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THE MUSLIM NEWS PO BOX 265, Mt. Eden, CA 94557 PH 510-677-4488

A trip to West Coast Jalsa with Imam Bilal By H, Koya (PhD), National Award Winner Essay Competition USA

For the 25th Ahmadiyya Muslim Community West Jalsa Salana convened from 24 to 26 December at Baitul Hameed Mosque in Chino, target was to have at least 1200 participants and Ahmadi Muslim members were encouraged to bring in as many guests possible. From my list of interfaith friends, I invited the NCIC (Northern California Islamic Council) chairperson Imam Bilal for an all-expense-paid trip to the Jalsa. Imam Bilal was glad and offered to drive to Los Angeles and offered to foot the bill for the gas for the entire trip. The registration team booked a three day reservation for us at Motel Chino 10 minutes from the convention when I submitted online registration for the two of us. It was obvious the 6 hour drive each way would entail a great deal of discussions. I adopted a listen and response approach being familiar with Imam Bilal’s longish analogies and what a tough cookie he is when it comes to his Nation of Islam thoughts and background. I counted not so much on my expertise but the enormous amount of

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