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APA Ethical Principles – Clinical Psychology/RCP
• Within 5 business days of being informed, the student receives, in writing, all the information obtained to date concerning the allegation relating to PPC and has 10 business days to respond. • Within the 5 business days of determining that further action is warranted, the DCT assembles the three person PPC Committee and provides them with the materials generated to date. Once the PPC Committee receives all documentation including the student’s input, it has 15 business days to complete its work and produce a written outcome and recommendation which is provided to the DCT. • Within 7 business days, the DCT and PD review the decision of the PPC Committee and either adopt the decision, reject the decision or make changes/edits to the decision of the PPC
Committee. • The determination by the DCT and PD is provided to the student in writing within 3 business days of the DCT and PD making their determination. • Appeal to the Provost is possible within 10 business days. Provost’s final decision shall be transmitted to the student within 10 business days of Provost acknowledging receipt of a written request from the student appealing the decision of the DCT and PD. • If any circumstances prevent following the above time lines, the student will be informed within a day of the delay being identified and a revised timeline will be provided.
Policy Revised 12/01/2019
All Clinical Psychology and Respecialization students should be aware of Section 7.04, Student Disclosure of Personal Information, in the APA's Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2002, 2010 revision). This section states:
Psychologists do not require students or supervisees to disclose personal information in course- or program-related activities, either orally or in writing, regarding sexual history, history of abuse and neglect, psychological treatment, and relationships with parents, peers, and spouses or significant others except if
1. the program or training facility has clearly identified this requirement in its admissions and program materials or 2. the information is necessary to evaluate or obtain assistance for students whose personal problems could reasonably be judged to be preventing them from performing their training- or professionally related activities in a competent manner or posing a threat to the students or others.
The Clinical Psychology PhD and Respecialization programs at Fielding Graduate University place considerable value on personal exploration, requiring students to self-reflect and to be self-aware. As a result, it is the expectation that students will disclose personal information as part of their participation in the doctoral and respecialization programs in Clinical Psychology. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact the Program Director for the Clinical Psychology PhD and RCP program.
Policy Revised 01/01/2020