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Time to Degree
Disqualification appeals will be considered by the Financial Aid Appeal Committee and a written response will be sent to the student within two weeks of receipt.
An approved disqualification appeal does not alter the outcome of the satisfactory academic progress review.
Veterans benefit recipients may only receive benefits while on probation with a successful appeal for a maximum of one term. Satisfactory academic progress must be regained in order to continue to receive VA funding after the probationary term.
If the disqualification appeal is unsuccessful or not submitted within the required time frame, the student may appeal again during a subsequent term prior to the Disqualification Appeal Deadline for that term as published in the University Master Calendar.
Policy Revised 05/01/2021
Students should consult suggested curriculum sequences available from their program for detailed length of study plans.
Doctoral Programs and Respecialization in Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Certificate Length of Study
All students in doctoral programs, except those who began the Clinical Psychology and the postdoctoral Respecialization in Clinical Psychology certificate program in May 2012 or later, must complete their program in no more than ten years from the date of matriculation, excluding any time periods in which the student is withdrawn. Students entering into the Clinical PhD or Respecialization in Clinical Psychology postdoctoral certificate program in May 2012 or later must complete the program in no more than 8 years from the date of matriculation, excluding any time periods in which the student is withdrawn.
Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Certificate
Neuropsychology certificate students are expected to take no more than three years to complete their program, excluding any time periods in which the student is withdrawn. The third year is at a discounted rate of tuition, and would be used for the purpose of completing supervision hours the student was unable to complete in the first two years.
Master's Programs
All students in the master's programs are expected to complete their program in no more than 4 years from the date of matriculation, excluding any time periods in which the student is withdrawn.
Graduate Certificate Programs
All students in any postbaccalaureate graduate certificate programs are expected to complete their program in no more than two years from the date of matriculation, excluding any time periods in which the student is withdrawn.
Policy Revised 07/01/2014