Batch Profile 2010-12

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Prof. Santosh Sood Chairperson Placements





FIIB Batch 2010-2012 Batch Statistics Student Profiles Recruitment Timeline Recruiter Response Sheet

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Batch 2010-12 Statistics


Work Experience

Stream Wise Distribution

Selected after a multi-tier selection procedure that involves the CAT/MAT test score, academic potential, motivation and subsequent performance in the interview and group discussion phases, FIIB-ians display exceptional talent and a history of accomplishment. The potential for leadership, the ability to work in groups and orientation for purposeful action are prerequisites for students who gain admission here. This makes for a truly rich two years of management education for the students during the Post Graduate Program in FIIB.


11.4% 27.4%

Commerce Engineering Science Management BCA Others

12.8% 9.4% 30.8% 6.8% 1.7%


Freshers 16.2%

Less then 1 Year 1 to 2 Years


2 to 3 years






Human Resource Management International Business Information Systems Management

12% 9% 4%


Student Profiles

Arun Aggarwal B.A. Additional Specialization : Operations (Minor) Summer Training: VFN Financial


Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: My motto is “Life is equivalent to a game. Don't worry about winning or losing just play”. I am willing to face uncertainty head on. I am a very keen finance student and would like to work for a reputed bank. Five years down the line I would like to be in the position of a senior bank manager. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Finance Club

Deepak Gupta

Lipsa Rath

B.Com Summer Training: RAP Financial

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Operations (Minor) Summer Training: UCO Bank

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB helped me to develop my decision making skills, delivering accurate results, team management etc. I want to acquire practical knowledge in the finance sector. Listening to music keeps me calm. Five years down the line I want to be working in one of the top ten financial advisory firms. I would like to see myself heading the equity section where all my learning in the MBA program could be applied.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a sincere, hard-working and positive person. I am constantly looking to learn new things and believe in doing my bit honorably and with dedication. I like composing poems and seek excellence in life. Five years on I would like to hold a CFA degree as well as head a bank.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, Finance Club, Prose Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Strategy Club

Sahushri Kumar Ashirbad

Vaishali Gandhi

B.Com Additional Specialization : Operations (Minor) Summer Training: UCO Bank

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing (Minor) Summer Training: Radico Khatian

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I gained tremendous knowledge at FIIB. After studying this course at FIIB I visualize agreat future ahead and will work diligently towards it. I like analyzing situations and finding a solution. I would like to acquire a CFA degree in five years time. I am obsessive about punctuality and would want to work in an environment where time is adhered to. I am sincere in whatever I undertake.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I describe myself as a person with passion, hunger to learn and discipline. I love music and play the guitar. My key learning at FIIB has been handling stressful situations and facing competition. I would like to work for a reputed Multinational organization and climb up the corporate ladder.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co–Head - Finance Club Member - Placement Committee & Marketing Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Finance Club, Marketing Club

Anmol Khera

Nazia Parween

B.B.A. Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

B.Sc (Zoology) Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I see myself as an entrepreneur five years down the line. I am hardworking and passionate about my work. I thrive best when I find a platform to explore myself. I am interested in music, playing cricket and making friends. FIIB has helped me to hone my skills as well as gain knowledge about the corporate world.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has polished me and made me recognize my potential. I am interested in the textile industry and believe my future lies in it. Five years down the line I would like to be skilled in international business. Eventually, I would like to venture into my own textile business

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Finance Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club


Student Profiles

Vivek Bansal

Aditya Jain

B.Com Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Tata Capital Ltd.

B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Axis Bank Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: My credo in life is about continuous learning and is essentially based on three parameters: seeing, listening and experiencing from the environment. I work well in a team and have the conviction to take initiative. I am interested in exploring strategies for organizations. At FIIB I learnt how to take up projects and execute them. I seek to gain knowledge from the organization I work in and be able to apply it to make better decisions. I would like to move up the corporate ladder through my competence. I would like to start my own venture when I am ready. I like listening to music. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Finance Club, Member - Cue Club & Marketing Club

Amanpreet Singh

Ankita Narula

B.B.A. Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Electrolux

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Radico Khaitan

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I believe it is very important to have conviction, courage and determination to become the person you are destined to be. Dreams become reality and my dream is to become the CEO of a multinational company. Adventures help me gain courage and push myself beyond limits. Five years down the line I see myself working in a foreign company where I gain experience and improvement.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a confident, hardworking, determined, and fun loving person who likes to interact with people from different walks of life. I am a naturally outgoing person who believes in a total uncompromising attitude towards the quality of my work. I am very passionate about finance and in 5 years from now would like to work for an organization that offers a challenging and fulfilling work environment.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Sports Committee, Marketing Club & Cultural Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Cultural Committee, Member - Corporate Interaction Committee

Anshu Sharma

Arpit Goyal

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Indiabulls

B.C.A. Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I see myself working in a finance company as a manager. FIIB has taught me time management, decision making, conducting oneself in the corporate world and presentation skills. I have a lot of enthusiasm to imbibe and experience new things. I enjoy music, travelling and writing journals.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Five years down the line, I see myself working with a Financial Institution in a senior position. I am great at building consensus amongst the team members and believe in being perfect in whatever I do. The key learning at FIIB has been application of the principles of management in all spheres of life.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Finance Club & Entrepreneurship Club

Deepak Kumar

Ashish Arora

B.Com (Accounts - H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

B.B.A. Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: HUL (Water Division) Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am interested in finance and marketing. While I graduated in finance, the marketing line has captured my interest. I would like to get into the depth of this line to get a better understanding of the workings. My hobbies are sports and music. FIIB has taught me the basic premise that a person who can manage his professional life well will be a good manager. A sound base helps in formulating strategies and increases productivity. Five years on I would like to see myself as a brand manager of a clothing line. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, Entrepreneurship Club


Student Profiles

Dipti Ranjan Das

Garima Khanna

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

B.A. (Eco. -H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Bata India Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I believe in honesty, integrity and hard work. At FIIB I have learnt the application of business and management principles in a real scenario. FIIB has also taught me how to work in a group. I am interested in real estate and banking. I would like to be at a senior level in these sectors.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a trustworthy person, always willing to take on a new challenge and to consistently learn. My key learnings at FIIB have been time -management and effective coordination. Professionally I seek positions that provide me an opportunity to exploit the entrepreneurial knack in me. I wish to work for organizations which are committed to a cause. I enjoy travelling.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Finance Club & Marketing Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Dramatics Club, Member - IT Club

Isha Yadav

Iti Bansal

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: VFN Financial

B.B.E Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Reliance Mutual Fund

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an affable, responsible, and a positive individual. I believe in effective timemanagement so as to ably complete all my tasks. FIIB has helped me in understanding how to manage stress and improved my attitude as a professional. In 5 years from now, I hope to work in a senior manager position with a MNC. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Placement Committee, Member - Marketing Club, Finance Club & IT Club

Karan Shekhawat

MD Azeem Akhtar

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Bank of America Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Enhancing my practical skills and knowledge about the current Business Scenario have been my goals for the 2 years at FIIB, and I feel I have managed to achieve them. I aim to be an entrepreneur. Traveling, exploring new places and playing different sports excite me.

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Sahulat Microfinance Society Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: At FIIB, I learned to relate theories that we learn in classroom with reality. I have a strong sense of humor which is helpful while working in teams. In this competitive world where everyone wants to stamp his authority, I professionally want to leave a mark which will define my character as a hardworking, disciplined, talented and charismatic individual. I love reading, as it helps to keep me updated on current affairs.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club & Cultural Committee

Pratyush Kumar Singh

Priyanka Sharma

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Air India

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Five years down the line I see myself as a senior manager in a Real Estate company. Some of the learnings at FIIB that I will always remember include project execution, how to work in a team even with uninterested participants/group members. My core belief is that one should be a smart worker rather than just be a hard worker. In my professional life I seek peace of mind, stability, and freedom.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I can manage teams effectively and efficiently and believe in the potential of people. Team work and communication skills are my major plusses. I am a person with kind nature and myriad beliefs. I want to be a leader in every sphere of life.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Finance Club & Cultural Committe


Student Profiles

Rajat Kumar Bharadwaj

Shenayal Goel

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Gail Training Institute

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Confident, with a zest for learning the new, I regard my MBA at FIIB a stepping stone to a bright future. Confident to take the corporate challenges, I have focused on Finance & Marketing with practical examples.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I seek to practically apply what I learnt in the management school. I am dependable, hardworking, motivated, independent, a strong team player and a leader. Timemanagement and a corporate code of conduct are my forte; dedication and focus are my essence, which makes me responsible, serious, positive and sharp minded. I am an eager and easy learner. I like to read books and want to grow professionally as well as personally.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, IT Club, Cue Club & Entrepreneurship Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cultural Committee, Marketing Club & Finance Club

Siddharth Sinha

Suman Shukla

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Union Bank of India Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am inquisitive about everything around me and have a thirst to learn. I like bikes, cars and surfing the net. FIIB has played an important role in grooming my personality and skills. My key learning has been marketing and finance know how. I have also learnt to manage activities and people.

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: HUL (Water Division) Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: While I must say I have learnt many things at FIIB my key learnings have been good communication and presentation skills, understanding of the business world and human behavior, skills to resolve business issues and quick decision making skills. I believe “action speaks louder than words”. I also believe in improving myself everyday and learning new things. I see myself in a position of responsibility with a reputed company in five year from now.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, Finance Club, Entrepreneurship Club, Placements Committee & Corporate Interaction Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, Finance Club & Cue Club

Varun Kapoor

Vinita Choudhary

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: ING Vysya Bank Ltd.

B.Sc Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Sharekhan Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Good job is my foremost desire and I want to be a financial analyst. Eventually, I would like to own a brokerage firm. I have a positive attitude and get inspired from people around me. I believe in following my firm ideologies. I like to read, be involved in adventures and learn about people and various communities.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I have learnt the nuances of marketing and finance at FIIB. I wish to work in a competitive environment where I face plenty of challenges. Five years down the line I see myself working in a MNC, where I am able to learn and evolve. I like watching car – bike shows and trading in stocks.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, Finance Club & Cue Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cue Club

Vivek Chand Katoch

Ankit Khanna

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: ING Vysya Bank Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am passionate about whatever I undertake. A man of few words, I take initiative, fulfill my responsibilities and strive for excellence in my work. I believe in practical exposure rather than theoretical learning. I have the ability to look inwards and rectify my mistakes. FIIB has nurtured my talents and shown me my future path. Five years down I hope to be in the role of a business manager in a MNC.

B.B.A (H) Additional Specialization : Operations Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club & Finance Club


Student Profiles

Jeevanprasad Chinthala

Divya Sharma

B.Tech Additional Specialization : Operations Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I want to shape myself to be a financial advisor to the organization I work with. I think smart work can elicit more efficiency and that is my strength. The FIIB MBA has taught me to be efficient and competent. Eventually I would like to become an entrepreneur.

B.Com Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: ING Vysya Bank Ltd.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Prose Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Finance Club & Cultural Committee

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has helped me to learn to make presentations, overcome stage fear and speak in a public forum. Theory has been translated to practical situations in the form of projects, field work, assignments and lectures. I am flexible, enthusiastic, a go getter, and determined to achieve my goals. I see myself as a credit analyst in a renowned multinational company where I am given a platform to explore my skills, capability and knowledge.

Mayank Chaturvedi B.Sc [Computer Science (H)] Additional Specialization : Operations (Minor) Summer Training: DCM DataSystems Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I believe, a person is a student his whole life. FIIB has taught me self and time management. I am hard working and I know this quality will help me build my career. Five years on I would like to see myself working in an organization handling and leading projects.


Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Dramatics Club

Nilakshi Dewraja

Sanjeet Singh

B.Sc (IT) Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

B.C.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a person with well-rounded personality and varied interest areas; technology enamors and interests me. A team player with keenness to go beyond the curriculum, I have always been an active member of clubs and committees. FIIB has given me an opportunity to go beyond the classroom and venture into new arenas. I wish to start in a position where I can consistently learn and build on my skills. Five years from now I see myself as consistently growing and proving myself as a professional at every milestone.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: While I can't predict where I will be exactly in five years, I hope to be a valuable asset to the organization I will be working in. FIIB has taught me to work in a team and improved my communication skills. I am stable, a smart worker, avid learner and honest. I hope these qualities will take me places. I enjoy traveling. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Placement Committee, Jagriti Club, HR Club & IT Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cultural Committee & IT Club

Sujay Kantha

Sugam Mathur

B.C.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

B.C.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a post graduate management student at FIIB. At FIIB my key learning has been enhancing my managerial skills which will enable me to take the right professional decision. I have good technical and marketing skills. I seek challenges in life and would like to apply my knowledge to these challenges. In the next five years I would like to see myself as a manager in a reputed organization or run a business of my own.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am hard working and can solve problems easily with attention to detail. I am easy to get along with and a great motivator. I am aware of the challenges lying ahead of me and eagerly look forward to it. In five years I see myself progressing in my selected field.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - IT Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - IT Club & Prose Club


Student Profiles

Adarsh Sharma BBA Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Desleeclama


Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I believe in making a difference in every endeavor that I undertake. I am driven to prove myself as a responsible individual and a thorough professional. FIIB has developed in me the speed and accuracy in decision making and an insight into corporate working. Five years down the line I see myself in a position where I contribute to best of my capacities and continuously learn and grow professionally and as an individual.

Ankur Gupta

Debashish Hazarika

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Marketing (Minor) Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd.

B.B.A Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: ONGC Videsh Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has given me in depth knowledge in various areas like marketing, finance, strategy, logistics, etc. Five years down the line I see myself as a business development executive in a good industry. Eventually I hope to set up my own venture. I am interested in cricket and travelling.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has helped me evolve as a person. All the theories I have learnt have been translated to practical knowledge through industry exposure. I have learnt to manage time and cooperate with colleagues. I believe these attributes will add value to my career. I am a social person and have confidence in my capabilities to make it big. Five years on I want to be established in the corporate sector.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cue Club & Entrepreneurship Club


Mohit Srivastava

B.A. (History - H) Summer Training: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: ALF Dachser Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a hardworking person with positive attitude. I am confident of the entrepreneurial streak in me. Interpersonal skills and sensitivities have been my key learnings at FIIB in addition to other management tools. Five years down the line I see myself as making significant contributions in the area of Marketing and International Business. I seek positions where I get to contribute to my utmost capacities, thereby ensuring organizational and personal growth. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cultural Committee

Niharika Porwal

Rajesh Saha

B.B.A Summer Training: Hindalco

B.B.A (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Gateway Freight Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: key learning at FIIB has been honing my management skills. I have attended various workshops and seminars, which has helped me to stay focused. Like a mountain goat representing the Capricorn Zodiac I believe in climbing upwards fulfilling my goals and dreams. After five years I would like to be in the position of a Business Development Manager and eventually start my own venture. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Placement Committee & Entrepreneurship Club

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I hail from a family with a business background. At FIIB I am studying Business Management. I am learning skills, which would equip me to handle various management problems in my future profession. My aim is to reach great heights in my profession, which would add value to the country's economy. I would also like to be involved in social work. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Alumni Committee, Member - Cultural Committee, Jagriti Club & Marketing Club


Student Profiles

Pradip Kumar Nayak

Sagar Garg

B.Sc Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: Babaji Shivram Logistics Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a diligent individual with confidence in my abilities. I see every experience as a learning opportunity and make best of it. At FIIB I have imbibed the skills to be an effective manager and I look forward to opportunities to use the knowledge and skill set that I have acquired over the period of two years. Five years down the line I see myself as effectively contributing in the area of International Business and Human Resource Management in a reputed organization.

B.Tech (IT) Additional Specialization : Operations Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has given me the acumen to apply my management interest in a pragmatic manner. Five years down the line I want to be in my family business with diversified interests. I am interested in reading newspaper, travelling and meeting friends.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Cultural Committee, Member - Alumni Committee, Strategy Club, IT Club & Cue Club

Vaibhav Duggal

Vivek Chand

B.B.A Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.

Bachelor In Tourism Administration Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Gatway Freight Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: At FIIB my key learning has been managing diverse situations. I believe in imbibing knowledge and make myself efficient. I believe in philanthropy. Five years down the line I would like to be heading a department or unit in a reputed organization.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a positive thinker, confident, innovative, adventurous and friendly by nature. I believe in taking risks and building relations. I also believe in giving 100 percent to the tasks I undertake. FIIB has helped me in understanding the workings of the corporate world. I have learnt about networking, work ethics and to take pride in my work. Five years down the line I want to see myself as a person with outstanding knowledge, working in a reputed organization.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club & IT Club

Afzal Alam B.B.A (CAM) Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Knowlarity Communications Pvt. Ltd.


Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Self discipline, attitude, leadership, analytical and planning skills, business etiquettes are some of my key learnings at FIIB. I am a self-starter and an eager learner who wants to explore beyond the realms of the existing through pertinent search and enquiry. Five years hence, I see myself as an Entrepreneur in Agricultural Business. Agriculture lacks technological application in its methodology and offers untapped potential that is still to be harnessed. This motivates me to be an entrepreneur in agricultural business.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Entrepreneurship Club Member - Cue Club & Jagriti Club

Amit Kumar Mahto

Anisha Bose

BBA Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.B.A (H) Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Knowlarity Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a passionate individual with a desire to make a difference to the society we are a part of and world at large. FIIB has given me a sound foundation to build my future on. FIIB has taught me responsible and sustainable management. As a professional I seek to explore and exploit my entrepreneurial skills and inclinations. I seek to get associated with a socially conscious and committed organization. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club & Jagriti Club

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: 5 years down the line I see myself in such a position where my company wouldn't like to lose me. My key learnings at FIIB are Business Knowledge, Leadership Abilities and Time management. I am an independent, diligent person who loves to take initiatives and knows the value of time. I always try to know and learn new things.


Student Profiles

Abhishek Kusmey

Anuj Kulshreshtha

B.B.A Additional Specialization : International Business (Minor) Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am young, energetic and have the ability to take up challenges. Integrated learning with practical and global experience through International Assignments is an important and enjoyable part and key learning at FIIB. I further expect to have sufficient exposure to diverse . range of situations, which will enable me to grow and understand the responsibilities of my job.

B.Com Additional Specialization : Finance (Minor) Summer Training: Bell Ceramics

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, Sports Committee & Cultural Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club, Cue Club Jagriti Club & Alumni Committee

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I see myself as a General Manger in a reputed MNC five years down the line. I am a consistent learner who believes in learning by practice. I believe in self-discipline, co-operation and punctuality. I am . confident that the skills of management both as a person and as a management professional learnt at FIIB will help me achieve my dreams.

Archna Singh

Jaideep Singh Bedi

B.A Additional Specialization : HRM (Minor) Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.A Summer Training: HUL (Water Division) Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a student and want to remain a student for my whole life as far as learning is concerned. Upon graduation, I would like to join a company dealing in eco-friendly business. Five years down the line, I see myself as an entrepreneur in the fields of Renewable Energy Resources or Alternative Energy Resources. The management skills taught to me at FIIB along with practical exposure has instilled in me the confidence to venture into any field. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Jagriti Club, IT Club, Marketing Club & Entrepreneurship Club

K. Venkateswara Reddy

Neelam Kumari

B.Tech (Electronics & Communication) Additional Specialization : ISM (Minor) Summer Training: Kapalin Biosciences Inc.

B.A. (Geography - H) Summer Training: Essar Energy (Oil) Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an individual with robust knowledge in my subject areas and continue to strive for professional competence. At FIIB I have developed managerial, research and business skills. Constant interface with the industry has given me a practical outlook towards business and management as a field. Five years hence, I see myself as a Senior Manager in an organization of repute. I see myself consistently developing with time. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club & IT Club

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Industry exposure, interaction with the corporate world are my biggest takeaways from FIIB. I seek independence and a career where my intelligence and strong personality find expression. The sectors that interest me are FMCG and Energy, especially non-fuel retailing. Five years down the line, I see myself creating job opportunities for others.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, IT Club & Finance Club.

Pankaj Lakhera

Pradeep Kumar

B.B.A Addtional Specilization : Finance (Minor) Summer Training: HUL (Water Division) Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: At FIIB, I have learnt team work, business and improved my inter-personal skills. Life is a learning process and I believe that one should be a good learner before being a teacher. Traveling to different places helps me to understand people from diverse backgrounds and their culture. Five years down the line, I would be working with an MNC with hands on experience in marketing with improved skills. In future I would like to start my own venture.

B.B.A Addtional Specilization : Finance (Minor) Summer Training: Future Group

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cultural Committee & Alumni Committee

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an enthusiastic person who tries to take calculated risks and believes in leading the group. At FIIB I have learned the art of leadership in addition to the management theory. I wish to work in the area of marketing and more specifically in the field of Supply Chain Management and Advertising. I see myself as a General Manager in a reputed firm five years down the line. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club


Student Profiles

Mohit Sharma

Riddhi Singh

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.Com(H) Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: A soul with a deep hunger for knowledge and quench for exploration, I love new experiences and challenges. At FIIB I have worked hard on my soft skills and team work, alongside gathering knowledge regarding various aspects of management and business. In 5 years, I want to see myself working in a MNC and contributing to the overall growth of the organization to the best of my ability.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Being part of FIIB has been an immense learning experience. The two-year course has molded me in every sphere of life; I have learnt from my mistakes, realized what my goal in life is. After a few years of corporate experience I would like to open my chain of restaurants. I am a keen learner, adaptive and friendly. Exploring new places and learning new things interest me in general.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Entrepreneurship Club

Shilpa Gupta

Piyush Gupta

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

Pravin Kumar Kumawat

Jaspreet Singh

B.C.A Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

B.A. Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Infinity Optimal Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I see myself working in a challenging and competitive corporation. I strongly believe in-“Either don't take a stand or if once have taken, make it to its pinnacle”. I hope to be in a challenging job 5 years from now requiring me to use all that I have learnt in my MBA.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Truth, Enthusiasm, Passion and Soccer are the four things that drive me. I believe that time is of the utmost essence and hence I am able to handle multiple tasks with ease by managing my time effectively. I always incorporate the saying “Great moments are born from great opportunities, and that is what you have to earn”. The FIIB MBA is an innovative way of learning management through assignments, case studies and corporate interactions. I aspire to be a Sports Marketing Manager for a Global Firm.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Sports Committee, Member - Marketing Club & Corporate Interaction Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club & Finance Club

Vinayak Pant

Anup Kumar

B.C.A Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Dabur Ltd.

B.A Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I believe-“There is no end to gaining knowledge and life is a continuous learning process”. I am very interested in general behavior of people and why they deviate from it. FIIB has made me understand how management professionals conduct themselves. I have also understood the general conventions of the management field.I am a team player and like finding solutions to every problem. Five years down the line I see myself as a strategic decision maker in a leading organization.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: “Make the most of the skill and talent that you have and always be open to learning more” has been my key learning at FIIB. I believe in myself and am looking for a job which gives me challenges, yet offers satisfaction and peace of mind. Five years down the line, I see myself working as Manager Operations in a reputed logistics company.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Strategy Club Member - Cue Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club


Student Profiles

Neha Sharma

Hunny Verma

B.Com Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Bata India Ltd.

B.B.A. Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I have learnt that sometimes things will go wrong, but it's okay to make mistakes, as long as one learns from them and carries the lesson home. I believe in myself and seek success. I enjoy adventure. At FIIB I have developed the ability to deal with difficult and unexpected situations effectively. I have gained a great deal from the industry exposure I received throughout. Five years down the line I see myself in a position where I am valued for my achievements and competence as a professional.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I want to grow with the organization. At FIIB I have gained practical knowledge about the corporate world, and imbibed values which I implement in everything I do. I would like people to know me for my quality work and achievements. Seeking Challenges, taking calculated risks and learning from my mistakes are the three mantras of my life.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club

Pradeesh P Nair

Jasmeet Kaur

B.A. (H) Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Hellmann Ltd.

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an individual with utmost faith in myself and my capabilities. I actively seek responsi-bilities and ensure that I shoulder them to best of my capacities. I am passionate about sports, reading and entrepreneurial activities. At FIIB I have had an opportunity not just to learn management lessons but also to put them to use. Five years down the line I see myself as an established management professional in a position to employ my entrepreneurial skills.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I see myself working in a challenging and exciting work environment so as to contribute constantly with the changes in the business scenario. “If you have courage to begin, you have courage to succeed�-that's my learningfrom FIIB. I believe that greatest glory does not mean never falling, but rising every time we fall. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Marketing Club, Member - Placement Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club

Aditya Gulati

Divya Shokeen

B.E. (I.T) Additional Specialization :Finance Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

B.Com Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Five years down the line, I see myself working in a leadership role, utilizing the experience and the learning gained during my education and work. I would like to lead a team of professionals in managing and transforming businesses. The most important learning at FIIB has been time management. Working constantly on different projects, presentations and exams have helped me understand the importance of working efficiently to obtain the desired results in a given time frame.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I want to be a successful professional in the field of marketing using my management skills and team management qualities. I believe that one should be focused on their responsibilities and give their best outputs. I would like to be a part of a reputed company.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cultural Committee & IT Club

Gagandeep Singh Randhawa

Deepak Shivhare

B.Com Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.B.A. Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an individual with certain values which I would not compromise on. I believe in having clear concepts and implementing what I learn. At FIIB I have understood customer service, learnt theories and concepts. Five years on I see myself working for a reputed company with a respectable profile and growth. Professionally, I would also seek satisfaction at work, learning at every phase and a pleasant working environment. Personally, I am interested in exploring new places and listening to music.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB gives practical knowledge of management concepts. The method of teaching, design of the course structure combined with a competent staff sets FIIB apart from other B-schools. I am eager to learn and enhance my knowledge. I would like to work in a place where I get adequate exposure for professional growth. I would like to work with full honesty and dedication to achieve my goals

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Placement Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club & Finance Club


Student Profiles

Tabrez Ahmed

Yashi Srivastava

B.B.A Additional Specialization : IB (Minor) Summer Training: Hughes Communication (I) Ltd.

B.Tech (Bio-Tech) Additional Specialization : Finance (Minor) Summer Training: Future Group

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: My learning at FIIB includes: Knowledge of Business Theory and Practice, Strategic Thinking, Ethical, Global and Social Awareness, Solving Complex Problems using Critical Thinking, Leadership skills, Contributing Positively to Team Working and interpersonal communication etc. I am a good decision-maker. I would like to be in a position where everyone in the company would recognize me for my achievements in work. I would prove myself to be a valuable asset to the company I work for.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Innovative approaches such as unique seminar courses on contemporary topics, life skills coaching and mentoring at FIIB have helped me in my overall development as a future manager. I am an enthusiastic person and want to excel in the field of management by contributing my best in a marketing firm. Five years down the line I see myself as a Research Marketing Head in a renowned company having a blissful professional as well as personal life. My areas of interest are mainly in the fields of Research and Brand Building.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Jagriti Club, IT Club, Marketing Club & Entrepreneurship Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Strategy Club, Member - Cue Club

Madhur Khandelwal

Nitesh Kumar Singh

B.Com Additional Specialization : Finance Summer Training: Stainless Steel Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB gave me a platform to explore and develop my presentation skills and management skills. FIIB has added momentum tostrive for my career goals. Extra-curricular activities have helped to develop the extra edge. Live experiences from guest lectures and practical knowledge given by the professors have helped me grasp the know-how of the corporate world, and learn finance and marketing skills. With a robust understanding of marketing and Finance, five years down the line I see myself as an asset to the organization I work with.

BBA Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: At FIIB I have learned to present myself, to focus onboth effectiveness& efficiency and acquired knowledge about the corporate world. I am persuasive, have good interpersonal skills and can adapt to any situation well. I seek to do justice to any assignment I take up and to continuously learn in the process.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Marketing Club, Member - Cultural Committee, Corporate Interaction Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cultural Committee

Chetipelli Koteshwar

Anil Sirimalla

B.Tech (Computer Science) Additional Specialization : ISM Summer Training: Ultra Water Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

B.Sc Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Knowlarity Communications Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Five years down the line I see myself in a management position in a reputed company dealing with information systems. I am also interested in customer relationship management and advertising. I have immense patience and grasp things quickly. I give my 100 percent to anything and everything I undertake. I am adaptable and enjoy sports. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, IT Club, Prose Club

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: At FIIB I have learnt to manage situations and implement theory into real life situations. I am- a positive thinker, hard working and ready to face new challenges. I believe in maintaining my integrity. I am interested in cultural activities and cricket. Professionally I seek a successful career in corporate. Five years from now I want to see myself as a marketing professional in a reputed company. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - IT Club, Cultural Committee & Marketing Club

Gaurav Kukreja

Jyoti Kumari

B.C.A Additional Specialization : ISM Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a person who is fascinated with technology and believe in leveraging technologies to make things better. I enjoy exploring new avenues. At FIIB I have actively imbibed the managerial knowledge and skill. I as a manager seek to effectively deal with every challenge with due consideration to the human element across the rank and file. Five year on I see myself as a Senior Manager in a reputed organization.

B.Sc Additional Specialization : ISM Summer Training: Master Sahib Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has given me the platform to explore my skills, learn new things and enhance my knowledge. I have the ability to work hard and achieve success. I want to reach great heights in my profession. Five years on I would like to see myself in a senior position in a good company in my area of interest. I would like to be a successful manager who can ensure the satisfaction of subordinates and contemporaries. I enjoy traveling and spending time with family and friends.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club & IT Club


Student Profiles

Shailender Singh

Sunil Nair

B.B.A Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd.

B.Tech Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Tata Voltas Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Thinking out of the box, defines me perfectly. I am creative with interests in sketching and photography. I am optimistic by nature and a good listener. At FIIB I have gained knowledge in management, which would help me translate the theory into practice. Five years down the line I see myself as an advertising expert in a renowned advertising company.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I believe an engineer has to be a good manager who can implement new practices and technologies. At FIIB I have been exposed to business related studies which was lacking in my engineering course. I have gained knowledge of marketing, management issues and solving business related problems. Five years down the line I aspire to be in a company where by marketing and technical skills will be exploited. Eventually, I hope to start my own venture and travel extensively.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - IT Club Member - Cue Club

S. Krishna Chandra

Shiva Talwar

B. Tech (Aeronautics) Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.B.A Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I believe in living life completely in the moment with sincerity and passion. I consider myself passionate, ethical and thirsty for knowledge. FIIB has equipped me with management skills. I am interested in sports, reading books and following politics. In next five years I would like to reach the position of a Senior Manager.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I have a keen interest in Marketing Communication, E-commerce and Digital Marketing. At FIIB I have developed my presentation and communication skills and have enhanced my leadership and managerial abilities. I have learned to manage time efficiently, work effectively in teams and effectively lead teams. I handle things in an organized manner with focus on time management. I am interested in sports, advertising, social sciences, net surfing, electronics and digital media, painting and creative art.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cue Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Sports Committee Member - HR Club, Jagriti Club & Entrepreneurship Club

Pulkit Blaggan

Prateek Kumar Chauhan

BBA Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd.

B.Tech Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I have an aptitude towards learning and try to imbibe from everything around me. At FIIB I have developed my knowledge and soft skills which has increased my confidence to approach the professional world. I am motivated and never give up easily. I am fond of reading inspirational thoughts and watching movies. I strive to seek a balance between professional and personal life. I hope to be able to head a multi-national firm five years on.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: The key learning at FIIB is that I have gained confidence of taking decisions and performing even in adverse conditions. I learnt various theoretical concepts, which I am eager to apply in corporate world. I am always eager to learn new things. After 5 years I would like to see myself in a position where everyone in the company would recognize me for my achievements in work and would value me for my contributions.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club

Jyotishman Bordoloi

Love Sharma (H) Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Master Sahib Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: A creative individual with an inclination to contribute towards responsible business. FIIB has taught me the skill of understanding people and the art of dealing with real life challenges. The values of sustainability emphasized at FIIB, largely influence my decisions. Wild life conservation and wildlife research interest me. Five years down the line, I see myself in a key position as a Concept Developer in a reputed advertising firm.

B.B.A Additional Specialization : International Business HRM (Minor) Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an individual with a zeal to innovate and an inclination to make things better. Managerial skills, communication skills and managing work in a limited time have been my key learnings at FIIB. Five years hence, I see myself working as a Marketing Manager in an organization of repute. I seek opportunities to learn, to grow and to use my strengths to bring changes for the better.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club & Strategy Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club


Student Profiles

Jayanti Kumari Gupta

Mohita Sehdev

B.Sc (Zoology) Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.A. (H) Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: Everest Industries

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: At FIIB I have imbibed qualities required to become a good manager. I am passionate about marketing. I am enthusiastic, optimistic, dedicated, determined and self driven. My motto is - you are not born a winner, you are not born a loser, you are what you want yourself to be. I seek to have a balanced professional life. I have a thirst for learning new things.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Confident, grounded, self-believer, I think that learning is a continuous process as a person learns from cradle to graveyard. The diverse backgrounds of FIIB students, has taught me adaptability. FIIB has taught me discipline and professionalism and provided me with the best of knowledge resources for me to develop and grow. I have a keen interest in research related activities, where I can apply my analytical skills.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club, HR Club, Cue Club & Cultural Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Jagriti Club


Pooja Sharma

B.Sc (Home Sc. - H) Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.A. (History - H) Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: O-Zone Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I believe I am hardworking, dedicated and a keen learner who is ready to accept challenges. I am interested in music, dancing and exploring new places. At FIIB I have learnt management skills and team work. My area of interest is Event management and five years on I hope to be working in this sector and earning a tidy package.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I love to give my best to everything I do. I always take failure as a stepping stone to success and try to improve myself. My learning at FIIB has been as to how one should strive to excel as a manager. I have also fine-tuned my business communication skills at FIIB. I am deeply interested in creative arts esp. music.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club & Corporate Interaction Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cultural Committee, HR Club & Marketing Club

Lokesh Kumar

Kapil Kumar Porandla

B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication) Additional Specialization : ISM Summer Training: Knowlarity Communications Pvt. Ltd.

B.Tech (Electronics and Communication ) Additional Specialization : ISM Summer Training: Aishwarya Telecom Ltd.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: At FIIB I have learnt good decision making, ethical thinking, strategic planning, project planning and interpersonal communication. I am a self-driven person with good decision making abilities. I would like to take on new challenges at every step of my life. I am interested in logo designing, playing cards, cooking and reading newspapers/magazines. In five years I see myself working in an organization in a responsible position that enables me to utilize my talent and work closely with my colleagues.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I see myself as an optimistic and diligent individual who seeks challenges. Business knowledge and Photography have been my interest areas. At FIIB I have consistently imbibed the art and science of management and honed my communication skills. I seek a good corporate life with a good profile in my area of interest. Five years down the line I see myself in a responsible position working in a company committed to innovation

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - IT Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Marketing Club & IT Club

Shashank Khanna

Siripuram Ajay Prasad

B.C.A Additional Specialization : ISM Summer Training: Simplex Infrastructure Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has been a great learning platform for me. I have learnt great decision making skills and have received insights into management, which would help me achieve my goals. It has given me the confidence to take on any challenge and face it effectively. I see myself as a senior manager five years down the line.

B.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) Additional Specialization : ISM Summer Training: Knowlarity Communications Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: My mantra is confidence. I believe that confidence can take an individual a long way and empower them to achieve their potential. This is my strength. The FIIB program has enabled me to utilize these skills efficiently. I hope to secure a lucrative job with my FIIB MBA. After 5 years I want to start my own Software Venture. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - IT Club


Student Profiles

Dileep Kumar Goli

Sesha Alekhya Vanapalli

B.Tech (Computer Science) Additional Specialization : Operations Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

B.Tech Additional Specialization : Operations Summer Training: HUL (Water Division)

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Sincere, smiling, happy-go-lucky individual, for me the FIIB MBA is an empowerment for the future. I believe in dreaming big and working hard to achieve those dreams. I seek varied exposure in the field of marketing and five years down the line I see myself as contributing effectively in a key marketing role in an organization of repute. I have also nurtured a dream of starting my own enterprise once I have made significant contributions in my chosen field of Marketing. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Jagriti Club, Member - Entrepreneurship Club & Marketing Club

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Determined to work hard, I do not worry about results. FIIB MBA has enhanced my existing knowledge and augmented my knowledge base with inputs from reputed faculty, making me confident to pursue my goals. I am interested in observing and learning about manufacturing units of different companies. I see myself as effectively managing the operations at a renowned organization. I see myself as continuously growing and learning in the organization I work with.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Corporate Interaction Committee, Member - Entrepreneurship Club & Marketing Club

Shruti Sharma B.Sc Additional Specialization : HRM Summer Training: United Biscuits Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I see myself taking on new and exciting challenges in an enjoyable environment where I can continue to learn. I have learned that it is not always practical to be perfect. I believe in setting goals to achieve success. I am self motivated and result oriented. Effective working environment interests me the most.


Priti Behrani

Banashree Deka

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing (Minor) Summer Training: GAIL

B.Com Additional Specialization : International Business Summer Training: Down Town Hospital Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has given me the platform to understand practical situations and face them competently. I am a silent observer, a go getter and a result oriented person. Five years on I see myself as a disciplined person with a successful career. My hobbies are dancing and painting.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: An optimistic person, I always strike back hard in tough times. A zealous learner with people orientation; I seek to make a difference. In FIIB I have learned to manage time and deal with pressure and stress effectively. I am a keen observer and look at things from various perspectives. I aspire to build a career in Human Resource Management, in next five years I see myself in a key HR position, leveraging Human Resources to the strategic advantage of the firm.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cultural Committee & HR Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Corporate Interaction Committee

Shikha Maggon

Antra Chakravarty

B.A. (English - H) Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

B.A. (Eng. - H) Additional Specialization : International Business (Minor) Summer Training: Cadbury

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Hard-working and multi-lingual with fluent Punjabi, Hindi, English, and French. I am a keen learner and try to learn from everywhere and everything, FIIB has helped me become a manager with good communication skills and leadership qualities. I believe in “Before say I can't, say I'll try�

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I enjoy taking up challenges and ensuring things get done. I am blessed with good interpersonal skills. FIIB has helped me in shaping managerial skills and given an insight in application of these in a real life scenario. After five years I hope to be in the position of an ASM in a reputed organization with a team under my supervision.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cue Club


Student Profiles

Prerna Bansal

Kangkan Saikia

B.B.A Summer Training: Relaxo Footwear Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a curious person by nature, I always try to learn, adopt and share new things and experiences with others. FIIB has helped me by nurturing my management skills and now I find myself confident enough to take any challenge. Professionally I want to equip myself with all the techniques and strategies related to HR.

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Quest Retail Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Three management terms sum up my learning at FIIB; Leadership, Motivation and Cooperation. These qualities are the key to success. All the theories learnt have been translated to practical experiences, which will help me enhance my career prospects. I am a person who is always willing to help people. I have a positive attitude and belief in myself. I am interested in travelling and adventure sports. I would like to have a successful career in the corporate.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Cue Club, HR Club & Prose Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - HR Club, Jagriti Club & IT Club


Mahima Choudhary

B.Com Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Tata Telecommunication (Tata Indicom)

B.Com (H) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Everest Industries

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an outgoing and assertive person, passionate about making my career in human resources. I am focused, persistent and self driven. I firmly believe and follow the mantra - where there is a will there is surely a way. A key learning I have retained being anFIIB-ian is to adopt adaptability.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Media and communication channels are my areas of interest. At FIIB I have learnt the rules of corporate world, met with many corporate people and gained deep knowledge in Marketing and HR. I am a transparent soul and a struggler who is very religious and keen to learn, I appreciate good music and I am an ardent follower of Buddhism.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - Placement Committee

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - HR Club

V. Sowmya

Megha Mahendru

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Jindal Mectec Pvt. Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an individual who is intrinsically driven and who draws inspiration from life experiences. At FIIB I have developed a positive attitude towards learning, honed my communication skills and have become more open to changes. Five years down the line I see myself in key HR or Marketing position where I am valued for the contributions I make and results that I achieve.

B.B.A / GDIB Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am a keen learner. Managing people is a Herculean task but, people can be managed with good communication skills and leadership qualities which I possess. I am flexible and hard-working with multi-tasking abilities and I am open to challenges. FIIB has helped me acquire managerial and leadership skills and taught me how to implement them in practice. Networking with people, knowledge sharing and attending forums and webinars are some of my interests.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - HR Club Member - Alumni Committee & Prose Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - HR Club & Cultural Committee

Upasana Khanna

Pamela Debnath

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: ITC Ltd. Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I am an independent person; having a strong will power and believe not only in getting things done but also doing them in the right and most effective manner. To me giving your heart and soul to any work you do matters the most. FIIB has taught me a number of things, most important being; having full faith in oneself and moving on with what you want to do!

B.Sc. (Microbiology) Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Muthoot Fincorp Ltd.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - HR Club, Jagriti Club, Corporate Interaction Committee & Cultural Committee

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: I have a keen interest to learn and work in the field of Human Resource Management, to allow myself the opportunity of adding value to the employees of an organization and help them in turn to add value to the organization and society at large. I believe that people make all the difference and work-force is the most valuable resource in an organization. Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - HR Club


Student Profiles

Vanisha Chawla

Manisha Singh

B.B.A Additional Specialization : Marketing Summer Training: Sudhir Gensets Ltd.

B.B.A Summer Training: Adani

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: FIIB has been a great learning experience. It has taught me to be an independent person and to do things in a right manner. It has given me a platform and practical exposure to work effectively in corporate world. It has also taught me to keep a strong belief in oneself. After 5 years, I would like to be in a position that leverages all my learning and provides additional opportunities.

Core Beliefs and Learnings at FIIB: Looking for an organization where I can explore myself, learn and utilize my knowledge. I am a sincere, extrovert, creative, adaptive and dedicated person. FIIB has really helped in cultivating the much needed qualities and has always given a platform to explore myself. For me learning is a continuous process. I am a good learner and observer.

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Member - Entrepreneurship Club, Marketing Club, HR Club & Jagriti Club

Extra Curricular Activities @ FIIB Co-Head - HR Club, Member - IT Club, Cue Club, Prose Club & Jagriti Club


Recruitment Timeline

Final Placements

Oct, 2011 onwards Nov, 2011 onwards

Pre-Placement Talk

Placement Commences

*The students can join their respective recruiters from April 1, 2012 onwards.

Summer Placements

Nov 2011 onwards April-June 2012


Summer Internship Period (6-8 weeks)

Faculty Advisors Prof. Santosh Sood Chairperson

Prof. Anupam Bhaskar Advisor

Placement Office Mr. Vivek Chakrapani Sr. Manger – Corporate Affairs

Mr. Saurabh Gupta Asst. Manager – Placements

Contact Details Email: Call Us: Tel: 011-47285017, 47185008 Fax: 011-26144279 Website:

Mr. Mukesh Negi Placement Assistant

Name of Organization Address Fax: Website:


Interest for Job Profile

Final Placement

No. of Vacancies

o o o o o

International Business Marketing Finance Information Technology Others

o Summer Placement Job Profile

No. of Vacancies

Logistics Consultancy HRM Trading

Selection Methods Resume Preliminary Test

o o

GD Interview

Any other (Specify) Duration of the Training Gross Annual Salary: (During Training) Preferred Dates for Pre-Placement Talks Stipend, if any, During Summer Training

o o (After Training)

Kindly Attach your Company Profile Name Designation Signature (Please Attach Your Visiting Card) Kindly mail/fax this response sheet to:

Career Management Cell Fortune Institute of International Business Plot No. 5, Rao Tula Ram Marg, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi-110057 Tel: 011-47285017, 47185008 Fax: 011-26144279 E-mail:, Website:

o o o o


Tel.: Email:





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