The "Loire à Vélo" is more than just a cycle route, offering a whole host of services adapted for cycling tourists:
Plan your adventures with
Candes-St-Martin Saumur
topo-guides and maps
A network of accredited accommodation Accommodation units that have been awarded the "Loire à Vélo - Accueil Vélo" open their doors to cycle tourists and offer them a special welcome: a specially adapted breakfast for cyclists, an enclosed area for storing bicycles, repair equipment and many other services.
Two “topo-guides” in French devoted to the "Loire à Vélo" trail present the route in detail from Orléans to the Atlantic ocean, and also offer variants. The guidebooks contain information about services and facilities adapted for cyclists in addition to practical and tourist information for effectively planning your bike ride or cycling holiday. everything for planning your holidays
Nantes - Trentemoult
All practical information can be viewed and downloaded at > contact details for accommodation and bike hire and repair outlets
These hotels, campsites, guest houses and gîtes
Travel light! Many establishments also offer a luggage transfer service to the following establishment where you will stay.
> packages “La Loire à Vélo de Nevers à l'Atlantique” published by Éditions Chamina
are recommended for overnight stays.
Bike hire and repair Professional bike hire and repair outlets based along the route are committed to offering equipment and services adapted to cycling tourists.
Find these professionals online at
Packages for travelling in total freedom along the banks of the Loire
> news and not-to-be-missed events > downloadable routes for planning your overnight stays
Six maps of the French part of EuroVelo 6 are available, including 4 of the "Loire à Vélo" route, which are easy-touse and are offered individually or as a set.
are located close to the "Loire à Vélo" trail and
> high-quality bicycles > professional advice > breakdown and repair service > bike transport > additional cycling equipment available > useful documentation for touring cyclists > weather information > adapted opening times…
The complete "Loire à Vélo" Trail from Nevers to the Atlantic published by Éditions Ouest France
> ideas for visits and exploring the area … and much more!
“EuroVelo 6 de l’Atlantique au Rhin à Vélo” published by Kartographie Huber
How do I get to the route? TGV RAILWAY STATIONS Tours, Saumur, Angers, Nantes, St-Nazaire INTERLOIRE AND TER TRAIN SERVICES TER trains are accessible to bikes (subject to availability), connecting Orléans to Nantes several times a day and serving numerous train stations along the way.
All timetables and information available at
AIRPORTS If you want to pedal light and have everything organised for you, why not be tempted by
Tours, Angers, Nantes
Document published in February 2010 by the CRT Centre and the SEM Régionale des Pays de la Loire on behalf of the Centre and Pays de la Loire Regional Councils.
one of our package deals: accommodation, luggage transfer, bike hire, maps and routes in
All rights to maps, texts and photos reserved. The information contained in this brochure may not engage the responsability of the CRT Centre and the SEM Régionale des Pays de la Loire or the organisations that disseminate it.
addition to assistance from cycling tourism professionals available 7 days a week.
Photos Centre: M. Jauneaud / Château de Villandry ; P. Berthé / CMN ; Stéphanie Le Donne ; A. Brüggemann ; P. Aucante, M. Berger, A. Clarysse, J. Damase, Henneghien, C. Lazi, E. Mangeat, C. Mouton, J. Puyo, X. Renauld, L. Savignac, Y. Wemaëre / CRT Centre. Pays de la Loire: G.Arnaud, B.Schoch, Ph.Caharel, J.P.Klein, J.M.Mouchet / SEM Régionale des Pays de la Loire ; Nautilus-Nantes ; S.Laval, B.Warion / Région Pays de la Loire ; D.Darrault ; D.Macel / Ville de St-Nazaire. Cover: Le canal de la Martinière, Nantes, Château d'Ussé.
Discover a range of holiday ideas at
Graphic design: Féminin - Print: LNG - Translation: Hancock Hutton Langues Services Printed with plant-based ink on paper from sustainably managed forests.
La Loire à Vélo 800 kilometres of discovery