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Empowered Healing Transform yourself
Empowered Healing
Transforming Through Self Awareness
By Karina Barca
Discover Your Personal Truth
“There is one rule, though: once you discover your truth, you have to go all in. Fully. Every single chip.” ~ Kamal Ravikant, Live Your Truth ~
Living your truth requires you to have awareness about the importance of ascertaining and connecting with your own inner power. To do that, you will have to embark on a personal journey that leads you to live your authentic life. An authenticity that already resides within the very core of your being, but may be lying dormant, undiscovered, or only partially discovered. It is not yet at its’ full potential.
The personal growth work of exploring and finding your truth can be difficult. It can be painful to ask yourself the hard questions about your life, your desires, and your intentions. And as if that were not enough, these questions may lead to revisiting old wounds that you may prefer to leave behind and buried.
Choosing not to ask the questions or deal with the pain only leads to avoidance or numbing what is there to be healed and discovered. You will be making the decision to live a life that is not in alignment with who you truly are. And what is more painful than living in denial! It will only wear you down, and is an ongoing reminder that you are not living your truth. You will only be holding yourself back from the life you were born to live.
You must accept that you have dark in your life. Not everything is love and light all the time. It is about getting real with yourself and looking and dealing with the confusion, messiness, and pain. Because that is where your truth lies; underneath all the rubble.
IMAGE © zolotareva_elina / Adobe Stock

Your truth must represent that which is true for you, and you alone, and not be hindered by outside influences. It is expressed through the unveiling of the authentic self, the soul’s true essence. It is in the letting go of the false layers and the falsehood of your thinking and of the programming. You will find that there are common themes that need to be addressed in almost every area of your life.
This is not a reprogramming of self, but rather a necessity to remove that which is false. Negative thinking is one of the largest obstacles faced that hinders the joy of your own existence. When you consciously work to remove these thought patterns and become acutely aware of your highest principles and values, it increases your sense of appreciation and consciousness in one’s existence.
You all have beliefs, values, and ideals which you trust and honour. You will find yourself being pulled by them when communicating and expressing yourself. When you live and make decisions that are in alignment with these in mind, you will understand the importance of doing so. These principles allow you to express your authentic nature.
You will also discover and experience that not all people share your same core values. Therefore, your actions and vocal expression may cause discomfort and conflict with family, friends, work colleagues and those you meet. Accept it with the knowledge that we are all on our own individual journeys and our truth is not to be forced upon anyone, but merely shared if we choose to.
You know you are on your path and living your truth when you understand and accept that it is a process of unravelling and allowing the emergence of your authentic self. You will find yourself drawn to revealing and becoming the highest version of yourself. You work on yourself, knowing that through personal growth you are constantly letting go of that which no longer serves you to become your full potential.
How do you know when you are living your truth?
When you read the following statements and can say them honestly, feel them in your heart and apply them your life, you are well on the way to living your truth.
I respect and honour myself. ~ I express myself according to my highest moral values. ~ I respect and honour those I encounter. ~ I appreciate and honour the knowledge and wisdom within me. ~ I listen and welcome others to reveal their truth and wisdom. ~ I withhold judgement about others, for it is not my place to judge. ~ I honour my purpose by being of service to others. ~ I live in congruence with my highest truth by connecting with my inner wisdom. ~ I do not hold on to disempowering mental or emotional states. ~ I live with integrity when I am accompanied and when I am alone. ~ I cocreate with the universe and am the conduit and expression of life’s infinite creative potential.
I invite each one of you to gift yourself the journey of discovering your own personal truth. Through personal development, healing and trial and error, you will become attuned to the essence of your soul and reveal your true authentic self. There is nothing more beautiful than living your truth and being who you want to be.