Guerilla warfare on Panay Island in the Philippines : historical account of the organization and ope

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The Sixth Military District Veterans Foundation, Inc. enriches the historia1 lore of Filipino patriotism and dedication to the cause of freedom with its publication of "Guerilla Warfare on Panay Island in the Philippines." Relating the saga of the Free Panay Guerilla Forces from 1941 to


this comprehensive and well-documented

historical writing actually serves the purpose of helping forge our national tradition -- that Filipinos will never hesitate to fight and sacrifice to preserve their cherished liberty against foreign aggressors.

Indeed, the gallantry

and valor of the guerilla forces of Panay, together with the heroic sufferings and sacrifices of the island's loyal civilian populace, which this book so vividly narrates, immeasurably strengthen Filipino pride and dignity. It was in this perspective


I gave my full

support to the research and writing of the history of guerilla warfare on Panay Island.

I call on the other

guerilla commands which operated during World War II in the Philippines to also write and publish their respective histories. I heartily congratulate and commend the trustees and members of the Sixth Military District Veterans Foundation for the success of this most worthy project.



COWNEL MACARIO PERALTA, JR., INFANTRY (PA) Founder and Overall Commander Sixth Military District, Philippine Army Military Guerilla Command (1942-1945)


Historical account of the organization and operations of the wartime Sixth Military District, Philippine Army, otherwise known as the "Free Panay Guerilla Forces", during World War II in the Philippines, in 1942-1945 .

***** COLONEL GAMALIEL L. MANIKAN (Retired) Armored Cavalry (General Staff Corps) Armed Forces of the Philippines

*.**** Published under the auspices of the Sixth Military District Veterans Foundation, Inc. , Manila, Philippines. Grant-in-aid given by the GHQ Armed Forces of the Philippines, approved by the Secretary of Nati?n?J p:fense, ~y. di~ection of His Excellency Ferdinand E. Marcos, PresIdent/of the PhilIppmes.


Copyright 1977 by



First Edition

Published Under PCPM Certificate SP No. 780

Printed by BUSTAMANTE PRESS, INC. 155 Panay Avenue, Quezon City RepUblic of the Philippines


To the courageous and loyal Filipinos, living or dead, whose steadfast patriotism, all-out support and inestimable sacrifices, in 1942 to 1945, sustained the "Free Panay Guerilla Forces" to Victory.


LIEUTENANT COLONEL LEOPOLDO R. RELUNIA CORPS OF ENGINEERS (PA) Second-in-Command to Colonel Peralta (1942-1945)


This book is the first comprehensive, fully-documented and factual historical account of the successful guerilla warfare waged by the officers and men of the wartime Sixth Military District (PA) military guerilla command, with the unstinted and courageous support and cooperation of the loyal and patriotic civilian population, on the islands of Panay, the Romblon Group, and Guimaras (now sub-province of Iloilo), covering the period of almost three years of bitter struggle of freedom-loving Filipinos against a strong, cruel and determined enemy forces of occupation. I have reviewed the final manuscript and, as Second-in-Command of the military guerilla command, I can attest to the veracity of the events and situations narrated in this historical work. The author devoted great efforts, not barring his personal sacrifices, to produce a book which could be a highly informative reading not only for those in the military service but also for civilians who may be interested to know how civilian cooperation and support was successfully integrated with the military effort in Panay. With his formal military education and in view of the various command and staff positions that he held in our organization, up to being acting commander of one regimental combat team, the author was placed in a vantage position to now logically integrate the historical significance and military value of the events chronicled in this book. Fittingly entitled "Guerilla Warfare on Panay Island in the Philippines" it is hoped that this historical account about our wartime unit, which was credited in the official records of the General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area as "probably the most extensive and best example of a completely Filipino patriotic effort" in both military and civil matters, may be worthwhile not only as General Peralta, our late and deeply-lamented overall commander, would have wanted to present it to the General Staff of our Armed Forces but also as our humble refutation of the sweepingly low, if not, derogatory regard held by the Japanese enemy, some doubting and suspicious Americans, and even unsympathetic Filipinos themselves (then and now) concerning the "guerillas" during World War II in the Philippines. Our former comrades-in-arms in the wartime Sixth Military District (PA) military guerilla command may find this book helpful in their reminiscing. Their descendants who, even if left nothing else by them, may more fondly treasure the memory of their worthy predecessors with this book. For, modesty aside, useful readings may be found in this historical account of the saga of the loyal and patriotic Filipinos in Panay and the neighboring islands, of whose deeds no less than General Douglas MacArthur was reported by the National Geographic Magazine (published in the United States in its v

February 1943 issue) to have articulated, viz.,: For a long time after the disaster at Bataan, said General MacArthur, a deep silence engulfed the Philippines. No news of their fate reached the outside world. Then, late in 1942, came a weak radio signal from Panay, picked up by the listening posts of the War Department. That "lifted the curtain of silence ... and disclosed a human drama with few parallels in military, history." Resistance had started. (Bold, supplied.)


ttl tit,~ .I<.u~_

OPOLDO R. RELUNIA Col CE (GSC) 01529 (Ret) Former Second-in-Command Sixth Military District (PA)



BOARD OF REVIEW AND AUTHOR Seated (left to right): Col Leopoldo R. Relunia, Member; Mrs. Natividad K. Peralta, Chairperson; Col Gamaliel L. Manikan, Author. Standing (same order): Maj Tomas .de Castro, Member; Maj Juan V. Borra, Member; Brig Gen Amos M. Francia, Member; Capt Alejandro P. Hontiveros, Member-Secretary.


This is the story: Of a people living in an area occupied by a ruthless enemy, their lives alternately forfeit or threatened, their homes and properties laid to waste, their dignity and honor shamelessly violated, who nevertheless refused to submit to the enemy; Of the fearless officers and men of the 61st Division, PA (USAFFE) who, (;orrectly interpreting that popular sentiment, disregarded superior orders to surrender and continued the resistance against the Japanese; Of the other officers and men who likewise refused to surrender elsewhere in the Philippines and returned to their native Panay to join their comrades: Of the civilian volunteers - physicians, nurses, lawyers, engineers, teachers, farmers, students, patriots from all walks of life - who heeded the call to arms and took their rightful place in a unified and potent military guerilla command; Of the dramatic radio contact that reestablished the channel of command with GHQ, SWPA and opened the route of military supply by submarine from Australia; Of the sufferings, privations and sacrifices of both the guerillas and the civil population, and of the cooperation among their leaders, misunderstandings notwIthstanding, until liberation was complete. This is the saga of the guerillas in Panay, which had remained untold for over thirty years. Voluminous original records and documents preserved in the US Armed Forces Records Center in St. Louis, Missouri and in the Central Library of the Central Philippine University in Iloilo City may be read by scholars of history generations hence. But the unrecorded events and details of this epic struggle lived only in the memory of the surVivors, whose numbers are gradually diminishing, many of whom are in their twilight years. A number of accounts had been written of the guerilla activities in Panay. However these accounts, based principally on the experiences of the writers and random documents at their disposal, have not adequately told the story. It was thus with a sense of urgency that General Macario Peralta, Jr., cancer-stricken and visibly emaciated, asked a further service of the officers and men who gathered at his residence on March 18,1974, to celebrate the 29th anniversary of the Panay Liberation Day. His voice filled with emotion, he exhorted them: I want you to write the history of our guerilla unit. More than thirty years ago, when you chose to fight rather than surrender to viii

the Japanese, you very well knew that your choice simply meant your life or death, even of your families. Still you preferred to resist the enemy for more than three years, completely thoughtless of the dangers, privations and sufferings that you and your loved ones had to undergo. What made you do that ... how were you able to do it? Our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren have at least the right to know. During their generations, God forbid, they might face similar, if not more serious crises, in their own times. So write down your own personal experiences. Leave them something to go by. I would like to have a history of the Sixth Military District (PA) guerilla forces that I could present to our Armed Forces general staff and say: Here is what we have done and how we did it on Panay in 1942 to 1945. See if you can find something worthwhile out of it. The reaction of his hearers was electric and the enthusiasm generated contagious. The historical work became the main project of the 6th MD veterans. Documents, personal memoirs and mementos, zealously kept for posterity, were made available by key staff officers and field commanders. Funds were generated by contributions from among the veterans, but financing soon be~ame a progressively pressing problem. A fortunate breakthrough came on October 7, 1974, when His Excellency, President Ferdinand E. Marcos, accompanied by the First Lady, Madame Imelda Romualdez Marcos, went to the residence of the gravely ill General Peralta. In the presence of high ranking civil and military officials, veterans of the 6th MD and leaders of other guerilla units, President Marcos decorated General Peralta with the Philippine Legion of Honor, Degree of Commander, addressing his former comrades-in-arms with these words: We broke tradition coming here and hope to establish a precedent for the Armed Forces of not waiting for formal parades in granting recognition to the country's heroes. It is a small matter and service to the nation for me to come here. I personally wanted to come and see the General. As we, as a people, rediscover the nobility of our past and seek to reestablish the ancient roots of our nation, we establish the tradition that never shall the Filipino people forget their heroes, living and dead. Therefore, General Peralta, receive by my hand the homage of your people and the gratitude of the President of the Republic. In the spirit of camaraderie, the President engaged the veterans in a "free for all" session after the awarding ceremony. Colonel Leopoldo R. Relunia (Retired), Peralta's wartime second-in-command, showed the President the outline of the historical work and admitted that due to lack of funds the project was making slow progress. President Marcos immediately instructed Secretary of Defense Juan Ponce Enrile and Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Romeo Espmo to arrange for a grant-in-aid to supoort the project. He also exhorted the other guerilla leaders present to undertake the writing of their own units' history as a legacy to future Filipino generations. In the months that followed, General Peralta waged a relentless but losing battle against his ailment, which brought him close to death several times. Whenever he could rally sufficiently to overrule his physician's objections, he would call the historical committee to report to him on the progress of the book. Reminiscing with his comrades, cajoling, prodding, he inspired them to work harder. He saw the book take form; and when he ix

finally succumbed to cancer and passed on to immortality on January 7, 1975, he- knew that the project was in good hands and his men would carry the mission through. The choice of retired Colonel Gamaliel L. Manikan to head the editorial board and subsequently undertake the actual writing almost single-handed pleased General Peralta. Manikan played a vital role in Peralta's command and accomplished various important missions. Among the assignments entrusted by Peralta to Manikan was the rendezvous with the advance landing party of the American forces at Tigbauan, Iloilo on March 18,1945 . His tactical employment of the 1st Battalion, 65th Infantry RCT that resulted in the complete annihilation of the enemy that garrisoned Tigbauan, contributed materially to the unopposed landing by the US Army's 40th Infantry Division. General Peralta also chose Manikan for his S-3 (Plans, Training and Operations) in the 52nd Infantry RCT, which was organized for the planned invasion of Japan. He later became the Executive Officer and second-in-command of the 52nd after Peralta left and Lt. Colonel Julian C. Chaves became its CO. Manikan continued his brilliant military career after World War II and fought in Korea as Executive Officer and, later, Acting Battalion Commander (during the first Chinese "Winter" Offensive) of the 10th BCT (Motorized) in 1950. He graduated from the Armored School, US Army, Fort Knox, Kentucky, in 1949, and from the Command and General Staff School, AFP Ft. McKinley (now Fort Bonifacio), Rizal, in 1953. After serving in high command and staff functions in the various units of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, he retired (optionally) in the rank of Colonel of Armored Cavalry (General Staff Corps) after completing 22 years of military service in the AFP Regular Force . The writing of this historical work was the last mission Manikan accomplished for his commanding officer. It entailed long days and late nights of research, interviews, readings and writing, at inestimable sacrifice of his personal interests. His patience, perseverance, diligence and dedication justified the trust and confidence General Peralta had placed in him. His rich military training and background , his intimate acquaintance with the organization and its activities, and his personal gift of expression blended in this masterful authentic historical account. Of Colonel Manikan - soldier, lawyer, author - we, his comrades, can proudly say: "His pen is indeed mightier than his sword." The historical account is presented in nine parts: Part I provides the background situations which include the defense preparations of the Philippine Commonwealth and culminat~ \ in the Japanese invasion of the Philippines. Part II records the extension of the war to Panay. This includes the activation, mobilization and deployment of the 61st Division, PA, USAFFE, and the actual invasion of Panay. It epitomizes the historic meeting of Colonel Peralta and other ranking Filipino officers with General Christie and their no-surrender plan. Part III portrays the beginning of the resistance organization under the unified command of Colonel Peralta, the recruitment, and the liquidation of banditry. It also records the organization of the loyal civil government under Governor Tomas Confesor. Part IV marks the organization for combat, the regroupment in Iloilo, Capiz and Antique, the establishment of regimental commands and the early offensive action against the Japanese. Part V describes the expansion of the organization to the IV Philippine Corps. It also records the historic efforts of the signal men to build up radio communication and the final success in the


establishment of radio contact with General MacArthur's SWPA Command Headquarters. It likewise describes a comedy of errors in the effort to impose Martial Law and the subsequent disillusionment when General MacArthur disauthorized it. Part VI portrays the reorganization of the 61st Division. It portrays the deterioration of the relations between General Peralta and Governor Confesor. It likewise describes the arrival of the first submarine which brought much needed arms and ammunition, medical supplies and equipment and which naturally raised morale and built up new hopes. Part VII deals with enemy punitive drives characterized by terror and inhuman atrocities. It also accelerates the tempo of intelligence operations and describes the second submarine arrival. Part VIII covers what the author calls anticlimx-es. This period ushers in the third year of the war and marks the third submarine arrival. Part IX gives an account of the crucial movement against the enemy which included the sophisticated preparation for reconquest, and the increased activities of the RCTs. It also gives an account of the last stage of the war in Panay including the mopping up operations and victory. Finally It records the successful mission of General Peralta in Leyte, his military decoration and the winding up of the operations of the wartime Sixth Military District (PA) military guerilla command. The Board of Review is unanimous in the appraisal that the work is in accordance with the facts and takes pride in having participated, albeit in a , minimal way, in its preparation.

11(;." </A.~Ifi?a1c'Mrs'. ~~~~. PERALTA J

WAS Organizer in panay~ Chairperson


I'...te :6&;; RELU~


L C ,CE (GSC) 01529 (Ret) Former Second-in-Command Sixth Military District (PA) Member-

Brig Gen AFP 01656 (Ret) Former Signal Officer Sixth Military District (PA) Member

'-~--\r/~ \ ~CÂŁt-'V-J -/ '--j

JUA . BORRA M Jor JAGS 02B745 PA(Res) Former Staff Judge Advocate Sixth Military District(PA) Member

TOMAS -I)EICAS Major INF 023592 PA(Res) Former Civil Affairs Officer Sixth Military District(P A) Member







Capt INF 023766 PA(Res) Former Administrative Officer District Intelligence Section Sixth Military District(PA) Mem ber-Secretary xi


Seated (from left to right) Major Segundo G Mapa, Treasurer; Col Cesar T. Manzano, Secretary; Col Gamaliel L Manikan, F4"st Vice-President; Col Hipolito V Ruiz, Board Chairman and President; Major Tomas de Castro, Second Vice-President; Col Benjamin E Lerma, Auditor; Col Francisco C Grape, Director Standing (same order) Col Cesar P Roces, Director; Major Nilo U Buenaflor, Director; Major Carlos H Beloso, Director; Col Gabriel Ilustrisimo, PRO; Major Alejandro P Hontiveros, Director; Brig Gen Raymundo Y Teruel, Director; Capt (PN) Luis Peralta, Director.


Brigadier General Macario Peralta, Jr., himself originally proposed the writing of the history of the organization and operations of his military guerilla command, which was officially identified as the wartime Sb~th Military District, Philippine Army, also otherwise known as the "Free Panay Guerilla Forces". Throughout nearly three years, he courageously led that force in an epic guerilla warfare to victory in 1945. The official records in General Douglas MacArthur's General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area theater of war, dated 27 November 1944, disclosed the following unsolicited appraisals: The history of the guerillas on Panay is unique among the island commands in the early and complete establishment of the command and the continuation of its authority without question since. In both military and civil matters it is probably the most extensive and best example of a completely Filipino effort of all the Philippine guerilla organizations. (Bold, supplied.) The potential of the army remains good . . . The men are eager to serve their country, wanting only adequate training, leadership and guidance. It must be remembered that this organization has been built-up from the remnants of a partially trained division, and without outside assistance except for supplies. The achievement of this army then becomes remarkable. (Bold, supplied.) General Peralta's guerilla command had successfully managed the first and most spectacular radio contact from the enemy-occupied Philippines with both the US War Department and MacArthur's GHQ in Australia; weathered the most inhuman brutalities that the Japanese enemy had mounted against both the military and civilian population on Panay, the Romblons and Guimaras islands; and sent a great amount of valuable tactical and intelligence informations and periodic military reports via radio communications and/or the courier submarines . In fact, by about the time that the foregoing encomiums were written, General Peralta's forces had already commenced to mount offensive drives against the Japanese garrisons on Panay, relentlessly decimated their numbers and cornered their die-hard remnants in only the provincial capitals. Finally, on 18 March 1945, the US Army's 40th Infantry Division (minus one regimental combat team) arrived and virtually walked onto the beaches at Tigbauan, in southern Iloilo, without any opposition from the Japanese enemy who were, even then, being cut down by the hundreds as they tried to desperately and suicidally flee towards their pre-planned mountain sanctuaries throu[h the cordon that Peralta's forces had tightly drawn around their last garrisons for months. Two days later , the Americans entered iloilo City, after the Japanese remnants had completely fled, hotly pursued and decimated some more by Peralta's men. xiii

General Peralta wanted a basically factual historical study, "regardless of who gets -affected". He therefore exhorted those who fought the battles and shared the grueling privations with him in Panay to write their personal memoirs and contribute their own versions and impressions to the fashioning of the historical project that he had in mind. Mindful of the established governmental policy of self-reliance, more particularly, in the evolvement of the national defense concepts, he hoped to present such a history to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and, in effect, say: Here is what we did, and how we did it, in Panay, for whatever it may be worth. Taking the cue, Lt. Colonel Avelino E. Damian, PA Reserve (Inactive), then President of the fraternal association of veterans of the Sixth Military District (PA) residing in the metropolitan Manila area, in turn, moved enthusiastically and aggressively to implement General Peralta's ideas. With his congenial personality and winning ways, Colonel Damian inspired his fellow-veterans, not only to adopt the historical writing as a special project of their association but also spearheaded the raising of voluntary contributions from some of them with which to initially fund the enterprise. A "Historical Committee" was created to undertake the special project chaired by Colonel Leopoldo R. Relunia (Retired), who was General Peralta's second-in-command in the Sixth Military District (PA) military guerrilla command. In the meantime, Colonel Damian died suddenly, when the Historical Committee had hardly began its task. Lt. Colonel Hipolito V. Ruiz, PA Reserve (Inactive) who succeeded the demised Colonel Damian as President. carried on with the undertaking, with no lesser enthusiasm and determination, and receiving the same support that the association's membership gave to Colonel Damian. The undersigned, despite his plea of lack of literary writing ability and experience, was nonetheless chosen to undertake the historical writing, with the "blessings" of General Peralta. But shortly after the undersigned (together with Colonels Relunia and Ruiz) conferred with the General, regarding the composition of the mere outlines of this historical study. the General's state of health suddenly deteriorated. Actually, however, the realization of this historical project might have been considerably delayed, but for the usual dynamic foresight and keen sense of national identity of His Excellency, President Ferdinand E. Marcos, (himself an outstanding war hero), who acted quickly upon representations made both by General Peralta and Colonel Relunia for a grant-in-aid for this project. But before the grant could materialize, the indomitable General Peralta died. Not long afterwards, however, Secretary of National Defense Juan Ponce Enrile made good the promise of the President, and directed the AFP Chief of Staff, General Romeo C. Espino, to make available the ne_cessary funds. Much of the resource materials used in this historical study came from the still extant original reports, records, documents and other writings that were evolved by the responsible authorities in the various headquarters or elements of the Sixth Military District (PA) military guerilla command, as well as by those similarly situated in the various offices of the "Resistance Civil Government of Free Panay and Romblon". After the war, a great quantity of those valuable and aged writings were donated to the Central Philippine University at J&ro, Iloilo, where those writings were carefully

compiled, securely book-bound and indexed into a few hundred separate volumes, and kept in the shelves of the "Filipiniana Division" of the university's central library . Parenthetically, tons upon tons of more records, reports, documents and other official writings that originated from the various headquarters and elements of the Sixth Military District (PA) military guerilla command, over the years of its entire existence, have found their way into the vaults of the Records Center at St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. Those files were either brought by the several courier submarines that arrived in Panay in 1943-1944, to GHQ, SWPA in Australia, or were taken into custody by US Army authorities in 1945-1946, from the post-war Guerilla AffC1irs Unit of the 52nd Infantry RCT (PA) in Panay. Grateful acknowledgement is therefore hereby made of the whole-hearted cooperation extended by Dr. Agustin Pulido, distinguished Filipino President of the American-sponsored (Baptist Mission) Central Philippine University, who gave 'permission to use the aforementioned writings for research purposes. Also, grateful acknowledgement is hereby made of the knowledgeable assistance given by the competent and highly-cooperative Chief Librarian of the same university, Mrs. Norma P. Jayme, who actually implemented the permission given by Dr. Pulido. In addition, upon arrangements made by Colonel Ruiz and the undersigned, Mrs. Jayme personally handpicked a group of competent researchers, mostly history major faculty members of the university. Those researchers labored hard and well for at least three summer months in 1975 to collate and digest a great amount of valuable resource materials which the undersigned utilized in writing this historical study. To Mr. Leopoldo S. Solania, Mr. Henry F. Funtecha and his wife, Mrs. Nelly S. Funtecha, and Ms. Victory O. Gabawa, therefore, a special debt of gratitude is hereby made of record for their valuable assistance in the preparation of this work. Furtherr.lOre, responding to the exhortations made by their great and deeply lamented leader, many former stalwarts of the Sixth Military District (PA) military guerilla command provided the undersigned with written memoirs of their respective services or first-hand accounts of events that transpired during the guerilla warfare in Panay. Those personal memoirs aided immensely in clarifying or integrating the narration or -discussion in this historical study of certain important events or happenings. The names of those contributors are appropriately cited within the context of this book. Incidentally, with barely a few English words at his command, and being poorer yet in the mechanics and/or sophistications in the use of the language, the undersigned has oftentimes honestly wished that this historical study could have been written in Pilipino. But, again, being a natural-born Aklan-Visayan, his ability to think, much less, express his ideas in Filipino is limited only to the commonly-used "Tagalish" (Tagalog-English) or "Taganish" (Tagalog-Spanish) versions of the national language. Be that as it may, regardless of great hardships but left with no other options, the undersigned only tried as best as he could to compose and narrate what appeared to him to have been the most significant and far-reaching happenings, particularly in Panay Island, when everything else seemed so hopeless and darkest during that terrible holocaust that engulfed .


the World and benighted the Philippines and the Filipino nation, more than three decades past. In so doing, as much as possible, the undersigned also purposedly inhibited himself from advancing his own personal opinions or theories and/or making any sort of "Monday morning after" hindsights with respect to the events or controversial happenings that are factually related in this historical study. For if the reader win kindly take note, the writings of the several dramatis personae themselves who were participants and/or protagonists in those events or controveries, have been faithfully and generously cited throughout the context of this book to shed light in the projection of those developments. In that way, the undersigned humbly believes that he had been provided great relief for his writing inadequacies, as well as built-in disclaimers against any partisan interpretation made by the reader of the mere narration of facts in this study. However, in the few instances where it was deemed material and relevant to pursue particular events or developments to their logical and significant conclusions, the undersigned assumes full responsibility for his discussions; but hastens to add the assurance that neither malice nor deliberate irresponsibility motivated him in so doing. Finally, the raw manuscript have been painstakingly and critically gone over by a Board of Review, composed of highly competent and prestigious members of the Sixth Military District (PA) veterans association. Chaired by no less than our great leader's widow, Mrs. Natividad Kasilag Peralta, who not only contributed to the furtherance of the guerilla resistance on Panay, in her own right, but has also shown a steadfast interest and abiding concern for the completion of this historical project, (to carryon, as it were, in behalf of her dearly beloved husband), the other members of the Board of Review are: retired Colonel Leopoldo R. Relunia, second-in-command to General Peralta; retired Commission on Elections Chairman, Member of the Congress of the Philippines (for two terms) and of the 1972 Constitutional Convention, Major Juan V. Borra, who was chief legal adviser to both General Peralta and Colonel Relunia during the guerilla days; retired AFP Brigadier General Amos M. Francia, General Peralta's "signal expert" in Panay, whose post-war services included that of having been Chief, Signal Corps of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and Superintendent of the Philippine Military Academy; retired Division Superintendent of Public Schools and well-reputed educator of long standing, Major Tomas de Castro, who was General Peralta's Chief of Civil Affairs in Panay and, as such, was highly regarded even by the querulous Governor Tomas ~onfessor; and Capt. Alejandro P. Hontiveros, who acted as the Board's Secretary, a product of the reputable pre-war Ateneo de Manila, whose meritorious and outstanding services with the potent Intelligence Echelon of the Second Combat Team has been made of record in official documents of the G2 staff division of General MacArthur 's GHQ SWPA. The onerous burden and tedious job of typing the manuscript, over the more ¡than eighteen months long that it took to finish this project, was undertaken by an expert typist, former Technical Sergeant Emigdio O. Beriong, who was one of the dependable platoon leaders in the 1st Battalion, 65th Infantry RCT commanded by the undersigned during the guerilla warfare on Panay. Mr. Beriong was also very helpful in composing the various organizational charts and situation maps that are included in this history.


By no means can any claim be made that this modest volume fS a complete and perfect historical account. Insofar as the voluminous records extant, the memoirs of the contributors, and the undersigned's own impressions and readings are concerned, the chronicling herein made is substantially and factually accurate. With the pUblication of this narrative, however, it is possible that more relevant documents or personal memoirs of those still living may be made available with which a more comprehensive historical picture may later be fashioned. It is deeply regrettable that General Peralta passed away before the completion of this historical study inspired by him. The more is the pity because, logically, he would have been the one to say whether this modest work is suitable to his purpose of presenting It to the "General Staff". Albeit, the undersigned, having been closely associated with him during the most critical stages of his spectacular military leadership, would have had no qualms in submitting this manuscript to him, knowing the General's penchant for adherence to the military tactical dictum, to the effect, that a poorly executed mission is infinitely much more preferable than inaction. Acknowledgement is also made of the words of encouragement, sympathetic attitudes, and other forms of moral support that were given to the undersigned by several of his fellow-veterans, friends and professional colleagues, while the writing of this modest work was in progress. They have truly inspir~d the undersigned to carryon, despite seemingly insurmountable difficulties, great handicaps and, at times, severe frustrations.


Manila, Philippines 20 August 1976


But it is Glory ever When Thou art wronged; For us Thy Sons To suffer and die! - Philippine National Anthem


CONTENTS Frontispiece Dedication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... .111 Foreword . .................................................. v Introduction . .................................. , ........... viii ACknowledgements . .......................................... xiii

PART I - BACKGROUND SITUATIONS Chapter One - PHILIPPINE DEFENSE PREPARATIONS Philippine Commonwealth ................................ 1 Uneasy World ·.Cortditions ................................. 1 Preparing for National Defense ............................. 2 National Defense Concepts ................................ 3 Organizational Plan ...................................... 4 Command and Control ................................... 5 The Regular Force ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 Building Up the Reserve Force ............................. 6 Procurement of Reserve Officers ............................ 7 Logistical Aspects ....................................... 8 Chapter Two - WAR CAME TO THE PHILIPPINES Deterioration of US-Japan Relations ........................ 10 Thp. USAF FE ......................................... 10 Too Little, Too Late .................................... 12 Defense Strategy ....................................... 12 Civil Defense Measures .................................. 13 Pearl Harbor Attackltld .................................. ' 15 Japanese Invaded Luzon ................................. 16 USAFFE Defensive Maneuvers ............................ 17 Quezon and MacArthur Left .............................. 19 "Victory in Defeat" .................................... 21 Japanese Military Administration .......................... 24

PART ll- WAR SPREAD O(;T TO PANAY Chapter Three - INVASION AND OCCUPATION OF PANAY 61st Division, PA (USAFFE) .............................. Deployment .......................................... Defensive Preparations .................................. Preparation for Protracted Resistance ....................... Aid to Besieged Bataan and Corregidor ...................... Three-Point Invasion ........ .. ........................... Enemy Atrocities ...................................... Battle of Dila- Dila ...................................... 61st Provisional Regiment ................................. Encounter in Antique ................................... Surrender Negotiations .................................. Chapter Four - "WE WILL NOT SURRENDER" No Surrender Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Meeting with General Christie ............................. Reactions in the Field ................................... To Security Areas ...................................... Token Surrender ....................................... xxi

29 30 31 31 32 34 34 35 36 36 38 40 40 42 43 43

Causes and/ or Reasons .................................. Low Profile ........................................... Confusion of Civilians ................................... Upsurge of Banditry and Lawlessness .......................

44 46 47 48

PART III -.,. BEGINNINGS OF RESISTANCE . Chapter Five - MILITARY REGROUPMENT Peralta Assumed Command ............................... Rationale for Regroupment ............................... Regroupment Concepts .................................. Early Activities ...................................... . . Priority Against Bandits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Second "War Council" .................................. Iloilo Provincial Military Command ......................... Offemaria's Force ...................................... Southern Iloilo Sector ...................... ... .. .... . .... Fall of Notorious Bandits ................................ Regroupment in Northeastern Iloilo ........................ Adverse Factors ....................................... , Chapter Six - THE RE SI Sf ANCE CIVIL GOVERNMENT Confesor Re- Assumed Iloilo Governorship ................... Provincial Government Set-up ............................. Enemy Moved Against Confesor ........................... Agreement of Cooperation ............................... Governorship of Panay and Romblon ....................... Cooperation and Friction ................................ Conflicts and Confrontations .............................

53 54 56 58 59 60 63 66 66 67 68 68

71 71 73 75 76 78


PART IV - ORGANIZATION FOR GUERILLA WARFARE Chapter Seven - SHAPING OF A GUERILLA DIVISION Moroboro Conference ................................... 83 Reorganization in Iloilo ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 84 Preparing for Combat in Iloilo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85 Initial Strikes .......................................... 85 Regroupment in Capiz ................................... 87 The Train Blow-up ..................................... 87 Two Sector Commands in Capiz ............... .. .......... 89 Chaves Assumed Command in Capiz ........................ 91 Regroupment in Antique ................................. 92 Island-wide Capability ................................... 93 Chapter Eight - MOMENTUM Maintaining the Initiative ................................ 95 Keeping the Offensive in Iloilo ............................ 95 Strategic Considerations ................................. 97 Capture of Water Supply Source ........................... 98 Lull in Iloilo .......................................... 99 Results of Offensive Operations in Iloilo .................... 100 Antique Commenced Operations .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100 Ambuscade in Capiz ................................... 101 Excellent Cooperation and Support ....................... 102 Early Problems ....................................... 103 Change to Bolder Plan .................................. 105 Assault in Capiz ....................................... 105 Capture of Pototan .................................... 108 Simultaneous Iloilo Operations ........................... 110 xxii

Fighting Continued in Antique ........................... Shift to Army-type Organization .......................... Effects of 3-month Operations ........................... Signal Communications ................................. Signal Organization .................................... Messenger Service ..................................... Building up Radio Communications .......................

110 111 114 115 117 118 121

PART V- EXPANSION, RADIO CONTACT AND ENEMY REACTIONS Chapter Nine - THE IV PHILIPPINE C_ORPS Concept and Basis ...................................... Corps Staff and Units .................................. "Free Panay Calling" ................................... First Messages ........................................ Radio Contact Stalled .... . ...... . ...................... Intelligence Efforts . .......... . . . ............ . ......... Favorable Situation . ... . .............. . ................ Expansion Moves ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Contact with Negros .... . .............................. Missions to Leyte ..................................... Samar Guerilla Force Contacted . .......... . .............. Northward to Luzon ...... . ... . ........................ Special Mission to Mindanao ............................. Reaching Toward the Bicols . . ................. . .......... Other Expansion Attempts ........ . ... .. ................ Impasse Broken .............. . ...... . ................. Peralta Faltered . ...................................... Chapter Ten -- MILITARY GOVERNMENT OR MARTIAL LAW Brinkmanship ........... . ............. . .............. Castillon Cabinet ..... . .. . . . ............ . .............. MacArthur said "No" ..... . ............................ Tit for Tat ............ .. ............................. Lifting of Martial Law .......... . .................. . . . .. Comedy of Errors ... . .......... . . . .. . ................. Uneasy Truce . . .. . . . .... . . . ................. . .... .. .. Chapter Eleven - ENEMY COUNTERATIACKS IN ILOILO Friendly and Enemy Situations ................... . ....... Enemy Scheme of Maneuver . . ........................... Initial (First) Phase ........ . ........................... Guerillas Maintained Contact ... . .............. . ......... Second Phase .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Resume of November Operations in Iloilo ................... New Tactical Directives ... . ...... . ...................... Relunia' s Field Orders ...... .. ........................... Third Phase .... . ............... . ..................... Effects of Enemy Counterattacks in Iloilo .................. Chapter Twelve - OTHER ASPECTS OF 1942 OPERATIONS Situation in Capiz ..................................... Action in Antique . . . . .. . ......... . .................... Financing the Organization .. .. .......................... Partial Salaries ........................................ Food Supplies .. . .... . ....... . ........................ Pp.rsonnel Policies ..................................... Military Policies Affecting Civilians ................ : ...... '. Submarine Rendezvous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxiii

125 127 130 131 133 136 138 139 140 141 144 145 148 149 152 154 156 160 163 163 164 165 167 170 171 173 174 176 176 178 179 180 181 185 187 192 194 196 198 199 202 203

Peralta Hq Transferred ...... .... ....................... 206 Power Fuel Crisis Solved ................. . ... .. ......... 207 Regroupment in Romblon .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 209 Chapter Thirteen - OPERATION FOOD SUPPLIES Mutual Interests ..................................... Enemy Capabilities .................................... Friendly Situations .................................... Expansion to Southern Iloilo ............................ Expansion Move in Antique ............... .. ............ Breakout in Capiz ..................................... Active Defense in Central Iloilo ........................... Southward Movement in Antique ...... ... .......... . ..... Baiting the Enemy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Movement to Northeastern Iloilo ................. . . ..... . Enemy Support ................................. . .... Enemy Intensified Propaganda ....................... ... Result of Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter Fourteen - MILITARY GUERILLA CHIEFTAIN Permanent Appointment ........................... .... . Significance ............. . ........ . ... . ............ ... Validity of Organization and Powers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . Military Units ................................... .. . Internal Control and Discipline ..... . ...... . ........ . Logistical Improvisations ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Civilian Relationship ............... . ........... .. .. Chapter Fifteen - SIXTH MILIT ARY DISTRICT (PA) Reactivation ................................... Status Quo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Extraterritorial Units ....................... '. . . . . . . . . . .. Intelligence Set-up .............. .... .......... .. ...... . Defensive Actions . ........ .... .... . ...... . ............ Aerial Attack in Kalibo .. .... ...... .................. . .. 61st Division Reorganization ............................. Division Headquarters .. ................... . ..... ... .... Organic Infantry Regiments . . . ......... .. ... ... ..... .. .. S~pI?orting Units ...................................... MISSIons ................. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Administrative Matters ................................. Cessation of Combat ("Lie Low") ......................... Emboldened Enemy ................................... Chapter Sixteen - THE QUESTION OF MONEY Chief Problem ........................................ Plan to Print Money ................................... "Emergency Circulating Notes" ...... . ................... Ominous Moves ............................... . ....... Iloilo Currency Committee .. ............................ Quirks ........... . .......... .. ..... .. ............... Dark Forebodings ............ ... ........ . ... . ........ . Trouble Began ........................................ The Francisco Mission .................................. Quezon's Decision ..................................... Early Showdown ...................................... Denouement ......................................... Military Control of Currency Printing ............. . ........ xxiv

211 212 213 214 216 216 219 221 222 223 223 224 224 229 230 232 233 236 237 238 242 243 244 245 246 249 I 253 255 255 257 258 261 262 263 267 268 269 269 272 275 277 279 281 282 284 288 29Q

Chapter Seventeen - PRELUDES Planning Ahead ....................................... Solving Administrative Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. First Submarine Arrival ................................. Strengthening the Home Front ........................... Intelligence Systems Under Fire .......................... Propaganda and Espionage .............................. Code Names ........................ _ ................

294 296 297 300 303 310 311

PART VII - CAMPAIGN OF ANNIHILATION Chapter Eighteen - INITIAL PHASE "Penetration" ........................................ Ominous Advisories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Special Mobile Force ............ ....................... "Juez de Chuchillo". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Military Casualties ..................................... Defensive Actions in Southern Iloilo ....................... Activities in Other Sectors ............................... Massacre in Guimaras .................................. Enemy Gains . . . .. ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Civilian Relief Measures ................................. Chapter Nineteen - INTERIM DEVELOPMENTS Training of Personnel .................................. Promotions and Transfers ............................... Second Submarine Arrival ............................... Tale of the Dollars ..................................... Disputes with Civil Officials ............................. Chapter Twenty - SECOND PHASE "Melting Pot" Area ................. .... ....... ........ Peralta's Strategy ......... ....... .. .......... ...... .. .. Relunia's Plan ........................................ "Rear Guard" Intelligence Operation ...................... The Enemy Moves ...... ............ ..... ....... .... . .. Ambush at Batabat .................................... The Enemy's Main Effort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Division FCr Hit ...................................... Enemy Atrocities ..................................... Major Borra's Tragic Losses ............. ...... . . . .... . ... Enemy's Trap Sprung .................................. Dispersion of District Hq Staff ........... . ... .. .......... Relunia's Critique ..................................... Army Casualties ...................................... Peralta's Reactions .................................... Chapter Twenty One - THE 1943 PHILIPPINE "REPUBLIC" Japan's Political Policy ................................. Philippine "Independence" ... ........................ ... Implications in Panay .. ............. .......... ......... Ignored By Guerillas ........ .. .... ........... .......... Dilemma ............................................ Method in Madness ....... ... .. ........ ................ Follow-Through ........... ... .... ... ............ ..... Post Mortem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chapter Twenty Two - THIRD PHASE Objectives: BERLIN and AKLAN ......................... Estimate of Enemy Capabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .xxv

317 319 321 324 326 327 329 329 330 331 334 335 338 338 340 358 359 360 362 363 364 365 367 369 370 372 373 375 376 377 381 382 384 385 388 389 390 393 395 39~

Defensive Preparations ................................. 399 Enemy Drive Began .................................... 401 Pincer Movement .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 402 Incursions into Aldan .................................. 403 BERLIN Hq Safe ............................. ..... .... 405 Units Dispersed ....................................... 405 Atrocities in Western Aldan .............................. 406 Enemy Controlled Eastern Aklan ......................... .408 CPO Threatened ...................................... 409 Third (and last) CPO ................................... 410 Chapter Twenty Three - FOURTH PHASE AND WIND-UP Objective: the ROMBLONS ............................. 412 Intelligence Base ...................................... 413 Tablas Hard Hit ....................................... 413 Casualties in Romblon and Sibuyan ....................... 415 Result of Romblon Mop-up .............................. 415 Back to the Mainland .................................. 416 Simultaneous Moves ................................... 416 BERLIN Hq Threatened ................................ 417 Touch-and-Go Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 417 More Military Casualties in the Aklans ..................... 418 Decoy Operation ................................... ;.. 419 Other BERLIN Casualties ............................... 419 Last Caper ........................................... 420 Chapter Twenty Four - OTHER SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENTS In Antique ........................................... 423 61st Division Dissolution Proposed ........................ 428 Precarious Economic Conditions .......................... 431

PART VIII - ANTI·CLIMAXES Chapter Twenty Five - THIRD WAR YEAR USHERED Bright Hopes ......................................... Enemy Situation ...................................... Friendly Situation ..................................... Enemy Inertia ........................................ Medal for a Hero ...................................... Third Submarine Arrival ................................ New Policies ......................................... 61st Division (Free Panay) Abolished ...................... Combat Teams Formed ..................... '............ Logistics Plan ........................................ Offemaria Balked ..................................... Sinister Sequel ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "Proof of the Pudding... " .............................. Chapter Twenty Six - EBBTIDE FOR THE ENEMY Hotheads in Iloilo ..................................... Routinary Activities in Other Sectors ...................... Enemy Retaliations .................................... Reorganization Moves .................................. Humanitarian Mission .................................. "The Need for Truth" .................................. "Lie Low" Policy Amended ............................. Treachery in the Afternoon .............................. Enemy's Last Capers ................................... Wond~rful News ...................................... xxvi

439 442 442 445 446 448 449 452 453 456 457 460 462 464 466 468 470 471 473 475 477 479 485

Fifth Submarine Arrival. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. "Osman-abe" ......................................... Chapter Twenty Seven - THE "SECOND FRONT" New Disenchantments .................................. Sabotage? ........................................... "Stand Ready" .... . ................................. Diversionary Attack ................................... "Strategy", Anyone? .................................. For Want of a Box ..................................... "Cassus Belli" ........................................ "Labu-Iabu" ......................................... MacArthur Intervened .................................. Postscripts . ... . ...................................... Chapter Twenty Eight - CRUCIAL MOVES Administrative Measures ...... . ......................... Morale Build-up .................................... . .. The BOTS ........................................... Logistics Plan Updated ......... . ....................... Command Conference .................................. Static Tactical Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. President Quezon Succumbed ............................ Final Reorganization ................................... Diversionary Operations ................................ Report to President Osmefia ............................. Report to MacArthur . ............ . .................... PART IX - THE OFFENSIVE Chapter Twenty Nine - PREPARATIONS Alert on Panay .......... . .... .. ...................... The ROTS ....... . .. . ............... . ................ Born bers Over Panay .. . ... . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. PC Desertions ..... . ........... . ...................... More Casualties ............ . .......................... The Sixth Submarine Arrival ............................. Supply " Caravans" . .... . .... . ......................... Small Odessey . . . .. . .......... . ....................... Chapter Thirty - DAYS OF RECKONING Move Against the Enemy at Ibajay ...................... . . Enemy Abandoned More Garrisons . . . ..................... Girding for Action ..... . ..... . ....... . ................. Staff Directives .. . .............. . ..................... District Task Force ........ . . . ......................... Philippine Reconquest Began . ........................... Danger at Leyte .. . ... ... ' .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Surrender of Puppets . . ..... . . . .. . ...................... Mortar Unit .......... . .. . ............................ Chapter Thirty One - LIMITED OFFENSIVE IN ANTIQUE Attack at Panongon ......... . .......................... Defense at Belison ..................................... To San Jose and Landing Field ........................... Limited Offensives in Other Sectors ....................... Enemy Situation at End of October 1942 ................... Capture of Sibalom .................................... Enemy's Diversionary Effort ............................. Mission Accomplished ............. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. xxvii

489 492 495 497 501 503 505 507 508 509 513 516 520 523 525 527 529 530 531 532 535 536 538

544 544 546 549 551 553 553 556 559 561 562 563 564 565 568 569 570 573 574 579 581 582 583 584 585

Col. Peralta Left Antique .... . ............ . .......... . .. Chapter Thirty Two - THE 62ND RCT Creation ................ . ....... .. . ... . . ............ Siege of Zarraga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enemy Reinforcements Cowed ....... . ...... . ..... . ...... Enemy Reinforcements Repulsed ............. . ........... Zarraga Captured ..................... . ..... . ........ " Counterattack Beaten Off .... . ..... . ....... .. .. . ........ Mission Accomplished ................. . ........ ... ... . . Zarraga Operations Praised ........ .... ... . .. . ...... . .. .. Chapter Thirty Three - LIMITED OFFENSIVE IN CAPIZ CPO at Ivisan (Capiz) . . . ...... . ................. . ... .. . Operation Plan ... . . . . . ...... .. ............... . . . . ... . The 66th "Order of Battle" . . .... . ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . Attack of Loctugan .. . ..................... . ... . ... .. . . Enemy Cordoned ............... .... . .. . ... . . . .. . . .... Assault in Capiz Town ...................... . ........... Cordon Tightened ............ . ..... .. .... . ........ . ... Peralta's Summary .............. . .. . . . . .. . ..... .. . ..... Enemy Driven from Capiz Town ... . . . . .. ... . . . ... . . . .. ... American Forces Land in Mindoro ............ . .. . ..... . . . 64th RCT Took Over ..... . ...... . ..... . . ... ........... Movement of the 61st RCT ... . ............... .. . . .... . .. Officers Troop School .............. . . . ... . ............. Chapter Thirty Four - PENULTIMATE STAGES Mission Completed in Antique . ............. .. ... . ....... District Task Force Dissolved ....... .... . .. . . ....... . .... Developments at the 64th RCT Sector . . . . ........... . ..... Official Mission to Leyte .. .. . ............ .. .......... . .. The 64th RCT Organization . . ..................... . ..... Developments at the 63rd RCT Sector ..... .. . .. . ......... . The 63rd RCT Organization .... . .. . ...... . .......... . .. . The Seventh (and last) Submarine Arrival . .. ......... . ...... Chapter Thirty Five - SHOWDOWN Feuding Resumed ... . ........ . ..... . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . The "Last Straw" . ..... . ..... .. ......... .. ............ Capiz and Antique Governors Proclaimed ....... .. .. . ...... . Sinister Reactions ..... . ........... . .. .. . . . .. ... . ...... Counter-Action ... . . .. ................ .. ..... .. . .. .... Confesor Left Panay .. . ...... ~ ........... . . -. . . . . . . . . . .. Chapter Thirty Six - BEARDING THE ENEMY New Perspectives .... . .................. . ... . ........ . . General Plan ........ . .......... . ... . .. . . . .. .... .... .. Interim Developments . . ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On to Iloilo . . ..... .. . . ...... . ......... . . . .......... . . TLF Attacked .. .. ................. . .... . ............. Col. Peralta Moved to Pototan ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. District Hq Rear Echelon ....... . . . ......... . ........... District Troops ................. . ....... .. .... . .. . ... . Service Units ..... ... ................. . ............... "Special Projects" Units ...... .. .... . ................... Women's Auxiliary Service (WAS) ..... . ...... . .... .. ..... . Chapter Thirty Seven - LIMITED OFFENSIVE: LAST PHASE Personnel Statistical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxviii

587 588 590 591 592 594 595 595 595 597 598 598 600 601 602 603 603 60 4 606 607 607 609 611 612 614 615 617 620 622 624 626 629 630 630 634 636 640 641 641 644 644 645 648 650 653 653 654 660

Status of Arms and Ammunition Individual and Unit Equipment Enemy Situation on Panay Plan of Operation III Omen . . . . . . . . Offensive Launched . . Relief of the 62nd RCT Enemy Seized Initiative Action at Tiring . . . . Critical Sidelight Disaster at Balantang District Commander Imperiled Raid at Molo .. . . . . . . Shift to the Western Front .. "Amphibious" Operations .. Changes in Troop Disposition Enemy's Hand Revaled . .. . Stalemate .. . .. . . . . . . . Overall Showing . . . . . . . . "Comments and Suggestions" Chapter Thirty Eight - VICfORY Commonwealth Government Re-established Colonel Peralta to Leyte Stepped-up Drive More Air Strikes . . . . . Action at Tiring .. . . . Mojin and Pipi Hills Cleared "En Preludis" . . . . . . . . Landing . . . . ...... . Actions at Tiring and Guimaras Island Enemy Escape from Iloilo City Iloilo City Entered Colonel Peralta Decorated Clearing of Tiring Pursuit . . . . . . . . . Island Command Liberation of San Jose Mopping Up . . . . . . Processing, Partial Demobilization, Recruitment 6th PA Replacement Battalion . . . . . . . . . Chapter Thirty Nine - WINDING UP Imperial Japan Doomed 52nd Infantry RCT (PA) Disbandment "Sweet-Sour" Notes Japanese Surrender Colonel Peralta to 52nd RCT General Demobilization Chapter Forty - EPILOG Money was the Root


663 665 666 667 669 670 673 675 678 678 681 683 684 685 689 690 692 693 696 697 701 702 703 704 705 706 707

711 714 716 718 720 720 722 723 723 726 727 729 730 731 732 734 736 738 739 740

USAF FE Reconstituted Recognition . . . . . Rescission Law, 1946 . Back Pay (Pay Back) . . . . . . . . . . $31 Million Veterans Claims Settlement Fund

742 744 748 749


Appendices Bibli0'fraphy oj Footnotes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. xxxi List 0 Contribu tors' Monographs ........................ xxxiii Personnel Index . .... . .. . .......... .. .. . ............. . xxxix


PERSONNEL INDEX -AAaron, Manuel A Lt 176, Maj 589, 595, 668, 671, (WIA) 673 Abalajon, Vicente 1Lt 598 Abalo, Francisco Pvt (C/KIA) 420 Abancio, Eliodoro Pfc (C/KIA) 428 Abarasquez, Salvador Pvt (KIA) 671 Abatay, Joaquin Pfc 486 Abcede, Salvador Lt Col CO 72nd Div (Negros) 128, 139, 140, 242, 245, 631, 637, 639 Abdon, Alfredo Pvt (KIA) 715 Abelarde, Jose F 1Lt 651 Abellano, William 2Lt 91, (KIA) 421 Abello, Melba C 3Lt 609 Abellon, Ramon 2Lt 599 Abellon, Wand rill 0 J 2Lt 613 Abila, Josue R 3Lt 599 Abodos, Juanito M/Sgt (KIA) 377 Abogadil Sgt 345 Abong, Federico Cpl (KIA) 584 Abono, Rodrigo C 2Lt 464, 623, 670, 704 Abordaje, Procoro 2Lt 589 Abrenica, Aurelio M Capt 649 Abrera, Jose P 570 Absalon, Miguel Pvt (KIA) 611 Absalon, Ramon Lt 93 Acap, Sixto 3Lt 681 Acayon, Ananias Cpl (KIA) 673 Achurra, Antonio V 2Lt 589 Acosta, Jose 3Lt 614 Acsay, Vicente R 2Lt 329, 546, 613 Acuna, Juan 2Lt 598 Acuna, Tito V Capt 589 Adaniel, Inocentes 3Lt 619 Adarle, Nonito P 3Lt 648 Adelantar , Cirilo 1Lt 619 Adevoso, Eleuterio L Col 153 Ading, Florencio Pvt (KIA) 562 Adle, Antonio Pvt (KIA) 177 Adonay, Eleuterio 2Lt 91 Adrias, Jt')sus Pvt (KIA) 615 Advincula, Domingo 2Lt 589 Advincula, Manuel A 3Lt 599 Advincula, Martin F 3Lt 654 Advincula, Teodorico G Capt 251, 403 , 409, 614 Advincula, Vicente 402 Aficionado, Julian P 2Lt 648 Agoncillo, Manuel 2Lt 600 Agrante, Francisco 1Lt 652 Agrante, Pedro P Pvt (WIA) 704 Agreda, Eustaquio 2Lt 553, 558, 571, 588,589 Aguila, Conrado Z. 2Lt (KIA) 552

Aguilar, Jesus M 3Lt 614 Aguilar, Saulo C 2Lt 177, 623, 681 Aguiling, Pedro 1I.t 589 Aguinaldo, Emilio Gen 320 Aguirre, Gabriel I S/Sgt 3Lt 546, 612, 686 Akol, Felicito A 2Lt 624 Akol, Manuel A 1Lt 620 Alabastro, Vicente Capt 225 Aladao, Pedro Cpl (C/KIA) 420 Alag, Leoncito Pvt (KIA) 605 Alag, Vitalino S 3Lt 90. 445, 599, 607, 674.1Lt (KIA) 675 Alagos, f'acundo 1Lt 618 Alajar, Panfilo Maj G1 IV Phil Corps 127, PM IV Phil Corps 128, 255, 345, 368 Alan Pfc 248 Alarcon, Ignacio 1Lt 652 Alas, Pedro de las 2Lt 589, 594, 671 Alava, Gregorio 1Lt 613 Alayon , Julio S 2Lt 91 Alba, Jose Capt 590 Albito, Manuel 2Lt 91 , 191, 1Lt 619 Albornoz, Jose Capt 618 Alcantara, Arturo F 2Lt 622 Alcantara, Eustacio Lt (C/KIA) 414 Alcantara, Mateo B 1Lt 620 Alcantara, Pedro E 2Lt 649 Alcarioto, Clemente Pvt (KIA) 488 Alacaraz, Domingo 2Lt 652 Alcibar, Julio Pfc 486 (WIA) 487 Alcid, Simeon C 1Lt 622 Alcon, Miguel A 2Lt 648 Alconga, Arellano 385 Alcudia, Felix Pvt (KIA) 328 Aldea, Mariano (EM) 61 Aldeguer, Jose M Dep Gov 8th Iloilo Adm Dist, 86, 200, 267, 313, 351, 356, 385,614,633 Aldeguer, Ritogo Lt (C/KIA) 485 Alderete, Benjamin 1Lt 624 Alderete, Esperidion 3Lt 623 Aldon, Constancio (EM) 67 Aldon, Pablo (EM) 59 Alegrado, Baldomero S/Sgt (KIA) 263 Alegrado, Manuel 2Lt 652 Alegro, Pablo B 2Lt 623 Alejandro, Justo E 3Lt 622 Alerta, Andres 1Lt 618 Alfabeto, Orlando Sgt AUS 297 Alforte, Salome Lt 647 Alger, Francisco 2Lt 609 Alibutod, Cornelio E 1Lt 258, 653, 681 Alicante, Maximo 2Lt 652 Aligaen, Antonino E Capt 225, 649 Aligaen, Custodio 3Lt (KIA) 643 Aligaen Venancio 2Lt 654


Aligno, Jose Lt 37, 550 Alingalan, Manuel Pvt (C/KIA) 488 Allones, Casimero C 2Lt 622 Almacen Rafael L Maj 43, 58, Sector Comd'r Southern Iloilo 61, 67, 75, Comdr 1st Iloilo . Sector 84, 86, 96, 243,649 Almanzor, Antonio 2Lt 652 Almario, Isabel 3Lt 620 Almeria, Felipe G 3Lt 623 Almira, "Angel Pfc (KIA) 263 Alo, OscarY 2Lt447, 598 Alojipan, Joaquin S/Sgt 576, 579, 612 Alojipan, Marcelino A 3Lt 67. 653 Alonday, Benedicto B 2Lt 581, 585, 612 Alonin, Jesus Pvt (KIA) 602 Alonsagay, Claro 1Lt 193, 608 Alpas, Felipe S Capt 257,535,612 Alpas, Pedro V 3Lt 613 Altavas. Mabini SILt 600 Altanas, Napoleon Maj 357, 518, 619, 700 Altonabe, Domingo Pvt (C/KIA) 535 Alu-ad, Leodegario Actg 3Lt 102 Alumbro, Nemesio Cpl (KIA) 249 Albar,Catalino 1Lt 618 Alvarado, Joaquin P l/Sgt (KIA) 483 Alvarez, Alejo F 3Lt 89, 105, 2Lt 218, Gold Cross Medal (1966) 218. Capt S3 66th tnt 4UU, 417, Asst Commandant BaTS 525, 598, 675, 691-693, Liberation of San Jose, 724 Alvarez, Roque 2Lt 612 (KIA) 706 , . Alvior, Jose A Capt 42, 53, (KIA) Maj 470 Amabran, Vicente P 2Lt 613 Amamanglon, Jose S 3Lt 618 Amana, Perfecto D 1Lt 651 Amane, Amador 2Lt 609 Amangas, Alfredo Cpl (KIA) 483 Amarra, Napoleon 2Lt 622 Amatorio, Jose 2Lt 471, 488, 589, 591 Amatril, Pacifico Pfc (KIA) 621 Amboyog, Gabriel Pvt (KIA) 721 Amedo, Mauricio Sgt (KIA) 693 Ames, Irineo 1Lt AUS 609 Amido, Silverio 2Lt 614 Amistoso, Gervasio 2Lt 650 Amor, Severino Pfc (KIA) 193 Amoyo Capt SIS Legaspi 34 Amparado, Ignacio 2Lt 622 Amunategui, Hora~io 2Lt 619 Amuan, Espiridion 3Lt 612, 706 (KIA) 707 Anam, Ernesto 2Lt 612, 706 Anastacio, Remegio Pvt (C/KIA) 428 Ancheta, Celedonio Maj 243, 374, 452 Andal , Rodulfo S 1Lt 609 Andam, Pedro Pvt (KIA) 488 Andama, Cesar S/Sgt (KIA) 614 Andaya, Eulogio V 652 Andrada, Alberto Pvt (C/KIA) 376 Andrada, Jose F 2Lt 600 Andrad~ , Manuel 2Lt 609 Andrews, Edwin D Lt Col 146, 516-517,

636-638 Andutan, Uldarico 3Lt 600,603 Angcaco, Jovencio 3Lt 624 Anonat, Ramon 1Lt !H, 19l, Capt 609, 644, 708 Antoine, Silvestre S/Sgt (KIA) 419 Antonio, Benigno Pvt (KIA) 611 Aparicio, Inocencio S Dr 407 Apayart, Rosauro 2Lt 613 Aposaga, Simplicio 1Lt 652 Aportadera, Abelardo Dep Gov 5th Doilo Adm District 68, 85, 86, 108, 350, 501-502 Aportadera, Elias M 2Lt 650 Aportadera, Leonardo M 2Lt 618 Aportadera, Magdaleno MILt 650 Apoyo, Ruperto Pvt (KIA) 683 Aquilesca , Simplicio Pfc (KIA) 471 Aquino, Tomas Jr 2Lt 600 Arabejo, Deogracias Ma lLt 549 A>:abiran, Irineo T/Sgt 209 . Aragon, Emilio 1Lt 620 Aranas, Federico Capt 610, Maj 651 Aranda. E!;teban G Capt Ilayan Sector Capiz Comdr 90, 91, Maj CO 1st Bn 64th Inf'113, 257,395 , 447 Arandela, Tito C lLt 651 Arandilla, Amalia Lt 647 Araneta, Augusto V 1Lt 618 Araneta, Jaime 1Lt 650 AIaiiador, Rogelio L Capt 255, 715 Arano, Alejandro T 3Lt 646, 732 Arafio, Juan Z 3Lt 651 Arbis, Jose E Capt 447, 599 Arboleda, Sebastian 2Lt 91,609 Arcan, Federico 2Lt 699 Arcasitas, Fausto Pfc (KIA) 707 Arcenas, Melquiades Pfc (KIA) 265 Atcenas, Pedro 1Lt 653 Arciles, Dominador Cpl (C/KIA) 377 Arcilla, Ricardo 1Lt 649 Arellano, Valeriano 3Lt 624 Arenga Mayor (Duenas, Iloilo) 85 Arguelles, Severino Capt 620 Arias, Restituto 1Lt 589 Armada Pvt 365 Armada, Eladio S 2Lt 6~3 Armada, Guillermo 2Lt 580, 612 Armada, Pelagio 2Lt 58, (KIA) 488 Armentia, Pacifico Pvt (KIA) 263 Arnaldo Alberto 2Lt 91, 1Lt 599, 602, 607, 674,675,692 Arnaldo, Ramon A DeE Gov 415 Arriola, Gavino S/Sgt (KIA) 264 Arriola, Jose V 3Lt 608 Arro, Jose P 2Lt 598 Arroyo, Emilio 3Lt 613 Artillero, Placido 3Lt (KIA) 483 ~rts, Adriano (Father) 326 Artuz, Miguel Dep Gov Panay non-Christian tribes 208, 401 , 410 Asis, Fidel de Capt 620 Asis, Laureano de 129 Aspa, Diosdado 281


Assin, Fernando Pvt \C/KIA) 377 Astrologia, Solomon Pfc (KIA) 367 Atelltar, Nicetas 3Lt 613 Aujero, Alfonso L 3Lt 257; 609 . Aujero, Carlos 3Lt 600 Amelio, Dominador Pvt (KIA) 486 Ausan, Eduardo 2Lt 609 Ausejo, Placido A Maj 141, 205 Ausmolo, Elias C 1Lt 620 Autajay, Luther 2Lt 613 Avancena, Natalio E Maj 646, 649, 650, 653 . Avelino, Aniceto 2Lt 345, 624 AvelitlO, Braulio 3Lt 619 Avelino, Jacinto Pvt (KIA) 264 Avenido, Felifranco R 1Lt 653 Aventino, Jose V 1Lt 420, 623 Aviado, Julian 2Lt 613 Avila, Leonardo 570 Ayco, Jose 2Lt 612 Azcona, Jose Ma 1Lt 650 kurin, Cesar 2Lt 609 Azurin, Jose G 1Lt 608 Azurin, Raymundo 1Lt 609

-BBaarde, Jorge Pvt (KIA) 466-46:7 Baban, Nicolas P 1Lt 618 . Babar, Diosdado F 1Lt 619 Babiera, Jose 2Lt 654 Ba-::hoco, Carmelino 2Lt 619 Bachoco, Cornelio 2Lt 620 Bacting, Vicente Pvt (KIA) 376 Badilles Cpl (KIA) 37 Bagaforo, Leonor 2Lt 620 Bajade, Laurentino 1Lt 476,620 Bajo, Conrado Pvt (KIA) 568 Balagot, Jose C lLt 648 Balandra, Vicente V 2Lt 601, 608 Balbuena 295 Baldad, Eliseo G 2Lt 613 Baiderian, Alejandro Lt 142, 143 Baldevia, Jose 2Lt 590, 671 Baldevia, Sotero Capt 618 Baldevia, Tranquilino 2Lt 609 Baldevieso, Eugenio D 1Lt 618 Baldonado, Federico S Capt 649 Balgos, Atila 2Lt 91, 1Lt 590, 591 Ballesteros, Jose Pvt (WIA) 175 Balleza, Genaro 369 Balleza, Trinidad V lLt 619 . Balmaceda, Silverio Sgt 86, Lt 560, 578, 580 , 2Lt 612, 642, 686, 706 Balonon, Vicente P 2Lt 648 Balsicas, Delfin 2Lt !l19 Baltero, Oscar Pvt (KIA) 582 Baluyot, Conrado 3Lt 649 Ba:lvarez, Salvador Cpl (C/KIA) 484 Bancaya, Ramon S/Sgt (KIA) 726 Bandoja, Alejandra 3Lt 608 Bangeles, Evaristo 2Lt 589 Bantegui, Armando Y 2Lt 651 Banuelos, Aurelia 3Lt 619

Banzuelo, Aurelio Pvt (KIA) 721 Banares, Raymundo 3Lt 623 Banez, Ludovico 2Lt 618 Baranda, Eduardo 2Lt 590 Barateta, Mariano Jr lLt 197, 650 Bardollas, Vicente Pvt (KIA) 578 Bargas, Napoleon B lLt 620 Barieta, Dolores 656 Barlizo, Antonio 2Lt 654 Barlizo, Benjamin C lLt 652 Barranco. Luis 3Lt 614 Barredo, 'Crispin 3Lt (KIA) 467 Barrera, Jose B Capt 91, 188, 219,619 Barrido, Pacifico 1Lt 608 Barrido, Romeo KILt 618 Barrientos, Ernesto Pvt (C/KIA) 329 Barrinos. Jacinto G Capt 188, 599, 674, 690, 691 Barrios, Amador S lLt 600 Barrios, Carlos A lLt 649 Barrios, Ramona 2Lt 600,647 Barsebal, Roberto Pvt (KIA) 725 Barton ico , Jesus G 2Lt 620,650 Basco, Maximo Lt 413 Basco, Patricio A Cpl (C/KIA) 467 Basilio, Albino S 2Lt 375,646 Bauson, Florencio E 3Lt 598 Bautista, Asterio Capt 603, 608, (KIA) 714 Bautista, Licerio J Lt 36, 87, Maj 622, 623, 643, .644, 668, 685, 726 Bautista, Magin H Capt 190, 209, 403, 452, 646, 653, 654 Bautista, Romulo P 2Lt 652 . Baylen Norberto C Capt 474, 648, 714 Baylon, Benjamin V Dept Gov 614, 639 Baylon, Erriesto Cpl (KIA) 726 Baylon, Fructuoso 3Lt 619 Bayog, Jose T 2Lt 614 Bayon, Felicito Cpl (KIA) 615 Bayona, Pedro E 2Lt 648 Bayona , Ramon S Dep Gov 669, 695 Bayot, Jose Pvt (KIA) 615 Bayot, Rodrigo S 2Lt 599 Beboso, A Pfc 593 Beebe, Lewis C Brig Gen US Army (Actg USAFFE Comdr) 20 Belanio, Felizardo (EM) 59 Beldia, Antonio Dep Gov (Capiz) 301 Helgera, Manuel ::!Lt 651 Belisario , Aniceto 1Lt 280, 285, 374, 500·503 Belizario, Maricio Pvt (KIA) 605 Bell, Henry Roy 141, 153 Bello, Gaspar C 1Lt 651 Bello" Santiago Pfc (KIA) 591 Bellones, Aurelio Pvt (KIA) 419 Bellosillo, Melkias 3Lt 599 Belmonte, Jose Lt 487 Belmonte, Ramon Pvt 487 Beloncio, Esteban P Capt 147, 746 Beloso, Carlos H 3Lt 148, Maj 149, 156, 580,654 . Benedicto, Ernesto Pfc (KIA) 582 Benedicto, Mariano V Capt (EPG), Exec


Sec and Dep Gov 1st & 2nd Adm Dist 161, 172, 314, 341, 374, 433, 498 499, 512 ' Benedicto Sgt (re GCM) 30 Berajon, Esteban Pvt (KIA) 726 Bereber, Angel C 1Lt 91, Capt 619 689 Beriong, Emigdio 0 S/Sgt 546 57'6-579 612 " Bermejo, Rodrigo 3Lt 599 Bermejo, Rufino S 2Lt 681 Bermudo, Juanito V 325 Bernabe, Fernando V 2Lt 339,340,374 482,649 ' Bernal, Teofilo Z ClIpt 649 Bernales, Edilberto 3Lt 599, Brig Gen (Ret) 610 Bernales, Joaquin Sgt (KIA) 676 Bernales, Leopoldo 2Lt 91,599 Besana, Concepcion 3Lt 619 Besana, Rustico B 1Lt 91, 219, Capt 619 Beting, Tome Capt 154 Biboso, Jose P 1Lt 654 Bickerton, Lt Col US Army CO 2nd Bn 63rd Inf PA (USAFFE) 35 Bilbao, Cipriano 2Lt 646 Billano, Mario V 2Lt 598 Bitoya, Vicente Pvt (KIA) 178 Blancafior, Porfirio 2Lt 654 Blancaver, Abundio Sgt (KIA) Posthumous 3Lt 526-527 BlancJa, Zefelina Actg 3Lt 614 Blanco, Francisco T/Sgt 129 Blanco, Norberto B 1st Lt 91, 484, Capt 535,552,559,676,692 Boayes, Francisco "Turko" Sgt (Major) 151 Bocala, Estela Lt 647 Bocala, Romeo M 1Lt 421, 599 Bogacki, Oscar 3Lt 652 BoTante, Ernesto S/Set (KIA) 467 Bolante, Vicente D 1Lt 219 599 Capt 601 1 676 " Bolido, Vivendo B Cart 652 Bolinas Alfredo A 2L 649 Bonto, Bernardo, 1Lt 608 Borci, Enrico Lt DLD 264 Borci, Ezer B 2Lt 618 Borra, Clarita V 370 Borra, Jose V 3Lt 619 Borra Juan V Maj 20, 45, 107 120 SJA 255,335,370:372,452,466;633;638 649 Borra, Loreto T/Sgt (KIA) 371 Borres, Ricardo 1Lt (KIA) 364 Bradley, Omar Gen US Army 748 Braga, Agapito 3Lt 654 Brasileno, Enrico 2Lt 620 Brasileno, Sofronio 2Lt 53 63 Capt 295 589 " , Brereto~ Lewis H Lt Gen US Army CG USAr FE Air Force 16 Bretania, Juan T. Capt 589 Bretania, Nicolas F capt 192 218 257 Maj 364, 589, 705 ", Bretania, Porfirio Capt C/KIA 413 Brillantes, Juan Capt 653 Brillantes, Pablo CaI>t 67,l Maj 327 Brillantes, Timoteo ~Lt 052 Brillo. Manuel 1Lt 649


Briones. Felipe 2Lt 619 Brush" Ralph Maj Gen 40th lnf Div Comdr 71~, decorated Peralta 720 Bucayan, Benito 2Lt 590 Buck, Pearl S (Author) 381-382 Bulkley, John 'Lt US Navy 21 Buenafe, Artemio 2Lt 651 Buenafe, Juan J, Chairman Currency Com· mittee, 269,279,281,290,501 Buenaflor, Bernardino Pfc (KIA) 446 Buenaflor, Edmundo U Sgt 248 3Lt 592 623 " Buenaflor, Juan M Maj 612 Buenaflor, Nilo U Lt 37, 2Lt 183 248 275, 471, 480, 488, 494, 1Lt' 589' 591,593.642,Capt670.676 678 683 Buenaflor, Ruben Sgt 592 • • Buetlaobra, Emilio ILt 209 620 654 Buenavista, A Lt 267 ' , Buenconse.lo, Arturo 2Lt 618 Bueno, Jose M 2Lt 90,205,552, 1Lt 609, 644, Capt 678, 707 Bufre, Filemon Pvt (KIA) 685 Bunsalan Pio Cpl (KIA) 606 Buscar, Lucas Gapt 364, 482 535 619 Butiong,.., Isaias Pvt (KIA) 24'7 ' Buyco, nenjamin Dep Gov 633 Buyco, Serafin L ILl; 619

-CCababa·an Pablo 3Lt 624 Cababasay, Teodora 2Lt 624 Cabangbang, Bartolome Lt 146 Cabalfin, Epifanio S Capt 173 175 2l;i7, 465, 549 M~ 621, 622 ' Caballero, Jose 2Lt 425 613 Cabanban, Ricardo Pvt'lKIA) 725 Cabilitasan, Claro Cpl (KIA) 422 Cabillon .....Godofredo Sgt 67 Cabrela, u S/Sgt 101 Cabrieto, Felipe C 2Lt 651 Cabrillos, Aquilino Pvt (KIA) 424 Cabuguason, Exeguiel(W /KIA) 673 Cabunay, Vicente Pvt (KIA) 265 Cabukid, Inocencio Pvi; (KIA) 603 Cabutan, Elpidio S Lt 144, 1Lt 623 695 ' Cachero, Timoteo 2Lt 67,623 Cachuela S/Sgt 248 Cachuela, Ramon 2Lt 471 589,592 Cachuela, Roaolfo 2Lt 599 Cachuela Rogelio L Capt 249",466,480 535,552,089,591,022 6~0 ' Cachuela, Segundo Sgt (KIA) 466 Caday, Miguel 2Lt 613 Cadiao, Josue L CaI>t 545 612 Cadiao, Silverio L Lt 205 417,1, 427", 471 490 492, 494, CaQt 56 i 591 600 ' Cadiz, baniel S/Sgt (KIA) 622 ' Caelian, Jose 1Lt 024 Cainap, Dionisio Pvt (KIA) 641 Caingcoy, Maximo Mayor 347 Cajayon, Policarpio 3Lt 216 (KIA) 326 Calagui9"Gregono Pvt (KIA) 668 Calas, uoaldo Jr Prob 3Lt 424 (KIA) 482, 485 calasanz, Julian 2Lt 608 Calasara, Quirico C Sgt 58, U 67, lLt 623, 643 672, 685 694, 722 Caldeo, Engilb~rto Pfc (WIA) 672 Calicdan Graciano N Capt 412 Calizo. Cornelio Pvt (KIA) 715

Calibjo+. Saturnino Pvt (KIA) 725 Calvo, nenjamin ~Lt 599 Calvo, Felimon 2Lt 622 Camacho, Alejo Sgt (KIA) 690 Camanco, Generoso Pvt (KIA) 621 Camara (re GCM) 301 Camarista, Dioscoro 1Lt 614 Camarista, Fortunato TILt 649 Camayado, Fidel Pic (KIA) 531 Camina, Ben C 1Lt 67, 465, 623 Camirig, Esoy 340 Camirig, Odong 340 Campo, Manuel del 2Lt 619 Campos, Dr. 131 (:ampos".,.Nicolas Pvt (KIA) 535 Camua, uemetrio J CaRt 151 Can dan , Gloria 3Lt 608 Candelario, Francisco Pvt (KIA) 673 Caniban, Consuelo 3rd Lt 624 Canimo Sancho R 3Lt 608 Canto, j ose T S/Sgt 67,96 Canto, Rafael Lt 67 Cantor, Felipe E Capt 650 Cantos, Marla C 3Lt 600, 647 Caiionero, Simeon A 1Lt 622 Capacillo, Pic 465 Capaloy, Andres Pvt 326 CaDaDas. Feliciano 447 Capaque, Carlos 1Lt 624 Capaque, Cesar 1Lt 622 Capaque, Jaime S 2Lt 328" 469, 535, 623 Capaque, Salvador 2Lt 59u Capayas, Benito Maj 151 Cape, Mauro 2Lt 568, 619 CaQinp'in, Marcial Capt 68 , Comdr 4th IlOIlo Sector 84, 86. CO 3rd Bn 63rd Inf 113, 173. 179, Maj 224, 257 336, 545, 612 . Capote, Restituto 2Lt 599 Capulso Juan 3Lt 600 602 Caram, Fermin,./ G Actg iloilo City Mayor 71.320,37~ 387.511.513,517·519 Carbon, Francisco C 1Lt 373, 648 Carbonilla, Roberto Lt 86, Capt 264, 327, 585,613 Carillo, Leodegario Pic (C/KIA) 248 Carmona, Vicente Pfc (KIA) 673 Caro, Policarpl0 3Lt 183, 248, 1Lt 589, 671 Carreonri Ceferino S 2Lt 110" Capt Asst G2 olst Div 187, 295, 4~6 Maj CO 3rd Bn 65th Inf 545. 554-555. 664565, 610, 613, 724, CO 2nd Bn 52nd Inf 731 . Casidsid .. Mariano 1Lt 153, 55:t 573,574, 581,090, 591,594 595,611, 704 Casio, Benigno 1Lt 6bA Caspe Silvino Pvt (KIA) 108 Caspilio, Fidel Pfc W/KlA) 428 Caspillo, Jose MItt 109, 222, Capt 493, 589,670 Castaiio, Leopoldo 3Lt 401,./ 2Lt 600 Castaiios, Gerundio 2Lt 59u, 704 Castigador, Jose L 3Lt 53, Capt 367, 622 Castigador, Juan C 2Lt 622 Castillo, del (of Sara) 131 Castillo, Jose S Maj 295 598 Castillo, Manuel 2Lt 608, 708 Castillon, Cesar 2Lt 608 Castillon" Er;berto T Maj 164, 271, 273, 295, 079, 482 485 535, 618 Castor, Jeremias Pfc (KIA) 683 Castor, Ramon I'vt (KIA) 673


Castro, Geronimo S/Sgt (KIA I 683 Castro, Lamberto 1Lt 608 Castro, Lope G 2Lt 624 Castro, Ricardo Q 2Lt 91, 619 Castro, Tomas de Maj 43, 115, G2 61st Div 136, OCCA 167, 171, 187, 243, 277, 278, 279, 285, 288, 290,319, 32~, 324, 330, 347, 431,452,498, 630, 636, 649, 656, Castronuevo, Vicente Jr 1Lt 648 Casuncad, Silvio P. 3Lt 90,608 Cataluiia, Jose 2Lt 624 Cataluiia, Simeon 2Lt 599 Catedra~ Demetrio 2Lt 600 Catedral, Francisco 1Lt 183, Capt 622 Catedral, Manuel 2Lt 608 Catigan, Filemon Pvt (KIA) 483 Catoera, Irineo 2Lt 600 Causing, Celso 2Lt 619 Causing, Raul O. V. 1Lt 681 Causing, Sergio S 2Lt 619 Cavalida, Vicente 1Lt 614 Ceballos, Juanito (notorious bandit) 67-68 Celino, Felipe Cpl (KIA) 484 Celis, Ricardo 3Lt 620 Celo, Jose M Capt 649 Celo, Otilla C 2Lt 624 Celo, Salvador C 1Lt 651 Cendrano, Isaias 2Lt 600 Ceniza, Braulio 0 Capt 608 Centeno, Nicolas B Capt 649 Centeno, Teodoro 2Lt 612 Centi, Tandiko 2Lt 623 Centina, Vicente 2Lt 612 .centino, Resurreccion 3Lt 620 Centino, Salvador 2Lt 619 Cepe, Marcelo Pic (KIA) 641 Cerdeiia, Felix Capt (EPG) 570 Cereno Pfc 593 Cerevo, Proceso Pvt (KIA) 641 Cervantes, Cenon S PNB Iloilo Branch Manager 268,277,290 Cervantes, Leon T/Sgt 129, 2Lt 133, 622 Cervera, Bartolome 0 3Lt 613 Cesar, Juan V 2Lt 612 Chamberlin, Stephen J Lt Gen 615 Chaves, Diosdado 3Lt 589 Chaves, Francisco de 2Lt 620 Chaves, Julian C Capt (later Maj and Lt Col) CO 1st Bn 63rd Inf PA (USAFFE), Victor Battle of Dila-Dila 35-36, 40, 84, 87, Mil Prov Comdr Capiz 92, assault in Capiz 105-108, CO 63rd Inf and CofS 61st Div 11~, 138, relieved as CofS 182, CofS 61st Div 186, 243, 255,336,352, 359, 368,430, 452, CO 63rd CT 455, 482, 486, Field Orders No. 20, 667, 676, 685, "headcount" 689, 710, at Peralta's decoration 720, pursuit 722, mopping up 727, ExO 52nd RCT 738, CO 52nd RCT 739 Chaves, Lilia 483 Checa, Gabriel Capt 581, 586, 613 Chettick, Maj US Army 724, 726

Chin, Juanita 3Lt 619, 689 Chiongson, Ricardo E Pvt (KIA) 264 Christie, Albert Col (later Bng Gen) CofS & CG 61st Div PA USAFFE 29,40-41, 267 Chu, Antonio C 2Lt 599 Chuadiap, Natividad 656 Chynoweth, Bradford Col US Army (later Brig Gen) CG 61st Div PA USAFFE & Visayan Force USAFFE 29, 30, 126 Ciacico. Jose P 2Lt 590 Clardy, Mark M 1Lt (C/KIA) 421 Clarin, Teodoro C 1Lt 535, 623 Clavel, Leopoldo 2Lt 91, 1Lt 618 Clemente, Jesus 1Lt 619 Cofreros, Jose. V 1Lt 67, 648 Coligado, Eutiquio 1Lt 624 Collante , Victorino R 1Lt 653 Colmenares, Special Dep Gov 638 Colomeda, Santos 1Lt 653 Coloquio, Javier 3Lt 619 Coloso, Lorenzo 2Lt 589 Columbres, Agustin Sgt 67,68, Lt 557, 2Lt 590 Columbres, Federico 49::l-494 Combatir, Rufina 2Lt 590 Conanan, Crisanto 3Lt 571, 574, 576, 578, 579,686,713 Concepcion, Antonio 2Lt 620 Concepcion, Juan 2Lt 653 Concepcion, Justo 2Lt 613 Concha, Troadio, 2Lt 624 Conejero, Lino Capt S/S:Legaspi 34 Conejos, Esteban Capt 647 Confesor, Patricio V Dep Gov 3rd Iloilo Adm Dist 66, 85, 86, 9-8, 171, Capt OCCA 204,270,281,638,639,669 Confesor, Tomas Gov (Iloilo) 48, 62, 71, 73, Gov Panay & Romblon 76-77, 104, re martial law 166, civil govt supremacy 168, army-civilian relationship 240, question of money 267, relief measures 276, seen in HUBAG 361, "philippics" 386, report to Quezon (April 19, 1944) 392, food supplies 432, 495, conflicts with Peralta on appointments 497-519, handbills to puppets 569-570, showdown w! Army 626-635, departure from Panay 636-639, Proclamation No 2 (re spies) 302, 322, 353 Conlu, Antonio J. N. 2Lt 608 Conlu, Antonio T 3Lt 681 Constantino, Josue, 2Lt 89,498,609 Corcino, Jose MILt 59£1 Corcino, Roberto V 3Lt 600 Cordero, Alipio L Pfc 93, 100, 111, Lt 194, 573-574, Capt 610, 613 Cordero, Fernando 2Lt 619 Cordero, Igmedio 2Lt 622 Cordero, Isaac Pfc (C/KIA) 366 Cordero, Jesus 3Lt 620 Cordero, Juan F 1Lt 600

Cordero, Nemesio 1Lt 624 Cordero, Pablo 3Lt 183, 2Lt 622 Cordova, Felipe l/Sgt (KIA) 110 Cornelio, Federico 2Lt 648 . Cornelio, Vicente A Maj 186, 647 Correa, Demetrio P 1Lt 85, 114,623,668, 685 Cortes, Marina 0 657 Cortez, Elisto Pvt (KIA) 704 Corteza, Cirilo 3Lt 623 Corteza, Juan 2Lt 600 Cortuna, Lorenzo N 2Lt 648 Cosiaco, Pedro Pvt (KIA) 704 Cresencio. Ser~io Cpl (C/KIA) 428 Crespo, Guillermo 2Lt 67, 623 Crespo, Toribio 2Lt AUS 297,609 Crigger, Herman Lt Col 744 Crisostomo, Alfonso F Lt 37, 2Lt ,619, 676 Cristales, Ceferino 3Lt 646 Cruces, Alvaro R 1Lt 620 Cruz, dela Pfc 100 Cruz, Alejandro dela Cpl (KJA) 683 Cruz, Alejandro Nery Capt 622 Cruz, .Amado dela Cpl (KIA) 607 Cruz, Crispulo Capt 608, 609 Cruz, Dolores 656 Cruz, Dominador MILt 651 Cruz, Emigdio Capt 532 Cruz, Jose L Capt 374 Cruz, Jose dela 3Lt 681 Cruz, Jesus dela 1Lt 609 Cruz. Leopoldo dela 3Lt 527, 599 Cruz, Pedro 3Lt (KIA) 264 ' Cruz, Rodrigo dela Pvt (KIA) 265 Cruz, Roman dela S/Sgt 527 Cruz, Salvador dela 3Lt 613 Cruz, Serafin dela Pvt (KIA) 621 Cruz, Victoria dela 2Lt 614 Cruz, Wenceslao 0 2Lt 600 Cudilla, Agustin Capt 146 Cunningham, Mr 88 Cushing, James Lt Col CofS 83rd Div (Cebu) 128, 153 Custodio, Emilio P 2Lt 599 -D~

Daanoy, Felix, 1Lt 652 Dabalus, Calixto 3Lt 599 Dacanay, Alejo Pvt (KIA) 621 Dacus, Rustico Pvt (C/KIA) 377 Dacudao, Jose D 1Lt 243, 452, 650 Dacumos, Manuel L Pvt (KIA) 110 Dago, Jose p·!t (KIA) 467 Daguay, Salvador R Capt 86, 179, Maj 589, 673, 704 Daguay, Sofronio I Capt 243,379-380,590 Daguinotan, Anicetas V. 93, 468, 581, 583, 613, 725 Dajay, Ricardo 3Lt 651 Dalawes, Bernabe C 3Lt 612 Dalipe, Ceferino B 2Lt 590 Dalipe, Graciano S Lt 85, 223, (KIA) 483 Dalisay, Jesus Cpl (KIA) 601


Dalisay, Rosalio Sgt (C/KIA) 415 Cipriano Cpl (KIA) 377 Damaso, Benjamin Capt 589 Damian, Avelino E 1Lt 534 Capt 589 Dana, Concordio Cpl (KIA)'l77 Dandal, Juan Cancio 2Lt 652 Dangani, Diosdado Pvt (KIA) 582 Dario, Fulgencio 2Lt 589 Darroca, Guillermo 2Lt 620 Darroca, Felix Sgt (C/KIA) 484 Dasmariiias, Ambrosio Pvt (C/KIA) 376 Datlangin, Daniel Pvt (KIA) 223 Dator, Jose P 1Lt 366, 634 Dator, Luis T Lt Col G 3 IV Phil Corps 109-110, Dep CofS IV Phil Corps 127 CofS 61st Div 182, CO 63rd Inf 186' 221, 248, 256, 336, 339, 352, CO 64th CT 455, 471, 503, 516, 533, 563, 621, 648, 719, 7-31 Dava, Briccio T 2Lt 613 Dayot, Alfredo D Capt 608 Debuque, Dominador 129, 131 Debuque, Ignacio (Iloilo Fiscal) 348 Dechaves, Francisco 2Lt 618 Decipulo, Vicente 2Lt 590 Declaro , Cpl 37 Defensor, Benjamin A Capt 622 Defensor, Santiago Capt 652 Dela Cruz, Pfc 100 Delao , Claro Pvt (KIA) 717 Delariarte, Genaro 129, 131 Deleiia, Alfonso Pvt (KIA) 85 Deles, Jose G 3Lt 623 Delina, Antonio Sgt 477 Delfin , George 1Lt 599 Delfin , Roberto 2Lt 653 Delgado , Antonio Pvt (W/KIA) 468 Demaala, Leoncio Pfc (KIA) 531 Demaala, Lorenzo 2Lt 589 Demaala, Paulino 1Lt 618 Demaisip, Guadencio D lLt 624 Demateo , Florencio Pvt (C/KIA) 445 Demop.teverde, Antioco 129 Demotica, Ramon l/Sgt (KIA) 263 Deocadio. Celso 129 Deocampo , Carlos 2Lt 652 Deocampo, Vicencio lLt 620 Depalomo, Francisco Pvt (KIA) 552 Depele, Jose 2Lt 654 Dequilla, Felipe Sgt 222, 2Lt 613 Desales, Alfredo Pvt (KIA) 605 Descuatan, Nicanor (KIA) 377 Desengaiio , Aquilino Sgt (KIA) 469 Desgracia , Quintin Pvt (KlL\) 725 Deslate, Ananias P Capt 600 , 602 605 (KIA) 682 ' , Destajo , Rizaldo 364 Deza, Jose D 1Lt 608 Deza, Rizal Lt (EPG) 179 Diamante, Ruperto 2Lt 620 Dianon , Anastacio Pfc (KIA) 476 Diasnes, Julito Dep Gov 633 Diaz, Ananias Capt 90, 647 Dia,z Jesus M 2Lt 599 ~amasco ,

Dicen, Agustin 1Lt (KIA) 482 485 Dillon, Douglas US Actg State'Sec 754 Din, Severino Sgt (KIA) 642 Dingcong, Jose Jr 1Lt 652 Diolasa, Mariano Capt 272 , 649 Dioso, Eriberto 3Lt 609 ITisuangco, Salvador 1Lt 622 Divinagracia, Agustin 3Lt 650 Dolar, Andres R 1Lt 589 Do lar , Cirilo 1Lt 620 Dolendo, Eladio 94 Dolendo, Lauresto Pvt (KIA) 690 Dolor, Lorenzo Pvt (KIA) 535 Dominado , Vicente E Capt 589 Domo, Ciriaco Cpl 281 Donesa, Inocentes T/Sgt 129 , 131, 2Lt 133, 204, 609 , 645 Dorego , Tomas 1Lt 681 Doreza, Francisco M 3Lt 608 Doreza, Primo M 2Lt 58, 87, Capt 255, 373, 623, 643, 652 Doromal, Florencio D 2Lt 645, 732 Doromal, Jose D 2Lt 648 Doromal, Tomas D Capt 620 Doromal, Zacarias 3Lt 653 Drllon, Crispin 2Lt 619 Drilon, Rex 1Lt 648 Dua, Dioscoro 2Lt 623, 694 Ducado, Celestino Pvt (KIA) 643 Ducado , Domingo A lLt 619 Dueiias, File!llon Sgt 117, 151, 1Lt 599 Dulla, Agustm Pvt (C/KIA) 476 Dumdum, Uldarico 3Lt 652 Dumlao, Pantaleon L Capt 412, 470, Maj 599 , 601 , 606, 674 Duplito, Augusto Pvt (C/KIAj 377 Durana, Inocentes S/Sgt (KIA) 683 Durana, Ricardo Cpl (KIA) 674 Durban , Rafael 3Lt 654 Durban, Virgilio Capt 620 Duremdes, Ricardo 2Lt 522, 609 , 708 Dureza, Gonzalo Sgt (KIA) 419 Dy Buco, Dalmacio Capt 93, 101, 00 3rd Bn 65th Inf 113, 257 , 612 Dysuangco, Salvador LILt 681

- EEa, Alfredo C M/Sgt 117, 2Lt, 622 Eco, Esmeraldo Cpl (later 3Lt) 527 2Lt ~8


Eduque, Feliciano prc (KIA) 603 Edurese, Vicente 2Lt 619 Efe, Sixto T 1Lt 481, 618 Eggers, Charles S/Sgt (US Army) 639 Egipto, Emigdio E 1Lt 649 ' Eguia, Pedro L 2Lt 281, 648 Egus, Honorio Pvt (KIA) 403 Eichelberger, Robert L Lt Gen CG 8th Ub Army 631J 638 , 720 , 723 J!:ihv",iI!'>, Vlctormo A ~Lt 1~4 ~~2 tH::i Eisenhower, Dwight D Major US Ar~y 3 485 . '


Elaoria, Leopoldo Pvt (C/KIA) 420 Elequin, Cleto Capt 613 Elicanal, Salvador E 3Lt 58 681 Elin, Maximo Jr Pvt (KIA) 683 Elipio, Jose Pvt (KIA) 110 Elisan, Augusto B Pvt (KIA) 326 EIisario, Luis Pvt (KIA) 465 EI!zalde, Manuel B Capt 620 Ehzares, Simplicio Cpl (KIA) 470 Ellema, Primo Pvt (KIA) 469 Elvas, Teodoro S Capt 471. 526, 599 Embalayo, Jose Pfc (KIA) 643 Empestan, Banjamin Lt 110 197 Empig, Eusebio E 3Lt 623 ' Encanto, Juan E Lt 67, Capt 612 Encarnado, Florentino (EM) 59 Encarnacion, Francisco 1Lt 652 Entero, Wenceslao Sgt (KIA) 716 Eiiano, David H 2Lt 654 Eiiano, Paterno Sgt 330 Escabio, Jesus Sgt (KIA) 716 Escalon, Raul Cpl (KIA) 673 Escarilla, Benjamin 1Lt 622 Escarilla, Jose M 2Lt 589 Escobar, Jose 1Lt 651 Escribano, Jose E 2Lt 623 Escubio, Eduardo Pvt (C/KIA) 467 Escudero, Antonio 150 Escudero, Salvador Gov (Sorsogon) 150 Escutin, Ciriaco 1Lt 590 Escutin, Valentin 1Lt 609 Esguerra, Geronimo Capt 599, 647 Esmeralda, Bernabe Pvt (KIA) 611 Esmeralda, Daniel 2Lt 590 Espartero, Salvador 3Lt 613 Espia, Elfren S 3Lt 622 Espia, Eliseo S Lt 117, Capt 622 Espina, Isidro M 2Lt 620 Espinas, Antonio O. 2Lt 622 Espino, Sgt 86 Espino, Alfonso MILt 650 Espino Leopoldo C 1Lt 263 614 Espino, Raymundo Lt 249, 467 Capt 590.591.594.670 ' Espinosa, Socorro, 2Lt 624 Esporida, Hermogenes Pfc (KIA) 469 Espulgar, Perpetuo 1Lt 618 Espulgar, Salvador P Capt 618 Estante, Eugenio 2Lt 249,619 Esteba, Jose Pvt (KIA) 469 Esteban, Alejandro 2Lt 613 Estioko, Sergio D Lt 117 121 134 Capt 609 (WIA) 645 '" Estolloso, Amador 3Lt 612 Estores, Felipe 2Lt 608 Estrada, Nicanor 1Lt 618 Estrella, Pablo C 3Lt 620 Estrevillo, Teopisto Cpl (C/KIA) 365 Estribor, Vicente Pfc (KIA) 469 Evidente, Jacinto Jr 2Lt 609 708 Examin, Luis Pvt (KIA) 328 ' Exmundo, Federico 2Lt 652



Fabon, Antonio Pvt (KIA) 726 Fabellon, Claudio 2Lt 609, 708 Fabiano, Serafin M Pvt (C/KIA) 420 Fabra, Marcelino Pvt (KIA) 328 Fabrigar, Isaias Sgt (KIA) 682 Fabrigar, Jeremias A 2Lt 600 Fabrigar, Leopoldo 2Lt 609 Facto, Jesus A 1Lt 599 Facultad, Ramon N 2Lt 258 652 Fadil, Flaviano Pvt (KIA) 61'1 Faical, Federico M 2Lt 613, 651 Fajardo, Graciano P 1Lt 485 649 Fajardo, J~se M Capt 243,291, 374 Fa]areta, Fllomeno Pvt (KIA) 535 Fajutrao, Leonor 3Lt 600 Fa]utrao, Roque M 2Lt 600, 649 Falcis, Zosimo L 2Lt 600 Falco, Jose GILt 91, 101-102,402, Capt 600,601,602,605,676 Fallaria, Inocencio Lt 85, Capt 98, Maj CO 2nd Bn 63rd Inf 186, 257, 364, 365, 367, 413 482, 488, 581, 597, 607,614,615,619,668,697,728 Fallarina, Panfilo Cpl (KIA) 708 Falleira, Jose V 3Lt 652 Falle, Diosdado Pvt (C/KIA) 488 Falloria, Florentino 2Lt 613 Famis, Gabriel Cpl (KIA) 708 Fantilagan, Teofilo l>vt (KIA) 725 Fardillan, Irineo Sgt (KIA) 468 Farenas, Josefino 2Lt 599 Farofi~ Wenceslao Pvt (KIA) 552 Farrales, Superiano Pvt (KIA) 676 Fa~u!ldo, Anacleto T/Sgt (KIA) 605 Fehclano, Macario Capt 58, 61 Felicisimo, Jose aLt 613 Fellores, Jesus 2Lt 652 Fellores, Jose 2Lt 651 Fener, Rodolfo Pvt (KIA) 377 Fenis, Diosdado 2Lt 613 Fenton, Harry Lt Col CO 83rd Div (Cebu) 128, 153 Feria, Felicisimo Justice 393 Ferlales, Rizal Pfe (KIA) 708 Fernandez, Provincial Auditor (Iloilo) 268,279 Fernandez, Edward 1Lt·648 Fernandez, Emiliano 1Lt 598 Fernandez, Gonzalo 1Lt 652 Fernandez, Ildefonso Capt 145 Fernandez, Jose 3Lt 650 Fernandez, Leonardo 2Lt 653 Fernandez, Natividad 656 Fernandez, Pacifico J 2Lt 600 Fernandez, Prudencio Capt 89, 613 Fernandez, Respicio 2Lt 650 Fernandez, Ricardo Pvt (C/KIA) 415 Fernandez, Sabas Lt 68 179 185 Capt 618 689 '" Ferrari~ Felicisimo 2Lt 624

Ferraris, Irineo G Jr 2Lt 613 Ferrer, Ramon D 1Lt 651 Fertig, Claude W Maj 204, 243,295,473 Fertig, Wendell W Lt Col 148, 242, 308, 468, 631 Figueroa, Justino G 1Lt 614 Filamor, Placido Pvt (KIA) 585 Fille, Maximo M 2Lt 562, 623 Firmeza, Cesar Lt 94, 190, Capt 238 Fitzpatrick, Lt Col US Army CO 63rd Inf PA (USAFFE) 30 Flor, Ignacio P dela 1Lt 613 FJprencio, Demetrio 1Lt 622 Flores, Eliodoro Pvt (KIA) 568 Flores, Federico 2Lt 624 Flores, Francisco V 2Lt 328, 468, 623 Flores, Jose M 2Lt 652 Flores, Orlando 1Lt 484, 560, 574, 612, 642, 687, 706, 713 . Flores, Ramon F Jr Lt 366, Capt 599, 619 Floro, Antonio Pvt (KIA) 682 Fojas, Blancanieves Cortez 658 Ford, Maria Garcia 209,473 Ford, Thomas 209, 473 Fornier, Tobias A (Puppet Governor Antique) 92,247,467,569 Fortaleza, Manuel Pvt (KIA) 66.8 Francia, Amos M Capt SigO 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 43, 2Lt 116, SigO 61st Div (Free Panay) 117, SigO IV Phil Corps 127, Maj 133, 154, Lt Col 207, 209, 335, 410, 526, 587, 645, CO 5th Signal Co 732, member Board of Officers on recognition 745 Francisco, GeIVasio Maj FinO 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 41, Aud IV Phil Corps 127, 243,278,281,374,656 Franco, Jose M 3Lt 618, 650 Franco, Luis M Maj 337, 458, 481, 564-565, 573, 576, 584, 611, 722 Franklin, J Capt US Army AGD 728 Frantilla, Crisostomo Pfc (KIA) 714 Freires, Jesus S 1Lt 600 Fresco, Jose Pvt (KIA) 725 Fria~ Laureano M Capt 526, 600,647 Fuentes, Conrado 3Lt 681 Fuentes, Leopoldo 2Lt 654 Fuen tes, Pedro Dep Gov 250 Fulgencio, Luduino 2Lt 89 Fullon, Leandro Gen 300, 556 Funa, Alfredo Cpl (KIA) 552 Funa, Martin F 1Lt 618 Furio, Simeon 2Lt 427, 613

-GGa, Macario V Capt 243, 650 Gabo, Teodorico G Pvt (KIA) 643 Gabor, Teodulo G 3Lt 609, 708 Gador, Gabriel P Lt Col 140, 141 Gainad, Dionisio Pvt (KIA) 641 Gaite, Basilio Pvt (KIA) 417


Gala, Pfc (KIA) 364 Galandas, Vicente "prc (KIA) 668 Galanto, Cpl 693 Galban, Magdaleno Sgt 221 Galiano, Modesto Pvt (KIA) 725 Gallardo, Jose Pvt (KIA) 605 Gallardo, Rufino PCc (KIA) 605 Gallego, Jesus Cpl 87, 3Lt 88, 265, 1Lt 589,668,671 Gallego, Roman Sgt (KIA) 264 Gallenero, Raymundo Pfc (KIA) 684 Galve, Cayetano C Capt 470, 600, 602, 603,676 Galvez, Nelson 1Lt 600,674,691 Gamboa, Leon F Capt 91, 131, 188, 572, 651,700 Gamosa, Andres 3Lt 651 Gan, Gregorio Sgt (KIA) 222 Gangoso, Cesar 1Lt 66, 651 Gantuangco, Constancio C Maj 1H8, 648 Ganzon (Mayor, Balasan, Iloilo) 347 Garbosa, Federico Pvt (KIA) 683 Garcia, Alfredo D Capt 653 Garcia, Amalio C 2Lt 623 Garcia, Carlos P President 753 Garcia, Cirilo B Capt 83, 92, Maj G3 IV Phil Corps 127, 186, submarine rendezvous (CPG) area 204, 205, 243, 244, 250, 2~5, 298, 336 (WIA) 413, 449, Lt Col 445, 466, 470, 472, 488, 534, 587, 607, 608, 641, 644-645, 678, Tiring action 705, 714, citation 721, to Fort Leavenworth 731 Garcia, Cosme 2Lt 620 Garcia, Eliseo Pvt (KIA) 725 Garcia, Enrique M Lt 252 Garcia, Enriqueta Reyes 252 Garcia, Florencio M Lt 252 Garcia, Luther H 2Lt 619 Garcia, Olimpio Pvt (KIA) 683 Garcia, Recio M Lt 252 Garcia, Serafin 3Lt 116, 117, 409 Garcia, Vicente R 3Lt 622 Gardoce, Jesus A 2Lt 600 Garganera, Eulogio C Capt 649 Gargaritano, Mariano L 3Lt 623, 668, 684 Garibay, Vicente 3Lt 613 Garin, Dominador 2Lt 67,623 Garin, Juan GILt 623 Garin, Victorino 2Lt 624 Garrido, Juan (Mayor, Cabatuan, Iloilo) 452 Garrido, Exequiel lLt 652 Garrucho, Peter A Capt (later Maj) 295, 413, 466, 470, 490, 559-561, 607, 608, 644-645, 678, 706-707, 714, 722 Garzon, Exequio V 3Lt 612, 686, 688 Garzon, Marfil Sgt (KIA) 645 Gasataya, Roque Cpl (CjKIA) 366 Gasataya, Vicente Pvt (KIA) 552 Gascon (re GCM) 301 Gatierra, Agapito Pvt (KIA) 178

Gato.n, Alvaro. Pvt (KIA) 535 Gato.n, Lucia 2Lt 624 Gavilaga, I1defo.nso. 2Lt 622, Ramo.n Maj 139, 616 Gavin, Wmiam Maj AUS 744 Gayanelo., Carlo.s 3Lt 652 Gayapa, · S Lt (KIA) 97 Gayo.n, 3Lt 571 Gedang, Salvado.r 1Lt 590 Gedo.ria. Anto.nio. Pvt 603 Geduspan. Vicente Cpl (KIA) 264 Gella, Deltin G Capt 650 Gellada, Leo.n P 1Lt 624 Gellar, Juan Pvt (KIA) 469 Gelvezo.n, Clanico. G 1Lt 651 Gelvezo.n, Ramon G Capt 67. CO 1st Bn 65th Ir.f 113, Maj 215, 256, 327, 525, 622, 642, 720, CO 1st Bn 52nd 731, accepted Jap surrender 737 Gemperle, William F Lt Co.I G4 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 38, 291; 367, 372,401, 435,452,473 Genguyo.n, Gil G 2Lt 623, 642 Gerao., Daniel Pvt (KIA) 178 Germo., Lo.reto. G Capt 652 Gero.che, Pasig 0 3Lt 600, 647 Gersava, Felicisimo. Pfc (KIA) 424, Hunfredo. L Capt 246, 589, Eduardo. L 3Lt 620, Francisco. E Jr 3Lt 648 Gimena, Enrique S 2Lt 649 . Gimo.tea, Glicerio. G 2Lt 624 Glumalid, Melcho.r Pvt (KIA) 669 Go.lez, Bando. Sgt 67 Go.lez, Cesario. C Dep Go.v 85, 313,498 Go.lez, Co.nrado. 3Lt 681 Go.lez, Ernesto. P Capt 176, 177, 221 295, 459, 464, 477, 535, 553, 555, Maj 621, 623, 643, 644, 667, 684, 710, 719, mo.pping up 726 Go.lez, ·Luis Wilfredo. Capt 613 Go.lez, Manuel B 2Lt 623, 642 Go.mez, Aurelio. Q Jr Capt 89, 243, 608 Gomez, 3Lt 609 Go.mez, Pedro. F 1Lt 651 Go.nzaga, Demetrio. Pfc (KIA) 329 Go.nzaga, Zo.e 2Lt 654 Go.nzales, Abundio. Pvt (KIA) 483 Go.nzales, Conrado. Sgt 410, 3Lt 646 Go.nzales, Ernesto Z 1Lt 600, 605 Go.nzales, 1Lt 466, 589 Go.nzales, C Lt 609 Gonzales, Julio. 2Lt 609. 708 Go.nzales, Mario. V 2Lt 466, 608 Go.nzales, Santiago. Pfc (KIA) 715 Go.rriceta, Crispin G 3Lt 116, 1Lt 117 Capt SigO 61st Div 130, 255, 645, 732 Go.rriceta, Gerardo. 3Lt 652 Go.rriceta, S 2Lt 620 Go.rriceta, Pablo. 3Lt 652 Go.rtayo., Patro.cinio. 3Lt 183 (C/KIA) 249 Go.tera, Esteban Lt 67,622

Go.tico., Napo.leo.n A 2Lt 477 (WIA) 478, 621,622 Grabato., Irineo. 2Lt 654 Grageda, N 1Lt 324, 648 Granflo.r, Oscar 3Lt 608 Grape, Francisco. C Capt 589 Grasparil, Valentin V Capt 83, Mil Pro.v Co.mdr Antique 92, 100, Maj CO 65th Inf,337.354. Lt Col CO 66th lIlt 396, 406, 417,516 597, 598, 606, 630, 641, 647, 674, liberated San Jose' 723 Grecia, William P 2Lt 589, Dominado.r Capt 434, 571, 574.583, Jesus F 2Lt 571, 574, 583, 652 Griengo., Sixto. 1Lt 109, 618 Grijaldo., Sixto. Pfc (KIA) 424 Griiio., Jaun L Dep Go.v 277, 279, 281, 285, 292, 323, 341·346, 462, Actg PTo.v Treasurer I1o.ilo. 498, 501·502 Griiio., Manuel 1Lt 619 Griiio., Mariano. Lt Co.I Co 65th Inf PA (USAFFE) 30, 92, Grio., Buenaventura·A 2Lt 623 Griswo.ld, Oscar W Maj Gen US Army 640 Grundt, Edward L Capt 301 Guanco., To.mas N 3Lt (C/KIA) 403 Guarano., Melquiades Sgt (C{KIA) 419 Guariiia, Mario. V Jr Maj 298, 648 Guba, Miguel S 2Lt 650 Guerra, Filemo.n F 1Lt 598 Guevara, Celso. M 3Lt 58,87, 88 1Lt 258, 653, 681 Guevara, 3Lt 648 Guevarra, Bienvenido. Cpl (KIA) 715 Guia, Ignacio. de Sgt 93,111, 2Lt 613 Guido.riagao., C Lt 85, 96, 263,488, 623, Capt 685 Guilaran, Adriano. Pfc (KIA) 704 Guinlat, Mauricio. Cpl 593 Gulmatico., Co.nstantino. Dep Go.v 331 Gumarang, Agapito. Pvt (KIA) 582 Gumayan, Exequiel 2Lt 623, 672, 694, 715 Gumban, Luzo.n 3Lt 648 Gustilo., Sabas 67 Guzman, Alejandro R de 3Lt 624 Guzman, Julian de 1Lt 646 °




-HHabana, Leo.po.ldo. A 2Lt 91, 600 Habla, Lauro. Pvt (KIA) 614 Hablero, Hilario. 0 1Lt 67, 471, 609 H;lgo.riles, Estela Lt (NC) 208 Haguisan, G Capt 188 Halago., Quirino. 2Lt 589 Halde S Pvt 477 Halsey, "Bull" Admiral530, 567, 568 Hambala, Dio.sdado. l/Sgt (KIA) 602 Harder, G 3Lt 646 Harder, Ricardo. Z 2Lt 651


Haresco, Teodorico R Capt 413, 609, 644, 721 Hart, Thomas· C Admiral US Navy, Asiatic Fleet Comdr 16 Hawley, Maynard C Capt 472 Hayler, F E (submarine comdr) 624 Hechanova, Cesar C 1Ltll6, 117, 367,618 Hechanova, Gavino 3Lt 646, 732 Hechanova, Gregorio 1Lt 223, 487, 494. 562 Hechanova, Jose GILt 614 Hedriana, Vicente 2Lt 600 Jiel\ador, Francisco Pvt (KIA) 643 Herbilla, Simeon M Dep Gov 2nd Adm Dist Antique 101, 314 Herman, Jose Capt 301 (KIA) 376 Hermano, Clemente L 1Lt 649 Hermano, Joaquin LILt 620 Hermano, Socorro D 2Lt 624 Hernado, Bernabe Pfc (KIA) 329 Hernandez, Gabriel "Kuroki" Puppet Gov Capiz 106, 107,132 Hernando, Vedasto C Capt 43, 58, Town Officer Janiuay, Iloilo 61, 86, CO 64th Inf Maj 257, 295, 335 , 366,367,454, 521,651 Herrera, Luis C Capt 329, 466,483,623, 670,684, (WIA) 715, 722 Hervias, Dioscoro 2Lt 599 Hibionada, Eduardo 500-502, 505 Hibionada, Emiliano L 2Lt 571 Hibionada, Juan Pvt (C/KIA) 466 Hicock, Charles H Sgt 146 Hidrosollo, Bernardino Sgt 602 Hifarba, Uldarico Pfc (KIA) 682 Hilado. Francisco 3Lt 654 Hinolan, Roberto 2Lt 141, 1Lt and Capt (posthumous) 144,590,591,594 Hinolan, Serafin 2Lt 646 Hiponia, Pedro 3Lt 612 Hiponia, Romeo K Lt 68, Capt 86 , 224, 336,367,535,609,644 Hisug, Domingo Cpl (KIA) 328 Homma, Masaharu Lt Gen Imperial Jap Army, Comdr Jap Invasion Forces 18, 24 I Hontiveros, Alejandro P Capt 188, 252, 253, 363, 369, 373, 385, 556-557, 589,654, 672, 673,705, Decoy operation 419 Hontoria, Emiliano J 1Lt 66, 97, 175, 624,684 Horblador, Prudencio Pvt (C/ KIA) 379 Hortillosa, Cirilo B Capt 599 Hubbard, Mark 1st (C/KIA) 415 Huevas, Santiago 2Lt 651 -1-

Iban ez, Francisco Pfc (KIA) 476 Ibanez, Manuel 2Lt 619 Ibarreta, Wenceslao 3Lt 599 Ibero, Nemesio 1Lt 590 Icamina, Federico Capt 608

Igtanloc, Eufracio 3Lt 612 Igualan, Isidro Cpl (KIA) 477 llano, Helen 565 I\desa, Sgt 602 Ilio, Dominador I 3Lt R9, 525-526,599 flisan, Jovito 153 Ilustrisimo, Gabriel 2Lt 246, 562. 637, 648 Imperial, Ram~m Pvt (C/ ~IA) 489 Imperial, Santiago L MaJ Comdr 3rd Iloilo Sector, 84, 108, CO 2nd Bn 63rd Inf 113, 173, 178, E.xO 63rd Inf 186, 256, 295, 321, 326, 379, 466, 480, 485, CO 3rd Bn 64th RCT 619, 697, 700 Importante, Juanito Pvt (KIA) 692 Ingeniero, Ismael Maj 153 Inserto Sa ncho Y 3Lt 89, 1Lt 673 Inserto, Wilfredo Y 2Lt 553, 618 Intatano, Prudencio Y 3Lt 89,599 Intengan, Romeo A Maj FO IV Phil Corps 127, Lt Col 245 Ipanto, }<'elix Pfc (KIA) 476 lturralde, Julian 1Lt 600 -J-

Jabadan, Gregorio Sgt (KIA) 326 Jabonilla, Pacifico Mayor 452, 518 Jabor, Julian P 3Lt 623 (WIA) 685 Jacildo, Luis 2Lt 590 Jacinto, Lorenzo 3Lt 618 Jacinto, Prospero 2Lt 620 Jacosalem, Nicolas Pvt (KIA) 531 Jacu, Abundio Pvt (KIA) 471 Jaena, Pedro C 1Lt 608 Jagolino, Ruperto 1Lt 651 Jagunap, Espiridion 2Lt 623 Jagunap, Eufracia 3Lt 600 J~andon~S~52&527

Jalandon:, Felix Lt 249 Jaiandoni, Rafael Maj Gen CofS '& Comdg Gen PA 739 Jalouena, Miguel 1Lt 6~:l Jalbuena, Numeriano 1Lt 622 Jalbuena, Vicente Pvt (KIA) 263 Jamandre, Alfredo A 3Lt 652 Jamandre, Leonardo 0 2Lt 654 Jamayo, Adela 2Lt 624 Jamison, Leopoldo Pfc (KIA) 420 Jamora, Gregorio S Pvt (KIA) 465 Jamora, Irineo H Capt 573,606,612 Janairo, Ambrosio S/Sgt 111, 2Lt 608 Janairo, Antiquio X Lt Col CO 64th Inf PA (USAFFE) 30 Jante, Maximo S Capt 649 Jara, Nicolas G 2Lt 609 Jaranilla, Alfredo 1Lt 622 Jardeleza, Natividad 2Lt 624 Jardeliza, Cesar 3Lt 613 Jardiolin, Hernani 2Lt 649 Jardiolin. Leonor 656 Jarobilla, Jose 3Lt 650 Javel\ana. Abelardo D 2Lt 623, 684


(WIA) 715 Javellana, Antonio J 2Lt 654 Javellana, Dominador Capt 651 Javellana, Vicente J Capt 618 Javelo, Bienvenido T/Sgt (KIA) 552 Javier, Alberto Jr 2Lt 613 Javier, Antonio 1Lt 612 Javier. Dominador (EM) 59 Ja·vier, Guillermo 1Lt 618 Jeruta, Simplicio 1Lt 590, 681 Jiloca, Ramon Pfc (KIA) 264 Jiz, Laureano L 3Lt 647 Jizmundo, Cornelio Pvt (KIA) 716 Jizmundo, Jesus Capt 445, 470,484, Maj 557,599,602,607 (KIA) 674 Joadiong, Clemente Pvt (KIA) 264 Johnson, Lyndon B US President 755 Jolla, Jesus Cpl (C/KIA) 535 Jones, Major US Army QM 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 34 Jongay, Antero Pvt (KIA) 407 Jornada, Benny 3Lt 613 Jose. Jose R de 1Lt 624 Jover, Carlos P 2Lt 89, 105, 191, 1Lt 218 Capt 484. 525-526 Jover, Gaudioso H 2Lt 590 Jover, Patria 2Lt 620 Juanco, Pedro 2Lt 651 Juarez, Jerome J Capt 373,648 Juarez, Nicolas 3Lt 599 Juarez, Sergio Pvt 486 Junsay, Arturo 2Lt 291, 609 Jurado, Enrique L Lt Col 147 Jurao, Adeodato P 1Lt 175, 622 Justiniani, Ester 2Lt 620

-KKangleon, Ruperto K Lt Col 142, CO Leyte Area Comd 143, 144, 308, 310, 335, 631 Kapunan, Cicero 3Lt 613 Katapang, Ignacio 1Lt 609 Kawabe, Torashiro Gen Vice Chief Imperial Gen Staff 736 Kawamura, Saburu Maj Gen Japan Imperial Army & Comdr Jap 16th Div 34 Kennedy, John F US President 754 Kennedy. P R Capt US Army 752 Kilayko, Crispin, 331 ' Kimpo, Felix M 498 King, Edward P Maj Gen US Army 34 Kirkwood, George 3Lt 650 Kist, Col G2 40th Inf Div 711 Krueger, Walter Lt Gen 565, 631, 701, 731

-LLabindao. Teodorico 1Lt 609. 708

Labis, Federico L 1Lt 619 Labis, Mateo prc (C/KIA) 484 Labis. Sgt 86 Labrador, Isidro 1Lt 619 Labtang, Presuelo 2Lt 652 Labto, Carlos F 3Lt 58, 98, 175, 1Lt 177,623,685 Lacatan, Crispino 3Lt 651 Lachica, Raymundo 2Lt 619 Lacsamana, Eugenio Pvt (KIA) 195 Lacson, Antonio (Puppet Fiscal) 570 Lacson, Zacarrias 2Lt 649, 669 Lacuesta, Nicolas Pvt (C/KIA) 422 Lacupa, Operiano 340 Lademora, Eliseo 1Lt 654 Ladera, Pedro F 2Lt 619 Ladines, Filemon L 1Lt 258, 590, 653, 681 Ladrido,Alfredo G 2Lt 480, 589 Ladrido, Ernesto 1Lt 649 Ladrido, Wilfredo J 2Lt 648 Lagarto, Jose Pvt (KIA) 483 Lagera, Gil M 2Lt 58, Capt 257, Ret Col 652,653,681 Laglagaron, Restituto Capt 653 Lagman, Quirico 3Lt (C/KIA) 415 Lalisan, Jose C 3Lt 90 Lamasan, Numeriano 3Lt 623 Lamzon, Leopo!do 1Lt 619 Lanaria, Ramon 2Lt 618 Lanaria, Tomas Pvt (KIA) 552 Lapasaran, Lorenzo Pvt (KIA) 422 Lapastora, Marcelo 3Lt 651 Lapuz, Licerio P Maj 150 Laquihon, Casiano P Lt 58, Town Officer, Duenas, Iloilo 61, 86, 96, 178, 221,480, 481, Capt 619 Lara, Juan T de 1Lt 613 Larios, Benjamin 3Lt 623 Larios, Clemente 2Lt 651 Lastimosa, Fortunata 3Lt 600 Lataquin, Reynaldo F 2Lt 599 Lataquin, Rodolfo Cpl 154 Latoza. Alfredo 1Lt 339. 340, 590 Latta, Franklin Comdr US Navy 448, 491 Laurel, Jose P. 383-384. 387 Laurente, Elpidio 487 Laurilla, Juan KILt 91, Capt 403 599 716 ' , Lauron, Cornelio LILt 649 Lavatorio, Eliso 3Lt 618 Lavente, Remigio 3Lt 652 Lavilla, Cesario 3Lt 652 Lavilla, Guillermo Capt 589 Lavilles, Cesar L 2Lt 649 Layaoen, Flordesencio 2Lt 608 Layug, Rosendo Pvt 339 Lazaro, Cornelio G 2Lt 216, 328, 623 Lazo, Romulo F Sgt (to Lt) 36, 367, 1Lt 623, 684. 687. 722 Lea, Homer American Author 17 Leal, Crispin Cpl (KIA) 377 Leal, Jeremia~ Sgt (KIA) 721

Leal, Roque Pvt (KIA) 603 Leaiio, Erasto 3Lt 609, 708 Lebrilla. Ricardo L 3Lt 624 Ledda, Juan 0 1Lt 66, 85, 619 Ledesma, Antolin (EM) 67 Ledesma, Arturo V 2Lt 589, (KIA) 673 Ledesma, Eliodoro J 3Lt 681 Ledesma, Bsteban Cpl (C/KIA) 415 Ledesma, Jose P 1Lt 599 Ledesma, Montano C 2Lt 589 Ledesma, Oscar L Capt 99, 110, 256, 285, 301, 335,M~ 646,650,651 Ledesma, Oscar Actg City Mayor & Prov Gov Iloilo 20, Congressman 45, 71 Ledesma, Santiago A Maj 188,255,647 Legaspi, Cpl (WI KIA) 471 Legaspi, Pfc (KIA) 37 Legaspi, Arcadio Pvt (C/KIA) 376 Legaspi, Roque 2Lt 600 Legayada, Cesar 2Lt 339, 340, 620 Leguro, Antonio Cpl (KIA) 263 Legreso, Moises Pvt (C/KIA) 263 Lelis, Francisco Maj 151 . Lema, Federico 2Lt 91 Leocario, Luis D 2Lt 246, 304, 648 Leon, Pershing de 2Lt 620 Leonida, Gil 2Lt 620 Lepardo, Jose Pvt (KIA) 469 Lerma, Benjamin E 1Lt 646, 652, 656, 681, liberation of San Jose 724 Letrero, Jose L 3Lt 589 Leuterio, Pedro Pvt (KIA) 535 Lutero, Tiburcio Congressman 45 Leyeble, Carlos C 3Lt 652 Licera, Antonio Pfc (KIA) 17 ~ Lijahasan, Ali Pvt 297 Lijahasan, Manguna, Pvt 297 Lim, Ildefonso Pvt (KIA) 582 Lima, C Pvt (KIA) 477-478 Lima, Federico V 2Lt 599 Lindbloom, Henry 1Lt (C/KIA) 415 LindOgan, Simplicio 0 1Lt 618 Lisondato, Claudio CDI (KIA) 483 Livesay, William G Maj Gen 751 Lizares, Mario A 2Lt 374 (C/KIA) 377 Llagas, Delfin Cpl (KIA) 264 Llamado, Federico Pfc (KIA) 364 Llamas, Felizardo Sgt (KIA) 716 Llanes, Pepito J 2Lt 618 Llenarisas, Lt 150 Londres. Rafael Jt 3Lt 624 Long, Major 40th Inf Div 712 Loot, Andres A Lt 482, 652 Loot, Jaime 3Lt 652 Lopez, Aurelio F 1Lt 653 Lopez, Don Carlos Asst Civ Administrator 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 32 Lopez, Ceferino Capt 589 Lopez, Jorge 2Lt 590 Lopez, Ramon Jr S/Sgt 704 Lopez, Tomas C Maj 257, 336, 367, 651 Loredo, Santos L 3Lt 646, 732 Loreto, Tomas Cpl (KIA) 641

Loriega, Sabas 1Lt 651 Lorido, Mauricio PCc (C/KIA) 365 Lorque, Calixto Pvt 487 Lozaria, Andres 2Lt 609, 645, 708 Lozada, Arcadio S 2Lt 609, 644, 721 Lozada, Jose 3Lt 600 Lozarita, Tobias 3Lt 650 Loyola, Antonio C 2Lt 154, 651 Lucentales, Mariano 2Lt 614 Lucero, Amador 2Lt 608 Luciano, Manuel Pvt 601 Lumampao, Filemon S 1Lt 618 Lumaque, Fernando A Maj 255, 652 Lumawag, Pacifico 2Lt 590 Lumogdang, Angel 2Lt 612 Luna, Antonio 2Lt 612,706 Luna, Bonifacio Capt 589 Luna, Jose G Lt 417, Capt 608 Lusaya, Feliciano Lt 114 Lusido, Conrado 340 Luto, Mateo Lt 86, 175, 221, 223 , Capt 619 Luzurriaga, Roberto Lt 146

-MMabaquiao, Mr. 325 Macahilo, Lourdes 2Lt 590 Macalipay, Cpl 194 Macanan, Godofredo M 1Lt 599 Macapagal, Diosdado President 754 Macaroncio, Elias 2Lt 223, 623 MacArthur, Douglas General US Army; Field Marshal, Phil Army 3, Lt Gen CG USAFFE 11, US Defensive maneuver 17-18, evacuation from Phil 19, defense strategy for Visayas 126, 1st radio mesg to Peralta 155, reactivation of military districts 242, nullified IV Phil Corps 243, military scripts 271-275, msg to Peralta re money 286 , success in Pacific 294, re intelligence 307, msg (June 7, 1943) 319, info on enemy si.rength 320, 382, proclamation (Oct 23, 1944) 393, humanitarian mission 471, radio msg Nr 31491-492, msg to Confesor 513-514, msg to Peralta 514-517, 530, landing in Leyte 566, Mindoro landing 606, 'on PeraltaConfesor showdown 626-628, SOP instruction No 26630-631, reconquest of Luzon 640, Commonwealth government reestablished 701, Iloilo liberation 720, Comdr US Army Forces in Pacific 730, 1tr of commendation 735, Japanese surrender 736, war claims 752, speech at Manila Hotel 754 Macavinta, Alfredo 1Lt 258, 653, 681 Macoco, Patrocinio V 2Lt 623 Macuha. Manuel 1Lt 613 Madarang, Clemente SILt 599


Manikan, Nathaniel A 3Lt 90, 2Lt 624 Mantaring, Casimiro 3Lt 649 Manuud, Pastor G Capt 304, 648 Mansilla, Rizaldo 3Lt 599 Manzanilla, Benito L B 1Lt 608 Manzanilla, Noe Pvt (KIA) 715

Madera, Zoilo Sgt (KIA) 422 Magabe , Carlos prc (KIA) 222 Magahum 281 Magajas,. Manuel, 279 Magallanes, Angel C Capt 608, 610, 678 Magallanes, Antonio Lt 99, 108, 176, 1Lt 476,646 Magallanes, Eugenio Capt 610 Magallon, Dioscoro Sgt (KIA) 326 Magallon, Jose S Lt 66, Capt 98, 651 Magalona, Enrique Sgt 413 Magat, Vicente l /Sgt (KIA) 477-478 Magbalon, Domingo Lt 616 , 620 Magbanua , Diosdado Pvt (KIA) 594 Magbanua, Eugenio Pvt (KIA) 725 Mal!banua, Ludovico Pvt (KIA) 531 Magbanua, Lui;; G Capt 195, 222, 247, 468,476,570,581 , 613 Magbanua, Sixto 2Lt 613 Magdaleno, Porfirio G 1Lt 90, 91, 189, 191, Capt 619 (KIA) 737 Maghirang, Emilio 1Lt 600 Maglaque, Eleno Jr 3Lt 608 Magno, Aniceto P 2Lt 589 Magno, Perpetua 2Lt 624 Magpusao, Patrocinio Sgt (C/KIA) 484 Maja4ue Lorenzo M Maj 650 Malarte, Ricardo Sgt (KIA) 377

Manzano, Cesar T Lt 4\:10, 608 Manosa, Julian Pvt (KIA) 478 Mapa, Cirilo Jr S/Sgt 704 Mapa, Segundo G Lt 41, 53, 67-68, 87, Capt FO 61st Div 196. Mal 2b5 . 267, 272, tt52, 649 Mapa, Vicente Judge 48, 67 Maquiling, Juan (CDC) 487 Maquinto, Dominador 2Lt 619 Maquiran, Rufo 2Lt 91, 329, 427, 1Lt 613 Maquirang, Inocentes Pvt (C/KIA) 466 Marcos, Ferdinand E Sixth President, Second Repu blic of the Philippines; USAFFE Lt and Distinguished Service Cross Awardee 21 and 23, 755 Marfil, Damian 3Lt 613 Marfil, Dionisio 3Lt 613 :Aarfil, Pedro 499 Marfil, Silvestre Sgt (KIA) 611 Margarico, Cesar 2Lt 599 Marquez, Ignacio 645 Marquez, Modesto 3Lt (KIA) 645 Marshall, George Gen US Army Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff 13, 20, 45 750 ' Marshall, Richard J Maj Gen 751 Martelino, Apolo 1Lt 567, 600 Martelino, Eduardo 2Lt 386, 560, 575, 612, 642, 686, 687, 706, 713 Martelino, Pastor Col 386 Martin, Sergio Pfc (KIA) 621 Martinez, B Sgt 413 Martinez, Eleuterio 2Lt 600 Martinez, Mercedes 2Lt 411 Martinez, Quirico Pvt (KIA) 645 Martirez, Napoleon A 1Lt 599 Masa, Agustin E 1Lt 650

Malaunan, Nicasio Pvt (KiA) 584 Malavarin, Jose 2Lt 613 Malaya, Antonio 1Lt 413, 608 Male, Domingo R Capt 618, 701) Malicudio , Mariano M 2Lt 600 Mamaril, Antero 3Lt 609 Mamon, Eligio 1Lt 649 Manaay, Eulogio 2Lt 649 Managuit, Jose A 1Lt 612 Manalo, Honorato Prob 3Lt 90, 2Lt 599, 676 Manapsal, Jesus Lt 308 Manay , Domingo 2Lt 609, 708 Manigqu e, Pedro Capt 154 Manikan, Gamaile! i.. Capt 1st Aklan Mil Dist Comdr 89, siege of Capiz 189, 192, Major Exec 64th Tnf 192, 250 257 , 295 , 299 , :136 , 417 , 455 , Commandant. BOTS 525-527 , CO 1st Bn 65th RCT 534-535 , Com:nandan t ROTS 544 -546 , Task Force Comdr 554-556 , move against enemy at Ibajay 560-561 , 564 , defense at Belison 574-580 , 584 , 586, to San Jose and landing field 611-612, forced march to Tigbauan 641-644, 668, critical sideligh 679 , Tigbauan operation 686 , 705 , Moiin & Pipi hills cleared 706 secret landing message 708-710, US . 8th Army landing 711 , Actg Dist S3 & demobilization officer 714, 720, liberation of San Jose 724 , processing, demobilization & recruitment 728 , S3 and Exec 52nd Rc:r 738

Masangkay, Maximo S 2Lt 608 (WIA) 715 Masbad, Elpidio S Lt 85, 1Lt 174, 176, 178. 221, Capt 619 Masendo, Arsenio (CDC) 550 Maslog. Rodolfo 247,570 Mata, Emesto S Lt Col Cors 72nd Div (Negros) 128, 140, 245 . Mata, Placido S 1Lt 618 Maulion, Domingo Pvt (C/KIA) 415 Mayor, Corazon Quimpo 655, 657-659 Mayuga, Leonardo A 1Lt 90, 01, 189, . 645,732 Maza, Ramon A Dep Gov 1st Administrative Dist (Antique) 314, 498, 570, 630 Mecenas, Ernesto C 2Lt 651 ill

Mecenas, Manuel 3Lt (KIA) 6~1 Medalia, Eu~taquio 1Lt 609 Medina, Manuel A 3Lt 599 Ideider, Henry W L Maj AUS 243 Mejia, Flaviano 3Lt.600 Melecoton, Crispino Mayor 72U MelenclO, Dominador Capt 651 Melendres, Juan 2Lt 650 Melgar, Trinidad 2Lt 620 Melo, Melquiades 570 Mendoza, Clodualdo 2Lt 648 Mendoza, Heracleo 3Lt 618 Mendoza, Honorato 1Lt 612 Mendoza, Lucio P 1Lt 620 Mendoza, Jose Dep Gov 313 Mendoza, Mariano 2Lt 608 Meiiez, Avelino 2Lt 89. Merano, Godofredo F 2Lt 620 Mercado, Jose Capt 151 . -Merindad, Marcelo Pvt (KIA) 641 Merrit, Pedro V Capt Actg Comdr 93rd Div (Samar) 128, 144 Mesa. D. Lt 249 Mestidio. Alejo 2Lt 599 Meyers, Frederick W 1Lt (C/KIA) 421 Miguel, Antonio H 2Lt 421,599,676 Miguel, Patricio M Capt 246, "547, 568, 622,656 Mijares, Cesar 3Lt 618, 623, 672, 694, 715 Mijares, Domingo S/Sgt (KIA) 445 Mijares, Gil Capt (C/KIA) 489 Militante. Pacifico V 2Lt 623 Militante. Salvador 2Lt (C/KIA) 330 Millian, FrancIsco Pvt tKIA) 562 Milliangue, Vicente 1Lt 67, 623 Miraflores, Jose C Capi 90, 608 Miralies, Ciceron 2Lt 608 Miralles, Edilberto T 2 Lt 609, 708 Miranda, Bias Lt Artg Comdr 92 Div (Leyte) 128, 142, 308 Miranda, Lorenzo 1Lt 600 Miranda, Zacarias Sgt (KIA) 467 Mirasol Lt 58 Mission, Adam C 3Lt 609 Mission, Engracio V Pvt (KIA) 641 Mohamad, Yuguis, Capt 619 Molain, Sgt 216 Molaso, Moises Pfc (KIA) 483 Molavin, Andres 3Lt 623 Molino, Rafael 3Lt 608 Molinos, Modesto 3Lt 612 Molo, Leopoldo 3Lt 623 Mombay, Arthur H 2Lt 648 Monares, Rustico G 2Lt 681 Monroy, Celestino Maj 257, 295, 648 Monsala, Alfredo Pfc (KIA) 446 Monsale, Jose 1Lt 614 Monseirat, Alfredo Pvt 682 Montalba, Evaristo Pvt (KIA) 264 Montano, Puppet Mayor 488

Montawe, Serapion Pvt (KIA) 535 Montelibano, Gov (Negros) 517 Montes, Julian Pvt (C/KIA) 466 Monteza, Lt (PC) 550 Montias, Apolinario Pvt (KIA) 468 Montiel, Alfonso 3Lt 609 Montinola, Francisco Maj G2 IV Phil Corps 127, GI IV Phil Corps 128, Lt Col 243,335,373,452,648 Montmola, Salustlo 2Lt 65l Monton, Salvador Pvt (KIA) 669 Montoro, Epifanio Dep Gov 498 Morada, Juan Pvt (KIA) 645 Morada, Napoleon 3Lt 608 Moralba, Lazaro Pvt (KIA) 264 Morales, Flores Pvt (KIA) 602 Morales, Jose Sgt (C/KIA) 414 Morales, Leonardo 3Lt 53, 2Lt 609 (WIA) 706 Morales, Rubin 2Lt 590 Morancil, Amando 3Lt 589 Morata, Paterno Pvt (KIA) 216 . Morbo, Hilarion Pvt 487 (KIA) 670 Moreno> Clarin S Capt FO IV Phil Corps 128, 243, 374, (}50 Moreno, Jose D Capt 412, Maj 526, 599, 647,674 Morgan, Louis P Capt 148 Mortel, Mariano 1Lt 609, 644, 706, 707 Moscoso, Alfonsa 2Lt 609 Moscoso, Arsenio G 3Lt 649 Mosqueda, Guardalino Capt 590 Mosquera, Marcelino 3Lt 622 Motong, Dionisio S 2Lt 623 Motus, Herminigildo S 3Lt 90, 2Lt 609, 708 . Murillo, A Lt 363 Muro, Teofilo 2Lt 589 Murphy, Robert Sgt 530 Muyco, Abelardo P Maj Asst CofS G4 255, 295, 452, 654 Muyco, Salvacion 2Lt 620 Muyco, Pablo D Capt 58, 61, 226, 295, 423, Maj 653

-NNabalde, Oprecino Pvt (KIA) 602 Nabit, Jose Pfc (KIA) 622 Nacionales, Dariyes 2Lt 613 Nacionales, Salvador T/Sgt 129, 131, 2Lt 646, 732 Nagrampa, Modesto F 1Lt 93, 101, 613 Nakar, Guillermo Lt Col 121 Namit, Marcelo Pvt (KIA) 725 Namit, Santos 0 2Lt 194, 612 l'<apulan, Mateo C 2Lt 613 Narania, Flaviano N 1 Lt 620 Naranjo, Jovit02Lt 613 . Naranjo, Juanito V 3Lt 649 Natividad, Dionisio 2Lt 589 Natividad, Socorro 2Lt C24 Nava, Benjamin C 2Lt 6fi2 Nava, Enrique L 2Lt 651


Nava, Flavio 3Lt 681 Nava, Jose Ma. Sr Capt 243, 291, 622 Nava, Jose R. Jr 2Lt 323, 338, 548, 623 Nava, Leon A 1Lt 458, 679, 681 Nava, Mariano Jr Capt 490, 494, 608, 609, 644, 645 678, 720-722 Nava, Ricardo 2Lt 622, 681 Nava, Ziegfredo 2Lt 681 Navarra, Ana Lt 647 Navarra, Jose E 2Lt 600 Navarro, Amando 1Lt 651 Navarro, Marcos Pvt 605 Navigar, Ramon P 2Lt 653 Nayuba, Melanio Pfc (KIA) 683 Nelo, Quintin 1Lt 578, 612 Nepomoceno, Patricio P.. t (KIA) 466 Nequin, Urbano 1Lt 622 Niar, Guillermo Pfc (KIA) 477 Nicasio, Jose Pvt (KIA) 420 Nichols, Sgt (C/KIA) 415 Nimitz, Chester Admiral 294, 474, 530, 567, 569 Nobleza, Francisco M 1Lt 67, 216, 623 Nobleza, Jose 3Lt 619 Nobleza, Judith 656 Noblezada, Arturo 2Lt 600 Noguera, Matias Cpl (KIA) 535 Norada, Conrado Pvt 58, 3Lt 304, 648 Norilla, Pedro 2Lt 93, 193, 223, 581, 613 Nuiiez, Lope Cpl (KIA) 645 Nunie'.la, Francisco 2Lt 612

Opina, Pedro Jr 2Lt 608, 609 Oquendo, Benito Pfc (KIA) 676 Orale, Simeon Sgt (C/KIA) 489 Orbe, Jose Jr 3Lt 623 Orbegoso, Joaquin V Capt 649 Orbias, Pedro Pvt 601 Orianes, Concordio T 2Lt 53, 87, Capt 207,401,443,587,645,646 Orlino, Lt 669 Oro, Sancho 0 2Lt 674 Oro la, Jose P Capt 257 Orola, Napoleon Pfc (KIA) 265 Orola, Ramon 3Lt 608 Ortencio, Antonio 3Lt 599 Ortencio, Raymundo Cpl 185 Ortigas, Manuel A 2Lt 620 Ortigas, Pedro R 1Lt 582, 619 Ortigas, Resurreccion 1Lt 653 Ortiz, Jesus M/Sgt 150, 2Lt 618 Osman, Perfecto B 1Lt 36, 87, 96, Capt 106, Maj 183, 256, 274, CO 3rd CT 455~ 471, To HUBAG 488, "Osman, abe' 492, 534, 622, 643, 644, 688, critical sidelight 678, 685, mopping up 726 Osmena, Sergio Vice President Common· wealth of the Philippines 1, evacuation from Phil 19, Exec Order No. 21, 202 President succeeding Quezon 531, 532, 536, Leyte landing 566·568, 629, Commonwealth Govt reestablished 701. 751, omnibus claims 753 Osonero, Julian Pvt (KIA) 428

-0Obas, Bias Sgt (KIA) 582 Obidos, Amador 2Lt 620 Obregon, Marcelo 2Lt 652, 681 Obregon, Norberto 1Lt 589 Occena, Flaviano 2Lt 651 Octaviano Isauro B Capt 622, 727 Odell, Pablo 88 Odfemina, Santos S/Sgt (KIA) 683 Odi, Ildefonso MILt 609 Offemaria, Francisco B Capt 42, 53, 58, G2 61st Div (Free Panay) 61, Comdr 2nd Iloilo Sector 81, 98, 99, Maj CO 1st Bn 63rd Inf 113, 152, 173, 183, 256, balked 457, 480, at Bona Cliff 481, 535, 621·622, 649, critical sidelight 678, CO Motor Transport Bn 681 Olivares, Jose 2Lt 623 Olivarez, Manuel 2Lt 608 Olivera, Fortunato Pfc (KIA) 683 Oliverio, Manuel A 2Lt 613 Olmedo, Leopoldo Pvt (KIA) 674 Olmo, Teodoro R 2Lt 654 Olsen, R. I. (sub comdr) 472 Olympia, Faustino Sgt (KIA) 615 Omana, Francisco B 1Lt 649 0' Niel, G E Jr (Sub Comdr) 624 Onas, Cominado Pvt (KIA) 476 Operiano, Felipe 570

-PPabilico, Ludovico Lt 413 Pabiona, Ciriaco Capt 619 Pabiona: Nic~nor P 3 Lt (WIA) 178, 619 Pacaoncls, ISIdro Pvt (KIA) 178 Pacardo, Francisco 2Lt 647 Pacete, Jaime Sgt 93, Lt 545, 575 584 612 ' , Pacificador, Crispin 0 1Lt 652 Pacino, Jose Pvt (C/KIA) 366 Paclibar, Jesus 2Lt 590 Paclibar, Salvacion 2Lt 620 Paclibar, Santiago 1Lt 650 Paclibar, Sixto Pvt (KIA) 467 Padernal, Gerardo Pvt (KIA) 721 Padilla, Agapito S 3Lt 623 Padilla, Fortunato 630 Padilla, Francis 2Lt 590 Padilla, Jaime Pvt (KIA) 552 Padilla, Philomeno P 2Lt 117, 128, 645, 732 Padilla, Ranulfo R 2Lt 681 Padilla, Sinfroso 2Lt 58, 622 Paez, Eulogio B 2Lt 85, 114,623 Pagcalinawan, Capt (PC) 550 Pagharion, Carlos 1Lt 651 Pagina<!o, Teresa 2Lt 620


Pagmanona, Juan Pvt (KIA) 264 Paguidian, Fidel Pvt 672 Paguntalan, Honorio 3Lt 647 Paguntalan, Pedro 2Lt 599.674 Palacios, Filemon Mayor 331. 354 Palafox, Prudencio T Maj Asst CofS G1 255, 452, 649 Palencia, Alfonso P Maj Asst CofS G3 255, 256, 295, 616, 697, S3 52nd RCT 731 Palencia, Crisostomo P 2Lt 373,648 Palencia, David 1Lt 590 Palencia. Marino 2Lt 599.602,674 Palencia, Paterno P 2Lt 622 Palermo, Eriberto S/Sgt 329 Palisada, Cpl 221 Palma, Aladino Z S~t 414 Palma, Andres Pvt KIA) 467 Palma, Jose 0 3Lt 83, 1Lt 623 Palma, Luis D 1Lt 613 falma. Roque Pvt (C/KIA) 536 Palma, Sulpicio 3Lt tJ48 Palmejar, Alfredo 2Lt (KIA) 642, 604 Palmos, Pedro S/Sgt (KIA) 469 Paloma, Romeo 2Lt 648 Palomar. Leonardo Cpl 605 Palomo, Raymundo Pfc (WIA) 673 Palu-ay, Berty P 1Lt 599, 675 Pama, Cenon P 2Lt 652 Pama, Manuel A 1Lt 649 Pama, Pio L 1Lt 589 Pama. Wilfredo 3Lt 619. 689 Pamatian, Panfilo M 1Lt 545, 579. 614 Pamiliran, Felipe R Pvt 603 Pamonel, Cornelio Pvt (KIA) 216 Panado, Apolinar T 1Lt 216, 483, 623, 668,685 Panes, Jose V 2Lt 62::1 Panique, Jose 3Lt 612 Parcon, Melquiades 2Lt 599 Parcon, Rafael Capt 650 Parcon, Rizalino Sgt (KIA) 377 Parcon, Salustiano Pfc (C/KIA) 531 Paredes, Manuel Pfc (KIA) 467 Pareja, Julio C 3Lt 650 Pareja, Manuel C 3Lt 646, 732 Parker, George Maj Gen US Army, CG South Luzon Force USAFFE 11 Parra, Felicito 2Lt 476, 681 Parra, Gregorio M 1Lt 652 Parrefias, Aurelio Sgt 413 Parrefias, Engracio Capt 207, 208 Parrefias, Gil 2Lt 650 Parrefias, Ismael 3Lt 654 Parrefio, Amado B Capt 620 Parrefio, Guillermo P 1Lt 114, 176, 464, Capt 623,670, 684, 722 . Parrefio, Roberto 2Lt 622, 684 (WIA) 694 Parrefio, Teodoro P Lt 99, 221. 223, Capt 336,482,483,619 l>arrefio, Vicente 3Lt 623

Parsons., Charles US Navy Comdr 308 Partisala, Vicente 3Lt 619 Pasaporte, Ildefonso 2Lt. 590 Pasaporte, Josefina 2Lt 590 Pascual, Feliciano 1Lt 614 Paseo, Cesar Cpl (KIA) 621 Pasiderio, Celso 1Lt 255, 624 Paspe, Alfredo 2Lt 590 Paspe, Generosa 2Lt 590 Patco, Florentino T 2Lt 649 Pavon, Ricardo 339 Paz, Benigno dela 364 Paz, Narciso 2Lt 654 Pechera, Jesus 2Lt 650 Pedrejas, Rafael1Lt 654 Pedrejas, Simeon 3Lt 618 Pedrigosa, Maximo 2Lt 590 Pedrifia, Jose 2Lt 613 Pedroso, Irineo P 2Lt 598 Pelobello, Pablo 3Lt 653, 681 Pendon, Felipe 1Lt 649 Pendon, Simplicio A Capt (EPG) 179, 314 Penetrante, Juan 2Lt 648 Pen ion, Jovencio 2Lt 609 Penol, Bonifacio Pvt (KIA) 263 Pefia, Nicetas dela 2Lt 608 Pefiacerrada, Maria Cristina 3Lt 619 Pefiaflor, Romeo M Cpl (KIA) 673 Pefiaflorida, Irineo 2Lt 651 Pefialver, Juan Sgt 99 2Lt 620 Pefiaranda, Salvador 3Lt 612, 6H6 Pefiaredondo, Jesus Lt 246 Pefiaredondo, Marcelino 2Lt 281, 285, 650 Pefiaredondo, Perpetuo P 1Lt 619, 689 Peralta, Luis Capt (PN) 149 Peralta. Macario, Jr Brig Gen PA 13, G3 (Lt Col) 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 31, Lt .col Co 61st Prov Regt 36, 40, 45, 46, Mil Regroupment 53-54, antibanditry patrol 59, CO 61st Div (Free Panay) 60, Agreement of Cooperation with Gov Confesor 75, Last "War Council" 83, Regroupment in Capiz, 87, Momentum strategy 95, Money problems 125, 1st radio msg to MacArthur 131-132, first radio msg to Quezon 132-133, intelligence efforts 136, 1st radio msg from MacArthur 135. almost lost comd of IV Phil Corps 156, permanent Lt Col & CO 6th Mil Dist (PA) 159, objection to commission form of govt 162, martial law lifting 167, re civil govt 168, tactical directives 180, financial directives 195, 196, partial salary instructions 198, 199, enlistment policies 202, mil discipline and training 203, establishment of submarine rendezvous area 204, transfer to Daan Norte 207, enemy strength Jan 1943 213, military Iluerilla chieftain (Lt Col), validi ty


of guerilla command and powers 233, authority as mil comdr 240, desig· nated 6th Mil Dist Comdr 242, 243 1 extra·territorial units 244, "Lie· Low' policy 262, money problems 299, in· telligence compartmented 303, Pro· paganda and espionage 310, Ltr to Grifio 323, civilian relief 331, Promo· ted to Colonel 335, 338, Disputes with civil officials 340, re promotions 396, CPO threatened 409, new policies 449, combat teams formed 453, humani· tarian mission 471, "Lie·Low" policy amended 475, Conflicts with Confesor on appointments 497-519, administra· tive measures 520-525, command con· ference 529-531, final reorganization of 6th MD to RCTs 530-531, 534 report to Osmeiia 536-538, report to MacArthur 538-540, Alert on Panay 544, Msg to Jap PCs 550-551, staff directives 563-564, 586, 603-604, Showdown with Confesor 626-630, CPO at Pototan 645, 654, Plans of operation 667, III omen 669, Imperil· led 683, to Leyte 702, US Army secret landing message 708-710, entered Iloilo City 719, decorated US Army Distinguished Service Cross 720, San Jose liberation 723, mopping up 726, conference with MacArthur in Manila 731, to Fort Leavenworth 731, to 52nd RCT 738, Brig Gen Deputy Chief of Staff PA 739. Peralta, Natividad K 53, narrow escape 59-60, 207, 208, 409-411, 578, WAS organization 587, 654-659 Perecho, Diosdado Pfc (KIA) 535 Perez, Dominador Cpl (KIA) 725 Perez, Jose J 3rd Lt (KIA) 366 Perez, Melanio Capt 187, 295, 413, 416 Perez, Silfide 658 Perla, Timoteo Cpl (KIA) 175 Perlas, Alberto Pfc 85 2Lt 589 Perlas, Jose Jr 2Lt 599 Peroja, Roque 2Lt 651 Perocho, Apolonio Pvt (WIA) 486 Pet, Amparo 2Lt 620 Petelo, Jose 1Lt 613 Petes, Adriano Pvt (KIA) 178 Petry, Capt 646 Philipps, Laurence H Maj 147 Pi co, Godofredo Pvt (KIA) 535 Pilota, Nicolas Cpl (KIA) 326-327 Pineda, Alfredo 1Lt 613 Pineda, Nicolas 3Lt 613 Pineda, R Pfc 345 Pineda, Santos Pvt (KIA) 683 Pingo~ Antonio Lt (KIA) 109 Pinuela, Silverio Pvt (KIA) 367 Placeda, Constantino Pvt (KIA) 263 Plagata, Eleuterio 1Lt 613 Pkgata, Samuel C Lt 87, Capt Sector,

Comdr Ilayan (Capiz) 89,90, 106, CO 3rd Bn 64th Inf 112, Maj 257, 599, 601, 602, 605, 607, 674, 676, 677, CO 3rd Bn 52nd RCT 731 Plagata, Victor C 2Lt 396, 600, 684, 691 Poblacion, Jovito 3Lt 649 Poblador, Gregorio D 1Lt 618 Poli, Roberto R 3Lt 623, 716 Policarpio, Alberto Maj 145, 153,413 Poral, Ricardo 2Lt 654 Porras, Matias Lt 96, 99, Capt 108, 183, 366 Portal, Francisco B Pfc (KIA) 562 Portus, Jose R Lt 58, Capt 1B2, 295, 373, Maj 553, 557., 588-590, 593, 668 Posa, Daniel P 2Lt 651 Posoncuy, Ralph Dr 141 Post, W S (Bill) Jr USN 297 Potente, Modesto H 1Lt 654 Poticar, Jesus M 3Lt 653, 700 Prieto, Ruperto Pvt (KIA) 642 Principe, Catalino 1Lt 618 Protasio, Casildo A 3Lt 599 Protasio, Marcelo Lt 144 Protasio, Nunilon A 1Lt 648 Prudente, Salvador 3Lt 619 Pugna, Delfin 2Lt 599 Pugne, Eliseo Lt 413 Pulmones, Serafin 2Lt 681 Punla, Beatriz 656 pu·od, Hermogenes Pvt (KIA) 675

-QQuema, Claro S 2Lt 619 Quema, Vicente 3Lt 623 Quezon, Manuel L President, Common· wealth of the Philippines 1, evacuation from Phil 19, 71, 269, decision on money 282, 283, 290, 382J New Year's Msg (1944) 439, 51:1, suc· cumbed 531-533 Quia~ Efren V 2Lt 652 Quimby, R C Capt US Army 639 Quimbo, Juan C Col PA 61st Div PA (USAFFE) Provost Marshal Quimpo, Jose Salcedo 3Lt 90, 191, 218, 1Lt 590 Quimpo, Mabini 2Lt 613 Quimpo, Manuel 2Lt (C/KIA) 414 Quimson, Eliseo 2Lt 652 Quintero, Eduardo Ambassador 752 Quintia, Andres 1Lt 600 Quintia, Jesus A 1Lt 600 Quintia, Josefa Lt (NC) 208 Quirino, Elpidio, Vice President 739 Quisumbing, Fiscal 268. 279~ 500

-RRaba, Melquiades L 1Lt 613 Rabillo, Gregorio 3Lt 613 Rabobo, Delfin Pvt (KIA) 445 Rabulan, Pedro 1Lt 589 lvi

Rafols, Jose G 3Lt 618 Ramirez, Isidro l/Sgt 484, 59~ Ramirez, Jose Pvt (KIA) 484 Ramirez, Sabas Capt 649 Ramiro, Simeon Pvt (KIA) 193 Ramos, Agapito 1Lt 609 Ramos, Anacleto 1Lt (WIA) 675 ' Ramos, Federico Pvt (KIA) 467 Ramos, Francisco B 2Lt 623 Ramos, Jose 1Lt 653. 681 Ramos, Miguel E 1Lt 600, Capt 676, 684 Ramsey, Edwin P Maj 146 Rafier, Teodora 2Lt 590 Rapista, Pedro A 1Lt 545, 612 Raso, Juan L 2Lt 648 Raval, Constante C Capt 210, 413 Ravena, Cornelio P 2Lt 612 Ravena, Eugenio 3Lt 649 Rayala, Alejandro 3Lt 618 Real, Anacleto 2Lt 590 Reales, Feliciano 2Lt 648 Recidoro, Zacarias L 2Lt 90 1Lt 484, 572, 651 Regalado, Jose Cpl (KIA) 368 Relunia, Leopoldo R Lt Col Div Engr 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 35, Exec 61st Prov Regt 36, 40, 45, Mil Regroupment 53, Regroupment concepts 54, CO Central Iloilo sector 61, CofS 61st Div (Free Panay) 63, Mil COmdr Iloilo 63, 78, Moroboro Conference 83, Reorganization in Iloilo 84, preparing for combat in Iloilo 85, momentum in Iloilo 97, movement of 61st Div Hq to Sara 99, proposal to raise money in Iloilo 104, problem of military abuse 105, 61st Div Comdr 112, General proclamation 112, CofS IV Phil Corps 125, expan!'ion moves 139-140, exuansion to Bicols 150, obiection t~ l'''ertl~ s attempt to command 1V l'hll Corps 157, Exec officer 6th Mil Dist (P A) 159, mil govt (martial law) proclamation 162, insistence on martial law 165, 171, partial salary directives 198, 199, cash contributions 200, mil policies affecting civilians 203, enemy strength Jan 1943 214, ExO MD & CO 61st Div 243-244, 254, Div Comdr 255, Proposal of organic infantry regts 255, "Lie Low" 262, printing of money 270, payment of salaries 273, narrow escape 291, plans for final offensive 294, civilian relief measures 331, conflict with civil officials 342, counter-measures against enemy atrocities 350-351, w/District RCP at Sara 359, plan to counteract enemy punitive drives 362, critique 375, 61st Div dissolution proposed 428, lie-low policy amended 475, staff dispersion at Bona Cliff 481, conflict w/Confesor 503-504, 512, officers training 525, CO 64th RCT 533, 614. mission to

Leyte 615-617, 618. 641, comments & suggestions 69 '1, CO, 6~h PA Replacement Bn 729, to Fort Leavenworth 731, Board of officers on recognition . 745 Remonte, Jesus R 2Lt 609 Rempillo, Mayor (Oas, Albay) 150 Rendon, Panfilo 3Lt 619 Rendon, Quirino D 2Lt 624 Rendon, Vicente P 2Lt 613 Repiedad, Triumfo Pvt (KIA) 406 Rescator, Leopoldo PVT (C/KIA) 419 Resol, Candido H Capt 651 Retotar, Elpidio M 3Lt 652 Revilla, Leonardo 2Lt 613 Rey, Matias C 1Lt 652 Reyes, Alfredo de los Capt 153, 653 Reves. Antonio delos (Mayor) fi70 Reyes, Ernesto J 2Lt 650, 653 Reyes, Gabriel M (Archbishop) 252 Reyes, Jose B L 225 Reyes, ,Jose MAtty 252 Reyes, Juan M Congressman 252 Reyes, Mansueto delos Pvt 593. 609 Reyes, Salvador M Lt 252 Reyes, Vicente Cpl (C/KIA) 415 Reyes, Vicente delos 2Lt 609, 708 Ricamonte, Diego Pvt (KIA) 607 Ricardo, Ernesto Pvt (KIA) 531 Ricarte, Artemio Gen 184 Rico, Alfredo Pvt (KIA) 419 Rico, Nacianceno 3Lt 618 Rino, Doroteo Pvt (KIA) 645 Rio, Eliseo D Capt 188, 252, 295, 396, 406, 599, CO 1st Bn 65th RCT 714, 724 Rio, Toribio del Pfc 594 Rios, Jose G Sgt 210, 2Lt 608 Rios, Perfecta 3Lt 612 Rivas, Jose C Pvt (KIA) 531 Rivas, N.llPoleon Sgt 67 3Lt (KIA) 674 Rivera, Arturo T 2Lt 651 Rivera, Celedonio 2Lt 612 Rivera, Corazon Dy 2Lt 614 Rivera, Dominador 2Lt 223, 609 Rivera, Hilario C 3Lt 613 Rivera, Jesus J 3Lt 681 Rivera, Macario A 3Lt 651 Rivera, Manuel 1Lt 208 Rivero, Domingo 2Lt 249, 619 Robledo, Alberto T 3Lt 477, 623 Robles, Carlos Pfc (KIA) 535 Robles, Fernando Sgt (KIA) 466 Robles, Mariano T Capt 91, 535, 601, 651, Battery Comdr 52nd Inf Regt 731 Robles, Oscar 2Lt 654 Robles, Prudencio 0 1Lt 184 Roces, Benito 1Lt 650 Roces, Cesar P Major G4 IV Phil Corps 127, Corps QM 212, 239, 243, 288, 291, 374. 518. 646. 650. S4 52nd Inf


Regt 738 Rodrigo, Jose A 2Lt 648 Rojano, Juan 2Lt 622, 681 Rojas, Jose Jr 2Lt 620 Roldan, Edilberto Jr 2Lt 623 Roldan, Gerardo P 2Lt 486, 623, 670, 716 Roldan, Jose Ma Capt 622 Roldan, Jose P Pfc (KIA) 183 Roldan, Napoleon Sgt (KIA) 467 Rollo, Felix 2Lt 589 Romero, Antonio R Capt 608 Rompe, Napoleon Pvt (C/KIA) 536 Romulo, Carlos P Col (later Brig Gen) PA (USAFFE) 23, Leyte landing 566, Philippine Ambassador 754 Roncal, Jose Pfc (KIA) 642 Roncal, Vicente Pvt (KIA) 486 Ronco, Santos l/Sgt 248, 592 Ronquillo, Valentin V Capt 650 Roosevelt, Eleanor 381 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, US President 10, 15, 45, 381, New Year (1944) Msg 440, 519, 530 Rosa, Martin dela 2lt 623, 670 Rosado, John S 2Lt 255, 653 Rosal, Jose R 1Lt 653 Rosales, Natalio M 2Lt 622 Rosales, Sgt 190, 191 Rosales, Ramon A 1Lt 614 Rosano, Cornelio Pvt (KIA) 671 Rosario, Marcelo del Lt 175, 177, 464, 477 (KIA) 478 Rosas, Eugenio 1Lt 609 Rosel, Geronimo Pfc (KIA) 264 Rosel, Nolasco P 2Lt 619 Rounds, Ede F Lt 243 (KIA) 421 Rovira, Beniamin 1Lt 599, 601, 691 Roxas, Beltran D 3Lt 620 Roxas, Bhadyadyamal 2Lt 600 Roxas, Manuel A Brig Gen PA (USAFFE) 7, 269, 532-533, 734, President 739 Roxas, Manuel D Capt 445, 599, 601, (WIA) 676, 691 Ruben, Antonio 3~t 650 Rubrico, Jose M 1U 209, 654 Ruefa, Sergio Sgt 96, 1Lt 589 E,uffy, Jose M Maj 147 Rufon, Pedro 2Lt 613, 693 Ruiz, Hipolito V Capt 87,295,298,425, Maj 449, 470, 490, 597, 601, 607, 608, 609,610,648,705 Ruiz, Pedro R Capt 90, 649 Rutor, Alejandro Pvt (C/KIA) 415


Saavedra, Pedro B Lt 67, Capt 328, 624 Sabido, Amado PVT (KIA) 465 Sabido, Quirico Pvt (KIA) 535 Sacapanio, Melecio Pvt (KIA) 715 Salarda, Cornelio 3Lt 67 (C/KIA) 489 Salarda, Numeriano 3Lt 647 Salarda, Salvador 2Lt 622 Salario, Alejandro Pvt (KIA) 466 Salaro, Santiago Pvt (KIA) 488

Salazar, Angel F 2Lt 622 Salazar, Crispin 3Lt (KIA) 368 Salazar, Delfin 3Lt 608 Salazar, Nicolas 3Lt 650 Salazar, Pacifico Pvt (KIA) 467 Salazar, Ricardo C Pvt (KIA) 552 Salazar, Severo Pfc (KIA) 683 Salcedo, Conrado Ii' 1Lt 590 Salcedo, Federico L Capt 87, 134, G2 61st Div 187, Maj 238, 245, 246,255, 304, 309, 321, 360, 389, 452, 454, 460,648,724 Salcedo, Juan Lt 602 (KIA) 682, 691 Saldajeno, Roque Pvt (KIA) 726 Salidong, Jose JI. 3Lt 623 Salientes, Manuel Q Maj 598, 610, 674, 691,724 Salmeo. Feliciano Pvt (KIA) 177 Salmon, Paulino S Lt 66, Capt 609 644 706, 708 . " Saludares, Emiliano Pvt (KIA) 582 Salvacion, Felix J 1Lt 619 Salvador, Jaime C 2Lt 608 (KIA) 708 Salvador, Maximo G 1Lt 339, 370, 624, 719 Salvador, Romeo C Sgt 141, 3Lt 142, 143, 144, 363, 553, 554, 556-558, 571,585,588,2Lt589,671 Salvani, Miguel Judge 314 (Captured) 418 Salveron. Zacarias 2Lt 590 Salvilla, Eulalio 3Lt 652 Samlalo, Miguel Pvt (KIA) 177 Sarnpiano, Rafael Sgt (KIA) 690 Samulde, Adriano Capt CO 2nd Bn 65th Inf 113, Major 222, 257, 4 8, . 564, 570 581, 586, 613, 724 San Agustin, Alberto 1Lt 196, Capt 197, 272,649 San Agustin, Gerv asio 1Lt. 620 Sanchez, Angel V 2Lt (PC) 549 Sanchez, Diosdado N 3Lt 623 Sandico, Francisco Maj 151 San Diego, Amado R 1Lt 624 Sanglap, Severo Maj (PA) 550 Santarina, Dioscoro 2Lt 653, 681 Santiago, Enrique L 1Lt 86, 96, 345, 466,Capt589,670,673 Santiago, Joaquin Jr 3Lt 646, 669 Santiago, Ramon 2Lt 590 Santias, Jesus Pvt (KIA) 714 Santos, Alejo Col CO Bulacan Mil Area 146 Santos, Andres delos 2Lt 60S Santos, Carlos Pvt (KIA) 683 Santos, Ceferino delos Sr Judge 314, 676 Santos, Ceferino, delos Jr 2Lt 620 Santos, Estanislao 3Lt 613 Santos, Felipe delos Pvt (KIA) 377 Santos, Felix A 1Lt 650 Santos, Mariano delos Pvt (KIA) 177 Santos, Teofilo V 1Lt 599 Santoyo, Lope Pvt 59 Santoyo. Ramon Pvt (KIA) 717 Santoyo, Simon A 1Lt 620


Sanz, AnRel 3Lt 650 SapaJaran, Guillenno 1Lt 67, 650 Sapalarari~ Jose P 2Lt 575, 612, 709 Saquin, Hector M 2U 571, 585,651 Saratan, Tito 3U 622 Sarce, Federico Pfc (KIA) 726 Sarile, Bernardo 3Lt 609 Sarmiento, Mel~cio Pvt (KIA) 573 Sarmiento, Simplicio 1Lt 619 Sarroza, Francisco 2Lt 619 Sartaguda, Tomas A Supervising Dep Gov Antique 78, 313, 498, 630, 632 Sasis, Olegario M 3Lt 654 Sastre, Leonor Prob Put (C/KIA) 466 Saure,Jose L Maj (C/KIA) 421·422 Savillo, EliasM 1Lt 647 Sayre, Francis B High Commissioner 24 Schmid, William Capt 650 Seballos, Ma<rcelo Capt 619 Seballos, Valeriano Pvt (KIA) 685 Sebastian, Filomeno 2Lt 613 Sebuado, Serafin 2Lt 117, 127, 129,646, 732 Sedantes, Melecio 2Lt 67, 328,623 Sedigo, Juan S/Sgt (KIA) 621 Segara, Felix Pfc (KIA) 489 Segovia, Florentino 570 Selibio, Domingo Capt 175 Selorico, Marcos Pvt (KIA) 535 Semilla, Ildefonso 3Lt 609 Seniel, Bernardo Pvt (KIA) 605 Senupe, Juan 2Lt 221, 223, 619 Seiieres, Federico 2Lt 652 Sepaya, Gregorio M 3Lt 622 Sermicola, Bruno Pvt (C/KIA) 428 Serran, Pedro Capt 53, 58,61,97, Maj G2 IV Phil Corps 128.136. 150. Lt. Col 243 245·246, 307·308, 335, 359·360, 368, 373, Decoy Operation 419, 452, 503, 505, 516, 533-534, 668-669, 671 705, Board of Officers on recognition 745 Severino, Jesus Sgt (KIA) 582 Sevilla, Ernesto 2Lt 619 Sevilla, Pedro Sgt (KIA) 683 Seville, Perpetuo 407 ShackleforP, William G Ensign 548 Sharp, Georg~ H Capt Comdr USS Nautilus 553 Sharp, William F Maj Gen US Army, CG Vlsayas-Mindanao Force, USAFFE 11, 21, 39 Shoe, Robert 0 Brig Gen Asst Div Comdr 40th Inf Div 712 (WIA) 723 Shigematsu. Mamoru Japanese Foreign Mi. nister 382 Sianzon, Victor 2Lt 650 Siaotong, Bautista 1Lt 620 Siaotong, Emiliano 3Lt 618 Silfavan, Teodorico 2Lt 425,613 Silla, Canuto 3Lt 608 Silva, Deomedes 3Lt 648 Silvederio, Leandro 2Lt 590 Silveo, Eliseo 2Lt 6~6 Silveo, Macario S/Sgt (KIA) 670 Silvero. Lt 221

Simora, Cresenciana 2Lt 624 Simpas, Jose Capt 652 Simplict, Frederick 703 Sinag, Fidel Pvt (KIA) 715 Sindal, Gerardo Pvt (C/KIA) 376 Sison, Aquiles E 1Lt 649 Sison, Emilio 1Lt 609 Sison, Pedro H 2Lt 618, 653, 681 Siya, Expedito 1Lt (C/KIA) 375 Smith, Garland Sgt 718 So, Rizalino G 2Lt 90, 189, 190, Capt 598 Soberano, Antonio V 2Lt 613 Soberano, Carlos (EM) 67 Soberano. Fernando 570 Soberano, Francisco (EM) 67 Solatore, Jesusito Pvt (KIA) 109 Soldevilla, Serum Pvt (KIA) 725 Soliano, Jose M 1Lt 624 Solidarios, Mateo 2Lt 622 Solidarios. Salvador 2Lt 85.612 Solido, Romeo Pvt (KIA) 326·327 Solidum, Vicente 1Lt 600. 647 Soliman, Eduardo Lt 143. 144 Soliman, Marcos G Maj 142, 143 Solinap, Mariano Lt 704 Solis, Emmanuel T Sgt 111 Capt 426, 449, 663 101iS, Le~n 1U 600 Solis, Roman 1Lt 590 Solis, Salvador 3U 193, 194, 613 Soliva, Alfonso Pvt (KIA) 177 Soliva, Francisco 2Lt 365, 619 Solon, Jaime Cpl 594 Sombito, Feliciano Capt 620 Sombilla, Alfredo 3Lt 623 Somes, Eliseo J 1Lt 600, 691 Somosierra, Carlos 2Lt 590, 704 Songco, Bienvenido G 1Lt 600 Songcuya, Igmedio 3Lt 654 Sontillano, Presbitero 2Lt 623, 670, 716 Soquino, David Pfc (KIA) 223 Soriano, Arturo P 2Lt 654 Soriano. Carlos DeD Gov 341. 347.350 Sorianosos, Ernesto D 2Lt 652 Sorianosos, Faustino 2Lt 623 Sorilla, Eugenio Pfc (C/KIA) 422 Sorongon Eduardo 1Lt 481, 651 Sorongon, Reynaldo P Lt 66, 96,114, Capt 486, 488 Sotero, Daniel 2Lt 619 Sotic, Alberto 3Lt 651 Sotomil, Alfonso 2Lt 619 Sparrow, Carl G 1Lt US Anny 738 Spencer, Cyrill, Capt 473 Stangl, Frederick 1Lt 568, 619 Stimson, Secretary of War 751 Suamaba, Roque 2Lt 652 Sucaldito, Melquiades 2Lt 623 Sucgang, Mariano Pvt (KIA) 177 Sudasta, Eulogio Pvt (C/KIA) 263 Suelo, Liberato G 3Lt 652 Suero, Restituto Sgt (KIA) 471 Suganob. Jesus 2Lt 619


Suico, Jose A 2Lt 612 Sumado, Angel Cpl (KIA) 573 Sumagaysay, Ernesto Sgt (KIA) 183, 552 Sl1magpao, Amado Pfc (KIA) 531 Sumagpao, Oliva 1Lt 624 Sumagpao, Rosito Pvt (KIA) 466 Sumayo, Nicolas-T-/Sgt 129 130 131 2Lt 133 646 '" Sumcad, G;egori~CpI (to Actg 3Lt) 527 545, 575, 584, IH2 · ' Sumergido, Jose Jr 2Lt 487 623 672 716 Sumodio, Gepte, Cpl (KIA) '183 ' , Superlativo, Aquilino Pvt 487 Supiter, Arcadio Pvt (KIA) 6~O Supiter, Cpl221 . Surriga, Juanito M 3Lt 623 Su~tento, Antonio S 2Lt 623, 670, 689 Sustento, Dominador 2Lt 623 Sustiguer, Dominador S 2Lt 623 Sustiguer, Jose Pfc (KIA) 643 Sutherland, Richard Maj Gen US Army USAFFE Chief of Staff 20 Syge~gco, Jose Capt 618 Syndlco, Gregorio 86 Swift, Innis P Maj Gen 640

-TTaasan, Rodulfo 2Lt 650 Tabalingcos, Enrique 2Lt 67, 613 Tabayan, Alfredo 3Lt 654 Tabema, Antonio Pvt (KIA) 552 Tabingo, Jose T 2Lt 67,328,623 Tabiosa, Marte Pvt 326-327 Tablada, Cirilo (EM) 67 Tabocolde., Espiridion Pvt (KIA) 469 Tabola, Enrico Pvt (KIA) 717 Tabuada, Pedro (C/KIA) 419 Tacata, Jose (EM) 59 Tadifa, MiguellLt 620 Tady, Manuel C 1Lt 620 Taglay, Gregorio Pvt (KIA) 675 , T~orda, Alejandro A 1Lt 3115, 648, 656 Tala, Custodio Pfc (KIA) 446 Talamayan, Bernardino 1Lt 600 Talamera, Antonio 2Lt 90, 652 Taleon, Antero Pvt (KIA) 175 Taleon, Catalina Lt (NC) 67 Taleon, Joaquin (EM) 67 Taleon, Jorge Z 1Lt 654 Tamayo, Ciriaco J 3Lt 589 Tamayo, Gerardo B 1Lt 614 Tamba, Francsico Pvt (KIA) 552 Tamonan. Norberto 3Lt 614 Tan Gana Francisco 1Lt 61, Capt 63, 108, 109. roo 255. 259. MaJ' 454 ' 618, 689, 699, Tan, Vicente 0 3Lt 650 Tan, Victoriano P 3Lt 612 Tanallon, Abundio Pvt (KIA) 672 Tanteo, Liberato 2Lt 589 Taiiada, Juan Cpl59 Taiiales, Francisco (EM) 59 Tafiales, Jose 3Lt (KIA) 607

Tangub, Marcelino (EM) 67 Tans!ongco, Alberico 1t.t 608 TanslOngco, Vicente A Maj 454 653 Tapuz, Mabini 3Lt 218,599' Tarro~, Felix B 1Lt 589 . Tarr:>sa, Manuel2Lt 590,591 Tarrosa, Nicolas 2Lt 619 Tarrosa, Willie 3Lt 623 Tayco, Paterno 1Lt 614 618 Taylor, Luis F 2Lt 599 ' Tayo, Lorenzo B 2Lt 600 Tejam_ Catalina 3Lt 614 Tejido, Francisco Prob aLt (KIA) 531 Telan, Justiniano S 2Lt 90, 205, 1Lt 608 , Telesco, Lee Col 616 -Temporoza, Florencio Pfc (KIA) 673 Tenefrancia, Napoleon B 3Lt 59 67 465 560, 580, 584, 1Lt 612 " , Teodosio, Noe Sgt (C/KIA) 484 Terania, Pfc 465 Terasaki, 1Lt 321 Teruel, Bernabe A 2Lt 620 Teruel, Francisco C 3Lt 62 Teruel, Juan Judge 331 Teruel, Raymundo Y 3Lt 68 140 145 Capt 146 ' , , Teruel, Serapio 1Lt 67 619 Teruel, Sixto 3Lt 623 ' Teves, Jose 3Lt 599 Thayer, Allan Maj (later Lt Col) US Army . CO 62nd Inf PA USAFFE 30, 38 Tmmpong, Agustin 2Lt 481 650 Tiangco, Vicente R 1Lt 197' Ticar, Crisologo A 2Lt 487 623 ~empo, Ernesto T/Sgt (KIA) 671 Tlgabos, David (EM) 67 Tilos, Francisco 2Lt 619 689 Timtiman, Vicente 1Lt 600 Tina, Bartolome Sgt 67 Tiongco, Fidel Z Capt 239 255 452 654 Tiquio, Conrado (EM) 59 ' , , Tirado, Alberto S 1Lt 622 Tirador, Candida 2Lt 590 Tirol, Edito H 1Lt 608 Tirol, Leon H 2Lt 647 Tirol, Paterio S 2Lt 90, 190 1Lt 599 Tirol, Socrates H 2Lt 608 Tobias, Anastasio 2Lt 651 Tobias, Juan C 3Lt 599 Togonon, Pelagio Pvt (KIA) 694 Tolentino, Pfc (KIA) 37 Tolentino, Marcelo A 1Lt 67 650 Tolentino, Mariano M/Sgt 128 129 130 13~lLt133,618 ", Tolosa, Aurelio 1Lt 67, 609 Tomaob, Simplicio Pvt (KIA) 726 Tonogbanua, Rafael 2Lt 654 Toquillo, Levy 3Lt 565, 613 Tor, Lucas 2Lt 620, 651 Tordesilla, Bernabe 570 Tordesillas, Gregorio C 3Lt (KIA) 477 Tordesillas, Juan J 1Lt 612 Tordesillas, Russel 0 Sgt 111, Capt 247, 613


Torre, Bienvenido dela 2Lt 623 Torre, Romeo 2Lt 652 Torrefranca, Mariano lLt 67, 624 Torrento, Eugenio 3Lt 67, 623 Torretijo, Pedro (EM) 67 Tortula, Simplicio 2Lt (PC) 549 Trabado, Jose 1Lt 654 Trabado, Marcelo 2Lt 651 Trabado, Pedro 3Lt 652 Travasas, Juan Pvt 326 (KIA) 446 Trespeces, Iluminado S/Sgt (KIA) 621 Trompeta, Claudio 3Lt 571 Tronco, Manuel2Lt 619 Tronco, Pedro Pvt (KIA) 96 Truman, Harry S US President 736, 748, 751 Tuante, Rafael Capt 59, 67 Tuason, GabriellLt 58, Capt 649 'fuazon, Pedro Justice 349 'fubanza, Silverio Pvt 195 'fubar, Nicomedes 2Lt 618 Tubongbanua, Rafael Pfc (C/KIA) 535 'fuca, Apolonio (EM) 59 Tuclaud, Epifanio 327 'fuclaud, Florentino (EM) 59 'fuclaud, Francisco (EM) 59 'fugublimas, Catalino (EM) 59, 3Lt 548, 623 Tulali, Pascual Sgt 465, 548 'fulio, Roberto A 3Lt 652 'fulio, Rosendo 2Lt 620 'fumali, Andres Sgt 67 Tumbocon, Francisco 3Lt 613 'fumbocon, Pedro S Capt 90, 188 'fumlos, Arturo P 1Lt 91, Capt 558, 589, 590. 591. fl71 Tumlos, Dominador 2Lt 650 1'lImlos. Percival P 3Lt91. 2Lt 647 'fupan. Eladio (EM) 67 'fupan, Hugo Pvt (KIA) 96 'fupaz, Ernesto T/Sgt (C/KIA) 42 '~ Tupaz, Luis B 2Lt 620 Tupino, Jose G 2Lt 613, 693 'furrecha, Luz S 2Lt (NC) 614 Turrecha, Solomon S l/Sgt 183, 248, 471,480,488, 1Lt 589,591-593,683, 691

-UUbogon, Felizardo Pfc ~KIA) 615 Ulay, Francisco Sgt (KIA) 683 Umali, Buenaventura 3Lt 609 Unsan, Jaime Cpl (C/KIA) 536 Untalan, Sofronio T Lt 146, Capt 147 Uriarte, Higinio Capt 146 -

V -- .

Vail, Louis 2Lt 141 Valdevieso, Agustin M 2Lt 650 Valdez, Basilio J Maj Gen 615-616, 735 Valente, Benjamin MILt 613 Valenzuela, Severino MILt 589 Valera, Felix 2Lt 609 Valera, Juliana V 1Lt 600, 647 Valera, Pascual 3Lt 612 Valerio, Andres D Capt 619

Vargas, Jor$e B Exec Sec to Pres Quezon 24, Challman Jap Central Adm Commission 25, 320, 383 Vargas, Tomas V Capt 649 Varua, Gregorio S 2Lt 612 Vega, Fulgencio Judge 274, 293, 314, 391 Vega, Jovito dela Pfc (KIA) 683 Vega, Melquiades Sgt (Distinguished Service Star awardee) 446, 503 , Velarde, Nicanor S Lt Col G4 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 34, G2 61st Div PA (USAFFE) 40, 144, 571, 585, 587, 597,601,641,651,724 Velasco, Dan 2Lt 623 Velasco, Federico 1Lt 614 Velasco, Olimpio R 1Lt 651 Velasco, Venancio V Capt 373, 608 Velez, Jose 3Lt 600 Vencer, Agustin 2Lt 609 Vencer, Jose P 1Lt 619 Vencer, Romerico P 2Lt 619 Ventura, Mariano 2Lt 589 Venus, Rufo L 3Lt 613 Verba, Felixberto 2Lt 647 Veto. Pedro B 3Lt 618 Veto. William 2Lt 91 Vicencio, Jose R 1Lt 623 Victoriano, Rosendo 3Lt 571 Vidal, A (WAS) 658 Vidal, Napoleon Sgt (KIA) 420 Viejon" Crispin 2Lt (PC) 550 Viernesto Gerardo Pfc (KIA) 683 Vilches, Justino 2Lt 613 Villa, Emilio 2Lt 608 Villa, Salvador Capt 550 ViUacampa, Ambrosio G Actg 3Lt 102, 572, 3Lt 651 Villaesmera, Laureano 2Lt 614 Villalon, Manuel 273,281 Villaluna, Albino 3Lt 647 Villaluz, Pacifico R 1Lt 650 Villamor; Jesus A Capt PA Air Corps "Ace' 23, Maj 141, 145, 297, 306, 517,636 Villamor, Meliton Pvt (WIA) 470 Villano, Raymundo Lt (EPG) 179 Villanueva, Abundio 2Lt 650 Villanueva, Armin 2Lt 649 Villanueva, Arturo Puppet JP 570 Villanueva, Augusto 3Lt 623, 694 Villanueva, Dominador 2Lt 471, 589, 591-592 Villanueva, Elias 1Lt 328, 623 Villanueva, Ernesto 2Lt 590 Villanueva, Herminigildo Pvt (KIA) 683 Villar, Apolonio Pvt (KIA) 726 Villareal, Aladin, 2Lt (C/KIA) 376 Villareal, Cornelio T Sup Dep Gov Capiz 78, 103, 195, 397, 402, 630, Actg Prov Governor Capiz 631, 633, 634 Villareal, Leon M Capt 91,649 Villareal, Paciencia G 657 Villareal, Quirico 2Lt 599, 716 Villareal. Santiago 2Lt (PC) 550


Villares, Jose L Pvt (KIA) 671 Villarete, Feliciano Capt 222, 573-574, 613 Villarin Porfirio Gov 267 Villarina, Alex Cpl 606 Villarosa, Federico Cpl 477 (KIA) 478 Villarta, Nicolas 3Lt 612 Villasis, Braulio F Maj CO 64th Inf 112, 139, Lt Col 186, 188, 244, 245, 249, 250-253, 257, 336, CO 65th Inf 425, 503, 521, 545, 565, 586, 612, 641, Dist Exec Officer 731 Villasis, Homero C 2Lt 600, 613,654 Villasor, Pedro Pvt (KIA) 468 Villasor, Vicente D Lt 205, 222, 471, Capt 609, 644, 721 Villavert, Alberto 247.570 Villavieja, Federico s 2Lt 6U, 706 Villavieja, MaUla 2Lt (NC) 624 Ville, Pacifico Pfc (KIA) 671 Villesa, Juan Pfc (KIA) 484 Villesa, Ulpiano Sgt (C/KIA) 471 Villodas, Agapito Cpl 601 Villoso, Lucas G 1Lt 339, 649 Viloria, Benjamin N Maj 141 Vinzon, Demetrio Capt 350, 500-503 Virto, Virgilio 2Lt 619 Vito. Ismael2Lt 117. 121. 130,646 Vizcarra, Sergio 2Lt ~O, 191,612 Visconde, Benito V 1Lt 619

-WWainwright, Jonathan M. Maj Gen US Army CG Northern Luzon Force USAFFE 11, 20 ·Watanabe, Capt 321, 358

Willoughby, C. A. Brig Gen 298, 615-616 White, Emil Capt 651 Whitney. Courtney, Brig General 633 Woodruff, Maj US Army CO 3rd Bn 63rd Inf PA (USAFFE) 35 Wutrich, Federico 2Lt 619

-YYangson, Amado 3Lt 613 Yap, Marcelino M Capt (KIA) 370 Yap, Pedro M Capt 417, 491, 608, 722 Yatar, Pedro 'Y Capt Sector Comdr Aklan (Capiz) 89, 105-106, CO 2nd Bn 64th Inf 113, 250, 251,257, 618 Yeban, Juan M 3Lt 608 Ykalina Anicio Z Lt 154, 373 (C/KIA) 377 Yngson, Manuel 2Lt (PC) 550 Yongque, Gideon Pvt 193, 3Lt 613,693 Yresabal, Adolfo 3Lt 650 Yulo, Jose Speaker 532

-ZZaballero, Pablo Pvt (KIA) 484 Zabat, Montano 1Lt 150 Zaldarriaga, Jose 2Lt 338, 652 Zaldaniaga, Ricardo 3Lt 619 Zaldaniaga, Vicente M 1Lt 518, 521, 618 Zaldivar, Calixto Capt 560, Actg Prov Governor Antique 631, 633-634 Zaldivar, Geronimo Sgt (KIA) 183 Zaldivar, Jose P 1Lt 367, 618, 700 Zaldivar, Ursicio 3Lt 609 Zante, Leoncio Pvt (KIA) 488 Zapanta, Rogelio 2Lt 589 Zaragosa, Fidelina 2Lt (WIA) 705 Zenudo, Percival Cpl 593 (KIA) S42 Zomil, Eufrosino ptc (KIA) 683 Zosa, Teofilo A Capt 647, 651


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Roderick Hell CoIl.

.. E R I TAG E Guerilla warfare on Pansy Island in the Philippines: I I.


historical account of the organization and operations of the wartime Sixth MiIHaI)' District, Philippine Army, otherwise

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