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THE MUSLIM NEWS PO BOX 265, Mt. Eden, CA 94557 PH 510-677-4488

A trip to West Coast Jalsa with Imam Bilal By H, Koya (PhD), National Award Winner Essay Competition USA

For the 25th Ahmadiyya Muslim Community West Jalsa Salana convened from 24 to 26 December at Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino, target was to have at least 1200 participants and Ahmadi Muslim members were encouraged to bring in as many guests possible. From my list of interfaith friends, I invited the NCIC (Northern California Islamic Council) chairperson Imam Bilal for an all-expense-paid trip to the Jalsa. Imam Bilal was glad and offered to drive to Los Angeles and offered to foot the bill for the gas for the entire trip. The registration team booked a three day reservation for us at Motel Chino 10 minutes from the convention when I submitted online registration for the two of us. It was obvious the 6 hour drive each way would entail a great deal of discussions. I adopted a listen and response approach being familiar with Imam Bilal’s longish analogies and what a tough cookie he is when it comes to his Nation of Islam thoughts and background. I counted not so much on my expertise but the enormous amount of

(Imam Bilal (NCIC Chairperson) meeting Shamshad A. Nasir, Imam Baitul Hameed Mosque at the 25th Ahmadiyya Muslim Convention Ramona Ave, Chino) spiritual information at the convention. We reached Chino around 1 AM and checked in the Motel as arranged. Next morning Friday 24 December we made it early to Baitul Hameed Mosque and completed our registration and badged ourselves. Next we went to the breakfast marque. And as we sat for the breakfast and no sooner I introduced Imam Bilal as a guest, our Ahmadi brothers began their round of conversation and inquisitions that Imam Bilal took with great cheer and traded equally well with his barrage of questions with his usual chuckles and humor.

Fiji Saleem takes on a serious note Of the several brothers who took turns to speak with Imam Bilal, brother from Fiji Islands, Fiji A. Saleem took a serious note of Imam Bilal’s version of the latter days and where Islam was headed. He took Imam Bilal head on that founder of Nation of Islam had first met with the pioneer Ahmadi Muslim Missionary Dr. Mufti Sadiq in early 1920s that Imam Bilal did not seem to know. I drew his attention to the accounts published in the Muslim Sunrise – the first Muslim publication in America. Saleem sited from Islam

and Afro-Americans. At dinner time, Saleem came with the book to show Imam Bilal who paid only a casual glance. For the most part Imam Bilal participated in most events. However, he was not keen on listening to any of the Nazm as it was in Urdu. I gave him a few dozes of the beauty of Urdu language and how it was a next best to Arabic. Besides, I told him that all Nazms were followed by English translation.

(Fiji A. Saleem scans through the book for more reference in the bid to show them to Imam Bilal)

A synopsis of Imam Bilal’s Ummat-ul-Islamiya aka “Days of Allah” aka “Khalifa Consciousness” In more than 12 hours of intensive discussions with Imam Bilal in which I was less on the offensive but occasionally intrusive, it became quite transparent that Nation of Islam once branded as Black Muslims is only for Afro-Americans, has anti-White sentiments, least inclusive of immigrant Muslims as so far not a single Arab, Pakistani or Indian Muslim has joined them, has gone through multiple fragmentations, has leadership problem, fed up of old school of thought and hence on a relentless search for an alternate leadership style with a vision unclear to themselves that is less likely to capture the interest of Muslims at large outside the Afro-American circle. As imam Bilal put it with the growing dissatisfaction within Nation of Islam and an apparent distancing from its current leader Minister Farrakhan, a new meaning and a new message was necessary for survival. Hence the discovery of the term “Days of Allah” (Face to face with Allah) a piece taken from Quran with reference to Day of

Judgment, where no one individual would be a leader of Muslims but many small leaders just as the “Whites produce leaders” for their purpose an analogy so out of context and paradoxical that only those who are desperate for some sort of new ideology would subscribe to as an escape route. “So where you guys going with this? Obviously you are not interested in the Whites and immigrant Muslims are not being targeted, what sort of future do you have?”, I queried. “We are not looking for numbers. We have already 300,000 members those who are conscious,” Imam Bilal replied. On the one hand Imam Bilal professors an All Muslim (Ummatul Islamiyah) approach and on the other limiting to only 300,000 members of Afro American decent caught in a kind of a cobweb of confusing man made theories of “Days of Allah”, “Khalifa Consciousness” etc. The mainstream American Muslims care least about the theory and is poles apart from the leadership stipulated in Surah An Nur in “yastakhle fanna hum” the basis on Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is rooted spread over 180 countries with its Khilafat system already celebrating 100 years gigantic success.

Derogatory and humiliating comparison to the Holy Prophet of Islam Imam Bilal is a strong advocate of the view that Jesus is mentioned some 30 to 35 times in the Holy Quran in contrast to just a few times that the Holy Prophet gets mentioned. There are other prophets too who have been mentioned more times than the Holy Prophet and Satan and Iblis are mentioned many more times than others. That is not a criterion for superiority or excellence. It is the context that matters most to the believing people. Jesus (isa Ibne Maryam) is the most misrepresented and misunderstood prophet of all as many myths; fictitious stories and theories shroud his true character, personality and mission. Quran sets the record right and frees Jesus from those misconceptions to which Christians, Jews and Muslims have all been victims and their faiths contaminated as a result. In most the verses Allah dispels these charges and misgivings about Jesus and the 30 times Jesus is not extolled to a level higher than the Holy Prophet. I find the comparison very degrading to the Holy Prophet of Islam that no true Muslim can subscribe to such a belief. It is my hope that Imam Bilal being a brother of very fine character will reread these verses and abstain from making such a cheap comparison and hold the Holy Prophet of Islam in the highest regard Allah has granted in the tittle subliminal title KHATAMUN NABYEEN that Jesus was not given That the Holy Prophet

has been designated as “the Mercy unto the World”. Jesus comes nowhere near such a glorious mention in the Holy Quran. I do this with absolute regard to the high status to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and the blessings of Allah be on him) as no mainstream Muslim would do for fear of persecution. I fear Allah alone and I revere His Noble Prophet Muhammad (swas) at whose feet is my life hereafter.

Divine dispensation That Nation of Islam as a product of human imagination and design - unlike Jamaat Ahmadiyya based on resolute Divine instructions from Allah given to the Promised Messiah (peace be on him)- was bound for the consequences it if facing today. Reminisce of it in the forms propounded by Imam Bilal void of Divine approval has the same inevitable end. Such organizations will rise and many such ideologies will enter the market place only to face their own natural extinction for want of approval of Allah affording the world and clear and convincing evidence that support of Allah is with His chosen ones.

Photo Gallery – Wes Cast Jalsa Salana

Naib Amir West Coast, Dr. Hamidur Rahman delivering his opening address.

A cross-section view of more than 500 people at the main Hall at Baitul Hameed Mosque, Similar crowd was present at the ladies’ marque behind the mosque.

The new mosque rebuilt after the accidental fire a few years back.

A key speaker Mr Anwar Khan sahib addressing the conventon.

Imam Mubashir Ahmad Missionary in Charge Northern California

Afsar Jalsa and Imam Bilal pose for the Muslim News picture outside the mosque.


Chapter president and Afsar Jalsa sharing notes during recess to be on same page.




Breaking News: Snow to add to Himachal's New Year's Eve festivities

Akal Takht Jathedar addressed Annual Ahmadiyya Convention at Quadian Pardeep Luthra Monday, 27 December 2010

BATALA: Giani Gurbachan Singh, the head (Jathedar) of Akal Takht, the highest temporal seat of Sikhs in Amritsar on Monday addressed the 119th Annual Ahmadiyya Convention at Quadian town. He appreciated the contributin of Aahmadiyya Jammat in spreading the message of peace and humanity around the world. The Muslim scholars strongly condemned terror in the name of Islam. Mohammed Muslehuddin Saadi, Ahmadiyya Missionary from Hyderabad speaking on the second day of the 119th Annual Ahmadiyya Convention said that Jihad is the most misunderstood concept and Islam never promotes violence."

Akal Takhat Jathedar addresses Ahamadiyya Muslim conference at Quadian

Islam is a religion of peace and harmony. The word ‘Jihad’ itself means make efforts to achieve something.", said he. He further added that 'Forcible conversion of people to Islam is absolutely unjustified and it can never be labeled as Jihad.” Earlier, in the day, the session began with the recital of verses from the Holy Quran. Thousands of delegates gathered at the Ahmadiyya Grounds here in Qadian amidst chilling weather and fog. The session's keynote speech was delivered by Moulvi Gulaab Nabi Niyaz, Former Missionary Incharge Kashmir, who spoke on the claims of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib, the founder of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and the Finality of Prophet-hood. Addressing the audience Moulana Mohammed Naseem Khan, Secretary General Affairs, Ahmadiyya Community, asked the delegates to follow the example of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib, in treating people from all communities with love and compassion irrespective of religion, caste, creed or sex. Speaking in the second session of the day, Sheeraz Ahmad Sahib, Secretary Education Dept, presented an Islamic solution to the global economic crisis. Blaming the crisis on interest based economies; he said that an interest free economy, a simple way of living and less dependence on loans is very important to avoid such crisis in future. Quoting Hadhrat MIrza Masroor Ahmad Sahib (Supreme Head of the Worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community), he said, “The root cause behind the economic crisis is that people are going away from Allah. The western countries have forgotten Allah. The Real and permanent solution is to turn towards Allah Almighty.” Significantly, more than 4,000 delegates have come from Pakistan to attend the spiritual convention. The Annual Convention will continue till 28th December here in Qadian, the headquarters of Ahmadiyya Community in India. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was founded by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib in 1889. It is noteworthy that the community members are spread in over 197 countries. The community has been in the forefront of helping poor and destitute sections of the society and to promote peace, harmony and love among people. The motto of the community "Love for All, Hatred for None", speaks volumes about the community

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