Crisis in the Pacific : the battles for the Philippine Islands by the men who fought them

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The Battles for the Philippine Islands by the Men Who Fought Them

Gerald Astor





Donald I. Fine Books Published by the Penguin Group Penguin Books USA Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Penguin Books Ltd, 27 Wrights Lane, London W8 5TZ, England Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Victoria, Australia Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 3B2 Penguin Books (N.Z.) Ltd, 182-190 Wairau Road, Auckland 10, New Zealand Penguin Books Ltd, Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England Published in 1996 by Donald I. Fine Books, an imprint of Penguin Books USA Inc. 1










Copyright Š 1996 by Gerald Astor All rights reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Astor, Gerald Crisis in the Pacific : the battles for the Philippine Islands by the men who fought them-an oral history / Gerald Astor. p. cm. "Donald I. Fine books." Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-55611 -484-2 1. World War, 1939-1945-Campaigns-Philippines. 2'. World War, 1939-1945Philippines. 3. World War, 1939-1945-Pacific Area. 4. World War, 1939- 1945Personal narratives, American. 5. Oral history. I. Title. D767.4 .A845 1996 940.54'25-dc20 95 -50032 CIP This book is printed on acid-free paper.


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FIRST AND FOREMOST I thank the many people listed under Roll Call for their generosity in sharing with me their memories and their private papers and for their patience in answering my questions. I am also indebted to a number of institutions that are repositories for documents and publications that were vital in my research. In this connection, I am grateful to Dr. Richard J. Sommers and the U.S. Military History Institute, Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania; Maj. Connie Moore and the U.S. Army Center for Military History, Washington, D.C.; the U.S. Naval Historical Center, Washington, D.C.; Paul Stillwell and the U.S. Naval Institute at Annapolis, Maryland; Alan Aimone and the U.S. Military Academy Library at West Point; Dr. Walton S. Moody, historian of the U.S. Air Force; Dr. Benis M. Frank and the U.S. Marine Corps Historical Center, Washington, D. C. Other individuals who contributed to this book include: Mark Hunter of the 44th Tank Battalion Association; Col. John Olson (USA Ret.) who not only provided a wealth of information in his books but also provided leads for additional sources; Dr. Bob Muehrcke, who was not in the Philippines but knew some from his Americal Division who were; Ed Hudson with the USS Cabot Association; Capt. Charles Smith (USN Ret.), Executive Director of the American Society of Naval Engineers; Frank Schultz, Secretary of the 32nd Division Veterans Association; Dr. Hargis Westerfield, an authority on military history; Sinclair Browning, who was kind enough to share with me factual research on the period that is the basis of her novel America)s Best; and Russ Catardi for furnishing leads.





First Strikes






Opening Rounds



The Hammer Falls



The Japanese Invade






The Siege of Bataan Begins



The Rock



Bataan Begins to Crumple



The Second Line



Bataan Falls



The Death March



Corregidor Falls



Prisoners of War



First Steps to Return



On the Brink

205 IX




Red Beach



White, Orange, Blue, Violet and Yellow



The Battle of Leyte Gulf



The Kamikazes



Leyte Secured



S-Day, The Lingayen Gulf Invasion



The Manila Plain



The Battle for Manila



Beyond Manila



The Other Islands and the End



Mopping Up


Roll Call







of the fiftieth anniversary of the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, the outpouring of books on the subject occasioned an essay by Samuel Hynes, a Navy pilot during World War II and a professor of English at Princeton. He had written his own memoir, and he remarked that personal narratives of war generally "aren't about emotions: they have to do with physical particulars, equipment, terrain and weather, sights, sounds and smells, the punishment the body takes from wounds, illness, hunger, heat, cold." Hynes indicated that if the authors intended to provide a feeling of how it was, then they would seem to have failed. Having immersed myself in such individual accounts-this is my fifth book that tells of WW II through the words and memories of those who participated-I can vouch for the accuracy of Hynes's reading but not necessarily his conclusion. The details, the sights, sounds, smells, the physical sensations described by those involved do have a capacity to evoke in a reader at least a semblance of the feeling of how it must have been, a shudder of horror, a flush of exaltation, a mournful shiver. In some instances, the author does speak of emotions. But in my experience, words that focus on feelings create no more of an emotional response than descriptions of what happened. Frequently, the effort to recall sensations becomes an intellectual exercise, like attempts to capture in language the feelings generated by a piece of music or a painting. The most common literary weakness of individual memoirs lies in an inability to separate out the details that have only a personal significance from matters that resonate with readers. This is the nature of the beast, war. An individual soldier, even a MacArthur, however heroic or brilliant, doesn't determine the course of modern war any more than a single person builds a cathedral. War is a group enterprise. The campaigns in the Philippines consisted of millions of acts by hundreds of thousands of people. A solitary human was submerged in the multitudes and buried under the





weight of machines and technology. The man with the gun, even an artillery piece, was but a tiny spark in a long night rent by thunderous lightning. Although desperately concerned with preservation of the small self, a combatant's potential to build his story to a peak is destroyed by the absence of a crowning event. And for even the massive armies there was no last battle. The climax ofWW II lay in the explosions of the A-bombs, but for the troops, the fighting just petered out. There was no decisive battle marked by some heroic act and that is certainly true of both the defense and liberation of the Philippines. That being said, within the protracted struggle some did perform with extraordinary valor and only the monstrously oversized convulsions of the war renders their deeds puny in terms of the final outcome. To those on the scene these people still stand as giants, although as people of character, as someone to live next door to, they may fall well short of the desirable. As is always the case, amid the horror and obscenity of war, glory occasionally flames bright, albeit at an exorbitant price. And to those of us not present, all who, however terrified, stood firm in the face of the onslaught of death and destruction deserve the label of hero. Was there something different about the crisis in the Pacific? To cite WW II campaigns with which I am familiar, the Battle of the Bulge in the European Ardennes was a six-week-Iong period in which command and control broke down and men survived in small groups and on their own initiative. D-Day, on the drafting boards for two years, the largest and most carefully scripted operation in its time, saw the best laid plans go astray. Okinawa was a cautionary tale, the price paid when a defeated army refuses to quit. The Philippines, from the fall to the liberation, spreads the impact of war over a large canvas, one that involves civilians and in which political forces and egos played significant roles. As with my other books on WW II, I ask questibns about schooling, the respondents' attitudes about world affairs, their evaluation of the people around them. Those who served in World War II went through the Great Depression. They were raised in a period when racial segregation was the law and discrimination the custom of the land. They were the children of the first half of the twentieth century with its prejudices and values. I do not pretend to offer a linear, encyclopedic history but a mosaic within the context of the times. Like all eyewitness accounts, what was seen or heard may differ. Memory lapses or ego may distort who did what unto whom. I am fully aware that some units, some people who were close to the center of what happened are not covered. Some perspectives, some events may seem repetitious but generalizations from a single experience or anecdote are risky. Issues like the handling of prisoners or the death and destruction wrought by modern weapons demand the weight of more than an individual perception.



Personal accounts can be self-serving or may take credit for the work of others, but this is not an effort to provide a record. Instead, the anecdotes, the memories of the physical details and, occasionally, even the feelings recollected offer senses of from where people came, a waft of what they brought to the scene and most of all their own perspectives on what happened. In lieu of psychological debriefings, this may best serve to inform what it was like.


Abico, Lt., 362, 386 Abucay Hacienda, 56 Abttkuma (cruiser), 293 Acheson, Roland, 184 Adair, Charles, 2, 66, 452 A-Day, 227, 283 Mrican-Americans, 337, 432 Agno River, 61, 73 Aguinaldo, Emilio, 15 Agustin, Marcus, 425 Ah Cheu, 128 Air Corps. See Army Air Corps Air Force (Germany) . See Luftwaffe Air Force (Great Britain). See Royal Air Force Air Group 29, 290 Air Group 60, 306 Air National Guard (United States), 25 Aitape, New Guinea, 197, 319 Alagan River, 138 Alamo Scouts, 381,422 Albemarle (ship), 323 Aleutian Islands, 211 Alexander, Irvin,S, 47, 60, 132,452 and Allied defense of Bataan, 87, 109-11, 112-13, 115, 123-24 and Allied surrender of Bataan, 140-43 as prisoner of war, 214, 215, 220-21, 35052 Allen M. Sumner (destroyer), 326 Americal Division, 186, 195, 196,270,343, 437 American Caesar (Manchester), 17-18, 13031,237 American Expeditionary Force, 212 Anders, Capt., 74

Anderson, Bill, Jr., 256, 288, 289-90, 323, 326,441 Anderson, Rayford, 396 Andersonville, Georgia, 172 Anti-Semitism, 201, 337 Aparri, Luzon, 6, 39, 57-58 Aregeau, Henry, 368 Arisan Maru (freighter), 348-50 Army, Filipino. See Philippine Army Army, German, 29 Army, Japanese. See Imperial Army Army, U.S. See specific divisions and regiments Army Air Corps, 25, 33, 34, 35-36, 109, 244, 347 (see also 3rd Pursuit Squadron) Army Medical Corps, 202 Army-Navy Game, 25, 30 Arnold, Henry, 41, 48 Asaguma (destroyer), 295 Asiatic Fleet, 2, 24, 53 Atago class cruisers, 285 Attu Island, 211-12 Ausmus, Delbert, 218 Austin, Paw, 197, 199,207-8,227-28,23031,237,239-41,253,273,279,31617,390-91,393-94,441,452 Australia, 130, 182-84, 194, 198-99 Australian troops, 192-93, 196 A . W. Grant (destroyer), 294-95 B-I0 aircrafr, 36 B-17 Flying Fortresses, 36,40-41, 130 B-18 aircrafr, 36 Babuyan Islands, 57 Bagac, Luzon, 149 Baguio, Luzon, 6, 15,47,417,419




Balanga, Luzon, 64, 150, 156 Ballantine, John, 289, 323 Ballard, Arthur W., 368 Banker, Curtis James, 360-61,417-18,452 Banzai suicide charge, 80, 81, 187,211,247, 275,277,313,334,342,343,372,405, 420,447 Barber, Edgar, 281 BARs (automatic weapon), 207 Bartling, Earl, 408 Bataan, Luzon, 64-65, 251, 252 Allied defense of, 78-90, 100-109, 11222, 136-39 Allied retreat to, 67-76 Allied surrender and retreat from, 139-57, 171, 252, 272 Batchelor Field, Australia, 130 Batson, "Shorty," 6, 146 Battle fatigue, 203-4 Battle of Britain, 36 Battle of Manila Bay (1898), 15 Bauer, Capt., 5 Bazelaire, de, General, 16 Bean, Joe, 59-60 Bederski, Farmer, 190 Beebe, William, 165, 445 BEF. See Bonus Expeditionary Force Beightler, Robert, 395 Bell, Don, 47, 178 Belleau Wood (aircraft carrier), 311 Benitez, R. C., 285-87, 452 Benjamin, Arnold, 137 Benning. See Fort Benning, Georgia Bennion (destroyer), 292, 293-95 Berlinger, George, 261, 326-27, 328, 32930,441,452 Bernheim, Eli, Jr., 336-37, 399, 452 Berry, Kearie, 102, 104-5 Berryhill, Carlie, 374-75,418,452-53 Biak Island, 205, 207-9 Bianchi, Willibald C., 121, 166-67 Biggs, Lt. Col., 220 Bilibid Prison, 171, 177, 390, 395-96,408 Birmingham (cruiser), 288 Bismark Archipelago, 182 Blanding. See Camp Blanding, Florida Blue Beach, Leyte, 243, 244, 246 Bluemel, Clifford, 5,22, 28-31, 63-65, 133, 453 and Allied defense of Bataan, 85-86, 8788, 117-19, 138-39 and Allied retreat from Manila, 75 and Allied surrender of Bataan, 143

as prisoner of war, 150-52,215,444-45 Bonus Expeditionary Force (BEF), 17-18 Borneo, 49, 183 Borowy, Mike, 424-25 Borrego, Trinidad, 192 Bottomside (Corregidor), 91, 92, 403 Bottone, Syl, 190 Bougainville, 195-96 Bowfin (submarine), 223 Bowie . See Camp Bowie, Texas Braden, Marjorie, 268 Brantly, Hattie, 135 Braswell, William "Woody," 262, 346, 34748,453 Breitung, Lt. Col., 220 Brent School, Luzon, 12-13, 68 Brereton, Lewis, 1,4, 39-40,48, 62-63 Bridget, Francis J., 108-9, 112-13 Brokaw, Frank, 56 Brooks, Betty, 268 Brooks, George, 243-44, 245-46, 247, 276, 277-78,453 Brooks, William, 308 Brougher, Colonel, 28 Brougher, William E., 133 Brown, Frank, 277-78 Brownwood, Texas, 197 Bruaw, Michael H., 78 Bruce, Andrew, 336 Brunstetter, Gene, 356 Bryant, James, 321,421 Buddhism, 15 Bulkeley, John D., 3, 32, 51-52, 249, 450, 453 and Allied defense of Bataan, 106, 107 departure from Corregidor, 128, 129-30 Bull (destroyer), 301-2 Buna, New Guinea, 184-85 Bunker, Landon, 216 Bunker, Paul D., 22, 129, 132, 162,216-18, 453 and Allied defense of Bataan, 112-13, 122, 137 and Allied defense of Corregidor, 95-96, 99, 158 Bureau of Ordnance, 66 Burgess, Henry, 407 Buri, 333-34 Bushido (Japanese warrior code), 146,447, 448 Butler, Walter, 299, 309 Caballo (Fort Hughes), 92

INDEX Cabanatuan. See Camp Cabanatuan, Luzon Cabcaben, Luzon, 92, 152 Cabot (aircraft carrier), 256, 288-89, 290, 323-26,441 Cagayan, Mindanao, 130 Caibobo Point, Luzon, 106, 107 California (battleship), 359 Cameron, Capt., 393 Campbell, Arthur, 58-59, 77, 146-47 Camp Blanding, Florida, 188 Camp Bowie, Texas, 197 Camp Cabanatuan, Luzon, 171, 176,213-15, 219-21,350 '\ Camp Caves, Australia, 198 Camp Croft, South Carolina, 185 Camp Holmes, Luzon, 180 Camp John Hay, Luzon, 39, 179 Camp Los Banos, Luzon, 179, 362-63,4067 Camp O'Donnell, Luzon, 157, 171-72,446 Camp Santo Tomas, Luzon, 177-81, 362, 384-87,407 Camp Savage, Minnesota, 357 Camp Shelby, Mississippi, 186 Camp Upton, New York, 201 Camp Walters, Texas, 231, 319 Canacao Hospital, 52 Canberra (cruiser), 226 Cannibalism, 211, 357 Canopus (submarine tender), 51, 70, 134, 138 Capas, Luzon, 156-57 Capisan. See Mount Capisan Carabao (Fort Frank), 92 Card, Charles, 237, 259, 318-19,453 Carigara, Leyte, 318 Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania, 202 Caroline Islands, 182 Casey, Hugh J., 22 Catardi, Russ, 331, 345,441,453 Catholicism. See Roman Catholicism Cattamelata, Russell, 408 Caves. See Camp Caves, Australia Cavite naval station, 49-52, 249 Ceballo. See Cabcaben, Luzon Cebu Island, 270, 429, 437, 449 Center Force (Japan), 291-92, 297-98, 310 Champlin, Malcolm, 120 Chancller, Barron, 107 Chaplin, Ernest, 377-78, 411, 453 Chapman, Mary, 71 Chennault, Claire, 96 Childers, Don, 84


Childs, J. H., 414 Chokai (cruiser), 298 Christianity, 15,28, 178, 200, 330 Churchill, Winston, 125-26 Ciecioka, Sgt., 373 Civilian Conservation Corps, 188, 355 Clagett, Henry, 33 Clagget, Bladen, 284, 286 Clark, Bob, 54 Clark, Rolland 1., 163 Clarke, George, 4, 56, 82-83, 114 and Allied defense of Bataan, 80-81, 85 and evacuation of Fort Stotsenburg, 74-75 Clark Field, 33, 59, 378 Japanese aerial bombing of, 6-7, 43--48 Pearl Harbor attack, 4, 41--42 Clement, William T., 2,3 Clifford, Jock, 318-19 Coast Artillery, U.S ., 112 Coe, Capt., 80 Cohen, Dick, 343,441,453-54 Cole, Joe, 42, 44--45 Coleman, Arthur, 340, 353-54, 361, 399400,406,407,454 Coleman, Harper, 340 Coleman, Kenneth, 340--41,454 Coleman, 1. A., 38-39 Colorado (battleship), 263 Communications, 43, 61-62 Communism, 17 Compton, John, 83, 84 Congressional Medal of Honor, 82, 121, 131, 166,241,399,447 Connally, Pvt., 220 Consolini, Gildo, 190 Coolie, Lt., 421 Cooper (destroyer), 261, 326-28, 329,441 Cooper, Wibb, 169 Corregidor, 11, 70, 112, 122, 252, 253 Allied defense of, 91-99, 158-62 Allied departures from, 128-33, 160 Allied recapture of, 40 1-5 Corsairs (fighter planes), 262, 335 Cott, Bill, 59 Court-martials, 448, 449 Cowee,John,437-38,454 Creel, Buckner, 212-13, 261, 335-36, 341, 454 Crimes, war, 445--47, 448--49 Crimmins, Fred T., 44 Croft. See Camp Croft, South Carolina Croom, Clifton, 115 Cuffney, Lt., 273



Curtin, John, 450 Dace (submarine), 284-88

Dacus, Bill, 307-8,441,454 Dagami, Leyte, 312-14 Daly, Dorothea, 137 Darter (submarine), 283-88 Darval, C., 33-34 Darwin, Australia, 62-63, 130 Davao Gulf, 39 Davao, Mindanao, 221-22, 431-32 Davison, Chief Nurse, 169 D-Day, 447 Death March (fall of Bataan), 140, 146-57, 171,252,272 DeGaetano, Sal, 242, 389-90, 454 Del Carmen Airfield, 6, 34-35, 43, 61 Delich, William, 214 Del Monte Field, Mindanao, 36, 48, 130 Delorge, Art, 190 Dencker, Don, 246 Dennison, Robert Lee, 27, 69-70, 98, 454 Dickson, Dwight, 412 DiLaura, Staff Sgt., 430 Dill, Donald, 442-43, 454 Diller, Eric, 201, 209, 239, 259, 454 Dillon, Peter, 385 Dimagats (people), 380 Dinagat Island, 254 Donaldson, Jack, 148 Don Esteban (steamer), 73 Doolittle, James, 158 Dougherty, William, 409 Drum. See Fort Drum, El Fraile Duffy, Chaplain, 153 Duhovitch, Joseph, 271 Dyess, Ed, 38-39,42, 54,223 and battle for Quinauan Point, 116 on impending war, 26 as prisoner of war, 148-49,221-22 Dysentery, 122, 134, 169, 175, 349 8th Regiment, 248 11th Airborne Division, 319, 331-32, 33637,378,381,388-89,400-401,406, 419-20 11th Infantry Division (Philippine Army), 6, 27, 57, 333 11th Regiment, 6, 27-28, 121 18th Army (Japan), 201 804th Medical Evacuation Squadron, 268 East Indies, 183

Edison, Dwight, 162 Edwards, Ben, 406 Eichelberger, Robert, 388, 400, 429, 436 Eisenhower, Dwight David, 18 Eisenhower, John, 13 El Fraile (Fort Drum), 92, 158 Empress Augusta Bay, 196 Engel, Emanual, Jr., 137 Essex (aircraft carrier), 287, 311 Evans, Charles, 319-20 1st Air Fleet (Japan), 282 1st Cavalry Division, 226, 227, 242-43, 248, 258, 264, 271, 320, 343, 371, 382-83, 389,394,400-401,408,419 1st Constabulary Regiment (Philippine Army), 109 1st Division (Philippine Army), 88,90, 101, 120 1st Division (U.S. Marine Corps), 184 4th Division (U.S. Marine Corps), 212 4th Regiment (U.S. Marine Corps), 24, 30, 93, 94, 108, 161 5th Air Force (U.S. Army), 335-36, 347 5th Cavalry Regiment, 242 5th Raider Battalion (U.S. Marine Corps), 187 14th Area Army (Japan), 67, 248 14th Bombardment Group, 59 14th Engineers, 143 40th Cavalry Recon Troop, 378, 436 40th Infantry Division, 353, 355-56, 366, 379,436,438-39 41st Division (Philippine Army), 87-88, 188, 205,207,209,429-31,436 41st Infantry Regiment, 119 42nd Division (Rainbow), 16-17 43rd Infantry Division, 188-89, 192, 196, 353,358-60,367,411 44th Tank Battalion, 265, 371, 375, 382-83 45th Infantry Regiment (Philippine Scouts), 5, 28, 31, 103, 112, 114-15, 121 57th Infantry Regiment (Philippine Scouts), 4,5,31,56,79,82,84,103-4,112, 114-15, 143 58th Independent Mixed Brigade, 354 59th Coast Artillery, 95 407th Medical Collecting Company, 202 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 193-95, 210, 271, 346,438-39 503rd Regimental Combat Team, 401 Faircloth, Jean Marie. See MacArthur, Jean Marie Faircloth

INDEX Fall of the Philippines, The (Morton), 107 Feddersen, Richard, 430, 454-55 Ferrall, Pete, 50-51 Fertig, Wendel, 222-23, 380, 429 Fiedler, Norman, 243, 244, 246, 312-13, 342-43,455 Fife, James, 2 Fiji Islands, 187, 195 Fiji Scouts, 196 Filipmos, 31, 37, 126, 330, 331, 337,36465,366,368,380-82,397,410,417, 426-27,431-32 guerrilla activity by, 267, 269, 315-16, 318, 341, 347-48, 367, 376-77, 380-82, 419-20,429,436 prejudice agamst, 88-89, 97 see also Scouts, Filipino Fish, Donald, 329 Fisher, Major, 74-75 Fitch, Alva, 135, 141-42,455 and Allied defense of Bataan, 88-90, 101, 102, 104-6, 122, 136 and Japanese aerial bombardment of Clark Field, 46-47, 55 and Japanese ground mvasion of Philippmes, 61-62, 64-65 as prisoner of war, 149-50, 152-54, 156, 173-74 Flaherty, David, 432 Florida National Guard, 193, 346 Flynn, Thomas D., 269 Formosa, 14, 39-42, 215 Forrest, Betty, 268 Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 84 Fort Benning, Georgia, 81, 186, 193-94, 198, 200 Fort Drum, El Fraile, 92, 158 Forte, Floyd, 22, 24-25, 31, 166-67 Fort Frank, Carabao, 92 Fort Hughes, Caballo, 92 Fort Stotsenburg, Luzon, 5,46-47, 55, 7475, 123, 378 Fort William McKinley, Luzon, 5, 24, 25, 49, 400 Fort Wint, Subic Bay, 92-93 Fowler, Halstead, 101-2 France, 13, 16-17 Frank. See Fort Frank, Carabao Frankel, Stanley, 354-55, 394-95, 455 Franklin (aircraft carrier), 226, 311 Fritter, Bob, 428 Fry, Pilllip, 5, 25, 31,218-19,455


and Allied defense of Bataan, 79-81, 8384,85,114 and Japanese ground invasion of Philippmes, 56-57,65 on joining 57th Infantry, 55-56 Funk, Arnold, 139, 143 Gage, Thomas, Jr., 6-7, 34-36, 60, 158, 348, 455 and Allied defense of Bataan, 107, 109 on Allied retreat from Orani field, 77-78 on Japanese ground mvasion of Philippmes, 58-59 as prisoner of war, 146-47, 154, 172, 175 Galton, Lawrence, 269 Gambier Bay (aircraft carrier), 298 Garand rifle. See M-l Garand rifle Garner, Roy "Tex," 256,280-81, 298, 3034,307,455 General Swmg's Own Guerrillas (GSOG), 420 Geneva Convention, 141, 172, 215, 447 George, Harold, 26, 33, 34, 36 George, Jean, 26-27, 78, 179,455 Germany, Nazi, 29, 201 Gerrish, Paul, 263, 355-56, 366-67, 378-79, 436-37,455 Gerth, Herman, 79-80, 81, 83, 85 Gilbert, Lt., 220 Gilman, Terso, 374 Glasseck, Margaret, 268 Golden, Leo, 148 Goodall, H. W., 116-17 Goodenough Island, 201, 203 Goodkin, Sidney, 396 Graef, Calvin, 348-50, 455 Granberry, Hal, 114 Grant, Mark, 245, 248 Grashio, Sam, 94-95, 116-17, 131-33,250, 455 on aerial bombardment of Clark Field, 4346, 54-55 on discovery of Japanese attack, 38-39,4243 on impending war, 25-26 as prisoner of war, 147-49, 174-75,214, 216,221-23 Great Britam, 13 Great Depression, 15, 188, 202 Greece, 25-26 Green, Arthur, 83, 84, 85 Greene, Whayland, 320-22,421-22,451, 455 Gregg, Lt. Col., 148



Grimes, Capt., 80 Griswold, Oscar, 395,410 Grossman, David, 450-51 Grunert, George, 21 GSOG. See General Swing's Own Guerrillas Guadalcanal, 183-84, 186 Guam, 212-13 Guerrillas, Filipino, 267, 269, 315-16, 318, 341, 347-48, 367, 376-77, 380-82, 419-20,429,436 Guitol, Luzon, 87 Haas, Capt., 79, 81, 83-84, 85 Hacksaw Ridge, Leyte, 338 Haggerty, Joe, 290 Hall, Leonard Glenn, 191-92, 358-59, 36768,369-70,455 Halsey, William, 224-25, 226, 257,282,283, 287-88,291-92,309-11,345 Hambidge, Don, 290 Hamerker, Lt., 421 Hancock (ship), 323 Hanlon, Richard, 290 Hansen, Edwin, 425-28, 456 Hara, Min, 356-57, 375,456 Hardy, Timothy, 34, 147 Harrington, Mary Rose, 3-4, 71-72, 178-79, 362-63,407,456 Hart, Thomas C., 1, 2, 3,23-24,27,66, 6970 and Japanese aerial bombardment of Philippines, 48-49, 50, 53 Hartford, Connecticut, 188 Hartman, Bill, 403-4 Haruna (battleship), 60 Harvey, Dave, 178 Hawaii, 1-6,40,201,212,280 Heermann (destroyer), 297 Hellcat airplanes, 280-81, 304 Hencke, John, 383-85, 387,456 Herbst, Chaplain, 366, 367 Hickham Field, 1, 5 Higgins, John, 188-89, 196-97, 359, 368, 416-17,441 Hill 99, Negros, 440 Hill 120, Leyte, 246 Hill 331, Leyte, 273-74, 279 Hill 355, Luzon, 368-69 Hill 400, Luzon, 411, 413-16 Hill 522, Leyte, 233-34, 275, 279 Hill 1500, Luzon, 369 Hill Z, Luzon, 411, 415 Hirohito, Emperor, 160, 226, 275, 442

Hitler, Adolf, 302 Hodge, John R., 336 Hoel (destroyer), 297 Hoffrichter, Joe, 201-2, 234-37, 240-41, 25~275, 317, 391-92,441-42,450, 451,456 Hogan, Rosemary, 136 Hollandia, New Guinea, 199-203, 319 Holloway, James L., III, 292-95 Holmes. See Camp Holmes, Luzon Homma, Masaharu, 86, 133, 135, 161, 250, 272,445-46 and Allied surrender of Philippines, 141, 164-65,166 and Japanese invasion of Philippines, 62, 67, 74, 78, 106, 121 Hong Kong, 2 Honolulu (cruiser), 255 Hoover, Herbert, 18 Hornet (aircraft carrier), 280 Hospital Number One, 72, 134-36, 137-38, 176 Hospital Number Two, 123-24, 135, 136, 137-38, 158 Hostetter, Helen, 202 Hostetter, Phil, 202-4, 239, 315, 346-47, 433-34,456 Houston (flagship), 24, 226 Howard, Thomas, 264, 364-66, 396-97, 399, 408-9,418-19,456 Hube, Ida, 178 Huff, Sidney, 125 Hughes. See Fort Hughes, Caballo Hukbalahap tribe, 381,431 Hunter, Dick, 122 Hunter, Sam, 51 Hurley, Patrick, 18 Hutchinson, Lieutenant, 220 Hyuga (battleship/aircraft carrier), 291 Iba airfield, 4, 33, 38,41,42 I Corps, 139-40, 367,419 Igorrots, 27 II Corps, 103, 112, 117, 138-40 Ilocanos, 27 Iloilo, Panay, 12-13 Imperial Army (Japan), 67, 79, 88, 121, 150, 201,211-12,239,248,312,333,338, 375, 445 (see also Kembu Group; Shimbu Group;Shobu Group) Imperial Marines (Japan), 190 Imperial Navy (Japan), 128, 226, 353 Inchon, Korea, 445

INDEX Ind, Allison, 41 International treaties, 13-14 Intramuros, Manila, 266, 408, 410 Intrepid (aircraft carrier), 311, 323 Ipo Dam, Luzon, 417-18, 424-25 Irving, F. A., 234 Irwin, John, 5, 29-30, 118, 138 Isaacson, Alvin, 360-61 Ise (battleship/aircraft carrier), 257, 291 Ishi, General, 442-43 Islam, 15 Itagaki, Akira, 402 Italy, 25-26 Iwabuchi, Sanji, 382, 387,401 Iwo Jima, 428 Jackson, Bob, 243, 246-47, 276, 278 Japan Geneva Convention, 172,215,447 propaganda, 59, 131, 360 rise to power, 13-14 surrender of, 442 see also Imperial Army; Imperial Marines; Imperial Navy Japanese-Americans, 357 Jenna, William, 393 Jennings, Jack, 6-7,58, 107 Jesuits, 178 Jews, 201, 337 John D. Ford (ship), 50 John Hay. See Camp John Hay, Luzon Johnson, Capt., 307 Johnson, Harold K., 4-5, 81, 143 and Allied defense of Bataan, 84-85, 121-

22 as prisoner of war, 155-56, 350, 352, 445 Johnson, Sergeant, 422 Johnston (destroyer), 297 Jones, Albert, 74, 139, 140 Jones, Col., 28 Jopling, Dan, 137 Julian, Harry, 95 Kalal, Ralph, 281 Kamikaze corps, 256, 257, 282, 298-303,

306-9, 323, 325-27, 333, 345, 346-47, 358,441 ~enko,Manchuria, 215,217,444-45 Kassman, Fred, 408 Katsuya, Col., 164 Kelly, Bob, 107 Kelly, Colin P., 22, 59-60 Kelly, John, 106


Kembu Group (Japan), 378, 428 Kempetai (Japanese police), 272 Kilay Ridge, Leyte, 318-19 Kimmel, Husband E., 2, 3, 449 Kincaid, Thomas, 253,296, 309, 361 King, Edward, 139-42, 143, 145, 173 King, Ernest J., 32,224, 345,449 King, Lt., 89 Kiska Island, 211-12 Kitzmann, Erich, 300-301,441,456 Kokota Trail, 184 Kono, Takeshi, 439 Korea, 445 Kreuger, Walter, 205, 253, 319, 365, 371,

407,410,419,450 Krops, Donald, 299-300 Kumano (cruiser), 297 Kurita, Takeo, 282, 285, 287, 290-91, 296-

98, 310 Kurtz, Arden J., 359-60, 369,418,456 Kwajalein Island, 212 Kyangan, Luzon, 442-43 Lae, New Guinea, 192 Laguna del Bay, 42 Laird, Capt., 102, 104 Lake Sentani, 201 LaMagna, Sam, 187-91,424-25,456 Lamao, Luzon, 156 Lamon Bay, 65 Langley (aircraft carrier), 287, 311 Langsted, Ole, 324 Lapham, Bob, 381 La Rosa, Carmela, 269 Leary, Herbert, 130 Lee, Clark, 93 Lee Enfield rifles, 28, 31, 196 Legaspi, Philippines, 62 Levin, Meyer, 59-60 Lewis guns, 58-59 Lexington (aircraft carrier), 287,311 Leyte Gulf, 254, 256, 257, 279-96 Leyte Island, 225-48, 255, 259, 260, 261,

262, 273-78, 312-45 Lilly, Edmund J., 150 Lilly, Ted, 25, 114 Lim, Vicente, 22, 88, 119 Limao, Luzon, 152 Limone, Leyte, 320 Lingayen Gulf, 57, 62, 65-66, 353-61, 376 Lomko, Johnny, 235 London agreement (1930), 13 Long, Elmer, Jr., 30,93, 171,215



Long Beach, California, 100 Longoskawayan peninsula, 107, 109, 114 Lopez, Henry, 212, 213, 335 Los Banos, Luzon, 179, 362-63,406-7 Louisville (cruiser), 294 LSM 20, 257 Luback, Col., 80 Lubao, Luzon, 152, 156 Luce, Clare Boothe, 19 Luebee, Vaughn, 277 Luftwaffe, 36, 41 Luzon, 6, 57, 226, 345, 352-53, 419,441 (see also Bataan, Luzon; Manila, Luzon; other specific areas) M-l Garand rifle, 31, 81, 207, 213 Mabatang, Luzon, 79 Mable (ship), 323 Macan, Pvt., 55 MacArthur, Arthur, 18 MacArthur, Arthur, IV, 18, 125 MacArthur, Douglas, 3, 16-20,69, 137, 139-41, 167-68, 182, 183, 192-93, 194,205,216, 223, 249, 252, 253, 255, 310,420,449-50 defense of Philippines by, 19-24,27-41, 47-48, 62-76, 85-87, 91-99, 120, 12527 "I shall return" statement, 130-31, 238-39 and liberation of Philippines, 213, 224-25, 227,237-39,248,278,334-35,344, 352-53,361,365-66,376,382,400, 409 memoirs, 18, 20, 40, 62, 85,99, 126, 130 MacArthur, Jean Marie Faircloth, 3, 125 MacArthur, Pinky, 18 Mack, William, 9, 24, 27,50,457 Mackie, Sgt., 189 Magsaysay, Raym6n, 64, 377 Maher, Col., 55 Mainit River, 314-15, 316-17 Malaria, 122, 134, 169, 173, 175, 195,214 Malaya, 2 Malinta Hill (Corregidor), 91, 159,405 Malinta Tunnel (Corregidor), 11,92, 138, 159,161-63,166,169,252 Manchester, William, 17, 130-31,237 Manchuko. See Manchuria Manchuria, 13,215 Mangyan tribe, 347-48 Manila, Luzon, 8-12, 176-77,226,251,265, 26~ 364, 378-88, 394-401, 408-10 Allied retreat from, 67-76

Japanese occupation of, 78, 215 Manila Bay, 15,92, 353 Manila Hotel, 1, 409 Mann, David, 432-33, 457 Manning, Alan S., 163 Manning, Robert, 185-86, 195, 343,437, 457 Marblehead (flagship), 3 March, Peyton, 337, 342,400,405 Margoshes, Marvin, 244, 247-48, 312-13, 457 Mariana Islands, 182, 212 Marine Band, U.S ., 30 Marine Corps, U.S., 30, 93-94, 108, 184, 187,196,212,335 4th Regiment, 24, 30,93,94, 108, 161 Marines, Japanese. See Imperial Marines Mariveles, Luzon, 108-9, 138, 148, 149 Mark-14 torpedoes, 66 Markham Valley, New Guinea, 192-95 Marquez, James, 269 Marrett, Samuel, 35, 58, 60 Marshall, George C., 21, 23, 48, 126, 128, 131-32,139-40,167-68,224 Marshall, S. 1. A., 450 Marshall Islands, 182, 212 Martelino, Pastor, 64 Martin, Harry, 309 Masucci, Gene, 323-25, 457 Masulis, AI, 327-29, 330-31,441 Matsuyido, Col., 445 Matula, Emil, 371-73,419,457 Maynard, David, 85 McCain, John, 309 McCampbell, David, 287 McCarthy, Captain, 97 McCarthy, Danny, 290 McClintock, David, 283-87, 456 McCoy, Melvin, 222, 223 McCreary, Betsy, 39, 386-87,456-57 and Allied retreat from Manila, 68-69 on pre-war life in Philippines, 12-13 as prisoner of war, 179-81, 361-62 McGown, Johnny, 42, 45 McKinley. See Fort William McKinley, Luzon McLaughlin, Bill, 195-96, 343, 457 McPherson, Irvin, 289 Medal of Honor. See Congressional Medal of Honor Medina, Mindanao, 222 Melbourne, Australia, 126 Mellnik, Steve, 97, 223 Mercier, Don "Moe," 371, 375-76,457

INDEX Michael, Capt., 324 Middleside (Corregidor), 91, 94, 404 Miles, Peter, 406-7 Miley, William "Buzz," 336, 338-39, 389, 457-58 Miller, John H., 58 Mills, Lt. Comdr., 299 Milne Bay, New Guinea, 202, 206 Mindanao (gunboat), 160 Mindanao Island, 128, 148, 160,213,221, 225,429,431,433,434-36,449 Mindoro Island, 345-47 Mitchell, Billy, 17 Mitchell, John B., 299, 300, 309,458 Mitchell, Willard, 370 Mitscher, Marc, 283 Moale (destroyer), 326-28, 329, 331, 345, 441 Moon, Harold, 228, 240-41, 273-74 Moore, George F., 92, 95 Morioka, Sasumu, 445 Moro (people), 223 Morrell, John W., 107 Morris, Margaret, 68, 386 Morton, Louis, 40, 420 Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 3, 32, 51 Mount Capisan, 431 Mount Pucet, 109 Mount Samat, 137 Mucci, Henry, 381-82 Mudge, Verne, 374, 382 Mueller, Arndt, 205-7, 411-16, 420-21, 447,448,458 Mullins, Raymond, 59 Munda airfield, New Georgia, 196 Munda, New Georgia, 187, 190, 196 Munda Trail, New Georgia, 190 Munoz, Luzon, 375-76 Murphy, Frank, 446 Murray, S. S., 2, 70-71, 458 Mtuashi (Japanese battleship), 14, 290 Mussolini, Benito, 26 9th Australian Division, 195 19th Bombardment Group, 44 19th Infantry Regiment, 227, 346, 433 96th Infantry Division, 226, 243-44, 276, 312 Nadzab, New Guinea, 193 Nagano, Kameichiro, 141 Nagara Martt (ship), 215 Nag Balayan Barrio, 90 Nakayama, Motto, 163, 165


Nara, Akira, 79 Nashville (cruiser), 227, 239, 278 National Guard, U.S., 25, 73, 184, 188, 193, 195,197,200,343,346 (see also 32nd Division; 192nd Tank Battalion; 194th Tank Battalion Navy, Japanese. See Imperial Navy Navy, U.S., 4,27,37,70-71, 108-9,225, 347 Nazi Germany, 29, 201 Negritos (indigenous peoples), 15 Negros Island, 271,429,438-40,449 Nelson, Mary Rose, 78 Nesbit, Josephine, 72, 177 Netherlands, 13, 182 New Britain, 183,205 New Caledonia, 185-86 New Georgia Islands, 183, 187, 189 New Guinea, 182, 183, 184, 199-210 Nelv Jersey (flagship), 310 Newman, Aubrey (Red), 228, 230, 235, 239, 314-15, 316-17 New Mexico (battleship), 199 Nichols Field, 38-39,42-43,45-46, 54, 399 Nielsen Field, 33, 43 Nimitz, Chester, 182, 212, 224-25, 226, 283,310,345,420,449 Nininger, Alexander "Sandy," 22, 31, 81-83 Nishimura, Shoji, 282, 291-93 Noemfoor Island, 205, 209-11 Nomura delegation, 30 Noumea, New Caledonia, 186 103rd Infantry Regiment, 417-18 112th Cavalry Regimental Combat Team, 319,424 122nd Infantry (Japan), 88 126th Infantry Regiment, 442 126th Regimental Combat Team, 322 129th Infantry, 265 132nd Regiment, 185-86, 343,437 145th Infantry Regiment, 187, 399 148th Infantry Regiment, 187,354,399,425 158th Regimental Combat Team, 209,364, 419 162nd Infantry Regiment, 430-31 164th Infantry Regiment, 185-86, 343 169th Infantry Regiment, 188-89, 196, 368, 416-17 172nd Infantry Regiment, 192, 269, 367 182nd Infantry Regiment, 185-86 185th Infantry Regiment, 436 186th Regimental Combat Team, 269, 429



188th Glider Infantry, 405 192nd Tank Battalion, 32, 73, 74 194th Tank Battalion, 32, 73, 74 O'Donnell. See Camp O'Donnell, Luzon Oeder, Sgt., 313 Ohta, Seichi, 272 Okinawa, invasion of, 449 Oldendorf, Jesse, 292-95, 309 Oliver, Chaplain, 53 Olongapo Naval Base (Subic Bay), 29-30 Olson, H. 0 ., 301 Olson, John, 31, 74-75, 82, 115, 133,445, 446,458 and Allied defense of Bataan, 84, 85, 103, 136 at Camp O'Donnell, 171-72, 173, 175 and Death March, 155, 156-57 Onishi, Vice Adm. Takajiro, 282 On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (Grossman), 450-51 Operation Wa, 332, 334 Orange Beach, Leyte, 243, 244 Orani field, 77-78, 153 Ordnance Bureau, 66 Ordnance Corps, 207 Orion, Luzon, 153, 156 Ormoc Bay, 326-30, 335-36, 340 Oryoku Maru (ship), 350-51,445 Osmena, Sergio, 125 Otara Maru (ship), 215 Owen Stanley Mountains, 184 Ozawa, Jisaburo, 282, 291-92, 311 P-35 aircraft, 43 P -40 aircraft, 51 Pacifism, 17 Package Line, 178 Packard, Henry, 173-74 Paganism, 15,28 Palaus Islands, 182, 225 Palawan Island, 429 Palm Court Terrace Hotel, Manila, 267 Palmer, Rita , 136 Palo, Leyte, 275 Pampanga River, 74 Panay (gunboat), 14, 32 Panay Island, 429, 436-37 Pancake Hill, New Guinea, 202 Pantingan River, 135 Papazarian, Max, 322-23, 423-24, 458 Papua. See New Guinea Parker, Edward, 3

Parker, George M., 67, 78, 85-86, 87, 103, 112, 119, 139,445 Pasig River, 53, 61, 382, 397-98, 399-400, 424 Pasterak, Alexander J., 430-31, 458 Patrick, Edwin, 374 Pavuvu, Russell Islands, 189 Pearce, Milton, 333-34, 458 Pearl Harbor, 1-6, 40 Pearsall, James, 273, 316 Peleliu Island, 225 Penix, Staff Sgt., 268 Pennsylvania (battleship), 263 Pensacola (cruiser), 31, 123 Perry (ship ), 50 Perry, Matthew, 13 Peterson, Mell A., 330 Petrarca, Pat, 268 Petrone, Johnny, 424 Phelan, Lt., 210-11 Philippine Army, 29,31,73,88-89,97, 101, 109, 161, 204, 436 (see also specific divisions) Philippine Islands, 8-16 Allied surrender of, 162-68 Japanese aerial bombardment of, 1-7, 3953 Japanese ground invasion of, 56-67 liberation of, 441-43 pre-war American civilians' life-style, 12-13 see also Filipinos; Philippine Army; specific locations Philippine Scouts. See Scouts, Filipino Philippine Trl!st Company, 86 Phillips, Philip B., 302-3, 308, 459 Pierce, Clinton, 113-15, 142 Pigeon (tugboat), 160 Pike, Matt, 339 Pilar, Capt., 6 Pilar-Bagac Road, 112 Pilar River, 119 Pillsbury (ship), 50 Platt, Lt., 105 Plunger (submarine), 283 "Pockets" (Japanese behind-lines positions), 120, 121 Polcyn, Elmer, 244-45, 247, 313-14 Polla, Hector, 22 Port Moresby, New Guinea, 184,209 Postelwaite, Col., 231 Poweleit, Alvin c., 132 Powell, Father (chaplain), 210 Powell, Lt., 391

INDEX POWs. See Prisoners of War President Coolidge (ship), 26, 34 President Harding (steamship), 18 President Harrison (ocean liner), 30 Price, Bruce, Sr., 200-201, 223, 231-34, 237,275,459 Priestly, William J., 151 Princeton (aircraft carrier), 256, 287-88 Prisoners of War, 147-49, 155-56, 169-81, 213-23,271,350-52,361-63,366,407, 444-48 Propaganda American, 59, 131, 360 Japanese, 86-87, 121, 146, 251 Pucet. See Mount Pucet Pugh,John,164-65 Purnell, William R., 1 Purple Heart, 17 Pygmies, 15, 347-48 Quezon, Manuel Luis, 15,420 Douglas MacArthur and, 16, 17, 18,20, 98, 125 Japanese ground invasion of Philippines and,63,67 Quinauan Point, 109, 115-16 Rabaul, New Britain, 183, 205 RAF. See Royal Air Force Rainbow Division. See 42nd Division Rainbow Five plan, 23, 27,57,63 Rants, Hanford, 199-200,228-30,237,238, 239-40,253,274-75,318,392-93,394, 431-32,442,450,459 Rawlitzer, Col., 177 Ray, Sgt., 313 Red Arrow. See 32nd Division (U.S. National Guard) Red Beach, Leyte, 227-41, 254 Red Cross, 72, 219, 221 Redmond, Juanita, 160 Reeves, Hugh, 193-94,209-11,439-40,459 Reichman, Marvin 0., 434-36, 459 Reid (destroyer), 340-41 Reminiscences (MacArthur), 18, 62, 85, 99, 130 Reynolds, Robert, 58 Reynolds, Royal, 75 Richardson, Maj., 162 Roberts (ship), 297 Robins, Donald, 60 Robinson, Arthur, 3 Robinson, John Scott, 356, 367, 379


Rock, the. See Corregidor Rockwell, Francis W., 52, 70 Rodriguez, Rod, 193-95,209-10,401-3, 404-5,438-40,459 Rogers, Coy "Snake," 408 Roman Catholicism, 15, 178,201, 330 Rommel, Erwin, 183 Romulo, Carlos P., 131 Roosevelt, Franklin D ., 32,99,449 and Allied surrender of Philippines, 162 MacArthur and, 18, 22, 131-32 Rosie's Dress Shoppe (Manila), 10-11 Ross, Tom, 371, 382 Royal Air Force (RAF), 33, 36,41 Russell Islands, 189 Russian Red Army, 444-45 Rutledge, Wiley, 446 2nd Armored Division (Japan), 375 2nd Cavalry Brigade, 411 2nd Division (U.S . Marine Corps), 212 6th Infantry Division, 197,205-6,353,35657,367,370-71,373-75,411,420-21 6th Ranger Battalion, 227, 254, 364 7th Cavalry Regiment, 242, 248, 262 7th Fleet, 283, 290-92 7th Infantry Division, 211-12, 226, 243, 247,275-76,312,332,336,338,342, 445 16th Infantry Division (Japan), 121,239, 333,445 17th Pursuit Squadron, 115 60th Coast Artillery, 94 63rd Infantry Regiment, 205, 364, 418 65th Independent Brigade (Japan), 79, 121 71st Field Artillery Regiment (Philippine Army),101 71st Infantry Division (Philippine Army), 109 77th Infantry Division, 212-13, 226, 261, 319,334-36 672nd Amphibious Tractor Battalion, 265, 399,405 716th Tank Battalion, 270 754th Tank Battalion, 364, 396-97,408,418 Sagusa, Capt., 171 St. Lo (aircraft carrier), 256, 309 Saipan Island, 212 Sakai, Saburo, 250 Salmon (submarine), 66 Samat. See Mount Samat Sanders, Sgt., 373 San Fernando, Luzon, 156 Sangamon (ship), 300



San Isidro, Leyte, 416 San Jacinto (aircraft carrier), 311 San Juanico Strait, 248 San Pablo, Luzon, 332-33 San Pedro Beach, 279 Santa Barbara, California, 125 Santa Catalina Girls Dormitory, 177-78 Santee (aircraft carrier), 288, 299-301, 304, 309 Santo Tomas Internment Camp (STIC) . See Camp Santo Tomas, Luzon Santo Tomas University, 78 Saury (submarine), 66 Savage. See Camp Savage, Minnesota Sawyer, Capt., 189 Sayre, Francis, 23-24, 98, 125 Scholes, Robert, 114 Schwab, Cletus J., 186--87, 196,409,441, 459 Scouts, Filipino, 4-5, 23, 25, 31, 73, 97, 135, 161, 196 and Allied defense of Bataan, 81, 84, 101, 114-17, 120-21 and Death March, 155-56 see also 26th Cavalry; 45th Infantry Regiment; 57th Infantry Regiment S-Day, 352-61 Seadragon (submarine ), 2, 50, 51, 123 Sealion (submarine), 50, 51 Sea Witch (ship ), 359 Segundo, Fidel V., 22, 88-89, 102, 120 Seiler, Bob, 244, 245, 248, 276--77, 459 Selleck, Clyde, 109, 1l0, 112, 113 Sellers, Harry, 360, 369 Shanghai, China, 2 Shark (submarine ), 70 Sharp, William F., 128, 162, 164-68 Shelby. See Camp Shelby, Mississippi Shima, Kiyohide, 282 Shimbu Group (Japan), 372, 378,401,428 Shobu Group (Japan), 372,419,428 Short, Walter, 449 Singapore, 2 Singleton, Lip, 281 Sino-Japanese War, 14 Skidmore, Howard, 289, 290,325 Slave labor, 215 Smith, Jack, 304-7, 309,459 Snavely, Maj., 393 Snyder, Jim, 422, 423 Society of Jesus, 178 Solomon Islands, 182, 183, 189 Sonar, 24

South Carolina National Guard, 200 Soviet Army, 444-45 Spain, 15 Sprague, Clifton (Ziggy), 297-98 Sprague, Thomas L., 296 Springfield rifle, 31,47 Spruance, Raymond, 283 Stapleton, Johnny, 437 Stark, Jean, 387 Starvation Hill, Leyte, 339 Statue of Liberty Division, 334 Steber, Leve, 307 Steiger, Capt., 97 Sternberg General Hospital, Manila, 6, 10, 52-53,61 Stevens, Luther, 141-42, 151 Stickler, Dudley G., 31 STIC. See Camp Santo Tomas, Luzon Stingray (submarine ), 66 Stoneburner, Troy, 240 Stotsenburg. See Fort Stotsenburg, Luzon Stowell, Col., 49 Suicide, 447 (see also Banzai suicide charge) Sullivan, Sgt., 322, 421-22 Summer, Helen, 137 Sumner (ship), 327, 329 Supreme Court, U.S., 446-47 Sutherland, Richard K., 1, 3, 28-29, 63, 252, 255 and Allied defense of Bataan, 85, 120, 126 departure from Corregidor, 128 on Douglas MacArthur, 75, 131,420,450 and Japanese aerial bombardment of Philippines, 39-40, 48 Suwannee (aircraft carrier), 256, 257, 280-81, 288,298,300,302,303-4,306-9,441 Svihra, Albert, 11-12, 22, 25, 49, 350 and Allied defense of Bataan, 100-101 and Allied defense of Corregidor, 158-59 and Allied surrender of Philippines, 165-66 as prisoner of war, 169-71, 176--77, 21920 Svihra, !la, 100 Swing, Joseph, 332-33, 337-38, 341-42, 388,400-401,405-6,407-8,419-20, 459 Slvordfish (submarine), 125 Sydionco, Vicente, 315,459 3rd Battalion, 79 , 109-10, 115,231 3rd Division (U.S. Marine Corps), 212 3rd Engineers, 236

INDEX 3rd Fleet, 282, 283, 288, 291-92,311,347, 353 3rd Pursuit Squadron (U.S . Army), 4, 38,42, 109 lOth Evacuation Hospital Unit, 430 12th Cavalry Regiment, 242 13th Armored Group, 364 20th Pursuit Squadron, 44 21st Cavalry, 195 21st Division (Japan), 150 21st Infantry Division (Philippine Army), 61, 346 21st Infantry Regiment, 434 21st Pursuit Squadron, 25-26, 44, 54, 115 23rd Field Artillery Regiment, 46, 89 24th Cavalry Division, 243 24th Infantry Division, 198-200,207,209, 226,227,234,238-39,248,254,273, 278, 314, 318-20, 343-44, 346, 378, 390,401,429,431,432,434,436 24th Pursuit Group, 35 25th Infantry Division, 364, 371-72, 419 26th Cavalry (Philippine Scouts), 64, 66, 88, 121,143 26th Division (Japan), 338 27th Division (U.S . Army), 212 27th Light Bombardment Group, 1, 31 29th Evacuation Hospital, Manila, 269 31st Division (Philippine Army), 5, 29, 6364,103,117-19,143,431,436 31st Infantry Regiment (U.S. Army), 26, 30, 31,73,89, 103, 112 32nd Division (U.S. National Guard), 184, 226,248,319,320,343-44,419,42122,424,442 34th Infantry Regiment, 198, 199-201,207, 227,237, 25~ 314, 318, 390, 394,4013,405,431,433 34th Pursuit Squadron, 6, 34,43,47,58,77, 78, 107, 109, 115, 147 35th Infantry Regiment, 372,419 36th Division, 197 37th Infantry Division, 186-87, 195-96, 353-55, 366, 378, 379, 382, 394-96, 397-98,408,409,419,441 38th Infantry Division, 333, 377, 378, 390, 394,417,421 200th Coast Artillery, 44 306th Infantry Regiment, 213, 335, 336 307th Infantry Regiment, 212, 336 339th Engineers, 201-2 382nd Regiment, 276-77,312 Tadoban, Leyte, 227, 278


Tagatay Ridge, Luzon, 388-89 Taiwan. See Formosa Takao, Formosa, 40, 215, 352 Takao Harbor, 40 Take (destroyer), 328 Tanager (minesweeper), 160 Taruc, Luis, 381 Task Force 34, 291-92, 310 Task Force 38, 225-26, 296 Task Group 3, 287 Task Group 38.2,290 Task Group 77.4, 296-99, 309 Teeples, Robert, 422-23, 460 Tennessee (battleship), 244 Thailand, 2 Thorn, Dick, 243 Tiffany, Chaplain, 53 Tinian Island, 212 Tojo Cabinet, 29 Tokyo Rose, 71,194,223,225,232,346 Topside (Corregidor), 91, 401-4 Torpedo Boat Squadron. See Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Torpedoes, 66 Townsend, Glen R., 6, 27-28, 38, 57, 121 Toycen, Dermott, 58 Trujillo, Alfonso, 384 Truk Island, 205 Truman, Harry S., 447 Tsukada, Rikichi, 361 Tsuneyoshi, Yoshio, 172, 173,446 Uemura, Lt., 163 Ulitaa Island, 225 Ullom, Madeline, 9-11, 25, 133, 162, 250, 460 and Alljed defense of Corregidor, 93, 99 and Allied retreat from Man.ila, 72-73 on conilltions at Hospital Number One, 134-36, 137-38 on condjtions at Sternberg Hospital, 52-53, 61 Pearl Harbor attack and, 5-6 as prisoner of war, 169, 178, 362 Ullman,Al, 342, 388,460 Umingan, Luzon, 372-73 United States Army Forces in the Far East (USAFFE),21,34,92 United States Forces in the PhHippines (USFIP), 132 University of Manila, 179 Uno, Kazumaro, 164-65, 169 Upton. See Camp Upton, New York



USAFFE. See United States Army Forces in the Far East USFIP. See United States Forces in the Philippines Valentine, James M., 421-22 Vance, Lee, 150, 218 Vanderpool, Jay, 380-81 Vanture, Col., 89, 105-6 Vaughn, Jimmy, 154 Veterans Administration (VA), 18 Viale, Bob, 398-99 Vigan, Luzon, 57-58, 60-61 Villa Verde Trail, Luzon, 421-22, 424 Violet Beach, Leyte, 243, 248 Visayan Islands, 128, 160 Voge, Dick, 50-51 Voice of Freedom, 93, 134, 159 Wai, Francis, 236 Waikiki Beach, Hawaii, 201 Wainwright, Jonathan, 22, 30-31, 66, 13340,145,158,161-62,218,272 and Allied defense of Bataan, 78, 85, 88, 103,104, 113,120,447 and Allied retreat from Manila, 73-74 and Japanese ground invasion of Philippines, 57, 62, 63, 67 and Luzon command, 128-29, 131-32 and surrender of Philippines, 162-68 Wakde Island, 205, 207 Walsh, Chaplain, 309 Walters. See Camp Walters, Texas Walters, Jesse, 384 Wa, Operation, 332, 334 Wapner, Joseph, 195 War crimes, 445-47, 448-49 War Department, U.S., 16, 18 Ward, Norvell, 2-3, 50-51,460 War Plan Orange (WPO), 19,23,27,37,64, 73,75,91,103,124 Washington Air National Guard, 25 Washington Conference, 13-14 Weaver, Joe, 421 Welchel, Captain, 152

Wheeler Field, 1, 5 White Beach, Leyte, 242, 258 Whitehead, Ennis, 334 White Plains (ship), 298 Wildcat airplanes, 280 Wilding, Robert, 308-9 Wilkes, Cmdr., 71 Williams, Gus, 42, 45 Williams, John, 289 Willoughby, Charles, 69, 111-12, 352 Wilson, Kenneth, 84 Wilson, Lucy, 137 Wint. See Fort Wi nt, Subic Bay Women's Army Corps, 268 Women's Club of Manila, 177 World War I, 13, 16-17 WPO. See War Plan Orange Wray, Robert, 109, 146, 147 Wye, Capt., 228

x Corps, 243 XI Corps, 376-78 XIV Corps, 366 XXIV Corps, 243 Yahagi (cruiser), 297 Yamashiro (battleship ), 293-94 Yamashita, Tomoyuki, 225, 238, 248, 272, 331,344,352,361,382,401,429,441, 442-43,445-47 Yamato (battleship), 14,441 Yank magazine, 236 Yeager, Frederick, 82 Yellow Beach, Leyte, 243, 248 Yeomans, Frank, 301-2 Yokoyama,Shizuo,361,401 York, Ray, 242

Zamboanga Peninsula, 429-31 Zanana Beach, New Georgia, 190 Zero airplanes, 41, 46, 59, 280 Zervoulakos, Freddy, 406 Zig Zag Pass, 65, 390-91, 394,433 Zimanski, Frank, 324, 325-26, 460 Zttiho (aircraft carrier), 258

Air Corps ground crewman Greene, Wh ayl and . Rifl Hall, Leonard . Rifleman , Rifleman, 37th Division. ,. 6th Division. * Harringto in late December 1941 and Hencke, John. Gunner w Higgins, John. Battalion * Hoffrichter, Joe. Riflemar Battalion surgeon, 24th Divisi, 754th Tank Battalion. * I< Suwannee. * Kurtz, Arden the 43rd Division. * LaMa * McClintock, D . H. COl * McCreary, Betsy. An An Santo Tomas Internme~t Caml con trooper with the Ameri stroyer officer stationed at Cav leader replacement with the : Company commander, Ameri Rifleman, 96th Division. ,. the carrier Cabot. * Matul~ *' Mercier, Don "Moe". Miley, William "Buzz". Pia in the 11th Airborne. * ~ carrier Santee. * Mueller, i sion. * Murray, S. S. CO l part of the Asiatic Fleet in with the 57th Philippine SCOI placement, 32nd Division. surgeon, 41st Division. * Division. * Phillips, Phili] Suwannee. * Price, Bruce, * Rants, Han. Wireman, Paratrooper, 503rd Parachul Replacement, 24th Divisior 503rd Parachute Regil leader, 37th Division. * Se Smith, Jack. Hellcat pilot Commanding general, 11 tl Guerrilla section leader. 32nd Division. * Ullman, Ullom, Madeline. Army n Ward, Norvell. Junior office: Zimanski, Frank. Gunnery of


GERALD ASTOR's works include Operation Iceberg: The Invasion and Conquest of Okinawa in World War II ; A Blood-Dimmed Tide: The Battle of the Bulge by the Men Who Fought It; and Battling Buzzards: The Odyssey of the 51 7th Regimental Parachute Combat Team 1943-1 945 , all published by Donald 1. Fine. Of June 6, 1944 , The New York Times Book Rev iew said: "Himself a World War II veteran and a veteran journalist, Gerald Astor builds his account on interviews and correspondence .. .[which are] touching and often wonderfully entertaining. " Gerald Astor, who has written for such as The New York Times, Playboy and Esquire, makes his home in Scarsdale, New York.

Jacket des ign by One Plus O ne Studio Author photograph by Ted Astor

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Roderick Hall ColI. 138158 0787.4 Al4511188 Crisis in the PacifIC : the battles for the Philippine Islands by the men who fought them I Gerald Astor

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