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Changing Degree Track - HOD
Fall Annual Review - Clinical/RCP/Media Students Entered at September Orientation
• Review period: September 1 to August 31 of following year • Review terms: Fall, Spring, Summer respectively as shown on student's tracking sheet/transcript
All students will receive an email letter with the results of the annual program review. Students who have met or exceeded the annual program requirements will receive a congratulatory email letter with instructions on completing the one-page Annual Student Progress Report. It is due to the Santa Barbara office 45 days from the date the letter was sent.
Students who do not meet minimum SAP requirements for an academic year will be required to complete a one-year Progress Improvement Plan (PIP) and must complete the minimum requirements (in addition to any new requirements) by the following year's review deadline. The link to the PIP form is provided in the SAP email notification. The form must be completed by the student, then reviewed and approved by the student's faculty advisor, and the Director of Advising or the Director of Clinical Training for Clinical Psychology students. The PIP is due to the Santa Barbara office by the deadline on the SAP notification message. Failure to provide a PIP within the required time frame will be grounds for dismissal.
Students who do not complete their PIP as written, and/or do not regain SAP status at the time of their next review, at the discretion of the school, may be given another opportunity to demonstrate they can achieve satisfactory progress with an additional PIP for one year. Students must complete a new PIP form and receive approval from their faculty advisor and the Director of Advising (The Director of Clinical Training approves plans for Clinical Psychology students. The PIP is due to the Santa Barbara office by the deadline on the SAP notification message or 20 days after the notification, whichever is later. Failure to provide a PIP within the required time frame will be grounds for dismissal.
If a student is unable to make SAP a third year in a row, they will be withdrawn from the program for lack of academic progress. The withdrawal decision is not subject to appeal.
Policy Revised 05/01/2021
Students in the Human & Organizational Development doctoral program choose from one of two degree designation tracks upon matriculation: Human Development, or Organizational Development & Change [formerly Human & Organizational Systems]. Each track has a master's degree credential earned along the way to the conclusion of the PhD. Pathway master's requirements for each track can be viewed in the catalog and in the student's degree audit online.
Upon matriculation it is assumed the student's chosen master degree designation is the same as the PhD designation they have chosen. However, students may choose different designations at the master's level versus the one they have chosen for the PhD level. The student may change the master's degree designation prior to the master's degree being conferred or 10 business days after being notified by the Registrar's office that it has been conferred. Ten business days after the master's conferral, this change can no longer be made.