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Students with Disabilities Policy
6. Fielding Graduate University recognizes that a borrower has the right to choose any lender from which to borrow. Fielding Graduate University will not refuse to certify or otherwise deny or delay certification of a loan based on the borrower's selection of a lender and/or guarantor.
7. Fielding Graduate University will not request or accept any offer of funds to be used for private education loans to students from any lender in exchange for providing concessions or promises to the lender for a specific number of loans, a specified loan volume, or a preferred lender arrangement.
8. Fielding Graduate University will not request or accept any assistance with call center or financial aid staffing from any lender, guarantor, or servicer.
Policy Revised 07/01/2017
Fielding Graduate University is dedicated to maintaining an environment that provides equal access to its educational services for all students.
Within that context, Fielding seeks to foster among its faculty, staff and student populations, informed and positive attitudes towards individuals with disabilities.
While the support of students with disabilities is a responsibility shared with all members of the Fielding community, Fielding has designated the Advising office as the initial point of contact for students with disabilities. The Accessibility Coordinator will facilitate requested support and services for students with disabilities, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. To ensure that individual needs are addressed, students with identified needs are encouraged to contact the Accessibility Coordinator as early as possible to appropriately document disabilities and make any requests for accommodations.
Requests for services for students with appropriately documented disabilities will be evaluated on an individual basis within a reasonable time frame. A student's preference for accommodation will be considered first, but all types of reasonable accommodation will be considered. At times, alternative methods of accommodation may be used depending upon the resources available to Fielding. While Fielding takes the needs of students with disabilities seriously, it is not able to guarantee that all services or resources requested by the student can be provided. Fielding will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with appropriately documented disabilities, provided that such reasonable accommodations do not include measures that fundamentally alter the academic program of Fielding Graduate University, or that place undue financial burden on Fielding.
For more information regarding documenting of disabilities and making requests for accommodations, go to Disability Services.
Fielding Graduate University respects the independence, rights, and dignity of people with disabilities. Therefore identifying oneself and/or requesting accommodations is completely voluntary.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students with disabilities at Fielding have the right to:
• Equal opportunity to learn and to receive reasonable accommodations; • Equal access to courses, programs, services, activities and facilities offered through Fielding; • Information available in accessible formats; • Confidentiality of all information regarding disabilities, and the ability to choose to whom that information may be disclosed (except disclosures as permitted by law).
Students with disabilities at Fielding have the responsibility to:
• Voluntarily identify oneself as an individual with a disability when an accommodation is needed, and to seek information, counsel, and assistance as needed; • Contact the Advising Office to make requests for reasonable accommodations, and to provide complete documentation from an appropriate source that describes the nature of the disability and the resulting limitations; • Meet qualifications and uphold Fielding standards (e.g., courses, programs, services, activities).
Fielding Graduate University Rights and Responsibilities
Fielding has the right to:
• Request documentation to identify the need for reasonable accommodations; • Deny a request for accommodations if appropriate documentation is not provided, or if the documentation does not support the need for accommodations; • Decide upon equally effective accommodations/alternatives; • Refuse an unreasonable accommodation that would impose a fundamental revision of a program or activity of the University, or cause an undue financial hardship for the University.
Fielding has the responsibility to:
• Present information to students with disabilities in accessible formats; • Provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities in courses, programs, services, activities, and facilities; • Maintain confidentiality of records and communication, except where permitted or required by law.
Inquiries regarding this policy may be directed to:
Accessibility Coordinator Fielding Graduate University 2020 De la Vina Street Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805.898.4052 AccessAbility@fielding.edu
Policy Revised 06/01/2013