5 minute read
Radical Thinking Re-think your way into joyous living
By Scott Grasso
Practice Subversive Self-Care
Don’t worry, Dear Ones. If you are asking yourself “WTF is going on right now?”, I have good news. It’s just the end of the world as we know it.
Like many spiritual seekers and practitioners, I am deeply unsettled about the current state of our planet. It seems like the ugliest aspects of humanity have sprung out of their hiding place, presenting themselves unabashedly for our consideration. A stampede of
selfishness, hatred, racism, sexism and dishonesty. A cavalcade of callousness. How can this possibly be consistent with all of my teachers, who say that we are on the precipice of a new world, The Age of Aquarius? People like Lorie Ladd, Phil Good, Jennifer Hoffman and Celia Fenn. When they say that Love is winning, why doesn’t it feel like that? Where is the evidence?
Before we can choose the Light, we need to see the Darkness.
I ask you to consider something instructive, not destructive? What if it is a massive wake-up call, divinely orchestrated to snap us out of our self-centred reveries, our routines, our disconnect from ourselves and each other?
What if things had to get this bad to get our attention? What if we are being forced to choose sides? Do we endorse the polarisation of society, or do we cry out that we want something more loving and connected?
I am a recovering alcoholic. Twentyseven years ago, my life was a total shit-storm. Fearing that I was going to die, I cried out to a God that I
IMAGE © monsitj / Adobe Stock
didn’t believe in: “Please help me or kill me!” It was in that dire moment of desperation that I connected to a source of healing outside of myself. realised that my dis-eased thinking could not heal me. I needed a source of wisdom that was bigger than me. In other words, things had to get as bad as they were for me in order to overcome my fears, selfsufficiency and selfishness.
What if the same thing is happening in the world now in a macro sense?
So let’s change our focus from what is going on in the world to what’s going on with you. I love the expression: “If you don’t go within, you go without.” My experience is that in order to heal the world, we first need to heal ourselves. Of course, be in the world too. But for now let’s get you to take care of your self.
Here’s a little secret: you are everything in the world, and everything in the world is you. Because we are all interconnected. If you learn how to practice radical self-love and self-care, you are energetically giving this gift to everyone else too. Focusing on self-care and self-love disrupts the darkness. It is a higher vibrational activity that dissipates fear, anger and separation. If this feels selfindulgent, let me reassure you; there is a big difference between being self-centred and being centred in yourself.
There is a big difference between being self-centred and being centred in your self.
So what does radical self-care actually look like? In a nutshell, I want you to create the change in yourself that you want to see in the planet. And then watch that radiate outwards into your world.
Here is my program for a new relationship with your self, and a radical new way of thinking and feeling about your life. When enough of us do this, our higher vibes will contribute to the manifestation of a nicer version of the planet, just waiting to be realised.
1. Upon awakening, give thanks for another day. Even if you don’t mean it. Say out loud: “Thank you for this day. I choose joy and abundance.” Ask to be given the power, courage and wisdom to be the best and highest version of your self. 2. Ask a Goddess, your spirit team or guardian angels to protect you during this precious day. You don’t have to believe. You just need to try this contrary action. Willingness is key here. Start with: “Dear Goddess, please help.” 3. Make a gratitude list: what are 3 things that you are grateful for? Developing a sense of gratitude is the single greatest attitude and energetic adjustment that I have ever tried. 4. Connect with your body for 10 minutes. Exercise. Stretch. Whatever is safe and comfortable for you. 5. Experience Nature. Park your car and walk on the grass. Hug a tree. Go to a florist and smell the cut flowers. Experience the joy and wonder of all that humans didn’t create. 6. Allow yourself to connect with sources of wisdom that are outside of your ego mind. Meditate, read, and listen to spiritual teachers. Be open to new ideas. Get curious. 7. Ask yourself: “In addition to honouring my responsibilities, what do I need today?” How would you support a best friend who needed care? Do that for yourself. 8. Smile and say hello to 3 strangers each day. Look them in the eye and experience their divinity. 9. Throughout the day, ask your spirit team to give you the next loving thought or action. The angels want to support you, but respect the universal law of free will. They can’t help if they aren’t invited in. 10. Don’t be a dickhead. Ask yourself: “Do I want to be right, or do I want to be happy?” Practice compassion and compromise. Apologise when appropriate. 11. In the evening, review your self-care routine. Were you loving to yourself and others? Did you celebrate your magnificence? And if you fell short of loving yourself fiercely, what got in the way? 12. Say the prayer “Thank you.” Take 5 minutes and envision yourself wrapped in golden healing energy.
You’ll know that you’re making progress when your obsession and distraction with external events starts to diminish. When instead of judging and criticising, your new self-love practice begins to radiate outwards with compassion. As the band R.E.M says: “It’s the end of the world, and I feel fine.”