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E-Muslim News PO BOX 267, MT. EDEN. PH 510-677-4488

Dr. Kaya appointed NCIC vice-chair At its January Board meeting, NCIC appointed Dr. H. Koya editor/publisher of FIJI SUN and THE MUSLIMS NEWS as the vice chair. Former law enforcement officer with criminal investigation and an instructor at the Royal Fiji Academy, Koya brings with a wide range of experiences and leadership skills in operating and managing both business and non-profit organizations. Koya is also the founder-chair of INTERFAITH AMERICA in the Bay Area and works for the Superior Court of California, Alameda county. He is the current chair of NCIC’s Education and Science Committee and welcomes all board members to be part of his team. (Above with NCIC chair Imam Bilal) OPEN HOUSE ON ISLAM AT WEEKES LIBRARY, HAYWARD Koya is hosting first Open House On Islam: Saturda Feb 5, 2011 Weekes Library, Patrick Ave X Tennyson Rd, Hayward 1 PM TO 4PM. Al welcome. Snacks and tea will be provided. AGENDA: (1) Tabligh/Dawah (2) Muslim Multi-Media (3) Islamic Sc. Symposium (4) Muslim Leadership Workshop.

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