breach, consider these strategies. • Collect less data. Obtain only the data needed to render services. For example, when auditing an employee-benefit plan, a firm may not need participants’ Social Security numbers. • Retain only required records. Carefully dispose of unneeded records. Record-retention policies should be designed to retain only current, relevant records. They also must comply with governing
laws and regulations addressing record-retention requirements. Purge records in accordance with the policy and document the destruction. Consult with technology experts about effective data destruction before disposing of obsolete computers and storage media. Sanitization methods such as overwriting and degaussing may be acceptable, but physically destroying storage media may be required.1 • Regulate use of portable devices and storage media. Establish protocol governing the use, transportation and storage of laptops, disks, flash drives and other portable equipment. Portable computers represent prime targets for thieves. Firms must balance the convenience of downloading client data to a laptop against the risk of loss or theft. Avoid downloading confidential data to laptops or portable flash drives unless the data cannot be accessed from the firm’s shared drive, e.g., while performing audit field work for a client. When client data no longer is needed to work remotely, delete it from portable devices using sanitization methods recommended by technology experts. • Use an encryption system. Using encrypted storage devices (i.e., readable only to those with the proper electronic “key”) as password protection is insufficient. Under some breach-notification laws, theft or loss of encrypted data may not trigger a duty to notify. Consult with legal counsel who have expertise in privacy law before implementing an encryption system. ➡
Want to know more? For more information about state laws regarding protecting client data and reporting security breaches, visit the National Conference of State Legislatures website at www.ncsl.org. Search for State Security Breach Notification Laws, and click on the first entry. Or, visit the Florida Legislature’s website at www.leg.state. fl.us. Search for 817.5681, and click on the first entry. To read password-security guidelines from the SysAdmin, Audit, Network, Security (SANS) Institute, visit www.sans. org/security-resources/policies/Password_ Policy.pdf.
• Place controls on data storage and access. Control access to the firm’s information system to protect resources and data from unauthorized use. Frequently update and upgrade firewalls and antivirus systems to prevent unauthorized access to or corruption of data. Consult with an information-technology professional about all technical aspects of these strategies. Establish written policies and procedures and train all firm employees on the importance of compliance. The FTC Safeguards Rule mandates developing a written information-security plan, and other federal and state laws and regulations may have similar requirements. Consult with legal counsel when drafting policies and procedures, and monitor and reassess these protocols periodically.
Responding to a breach If a firm suspects confidential client information has been exposed, it’s imperative to rapidly assess and mitigate the damage.
The 2013 Cost of Data Breach Study, Global Analysis, published by Ponemon Institute, indicates the average cost to respond to a data breach is $188 per record in the U.S.
22 MAY/JUNE 2014
• Notify the firm’s insurance agent. Insurance policies may provide coverage, but oral or written notice may be required. Inform insurance carriers of the breach before the firm incurs any expenses for which it may seek reimbursement. • Evaluate the severity and scope of the incident. If a laptop or other portable device is lost or stolen, identify the data that may have been exposed and determine whether it is encrypted or password protected. Consider engaging forensic informationtechnology experts to define the scope of the problem. If a criminal act may have occurred, inform appropriate law-enforcement agencies. • Consult with legal counsel about the firm’s legal obligations, and responding to inquiries or media coverage. Some situations may require notify ing federal and state regulators, e.g., the state attorney general.
Because clients expect firms to safeguard personal and financial information, a data breach can tarnish a firm’s reputation. Offering credit monitoring and identity theft case-management services to affected clients can help restore trust and reduce losses. • Notify potentially affected clients. Most states mandate notifying customers whose confidential data may have been exposed. Federal law also may be implicated. Some laws require firms that have experienced a breach to pay for credit-monitoring services for potential victims, or to warn them about the risk of identity theft and fraud within a stipulated timeframe – sometimes as quickly as 12 hours. In a computer-dependent world, the risks associated with client-data exposure, theft or alteration cannot be taken lightly. Data breaches have become more common and costly. Establishing an effective data-security program and preparing a post-incident response plan can help protect clients and firms from data-security breaches, and their consequences. FCT This article provides information, rather than advice or opinion. It is accurate to the best of the authors’ knowledge as of the article date. This article should not be viewed as a substitute for recommendations of a retained professional. Such consultation is recommended in applying this material in any particular factual situations. Examples are for illustrative purposes only and not intended to establish any standards of care, serve as legal advice, or acknowledge any given factual situation is covered under any CNA insurance policy. The relevant insurance policy provides actual terms, coverages, amounts, conditions and exclusions for an insured. All CNA products and services may not be available in all states and may be subject to change without notice. CNA is a registered trademark of CNA Financial Corporation. Copyright © 2013 CNA. All rights reserved. Endnotes 1 Overwriting is an effective method for clearing data from magnetic media. As the name implies, overwriting uses a program to write (1s, 0s, or a combination) onto the media. Common practice is to overwrite the media three times. Overwriting should not be confused with merely deleting the pointer to a file (which typically happens when a delete command is used). Overwriting requires that the media be in working order – National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-12: An Introduction to Computer Security – The NIST Handbook.
DBPR promotes CPAs in Florida Trend The April 2014 issue of Florida Trend includes a Sponsored Report, Beyond Taxes, from the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR). The attractive, two-page article promotes the importance of using CPAs and the value of the profession. DBPR subsidized the piece through its Unlicensed Activity (ULA) Campaign, which is funded through a portion of Florida CPAs’ license fees. “We’re so pleased with the publication of the Florida Trend report,” said FICPA President/CEO Deborah Curry. “Increasing public awareness about the prestige of the CPA credential is a
key element in our efforts to help ensure our members’ success.” Senate Bill 1500, passed during the 2013 Legislative Session, mandates that a portion of CPA licensure fees be used to fund the DBPR’s Unlicensed Activity Campaign. DBPR and the FICPA collaborate on the campaign. To read Beyond Taxes, visit www.ficpa.org/beyondtaxes. To read language in SB 1500 that pertains to DBPR and the FICPA, see the bottom of page 271 at www.flsenate.gov/Session/ Bill/2013/1500/BillText/er/PDF.
Gov. Scott appoints James Lane to BOA
Florida TaxWatch Announces Prudential Productivity Winners
Gov. Rick Scott announced the appointment of FICPA member James Lane to the Board of Accountancy. Lane, of Winter Park, is a CPA with Averett, Warmus, James Lane, CPA Durkee. He succeeds William Durkin and is appointed for a term that began March 7, 2014 and will end Oct. 31, 2017.
The Florida TaxWatch Prudential Productivity Awards recognize those in state government whose work has increased productivity and cost savings for Florida taxpayers and businesses. On April 3, Lt. Gov. Carlos Lopez Cantera, along with other award sponsors and state dignitaries, announced the 2014 winners.
The appointment is subject to confirmation by the Florida Senate. 24 MAY/JUNE 2014
The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) won several awards, including one for improved CPA application
response time. The FICPA assisted DBPR in this effort by helping to secure funding for staff. FICPA President/CEO Deborah Curry was among the 17 judges who decided this year’s award recipients. More than 430 individuals and teams of state employees were recognized for their efforts to provide cost-savings initiatives for the state. To view the complete list of winners, visit fltaxwatch.org/ prudpa/2014winners.aspx. FCT
From FICPA staff reports
We’re sharing your success In the past, the FICPA has highlighted members’ promotions, new positions, speeches, business achievements and more in the On the Move column in Florida CPA Today (FCT). Beginning with this issue of FCT we’ll recognize members’ accomplishments in our CPAs in the Spotlight column. Check out the sharp new logo on page 38! CPAs in the Spotlight already has become part of the Institute’s
ongoing efforts to promote members’ achievements and share information via the FICPA website and social media. Follow #CPAsInTheSpotlight on Twitter, view our Pinterest board or visit www.ficpa.org/Content/News/ Spotlight.aspx to learn about the great things members are doing. Do you know someone who should be featured in CPAs in the Spotlight? Email your submission to communications@ficpa.org. FCT
Scholarship application deadline approaching The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), Division of Certified Public Accounting, encourages minority accounting students throughout Florida to apply for this year’s Clay Ford scholarship. The scholarship is awarded each year to minority students studying to become CPAs. Since its implementation in 1999, the CPA Education Minority Assistance Program has awarded more than $1 million. Scholarship applications must be postmarked by June 1, 2014. For more information, including the application process and eligibility criteria, visit www.myfloridalicense.com/CPAscholarship. FLORIDA CPA TODAY
Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater
Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon
Stronger Together Gov. Scott, Legislature make tax cuts a priority
s the 2014 Florida Legislative Session began, the state had a surplus of funds and the lowest unemployment rate in years. During the joint meeting of the Legislature, Gov. Rick Scott presented an overview of his plan to give Floridians $500 million in tax cuts and fee reductions. The House and Senate leaders’ “Work Plan Florida” included many of the initiatives Gov. Scott outlined and set the stage early for lawmakers and the governor to work together to accomplish them. The first step toward accomplishing the lofty goal was the passage of legislation to reduce vehicle registration fees. Gov. Scott signed Senate Bill 156 on April 2, cutting roughly $400 million in annual vehicle registration fees and reducing the rate to the pre-2009 levels.
26 MAY/JUNE 2014
By Justin Thames, governmental affairs manager
“The Florida House was proud to make lowering fees for Florida drivers a priority this session,” said House Speaker Will Weatherford, R-Wesley Chapel. “Gov. Scott has been a leader in keeping taxes low for Florida’s families, and I thank him for signing one of our top priorities into law today.” The House also passed legislation providing several sales-tax “holidays” aimed at saving Floridians money throughout the year, and other tax-relief initiatives to close the gap on the remainder of the governor’s goal. The bill, HB 5601, included a three-day back-to-school tax holiday beginning Aug. 1; a 12-day hurricane preparedness tax holiday starting June 1; an eightday gym membership tax holiday starting Sept. 1; and a four-day appliance tax holiday starting
Sept. 19. Also included was an increase in the corporate incometax exemption from the first $50,000 to the first $75,000 in income. The Senate developed its own plan to further reduce taxes, which included many of the cuts the House passed. At press time, the Senate Appropriations Committee was reviewing the House proposals to see if there was common ground between the chambers’ recommendations. Until now, there’s been little controversy in the Legislature because of the impending November elections and the overwhelming desire to give the incumbent governor the best possible outcome to present to voters. Legislature passes accountancy bill More than 1,900 bills were filed during the 2014 Legislative Session, and FICPA Governmental Affairs staff are closely monitoring more than 280 for any potential effects they could have on the CPA profession. Again this session, the FICPA and Florida Board of Accountancy (BOA) worked together to support initiatives that directly impacted the practice of public accountancy in the state. Senate Bill 796, sponsored by Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, and its companion, House Bill 725, sponsored by Rep. Jim Boyd, R-Bradenton, unanimously passed their respective chambers. All three CPA legislators – Reps. Dan Raulerson, R-Plant City; David Richardson, D-Miami Beach; and Michael Bileca, R-Miami – also co-sponsored HB 725. The legislative proposal streamlines the examination-application process and licensurereactivation requirements in Chapter 473 of the Florida Statutes. Here’s a summary of clarifications and streamlining provisions the bill includes: • Amends 473.306, F.S., to allow exam applicants to fulfill the BOA’s “good moral character” requirement prior to application for licensure. • Amends 473. 306(2), F.S., to adjust the 160 quarter-hour education requirement for exam applicants to the correct amount of 180 quarter hours that equals the full 120 semester hours that is required. • Creates a one-time amnesty for CPAs to reactivate their licenses by notifying the BOA of their intention by Dec. 31, 2014 and completing 120 hours of CPE by June 30, 2016. ➡ FLORIDA CPA TODAY
During the 2014 Legislative Session, the FICPA was represented by its Governmental Affairs Department and contract lobbying team, led by FICPA President/CEO Deborah Curry, CPA, CGMA. “Advocacy is a top priority for the FICPA and our Governmental Affairs team works to ensure the CPA profession is respected in Tallahassee. This priceless member benefit is evidenced by the Institute’s positive reputation with state officials.” – FICPA Board Chair Ken Strauss Deborah L. Curry, CPA, CGMA President/CEO Florida Institute of CPAs Justin Thames Governmental Affairs Manager Florida Institute of CPAs Ken Plante President & Owner Governmental Solutions, LLC
Jennifer J. Green, CAE, DPL President & Owner Liberty Partners of Tallahassee, LLC Thomas C. Hobbs Consultant Liberty Partners of Tallahassee, LLC
Melanie Shanks Bostick Vice President Liberty Partners of Tallahassee, LLC
“Again this session, the FICPA and Florida Board of Accountancy (BOA) worked together to support initiatives that directly impacted the practice of public accountancy in the state.”
28 MAY/JUNE 2014
Now that the Legislature has taken final action, the legislation will be sent to Gov. Scott for his signature. State budget maintains BOA funds
Early in their annual budget process, the House and Senate agreed to continue current funding levels of the BOA, the Unlicensed Activity Campaign and the Clay Ford Scholarship. The FICPA continued its support of these provisions as they were considered and monitored their progress during budget negotiations. 2014-2015 BOA budget priorities • $100,000 for funding of the Unlicensed Activity Campaign o Five dollars from each license fee is used to combat the unlicensed practice of public accounting. • $200,000 for funding of the Clay Ford Scholarship o Three dollars from each license fee funds the scholarship. The Clay Ford Scholarship Program was established in 1998 and renamed in 2013 to honor a longtime CPA champion, the late Rep. Clay Ford. Since its inception, the program has approved $1,317,000 for 221 minority students enrolled in fifth-year accounting-education programs. This
Senate Confirms BOA Appointees As one of its first official acts of the 2014 Session, the Florida Senate confirmed two longtime FICPA members to the nine-member BOA. Gov. Scott reappointed Eric Robinson, CPA, of Peacock, Robinson & Hanks in Venice, to a second four-year term and Jim Lane, CPA of Averett Warmus Durkee in Orlando to his first term (see the Lane News Brief on page 24). For more information about these and other issues affecting the CPA profession, subscribe to IMPACT Report, the FICPA’s advocacy e-newsletter. Email govaffairs@ficpa.org or call (850) 224-2727, Ext. 202.
year’s funding level is a result of FICPA efforts during the 2013 Legislative Session to increase the BOA’s funding authority from $100,000 to $200,000. Last year, a joint effort of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) and the FICPA – the “ImPostulators” campaign – raised awareness about the unlicensed practice of accounting. Lawmakers continue to understand the necessity of informing the public about the importance of using a licensed professional. In addition to funding the media campaign, the Legislature has appropriated resources to create positions for new DBPR staff members who will pursue unlicensed activity in the state. At press time, Gov. Scott had not accepted the Legislature’s proposed budget. Look for updated information in an upcoming issue of IMPACT Report the FICPA’s advocacy e-newsletter. To subscribe, email govaffairs@ficpa.org. FCT FLORIDA CPA TODAY
From FICPA CPE staff reports
The world’s great teachers share two trademarks: the power of knowledge and a passion for sharing it. The FICPA’s CPE discussion leaders are put to the test, regularly tackling the challenge of clearly communicating technical course material and difficult concepts. The Institute honors the discussion leaders receiving the highest evaluation scores from FICPA seminar participants for their robust knowledge and presentation skills. Here are those who received tabulated evaluation scores of 4.5 (or higher) of 5 for knowledge, and 4.0 (or higher) of 5 for their presentation skills.
CONGRATULATIONS TO THE HIGHEST SCORERS FOR 2013! 2013 Outstanding Discussion Leaders Paul N. Brown Florida Institute of CPAs, Tallahassee Gary A. Fracassi Fracassi & Associates, Orlando J. Edward Grossman J. Edward Grossman, CPA, Lakeland Michael S. Kridel Rehmann, Boca Raton Joseph C. Moffa Moffa, Gainor & Sutton, PA Fort Lauderdale
Cecil “Pat” Patterson Jr. Patterson CPA Group Inc. Ponte Vedra Beach Dominic C. Pino Southwest Ranches Michael Rosenberg Packman, Neuwahl & Rosenberg, PA Coral Gables F. Larry Shrewsbury Larry Shrewsbury, CPA Land O’ Lakes
Charles E. Newman Newman, Seland & Oppenheimer, PA Orlando
Kenneth J. Strauss Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants, LLP Fort Lauderdale
Jose L. Nunez Packman, Neuwahl & Rosenberg, PA Coral Gables
Irving Uncyk Irving Uncyk, CPA, PA Pembroke Pines
30 MAY/JUNE 2014
DISCUSSION LEADER OF THE YEAR F. Gordon Spoor Spoor & Associates, PA St. Petersburg
update By Bill Cumbie, revenue program administrator
It also supports DOR’s goal of reducing the amount of cash handled in service centers.
DOR Accepting Credit Cards for Bills and Warrants
lorida Department of Revenue (DOR) Service Center employees now can accept credit cards for payment of bills and warrants. This is an effective and convenient tool for collectors and taxpayers who are working to resolve outstanding tax obligations. Service Center employees can accept creditcard payments in local offices or over the phone. Taxpayers also may continue to initiate credit-card payments online. In the first month of availability, DOR processed over 1,000 transactions and collected $500,000. This is the first step in increasing credit-card acceptance for payment of tax obligations.
32 MAY/JUNE 2014
In upcoming months, taxpayers will be able to use credit cards to pay the tax due on a current tax return; make payments on a stipulated payment agreement; and make payments over the phone to agents in the Tallahassee-based call center. DOR also recently completed implementing “remote capture” in all in-state and out-ofstate service centers. Previously, tax returns and payments received in service centers had to be mailed to Tallahassee for final processing. Remote capture allows for the immediate imaging and processing of taxreturn and payment information received locally. Since December, over $45 million has been deposited through remote capture. DOR’s goal is to provide cost-effective convenience and service. FCT For more information about DOR’s credit-card program, contact Bill Cumbie at (850) 6178698 or cumbieb@dor.state.fl.us
By Eric Randazzo, FICPA marketing creative manager
re you ready for insider tips on the incredible fun and amenities available at Walt Disney World® Resort during the Mega CPE Conference?
Staying in the Heart of Fun Fun starts the moment you arrive under the majestic pines and breezy palms – just follow the signs to Disney’s Contemporary Resort or Disney’s Wilderness Lodge. Disney’s Contemporary Resort is ultra-modern and overlooks sparkling Bay Lake. Cool off and unwind with two lakefront pools 34 MAY/JUNE 2013 2014
Your CPE Agenda Starts Here
featuring a wacky waterslide, two whirlpool spas, the kids’ water playground and a quiet deck with private cabanas. Go to the 15th floor to visit award-winning California Grill and taste recipes from the Pacific Coast as you take in panoramic views and the nighttime fireworks show. At Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, you’ll find rustic décor in the style of America’s great northwest. Enjoy the Silver Creek Springs Pool, complete with a waterslide and waterfall set in natural scenery, or the Hidden Springs Pool when you have relaxation in mind. Treat yourself to seafood, sirloin and game at Artist Point, a national-park themed restaurant. Continue along the Resort Monorail track to reach Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa. Join your favorite characters for a festive breakfast buffet at 1900 Park Fare or choose from unique dining experiences at Victoria & Albert’s, Narcoossee’s and Cítricos. Your next stop is Disney’s Polynesian Resort where you’ll be enchanted by tropical fare, hula dancing and fire at Disney’s Spirit of Aloha Dinner Show. That’s just a start. Test your swing during the Golf Outing on Disney’s Palm Golf Course on Thursday afternoon. Bring the kids along for BASS Fishing on Friday afternoon. And enjoy the splendor of the Wishes™ nighttime spectacular and fireworks show during Friday night’s Magical Evening!*
Have You Been Here Before? Expect to be wowed again – Walt Disney World® Resort offers a unique experience each time you visit. Be one of the first to enjoy the new Fantasyland® area expansion at Magic Kingdom® Theme Park, complete with two new areas: Enchanted Forest and Storybook Circus.
*Outings available for a modest additional fee. Fireworks show is subject to change. FLORIDA CPA TODAY
With the size of the Mega CPE Conference agenda, you won’t have trouble finding courses that makes sense for you. We’ve recommended popular sessions here to help you start building your schedule.
If you’re a CPA in Industry… June 11: Sales Tax Record Keeping – Minimizing Audit Risk (B10) | SBA Loans – Dealing with Banks (B21) June 12: What Do You Mean Our Benefit Plan is Being Audited? What Every Employer Should Know (B23) | CFO Updates 1 & 2 (B32 & 36)
If you’re a Managing Partner/ Sole Practitioner/Firm Head… June 11: Assembling a Multidisciplinary Team for Business Succession Planning (B3) June 12: Branding Your Practice as a Tech-Savvy Firm (G3) June 13: Lessons from the Business World – SWOT and PEST(LE) Revisited (B38)
If you’re a Young CPA or Staff Accountant… June 11: Planning for Your First Peer Review – Is There Any Quality in My Quality-Control Document? (B6) | SBA Loans – Dealing With Banks (B21) June 13: Virtual Office – Home Sweet Home (B40) June 14: Trends in Technology – What’s New and Notable (G12) Looking for creative learning options or specialized topics? Visit ficpa. org/MegaCPE to access the entire conference agenda and learn more.
Your family can add a twist to Magic Kingdom® Theme Park with Disney’s Family Magic Tour. Bring your camera to capture memorable surprises along this guided scavenger hunt! All ages are welcome.
park opening until one hour after the last park closing, and until 2 a.m. from the Downtown Disney® Area. As a guest of Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, you can take the bus to Magic Kingdom® Theme Park.
Embark on Disney’s Keys to the Kingdom Tour for a backstage look at the secrets of your favorite attractions. Access the underground “Utilidor” tunnels, enjoy an included lunch at Columbia Harbour House, and take home an exclusive keepsake. But put away your camera – photography is strictly prohibited. Guests must be 16 or older.
Take the scenic route with Walt Disney World® Water Transportation within Magic Kingdom® Theme Park; Epcot® Theme Park; Disney’s Hollywood Studios® Theme Park; and the Downtown Disney® Area. Routes run on 15- to 30-minute intervals. As a guest of Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, you can take a water taxi to Magic Kingdom® Theme Park.
Plan Your Vacation the Easy Way
You’ll receive complimentary parking at all theme parks as a guest of Disney’s Contemporary Resort or Disney’s Wilderness Lodge. Parking at the water parks, the Downtown Disney® Area and the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex also is complimentary.
As a guest of Disney’s Contemporary Resort or Disney’s Wilderness Lodge, you can easily customize your experience with a Magic Your Way Package. Get access to all the attractions; save money and time with a dining plan; and enjoy the Extra Magic Hours benefit at the parks to make the most of your stay. Guests can request one-on-one babysitting in the comfort of their rooms through Kid’s Nite Out. Children six months to 12 can enjoy crafts, reading and games while you and your spouse enjoy a romantic evening. In-park childcare assistance and stroller rental also are available.
Magic Kingdom® Theme Park will be open from 9 a.m. to midnight on Wednesday and Thursday and from 9 a.m. to11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Purchase a Magic Your Way Package with the Extra Magic Hours benefit to access the park one hour early on Thursday.
Still Have Questions? Getting Around The Resort Monorail is available at Disney’s Contemporary Resort and stops at Magic Kingdom® Theme Park; Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa; Disney’s Polynesian Resort; and the Transportation and Ticket Center. It operates from one hour before the earliest park opening until one hour after the last park closing. Avoid extra parking fees with the complimentary Walt Disney World® Bus Service. It operates from one hour before the earliest 36 MAY/JUNE 2013 2014
That’s natural – this place is huge! Visit the lobby concierge at your hotel to get help with dining reservations, childcare arrangements, park information, ticket sales and more. Or explore the fun at your fingertips by visiting disneyworld.disney.go.com/ Activities. You can plan the bizcation of your dreams with the Mega CPE Conference. For more information and to register for the conference, visit www.ficpa.org/MegaCPE. Take advantage of the early bird price by registering before June 4, 2014! FCT
C PA s I N
the spotlight
that Brian Leidel has rejoined the firm as a tax manager. The firm also announces that it has expanded to a Tampa location at 405 N. Reo Street, Suite 200.
Altamonte Springs: Averett Warmus Durkee announces the grand opening of a new office in Altamonte Springs.
Tiffany Claypool
Boca Raton: CBIZ announces the hiring of John LaRue as tax director in its South Florida office of CBIZ MHM LLC.
John LaRue
Bradenton: BB&T Insurance Services announces the promotion of John Laurie to senior vice president.
Mark Cocorullo
Clearwater: CBIZ announces that Renee Allison Campbell has been hired as a tax intern for the anticipated growth at the Tampa Bay office of CBIZ MHM LLC. Gainesville: James Moore, headquartered in Gainesville, announces that Stephen Andrews has been hired as a senior accountant and that Alyssa Lindsley has been hired as a staff accountant.
Hollis Russell Davis
Jacksonville: The LBA Group announces that Mark W. Klebe has joined the firm as a manager on the firm’s tax team. Jacksonville: Nemours has named Rodney McKendree to the position of senior vice president and chief financial officer.
Muhammad Farooq
38 MAY/JUNE 2014
Miami: Kane & Company PA announces that Diana Rivera has been promoted to senior audit manager and that Muhammad Farooq has been promoted to audit manager.
Diana Rivera
Orlando: Baker, Hyatt, Homrich & Zokvic PA announces that Craig H. Zokvic has become a shareholder in the firm. Sanibel: Michael P. Miller PL announces that it has acquired the practice of William E. Boswell. Sarasota: Kerkering, Barberio & Co. announces that David Cumberland has joined the firm as a tax supervisor and
Stuart: Roegiers Goldin Chappel Nall & Associates announces that Mark Cocorullo has joined the firm as a Certified Financial Planner with the Strategic Wealth Management Group Division and that Rachel N. Newell has been promoted to supervisor. Tallahassee: Thomas Howell Ferguson PA announces the addition of Elaine Sutter as tax staff and Nick Whitaker as assurance senior. Also, the firm welcomes Pauline Sabitsch, John Spence, Christina Howell, and Nick Griffin as their newest tax department recruiting class. Virginia Beach, Va.: The CST Group announces that it has merged with Hollis Russell Davis, CPA, PLLC.
Who’s News Richard A. Berkowitz of Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants in Miami was elected chair of the Dolphins Cycling
For more news about members and other Florida CPAs, visit CPAs in the Spotlight at www.ficpa.org/Content/News/Spotlight.aspx. The space for Who’s News, Transitions and other announcements published on this page is limited to news focusing on promotions and new hires for FICPA members; speeches by members at professional conferences; and other firm news, such as recognition of business achievements. We do not publish FICPA committee appointments as a part of this feature because of space limitations. Submissions for On the Move can be emailed to communications@ficpa.org.
Challenge. The Challenge is a twoday, tri-county cycling event that raises money for cancer research. Additionally, the firm was ranked by Accounting Today to the annual listing of Top 100 firms in the United States based on revenue size. Tiffany Claypool of Wiltshire, Whitley, Richardson & English PA in Fort Myers recently passed the AICPA examination and met the requirements to become a licensed CPA. CS&L CPAs in Bradenton has been named the 2014 recipient of Manatee Community Foundations Community Spirit Award, a prestigious honor recognizing the firm’s outstanding philanthropic commitment to the community.
Michael DeLuca of Hill, Barth & King LLC in Fort Myers has been accepted by the IRS as a certifying acceptance agent. William Dickinson and Gerd Franke of Hill, Barth & King LLC in Naples have been accepted by the IRS as certifying acceptance agents. Daniel F. “Dan” Dorrell of Cross, Fernandez & Riley LLP in Lakeland is vice chair of the board at Polk State College and was one of the school’s first students. He recently was featured in the Lakeland newspaper, The Ledger. Hill, Barth & King LLC (HBK), with offices in Fort Myers, Naples, Sarasota and Stuart, earned upward progression on the latest Accounting Today poll of Top 100 firms in the nation.
Moore Stephens Lovelace PA in Miami recently celebrated 40 successful years in the Miami marketplace. Myers, Brettholtz & Company PA in Fort Myers announces that the firm is celebrating their 35th anniversary in 2014. Purvis, Gray and Company LLP acknowledges their newly-licensed Florida CPAs – Steven W. Huss; Lauren L. Kolstedt; Tiffany K. Mangold; Kimberly M. Mottl; and Kevin R. Smith. Sharff, Wittmer, Kurtz & Jackson PA in Coral Gables announces that it recently celebrated its 60th year in business. FCT
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Positions available Accountant – Campus USA Credit Union, $1 billion+ in assets located in Gainesville, is seeking to fill a FT accountant position. Qualified applicant should have 3-5 yrs exp. Please visit www. campuscu.com for further details & to complete our online application. Financial Controller / CPA. Vision HR Inc., a human resources firm in Daytona Beach, has an opportunity for a hands-on controller. Multiple employer payroll & multi-state tax filing exp preferred. For job description – http://www.vision-hr.com/ category/current-job-postings/. Coral Gables public accounting firm is seeking to fill two full-time positions. Senior tax accountant w/35 yrs exp preparing tax returns, voluntary disclosures, tax research & compliance. Client base is diverse, w/ domestic & international companies, in various industries. Candidates must have exp w/tax preparation of individual, S corporations & partnership returns, & C Corporations (including multistate tax returns). Staff auditor w/1-3 yrs exp in financial statement preparation, examination & verification of financial accounts; must be able to document all audit tests completing audit work papers. Candidate should be able to
recommend changes in mgmt, accounting operation systems & internal control structure. CPA or CPA candidate preferred. Candidate should have strong customer skills & ability to work in teams. Jobs require direct customer interaction. Resumes should be sent to mlazarus@ hlbgravier.com. Staff Accountant/Junior Partner – retirement-minded Tampa CPA looking for CPA/CPA candidate as a junior partner. We are a longestablished firm that loves to help clients & have fun! Job involves lots of bookkeeping & tax work. Computer technology skills are critical. Person inquiring about this job must have great people skills & be growth oriented. Respond to reply@ficpa.org and reference file number D PA 05 06 14. Kendall-area CPA firm is seeking to hire a tax manager(s) CPA w/ near-term partnership potential. The candidate(s) must have a strong tax background & personal skills. Compensation will be commensurate w/the candidate’s ability. Our firm has a good reputation & is well established & profitable. Reply to reply@ficpa. org & reference file number E PA 05 06 14. CPA 8+ yrs exp; proficient w/tax filings for all entity types. Financial reporting/consulting & private sector exp a plus. Two positions
available, one FT w/benefits & the other PT w/flexible schedule 2-3 days per week, perfect for semi-retired or sole practitioner, NE Tampa area. Reply w/resume & contact info to cpanetampa@ gmail.com. Florida Housing Finance Corporation is recruiting for a multifamily bonds administrator. This position is responsible for the issuance, refunding & redemption of multifamily bonds. Exp in banking, real estate and/or commercial lending & w/financing structures is preferred. Please visit our website at http://www.floridahousing. org/Employment/ for additional information about & to apply for this position. University of Miami Medical School Controller – Master’s degree in business, finance, or related field, CPA certification required. Min of 7 yrs of hospital/ medical exp & 5 yrs of audit firm exp. Apply to www.miami.edu/ careers; keyword Controller.
Practices wanted for purchase or merger CPA firm located in Miami, in existence over 35 years, is looking to purchase a practice in Broward County (Hollywood/ Fort Lauderdale) or Miami Dade County from a practitioner considering or near retirement. Please contact Orlando Gamarra Jr. at (305) 269-8633, Ext. 8002.
For complete classified policies, visit www.ficpa.org/Content/CPAResources/ClassifiedsJobs/Classifieds.aspx.
40 MAY/JUNE 2014
Pensacola CPA seeks to purchase local tax & accounting practice. Send replies to reply@ficpa.org & reference file number B PW 05 06 14.
have no upfront fees. List your firm with a professional. Call David Akins, CPA, at (877) 2770272. Visit our website at www. ProfessionalCPAbroker.com.
Established quality Fort Lauderdale CPA firm seeks to acquire practice from retirementminded CPA w/transition of your choice. Email inquiries to ajcpapa@aol.com or call Cary at (954) 985-1040. Growing S Florida CPA firm looking to purchase a practice from a retirement-minded CPA in Dade County. Favorable purchase terms offered w/continuing employment opportunities available. Please contact Jeffrey Taraboulos at info@ksdt-cpa.com or (305) 670-3370.
Practices wanted! Cash buyers
Orlando CPA firm seeks to purchase CPA firm or CPA practice in Orlando. Continuing employment opportunities available. Reply to Rick at (407) 522-0123 or rick@profitcoach. com.
Erwin Rosenblatt (561) 666-6737
waiting! List your practice w/U.S.A.’s No. 1 Accounting Brokerage Firm. No upfront fees. Recent references available. Selling practices in Florida for 30+ yrs. Look for us at the FICPA Mega CPE Conference June 11-14 in Orlando. Contact or Leon Faris (800) 729-9031 w/ Professional Accounting Sales or visit our website at www. cpasales.com.
Broward County CPA firm for sale. Grossed $323,000 in 2013. Serving diversified clientele of small & mid-size businesses. Accounting services (no audits) 46%; 1040-33%; business/trusts tax 21%. Convenient I-95 location. Class A ofc space. Please respond to reply@ficpa.org and reference file number C FS 05 06 14. Small business CPA firm in midPinellas County (Clearwater) for sale. Grossed approximately $275K in 2013. Sole practitioner looking to retire. One FT & one PT staff. Respond to reply@ficpa.org and reference file number E FS 05 06 14. CPA partners wanted – growing Broward CPA firm focusing on CIRA audits needs partners to conduct all phases of audit operations, including business development. Interested candidates email confidential. inquiry_SFL@yahoo.com & include resume/cover letter.
For sale
Successful transitions require experienced, confidential, professional services you can trust. This is what Akins Professional Brokerage provides. Specializing exclusively in the brokerage of CPA firms, we
Bruce Narzissenfeld, CPA Meet Bruce Narzissenfeld, CPA, vice president of Tampa Electric Company. A CPA and FICPA member for 34 years, Bruce earned his bachelor’s in accounting at the University of Florida and his MBA at the University of Tampa. He and his wife, Vivian, have been married for 28 years and have two daughters. Bruce serves on the boards of Meals on Wheels of Tampa, Visit Tampa Bay and the Tampa Bay Sports Commission. He is a graduate of Leadership Tampa and a current member of Leadership Florida’s Class 32.
hat was your first job? Selling sodas in the stands
at the Miami Orange Bowl. What are the two most valuable aspects of FICPA membership? The opportunity to learn and the privilege of teaching. The FICPA offers CPE courses that have been reviewed and determined valuable. These courses, in turn, provide an opportunity to interact with fellow FICPA members. The result is an informal learning environment where members can exchange ideas, network and enjoy fellowship.
42 MAY/JUNE 2014
Meeting and mentoring young CPAs is rewarding in that you can greatly impact and support a fellow member’s personal development. It’s also an opportunity to learn from those you’re mentoring. Each of us brings unique skills and perspectives to the discussion. The key is to be open to new ways of looking at things, and to learn continuously. Who’s your favorite author, and what’s the last book you read? Counting audio books, I “read” about 20 books a year. My favorite fiction writers are John Grisham and James Patterson. My favorite non-fiction writers are Michael Lewis and Malcolm Gladwell. The
last book I read was Billy Crystal’s Still Foolin’ ’Em. How can accounting students and young CPAs best align their education with career growth, enhance their value to employers and maximize their success? Continuously improve your accounting and business skills, be open to opportunities and develop strong professional relationships. Developing a network to guide you in your career is of great value. Find people you respect and ask for their help and advice. In the workplace, look for opportunities to tackle the difficult challenges. Those are the ones from which you’ll grow the most,
and be best positioned to be recognized for work well done. And don’t hesitate or be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. This is where growth and opportunity reside. Although I was wrong, I once said I’d never.… Watch reality television. Now I enjoy these shows. My favorite, by far, is “Survivor.” I never miss an episode. I genuinely believe that, in addition to the entertainment value, this show offers insight into human nature and social dynamics. I’m actually thinking there might be a market for a new reality show called “The Next Great Accountant.” You think? FCT
Contents Seminars................................... 44
Daytona Beach
Ft. Lauderdale
Daytona Beach....................... 44 Destin..................................... 44 Ft. Lauderdale........................ 44 Gainesville.............................. 45 Jacksonville............................ 48 Lakeland................................ 48
Accounting and Auditing Update
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update
Four-Hour Course
**Value-Priced Seminar
Date: 6/6/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU30 Location: TBA Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Comprehensive Accounting Issues of Estates and Trusts: Fiduciary Accounting and Tax Issues
Miami..................................... 49
Orlando.................................. 49 Pensacola............................... 51 Tallahassee............................ 51 Tampa.................................... 51 West Palm Beach.................... 53 A&A........................................... 46 Tax/PFP..................................... 46 Ethics........................................ 47 Value-Price Seminars............... 47 Conferences ............................. 52 LearnLinx.................................. 54
Accounting and Auditing Update Four-Hour Course Date: 5/12/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: AAU400 Location: Courtyard by Marriott Sandestin Instructor: Paul Brown Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $205
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates **Value-Priced Seminar
Date: 6/3/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: COMP15 Location: Courtyard by Marriott Sandestin Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
*Registering more than 10 days before the course date to receive the Early Bird Price ($55 off the regular registration fee). Nonmembers of FICPA are welcome to attend but are required to pay an additional $125 per full day of instruction or $65 per half day of instruction.
Date: 5/21/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FACT00 Location: Hilton Garden Inn Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Scott Emerson Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980) Date: 5/12/2014 CPE Credit: 4 ETH • Course Number: ETH00 Location: Countyard by Marriott Sandestin Instructor: Paul Brown Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $154
Date: 5/20/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: AAU410 Location: Hilton Garden Inn Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $205
The 2011 Revised Yellow Book: Government Auditing Standards Date: 5/28/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: EO-YB00 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Sheldon Langsom Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
Accounting for Business Combinations and Consolidation of Non-Controlling Interests Date: 6/5/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: BCO00 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: William Tolitta Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
NEW! OMB A-133 From A to Z Date: 6/9/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: A13300 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Jeffrey Lieman Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
For complete CPE policies, visit www.ficpa.org/policies
>A&A = Accounting & Auditing
44 MAY/JUNE 2014
>Industry = Business & Industry
>BIZTECH = Business Technology
Of Course!
Latest Developments in Government Excel Data Analysis and Financial and Nonprofit Accounting and Auditing Reporting 2014 Date: 6/6/2014 **Value-Priced Seminar
CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: EXD00 Location: Renaissance Ft. lauderdale Cruise Port Hotel Instructor: J. Carlton Collins Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Date: 6/10/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: GNAA00 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Jeffrey Lieman Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Gainesville A&A Annual Accounting and Auditing Update **Value-Priced Seminar
Chief Financial Officer: Executive Level Date: 6/5/2014 Skills for Financial Managers CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU25
Annual Financial Management Spotlight Date: 6/17/2014 CPE Credit: 6 AA, 2 TB • Course Number: AFMS00 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Don Minges Early Bird Price*: $285 • Regular Price: $340
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update
Date: 6/18/2014 CPE Credit: 6 TB, 2 AA • Course Number: CFO05 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Don Minges Early Bird Price*: $285 • Regular Price: $340
Debt Related Tax Issues: Foreclosures, Short Sales and Cancellation of Debt Date: 6/19/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: DRTI00 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Mark Patrick Early Bird Price*: $285 • Regular Price: $340
**Value-Priced Seminar Date: 6/20/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU55 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
ETHICS Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980) Date: 5/20/2014 CPE Credit: 4 ETH • Course Number: ETH10 Location: Hilton Garden Inn Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $154
Location: TBD Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Accounting and Auditing Update Four-Hour Course Date: 6/23/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: AAU415 Location: TBD Instructor: Ed Grossman Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $205
Getting More Active with the Passive Activity Rules and the New Net Investment Income Tax
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
Date: 6/30/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: PAIT10 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Deborah Phillips Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Date: 6/23/2014 CPE Credit: 4 ETH • Course Number: ETH35 Location: TBA Instructor: Ed Grossman Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $154
TAX Construction Industry: Advanced Accounting and Tax Date: 5/29/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA, 4 TB • Course Number: CIAAT00 Location: Renaissance Ft. Lauderdale Instructor: Robert Davidson Early Bird Price*: $295 • Regular Price: $350
QuickBooks for CPAs Date: 6/5/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: QBC00 Location: Renaissance Ft. lauderdale Cruise Port Hotel Instructor: J. Carlton Collins Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345 >GOV/NFP = Government/Not-For-Profit
>TAX/PFP = Tax/Personal Financial Planning
To register, call 800.342.3197 or 850.224.2727, or visit ficpa.org/cpe.
>VFALS = Valuation, Forensic Accounting & Litigation Services www.ficpa.org
A&A COURSES Florida Institute of CPAs A&A Courses Date
Course Number
May 12
Accounting and Auditing Update (4 Hour)
May 15
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates
May 16
Accounting and Auditing Update (4 Hour)
May 20
Ft. Lauderdale
Accounting and Auditing Update (4 Hour)
May 21
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates
May 28
Condos and HOAs: Accounting Update (4 Hour)
May 29
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates
June 3
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates
June 9
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates
June 16
St. Petersburg
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates (4 Hour)
June 17 CHAI00 Tampa
Condos and HOAs: Advanced Accounting, Auditing and Other Issues
June 18
Ft. Myers
Condos and HOAs: Accounting Update (4 Hour)
June 19
Boca Raton
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates
June 23
Accounting and Auditing Update (4 Hour)
June 24
Accounting and Auditing Update (4 Hour)
June 26
Accounting and Auditing Update (4 Hour)
June 27
Accounting and Auditing Update (4 Hour)
June 30
Condos and HOAs: Accounting Update (4 Hour)
TA X / P F P C O U R S E S Florida Institute of CPAs Tax/PFP Courses Date
Course Number
May 12
Florida Sales and Use Tax Issues
June 5 FIRP00 Tampa
>A&A = Accounting & Auditing
46 MAY/JUNE 2014
Foreign Investment in the United States: Tax and Related Matters
>Industry = Business & Industry
>BIZTECH = Business Technology
Of Course!
ETHICS COURSES Florida Institute of CPAs Ethics Courses Date
Course Number
May 12
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
May 16
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
May 20
Ft. Lauderdale
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
May 28
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
June 16
St. Petersburg
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
June 18
Boca Raton
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
June 18
Ft. Myers
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
June 23
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980
June 24
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
June 26
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
June 27
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
June 30
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980
Quality Courses for Cost-Conscious Professionals Annual Accounting & Auditing Update 8 Accounting and Auditing hours May 14 ACAU00 Lakeland May 21 ACAU05 West Palm Beach May 22 ACAU10 Orlando May 30 ACAU15 Miami June 2 ACAU20 Pensacola June 4 ACAUT00 Tallahassee June 5 ACAU25 Gainesville June 6 ACAU30 Daytona Beach June 19 ACAU50 Ft. Myers June 20 ACAU35 Boca Raton June 20 ACAU55 Ft. Lauderdale June 23 ACAU40 Jacksonville June 25 ACAU45 Tampa June 10 GNAA00 Ft. Lauderdale Compilation and Review: Updates and Advanced Considerations 8 Accounting and Auditing hours May 15 COMP00 Tampa May 21 COMP05 Orlando May 29 COMP10 Miami June 3 COMP15 Destin June 9 COMP20 Jacksonville June 19 COMP25 Boca Raton >GOV/NFP = Government/Not-For-Profit
Get exceptional value from our Value-Priced CPE line. These streamlined, high-quality courses enable you to gain essential knowledge and skills at a lower price — our most popular courses, taught by our best educators, in modest facilities that are conveniently located around Florida. We may not serve you lunch, but we’ll serve you valuable CPE at great savings.
Visit www.ficpa.org/valuepriced to review our extensive online CPE catalog.
>TAX/PFP = Tax/Personal Financial Planning
To register, call 800.342.3197 or 850.224.2727, or visit ficpa.org/cpe.
>VFALS = Valuation, Forensic Accounting & Litigation Services www.ficpa.org
Jacksonville A&A Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 6/9/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: COMP20 Location: UNF University Center Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Internal Control Essentials for Accountants and Auditors Four-Hour Course
Forensic Accounting Investigative Practices Date: 6/11/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FAIP05 Location: UNF University Center Instructor: Robert Minniti Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 6/23/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU40 Location: UNF University Center Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
NEW! A Practical Guide to Small
Business Health Insurance and Fringe Benefits: 2014 and Beyond Date: 5/22/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: OBCR00 Location: UNF University Center Instructor: Michael Reilly Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Lakeland A&A
Condos and HOAs: Accounting Update Four-Hour Course
Date: 6/10/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: ICDAD400 Location: UNF University Center Instructor: Jennifer Elder Early Bird Price*: $160 • Regular Price: $215
Date: 6/30/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: CHA410 Location: UNF University Center Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $200
NEW! FASB Developments for Business & Industry Four-Hour Course Date: 6/10/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FASBI400 Location: UNF University Center Instructor: Jennifer Elder Early Bird Price*: $160 • Regular Price: $215
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 5/14/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU00 Location: Imperial Swan Hotel & Suites Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Accounting & Auditing Update Four-Hour Course
Date: 6/30/2014 CPE Credit: 4 ETH • Course Number: ETH55 Location: UNF University Center Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $154
Date: 6/26/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: AAU425 Location: Imperial Swan Hotel & Suites Instructor: Ed Grossman Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $205
am renewing Renew Today!
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980) Date: 6/26/2014 CPE Credit: 4 ETH • Course Number: ETH45 Location: Imperial Swan Hotel & Suites Instructor: Ed Grossman Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $154
Renewal deadline is June 30, 2014 www.Ficpa.org/Renew | 800.342.3197
>A&A = Accounting & Auditing
48 MAY/JUNE 2014
>Industry = Business & Industry
>BIZTECH = Business Technology
Of Course!
Miami A&A Condos and HOAs: Accounting Update Four-Hour Course Date: 5/28/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: CHA400 Location: Hyatt Place Miami-Airport West Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $205
Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 5/29/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: COMP10 Location: Hyatt Place Miami-Airport West Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 5/30/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU15 Location: Hyatt Place Miami-Airport West Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Comprehensive Accounting Issues of Estates and Trusts: Fiduciary Accounting and Tax Issues Date: 6/16/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FACT05 Location: Hyatt Place Miami-Airport West Instructor: Dennis Riley Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Preventing and Detecting Identity Theft Date: 6/19/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: IDENT00 Location: Hyatt Place Miami-Airport West Instructor: Robert Minniti Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
Forensic Accounting Investigative Practices Date: 6/20/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FAIP10 Location: Hyatt Place Miami-Airport West Instructor: Robert Minniti Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335 >GOV/NFP = Government/Not-For-Profit
ETHICS Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980) Date: 5/28/2014 CPE Credit: 4 ETH • Course Number: ETH15 Location: Hyatt Place Miami-Airport West Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $154
TAX NEW! A Practical Guide to Small Business Health Insurance and Fringe Benefits: 2014 and Beyond Date: 6/17/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: OBCR10 Location: Hyatt Place Miami-Airport West Instructor: Dennis Riley Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
>TAX/PFP = Tax/Personal Financial Planning
To register, call 800.342.3197 or 850.224.2727, or visit ficpa.org/cpe.
Orlando A&A NEW! Compilation and Review: Issues
and Updates
**Value-Priced Seminar Date: 5/21/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: COMP05 Location: Hampton Inn & Suites Orlando Airport Instructor: Ed Grossman Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 5/22/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU10 Location: Hampton Inn & Suites Orlando Airport Instructor: Ed Grossman Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
>VFALS = Valuation, Forensic Accounting & Litigation Services www.ficpa.org
NEW! Frequent Frauds Found in
AICPA Advanced Course: Overview of the Peer-Review Program Standards
Four-Hour Course
Date: 5/30/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ADPRT00 Location: Hampton Inn & Suites Orlando Airport Instructor: Alan Long Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
Date: 5/23/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: FNFP400 Location: Hampton Inn & Suites Orlando Airport Instructor: David Mosley Early Bird Price*: $160 • Regular Price: $215
NEW! Frequent Frauds Found in
Four-Hour Course Date: 5/23/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: FGOV400 Location: Hampton Inn & Suites Orlando Airport Instructor: David Mosley Early Bird Price*: $160 • Regular Price: $215
NEW! OMB A-133 From A to Z Date: 6/23/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: A13305 Location: Rosen College of Hospitality Management Instructor: Charles Borek Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Accounting & Auditing Update
Comprehensive Accounting Issues of Estates and Trusts: Fiduciary Accounting and Tax Issues
Four-Hour Course
Date: 6/18/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FACT10 Location: Rosen College of Hospitality Management Instructor: Dennis Riley Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Date: 6/24/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: AAU420 Location: Rosen College of Hospitality Management Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $205
ETHICS Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980) Date: 6/24/2014 CPE Credit: 4 ETH • Course Number: ETH40 Location: Rosen College of Hospitality Management Instructor: Ed Grossman Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $154
TAX New Repair Regs: Sec.263(a) Date: 6/18/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: NRR00 Location: Rosen College of Hospitality Management Instructor: Mark J. Patrick Early Bird Price*: $285 • Regular Price: $340
NEW! A Practical Guide to Small Business Health Insurance and Fringe Benefits: 2014 and Beyond Date: 6/19/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: OBCR15 Location: Rosen College of Hospitality Management Instructor: Dennis Riley Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Getting More Active with the Passive Activity Rules and the New Net Investment Income Tax Date: 6/24/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: PAIT05 Location: Rosen College of Hospitality Management Instructor: Charles Borek Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
>A&A = Accounting & Auditing
50 MAY/JUNE 2014
>Industry = Business & Industry
>BIZTECH = Business Technology
Of Course!
Pensacola A&A Annual Accounting and Auditing Update **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 6/2/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU20 Location: TBA Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Tallahassee A&A
NEW! A Practical Guide to Small
Business Health Insurance and Fringe Benefits Health Insurance and Fringe Benefits: 2014 and Beyond Date: 5/21/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: OBCRT00 Location: Tallahassee Community College Instructor: Michael Reilly Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Tampa A&A Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates **Value-Priced Seminar
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update Date: 5/15/2014 Date: 6/4/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAUT00 Location: Tallahassee Community College Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
TAX Florida Sales and Use Tax Issues Date: 5/12/2014 CPE Credit: 2 AA, 6 TB • Course Number: SUT00 Location: Tallahassee Community College Instructor: Joseph Moffa Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: COMP00 Location: Hilton Garden Inn Tampa North Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
Accounting and Auditing Update Four-Hour Course Date: 5/16/2014 CPE Credit: 4 AA • Course Number: AAU405 Location: Hilton Garden Inn Tampa North Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $205
Forensic Accounting: Fraudulent Reporting Date: 6/2/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FAFR00 Location: Tampa Law Center Instructor: William Eskin Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
Accounting for Business Combinations and Consolidation of Non-Controlling Interests Date: 6/6/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: BCO05 Location: Tampa Law Center Instructor: William Tolitta Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
>GOV/NFP = Government/Not-For-Profit
>TAX/PFP = Tax/Personal Financial Planning
To register, call 800.342.3197 or 850.224.2727, or visit ficpa.org/cpe.
Condos and HOAs: Advanced Accounting, Auditing and Other Issues Date: 6/17/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: CHAI00 Location: Tampa Law Center Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 6/25/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU45 Location: Tampa Law Center Instructor: Ed Grossman Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
BEHAVIORAL NEW! Sage Vision and Strategy Workshop Four-Hour Course Date: 5/28/2014 CPE Credit: 4 BEH • Course Number: SVSW400 Location: Maggiano’s Little Italy Instructor: Rebekah Brown, Francis J. Falatko Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $99
>VFALS = Valuation, Forensic Accounting & Litigation Services www.ficpa.org
CONFERENCES 2014 Florida State University Spring Accounting Conference (FSUS)
Not-for-Profit Organizations Accounting Conference
May 15-16, 2014 Tallahassee (17 CPE Credits)
May 29-30, 2014 Tampa and Ft. Lauderdale (16 CPE Credits)
Mega CPE Conference June 11-14, 2014 Orlando (Up to 40 CPE Credits)
Emerald Coast CPE Retreat June 27, 2014 Panama City (8 CPE Credits)
Summer Vacation Cluster
State and Local Government Accounting Conference
August 7-9, 2014 Lake Buena Vista (Up to 20 CPE Credits)
August 14-15, 2014 Orlando (16 CPE Credits)
www.ficpa.org/Conferences >A&A = Accounting & Auditing
52 MAY/JUNE 2014
>Industry = Business & Industry
>BIZTECH = Business Technology
Of Course!
NEW! Business Development Skills for Social Security and Medicare:
Maximizing Retirement Benefits
Four-Hour Course
Four-Hour Course
Comprehensive Accounting Issues of Estates and Trusts: Fiduciary Accounting and Tax Issues
Date: 6/24/2014 CPE Credit: 4 BEH • Course Number: BDSA400 Location: Maggiano’s Little Italy Instructor: Peter A. Margaritis Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $150
Date: 5/20/2014 CPE Credit: 4 TB • Course Number: SSM400 Location: Marshall Student Center - USF Instructor: Carla Gordon Early Bird Price*: $160 • Regular Price: $215
Date: 6/23/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FACT15 Location: Tampa Law Center Instructor: Scott Emerson Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
NEW! Communicating with Clients/ Customers
NEW! Getting More Active with the Passive Activity Rules and the New Net Investment Income Tax
Four-Hour Course Date: 6/24/2014 CPE Credit: 4 BEH • Course Number: CWCC400 Location: Maggiano’s Little Italy Instructor: Peter A. Margaritis Early Bird Price*: $150 • Regular Price: $150
Date: 5/21/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: PAIT00 Location: Marshall Student Center - USF Instructor: Edward A. Harter Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs (4980)
NEW! A Practical Guide to Small Business Health Insurance and Fringe Benefits Health Insurance and Fringe Benefits: 2014 and Beyond
Date: 5/16/2014 CPE Credit: 4 ETH • Course Number: ETH05 Location: Hilton Garden Inn Tampa North Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $99 • Regular Price: $154
Date: 5/22/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: OBCR05 Location: Marshall Student Center – USF Instructor: Edward A. Harter Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
TAX Health Care Reform Act: Critical Tax and Insurance Ramifications Four-Hour Course Date: 5/20/2014 CPE Credit: 4 TB • Course Number: HCRA400 Location: Marshall Student Center - USF Instructor: Carla Gordon Early Bird Price*: $160 • Regular Price: $215
Foreign Investment in the United States: Tax and Related Matters Date: 6/5/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: FIRP00 Location: Tampa Law Center Instructor: Michael Rosenberg Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
A&A Forensic Accounting Investigative Practices Date: 5/20/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FAIP00 Location: TBA Instructor: Robert Minniti, Robert Walter Early Bird Price*: $280 • Regular Price: $335
Annual Accounting and Auditing Update **Value-Priced Seminar Date: 5/21/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: ACAU05 Location: TBA Instructor: Cecil Patterson Early Bird Price*: $200 • Regular Price: $255
QuickBooks for CPAs
Comprehensive Accounting Issues of Estates and Trusts: Fiduciary Accounting and Tax Issues
Date: 6/9/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: QBC05 Location: Tampa Law Center Instructor: J. Carlton Collins Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Date: 6/24/2014 CPE Credit: 8 AA • Course Number: FACT20 Location: Holiday Inn Palm Beach Airport Instructor: Scott Emerson Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
Excel Data Analysis and Financial Reporting Date: 6/10/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: EXD05 Location: Tampa Law Center Instructor: J. Carlton Collins Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
NEW! Adding Value - The Eight Hour MBA Date: 6/23/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: MBA800 Location: Maggiano’s Little Italy Instructor: Peter A. Margaritis Early Bird Price*: $275 • Regular Price: $275 >GOV/NFP = Government/Not-For-Profit
West Palm Beach
>TAX/PFP = Tax/Personal Financial Planning
To register, call 800.342.3197 or 850.224.2727, or visit ficpa.org/cpe.
TAX Determining How Much Money You Need to Retire, and Tax Ideas and Money Management in Retirement Date: 6/20/2014 CPE Credit: 8 TB • Course Number: DRMM00 Location: Holiday Inn Palm Beach Airport Instructor: David E. Hultstrom Early Bird Price*: $290 • Regular Price: $345
>VFALS = Valuation, Forensic Accounting & Litigation Services www.ficpa.org
Right Time. Right Place. Right Price.
Your busy schedule can make earning CPE credits difficult. LearnLinx lets you choose when and where to take convenient and affordable online courses, including webcasts, webinars and OnDemand. Check out these upcoming sessions!
Florida Institute of CPAs Webinars May 7 May 22
Hot Topics in Florida Sales and Use Tax Webinar (1 Hour) Social Security: Strategies and Advice For Your Clients Webinar (2 Hours)
Florida Institute of CPAs Webcasts via ACPEN May 5 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 9 May 12 May 13
CIRA: A&A Update Webcast (4 Hours) Ethics: Protecting the Integrity of Florida CPAs Webcast (4 Hours) Accounting and Auditing Update Webcast (4 Hours) Compilation and Review: Issues and Updates Webcast (8 Hours) Foreign Investment in the US: Tax Related Matters Webcast (8 Hours) Florida Sales and Use Tax Issues Webcast (8 hours) Stopping Tax Identity Theft: Practical Advice for CPAs and Clients Replay (1 Hour)
Auxis Webinars - NEW! May 7 ACPWEB01 May 14 BBPWEB01 May 21 NDMWEB01 May 28 CFGWEB01 June 4 SSIWEB01 June 11 TUCWEB01 June 18 DTEWEB01 June 24 PPIWEB01 June 26 HHOWEB01
A Cloud Primer: The Cloud for Non-Technical People Webinar (1 Hour) Become a Better Business Partner: Run Your IT Like a Business Webinar (1 Hour) Nearshoring Demystified: An Emerging Business Model to Increase Your Competitive Advantage Webinar (1 Hour) Contracting with the Federal Government – New Business Systems Rule Webinar (1 Hour) How to Lead a Successful Shared Services Initiative Webinar (1 Hour) Reality Check: How to Develop a True Understanding of Your IT Costs Webinar (1 Hour) Disruptive Technologies: A View into What’s Coming Webinar (1 Hour) Perspectives on Performance Improvement Changing How We Work is Certain…Being Successful at Change is Not Webinar (1 Hour) The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Outsourcing Webinar (1 Hour)
Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants P.O. Box 5437 Tallahassee, FL 32314-5437