Return to the Philippines -- PRELIMINARY PAGES

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Previous World War" Volumes: Prelude to War Blitzkrieg Th e Battle of Britain The Rising Sun The Battle of the Atlantic Russia Besieged The War in the Desert The Home Front: U .S.A. China-Burma-India Island Fighting The Italian Campaign Partisans and Guerrillas Th e Second Front Liberation



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The Author: RAFAEL STEINBERG was a war correspondent in Korea for International News Service and TIME. He spent many years in the Far East (including the Philippines) as a correspondent for Newsweek and other publications, and later was managing editor of Newsweek International. He is the author of Island Fighting in this series; Postscript from Hiroshima (about the survivors of the nuclear bombing); two volumes in the TIME-LIFE BOOKS ' Foods of the World series, The Cooking of Japan and Pacific and Southeast Asian Cooking; and a volume in the Human Behavior series, Man and the Organization.

The Consultants: COLONEL JOHN R. ELTING, USA (Ret.), is a military historian and author of The Battle of Bunker's Hill, The Battles of Saratoga and Military History and Atlas of the Napoleonic Wars. He edited Military Uniforms in America: The Era of the American Revolution , 1755-1795 and Military Uniforms in America: Years of Growth, 17961851, and was associate editor of The West Point Atlas of American Wars.

ROBERT ROSS SMITH (Lieut. Colonel, USAR Ret.) is the chief of the General History Branch in the U.S. Army Center of Military History. He received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Duke University before World War II and a commission in the infantry from the Officers Candidate School, Fort Benning, in 1943. He served as a historian in General Douglas MacArthur's General Headquarters for two years during World War II. Joining the U.S. Army Center of Military History in 1947, he also served as command historian, Headquarters, U.S. Army, Pacific, in Hawaii during the period 19631968. He is the author of two volumes, The Approach to the Philippines and Triumph in the Philippines, in the Army's official history of World War II and is completing a third volume, The Riviera to the Rhine, in the same series.

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Steinberg, Rafael, 1927Return to the Philippines. (World War II; v. 15) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. World War, 1939-1945- Campaigns-Philippine Islands. 2. Philippine Islands-History-japanese occupation , 1942-1945. 3. MacArthur, Douglas, 1880-1964. I. Time-Life Books. II. Title. III. Series. 0767.4.573 940.54'26 78-21648 ISBN 0-8094-2516-5 ISBN 0-8094-2515-7 lib. bdg.

Š 1979 Tim e-L ife Books Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including


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CHAPTERS 1: Islands of Resistance


2: The Greatest Sea Battle


3: The Fight for Leyte 78 4: Drive to Manila 106 5: Invasions by the Dozen 150 6: Yamashita's Last Stand 176

PICTURE ESSAYS Manila under the Japanese A Man of Two Countries

6 34

Death of a Navy 64 Assault by Kamikaze 92 Deliverance at Santo Tomas 122 A City that Died in Battle 134 Thunder over Borneo 164 The Makeshift Army 194 Ac kn owledgments Bi bl iograp hy Pi cture Credi ts Index

204 204 205 206


INDEX Numerals in italics indicate an illustration of the subject mentioned

A Abaca, 162 Agustin, Marcos V., 18, 23, 178, 179, 180 Aircraft carriers, U.S., 52, 54, 55; "jeep," 60 Albert W. Grant, 59 Allied Intelligence Bureau, operations, 25-30 Arnold, Archibald V. , 85 Arnold, William H. , on Cebu, 153-154 Australia, Army of, in Borneo, 164-175 Australia, Navy of: at Leyte Gulf, 56-57; at Luzon, 108

B Bake r, Douglas, 50 Bakutis, Fred, 50 Bataan Peninsula, 111-112 Battle for Ley te Gulf, 51-52, 54-57, 59-63,64-77; Japanese battle plan, 66, 67; Japanese task forces, 64-77 Battle of the Philippine Sea, 33 8irmingham, 58 Blackburn, Don, 173 Blamey, Thomas A., and Born eo invasion, 166 Bohol, 153, 155 Borneo: Balikpapan, 166, 167, 172-175; Brunei Bay, 166, 170-171; invasion of, 164-175; strategic importance , 166 Bowler, Robert, 21,24 Brady, Charles E., 126 Brown, Charles R., 94 Bruce, Andrew D., 90 Brush, Rapp, 153 Buracker, Willi a m H., 58

C Cabayan, Maximo, 158-159 Cabot, 52, 55 California, 57,108 Canberra, 51 Carigara, 80-82 Cartoon, by u.s . prisoner of war, 29 Cebu, 153-154 Chapman, Gerald, 33 Chase, William : and advance on Manila, 114; at Santo Tomas, 126 Chi kuma , 72-73 Coastwatchers: and Battle for Leyte Gulf, 56; operations, 27, 32-33 Columbia, 108 Communist Party, Philippine. See Hukbalahaps Corregidor, 115-118, 120; aerial photograph, 113; Malinta Hill, 116-11 7, 118; paratroop assault, 112, 116-117 Cruz, Emigdio, 28-30

D Dace, 53 Dalessio, Fred, 162 Darter, 53 Diamond, Jam es H., 163 Diaz, Trinidad, 32 Dre nnan, Rob e rt, 158-159

E Eichelberger, Robe rt, 154; on Lu zo n, 112-113, 136; and so uth e rn Philippin es, 150-151, 153, 156-157, 160, 162 Eisenhower, Dwight D., and MacA rthur, 34-35, 44 Elizalde, Joaquin , 38, 42 Enterprise, at Leyte Gulf, 52, 55 Essex, 102, 103; at Leyte Gulf, 54, 55 Evans, Ern est, 61, 62


F Fanshaw Bay, 61 Fertig, Wendell W., 22, 23, 24, 27-28,151, 156,158 Formosa: advantages of invas io n of,49; Japan ese loss of air d e fe nses, 50 Fortier, Malcolm, 29 Franklin , a t Ley te Gulf, 54, 55 Fukudome, Shigeru, 50, 51 , 52, 79 Fuso , 57

G Gambier Bay, 61,64-65, 72-73 Gill, William H. , 83 Golia, Albert J., 91 Great Britain, 166 Griswold, Oscar, on Luzon , 109-111 , 121 Guerrillas, Filipino, 18, 194-203; o n Cebu, 154,196; currency, 22; early supp ly problems, 18-19, 196 ; fighting amo ng, 18; free U.S. pri so ne rs, 110, 111 ,113-114 ; as inte lli ge nce source, 33, 109; leadership , 23; on Ley te, 198-199,200-201; o n Luzon , 18, 178, 179-180, 182-183, 185, 193, 195,201-203; on Mindanao, 19, 21, 22, 24,27-28, 156-158, 194-195,196; on Negros, 154, 155 ; operations for U.S. invaSion , 33; organization, 19,21-22,24,25,27; on Panay, 153 ; radio operators, 26; supply sh ipm e nts to, 27,33, 196, 197; tacti cs, 201

H Haggerty, Edward, 21 Hall, Charles P., 111, 1 78 Hal sey, William F. " Bull ," 57; attacks decoy force , 56, 62; at Leyte Gulf, 51, 55-56, 61; suggests ea rly invasion of Leyte, 49 Hamilton , Stephen S., 90 Hanson , Aaron A. , 155 Harada, Jiro, 158, 159, 162 Hathaway, Amos T., 62 Hayashi , To shio, 126 Heermann , 62 Hodge, John R., 85 Homma, Ma sa haru, 6-7 Hosoya, Shiro, 54-55 Houston, 51 Hudson , Leo nard H., 56-57 Hukbal ahaps, 18 Hurl ey, Patri c k, 39

In oguchi, Toshihira, 54, 69 Intellige nce, U.s .: on defense of Corregidor, 116; on d efe nse of Luzon , 109; on Japanese control of Manila water supply, 177; multipli ci ty of so urces, 30, 32; on sympathies of e lite, 28,30. See also Allied In telligence Bureau; Coastwatchers Intrepid, at Ley te Gulf, 52,55 Irwin , 58 Itagaki , Akira, 117 Iwabuchi , Sanji: and Corregidor, 116; at Manila, 115-116, 120, 121

J Japan , .armed for ces of: ai r attacks on Leyte, 79,85; and invasion at Ormoc, 90-91; loss of air defenses, 50, 90, 109 ; misjudge d a mage to U.S. Third Fleet, 51; Operation Wa, 85, 88-89; Pacifi c area defense plans, 49-50, 51 ; Sho-Go, 49-50 Japan, Army of: at Baguio, 176,183-185,188, 190, 191; at Balete Pass, 190-192; at Bataan, 111-112 ; o n Boho, 155 ; on Borneo, 165-166, 171,173-174; at Break neck Ridge, 82-84; at Cagayan Valley, 176, 183,188,190-193; at Carigara, 80-82; on Cebu, 153-154; at Clark Fi e ld , 111; near Davao, 155, 158,162-

163; detection of guerri lla radios, 26; garriso ns and patrols, 19; interrogation of suspected enemy age nts, 32; at Ip o Dam, 179180,182; on Leyte, 78-85,88-91 ; lo sses on Leyte, 91; losses on Mindanao, 163 ; at Manila, 113; on Mindanao, 27-28, 152-153, 155-163; on Negros, 154-155; in north e rn Luzon, 176-180, 182-185, 188-193 ; occupation of the Philippines, 6-17,18; at Ormoc, 85, 90-91 ; on Panay, 153; at Sa lacsac passes, 188, 190; at San Jose, 113 ; at Santo Tomas, 114, 124, 126-127; Shimbu Gro up , 176-180,182; Shobu Group, 176, 182-193; in the Sierra Madre, 177-180, 182 ; o n southern Luzon, 107-121, 176; on Tarakan Isl and, 169; treatment of prisoners of war, 25, 110, 129, 151; at Wawa Dam, 177-179,182 Japa n, Navy of: aircraft se nt to Formosa and Ryukyu, 50; antiai rc raft defenses, 52; and Battle for Leyte Gulf, 51-52, 54-57, 59-63, 66-77; Center Force, 52, 53, 54, 56,59-63, 69,72-73; at Corregidor, 116, 117-11 8, 120; decoy force, 51, 55; defense plans for th e Philippines, 50, 66; at Intram uros, 120-121 , 136,143,145; losses at Battle for Leyte Gulf, 63; at Luzon, 107; at Manila, 115-116, 120-121,136; on Mindanao, 155 ; Northern Force, 52, 55-56,62,74-75; So uth e rn Force, 52,56-57,59,70; treatment of Filipinos at fall of Manila, 120-121 john Burke, 107 johnston, 61, 62 Jones, George M., 112

K Kamikazes, 63, 87, 90, 92-105; attac k Luzon invas io n, 107-108; attac k Mindanao invasion, 106; effective ness, 94; organiza tion of, 94; rituals, 98-99 Kamiko, Kiyoshi, 83-84 Kaneko, Chuji , 81 Kangleon, Ruperto, 23 Kawashima, Osamu, 180, 182 Kelley, Ova A., 89 Kennedy, Alan J. , 183 Kenney, George c., and Leyte, 51 Kinkaid, Thomas c., a nd Leyte Gulf, 51, 55,56, 59,61,62 Kitkun Bay, 108 Konuma, Haruo, 187 Krueger, Walter: on Leyte, 51, 79, 80, 82,83, 84,90; o n Lu zo n, 109-111, 150,176,178,192 Kurita, Takeo, 69; a nd Battle for Leyte Gulf, 51-52,55-56,59,60-61,63,66,69,73

L Laure l, Jose P., 11,30,176,185 LeCouvre, Donald, 194-195 Lee, Burton J., 184-185 Lee, Willis, 56, 59, 62 Lewis L. Dyche, 107 Lexington , at Battle for Leyte Gulf, 54 Leyte, map, 82; as base for furt he r U.S. adva nce, 49; Battle for Leyte Gu lf, 51-52,54-57, 59-63,64-77; Breakneck Ridge, 82-84; Burauen, 85, 88-89; Carigara, 80-82, 85; early invasion set, 49; guerri ll as, 198-199, 200-201; Japanese decision to defend, 51 ; Ormoc, 80, 85,90; Tacloban, 78, 79,80,81; U.S. invasion of, 33, 51,63,78-85,88-91 Lindeman, Philip F., 191 Louisville: at Battle for Leyte Gulf, 57; at Luzon, 108 Luzon, map, 108; advance on Ma nil a, 110-116, 120; Baguio, 176, 183-185,188,189; Balete Pass, 190-192; Bataan Peninsula, 111-112; Cabanatuan, 111; Cagayan Valley, 176, 182, 183,188,190-193; Calump it, 111; Clark

Nimitz, Chester W.: argues importance of Formosa, 48 ; disagrees with MacArthur, 48 ; urges Halsey to assist at Leyte Gulf, 62-63 Nishimura, Shoji , 51 , 70 ; and Battl e for Leyte Gulf, 56-57, 66, 70

Sullivan, William A., 118 Sultan of Sulu, 203 Sulu archipelago, 153 Sutherland, Richard K., 47 Sutton, james P., 114 Suzuki, Sosaku, 81, 85 Swift, Innis, at Luzon, 109, 110,113,182,188, 190 Swing, joseph M., 89



Ogawa, Tetsuro, 188 Oldendorf, jesse B.: at Leyte Gulf, 56, 57; at Luzon, 107 Olsen, Theodore, 87

Talakag, 21 Tanaka, Itsuo, 99 Tarakan Island, 166, 168-169 Tennessee, 57 Terauchi, Hisaichi, 51,85 Thresher, 27, 28 Todd, john c., 124 Tojo, Hideki, 8 Tominaga, Kyoji , 79, 85 Toyoda, Soemu, 66; and Battle for Leyte, 51-52,66

Field, 44-45, 107, 108,111; guerrillas, 18-19,

Nashville , 107

201 , 202-203; invasion planned, 49; Irisan

Negros, 18, 101 , 153, 154-155

Gorge, 185; japanese defense plans, 50, 51, 176; Question Mark Hill, 183-184; Salacsac passes, 188, 190; San jose, 113; the Sierra Madre, 177-180, 182; Top of the World, 111; U.S. invasion of, 48-49,106, 107-121 . See also Manila

New Mexico, 108

M MacArthur, Arthur, 36 MacArthur, Douglas, cover, 1, 31,34-35,36, 37, 38-39, 40-41,42-43, 44,45,46-47; and advance on Manila, 110, 111, 113-114; announces end of northern Luzon campaign, 193; approves early invasion of Leyte, 49; argues for recapture of the Philippines, 48-49; career advancement, 38-39; on Corregidor, 116-117; driven from the Philippines, 46; and Eisenhower, 34-35; and elimination of threat to Manila, 176, 178; family, 36, 42; and Fertig, 24; Filipino trust of, 19; on japanese defeat on Leyte, 91; knowledge of guerrillas, 22; Luzon invasion plan, 106; as military adviser, 40-43, 44; and Nimitz, 48; pledge to return, 19,31; postpones invasion of Mindoro, 90; and recapture of Borneo, 166,171,172-173; and recapture of southern Philippines, 150, 155, 162; reduces forces on Luzon, 176; returns to the Philippines, 78; at Santo Tomas, 132-133 ; sets date for Luzon invasion, 49; and Sultan of Sulu, 203; ties to the Philippines, 36 McClintock, David, 53 McLaughlin, William, 21 Magsaysay, Raymon, 23 Makino, Shiro, 80, 85, 88 Manila: aerial photograph, 115; civilian casualties, 136, 138-139, 140-141; clearing harbor, 118-119; destruction of, 134-149; Fort Drum, 118, 119; Intramuros, 120-121, 136, 142-145, 146-147, 148-149; japanese occupation , 6-17; Santo Tomas, 114, 122-133; the Sierra Madre, 177-180,182; soldiers on leave in, 186-187; U.S. advance on, 110-116, 120; water supply, 176-177, 179,180,181, 182 Manjome, Takeo, 154 Marcos, Ferdinand, 23, 30 Marking. See Agustin, Marcos Maryland,57

Matsuo, Isao, 98 Mindanao, map, 152; Davao, 155, 157-159, 162-163 ; guerrillas, 19, 21 , 22,24,27-28, 194-196; invasion, 49; invasion at Zamboanga, 151-153; Macajalar Bay, 155, 158,160,161; main invasion, 155-163; Sayre Highway, 155, 158, 160-162 Mindoro, air bases, 107; invasion of, 90, 106-107

Ommaney Bay, 108

Onishi, Takijiro, 94, 96 Osme fia, Sergio, 38, 78, 79 Ozawa, jisaburo, 74; and Battle for Leyte Gulf, 51, 55, 66, 74

p Palawan, 151 Panay, 153 Panlilio, Yay, 23 Parsons, Charles " Chick," 27, 28, 201 Peralta, Macario, jr., 19, 21 , 153 Philippines, m ap 20, 67, 152; Army of, 44 ; debate over recapture of, 48-49 ; declared independent by japan, 8, 10-11 ; geography, 19; japanese conquer, 46; japanese defense plans, 49-50, 51; money, 8, 21,24; people aid u.s. wounded, 89; popular reactions to U.S., 19; puppet government, 6-7, 11, 176, 185 ; recapture of southern islands, 150-163; strategic importance of, 21 ; sympathies of elite, 29, 30 ; tru st of MacArthur, 19; under japanese occupation, 6-17. See also Guerrillas and specific islands Praeger, Ralph, 22 Princeton , at Battle for Leyte Gulf, 52, 58-59 Propaganda, using " I shall return ," 27,31

Q Quezon, Manu e l, 28, 36, 37,38-39, 41,44,46

R Radar: controlled guns, 52, 56 ; equipped fighters, 86 Raval, Vicente, 19 Remey, 56 Riegelman, Harold, 190 Rogers, Lee, 124 Romulo, Carlos, 28, 136,145 Roosevelt, Franklin D., and debate on invasion of the Philippines, 48-49 Roxas, Manuel, 28, 38 Royal, Forrest, 166



St. Lo, 104-105

Mitscher, Marc: air raids on Formosa and Okinawa, 50; air raids on the Philippines, 49; and Battle for Leyte Gulf, 51, 63

San Agustin, Primitivo, 30 Sanshiki-don, 52, 54 Santo Tomas, 114,122-133

Mogami, 70-71

Savo Island, 108

Montgomery, Rodney E., jr., 86 Morishita, Nobuei, 73 Moros, 21 , 24, 158, 196 Morozumi, Gyosaku, 160, 161, 162 Mudge, Vernon D., and advance on Manila, 114 Mullins, Charles L., jr., 191 Musashi, 50-52, 53, 54-55,68-69,73 Mydans, Carl, 124, 129

Shima, Kiyohide, 70; at Leyte Gulf, 51,59 Sibert, Franklin c., 80, 81, 82, 83, 156, 158, 160 Smith, Charles, 24, 27,28 Smith, Daniel F., 54 Smoot, Roland N., 57,59 Sousa, Alfred, 160 Souza, Abel, 163 Sprague, Clifton A. F., at Leyte Gulf, 60, 61-62, 163 Stanley, Ernest, 126-127 Stimson, Henry, 38 Struble, Arthur D., 153

Myoko , 54-55

N Nachi,70

Nakar, Guillermo, 22, 23


U United States, Army of: advance on Baguio, 183-185, 188,189; advance on Manila, 110-116,120-121 ; at Balete Pass, 190-192; at Breakneck Ridge, 82-84; at Carigara, 80-82; at Clark Field, 111 ; at Corregidor, 112,116-118,120; engineers, 80, 107, 160, 161; at Intramuros, 121, 136,142-145, 148-149; invasion of Bohol, 155; invasion of Cebu , 153-154, 156; invasion of Leyte, 51, 63,78-85,88-91 ; invasion of Luzon, 109-121, 176-193; invasion of Mindanao, 151-153, 155-158,159, 160-163; invasion of Negros, 154-155; invasion of Palawan, 151; invasion of Panay, 153; invasion of Sulu archipelago, 153; invasion of Visayan Islands,151, 153-155; at Ipo Dam, 179-180, 182; lack of air support on Leyte, 79; on leave in Manila, 186-187; losses on Leyte, 91; losses on Mindanao, 163; at Malinta Hill, 117-118; in north Luzon, 182-185, 188, 190-193; and Operation Wa, 85,88-89; at Ormoc, B4, 85, 88-89; prisoners of war in the Philippines, 25, 29 ; at Question Mark Hill, 183-184; at Salacsac passes, 188, 190; in the Sierra Madre, 177-180, 182; at San jose, 113; and Wawa Dam, 177-178 United States, Marine Corps of: air forces on Leyte, 86-87; air forces on Mindanao, 152, 153, 156, 161 , 163; support advance on Manila,114 United States, Navy of: air raids on Formosa, 50-51; " baby flattops," 60; Battle for Leyte Gulf, 56; forces for Philippine invasion, 50; losses at Battle for Leyte Gulf, 63; at Luzon, 107-108; supply shipment to guerrillas, 27, 33, 196,197; at Tarakan Island, 168, 169 United States Pacific Ocean Areas forces : advance toward Philippines, 48 ; air raids on Formosa and Okinawa, 50; air raids on the Philippines, 49; attacks japanese decoy force, 55-56, 62-63; Battle for Leyte, 51-52, 54-56,61-63 United States Southwest Pacific Area forces: advance toward the Philippines, 48; air bases on Leyte, 51,63, 78-85,88-90; Battle for Leyte Gulf, 51,56-67,59,60-62; at Corregidor, 116-118; invasion of Borneo, 166-175; invasion of Leyte, 51, 63, 78-85, 88-91; invasion of Luzon, 106, 107-116; invasion of Mindanao, 155-162, 163; invasion of Palawan, 151; invasion of southern Philippines, 150-151; invasion of Visayan Islands, 151,153-155 ; and invasion


of Zamboanga City, 151; landing near Ormoc, 90; Taffy 3, 60-62, 63

V Villamor, Jesus, 25, 27, 28,29 Volckmann, Russell W., 19,182,183,185

W Wa, Operation, 85, 88-89 Wachi, Takaji, 11 Wad a, Minoru, 163 Wasatch,59

West Virginia, 57 Whitehead, Ennis c., 89 Whitney, Courtney, 31 Wills, Donald H., 153 Wing, Leona rd F., 179, 180 Wood, Leo nard, 38 Woodruff, Roscoe B., 157, 158 Wootten, George, 166

y Yamashiro, 57,59,70-71 Yamashita, Tomoyuki, 192; commands

Fourteenth Area Army, 50; and defense of Leyte, 80,85; and defense of Luzon, 51, 107, 113, 115, 176, 182,185, 188,192, 193; strategy in southern islands, 151 Yamato, 50, 51, 52,53,54,55,61,69,73 Yokoyama, Shizuo, 178, 180, 182

Z Zipper, Herbert, 186-187 Zipper, Trudl, 187, paintings by, 186-187 Zuiho, 74-75 Zuikaku, 74,76-77

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Return to the Philippines I by Rafael Steinberg and the I. I II II A II Y Editors of Time-Life Books \I E R I TAG E

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