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1. Executive Summary

- Intro: The past quarter was an intensive period for the plan execution of the AIESEC International Team after we created, communicated, validated and further improved the st plan in the 1 quarter. Here are the highlights of the Plan Execution: - Shared Values (our “why”): An 8-step-organization-value-clarification document was jointly created by the AI team as an explanation of the connection between the AIESEC Way, AIESEC 2015 and the BHAG (presented in the previous quarter report). Throughout the past quarter, the document content was firstly incorporated by and aligned with the World Economic Forum’s Global Council Output on New Models of Leadership to ensure the theoretical advancement of our leadership development basis, and then it was further improved with the Global Steering Team’s feedback. The conversation around the “Why” has been physically communicated in all regions of the network by the AI team’s presence in 23 strategic meetings and regional/sub-regional conferences and 32 entity coaching visits. It has also been carried out by 2 major internal communication campaigns to all levels of the organization in order to fully engage the purpose of the organization while facilitating the progress towards the organizational goal achievement. The reaction and validation from the network has proved to be very positive and encouraging. - Production Capacity: GIP Sub-Product Development Strategy

Talent Capacity Alignment: Sales Development Program to enable more & better sellers

Global ER principle revision for win-win global GIP sales

Organiztional Models for Growth through expansions and specialized units

IT System Improveme nt and inventon

Process optimization to offer faster and much more experiences

We have executed various key strategies for the Global Internship Program. We have fully implemented a global subproduct based GIP strategy to enable more effective supply and demand alignment with 2 particular focuses on IT and Teaching, and our Global GIP Matching Rate therefore increased from 45% in Q4 2011 to 55% in Q4 2012. With the launch of the Global Talent Capacity Strategic Meeting output, we have identified the clarity and full alignment between our exchange product strategies and our talent strategy (a.k.a TMP/TLP experience we offer). Our quarter GIP TN raise goal was not achieved due to the lack of quality in the sales activities, therefore, the global Sales Development Program was created to attract and develop sellers (members) and drive a strong sales culture across all levels of the organization. We have revised and tested new Global ER Principles to better capitalize on the MNC market for GIP growth and to align and validate products and pricing for global partners across markets for better delivery and faster growth through internal sales. On the market side, we have been working with piloting entities to speed up our market expansion through a flexible specialized (business) units framework hypothesis. The global information system’s (MyAIESEC.net) analysis modules have been further developed with 6 new menus and we are in the testing phase of an in-house development project for a new Exchange Management module (which includes an API) to maximize our delivery efficiency. We have started a global innovation project of process optimization aiming to reach: 100% realisation rate, 15 days GCDP matching, 30 days GIP matching, and 30 days as an average realisation time. Since October we have finalized our research and planning phase and started the testing phase with internal and external stakeholders. - Quality Experience: EP preparation to enhence the quality of the GCDP product

Talent Capacity Alignment: Project/JD based recruitment

Deliver better experiences through integrated Experiences#

Customer feedback system to measure our success and create organizational behaviors

Customer-Centered Organization

We have identified the importance of having more promoters who lived a qualitative AIESEC experience in order to grow the impact of our programmes, especially in the delivery of the Global Community Development Program. An EP preparation framework has been created to ensure that, throughout the customer’s journey, AIESEC is improving and executing the key processes that define the satisfaction of the participants based on the customer feedback data and the inputs that have been collected from the testing entities.

We have also made changes in our Talent Strategy to align the needs of an EP preparation enhancement: a project/JDbased recruitment has been implemented with a Team Leader to facilitate the project’s delivery. We have started the implementation phase of our global NPS system in which 40% of the network is participating. While generating practical insights of our operations, strategically, we are in the final stage of our research in order to set a Global Measure of Success for the quality of the experience we provide and therefore ensure that AIESEC is becoming a more Customer-Centered Organization. - Strategy Amplifiers: Branding & Marketing: Brand Evolution for better positioning

Connecting Market Brand Strategy with the "why" and the product strategy with a planning and management framework

Massive Online Presense and Enagegement

Organizational Reputation Building

We are currently at the final stage of the brand redesign process together with DesignThinkers Group and regional focus groups to fully align our external image with how we present ourselves online, in print, and in person through our brand. The refreshed visual elements are ready to be launched with its usage. Meanwhile, during the past quarter we piloted, researched and concluded a clear brand planning and management framework to practically align the network’s brand strategies with the “why” and our product strategies. At the same time, a “Drive-Move-Convert” online engagement strategy has been fully implemented on the global level with 3 key projects: Cultureshock.me, YouthSpeak, and Social Media Marketing Campaign. We tested this through a globally-run online campaign, “International Tech Talent Program”, which attracted 3,200 technical students to join our Global Internship Program for JDs related to IT and Engineering as one of the perfect examples that converts attraction from online audience. We currently have 320,000 fans on our global Facebook channel, which were largely generated through many brandaligned alliances that we have built with the UN, World Economic Forum, Red Cross, and European Employment Forum. - Common challenges of the plan execution: 1. Effectiveness of the strategy: Strategy’s effect is usually shown after a 3-6 month period. Is there a need for prioritization? 2. Assessment of our strategy’s impact on the network: How can AI better support the execution of these strategies for countries that have adopted them? - Growing Sustainably towards our mid-term ambition: In addition to the key long-term strategies that were mentioned above, we have worked on 9 innovation projects (across product development, market development, etc.), to enable AIESEC to continuously grow our production capacity while enabling better quality experiences in the upcoming years. In the meantime, all the tactical approaches we are using to address the current needs of the organization are created in a long-term sustainable framework, the best example being the refreshed program-based country development model aiming at fundamentally supporting entities through the understanding of the product-based development process as well as the capitalization and creation of sub-regional based growth examples. - Finance and Business Development Overview The overall expense lines are generally on budget and we haven’t had any unexpected costs in the quarter, although, some travel budgets have been used heavily, which will be re-allocated in Q1 2013 in order to reflect strategic priorities and to stay on budget. The Business Development Team of AIESEC International exceptionally attended 52 physical sales meetings and over 34 virtual meetings that ensured 85% of the current year’s budget achievement. We project a significant conversion of those prospects into partners in the next quarters. We have also signed a new Global Partnership with International SOS, who will be raising internship opportunities and participating in our conference cycle. However our projected revenue for the 2013-14 budget is significantly down due to major reductions in contracts and drop in partnerships.

Florent Mei Yi President of AIESEC International 2012/2013

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