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Alumni Enrollment
After that two-week period a student may be awarded a 'W' (Withdrawn) with instructor permission if:
a. the Withdrawal is not a substitute for a failing grade based on complete, or nearly complete, participation in the course with poor performance that would typically receive a poor grade; b. the instructor deems the Withdrawal more appropriate than an Incomplete based on the amount of course requirements the student has yet to fulfill and the unfeasibility of allowing the student to finish those requirements at a later time with an Incomplete.
If the student unilaterally withdraws from the lab the appropriate grade is 'NC' (No Credit).
Policy Revised 05/01/2021
Graduates of Fielding's degree programs are welcome to apply to our other program offerings.
In addition, doctoral program alumni may request to continue study in a specific doctoral program knowledge area course to supplement the academic content of their programs, or as a requirement for licensure in their state. Requests for additional study must be submitted to the Registrar's Office and approved by the Dean or Director of the program in which the course is offered. Such enrollments are valid for one trimester and normal grade policies apply. Under these contracts of study, alumni/students have access to the appropriate faculty member and administrative personnel, and may attend classes, sessions or seminars related to the course being studied during the agreed upon period.
Graduates of Fielding's doctoral or master's programs may request to enroll in Organizational Development & Leadership or Media Psychology program courses after graduation. There is no limit on the numbers of academic courses the graduate may take.
Alumni enrolled in such study will not be eligible for financial aid or in-school deferments, and receive a 20% discount off the regular tuition unless noted as otherwise in the Tuition and Fee Information section of this catalog. Please note that taking additional academic courses does not automatically enroll the alumni in any of the formal certificate or degree programs; alumni seeking additional certificates or degrees from Fielding must follow admissions procedures for those programs.
Policy Revised 01/01/2013