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Unit and Program Logos
Along with all degree and certificate programs, limited distinct units can also employ the logo varietels: full, wordmark, and open triangle (for internal use).
These include: School of Psychology, School of Leadership Studies, Office of the President, Office of the Provost, Office of Development.
School of Leadership Studies
Office of the President School of Psychology
Institute for Social Innovation
19brand.fielding.edu Office of the Provost F I E L D I N G G R A D U A T V E R S I T Y C O M M U N I T A S D O C T R I N A O P P O R T U N I T A S EST. 1974 Institute for Social Innovation
Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership, and Education Fielding’s Institute for Social Innovation Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership, and Education Fielding’s Institute for Social Innovation Fielding’s Marie Fielder Center for Democracy, Leadership, and Education
With the rebranding and renmaing of the former Fielding Graduate University Alumni Association Network to the current Fielding Alumni Association, a new logo was developed.
This logo should only be used with expressed permission from the director of the Fielding Alumni Association.
A special anniversary logo was designed by University Marketing to commemorate Fielding’s 45th anniversary year.
The logo can be reproduced in Fielding Merlot, Black, or White.
In 2019, the logo was used extensively in university collateral. From 2020 onward, the 45th logo should only be used in publications and products referencing the Fielding 45th Anniversary Year.