Harry and Miriam Taylor
Christian Publications CAMP HILL . PENNSYLVANIA
Christian Publications 3825 Hartzdale Drive, Camp Hill, PA 17011
The mark of
Jvibrant faith
ISBN 0-87509-511-9 LOC Catalog Card Number: 93-70744 © 1993 by Christian Publications All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America 93 94 95 96 97 5 4 3 2 1 Cover Illustration © 1993, Karl Foster
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Ver.sion, unless otherwise indicated. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by the International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
The chronicles of the camp experiences are based on our memories, on loose-leaf notes kept during those years and reference to the following books: Crouter, Natalie. ForbiddmDiary. New York: Burt Franklin and Co., 1980. Hind, R. Renton. Spirits Vn""'lun. San Francisco: John Howell, 1946. Hyland, Judy. In the Sbadowof tbe Rising Sun. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Publishing House , 1984. Miles, Fern Harrington. Capti,..Community. Jefferson City, TN: MoscyCreek Press, 1987. Yerger, Esther. Amba.uadon in Bonds. E. Stroudsburg, PA: Pinebrook Book Club, 1946. Other sources: Johnston, Russ with Maureen Rank. God Can Malee It Happen. Wheaton, IL: Victor Books, 1976. Snyder, Louis L. Histmical Guide to World War 11. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1982. Tozer, A. W . R.......d nay by nay. Camp Hill. PA: Christian Publications. Inc .• 1980.
Contents Appreciation Part I-America: Conditioning for Conflict 1
'~nd What
Is Too Hard for You" 3 2 "Break Camp and Advance" 7 3 The Stamp 15 4 Empty Seats and Angels 19 5 Under Sealed Orders 26 Part II-The Philippines: Behind Barbed Wire 6 Camp John Hay 41 7 Camp Holmes 48 8 Bilibid Prison 63 9 Home at Last 72 Part III-Cambodia: Our People, the Khmer 10 Six Courageous Saints 83 11 Back to Cambodia 87
12 God's 400 101 Part IV-Lebanon: A New Ministry, A New People 13 Sami 113 14 A New Church, A New Leader 121 15 Miracles for Sami, Chawki and Ali 129 16 Land of Death and Danger 141 17 Friends 149 18 The Luncheons 159 19 Miracle of the Shoulder Bags 164 Part V- Syria: A Kernel ofWbeat-Mucb Fruit 20 On Their Own 171 Part VI -Jordan: An Open Door 21 'With the Sun and the Sea" 181 Part VII -Tbe World: Full Circle 22 The End . .. The Beginning 191 23 The Mission Field Comes to Us 194 24 Our Children, Too 199 25 And to Baghdad 203 Afte7Word 206
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Cambodia! The Philippines! Lebanon! Harry and Miriam Taylor called all of these turbulent areas of the world home. Cambodia! Originally heading for Vietnam, Harry and Miriam are reassigned to Cambodia, where in their first term they find themselves enmeshed in World War II. The Philippines! The Taylors flee to the Philippines for the birth of their second child. Harry and fouryear-old Donald are hauled off to internment camp. Miriam and Baby Janice, in the hospital during the invasion, follow a few weeks later. The next 1,137 days are spent behind barbed wire and thick walls under the constant surveillance of Japanese guards. Lebanon! Having completed what most would consider a lifetime of missionary service, Harry and Miriam agree to go to Lebanon. Fifteen years later they finally retire-not to put their feet up-but to open their hearts to the needs of the mission field that has come to their door.
ROBERT A. JAFFRAY (1873- 1945) was one of the pioneer missionary statesmen of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. A man of towering faith and monumental accomplishments , he has been chosen by Christian Publications as the namesake for this series of missionary portraits.
ISBN 0-87509-511-9 90000> -
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