Fortune Cookies- Aug issue

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July 2012| Volume_7 Edition_7 Monthly-Monthly| August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8


Dear students, It’s been a hectic month and being able to present an issue of “Fortune Cookies” once again is a wonderful feeling. This edition is a joint effort of the Student Editorial Board and the Communications Department here at FIIB. The previous issue received some amazing feedback and the students have taken this a notch higher. The month at FIIB saw lots of activities. From discussion on Olympics to launch of FLP Season 2, from Chetan Bhagat’s Book Launch to SHRM Kick off.

This issue of Fortune Cookies takes you on a roller coaster ride back into the month of August! On this note, we present to you Fortune Cookies. Happy reading! Akshita Agrawal Chief Editor-Fortune Cookies

In This Issue.. FIIB Rendezvous

Meet the Editorial Board

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India and Olympics

Page 4

SHRM Kick off

Page 9 FLP Cohort

Campus News- Page 10

Letters to the Editorpage 11

Save The Date- Page 12

In The Next Issue - Page 12

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July 2012| Volume_7 Monthly-Monthly| August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8 Edition_7

MEET THE EDITORIAL BOARD: In the Writer’s Groove The Student Editorial Board writes about their vision for Fortune Cookies It feels great to a part of the EdMy main motive is to help FIIB reach new heights and bring a Board, where I can express and change in the game plan with creativity and ingenuity in blogging. learn. I can also contribute for the - Shreesti Ghosh betterment and growth of myself as I feel it is my role to invite others to contribute, to curate and edit the well as the Institute. contributions, and to contribute to the creation of additional content. -Plavon Bora - Shaoni Roy Choudhury I want to make Fortune Cookies a Fortune Cookies is an amazing mix of written knowledge and visual appeal. more enjoyable read. My efforts are directed and focused on increasing readership, and to bring - Ajay Singh in more reader participation so as to see Fortune Cookies grow consistently. My mission as a writer is - Lijin John to bring together the perceptions of different It gives me a great sense people as a single entity. of achievement to think –Sakshi Mehra that everyone will read I have always wanted to be a writer since school days. Today being a part of my college’s Editorial Board I feel proud of achieving my dream. -Aakanksha Joshi

what I have written. But coupled with that is the responsibility to ensure that the matter is both accurate and complete. - Tania Ann Koshi

I as a responsible member of the society would want to bring changes required today. I would focus on concerns of generalised despairs and ignite the fire of hope in people's heart to change for better. -Ashish Manchanda I feel great to be a part of FIIB Editorial Board because it gives me a freedom of expression while writing for my own Institute. -Priyanka Singh I am an observer. I like to observe and learn things from my surrounding, and that inspires my writing as well. The newsletter would be a great opportunity for me to give words to my expression, my thoughts, and my views. Hope to work as a team and bring the best out of my potential. -Debarati Choudhury

I aim to create a reading environment through various writings which are observations of daily life and recollections and reflections of all those who are indispensable to FIIB. To be part of an Editorial Board is certainly like a privilege for me ,thus I get a chance to voice my thoughts via my writing and also the feedback I get will be a constant check on me. - Sijo Thomas

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8

EDITORIAL BOARD RENDZEVOUS Student Ed Board member Lijin John brings action live from Launch of Chetan Bhagat’s latest: What Young India Wants, while Members Shaoni and Tania speak to the Glitzeraazi present there. Amongst this Shutterbug Plavon Bora captures FIIBians in action at the Launch.

Chetan Bhagat along with Rupa publications recently held an event in the India International Centre, New Delhi. We FIIBians were invited to the event which saw the launch of his latest book ‘What Young India Wants’. This book is a collection of his ideas and thoughts, wrapped along his vision of the young India. The launch of his first nonfiction book saw eminent political personalities like Shashi Tharoor and Jay Panda giving their views and talking about what the young India truly wants. The talk ranged from, what went wrong in the Anna campaign to the cynicism in the Indian youth. According to Chetan, Indian youth want- ‘Naukri and Chokri’. The one thing that youth can surely do is to be aware. It's nice to point out and it’s good to have a messiah, but we do need to take responsibility; individualism has to come in. The heated discussions went on for about an hour, while the brains inside actually started to question things. The evening ended on cocktails and an autograph session. Before leaving I had the opportunity to speak to him on how his previous books raised issues by the way of storylines, plots, characters and so forth, and how this social commentary was going to be a change. He said that the idea was not be a bestseller like his earlier efforts, but to be able to sell enough to spark a debate. “Everyone told me Chetan Bhagat wont come back after his Interview but I stayed at the venue till 11pm to get his autograph! That day I realised am a very resilient person” -Abhay Goel, 2nd Year “Wonderful, vibrant discussion; the audience was very engaged and very enthusiastic. It was good that a lot of real issues were discussed.” – Baijayant ‘Jay’ Panda, Member of Parliament “It was just great fun. Such a range of issues were covered. All three are such eloquent speakers and passionately believe in what they say.” – Sunil Sethi, Journalist (Host, Just Books, NDTV) “Lively and stimulating, but I wish we’d heard more from the young people.” – Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament “Fantastic, great opportunity, I’m sure it’ll be another book that’ll be making the Bestseller list.” – Kapish Mehra, M.D., Rupa Publications

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8

FEATURED STORY: Oly Editorial Board members, Shaoni Roy and Debarati Choudhury bring to you from the classrooms on ‘The total world gold import is fifty five percent; India’s share alone stands at twenty five percent. The country which imports maximum gold could not afford to earn a single gold medal at the London Olympics.’ Why does a country with so many people perform so badly in international competition? One has to really scroll down before he or she gets to India in the Olympics ranking; its 55th out of 79. India won more medals at the London Olympics than ever before. A total of six: two silvers, four bronze but no gold, an improvement from the previous, Beijing Olympics- where it was three medal: one gold and two bronze. This is a great achievement for all the athletes involved, better than the pre-Games target of five, and thus is evidence that India’s sporting record is improving. But let us all face it; the bigger picture is far from glowing: for a country which has the second largest population in the world, over 1.2 billion people, this is an unimpressive tally. A total of six medals for India averages to one medal for roughly every 207 million inhabitants. When we compare with China, we get one medal for every 15.5 million people. Again if we compare the same with USA, we have one medal for every 3 million Americans. According to the 2011 World Bank data, India is the world’s tenth largest economy with an annual GDP of $1.848 trillion. Yet her number of medals is far lower than that of countries with economies of comparable size. The question of why India fares so poorly at the Olympics arises when the Games are on for only about two weeks every four years. And we all come up with different answers to this question. Effective participation refers to the percentage of population which actually has access to, and participates in sporting activity. So, despite India’s mammoth population, its effective participation level is abysmally low. Only 81 representatives for a nation which boasts of a population of 1.2 billion people. Strange but true- the bitter reality. The biggest problem is that the Indian athletes do not enjoy much financial or institutional support. Although this situation is improving, thanks to the growing public investment and non-profit initiatives like the Olympic Gold Quest and the Mittal Champions Trust, this is in no way comparable to the kind of backing the athletes enjoy in the top-ranked Olympic countries. Talent needs to be nurtured right from a young age and we need to have world class infrastructure, world class coaching and training from that tender age itself. The absence of grass root sporting culture in the country is also a cause for such a situation. The second reason for such a performance: the fact that we are a one sport nation- cricket is our religion. A very popular saying in our country goes this way-‘If cricket is religion then Sachin Tendulkar is God!’ Have we ever come across a saying like this for any of our Olympics star? And when the Olympics come around and is over, we are saddened, angry, aghast, crestfallen and disappointed that we are not able to revel in the reflected glory. We are ashamed that countries with one millionth of our population pick up gold medals and we can’t. The common reaction everywhere is: “We believed so much in them and they have let us down.” But wait for a second and think. The truth is it is we who let them down. For, we don’t care about them for three years and eleven-and-ahalf months!!! It is high time that an issue like this be given some serious thoughts. -Shaoni Roy Choudhury

“We should not take China as our competitors; instead we should try to learn from them wherever they have something different and inspiring.” – Swasti Bardhan

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8

mpics In FIIB Express

I can quote a daily newspaper "More than Saina's good luck it was Xin's bad luck that she lost.“ – Jyoti

Chowdhury, Shreesti Ghosh and excerpts from the Discussion on Olympics second floor We all enjoy watching the Olympics- the wrestling matches, table tennis matches, the flamboyant display of athletic ability by the sprinters, the gymnasts, swimmers etc. We enjoy the dances, fireworks and concerts held for the opening and closing ceremonies. We sit and absorb the euphoric ambience of the grand Olympic stadiums. But do we ever think about what went into organizing such a magnanimous event. Do we ever stop to think about the economics and social hardships that are imposed upon the local population? Let us study these one by one: The host city is temporarily turned into a police state In order to recover the huge investment made by the host country in setting up the infrastructure for the Olympics, it needs sponsors with a formidable standing in the market. As only those companies will be able to provide enough funds to cover the expenses, in return only these companies will be the one’s selling their products during the Olympic Games. As a result, in order to protect their sponsorship rights, the government decrees that nobody, other than the chosen sponsors, is allowed to use words such as “Olympic, games, sponsors, medals” etc. Any word related to the even is officially declared “un-usable” and if used carries a HEFTY fine. This means that small and medium business owners can not capitalize on the HUGE opportunity, that are the Olympic games. The SMEs are the one’s who specially need to capitalize on this opportunity and are denied access. During the Olympics the local laws are amended and a specific clause is included i.e freedom of speech with regard to the Olympics is withdrawn. One can NOT speak out about the negative effects of the Olympics and be from the same country as the host. Police have exclusive rights to ban anyone speaking against the Olympics and rip any banners that hint at propaganda. Economic issues. Greece’s budget for the Olympics was 4.5 billion, the actual cost turned out to be almost double the budget. It actually turned out to be 5% of Greece’s GDP, due to which Greece still remains in debt. The infrastructure left behind after the games is of absolutely no use, the government is at a loss of ideas to turn this into a profitable venture. The winter Olympics in Nagano caused a local economic recession in 1998, per family cost calculated came out to be $30,000 dollars per family which is preposterous. Montreal paid their winter Olympics debt for 30 years. Corruption It doesn’t matter how well prepared you are, it matters how willing you are to pay the IOC so that they may allow you to host as a country. In the aforementioned Nagano case, the investigators discovered that a lot of money was spent on the IOC officials in various forms such as gifts, transport and lodging etc. at the same time salt lake city was also vying to host the Olympics and they too spent a considerable amount yet Nagano was finalised as the host as it spent around $5700 dollars per IOC official of the inspecting committee. The cities have to raise money, they have to make it seem like it’s worth it for the Olympics to be held there. Housing projects are built for the players and the visiting officials, these are built on land where homeless stayed, Stadiums built where homeless stayed. The rent went up in surrounding areas and people who were temporarily cleared out of the area could not relocate back to original places. After the games these housing projects remain isolated. It is absolute wastage of space and money. -Akshat Mishra

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8

IN THE SPOTLIGHT: The Leaders Editorial Board member, Aditi Gaur Fortune Leadership How FLP has been

As a proud member of FLP, I feel like a motivated and responsible person. I am working on my First Leadership Challenge i.e. to start a book bank at FIIB under guidance of Radhika ma'am and Akshita ma'am, It's a huge learning opportunity. Tight schedule as an FLP fellow helps me to learn under pressure. I am gaining self confidence and the belied that I can achieve new heights in my career. I believe by the time I finish my last project under FLP, I would have contributed a lot to the mission of Sustainable Development at FIIB and this would be the best gratitude from me to FIIB for precious two years of PGDM. --Pankaj Mor I can clearly foresee that by the time our placements begins I will be a seasoned leader. I feel honoured and proud to be an FLP fellow which sets me apart from the crowd. I have a very long way to go in this endeavour to set a remarkable example for others to follow. --Richa Mathur

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8

In Making; FLP Fellows talks to the Fourteen Dynamites of the Program (FLP) Fellows to bring to you their Guiding Light Through FLP, I have a chance to learn to become an effective Leader. I am enjoying working with my Buddy and other fellows. We are proud for having great mentor Ms. Akshita and I am learning a lot from her. - Hardik Virmani I have learnt so many things in a very little span of time like time management and self management, since FLP fellows have tight schedule. This helps us to achieve our goals by doing proper time and self management. - Ankur FLP is brushing my leadership skills, but the time this journey ends I sure will be a great thinker and even better leader. Toastmasters was one thing that I joined FLP for. I'm a keen learner therefore I absolutely enjoy being an FLP fellow. – Mohit Chawla FLP has not only given us a platform to exhibit our potential but has also polished our skills to reach optimal performance. Practical learning by self experimentation and experience gathered through the tasks that are given has helped me being close to what the corporate world expects out of a manager. – Asim Agha Because of the structured learning system, FLP refines our thinking, perspective and vision towards everything. It not only acts as a platform to polish our skills, but also give me opportunities to learn and work in a team. -Prateek Anand

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8


2nd year student, an enthusiastic speaker,, an aspiring musician and an avid poet brings to you something from his collection

In the summer they think of only frosted days but when its freezing they just want the sun to blaze.. when it’s hot they wait for the rain to grace but when it’s raining they run for the nearest shade What are you looking for here.. there’s nothing you can find.. all you need to do is.... just make up your mind

When you are in a crowd you want to be alone but when you are solitary you long to hear a tone when you are a child you want to grow up fast but when you are an adult you just want to go back to your past Why are you always in a doubt there’s no reason to whine love is the only constant you will find.... and then you will automatically make up your mind...!!!

-Abhik Shome (year 2)

LIGHT AND VERITE We look for a best friend who should be there for us when we are tensed so to that she can help you in your need and be with you at all times. My best friend is just like that. And she is beautiful! • • •

She allows me to go on dates with others and often accompanies me and never gets jealous! when the relationship gets strained, we can make a fresh start at a plug point of a charger She has an 8 mega pixel camera, 16 gb hard drive and includes hundreds of my favourite songs and movies.

My best friend, my girl friend, my Samsung Galaxy S2 -Subin Varghese (Year 1)

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8


FIIB the only college in the entire North India to have a progressive association with SHRM. The Training Period was kicked off on 8th August 2012, where the second year students were addressed by SHRM representatives- Ms Rashmi Bhargava, Director - University Alliances, SHRM

and Mr. Nikhil, Regional Head, SHRM in a ‘Shoot SHRM’ session where they fired doubts and questions at the panelists to make the session entertaining and interactive.

“You may not do the work from day 1, but you will be identified in your first month itself.” FIIB: There will be an assessment test to identify our weaknesses and strengths. What if I, as an individual do not agree with these results and there is a conflict of interests, how do we settle this? Ms. Rashmi ( R): The assessment test identifies your strengths and weaknesses only after observing you for sessions and during activities. But if the conflict still comes, one on one session will be held, there and then, for long durations, to discuss the same with the student, and other techniques like case studies will be deployed as well. There is no theoretical answer to strengths and weaknesses but with these activities we will find a decisive answer for every student. FIIB: Would we be getting the functional training in our areas of specialization or in any one area (say banking for people doing finance major)? Also, the domains covered do not include International Business and Operations separately, so would they be combined with an existing domain? R: SHRM is not a Domain Body. It is an HR body. So every student sits through 40 hours of domain training not specific to the specialization. But the students can be assigned mentors who are functional heads in the specific area of your choice in the domain a student specializes. The course structure suggested is fluid and will be changed to not only include current topics but also the needs of the students and hence, the courses can be included separately after the discussion with the Faculty. FIIB: Are there any other opportunities for the students to engage with SHRM apart from the sessions planned on campus? R: There are Conclaves every weekend in which all students will be invited. Here the students can network and get opportunity to meet HR professionals from across the city and hence make contacts and meet potential employers. FIIB: How does being an SHRM member help us get placed? R: A mentor would be assigned to each student. The mentor can hence become your guide. Apart from that, it is your responsibility to build a strong rapport with the mentor and convert him into an employer. The student needs to take initiative and connect with the mentor even after the end of the program and keep seeking guidance. The Institute can also take this relationship further and enhance their placement drive. Apart from this, the students are given a year membership which provides them access to publications, research papers and journals to enhance their knowledge. Their CV is also uploaded online on the website which is accessed by over 200,000 companies. The students can blog, comment and actively participate in discussions. SHRM also provides a NASSCOM certification, which holds a lot of value in the Industry and is an added advantage for MBA students aspiring for placements. Ms Rashmi and Students during the Interactive Session

Ms Rashmi, addresses the Faculty and Students at FIIB

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8

The FIIB Gem We bring to you a young achiever from 1st year, whose story will not only move you but inspire you to do the invincible ‘There is a lot of difference between being still and doing nothing’ For nearly one year of my life I was partially immobile. While most of my fellow classmates were struggling with the pressure of class XII boards, I was struggling with the new phase of my life. One night a severe pain wave went through my pelvic joint, which then turned into an attack and gradually a routine. After a prolonged cycle of medical tests and consultations the doctor disclosed the problem, which sounded more like a forbidden foreign language- Ancolysing Spondylitis. I was immobile below the spinal chord and it was at the mere age of 16, I discovered that life is a lot about struggles and challenges. A big challenge now awaited me. With Board exams just around the corner, I was worried but I wasn’t ready to give up yet! I pulled up my socks to prepare for my board exams. There was a lot to worry about. A lot had demotivated me. But I knew better! I wasn’t going to be let down. It was then that I indulged into many interesting things. While Destiny was busy finding a point to break me, I was busy with other things. I had strengthened my resistance, and sitting in my bed I started to explore so many things I dint anticipate I’ll ever learn! It was during this time that I started writing poetry, learned palmistry, astrology, and ofcourse prepared for my board exams! That year was the most productive year of my life. No matter how huge the problem seems to be just bounce back and fight through with a positive attitude is what I have learned from life.

Campus News FIIB Colored in Saffron, White and Green 65 years ago, India witnessed a moment which changed its destiny forever. Decades of struggle came to an end, as India was declared Independent. Reminiscing the historic moment, FIIB-ians hoisted the tricolor on the grounds of FIIB on the eve of Independence Day in honor of the fighters who laid their lives in the service of the country. To uphold the spirit, FIIB campus was decorated with saffron, white and green colored balloons. Faculty and Staff members pinned the tricolor onto their sleeves and the students were dressed in the tricolor. Sweets were distributed to everyone to celebrate the moment and everyone was encouraged to sign a notice board with their thoughts. On the occasion, Mr. Manish Kheterpal, Chairman of FIIB, addressed the gathering of Faculty, Staff and Students encouraging them to feel proud of being an Indian despite the negative news all around In its small way, FIIB paid tribute to the nation we all are proud of.

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR “Well structured, informative and material relevant to the student community“ -Akshat Mishra (1st year) “ The edition reminded me of the fabulous one month I spent at FIIB at the beginning of the semester. Looking “The entire newsletter was forward to more.“ a very fascinating read. The - Mohit Kalra (1st Year) content was very retrospective. It was an important issue as this “It was so good to read included for the first time the Edition! I am sure the point of view of our when I pass out, freshers. I hope to see more Fortune Cookies will issues which expand and keep me connected broaden the perspective of with my family here.” the students.” -Richa Mathur -Abhik Shome (2nd Year) nd (2 Year) “The edition looked congested with information and some graphics were too loud and distracting” -Abhay Goel (2nd Year) “ The edition of Fortune Cookies was very informative and unique, which created a pleasant thought in my mind when I went through it. Cant wait for the next.” - Rohit Kumar (1st Year)

“A great work covering all the happenings from Freshers night to the classroom creativity, Looking forward to another edition this time from the Students Ed Board!”- Dhruv Mahajan (1st Year)

“The July edition of Fortune Cookies is a perfect piece of work. Looking forward for more :) ” -Sugandha Arora (1st Year) “I wish the last edition of Fortune Cookies would have covered more of the Orientation week. The Candid Conversation section was the best and the most interesting column to read. ” -Savneet Kaur (1st Year)

“The background of the newsletter gives a real FIIB campus feel. I feel the front page could have been a more attractive. Overall, it looks promising and I have a lot of hopes attached to it. All the best to the Student Ed Board now.” – Asim Agha (2nd Year)

Monthly- August 2012| Volume_7 Edition_8

The 2 min MBA Quiz Save the date

Q1a) b) c) d)

What is NPV? Net Present Value Net Price Value Net Product Value Net Productivity Value

Q2a) b) c) d)

CAPM is used for which of the following? Financial Analysis Purchasing New Plant Planning for Raising Capital Planning for diluting Capital

Q3a) b) c) d)

Which of the following are BTL Activities? Newspaper Advertisements TV Advertising Hoarding Consumer Awareness Program

Editorial Board and Communications Watch The Department will bring to you lots of stories Out! from the FIIB Campus in the next Issue. Look forward to.. The update on campus activities including Ranbhoomi 2012, Teachers Day Celebrations and Finance Conclave Meet the budding leaders as Junior Representatives gear up with their Plan of Action Relive the Exam Blues And a lot more from the Campus, students, staff and faculty!

Q4- Expand EPCG in Indian Context a) Export Promotion Capital Goods b) Export Promotion Council Group c) Export Promotion Consumer Group d) Expert panel for Consumer Group Look out for the next issue of Fortune Cookies to get the answers and score yourself!

Dear Readers! Drop in your ideas, thoughts, articles, speeches, jokes, poems, cartoons, scribbles, limericks and photographs at And we’ll make space for everything!

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