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Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology, PhD

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Psychology Courses

Psychology Courses

Clinical Psychology Programs

Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology, PhD

Earning our doctorate in Clinical Psychology includes online and in-person seminars and residential sessions, as well as research and clinical training experiences. Our PhD offers a master's along the way, as well as the option to specialize in some of the most exciting growth areas of psychology:

• Forensic Psychology Concentration • Health Psychology Concentration • Neuropsychology Concentration • Social Justice and Diversity Concentration

An MA in Psychology with an emphasis in Clinical Psychology is awarded automatically upon completion of the first two years of the model curriculum sequence in the program, consisting of these 84.5 credits: PSY-500, 4cr from the PSY-629 Practicum Case Seminar series (the first two terms), PSY-632A, 9.5cr of PSY-630/695 Clinical Practicum (first 760 hours; no more than 6 credits of PSY630 permitted), 701A, 701B or 701C, 706-709, 710A, 710B, 710C, 5cr from 710D1 and D2 or 710E and 710F, 711A1, 711A2, 711B, 712, 715A, 716A, 717, one course from PSY-746-748, PSY-RSS02, PSY-RSS04, PSY-RSS27.

Required PhD Coursework:

Effective date: 09/01/2019

Core Academic Courses

• PSY-500 Foundations of Doctoral Study 4 semester credits (new student orientation) • PSY-702 Developmental Bases of Behavior 4 semester credits • PSY-703 History and Systems of Psychology 4 semester credits • PSY-705 Social Bases of Behavior 4 semester credits • PSY-706 Cognitive and Affective Bases of Behavior 4 semester credits • PSY-707 Biological Bases of Behavior 4 semester credits • PSY-708 Psychopathology 4 semester credits • PSY-709 Legal, Ethical and Professional Practice 4 semester credits • PSY-711B Research in Psychotherapy 4 semester credits • PSY-712 Multicultural Psychology 4 semester credits

Clinical Requirements

• PSY-710A Clinical Interviewing 1 semester credits • PSY-710B Cognitive Assessment 3 semester credits • PSY-710C Objective Assessment 3 semester credits • PSY-710G Integrated Assessment 2 semester credits • PSY-711A1 Introduction to Psychotherapy: Theory 3 semester credits • PSY-711A2 Introduction to Psychotherapy: Technique 1 semester credits

• PSY-745 Consultation and Supervision 2 semester credits • PSY-755 Writing for the Internship Application 2 semester credits • PSY-632A Internship Qualification Evaluation 2 semester credits • PSY-632B Internship Qualification 2 semester credits

5cr from PSY-710D1 and D2 or PSY-710E and F

• PSY-710D1 Projective Personality Assessment: Introduction to the Rorschach Coding 2 semester credits • PSY-710D2 Projective Personality Assessment: Advanced Coding and Administration 3 semester credits • PSY-710E Projective Assessment: Thematic Apperception Test 3 semester credits • PSY-710F Cognitive Behavioral Assessment 2 semester credits

Theoretical Orientation Course

One 4cr theoretical orientation course, consistent with the Practicum Case Seminar series you select:

• PSY-746 Psychoanalytic Theory/Therapy 4 semester credits • PSY-747 Cognitive-Behavioral Theory/Therapy 4 semester credits • PSY-748 Humanistic and Existential Theory/Therapy 4 semester credits

Practicum Case Seminar Tracks

8cr (four terms) of one of the following Practicum Case Seminar tracks, to include six training days and ten case presentations: • PSY-620 Practicum Case Presentations, 0 semester credits • PSY-621 Clinical Training Days, 0 semester credits • PSY-629A1-A4 Practicum Case Seminar: Psychodynamic, 2 semester credits each • PSY-629B1-B4 Practicum Case Seminar: Cognitive/Behavioral, 2 semester credits each • PSY-629C1-C4 Practicum Case Seminar: Humanistic/Experiential, 2 semester credits each

Clinical Practicum and Internship

Minimum of 19 credits of clinical practicum (1,520 clock hours): • PSY-695 Clinical Practicum 1-15 semester credits

Note: 6 credits of this requirement may be completed via PSY-630 Clinical Assessment

Practicum One year full-time or two years half-time internship placement: • PSY-696 Clinical Internship 0.5-24 semester credits

Research Requirements

• PSY-680 Research Practicum: Clinical Psychology 5 semester credits (minimum of 200 direct hours)

• PSY-701A Research Methods I 4 semester credits • PSY-715A Psychometric Theory 3 semester credits • PSY-716A Statistical Methods 4 semester credits • PSY-717 Multivariate Statistics 4 semester credits • Choose one: PSY-701B Research Methods II: Quantitative 4 semester credits OR

• PSY-701C Research Methods II: Qualitative 4 semester credits

Research Skills Seminars (4 credits)

2cr Consisting of

• PSY-RSS02 Scholarly Argument 1 semester credits • PSY-RSS04 Presenting Research: Matters of Form 0.5 semester credits • PSY-RSS27 Pre-Dissertation Seminar 0.5 semester credits

2cr Chosen From

• PSY-RSS03 Questionnaire Construction 0.5 semester credits • PSY-RSS05 Publishing and Presenting Scholarly Work 0.5 semester credits • PSY-RSS07 Sample Size, Effect Size and Power Analysis 0.5 semester credits • PSY-RSS08 Testing/Mediating/Moderating Hypotheses 1 semester credits • PSY-RSS15 Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling 1 semester credits • PSY-RSS21 Interviewing for Qualitative Research 1 semester credits • PSY-RSS22 Analyzing Narrative Interviews 0.5 semester credits • PSY-RSS23 Qualitative Data Analysis 0.5 semester credits • PSY-RSS24 Introduction to Content Analysis 0.5 semester credits • PSY-RSS26 Introduction to Qualitative Research 0.5 or 1 semester credits • PSY-RSS28 Dissertation Bootcamp: Post Pre-Proposal 0.5 semester credits

Dissertation Milestones (18 credits)

• PSY-638 Dissertation in Progress 0 semester credits • PSY-PA Dissertation Proposal Approval 0 semester credits • RES-IRB IRB Approval for Dissertation 0 semester credits • PSY-633 Oral Review of Dissertation 0 semester credits • PSY-639 Dissertation Completion 18 semester credits

Other Requirements

• Attendance at professional development seminar meetings for years one-three as follows: o a minimum of 5 days during the first year of the program o a minimum of 3 days during the second year of the program o a minimum of 2 days during the third year of the program

• Attendance at a minimum of one week-long residential in each of your first two years

12cr of Electives

See this sample list. An elective is a course that is not part of the required curriculum, is worth 2 credits or more; and involves graded assignment(s), activities, or tests, in addition to other possible activities that are evaluative in nature. When the required curriculum can be met by selecting from among a number of courses, courses not used to meet the required curriculum can count as an elective. For example, students are required to take one of the following: PSY 701B or 701C. As such the course that is not taken as part of the required curriculum can be used as an elective.

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