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University Seal
The presidential seal is used by the Office of the President and official Fielding documents. The use of the Official seal is limited to special documents only and requires approval from the Office of the President.
Other uses of the university seal (i.e. promotional items, publications, etc.) must employ the “unofficial” version of the seal.
There are several key design differences between the official and unofficial seal. The Official Seal has a strong spoked outer ring, and 6 stars. The Unofficial Seal is missing both of these elements.
Both seals bear the three University pillars in Latin: Doctrina, Opportunitas, Communitas (Scholarship, Opportunity, Community).
Either seal can be reproduced in only Fielding Merlot, Fielding Merlot-reversed, Black, of White. The Unofficial seal can also appear in grayscale.
Official Seal — Merlot
G R A D U A T E U N I V E R S I T Y C O M M U N I T A S F I E L D I N G D O C T R I N A O P P O R T U N I T A S EST. 1974 Official Seal — Reversed
F I E L D I N G D O C T R I N A O P P O R T U N I T A S G R A D U A T E U N I V E R S I T Y C O M M U N I T A S EST. 1974
Official Seal — Black “Unofficial” Seal — Merlot
F I E L D I N G G R A D U A T E U N I V E R S I T Y C O M M U N I T A S D O C T R I N A O P P O R T U N I T A S EST. 1974
To establish a strong sturdy headline and title, and to distinguish titles from copy, Fielding uses a sans serif font with titles.
Montserrat typeface is used in design as Fielding’s primary title font.
This is Fielding Title Typeface
NOTE: Montserrat is the preferred title font. However, design will at times dictate the use of other title fonts. This is understood and allowed. Sans serif font is encouraged due to the use of a serif font with body copy. We understand good design will sometimes dictate deviating from this recommendation.