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Qualtrics Terms of Use
o authorizing that all communications sent from the student's @email.fielding.edu account is acceptable as a proxy for the student's written signature, including but not limited to financial transactions o authorizing that all requests that confidential information be transmitted to the student's @email.fielding.edu account releases FGU from all liability related to the release of the requested confidential information
• Acceptable Use: FGU email accounts should primarily be used for FGU academic and business related purposes. Incidental and occasional personal use of email may occur, but it should not incur cost or impact university resources. Unacceptable uses include but are not limited to:
o use of email for commercial or financial gain; o sending inappropriate email that is offensive, intimidating, demeaning, or harassing; use for any illegal or unethical purpose. This includes sending information that is protected by copyright policy; o sending mass unsolicited emails for non-university related purposes; o without prior authorization, posing as someone other than oneself when sending email.
• Privacy: Although the university respects privacy and does employ specific email security measures, it does not guarantee security or privacy for FGU assigned email accounts. FGU will not monitor or inspect university assigned accounts unless under the direction of law officials or the University President. Circumstance for monitoring or inspection include but are not limited to:
o in the course of an investigation for illegal or inappropriate use; o to protect health and safety; to prevent interference with university business or the academic mission; o to access critical business information that is not available by other means.
• Educational Use: Faculty may determine how email is used for instructional purposes.
Policy Revised 07/01/2013
Qualtrics is Fielding’s official online survey platform.
In order to be issued and maintain a Qualtrics account, a student must meet all of the eligibility criteria outlined below:
1) Enrolled as a Fielding doctoral student at issuance, continuous enrollment thereafter 2) Have an active IRB approval recorded (i.e., not expired) 3) Relevant for Doctoral Students Only: Dissertation concept paper/ pre-proposal approval (step 1 of 6) recorded or pilot project underway.
A student or an alumnus/a who is listed as a co-investigator with a faculty member on an approved non-exempt IRB study may receive a Qualtrics account, contingent upon the approval of the Provost.
A student who is listed as a co-investigator with a faculty member on an approved non-exempt IRB may receive a Qualtrics account, contingent on the approval of the Provost.
Any staff or faculty member as needed.
Qualtrics Acceptable Use
It is required that users agree to Qualtrics acceptable use policy. The first time a user logs into their Qualtrics account, the user will be asked to review and accept the Terms of Service.
Users should also review information on Qualtrics Security Statement and Privacy Policy.
Violation of the terms listed below can result in revocation of permission to use Qualtrics and/or judicial action. By logging in and using a Fielding Qualtrics account, users are agreeing to the following terms of use:
1. Qualtrics accounts may only be used to collect data as approved by the Fielding Graduate
University IRB. 2. In accordance with federal regulations and Fielding Graduate University policies, all research involving human subjects must be reviewed and approved by Fielding’s Institutional Review
Board (IRB) and any required external IRB prior to any research intervention with a participant. 3. Surveys must comply with all other applicable University policies and state and federal laws, including but not limited to policies and laws regarding copyright and privacy, such as:
a. Federal information on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
i. Fielding's FERPA: Student & Institutional Rights Regarding Public Information
b. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
i. General information about HIPAA
ii. Fielding’s policy about APA Ethical Principles
c. Copyright/Usage
i. Fielding's copyright infringement/peer-to-peer files sharing policy
ii. Fielding's technology resources policy
4. Qualtrics administrators in the Office of Institutional Research routinely monitor the student accounts. Accounts may be randomly audited to ensure that Qualtrics accounts are being used for research that has been approved by the Fielding IRB.