FBR: Know More

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The editorial objective of FBR

is to be the most preferred management journal



which promotes applied research in

emergent themes that improves the practice of

management .

Mission 3

 Author contributions from Academia & Practice  Readership & accessibility to both fraternity  Knowledge creation on emerging areas of management thought  Blind Review Process to ensure high quality writing

Author Contribution

 Originality of thought is a prerequisite to the contribution.

4  Only unpublished work will be accepted as contribution. No reprints

of articles will be accepted.  The submitted papers, articles , case analyses, book reviews etc by

authors will be processed through two rounds of ‘blind review’ by an Editorial Committee of experts in the theme of the issue.

Readership & Accessibility 5

 Readership amongst both practitioners as well as academia is aimed at.  The reach of FBR should be such that it becomes accessible to both and

not just available in B school libraries.  Lucid language rather than academic language; with an aim to attract

increased number of readers among the community is an adopted strategy.


Emerging Research Domains

 Research writings as well as practitioner created knowledge in

emerging areas of management as opposed to saturated domains of management literature is preferred.  Industry analysis of emerging business sectors both across urban &

rural India as well as International boundaries  Innovation & freshness in the subjects, themes, topics is another

one of the strategies adopted by FBR.  Each issue is themized such that the themes will not be identified

as functional HR , Marketing , Finance, IT or Operations but more likely to be across functions in perspective e.g. Sustainability .


Review Policy Process

 It is a peer reviewed research journal to ensure high quality

readings.  It also puts each issue through a blind review process of an

Editorial Expert committee specially appointed for the theme of the issue.  FBR supports the Editorially directed process with the final word

being that of the Editor after the Special Guest Editor’s and experts screening.

 Industry analysis of emerging business sectors

Sections 8

 Articles from practitioners  Research papers from B school Faculty and Management

academicians which include Surveys & Studies in emerging trends  Doctoral Scholars column  Case study : Analyses & Review  Critical commentaries ,reviews and essays of concepts and books  Round table on theme of the issue  Featuring one FIIB workshop/conference /seminar on the Theme


Themes & Topics 9

1 2 3 4 5 6

Conservation of forest, fauna, land and other ecological values Protection of sensitive ecosystems: Pollution & Emission Control Unsustainable harvesting of energy Contributions to climate change Recycling & Alternate content; wealth out of waste(WOW) Environmentally conscious design, policy, and technology drive towards conservation 7 Harnessing Environment for Sustainability 8 Developing Energy Portfolios: Pathways to Sustainability 9 Water Resource Security through efficient usage, recycling & Rain Harvesting 10 Innovative researches on patterns of consumption of non-renewable energy. 11 Environmental Management Systems 12 Waste Minimization & Waste Management 13 Business Environmental Behaviour 14 Organization driven endeavours which benefit nature’s order


Themes & Topics 10

1 2 3

Social Empowerment: Need of the hour Sustainability Development Practices Sustainable Development: Are we simply chanting it as a mantra in India or do we mean it? 4 Sustainability Imperatives for 21st century 5 Social Sustainability 6 Inclusive Growth: Mantra for India? 7 Corporate Philanthropy: Role in Nation Building 8 Role of Compliance, Certifications and Accreditations in Sustainability 9 Community Participation in Economic growth 10 People Empowerment in Governance & e-governance in India 11 Sustainable Development Indicators 12 Sustainability initiatives in Higher Education


Themes & Topics 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Sustainability Challenges and Opportunities for a 'start up' Sustainability into Strategic Management Processes Implementing Sustainability in Organisations CSR Strategy and Management Green Marketing Green Information Technology (IT) Green Supply Chain Business Sustainability Sustainable corporate governance Sustainable e-governance Fair and beneficial people practices in organisations Organizations studies on 'giving back' to society Sustainable Business Strategy and the organisation Sustainability through leveraging power of designing, technology & ICT Organizational Integrity, Governance & Societal Relations Mainstreaming Sustainability - Good Business While Doing Good

Editorial Team 12

 Editorial Board; Comprises of academicians and practitioners

NCR, India and International  Editorial Committee ; Comprises of members of FIIB

 Editorial Student Team; Comprises of students of FIIB

Contact Us 13

Dr. Amiya Kumar Mohapatra Editor, FIIB Business Review Fortune Institute of International Business Plot No.5, Rao Tula Ram Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi – 110057 Tel: +91 – 11 – 47285045 Visit us: www.fiib.edu.in Email: editorfbrbr@fiib.edu.in

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