They served with honor : Filipino war heroes of World War II

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/~ THEY SERVED WITH I-IONOR Filipino Wal' Heroes of World War II

CopYTight, 1965


Col. Uldarico S. Baclagon

DM Press, Inc. Quezon City

Printed April 1968

FOREWORD This book would not have been written if a similar one on the Filipino fighting men of World War II had been published before. Several books about the war against Japan have appeared. Some mention, in a general sense or in a few particular instances, the part played by the Filipino soldiers in the defense campaign and in the resistance movement. However, most of those books seek to glorify an individual, maybe an American or a Filipino, while all the rest of the participating troops are relegated to the role of a supporting cast with only passing comments on the contribution that some of our gallant soldiers made to the war effort. This book tells of .the deeds and exploits of the Filipino officers and enlisted men who distinguished themselves in the battles that were fought in the last war against the Japanese forces. It is not intended to make any single Filipino the lone hero of the war. The principal motivation in the production of this book is to present in a comprehensive form the deeds of valor, gallantry, and highly meritorious services of the soldiers which won offi¡ cial recognition by the Philippine government. To make the presentation of the citations readable and interesting, I have endeavored to quote them within the context of a general narration of the military campaigns that took place from the outbreak of the war up to the liberation of the Philippines. In so doing, I hope to be able to project the distinct distribution that each iii

individual act made to the war effort and to the Allied victory. As in the case of all war books, this account of individual acts of bravery and patriotism will inevitably be criticized by some who may think that there are omissions or errors in facts and figures. In my earnest desire to be as factual as possible, I depended very much on the records available in the files of General Headquarters, Armed Forces of the Philippines. If there should be any conspicuous act of heroism omitted in this book, the reason could be that such act is not mentioned anywhere in the AFP records. An attempt to cite them on the basis of nonofficial information would be hearsay. Likewise, if any error should be noted in the account, it could be that the same error exists in the official records of the AFP, which are the main source of the facts cited in this book. I would strongly urge that such errors or omissions be brought to my attention so that steps can be taken to complete or rectify the AFP records. In presenting this book on Filipino war heroes of Worl4 Wl:l,r II to the reading public, it is my fervent hope that I am contributing to our heritage of Filipino courage and heroism. It is also my hope that in some way this humble work will serve as a testimonial of the decisive Tole played by the Filipino fighting men in the defense and liberation of their country in the last war. -ULDARICO



INTRODUCTION Colonel Uldarico S. Baclagon has come to assume a position in our culture as a recorder or historian of the armed struggle of the Filipino nation for the recognition of its sovereign rights and dignity. He has dramatically presented the historical continuity of the struggle in Philippine Campaigns, a book which has been acknowledged by scholars for its forthrightness, objectivity, and its comprehensive viewpoint. In a more recent book, The Philippine Resistance Movement Against Japan (Manila, 1966), he has given us a chronicle of the hard times and the conviction and Filipino honor that had gone to dignify what we now consider the underground during the Occupation years. The book is not only a military account; it is an insight . ful investigation, too, into the principles involved in the underground action. For that matter, Colonel Baclagon has succeeded in giving us, in this volume, a fair presentation of the participation of the Hukbalahap in the resistance movement. ¡ They Served With Honor continues Colonel Baclagon's interest in presenting those whom Rizal called as having served in the night of our ancestors. The present volume is notable not only for its humane presentation of individuals and situations, but also for its restraint. Most books on heroes tend to become panegyric. Compassion becomes an excuse for sentimental indulgence of emotions or of the sensation. Colonel Baclagon does not commit this error. He is free from exaggerations and from the merely sensational. His viewpoint is that of a scholar, his tone that of the true seeker of truth who is also able to appreciate the reality and cogency of action. ~






ACKNOWLEDGMENT The project of producing a book that will enhance the 2"lory of our Filinino solrliers would not materialize without the inspiration. incentives. and assistance given by persons who share the feeling of need for such a material in our military literature. First tn imnhmt. in mv minrl t.hp. t.hought of writin1r a book on Filipino war heroes was President Ferdinand E. Marcos who. when he was President of the Senate, expressed his desire to see a book that would project the contributions of the Filipino fighting men to the Allied efforts in World War II. During the period when I was researching on the materials for this book. Senate President Pro-Tempore Jose J. Roy encouraged me with the idea that the book would be an excellent reading material for school children. When the initial printed proofs were shown to General Carlos P. Romulo, he unhesitatingly agreed to honor the book with an Introduction. To the three distinguished Filipino officials. I owe then the inestimable motivation and enthusiasm to work on this book. To up-grade the Quality of the format and style of this book, I sought the much-needed assistance of top-notch literary craftsmen. While in manuscript form. Professor Leopoldo Y. Yabes of the University of the Philippines took time to "blue-pencil" the material. The format was improved upon by Professor Francisco G. Tonogbanua of Far Eastern University, who edited the first page proofs. I am proud that, as it is. the book carries the imprint of the inval\}able contributions made ~o its. preparation by the two emment professors of Enghsh hterature. Much efforts were exerted in researching and proofreading the materials from its manuscript to its printed form. I want to acknowledge the great help given by Mrs. Catalina B. Concepcion in gathering the source materials used in writing the text. I also want to make known my gratitude for the services rende!-,ed b~ Mr. yenancio S. Baclagon and Miss Normal L. JaPI~ana III pohs~­ ing the proofs of typographical errors. WIthout the a~d of these individuals, the book would not have come out III the form it is in now. . Finally, I wish to thank everybody, particularly my former comrades-in-arms, who, in some yvay or ~nother. gave some encouragement in the production of thIS book. THE AUTHOR














Chapter V II.

Delaying Actions ....................... Air Battles ..... . ........ . ........ ..... Withdrawal from Northern Luzon . . . . . . . . Withdrawal from Southern Luzon ........ Actions on the Guagua-Porac Line ...... Battle of Layac Junction ............... Preparing Bataan for Defense .......... First Battles of Bataan ... . .. .... ... .. . Defense of the Abucay Line ............. Actions on the Mauban Line .. .. . ..... .. Battles for the Points, Trails, and Pockets Battle for the Points ..... .......... .. .. Battle for the Trails .. ... . . ............ Battle of the Pockets .................. Actions During the Lull Period . .. . ... .. Snipers 'o f the 41st Division ............. Ordnance Men in Action .... . .. . ... ... .. Patrol Actions and Skirmishes ........ .. Offshore Patrol in Action ............ ... Last Battle of Bataan .............. . . . . Actions Around Mt. Samat ............. PC Men in Action ....... . ........ ... . .. Other Actions . ............. ......... .. Defense of Corregidor .... ......... ..... Emergency at Battery James ........... . Actions at Fort Mills and Fort Frank . . . . . Invasion of Visayas and Mindanao ....... Early Actions ........... . ....... ..... .. Battles in Cotabato ........ . . . . . . . . . . . .. Actions Around Lake Lanao .. .. .. ... .... Battle for Sayre Highway .. .... ... ...... Defense of Panay ............. . . ...... .


1 1 4.

11 15 18 23 27 27 44 51 51 59 66 82 82 85 86 91 96 96 107 115 119 119 123 125 125 131 137 140 143

Part Two -


Chapter VIII.







Chapte1' VII.

Part Three -



Appendix II. Appendix III.

Guerrilleros of Northern Luzon ......... 148 Early Guerrilla Activities ............... 148 Resistance Movement in the Ilocos Area .. 152 Actions in Mountain Province .......... 161 Heroes of Kiangan .................... ] 6f) Battle of Cervantes - Bessang Pass . . . . .. 170 Guerrilla Actions in Pangasinan .... . .... 180 Other Actions in Northern Luzon ........ 181 Central Luzon Guerrillas ................ 188 Men of the Underground in Manila . . . . . .. 188 Guerrilleros in the Central Plains ....... .. 202 Battle of Ipo Dam ................... . .. 209 The Hunters ........................... 211 Resistance Movement in Southern Luzon .. 219 Guerrillas in Quezon Province .......... . 219 Guerrilleros of Laguna ................. 223 Operations in Bicol Area ............... 228 Visayan Guerrillas ..... ..... .. ......... '231 Guerrillas Actions in Panay ............ 231 Fighting Guerrilleros cif N egros ......... 241 The Cebu Guerrillas ................... 264 Guerrilla Heroes of Leyte-Samar ........ 268 Mindanao-Sulu Guerrilla Forces ........ 278 Formation of the 10th Military District .' 278 Guerrilla Actions in Bukidnon-Cotabato .. 279 Fighting Maranaos ............. . . ...... 282 Other Guerrila Activities in Mindanao .... 285 Guerrilla Movement in Sulu ............ 286 Guerrilleras of Mindanao ................ 288 APPENDICES Roll of Honor Defense of the Philippi.nes ............. . Resistance Movement ........... ...... . Outstanding Pilipino Awardees ......... . USAFFE Awardees by Units ...... ..... . Guerrilla Awardees by Regions ......... .


294 294 299 305 306 306


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