The Story of Filipino Bravery in World War II
Dignity Of The Soul The Story of Filipino Bravery in World War II
Bill Peavey
Bayanihan Publishing Company South San Francisco, California Copyright Š 1995 by William B. Peavey, Jr. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without permission, except for the purpose of literary review. Inquires may be directed to Bayanihan Publishing Company, P.O. Box 5650, South San Francisco, California 94080-5650. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 95-78453 ISBN 0-9647607-0-3 Printed and bound in the United States of America by Waller Press, South San Francisco, California. Cover design and illustrations by Waller Media, South San Francisco, Californ ia. Photographs by the author.
Dedication For the 18 million Filipino men, women and children who, during the occupation of their homeland between 1941 and 1945, stood tall, defiant and united against the juggernaut of Japan's brutality, destruction and vengeance.
"Land dear and Holy, Cradle of noble heroes Ne'er shall invaders Trample thy sacred shore Ever within thy skies and Through thy clouds 'And O'er thy hills and sea Do we behold the radiance, Feel the throb, Of glorious liberty Beautiful land of love, 0 land of light, In thine embrace 'tis rapture to lie; But it is glory ever, when thou art wronged, For us, thy sons, to suffer and die." Excerpts from the Philippine National Anthem (English Version)
"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all within accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance." The Acts of the Apostles, 2
Forward Ring Of Fire
1800 miles deep, white hot rocks and gases generate incredible pressure seeking to explode to the surface. The molten core of the earth rises and sinks, causing the asthenosphere to flow, which in turn moves the gigantic tectonic plates that make up the crust of the earth. The Pacific Plate is constantly moving northward and constantly clashing with other plates, shredding the lithosphere and creating a great skein of faults. Thus was born the Ring of Fire, a narrow zone of active volcanoes that nearly encircles the Pacific Ocean Basin. Mount Pinatabo is home to the Aytas and their God, Apo Mallari. The rich, volcanic soil is perfect for growing coconut, sugarcane, tobacco and abaca. These Negritos can identify thousands of plants, animals, birds, fish and insects, and even the twenty species of ants. They understand the medicinal plants and their uses. The springs of Pinatubo are believed to be healing waters. When Pinatubo smokes, the crops will do well. The essence of the Aytas are their kaelwa (souls), which go to the summit of Mount Pinatubo after death. The Aytas live in harmony with their mountain and consciously avoid exploiting the natural resources, which would anger the anitos (good spirits). Prior to an eruption, strong seismic stresses open microcracks below bodies of water, releasing radon, a radioacDIGNITY OF THE SOUL
tive gas that then seeps to the surface in concentrations ten times greater than normal. Also, concentrations of chlorine and sulfur ions increase dramatically. Monitors can now record these changes and predict volcanic eruptions. However, thousands of years before geologists invented seismographs, tiltmeters, theodolytes, laser geodimeters, electronic distance meters, monitored chemical changes in volcanic waters, measured the magnetic intensity of volcanic rock, placed acoustic sensors, or blasted sound waves off the ocean floor with compressed air, the Aytas always knew when their mountain was going to erupt. The ground moved and warmed, the waters of the hot springs became hotter, sometimes turning a black-tea color, fish were seen floating on the surface of lakes and streams, and the animals became skittish and jittery. Very noticeably, the rats disappeared from seed storage areas. There was no doubt. So it began, in March of 1380, when puffs of smoke drifted into the cobalt sky from Pinatubo's crater. By early April, steam and gas were escaping from fissures in the side of the volcano. The Aytas took their possessioI}s and began the 40 mile trek to the east, from Zambales down to the great plain that would become known as Pampanga, and to the safety of Mount Arayat. Halfway around the world, in Siena, Italy, black swallows glided gracefully across the clear Tuscan sky and dropped from the crest of the three high ridges, where Siena lies, into the deep valleys. The last wash of golden sunlight shone on the orange clay roofs of the ancient dwellings. The bricks of the Piazza del Campo glowed with an iridescence 8
and the cathedral, set on the castelvecchia, stood silent witness to the peace and serenity of the medieval walled city. The Sienese popolo lived as much in the streets as in their houses. This was the home of Catherine Benincasa. Catherine was a twin, the 23rd of 25 children born to Jacopo and Monna Lapa. Early in life she experienced a mystical intimacy with God that led her into a life of devotion to others. Her heart was filled with truth, peace and love. She became a Mantellata of the Dominican Order and was moved deeply by the Trinity. Grace flowed from her like a gushing torrent. She gave l:ler heart and soul to God and displayed the strength of character that results from faith emanating from the Holy Spirit. Through her personal influence, thousands returned to the faith. She worked to reconcile the warring states of Italy, persuaded Pope Gregory XI to return to Rome, thus ending the "Babylonian Captivity," and while in mystical ecstasy wrote the great spiritual treasure of the Church, "Dialogue with God the Father." Although only 33 years of age at her death, Catherine symbolized passion for the truth and compassion for humanity. In 1461, Pope Pius II declared Catherine a Saint. There are striking similarities between Catherine's world and the modern world. One year after her birth, the Black Plague ravaged Europe and Scandinavia. Her life paralleled the transition from the stability of the Middle Ages to the doubts and uncertainties of the Renaissance. Her world was filled with poverty, hunger and oppression, as well as avarice, violence and political corruption. During her lifetime Muslim traders brought Islam to the Sulu Archipelago and the southern Philippine Islands. DIGNITY OF THE SOUL
On April 29, 1380, as the last breath of life left Catherine's lips, Pinatubo exploded, sending blasts of ash 80,000 feet into the sky, at twice the speed of sound. An enormous grey-white cauliflower cloud blanketed the sky and turned day into night. Hardened lava hurtled into the air as lightning streaked the sky. Pinatubo would remain dormant for 611 years, and then erupt again to protect the earth.
''Take unto Thyself 0 Lord the souls of the valiant" Manila American Cemetery and Memorial For World War II Americans and Philippine Scouts Killed in Action
Prologue The relationship between the Philippines and the United States began as the result of the Spanish-American War. When Commodore Dewey defeated the Spanish Armada in 1898, Filipinos feared another period of oppressive rule. America was torn between maintaining an isolationist attitude toward foreign nations, and venturing into its first major colonial experience. The United States Constitution makes no provision for colonies. American troops had never crossed the Pacific Ocean. But it was argued that Japan and Germany were poised to take over the Philippines , if the United States did not intervene, and the lure of an economic Window to Asia was compelling. Furthermore, the manifest destiny forces clamored for the opportunity to spread American values to the world. The American Civil War lessons in grief and loss had faded away. Hostility marred the initial period of United States stewardship. Fighting broke out and led to a sad chapter in the history of the two countries. However, Filipinos soon saw the differences between Spain and the United States. Spain did not teach Spanish, knowing that a common language would help to unify the Philippines, nor did the Spanish develop the infrastructure of the country, leaving only 300 miles of roads. ' Instead, the Spanish instituted the repartimiento system of forced labor in typical colonial fashion. In contrast, the Americans built schools, roads and bridges, and
trained the Filipinos in self-government. In the 40 years that preceded World War II, Filipinos and Americans developed an understanding and mutual trust. When Filipinos realized that America wanted a partnership, making the Philippines a free nation, they responded with unreserved friendship and blood proof.
t While the West was discarding its medieval trappings, Japan under the Shoguns strengthened and preserved feudal customs. Loyalty was divided among clans, made up of small family units. These feudal loyalties eventually became fused and transformed into an intense and burning nationalism. More than 1,000 years ago, an elite class of professional warriors emerged in Japan, and came to be known as Samurai. The Samurai developed the Bushido Code, which demanded total loyalty to the feudal lord, a willingness to die for the feudal lord, and a strict regimen of martial training. Bushido dictated every aspect of their lives. In the 16th Century, the Portuguese discovered Japan and later came to trade. The Spaniards and Dutch followed, bringing Christianity. In the 17th Century, Christianity and all foreigners were outlawed. For the next 200 years, Japan remained entirely cut off from the world. By the 19th Century, however, the Japanese perceived that if they were to avoid the fate of India, they must exchange certain aspects of their Asian culture for Western material and intellectual progress. 14
European experts were hired to enter the cities and instruct them in all forms of manufacture. Thousands of schools were opened. The Japanese constitution of 1889 embodied the traditional Shinto belief that the Mikado (Emperor) was divinely descended. During the Meiji Period (1868-1912), the Japanese military took control of the central government. The educational policies of Emperor Meiji complemented the military goals by stressing regimentation and discipline. The country was suffused with a martial spirit of religious intensity. Japan has none of the natural resources needed for heavy industry. By the late 19th Century, its growing population and economy hungered for raw materials, especially petroleum. The military clique in power offered a solution and Japan embarked on a course of aggression that was to last for 50 years. Conquering China became Japan's obsession. In 1894 Japan took Formosa. Next, Japan moved against Russia and controlled Korea. In 1931, the Japanese invaded and conquered resource-rich Manchuria. On February 26, 1936, dissident ministers of the Japanese government were assassinated by Imperial Army troops , thereby silencing the opposition. The primary assault on China began in 1937 with the bombing of Peking. Japanese troops swarmed into Northern China and Shanghai, then followed the Yangtse Valley to Nanking. The December massacre of over 200,000 civilians in Nanking, by the Japanese soldiers, has taken its place in DIGNI T Y OF THE SOU L
history as one of the most brutal atrocities of all time, and to this day stirs deep-seated emotions. In order to pursue its war against China, Japan needed the rubber, tin, oil and minerals from French Indo-China, Burma, Malaya and the Dutch East Indies. The strategically located Philippines lay directly in Japan's line of conquest. American military facilities in the Philippines and Hawaii posed a serious threat to Japan's plan, should the United States join the war. Furthermore, Japan knew that naval and air bases in the Philippines would protect supply and communication to the south. From May to September, 1938, clashes between the Japanese and the Russians on the Manchuria-Outer Mongolia border culminated in a massive armored attack, led by Marshall Georgy Zukoff, that soundly defeated the Japanese. Marshall Zukoff went on to become Russia's greatest World War II hero, defending the Motherland in the Great Patriotic War that saw 27 million Russians die, breaking the siege of Leningrad, defeating the Germans at Stalingrad and leading the drive that captured Berlin. However,' that same year, Japan received a secret cable from Hitler, to Field Marshall Prince Kanin, revealing that Germany planned to deal a fatal blow to Russia. Japan concluded that it could concentrate its efforts in other areas. On September 1, 1939, war broke out in Europe as Germany invaded Poland. By May, 1940, the Panzer Divisions were sweeping across Holland, Belgium and France. Holland and France could no longer protect their Southeast Asian colonies, as Britain was later to realize. 16
On July 27, 1940, Japan proclaimed the concept of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere, an Asian brotherhood liberated by Japanese conquest. In September, 1940, Japan signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy. On September 23, 1940, Japanese troops entered French Indo-China and, by July, 1941, they had defeated the French and established a naval base at Cam Rahn Bay. On April 13, 1941, Japan signed a neutrality pact with Russia. And in June, 1941, Germany attacked Russia. The Japanese were poised to strike. Among the Allies in World War I, Japan had resented the 1922 Washington Naval Treaty, which limited the Imperial Navy's fleet in favor of the United States and Britain. Also, many Japanese felt humiliated by perceived discrimination in America , against Japanese immigrants , and demanded reprisals. The Japanese began to fortify the Bonin, Marianas, Caroline and Marshall Island groups it had gained from Germany, after World War I. The decision of the United States, in July, 1941, to embargo Japan, as a protest of its hostile acts, pushed Japan closer to expanding the war. Finally, the decision was made to simultaneously attack the American forces in Hawaii and the Philippines, to protect the sea lanes, and to neutralize United States intervention in the Pacific War. On December 7, 1941, in a raid planned by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, Commander in Chief of the Combined Imperial Fleet, 400 Japanese bombers and torpedo planes destroyed nine battleships in Pearl Harbor. Just hours after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Japan bombed Wake Island, Guam , Hong Kong and Singapore. Simultaneously, air DIGNITY OF THE SOUL
attacks were made against Clark and Iba Air Fields, and Cavite Naval Station, in the Philippines. Within two days, the enemy had forced the surrender of Guam, and landed on the Malay Peninsula, the Gilbert Islands and Luzon. The British battleships Prince of Wales and Repulse were sunk off Singapore, on December 10, 1941. Wake Island was taken on December 23, 1941. Hong Kong fell on Christmas. Using tanks, the Japanese rolled over British forces on Borneo, in January, 1942. By February, the Japanese were advancing in Burma and Sumatra, and were poised to invade Java, the main island of the Dutch East Indies. There were no landward defenses to Singapore. With bicycles, the Japanese advanced the 600 miles down the Malayan Peninsula in seven weeks. By capturing the water supply, the enemy forced the British to capitulate. On February 15, 1942, Lieutenant General Sir Arthur Percival surrendered Singapore and 130,000 troops to General Yamashita. Ahead lay Australia, whose best troops were fighting the Axis Powers and had helped defeat the Germans at EI Alamein, protecting the Suez Canal. The Japanese pushed close to Australia and India, attacking Darwin Naval Base in Australia on February 19, 1942, with carrier-based aircraft, and advancing against New Guinea. The Allies had reluctantly decided that the Axis Powers must be defeated first. In 1935, General Douglas MacArthur had become Military Advisor to the Commonwealth of the Philippines. However, in 1941, President Roosevelt reactivated MacArthur, appointing him Supreme Army Chief for the Southwest Pacific. A Navy Command was also created under Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. 18
On December 10,1941, the enemy landed at Aparri and Vigan, on northern Luzon. Two days later, other assault troops made a beachhead at Legazpi, on southern Luzon, and came ashore at Mindanao on December 20. The main invasion force , under the command of Lieutenant General Masaharu Homma, landed at Lingayen Gulf on December 22. Other landings took place in the towns of Atimonan and Mauban in Tayabas, now Quezon, on December 24. Admiral Thomas C. Hart had withdrawn the American Asiatic Fleet to the south, leaving MacArthur with no air or naval support. Japan expect.ed a quick victory and assumed that it would conquer the Philippines in seven weeks. But the enemy had badly misjudged the Filipinos, completely failing to understand their will and determination, their love of freedom , and their passionate conviction that family, home and church are sacred. Reinforcements had to be sent to the Philippines, diverting them from their scheduled deployment to other areas and substantially delaying Japan's advance in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, major objectives of the Japanese in their drive to Australia. Anxious to make up for lost time, Japan risked a major naval engagement in the Battle of the Coral Sea, fought between May 4-8, 1942, as the enemy tried to land a strong invasion force on the south coast of New Guinea. The Allies turned back the Imperial Navy and knocked two formidable aircraft carriers out of action; the Shokaku, due to damage sustained, and the Zuikaku, due to the loss of aircraft. With their southern advance checked in the Coral Sea, Japan shifted its main offensive toward the Hawaiian Islands DIGNITY OF THE SOUL
and the Aleutians. The decisive Battle of Midway took place between June 3-6, 1942. Dive bombers from the USS Enterprise spotted four Japanese carriers with planes refueling and rearming. In just five minutes, from 10:25 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., on June 4, 1942, the aircrews crippled three of the four enemy carriers. Japan's loss of the powerful carriers the month before was critical to the American victory. The rise of an empire had been halted.