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The author Ward Rutherford
Editor-in-Chief: Barrie Pitt
Art Director: Sarah Kingham
Ward Rutherford, born in 1927, is one of the few Britons to have first hand experience of life under the Nazis. From 1940 to 1945 he was in the German occupied Channel Islands and was imprisoned for listening to the BBC. He has since worked as a journalist in newspapers, on his own newsagency and in television.
Barrie Pitt, author of 'Zeebrugge ', 'St, George's Day 1918', and ' Revenge at Sea ' . Contributor to The Encyclopaedia Britannica on naval warfare ; historical consultant to The Sunday Times Colour Magazine; Editor of Purnell's History of the Second World War; consultant to the producer of the B.B.C. film series The Great War.
Sarah Kingham, who studied at the Hornsey College of Art, London, is now regarded as one of the most original and talented young designers in London publishing. As design editor of Ballantine's Illustrated Histories she has established new standards for the presentation of information in books, based on the close integration of textual and visual material.
Consultant Editor: John Keegan
Consultant Editor: Sydney L. Mayer
A graduate in English Literature and PhI! soph of St John's College Cambridge, David Mason is an author and editor of wide experience, After some years as a news reporter and feature writer in Fleet Street, he entered book publishing to help launch Ballantine's Illustrated Histories, and has written four books in the series.
John Keegan was born in London in 1934 and educated at King's College, Taunton, Wimbledon College and Balliol College, Oxford, where he specialised in military history, Since 1960 he has been Senior Lecturer in Military History at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, He is the author of numerous articles on military history, strategy and international np 1 {llHairS', .......... -",... ....
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Sydney L. Mayer, Jr. was born in Chicago in 1937, Educated at the University of Michigan, Yale University and the London School of Economics. He was executive editor of Purnell's History of the Second World War, political consultant to Purnell's History of the First World War, ...... ,\ ..,I
Editor-in-Chief: Barrie Pitt Editor: David Mason Art Director: Sarah Kingham Picture Editor: Robert Hunt Designer: David Allen Cover: Denis Piper Special Drawings: John Batchelor Photographic Research: Jonathan Moore Cartographer: Richard Natkiel
Photographs for this book were specially selected from the following Archives: from left to right pages 8-9 US Army; 10 US National Archives; 10-13 US Army; 13 Keystone; 14-15 Imperial War Museum; 16 US Army; 16 IWM; 17 US Army; 17 US National Archives; 17 US Army; 22 Keystone; 23 US Marine Corps; 26-27 Keystone; 29 Fuji; 29 US Navy; 33 IWM; 33 Martin Caidln; 34-35 US National Archives; 36-37 Fuji; 38 US Army; 38-38 US Navy; 40 IWM; 41 Fuji; 42-43 Yap; 45-46 US National Archives; 48-49 Yap; 50-51 Fuji; 52-53 US NavY; 52-53 Keystone; 54 US National Archives; 54 US Navy; 54 US Army; 54 US Navy; 56 Keystone; 57 US Army; US National Archives; 60-61 Yap; 62 Fuji; 63 US Army; 66 Yap; 66-67 Keystone; 70-71 Fuji; 70 Keystone; 74 Yap; 76-79 Fuji; 60-61 US Army; 81-63 US National Archives; 64-69 Fuji; 90 Yap; 91-92 Fuji; 93-95 Yap; 96-97 US Marine Ccrps; 100-101 Fuji; 104 US National Archives; lOS Keystone; 106-107 Yap; 108-113 US Army; 117 Fuji; 120-121 US Army; 122 US National Archives; 122 US Army; 123 Keystone; 126-127 Full; 128 Yap; 129 US Army; 130 Keystone; 131 Yap; 131 Keystone; 132 Fuji; 136-145 Yap; 144-145 US Army; 146 US Marines; 146 US National Archives; 142 Yap; 147 Fuji; 148 Yap; 149 US Army; 149 Fuji; 152-153 Keystone; 156 US Airforce; 156-157 US Army; 157-156 Yap; 159 US National Archives;
Front cover US Navy; Back cover Keystone The publlshers wish to extend special thanks to Dr Diosdado M Yap. Edltor-Publlsher. Bataan Magazine. Washington DC
for his permission to reproduce certain photographs from his collection
Copyright © Ward Rutherford First Printing: IOctober 1971 Printed in United States of America Ballantine Books Inc. 101 Fifth Avenue New York NY 10003 An Intext Publisher
ConlenlS 8
Rumours of War
Crisis Approaches
Plans and Decisions
The First Acts of War
Landings Begin
Transports off Lingayen
The Emerging Patterns
The Capital Occupied
Bataan: The First Round
The Breathing Space
Bataan: The Final Round
The Impregnable 'Rock'
The Last Word
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