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Radical Thinking Re-think your way into joyous living
from Issue 6
By Scott Grasso
The New 5D Earth Is An Inward Journey
Since 2012, spiritual practitioners have been positively obsessed with the joyous idea that humanity is finally awakening, after a long period of unconscious enslavement. It’s the Age of Aquarius, right? We’re moving from a third-dimensional subsistence mentality (3D) up to fifth-dimensional abundance awareness (5D). It’s supposed to be the dawn of the New Earth.
So if that’s happening, why does the world look like it’s de-volving into a total train-wreck?
Our beloved planet Earth, known to some as Gaia, and all of her inhabitants are in a cycle of conscious expansion. We have all been invited to ascend. This is a move upwards in “awoke-ness” or energetic frequency. People are literally waking up from an energetic coma, spiritually speaking. If you want positive evidence of this fact, look at the explosion of spirituality in western popular culture. Ten years ago, my Facebook feed did not include spiritual teachers, meditation education and mindfulness exercises. Even my 77-year-old mother now talks about sage sticks and negative energy. To “ascend”, each of us needs to make a choice to consciously change our own personal energy. To change the frequency of our unique vibration, if you like. To modify our beliefs and attitudes so that we move from fear to unconditional love. We are being asked to choose something radically different than our initial programming and education. 3D energy is the pool that we landed in when we were born. Your Higher Self, vibrating somewhere between 9D and 12D, chose to incarnate here specifically for the experience of waking up in this lifetime. How are each of you going with THAT? For me, 3D energy is very dense and centred around dis-ease in the base chakra. It
IMAGE © monsitj / Adobe Stock
is sustained by the belief that we have to fight for survival. My Italian grandmother Rose used to say to me: “Life is a battle, Scotty Thomassy.” I learned that existence was about struggle, lack, oppression, selfishness and greed. 3D is about duality and separation: it’s me versus you, us vs. them. It is the need to be judgmental and critical. 27 years ago a spiritual teacher asked me: “Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?” I responded with “What a stupid question. Of course, I want to be RIGHT!” So consciously choosing a different set of beliefs and behaviours is shaping up to be my lifetime’s great work. Happily for all of us, even those who have not yet chosen love, we are moving out of a long cycle of darkness and density where the divine feminine was crushed. Where healing, compassion and intuition were replaced with logic, reason and the ego mind. Think about all the “witches” who were burned at the stake because they were “different”. We are now witnessing the rebirth of the divine feminine and a dialling-back of masculine, ego-centred energy. It’s a time of rebalancing. By contrast, 5D energy is very light, expansive, joyous and centred in the high-heart chakra. It’s about a consciousness that we are all one, unconditional love, joy and acceptance. It features radical acceptance and non-judgment, allowing people to be EXACTLY where they are right now. 5D requires an understanding that each of us is on our own soul’s journey, and everyone’s path is sacred. 5D energy discards criticism and adopts detached, loving observation. We find ourselves being of the world and in the world simultaneously. This kind of talk always gets me into trouble with some of my friends. They think that I am dropping out and reneging on my responsibilities as a “good” citizen. Choosing unconditional love and radical acceptance does not mean that we lack passion about things that are important to us. We can still set positive intentions for ourselves, others and the planet. But it means that we surrender our connection to specific outcomes, to being right about knowing what is required in any given situation. Most importantly though, 5D thinking DOES require us to stop judging and criticising others. That perpetuates the us-versusthem duality struggle that is a hallmark of 3D. If you are against anyone or anything, you are still choosing to dance in 3D energy. Instead, be for those things that matter to you: peace, equality, democracy, opportunity, sharing. And stop needing to teach others a lesson. Leave them where they are, with the loving knowledge that they are on their own path to awakening. Even when we don’t like it. We know we are vibrating in 5D energy when we observe something with curiosity or detached observation instead of judgment. The New Earth isn’t a place. It’s a new attitude, an energy, an intention.
I am chagrined to admit that I had this convenient and utterly exclusive idea that those of us who were “awoke” would be whisked off messy, 3D planet earth and delivered to some new, shiny 5D version of earth. You know, a litter-free space of organic produce and lyre music, where everyone wears gauzy tunics and is unfailingly nice to each other. I always kept a keen eye focused on the heavens, for any Pleiadian spacecraft that were going to whisk me away from this “icky” 3D experience. But fifth-dimensional living is not about a better physical space. 5D is an attitude. It is a conscious connection to All That Is and less focus, obsession and judgment about All That Is Not. Let that statement sit with you for a moment. I’m asking you to practice your own radical thinking here. I want you to imagine pivoting away from the negative in the world, and focusing on all that is wonderful. I want you to choose to be loving and compassionate, when your ego wants to be right. I want you to stay silent and observe before speaking. For me, all of the drama that we’re seeing in the world is an important part of the spiritual awakening and conscious move from 3D to 5D. In order to for us each to choose love, sometimes it’s very instructive for us to see not-love parading around in front of you. It’s time for your choosing. Remember, being in opposition to others is very 3D. Being for something is very 5D. Namaste, family.