2.1 Global Internship Programme MoS report, key highlights and main strategies
GIP Q3 Reazliations 1691
Goal 2012
Achieved 2012
GIP Q3 Matches 1550
Achieve 2011
Achieved 2012
Achieved 2011
GIP Q3 TN Raises
GIP Q3 EP Raises
Goal 2012
Achieved 2012
Achieved 2011
Goal 2012
Achieved 2012
Over 30% GIP growth is very rare in AIESEC history. We are expecting a big growth in realisations in Q4. The data proves that AIESEC delivery capacity has improved significantly. We consider the main reasons behind the growth to be:
Goal 2012
116% Achievement | 31% growth
Behavior change: increasing awareness of delivery and increasing connections among entities Knowledge change: better understanding of supply and demand Method change: Micro-management of TN/EP match Structure change: More HR to support delivery Our action to further improve the delivery
Achieved 2011
94% Achievement | 26% growth
10% Matching Rate increase 31% Matching growth
97% Achievement | 6% growth
89% Achievement | -10% growth
89% TN Raising goal achievement 10% drop in TN raising (!) Sales performance in this quarter is not very satisfying. The drop in sales results is mainly due to:
Not enough sales activites during vacation/IC (Main reason). It can be avoided by early sales force planning to prepare for activity during those months. Bad balance in HR/Structure/Management between sales and match: While focusing on delivery, we need to ensure sales activities continue. It requries better structure, processes, and talent management. Form control in some big entities. Our action to solve this bottleneck
Main strategies and achievements from the Global Office
Sub Product Development and S&D Tool
S&D Forecast Tool-As a result of the survey, we have further developed the tool to provide information with not only the past supply and demand and current available forms, but also so we can see entities’ plans for different sub products. Available Forms Tracker Evolution based on Sub Products Clean Database Action-3,000 old forms were rejected in the system. This also aims to cultivate the form audit behavior in the network. Sub Product Global Match Mania
All Strategies are delivered through: IC, Newsletters and input emails, Virtual coaching, Country visits, and GIP Summit Output can be accessed: Here For more GIP strategies, please refer to our Strategic Focus 1 – GIP Growth