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Fierce Fitness Health and fitness
Fierce Fitness
by Jo Lastro
Outside Adventures
“Adventure is about pushing yourself, and growing as a result.”
During COVID lockdown, many good habits and routines have changed or completely gone out of the window. But now we need to look at how we can gently reintroduce positive habits around good nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mental health. Plus, how to reconnect with the outdoors, which I believe is essential to finding a sustainable balance in our busy lives.
Being in lockdown would have given you a chance to think about a lot of things. And if you like the outdoors, I am sure you would be thinking about getting outside. I know I am!
As restrictions are slowly being lifted in Australia, it is time to start thinking about how you can go back to a new version of normal life, of course, with social distancing. It is also the time to think differently when it comes to exercise. Instead of associating it with gyms and all the fancy equipment, think “outside the walls.” I mean treadmills, step classes, cycling. Sometimes the same old thing becomes, well, old.
I want you to remember fitness is not just about sweat, six-packs or sex appeal. Yes, you heard that right. It is about having enough energy to do activities safely and ones that get us moving – outside!
Being outside enriches your experiences. And outdoor exercise can be adapted to anyone’s level of fitness, in any part of the world, in any season. You do not have to be the fittest, strongest, or fastest. It is about the ability to learn, pushing the corners of yourself and growing as a result.
Big Decision Whether it is hiking, rock climbing, canyoning, white water rafting, skiing, stand up paddle-boarding or Nordic walking, you can find the perfect outdoor adventure anywhere that you live. All these adventures will make you feel stronger, more vital and energized. They will work wonders This is the ultimate summer exercise
for your coordination skills and concentration.
Stop Stop saying to yourself “I’m too old for canyoning!”, or “Skiing sounds like fun, but I can’t stand stabilises the board through the
up on skis.” Even “What on earth is Nordic walking?”
Rather than making the same old excuses, think of all there is to be gained from embracing these new fun activities. Outside adventure is adults can have fun too.
Time to jump right in and commit!
Adventure and Exercise Let me take you on an adventure, and show you some different outdoor activities with fun and exercise intertwined.
Stand Up Paddle-Boarding Yoga instead of Yoga in any part of the world. There are many reasons why people enjoy doing yoga in water, and you may want some quiet solitude!
Doing SUP yoga is a fantastic way of strengthening your core. Your body great for all ages, not just for kids;
various poses, manages the drift of the board and deals with the waves. The added challenge of doing yoga on a wobbly board will force you to be very present and intentional with your movements. It also encourages a beginner’s mindset as you become engaged and curious to maintain the simplest tasks.
Tip: To prepare yourself for this activity, practice “easy sitting pose” at home

first. Cross your legs, close your eyes, and sit still. From here move to sitting on your knees.
Kayaking Instead of the Rowing Machine Paddling the day away in a kayak or canoe hardly seems like exercise, right? I mean the tranquil water, the lapping of the waves and stunning ocean views. What more could you ask for? Sounds ideal!
However, the benefits of kayaking include cardio fitness and increased strength for both your upper and lower body. Bonus!
Tip: To prepare yourself for this activity, at home practice doing Russian twists with a dumbbell. Sit with bent knees and your feet pressing firmly into the floor, holding a dumbbell in your hands. Tilt back slightly, keeping your spine straight. Twist to the left and then to the right. Of course, only do exercises that feel right for your personal situation.
Nordic walking instead of walking Nordic walking is a year-round activity. Yes, even in the cold. Nordic walking is a low-impact total body exercise. Similar to cross country skiing, Nordic walking poles (which are different to hiking poles) are planted behind you in order to propel you along using the power of the upper body (back, arms and core) as well as the legs – making it easier to work quite hard.
Nordic walking is for all ages and all fitness levels. Former runners, who have had joint replacements and cannot take the higher impact of running, also love this adventure. You enjoy this at many levels: low, medium, or high intensity. It combines the simplicity and accessibility of walking with core and upper body conditioning – resulting in a full body workout. The best part, because Nordic walking does not feel like hard work, you will be happy to walk further and for longer.
Tip: To prepare yourself for this activity, when walking practice standing tall and swinging your arms
Have you decided which adventure you are going to choose?
Good vibes 1. Adventures take you away from work, social media, chores, and rules. Finding an escape to enjoy is not just good for you, but recommended, especially after this lockdown period in Australia.
2. Adventure helps you face your fears and helps build resilience in your everyday life.
3. Adventures connect you with new people out of your current social circle.
Remember You know that being outdoors is good for you, and you certainly will get your body moving and blood circulating.
Outdoor adventures enrich your life, get your body in motion, and puts you in touch with sunshine, rain, and snow. They can be done all over the world in various seasons. Outdoor adventures help to bring your attention to the present moment and share unforgettable experiences with friends or loved ones.
Love Jo xx