Innovation towards AIESEC 2015 Key achievements and strategy analysis
The purpose of Innovation team: experimenting with new ways of delivering the AIESEC experience in order to make sure we deliver 1 000 000 experiences by 2015.
Establishing Innovation in AIESEC From the beginning of the term we have been working on establishing the way how innovation in AIESEC should work. We have established the framework in the first quarter of our term and we have continued using this framework in the second quarter of our term. For more information about the Innovation in AIESEC itself please follow the link: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewfile.do?contentid=10232827)
Running Innovation projects Technical youth alliance partnerships for GIP EP supply Purpose: To contribute to the growth of our core Global Internship Programme through focused partnerships with technical youth organisations: Pilot 15 LC partnerships for 300 EP realisations. Progress: We are exploring partnerships with predominantly European-based youth organisations - BEST, EESTEC, ESTIEM and IEEE. Promotion of our International Tech Talent Programme will take place in April amongst EESTEC and IEEE’s membership. ESTIEM is still under discussion. 15 LCs from across a variety of countries are approaching the local organisations to see if we can develop a local model for co-operation.
CultureShock (www.culture-shock.me) - Online Storytelling Purpose: To build a new online product relating to the engagement with AIESEC phase of the AIESEC experience. Enable AIESEC to attract a student audience of young people that are interested in exploring new cultures. Progress: After a successful prototype we are launching a beta version of the platform with new features at the beginning of May. We aim to collect 3000 stories and attract 75,000 visitors to the site in the next 3 months. If you haven’t seen the site yet – check it out at www.culture-shock.me. Metric
Unique visitors
Story Views
No of stories/users
No. of Non AIESEC stories
We are very interested to get feedback from the AIESEC network and for AIESECers to test the platform!
AIESEC.ORG Purpose: To develop a new set of features to compliment the current re-design of www.AIESEC.org. Therefore allowing people to have a micro experience of AIESEC through our website. The will enable us to capitalise on the 1.5 million visitor reach of the website. Progress: We are currently developing a set of features that aim to showcase and provide a micro experience of some of the core value propositions of an AIESEC XP. The features are being developed in April. As an exmaple of this we are developing a ‘clarity of the why’ video with an external videographer to site on the site and to enable a clear understanding of what AIESEC is.
Raising Global Internship Programme through Alumni Purpose: To contribute to our growth in Global Internship Programme by creating a sub-product for our alumni and realizing 1 000 GIP by 1t July 2013. Progress: In period of July 2012 to December 2012 we have already achieved 500 TN raises through alumni globally, which is a result of the whole previous term. We have started the second wave of campaign promoting success stories of alumni raising TNs and we have selected a person supporting this initiative directly from alumni.