THEY REFOSED TO DIE True stories about World War II heroes in the Philippines 1941-1945
Illustrated with sketches by the author
The long funeral procession of June 1, 1 942, in the Capas Concentration Camp, when the number of dead reached a record high of 383 a day. The "coffins" were hammocks made with woolen army blankets and covered with "talahib" grass.
Cover design: Paul Marquez Printed in the Philippines by VERA-REYES. INC.
Copyright 1982 by Fidel l. Ongpauco All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper.
Distributed in the Philippines by Alemar's and other bookstores.
Distributed outside the Philippines by Levesque Publications Chemin Dufresne, RR3, Gatineau Qu~bec, Canada J8P 7G7
ISBN 0-9690367-'- X
MESSAGE The 1942 stories in this book about the battles of Bataan and Corregidor, the March of Death, and the hell of Capas have been and will always be a spring of inspiration for patriotism, and love of God and country by the youth of our land. Written yearly for 16 years (1967-1982) for different metropolitan newspapers and magazines, the stories depict the bravery and heroism of the Filipinos who fought, and suffered side by side with their American friends. They were defeated in the flesh but never vanquished in spirit, so that they rose again after the Fall of Bataan to avenge their defeat, and did so with Christian forgiveness in their hearts in 1945, and 1946. These stories narrated from a participant' s point of view make the Filipino youth feel proud to be a Filipino. This humble official, also a participant in World War II believes this book should be one ofthe required readings of our youth .
Mayor of anila nd National Commander Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor
Author's note: H Napoleon was nicknamed liThe Little Corporal'~ Ramon Bagatsing deserves to be called "The Tall Corporal of Bataan". In 1982, this long-time mayor of Manila has been re-elected national commander of the DBC (Defenders of Bataan, Corregidor and other USAFFE Defenders) by veteran generals, colonels and ." comrades-in-arms.
MESSAGE On the Ruby Anniversary of the Fall of Bataan on April 9, 1982, it happens that this book, "They Refused to Die", by Lt. Col. Fidel L. Ongpauco, AFP (Ret.) is timely to be published on that memorable, historic date. It is of great import that the stories about the achievements of our youth in 1941 and 1942 in the great battles of Bataan and Corregidor, their sufferings in the Death March and the Capas Concentration Camp were written as eyewitness stories of the author and those of his comrades in arms. For our youth of this generation and of the generations to come, have, and will have hazy ideas of the singular patriotism, heroism and great love of God and country of the youth of the past generation . The stories in this book depict true life and death accounts of the historic deeds and sacrifices of our youth , all for the sake of our country. The stories certainly serve well as a fountain of inspiration to our youth of today, and of the future to be patriotic, heroic and great as lovers of our God and country.
ALFRE 0 M . SANTOS Gener ,AFP (Ret.) Former Chief of Staff, AFP, from 1962 to 1965; and CO, 1st Regiment, 1st Regular Division, PA, in Bataan in 1942
Not.. from the Author: Gen. Santos was the CO of the 1st Regiment, 1st Regular Division, PA, which fought bitterly against the invading Japanese Imperial Forces in Mauban. Quezon, in Dec., 1941; encountered again the enemy at Morong Battle, Bataan, in January, 1942 and encircled and wiped out a Japanese regiment with the help of the 11 th Division in the Battle of the Upper Pocket near the Pilar-Bagac Road from Jan. to Feb., 1942. He was a recipientof37 medals, 20 from the RPand 17 from US; one of which was the RP Distinguished Conduct Star, the 2nd to the highest RP decoration, awarded for extraordinary heroism in combat; the Gold Cross medal; Distinguished Service Star, the 3rd ranking medal awarded to him for seven times. The US medals were the Distinguished Service Cross, the second ranking medal; the Silver Star, fourth ranking award etc. He came from the Reserve before the War and was integrated into the Regular Force in 1939. He was the first four - star general of the AFP.)
I wish to sincerely thank the editorial staff of the many newspapers and magazines in which my stories first appeared from as far back as 1950. Particular mention must be made ofthe editors and publishers of Bulletin Today, The Times Journal, Panorama, MOD, WHO and FOCUS magazines for their kind permission to reprint, albeit in modified form, most of my previous articles. Dozens of officers and men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, veterans at home and Balik kawal ("returning soldiers") from abroad, as well as Japanese friends and former enemies were consulted in the preparation of the stories reproduced in this book. A special word of thanks belongs to my publisher, Major Rodrigue Lt!vesque (retired from the Armed Forces of Canada) for having accepted the task to publish my book and to distribute it in North America. Despite every effort on my part to check all historical facts, errors must surely remain in the text For these, as well as for the judgments expressed, I humbly take responsibility and beg forgiveness in advance. As readers' comments can be invaluable for a future edition, I invite those interested, specially historians, to write to me at 501 EDSA, Quezon City, Metro Manila.
I was inspired to publish this anecdotal history of the Philippines in World War II by my comrades-in-arms who fought alongside me in Bataan, by those who lived through the hells that were the infamous Death March and the Capas Concentration Camp of 1942, and specially those who refused to die... until their story was told. One such valiant man was Major Amando M. Reyes (deceased) who appeared as a ghost to his son Gilbert at midnight on January 8, 1979, two days after his death. It happened at their home in Quezon City. Reyes' ghost called Gilbert who was asleep in his room: "Bebet, halika dito" ("Bebet, come here"). "Daddy, Daddy, bakit? ("Why? "). "Follow me", said Reyes' ghost. In the living room he pointed to a drawer of his old desk. Gilbert pulled it open and took out a package and placed it on top of the desk. "Ibigay mo kay Uncle mo iyan" ("Give that to your uncle"). I am the uncle he was referring to. The package contained postcards addressed to me when Reyes was in Australia in 1978, and many clippings and notes on Reyes' military career. I also remember the late Col. Pacifico C. Sevilla, the assistant adjutant general of the Filipino Group at Capas who had commissioned me as an artist to record the life of the prisoners-of-war. Col. Sevilla risked his life to bring out of Capas my drawings and some precious documents and to keep them from the dreaded Kempeitei (Japanese military police). I am therefore duty-bound in turn to pass on the information I have gathered to succeeding generations for them to know what happened, and perhaps understand.
Major Amando Reyes (deceased) and his wife (lower left}. His ghost appeared to his son, Gilbert, and guided him to war documents stored in the drawer of a display cabinet in the Reyes' living room.
The day the war started /13 The start of World War II in the Pacific /15 Bombs rained down on airfields /19
PART II BATAAN, CORREGIDOR & OTHER FRONTS 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
The brave boy soldiers of 1941 /23 PMA Class' 42 graduated in Bataan /26 The Filipino youth is like a narra tree /28 Why the Japanese were more prepared as soldiers /35 Marcos, the lucky one /38 The young lieutenant served with distinction /43 A belated Christmas gift /50 The Igorots fought like lions /52 The grim struggle /59 "Remember Erlindal" /64 The oligarchs fought in Bataan /66 From two-bit trainee to be-medalled hero /71 The Air Force fought without aircraft in Bataan /74 "Mister Folio" and his classmates of 1928 /77 Bataan : A Japanese version /81 Hacienda Abucay revisited /85 Some were good, some were bad /88 The Pantingan River massacres /90 The Hagonoy folk hid Bataan escapees /103 President Quezon's last days /105 The "Voice of Freedom" /110 "Bataan has fallen" /118 The fall of Corregidor /124 General Torralba: gentleman-soldier /130
PART III THE DEATH MARCH & CAPAS 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
The march of the youth in 1942 /135 Destiny selects /141 Episode in Death March recalled /143 Capas eyewitness /146 From a POW diary /176 Occupation reminiscences /182 Survival of the fittest /193 'Heaven' and 'hell' /197 The POW who was almost buried alive /201 Capas pastimes /212 Mount Arayat in history /224 Released at lastl /228
PART IV SOME WHO FADED AWAY 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49.
Napoleon's last 'campaigns': the Valeriano story /237 Vero lives on /244 Sgt. Aluning and his friends /246 General Littaua: the 'invincible' /248 General Rialp: the tough soldier /250 General Francisco : the incorruptible /252 Sgt. Dacanay: a member of the elite /254 Max Llorente: bullets were not 'made' for him /258 Three heroes /260
PART V 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
A young officer named Marcos /265 The vision to become President /268 The angel who saved Marcos /274 Marcos picked the right man for his blood /278 Major Marcos was one who loved danger /281 Mr. Tanabe and his sons /284 The Japanese and Americans in concentration camps /290 Sgt. Fitzgibbons and his tank batallion /301 The 1st Cavalry was always first /304 Japan's own Bataan and Capas /307 From enemies to the best of friends /318 The kamikaze's new mission /323 The Spartan-Roman concept of the Philippine Army /327
63 64 65
Calugas, hero /330 Even the bravest cry /333 Conclusion /335
INDEX Abad, Artemio, 737, 742, 790
Alcantara, Santos, 27, 95
Abeleda, A., 340,347
Alcaraz, Ramon, 772
Abalon, Jose, 328
Alejo, Artemio, 265
Abat, Fortunato, 42
Aluning, Antonio D., 246
Abelgas, Pedro, 28
Aluning, Pastor Sr., 247
Abcede, Salvador, 286
Alvarez, Alfredo, 780
Abo-Abo River, 39, 47, 69, 77, SO, 82
Ambaguio (N. V.), 47
Abucay, 48, 59, 66, 72, 83, 85, 87
Ancheta, Antonio, 278
Andrews, Edwin, 74, 79
Adea, Luis, 27, 57
Angeles City (Pampanga), 239,259
Adriano, Francisco, 35, 243
Anni, Indanon,328
Adriano, Rico, 759
Anzai, Satoru, 378, 379, 320, 321
Zobel, Jacobo, 67, 779
Apellanes, Dionisia, 47, 42
Agcaoili, Rufino, 29, 37, 328
Aquino, Don Gonzalo, 757
Agdamag, J., 340, 347
Arai, Shun, 320, 321
Aglaloma River, 780
Arambulo, Jose, 79, 36, 97, 737, 790, 792,258
Aguinaldo, Emilio, 327 Aranas, Marcos, 67 Aguirre, D., 76 Arce, Rafael, 373, 377 Aguirre, Ramon, 329 Arellano, Alfonso, 766 Agustin, Marcos, 328 Arangoring (Barrio), 747, 764, 266 ,Alamo Scouts, 293 Arevalo, Emilio,96 Alba, Bienvenido, 339 Arguelles, Carlos, 329 Alcantara, Aniano, 79
Arpa, Pullong, 77, 79
Alcantara, P., 339, 340,347
Asedillo, Teodoro, 250
353 Asin River, 86, 309, 310, 311 Asingan (Pangasinan), 41
122, 124, 125, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, 139, 143, 144, 182, 197, 228, 229, 243, 252, 255, 258, 279, 281,284,285,325,337
Asistio, Maeario, 193 Battad, Avelino J., 50, 51 Aspilla, Julian, 79 Battle of the Pockets, 23,53,55, BO,91, Astete, Arturo, 27 Astillero, Consoreio, 70
Battle of the Points, 75, 76, BO, 91, 243, 284
Asti!lero, Isidro, 124 Atanaeio, Manuel, 15, 190,260,290
Bauan (Batangas),29, 39, 81, 86, 290, 291,313,318,319
Atienza, Rigoberto, 96, 193
Baula, Francisco, 329
Australia, 109, 119, 129, 173,204,252, 269, 279, 281
Bautista, Benjamin, 220 Bautista, Jose, 136
Sagae, 40, 53, 70, 76, 90, 91, 92, 93 Bautista, Juan, 10 " 102 Bagatsing, Ramon D., 4 Baylon, Gaspar, 220,340,341 Baguio, 284, 311 Belmonte, Asterio, 217 Balanga, 46, 67, 102, 103, 136, 137, 138, 139, 141, 142
Belmonte, Augusta, 217,218
Balao, Eulogio, 162, 163, 176
Beltran, Ambrosio, 96,98
Benedicto, Roberto, 269
Balolong, Glieerio, 129
Bennett, Roy, 116
Baluyot, Arturo, 79
Bersola, Pedro, 330
Bamban (Tarlae), 44, 45,51,52
Bobaris, Tomas, 160
Bambang (N.V.I, 308
Bolbok (Batangas),29
Bannawol, Hodom, 267
Botin, Luis,213
Banzon, J., 339
Boyle, T/Sgt. Charles, 111, 114, 716
Barbero, Carmelo, 179,340
Brady, Charles, 305
Barcelo, Angel, 282
Brereton, Lou is, 19
Barriea, Amadeo, 274
Bringas, Elisio
Barrica, Perigrino, 274
Brito, Eligio, 282
Barriga, Julio, 178
Brougher, Brig. Gen. William, 30, <15,
57, 70, 95,260,278
Barroquillo, Amado, 190,260 Bugarin, Jolly, 180 Bataan, 26, 32, "33, 34, 38, 40, 41, 43, 46, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, 64, 66, 69, 71, BO, 81, 88, 90, 110, 118, 120,
Buhia, Efren,242
354 Bukidnon, 16,92 Bunag, Perfecto, 241
Capinpin, Mateo, 45, 46, 47,50,51,68, 173, 178, 265, 324, 329, 339, 340, 341
Buno, Gregorio, 79
Caraballo mountains, 278
Sushido, Code of, 60, 83, 321, 324
Cabanatuan (N.E.l, 231, 291, 293, 295, 302
Carino, laureano, 13, 167, 328 Carlos, Efren, 326
Cabanos, Esteban, 222,328
Carreon, Ceferino, 27
Cabardo, Ludovico,333
Casibang, Miguel, 220
Cabcaben (Betaan), 128,285,302
Castanares, Joselito, 124
(Laguna), 89,313,320
Mariano Sr., 80, 243, 290, 339
Calamba (Laguna), 86, 89, 313
Castillo, Adolfo, 65, 164
Calasiao (Pangalinan), 293, 294, 295, 296,299
Castro, Fred Ruiz, 137, 141, 142, 328 Castro, Isabelo, 27, 57, 70
Calugas, Jose, 330,331, 332,333 Casupang, Onofre, 96, 98 Caluya, P.O., 174 Catalan, Neme"sio, 149, 172, 338 Camp Aguinaldo, 330 Cataulin, Reynaldo, 326 Camp Allen (Baguio), 78 Cavite, 16, 88 Camp Canlubang (Laguna), 176 Cawed, Maximo, 260 Camp Dau (Pampanga), 324 Cayang-o, Anthony, 55 Camp John Hay, 14,311 Chase, William, 305 Camp Makabulos, 291, 292 Camp O'Donnell, 32, H7, 138, 139, 146, 147, 253, 256, 265, 291,293, 295,302
Chioco, Juan 0.,67, 149, 164, 175,201, 213,244, 339 Chua, Julian, 221, 331
Camp Ord (Tarlac), 11
Churchill, Winston, 16, 28, 38, 11
Camp Spencer (La Union), 320
Clark Field, 16, 19,291,301,331
Camp Vicente Lim, 13
Collantes, Manuel, 135
Campo, lsagani, 64,65,67,331
Concepcion, Dr. Alfonso, 292
Canlas, Maximo, 76
Conner, Hasket, 305
Capas (Concentretion Camp), 14, 17,88, 135, 144, 146, 147, 168, 176, 180, 182, 195, 197, 199, 201, 205,212, 226, 253, 255, 279, 285, 291, 318, 337, 338,342,343
Cordero, Virgil,94
Capas (Tarlac), 138, 139, 184, 285,302
Corregidor I., 34, 60, 70, 76, 88, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 119, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 149, 181, 182, 197, 202, 204, 243, 318, 342
118, 135, 229,
355 Crisal, Jose, 27, 65, 67
de Veyra, Dick, 269
Crow Valley firing range, 147
del Pilar, Victorino, 212
Cruz, Constante, 241, 242
del Prado, Rizalino, 241,242
Cruz, Dr. Igmidio, 105
del Rosario, Jose, 285
Cruz, Fidel, 220
de la Cruz, Ciceron, 67
Cruz, Juan, 27
de la Cruz, Guillermo, 224
Cruz, Pelagio, 74, 75, 247, 339, 340
de ia Cruz, Inocencio, 44
Cuadra, Ramon, 326
de la Cruz, P., 76
Cudiamat, F., 76
de la Cruz, Pedro, 220
Cui, Gerardo, 282
de Ie Fuente, Edmundo, 26
Culis-Hermosa Line, 26
de la Fuente, Maxima, 89
Dacanay, Abelardo, 254, 255
de los Reyes, Jose, 65
Dagandan, Dionisio, 41, 269, 270, 272, 273
Death March, 27, 61, 73, 125, 135, 136, 139, 140, 143, 145, 279, 310, 313, 337
Dsmbana ng Kagitingan (Altar cif Heroism),82, 84
Delleva, D., 76
Dayot, Alfredo, 27
Depano, Beltizazar, 328
Daza, Cirilo, 149,201
Diancin, Ignacio, 326
DBC (Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor),4,320
Dinalupihan (Bataan), 43, 46,82, 138 Dingcong, Arturo, 283
De Borja, Arsenio, 329 Dinglas, Alejandro, 201 de Castro, Crispino, 243 Dino, Dr. B., 105 de Fiesta, Buenaventura, 220 Dioquino, Elias, 174,339,340,341
de Guzman, Bonifacio, 29, 39 Dizon, Lauro, 339 de Guzman, Jorge, 326 Dolorfino, Pacifl'co,,201, 202, 203,205 de Guzman, Paulino, 69 Oomaoal, Tomas, 220,340,341 de Jesus, Simeon, 173, 339, 340, 341 Duenas, Felix, 27 de Leon, E.L,207 Duisterhoff, Helmert, 53,56 de Leon, Jose, 4B Dulay, Edith, 326 de Leon, Manuel, 123 Dumlao, Amando, 339 de Leon, Rafael, 135
de Venecia, Lt., g9, 100
Dumlao, Maximo, 81, 243, 291, 313, 320
de Veyra, A., 340, 341
Dumrique, Simplicio, 239,242
356 Duque, \lenanclO, 279
fenig,'4IIende\\,41,l45,268 269 270 273,274 ' , ,
Duyan, Juan M., 55, 56, 94 Fisher, James, 293 Echivarre, L, 340, 341 Edjao, Eliseo, 220 Eisenhower, Dwight D., 327 Ello, Lauro, 286 Encallado, Nicolas, 250 Enrile, Francisco, 181, 182, 188 Enrile, Juan Ponce, 328 Enriquez, Basilio, 182
Fitzgibbons, Sgt. Karl,301 Florentin, Luis, 222 Flores,294,296 Fort Bonifacio, 334 Fort McKinley, 178, 254,256 Fort Mills (Corregidor), 50, 201 Fort Santiago (Manila), 115, 116, 204, 278, 28~ 28~ 286 287 288 - 289 329 ""
Enriquez, Dr., 102 Enriquez, Manuel, 278,281,285 Ergino, ValeriO, 234 Escalona, Mariano, 242
Fort Stotsenburg, 3B Fortuna, Jesus, 132 Francisco, Maj. Gen. Guillermo 149 159, 171, 178, 183, 231, 25i 252' 253, 284, 338 "
Escobar, Eduardo, 328 Escoda, Josefa Llanes, 164 Espanol, Victoria, 292 Espino, Romeo, 45,242,328 Espinosa, Agustin, 48 Espinosa; Diosdado, 241, 242
Francisco, Ireneo, 229 Friedlander, Alberto, 217,329 Fujii, Tsuyoshi, 81,82 Ga, Macario V., 328 Gaerlan, 5.J., Fr., 92 Gainza, Maximo, 29, 67, 86, 87
Espiritu, Aurelia, 234 Galang, Enrique, 65, 325 Espiritu, Conigundo, 157 Galang, Ricardo, 325 Estrada, Maximo, 313 Gala.uran, Dr. Fausto, 285 Estrada, Napoleon, 76 Gapan, N.E., 14,40,47,69 Estrera, Luis, 79 Garcia, Alejandro, 29, 162 Evangelista, Frank, 123 Garcia, Amadeo, 70, 106, 108 Falcinelli, J., 294, 296, 298 Garcia, Augusto, 242 Felix, Padro, 94, 96, 97, 98, 102, 136, 313
Garcia, Boy, 23, 24, 25, 28
Fenix, A., 341
Garcia, Cecilio, 331
Fernando, Basilio, 74
Garcia, Rafael, 151
Fernandez, Tomas, 183
Garcia, Rizalino, 180, 190,329
357 Garcia, Santos, 70
Hernaez, Sixto, 138, 179
Gatchalian, Rufino, 20
Hernandez, Bayani, 29
Gatmaitan, Carlos, 70
Hernandez, Felino, 196
Gavino, R., 340, 341
Hernandez, Lauro, 339
Gazmin, 5.,340,341
Hernandez, Magtangol, 196
Gomi, Toshiharu, 89
Hernandez, Victor, 166
Gonzales, Felix, 27
Hickman, Emery, 306
Gonzales. L, 76
Hidalgo, M., 340
Gonzalez, Felipe, 233
Hobayan, E., 76
Gorospe, Feliciano, 239
Homma, Lt. Gen. Masaharu, 16, 23, 45, 66, 68, lKJ, 82, 83, 129
Grecia, Expedito, 220 Howard, Samuel, 128 Guadamor, Leon, 220 Hungduan, 310, 312 Guagua (Pampanga), 43, 44, 45, 94 Ibai'lez, Roman, 174 Gubrian, J., 333 lbasan, Marcelo, 229 Guerrero, Jacobo T., 206 Igorots, 30, 45, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58 Guerrero, Leon Ma., 111, 115, 117, 119, 328
lIeto, Rafael,293
Guevara, Felix J., 207
Ince, Maj. Wallace, 111, 114
Guevara, Simplicio, 219,340,341
Infantado, Francisco, 211
Guimba (N.E.),293, 304
Isada, Sergio, 27, 128
GUitol,46, 47, 51, 85 Gulla, F., 76
Isidoro, Francisco, 70, 108, 111, 112, 114, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 129, 204, 328
Gunabe, Luciano, 57
Ito, Col. S., 159, 230,231
Gutierrez, Pedro, 239
Ito, Capt., 197,,198
Hagonoy (Bul'acanl. 102, 103, 143, 285
Jacinto, Luciano, 96, 98
Halili, Ponciano, 71, 73,80,83
Jalandoni, Rafael, 339
Hatalla, Artemio, 220
Janairo, Maximiano, 339, 340
Hatter, Michael, 292
Japan, 28
Hayashi, Lt. Col., 305
Janairo, Maximiano, 193
Helsman, Roger, 129
Jaramillo, Trinidad, 50
Henson, Antonio, 27,329
Jardelelza, Bernard ino, 207
Hermosa (Bataan),82
Javalera, Lamberto, 220, 341
358 Javier, Pedro, 26
Layac,43, 44, 46, 51, 138
Jimenez, Nicanor, 39, 42, 47, 135, 179, 294
Ledda, Daniel, 26, 57 Ledesma, Julio, 129
Jornadal, A., 76 Levesque, Major A., 257 Jose, Alfredo A., 209 Lewin, Ted, 216 Joson, Eduardo, 293, 295 Liboro, Agustin, 199 Joson, Restituto, 27 Jovellanos, Miguel, 183
Lim, Vicente, 46, 64, 67, 69, 83, 86, 100, 125, 149, 173, 178, 201, 339
Just iniano, Medardo, 241, 242
Limay (Bataan), 137, :짜l2
Kagaoan, Dr. Apolinario, 279,280
Lintag, Cesar L,260
Kasela, Ernesto,27
Littau a, Liberato B., 50, 51, 63, 69, 195, 248,249,250
Kawasaki, Yoshio, 89, :짜l6, 307, :짜l8, 309, 310,311, 312, 313
Lizardo, Claro B., 207, 331
Kawashima, Minore, 313
Llorente, Max. G., 258
Kayanan, Corsino, 329
Lobit, William, 305
Kempeitei,6, 41,285,286, 287,288
Lockhard, Joseph, 15
Kiangan (Ifugao), 41, 86, 281, 307, 308, 309, 311, 319, 320, 321, 325
Lopez, Salvador P., 111, 112, 113, 118, 119, 123, 129, 328
Kierulf, Vicente, 305
Lorenzana, L,339, 340, 341
Kihara, Consul, 290
Los Ballos (Laguna), 313, 316, 317
Kinley airfield, 204
Lotuaco, Galiciano, 159, 166, 329
Konish San, 185
Lubao (Pampanga), 138, :짜l2
Krueger, Walter, 293
Lucero, Aurelio, 339
Lachice, Manuel, 72, 73
Lugay, Arsenio, 157, 233
Laconico, Ramon, ,137, 141
Luna, Francisco, 77
Lamao, 302
Luna, V., 136
Lamen, Alfredo, 29, 56, 57, 70, 135, 328
Lures, Rafael, 321
Lamut (lfugao),267, 283,306,309
Mabalacat (Pampanga),325
Lansdale, Edward, 243
Mabatang (AbuceY),66, 69, 72, 73,83, 85
Lytton, Edward Bulwer, 36
Lapham, Robert, 293,295,330 Lapuz, Ismael,329 Laureta, Bienvenido, 80
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, 17, 30, 35, 40, 50, 51, 53, 61, 64, 66, 74, 75, 86, 105, 106, 107, 109, 117, 124, 129, 130, 141, 145, 173, 203,235,
359 246, 252, 263, 269, 273, 279, 281, 304, 307, 313, 324, 327, 332
274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281,282,306,322,329
Macasigan, Emilio, 37
Marcos, Imelda, 277
MacDonald, Col., 95
Mariveles, 38, 92, 96, 103, 124, '132, 136, 138, 139
MacEllen, C.W., 256 Marohomiar, Louis, 79, 80 Madriaga, Alfredo, 280 Martinez, Telesforo, 174, 339 Madriaga, Fred,267 Mascardo, Dominador, 79, 131, Angel, 79 Mata, Ernesto, 243, 286 Magluyan, Juan, 243 Mauricio, Nicanor, 196 Magpantay, Nicasio, 92 Maynes, Andres, 79 Magsaysay, Pres. Ramon, 328 Mayor, Arcadio, 29 Magsino, Florencio, 79 Maharlika Unit, 41, 144, 145,269,273
Mayor, FranciSCO, 329
Maituko San, 186
McCullough, Dick, 116
Majarocon, Vicente, 136, 322
McLish, Col., 273
Makino, Hideo, 323, 325, 326
Medina, Alejandro, 188
Malaybalay (Bukidnon), 119,327
Meily, Josa, 70
Malgapo, Isauro, 40, 47, 48
Mendoza, Conrado, 277
Malinta Tunnel; 106, 117, 119, 127,202
Mendoza, Godofredo, 180
Malolos, 104
Mendoza, Jesus, 137, 140
Manalastas, Maximo, 159, 188
Mercado, Hermenegildo, 129
Mangonon, Napoleon, 26,57,70
Miasaki San, 187
Manigbas, Amadeo, 241
Miller, E.B., 302, 303
Manila, 41, 1.15, 143, 204 288 290 303,305 '"
..Miller, Francis T., 30 Miranda, Paulino, 241
Manriquez, Romulo, 267, 278, 281~ 282, 283
MLR (Main Line of Resistance), 34 53 83, 84, 258, 332 ' ,
Manzano, N. L., 224, 227 Mondoi'ledo, Augusto, 27 Marai\a, Laureano, 242 Marasigan, Emilio, 67, 242 Marcos, Ferdinand E., 34, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49,50, 69, 70, 80, 81, 131, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 149, 166, 181, 221, \237, 238, 244, 265, 267, 268, 270,272,273,
Montemayor, Cesar, 112, 161,202,294, 296,298 Montemayor, Mamerto, 67,339 Montemayor, P., 244 Monzon, Godofredo, 339
360 Moran, Juan, 57,62,70,80, 176,260
Nielson Airport, 17, 19
Moriyama, Lt., 95,96
Nieto, Manuel, Sr., 105, 109 Noble, Arthur, 57, 63,
Morong (Bataan), 31, 36, 59, 69, 251, 258,:xJ0
Norada, Conrado, 332,334
Mostajo, Felicisimo, 55
Obana, M., 340, 341
Mt. Arayat, 224, 225, 239
Obendencio, Valentin, 47
Mt. Guiniat, 239
Obieta, Juan, 27
Mt. Natib, 46, 48, 66, 67, 69, BO, 82, 83,85,87
Oblenida, Tranquilino, 242 OOOza, Federico G., 172
Mt. Pinatubo, 146,219,221 Mt. Samat, 51, 63, 64, 82, 84, 85, 91, 100, 10 " 118, 125, 302, 322, 334
Ocampo, Leonilo, 143, 268, 270,271, 273,275 Ojeda, Dionisio, 65,67,340,341
Mt. Silanganan, 46, 69, 70 Olano, Manuel, 79 Mountain, 11th Division, 23,91,95 Oliver, A.C., 294 Mucci, Henry, 295 Oliveros, Deogracias, 238 Mudge, Verne, 304 Ong, G.M., 178 Muto, Kenji, 89, 313 Ongos, V., 76 Nacu, Lorenzo and Enrique, 44 Nagahama, Col., 285,286,287,288
Ongpauco, Bonifacio, 197, 231, 328
Nagtalon, Dante, 269
Ongpauco, Fidel L, 84, 123
Nakar, Guillermo, 278,281
Ongpauco, Godofredo, 234
Nara, Lt. Gen. Akira,39, 77, 82, 85, 95, 125,322
Ongpauco, IIdefonso, 131
184, 188,
Ongpauco, Engr. Jose, 159, 181, 199 Natividad, Arsenio, 35,36 Oppus, Paterno, 192,217,233 Natividad (Pangasinan), 41,42 Orani (Bataan),82, 83 Navarette, Dominador, 79 Orbase, Ben, 330, 332 Navarrete, Alberto, 112 Navario, Pedro B., 13
Orion (Bataan), 39, 40, 53, 70,91,92, 93, 94, 96, 143, 258
Nenita Unit, 238, 241,242
Oroquieta (Misamis Occidental), 270
Nicanor, Mariano, 190
Ortiz, Pacifico, Fr., 105, 328, 330
Nichols Field, 18, 19,255
Osmeila, Sergio, Sr., 105, 106, 109
Nicolas, Bernabe, 93
PA (Phil. Army), 35, 36, 50, 95, 113, 136, 294,296,327 1st Reg. Div., 55, 70, SO, 92, 94,258
Nicolas, Fernando, 93
361 11th Div. 23, :¥J, 38, 45, 46, 52, 53, 61, 70, 77, 80, 92, 94, 95, 137, 279 21st Div., 39, 45, 46, 48,50,53,68, 69,71,72,77,83, 143 31st DiV., 40,46,47,69,85 41st Div., 37, 46, 63, 66,67,69,80, 83,85, 100 51st Div., 46,55,67 71st Div., 46,53,92, 146, 147 91 st Div., 53, 57,92,94,95,96
Pellaflorida, Francisco, 221 Para Ita, Conrado, 46, 47 Peralta, Hermenegildo, 46 PerfeCto, Vero, 213, 244 Pershing, Gen. John, 35 Piccio, Salvador, 247 Pilar-Bagac Road, 39, 60,90,91, 100, 136, 139
PAAC (Phil. Army Air Corps), 74, 75, 76
Piscano, Antonio, 240
Pacat, Jose, · 125
PLOT (Phil. Long Distance TeL Co. ,30
Padua, Justo, 310
PMA (Phil. Military Academy), 25, 26, 27, 29, 57, 70, 78, 79, 94, 95, 128,
PAF (Phil. Air Force), 31, 74, 76
Pagsumbungan, Jesus, 125, 136, 188
Poe, Fernando, 328
Panajon, Casimiro, 226
Policarpio, Rufino, 215
Panique, Tarlac, 71
Porac (Pampanga), 44, 51, 72, 238, :¥J2
Panlilio, Dr. Em!illio, 138
Potenciano, Benedicto, 190
Panlilio, Manuel, 92, 93, 322
Prudente, Dante, 29
Pantingan River, 90,91,92,95,96,97, 102, 136,313, 337
Paredes, Zosimo, 55, 246, 279, 283, 328
PS (Philippine Scouts), 23, 44, 50, 71, 113, 128, 161, 178,246,254 26th Cavalry, 38, 44, 46, 53, 64, 258 45th Infantry, 46, 54, 57, 59, 68, 70, 80,92 57th Infantry, 26, 46,59,67,72,80, 83,255 88th Field Artillery, 26, 59,72
Pargas, Rafael, 70, 106, 108, 1f1
Parsons, Chick, 269
Punzalan, Felix, 199
Parungao, Jaime Zabat, 328
Quezon, Dolla Aurora, 107, 108, 239, 273
Papa, Ricardo, 94,95,96, 192,244,322 Paras, Jocelyn, 292
Patton, Gen. George S., 16 Payawal, Jose, 125, 136, 188
Quezon, Pres. Manuel, 35, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, ",, 117, 183, 203,327
PC (Philippine Constabulary), 296, 319 Quiaoit, Alberto, 149 1st Regiment, 80, 25~ 2nd Regiment, 15, 19, 57, 92, 252,260
Quiaoit, Andres, 265, 266
Pearl Harbor (Hawaii), 14, 15
Quilo, G., 76
Pei'la, Ambrosio, 23, 53
Quintan, Segundo, 239
Pei'la, Bautista, 220
Quintos, Antonio, 239,242
362 Quirino, Pres., 238
Rivera, Simplicio, 243
Quirolgico, V., 340,341
Rivera, T., 223
Rama, Mario, 145,268,270,275
Robancho, George, 117
Ramal, A., 175
Rodriguez, F., 76
Ramal, Alberto, 238, 339
Rodriguez, Jose P., 161
Ramos, Angel, 61, 138
Romero, N., 339
Ramos, Carlos, 221
Romulo, Carlos P., 88, 105, 109, 111, 117,120, 129, 130,203,327
Ramos, Ernesto,27 Roosevelt, Pres. Theodore, 17, 35, 263 Ramos, Fidei, 41 Rosales, Benjamin, 289" Ramos, Luis, 339, 340, 341 Ramos, Montano, 188
Ross, Tom, 305 ROTC, 29, 31, 67, 135, 143
Ramos, Narciso, 41 Roxas, Manuel A., 119, 141,327 Ramos, Pedro, 27 Roxas, Visitacion, 238, 241 Ramos, Rafael, 339, 340, 341 Raval, Vicente, 268,269, 273
Rufino, Ernesto, 67, 179, 184, 199, 244,328
Razon, Jose, 123
Ruiz, Elias, 224, 227
Ricaido, Jose, 242
Ruperto, Angel, 239
Regalado, Nelson, 233
Sabarre, Antonio, 129
Relosa, J., 340
Sagun, Washington, 230
Resurrection, Manuel, 279
Salazar, B. R., 174
Reyes, Amando M., 6,7,74,75,76
Sales, Primitivo, 61, 166, 223
Reyas, Eduardo, 94
Salas, Savero, 233
Reyes, J., 76
Salgado, Valentin, 64
Reyes, Jose, 291
Salian River, 69
Reyes, Norman, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 329
Salindong, Jose, 48
Reyes, Recaredo, 182
San Agustin, Primitivo, 143, 268, 273, 275,329
Reyes, Salvador F., 220, 339,340 Rialp, Oscar, 63, 250,251
San Fernando (Pampanga), 43, 136, 138, 139, 142, 144, 147,302
Ricarte, Artemio, 310
San Jose (Antique), 109
Rigor, Conrado B., 179
San Jose (Mindoro), 20
Rio, Eliseo,27
San Padro, Andres Martin, 79
363 San Sebastian (Pangasinan), 82
Soriano, Philip, 330
Saniel, Gaudencio, 27
Steiner, George R., 291
Santiago, Severo, 159, 179, 190,328
Stevens, Luther, 292, 293
Santiano, Dominador, 56, 319,339
Suarez, Alejandro, 328
145, 290,
Sumulong, Pedro, 79 Santos, Alfredo M.. 4, 27, 55, 57,96, 222, 328, 337
Tabije, Dematrio, 57, 70
Santos, Ernesto, 67
Tablante, Vicente, 92
Santos, Hilario, 81, 84, 85,318
Taib, Abdul, 328
Santos, Jose Abed, 105, 106, 109
Takechi, Susumi, 69
Santos, Pelagio, 300
Talag, Mariano, 27
Santos, Paulino, 310
Tan, Leoncio, 57, 77, 79, 260
Sarenas, Ernesto, 65, 182,216
Tanabe, Felizardo, 70, 164,284,285, 286,287,289,324
Sauer, Kenneth, 120
Tanabe, Guillermo, 29,70,284 Say, Jesus, 326 Tando, Jose, 80 Sayre, Francis B., 106 Tanseco, Generoso, 328 Seysayin town, 54 Tanwangco, Mariano, 339,340,341 Schueth, Raymond, 294, .295, 296 Taruc, Luis S., 241 Sefulan, Antonio, 328 Tenajeros, Malabon, 287 Segundo, Fidel V., 26, 70, 178, 339, 340,341
Selga, F lorencio, 57, 175, 220, 244, 339,
Tejero, J., 76 Telmo, Alberto, 82,84,89,318
Tenazas, Deogracias, 57, 70, 219, 260, 340,341
Sevilla, Pacifico C., 6, 136, 149, 172, 176, 178, 184, 188, 196, 197, 215, 287,338
¡Ternate (Cavite), 128
Sibeyan, Jose, 124,222
Teves, Vicente, 27
Siquijor 1.,276
Tiaong (Tayabas or Quezon), 18; 36, 251,258
Sison, Mrs. Felisa, 292 Soliman, Bonifacio, 76
Tiawir River, 39, 51, 64, 77,82,84,86, 322
Soliman, Marcos; 293, 294, 296
Tinio, Fernando, 164, 166
Solivan, Benito, 180,219,221,328
Tinio, Jose M., 143
Sonoh, Takaichi, 39, 51, 80, 81, 85, 313,318,32(1, 321,322
Tintingan, Sgt., 58 Torralba, Margarito S., 130, 131, 180,
Soriano, Andres, Sr., 105, 109, 328
364 Valeriano, Napoleon D., 65, 237, 238, 239,240,241,242,243,305
Torres, Teodoro, 67 Torres, Vicente L.,222
Valeriano, Senador, 239 Townsend, Glenn, 45, 56 Vargas, Eduardo, 100, 102 Trent, Charles, 306 Vargas, Jesus, 247, 250 Trepp, Dr. Andreas, 105, 108, 109 Vargas, Jorge, 131 Truman, Pres. Harry S., 257 Varias, Antonio, 330 Tsunoyoshi, Capt. 199, 204, 253
Hidero, 148, 159, Velasquez, Jaime, 109
Tuazon, Angel, 179
Venida, Danny, 326
Tuazon, .Hospicio, 216
Ventura, Inigo, 41
Tubigon(Bohol),41, 145, 269
Ventura, Isidro, 42
Tuguegarao (Cagayan), 14
Venudas, Celerino, 190
Tuol River, 54
Ver, Remberto, 221
Turaray, Enrique, 216
Vergara, Nieves, 292
UP (Univ. of the Philippines), 143
Veroya, Victorio, 70
Urdaneta (Pangasinan), 23, 24, 29, 51
Vicente, Victor, 70
Urquino, Don Pepe, 157
Victorino, Leodegario,220
U.SA,28, 36, 76
Vidamo, Aida, 274,275,277 Villa, Salvador, 179
USAFFE, 16, 23,26,27,32,34,40,43, 44, 50, 51, 52, 53, 63, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 82, 83, 91, 92, 93, 103,113, 114, 124, 125, 129, 141, 144,252,261,291,304,328
Villacarlos, Celedonio, 201 Villafuerte, Jaime, 192 Villaluz, F.B., 162, 163
USAFIP NL, 41, 267, 278, 281, 285 Villamor, Jesus, 74, 128,243,328 U.S. Army, 31st Infantry, 26, 38,59,68 194th Tank Battalion, 70 4th Marines, 113, 128
Villase, Esteban, 79 Villasis, Braulio, 79
UST (Univ. of Sto. Tomas), 29, 143, 304
Viray, Pablo, 80
Valdes, Basilio, 26, 105, 106, 108, 109, 294, 296,329
Viray, Fernando G., 103
Valdez, Simeon, 57, 70, 166,221 Valeriano, Mrs. Amanda S., 238, 239
Volckmann, Russell W., 57, 278, 281, 285
Valeriano, Mrs. Emma, 238
Wainwright, Gen. Jonathan, 16, 27, 46, 47, 60, 92, 109, 110, 113, 114, 119, 123, 124, 128, 129,278,291
Valeriano, Benito, 239, 241
Washington Post, 237
365 Weinbrenner, Carlos, 79 Welborn, Winnie, 329 Westphel .. Frank, 235 Willoughby, Charles, 130 Wright, B.C., 306 Yamaguchi, Col., 94 Yamashita, Gen. Tomayuki, 81, 86, 310, 31~ 31~ 31~ 314,315,315 317 Yan, Manuel, 94, 100, 183, 247, 322 Yngente, Lt., 192 Zegaloa, Rafael, 330 Zamboanga, 274 Zerrudo, Emilio, 27, 57
Benito Medina
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT By a stroke of fate, Benito Medina and I met after 57 years on January 24, 1982 at a wake for another classmate, Dr. Aurelio del Rosario. Benito and I were classmates and artists of our class, Class 1925 of the Nueva Ecija High School. During the hour of my need for a reliable excellent artist, he came like God-sent as a "balikbayan" from Ohio to stay for a few months in the Philippines. I requested him to darken and improve with India ink many of my fading 4O-year old pencil sketches which I drew in 1942 as the historian of the Capas Concentration Camp. Benito readily helped me. The improved sketches now form part of the illustrations for this book, "They Refused to Die'~ Benito is well-known for his illustration of "The Music Time" book for the Primary Grades. He is an oil painting portrait 'artist. The Author
Author when an instructor in the Philippine Military Academy in Baguio City from 1956 to 1958.
Author today.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Lt. Col. Fidel L. Ongpauco, AFP (Ret,), is today a happier man because he has fulfilled a long-cherished dream of sharing with the youth of today, in permanent book form, tne many stories about his comrades-in-arms, the young heroes of World War II. He retired on March 1, 1962, after 33 years of government service, of which he spent the first 13 years as a teacher in the Tarlac High School and Rizal High School befor.e the war, and 20 years in the Armed Forces of the Philippines. He graduated from the National University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education in 1931. He fought in the Battle of Tiaong, Tayabas (Quezon Province) in December 1941, and in the Battle of Morong (Bataan) in January 1942. He was then a 1st Lieutenant in "c" Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment (Philippine Constabulary). He was named historian of the 11th Division by his Chief of Staff, Col. Juan Moran. He later recorded in script and sketches the life in the Capas Concentration Camp in Tar/ac. Before his retirement, Col. Ongpauco served as adjutant general of the First Military Area. He previously taught at the Philippine Military Academy in Baguio City. It is therefore no wonder that he has expressed great faith in the youth of today when compared to those of 1942. "They are," he Says,
"the same red-blooded narra tree that never changes except to grow in greater COURAGE, INTEGRITY and LOYALTY." Editor.
R I T J\
r. f: They refused to die : true stories about WOI1d War II heroes
LIB R J\ R Y in the Philippines, 1941-19451 Fidel L. Ongpauco ; illustrated
with sketches by the author