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Tuition Delinquency
In instances when a Service member stops attending due to a military service obligation, Fielding will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion.
Policy Revised 05/01/2021
All Programs
Approximately one month prior to the tuition due date, and in order to provide adequate time for payment to reach us on schedule, students are notified via email of the availability of their statements on WebAdvisor. For those who have not opted out, hard copy statements are also postal mailed. If payment is to be delayed for any reason, please contact Student Accounts.
Please note that disbursement of student loan funds or employer reimbursements may not coincide with billings from Fielding. Since payment of tuition is the student's responsibility, students must plan accordingly and arrange to pay tuition by the due date. If payment is not received on time, students will be notified of the delinquency and penalties may apply.
Fielding will assist students who are seeking student loans or other help with tuition payments in any way that we can. For instance, in addition to government loan programs, there are tuition loan programs from private lending sources that we can bring to your attention. We can also provide information to lenders on your current status at Fielding in support of loan applications. Please contact Fielding's Financial Aid Office if you need information.
Non-payment Penalties for Master's and Graduate Certificate Programs
Payments made after the due date are subject to a late payment charge, see the Finance Fee Schedule for charge amount.
Payment in full, including late charge and any charges from a previous term, is required to complete registration. Partial payments could result in a late charge.
Course registrations not paid for in full by the add/drop deadline will automatically be cancelled for non-payment. Any payment or partial payment received after the add/drop deadline will be applied to any outstanding balance and any remaining funds will be returned to the payee.
For more information see the add/drop policy; for specific deadline dates, please see the University Master Calendar.
Non-payment Penalties for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Certificate Programs
A late payment fee will be assessed on payments received on or after the first day of the term.
For those payments not received in full by the due date, finance charges will be assessed on the average daily balance at a rate of .83% per month, or 10% per year. Finance charges are made on the first business day of each month.