The Future of Community Development

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communities, which need

The values and belief

healthy approach to

and want their services.

systems of millennials have

doing business, widen the

Particularly for

caused a shift in modern

opinion base and allow

communities like Battle

society’s behaviors. Their

participants to engage in

Creek, Michigan, which

values, norms and habits

other activities

has an aging population

are a departure from those

simultaneously. This is right

along with a a growing

of previous generations.

up the ally of modern

millennial community,

This has affected their

norms of communication

thriving charitable

involvement in community

for the Millennials.

organizations, good


education systems, lots of

For example, due to

As a result of their life experiences, millennials

available land, and good

millennials’ affinity for

have changed the face of

municipal leadership, who

technology, information

community development.

all need to see themselves

concerning interventions

This generation of young

as part of the solution for

during disasters, political

people must be accorded

how their city will function

mobilization and other

equal priority attention, if

and work in the future. This

social engagements are

any social program is to be

inclusive approach is the

often shared through


future of community

mobile apps and social


media platforms.

As we face a future

The increasing

This way, communities and society will prepare millennials for the greater

that is expected to witness

dominance of interactions

task of being productive

a growing contribution of

through social media and

human beings and

community intervention in

apps, as opposed to

building strong, healthy,

governance and

interpersonal interactions

viable and connected

developmental drive of

among those in previous

communities. Through

the society, we need to

generations, is impacting

good leadership and

weigh the contribution of

community development.

purpose driven strategies

the new generation of

In many cases, due to

involving housing,

millennials toward

the Covid-19 pandemic

education, workforce

community development.

and even before then,

empowerment, and

there has been a growing

wealth equity initiatives,

calculations, the largest

need to hold town hall

NIBC can help constitute

generation in history, are

meetings, and other

the next generation of

now advancing into

municipal related

great community leaders.

adulthood. This means

meetings, job related, work

they are poised to reshape

group collaboration

future of community

the way community

meetings, and discussions

development, but we do

development is being

through social media or

not have to wait until

achieved in their society,

digital video platforms. It is

tomorrow to empowering

through their own life lens.

believed that this will

their lives. The future can

maintain a safe and

start today.

Millennials, by expert


Millennials are the

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