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ICB Report_Q3-2012 Powered by ICB 12-13 Chair Akira Sakano icb@ai.aiesec.net |akira.sakano@aiesec.net

Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4.

ICB Q3 Facts in numbers ICB 2012 Evolutions Q3 to Q4 Progress Actions XPP Revision 2.0


Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4.

ICB Q3 Facts in numbers ICB 2012 Evolutions Q3 to Q4 Progress Actions XPP Revision 2.0


ICB FACTS • AIESEC total Exchange number: – – – – –

2010-11 Realised: 13,257 2011-12 Realised: 20,378 2012-13 Realised so far: 6,271 (Aug.13) 2012 Planned: GIP:7,000 GCDP:18,500 2013 Planned: GIP: 9,000 GCDP:22,500

• Internal Control Board members: – 2010-11: 9 – 2011-12: 13 – 2012-13: 19 (with evolution of no max limitation in ICB membership from May 2012 legislation) 4


• Number of Official Case/Appeal Submission: – 2010-11: 16 – 2011-12: 29 – 2012-13 so far: 10 (Sep.30) v.s. 2011: Already over 1/3

• Number of Appeal (only) Submission: – 2011-12: 8 >> Accepted: 5 – 2012-13: 1 >> Not accepted *Please refer to ICB wiki for the official case tracking. 5


• Number of Consultancy Provided: – 2010-11: 20+ – 2011-12: 88 – 2012-13 so far: 54 (Sep.30) v.s. 2011: Already 2/3

• Additional Roles: – Entity disbandment follow up (from IPM 12) – Partnership principles management (from IPM 12) – Entity Audit (from term 12-13) 6

Issues continued from 11-12 term • Entities not taking responsibility of reporting back on the cases and following-up to avoid similar future issues • Few entities repeatedly being reported for similar issues despite awareness and recommendations provided by ICB • Limited capacity v.s. increasing roles v.s. lack of accountability system of the ICB 7


• Break Match/Realisation Increase – Received in 12-13 (Sep.30): 14 – Reasons: • Mistakes: 4 • EP/EP’s family illness: 3 • Unsafe condition of the Exchange Area: 1 • X quality: 6 – JQ difference – Lack of support of HE – Wrong EP expectations – EP did not fulfill expected JD/criteria 8

Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4.

ICB Q3 Facts in numbers ICB 2012 Evolutions Q3 to Q4 Progress Actions XPP Revision 2.0


Directions: • Key targets – Increase entities’ own capacity to implement & manage XPP by auditing & better reporting – Emphasise on consultancy role before ground issue becomes official cases

• Evolution in structure – 3 Teams – No maximum number limitation: currently 19 member (last term: 13)

• Evolution in accountability – ICB member agreement – ICB Physical meeting in Moscow, Russia (Aug.15-16) 10

Structure Overview Chair

Audit Management

Case Solving Management

Consultancy & Communication

Team Leader

Team Leader

Team Leader

Auditing Management Team (3)

Case Solving Management Team (6)

Entity Consultancy & Communication Team (6)


Entity Audit • ICB is now establishing the procedure of Exchange Quality audit concerning XPP – To find root-causes of existing/potential issues – And provide more relevant recommendations and consultancy toward the entity & global network

• IC 2012 to IPM 2013: 2-3 Pilot Audit – Online + Physical audit for XPP scope – Result only to be presented to the entity, AI & ICB – Procedure & Outcome overview to be presented to MSC, LGSC for accountability system implementation 12

Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4.

ICB Q3 Facts in numbers ICB 2012 Evolutions Q3 to Q4 Progress Actions XPP Revision 2.0


ICB Physical Meeting (Aug.15-16 at Moscow, Russia) • Trainings delivered by the Chair & TLs: – Introduction for ICB, Consultancy, Case Solving, Audit, and all related documents; – Team building and planning; – Case practices; – MCP legislation fair presentation; – Direct consultancy with entities;

• Satisfaction Survey Results: 9.8 (score 1 to 10 for “How do you recommend ICB physical meeting to happen next year at IC period?” 10 is the best) 14

Sub-projects after IC • XPP Revision 2.1 – Continuous

• Exchange Research – To respond to the mandate 27 (sup doc Q 130) accepted at IC 2012 regarding the Exchange Programme minimum duration


Communication Initiatives after IC • ICB & XPP wiki revision • XPP Education Session & Guideline Creation • XPP Education templates for MCs etc.. - All are coming up in Q4 -


Other remarks • Entity Disbandment Follow up – Bangladesh

• Irregular Cases – First ER Principle related official case


Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4.

ICB Q3 Facts in numbers ICB 2012 Evolutions Q3 to Q4 Progress Actions XPP Revision 2.0


XPP ver.2.0_IC2012 Powered by ICB 12-13 icb@ai.aiesec.net XPP revision team: Akira Sakano (ICB Chair 12-13, ICB 11-12) | akira.sakano@aiesec.net Shinji Ueyama (ICB Consultancy&Communication TL 12-13, ICB 11-12) | shinji.ueyama@aiesec.met

Contents: 1. Major changes: a. b. c. d.

Acceptance Policy Break Match/Realisation Policy Appendix A (JQ) Appendix B&C (AN)

2. Amendments/Clarifications: a. Age limitation (30) 20

1.a: Acceptance Policy: Section 4(EP)

• Acceptance Note(AN, Appendix B&C) to have the final condition agreement power (can be the official reference of Exchange condition) – EP and TN can agree on amended conditions from TN form by stating on the TNAN;


1.b: Break Match/Realisation Policy: Section 5(EP) • In case of breaking match/realisation from EP side with reasons of “The EP becomes ill and the situation can be dangerous for his/her health”, the EP must submit the proof of it ;


1.c: Appendix A (JQ) • All sections revised according to the refreshed MyAIESEC.net with new ELD (GIP/GCDP) terms and conditions; • Provide specification categories for XPP 1.4(EP):Counting Criteria and 1.5(EP):Quality Standard.


1.d: Appendix B (EPAN) • Revised according to the most recent Acceptance Policy: section 4(EP): EP’s responsibility & rights; • Not only the EP but also the Sending Entity representative must sign on the EPAN.


1.d: Appendix C (TNAN) • Revised according to the new Acceptance Policy: section 4(EP): contents must includes the statement of JD and all the offered conditions of the Exchange programme


2.a: Age limitation • Rephrased/clarified the statement of the maximum age limitation to participate in AIESEC Exchange Programme: – 1.4(EP)d) An EP must be at the age of 30 or under, AND within 2 years after graduation from their last university degree at the time of match of the Exchange Program. – 2.1(EP) Rights for participation in an AIESEC Exchange Program as an EP • An individual has the right to apply for the AIESEC Exchange Program, where criteria in policy 2.1d(EP) is not met, if: a) At the latest within two (2) years after obtaining their last university degree AND are not older than 30 years of age at the time of application; or b) At the latest within three (3) years after completing a full time AIESEC position AND are not older than 30 years of age; c) If an EP over the age of 30 was raised prior to the amendments in policies 2.1(EP) in February 2012, then this EP must be matched within one (1) year from the date of the aforementioned amendments.

– 4.1(EP)d) Ensure that the EP is matched to a TN by the age of 30.


Thank you! Contact us: Official Email: icb@ai.aiesec.net ICB wiki: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewwiki.do?contentid=10004546 XPP wiki: http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewwiki.do?contentid=10214143

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