Fortune cookies july 2014 issue

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Monthly| July 2012| Volume_7 Edition 10 Issue Edition_7 July 2014


FEATURED STORY Enigmatic Eight of FLP 2014


CAMPUS UPDATE What kept the campus abuzz this month?


So get started and read more about the campus with our new edition of Fortune Cookies. We are certain you would enjoy going through it.

Interacting with staff members who are as young as FIIB

Happy Reading!!


WHACK YOUR BRAIN! How do you remove one from eleven so that it becomes ten but also remove one from nine and still make it ten?

Akshita Agrawal- Chief Editor Swati Sharma- Editor Fortune Cookies Team

Want to write for Fortune Cookies and be a part of the Editorial Board? Write to us at by 20th August 2014

Answer: Try the Roman numbers and see the magic!


Representatives in India Squad

Rank in the medal tally

Gold medals won

medals won

won gold to become the first Indian male shuttler in 32 years to win the singles title in CWG won India's first ever gold medal in CWG squash


With quite a few activities, we are sure July was certainly a very happening month for FIIB-ians. Through this edition of our newsletter we bring to you a recap of all the activities- the interactive workshop on “Organic Farming� encouraging FIIB community to grow fresh and healthy vegetables, various club activities, FLP induction and the packed schedule of classes that kept everyone on their feet this month.


April-July 2013| Volume_7 Edition_9 Edition 10 Issue July 2014

7 FEATURED STORY Introducing the ‘Enigmatic Eight’ FIIB Leadership Program (FLP) 2014-15 was selected with an aim of creating a set of brand ambassadors for the Institute who would go out & carry the flag of FIIB high and make their alma mater proud of them. They were selected from a pool of students who had nominated themselves for this program & who, after a rigorous selection process proved themselves worthy of bearing the FLP badge of honor. The purpose of this program is to develop life-long skills sets in the area of career, professional and leadership development, as well as to provide an understanding of the scope of the challenging professional environment. To accomplish this goal, the program is designed to incorporate required and optional academic coursework, career development programming and leadership development opportunities blended in a defined course of progression that ensures well-rounded opportunities for student development and preparedness. The mix of academic & extra-curricular activities & assignments are created to hone leadership potential of the students.

8 Pillars of FIIB Leadership Program 1. Leadership challenges 2. 360 degree review 3. Nonprofit leadership venture 4. Corporate mentoring & live projects 5. Leadership labs 6. Outbound leadership journey 7. Public Speaking Forum 8. Leadership showcase

Induction Ceremony of FLP Cohort

• • • • • • • •

ENIGMATIC EIGHT Manya Lamba Anuradha Apan Vaibhav Chaudhary Manu Choudary Sudhanshu Shekhar Aakanksha Bhatnagar Prateek Jain Sakshi Saini

“To me, FLP is a great platform to polish my skills before I enter into the corporate world. Upon completion, I see myself as a more confident person who would be better equipped with the required skill set”- Aakanksha Bhatnagar

During the inauguration, the Cohort was briefed about their responsibilities, and given an overview about the activities where they would be expected to participate. The next six months for these students would be crucial as they undergo several training activities and undertake many leadership roles. But in the process they certainly emerge as great individuals.

MonthlyApril-July September 2013| Volume_7 2012| Volume_7 Edition_9 Edition 10 Issue Edition_9 July 2014

CAMPUS UPDATE Speak up without freaking out Sessions by Cue Club

Cue Club- FIIB’s Public Speaking Forum successfully organized two activities on campus for first year students. Each session was dedicated to breaking ice between the members of the club and with the help of innovative games reduce the inhibition of walking to the stage and speaking. Activities like Bingo (in which each participant was given a card which stated numerous traits and they had to speak to fellow members and match the traits on the card), Express-it (where the participants were divided in pairs and asked to describe their partner based on the colour they were wearing), and analyzing videos of famous personalities were organized for the participants. Each event saw participation of more than 10 students from a class of 50, despite being amidst the hectic schedule of classes.

Participants after the two sessions Want to feature your club here? with all the details



• Preparing the Soil- Good healthy soil helps build strong, productive plants. • Choose right plants and Crop Rotation- It is important to choose plants that are well adjusted to each spot, in terms of light, moisture, drainage and soil quality. In addition, rotating of crops is equally important as this balances the nutrient level in the soil. • Plant Crops in Wide Boxes- Plants that we will be harvesting should be grouped tightly in boxes, as it reduces weeding and water waste. Ample space between rows helps promote air circulation, which repels fungal attacks. • Timely Irrigation- Just remember to water your plants every day in evening. • Stay away from Toxic Pesticides- We can use buttermilk and red chilly powder as power pesticides.

Time to grow your own food A workshop on Organic Farming With the growing concern towards use of chemicals in growing vegetables, FIIB hosted a workshop on organic farming organized by Sajeev Fresh. The workshop focused on interesting ideas to turn the backyards, terrace, balconies or windows into beautiful and vegetable breeding place. Some important guidelines were also shared on different methods and techniques to be considered before starting organic farming.


Edition 10 Issue July 2014

IN THE SPOTLIGHT FIIB Campus from the eyes of an FIIB-ian It does not come as a surprise when students rate their basement Student Lounge as the most favorite adda to take a break and indulge.

47% Student Lounge

17.5% Cafeteria 12.5% Classroom 12.5% Library But wait! For birthdays one rushes to the cafeteria!

5% Others

Taking a photo break between classes at the Lounge

Getting Global and Multi Lingual

Students get busy learning two foreign languages - Spanish and Mandarin. Lets see what happens when they start conversing with each other. Can you guess what they have been talking? Friend 1 iHola..! Ni hao Buenos Dias Zao Shang Hao Me llamos Name 1 Como te Ilamas? Wo Shi Surname Firstname Encantanda. Yo Soi de India. De donde eres tu?

Online Friends Wo shi Yinduren. Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3 Friend 4 Friend 5

Mucho Gusto. Adios. Hasta Pronto. :) Wo hen gao xing ren shini. Zai Jian.

Edition 10 Issue July 2014

FROM FIIB COMMUNITY As ‘young’ as FIIB.. In conversation with Basant Bhaiya who has worked with FIIB since its inception

How does it feel to be a part of FIIB for 19 years now? I have learnt a lot at FIIB and hence I never thought of changing my job. I have worked quite closely with Program Office and Admission Office as a part of FIIB. 19 years is a long time, but it passed quite quickly because it was a very exciting journey.

What kind of funny requests do you get from students? To share some: request to mark attendance, to give extra time during exams, etc. I must say, there is a stark difference between the students I saw 19 years back and I see today!!

All of us depend on you for our requirements. How does it feel to be a single point of contact for everyone- irritating or manageable?

“I would like to use Fortune Cookies as a platform to thank Basant Bhaiya for supporting us whole heartedly. I feel, without him things would have been quite difficult.” Ms. Pratibha Dalal

There are times when I am overloaded with work and I have to request the management for some more time. Since, the management is very supportive I find the work manageable. In conversation with Virender Sir aka VK Sir who has been with FIIB for 17 years now

Sir, you are managing accounts for FIIB for last 17 years. From where this sense of belongingness come? I personally believe in doing what you love. My love and dedication for my job keeps me going and I am looking forward to contribute my best in future too.

According to you what is the most exciting part of working with FIIB?

“His vibrant take on life really impresses me; it feels so comforting when I talk to him. I feel so proud to work with a person with high integrity. His dedication towards work makes him so trustworthy, which keeps FIIB’s accounts in safe hands!!” -Mr. Vineet Jain

Freedom to perform as per your capabilities is the most exciting part of working with FIIB. I really enjoy the good working environment here and regular staff fun activities like Marathon, family gettogethers, celebrating festivals, etc.

We have seen many students taking basic accounting classes with you, do you love to teach? Yes, I love to teach. In fact I got to know about this interest in FIIB only, when I taught basic accounts to Sati and Madhu (2nd year students) and helped them score quite decent in their Mid Term. (And my reward was a Chocolate). Currently, I am also trying to take small sessions with first year students.


Edition 10 Issue July 2014

For Laughs While applying for Dominoes club Junior Rep position I had a confusion about the co-head’s name. So instead of Manish Saraswat, I mailed Mr. Manish Kheterpal! When I received an email from Akshita ma'am that I had emailed a senior faculty, I was horrified and also embarrassed. I realized that on one hand I am applying for the post of JR and on the other I can't even remember the name of my own senior co head? This was my first and I hope it is the last embarrassing experience at FIIB. - Sunil Sharma, 1st Yr student

FIIB-ians get candid about some fun facts! The chicken pox season is going in our classroom. Two of my classmates have just recovered from chicken pox one after the other. This has led to a phobia of getting infected by the disease in our classroom. I am one of those who has never been infected by chicken pox and so the probability of catching it is quite high! The Irony part is I cant even ignore them because they both are my very good friends. God Bless Me. - Himanshu Chaudhary, 1st Yr student

Save the date

Letter to Editor While I love talking to Suman ma'am, I had no clue that she had been associated with this group & its management for 35 years! Also while Vinita is a great friend, didn't know she wanted to be a physicist. Loved the short interviews. I would love to read something about the sustainability initiatives at FIIB in the upcoming issues of Fortune Cookies. I look forward to the next editions of the e-mag. - Prof. Monica Mor

Aug 13, 2014 (Tentative) Cue Club’s Privilege Sessions start!

Aug 14, 2014 Independence Day Celebrations

Aug 30, 2014 Finance Conclave Want to announce upcoming events organized by you? Inform us at by 20th August 2014

Watch Out!- Our Next Issue The next edition of Fortune Cookies will be focused on activities in July which have kept the desks of Faculty and Staff busy and students’ schedule exciting!

The first MBA Exam experience Long weekend getaways and fun Crossword puzzle to challenge the brain And a lot more from the Campus, students, staff and faculty! Want to write for Fortune Cookies? Send your articles, photos and other submissions to ….We’ll make space for everything!

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