Undefeated : America’s heroic fight for Bataan and Corregidor

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The Darkest Summer: Pusan and Inchon 1950-The Battles That Saved South Korea-and the Marines-from Extinction The Ultimate Battle: Okinawa 1945-The Last Epic Struggle of World War II Brotherhood ofHeroes: The Marines at Peleliu, 1944-The Bloodiest Battle of the Pacific War Given Up for Dead: America's Heroic Stand at Wake Island JFK Breaking the Silence JFK: The Last Dissenting Witness Elvis, Hank and Me: Making Musical History on the Louisiana Hayride (with Horace Logan) The Other Assassin (fiction) The Mafia Candidate (fiction)

Americas Heroic Fight for Bataan and Corregidor


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Simon & Schuster 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Copyright Š 2012 by Bill Sloan

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Sloan, Bill. Undefeated: America's heroic fight for Bataan and Corregidor / Bill Sloan. p.cm. 1. Bataan, Battle of, Philippines, 1942.2. World War, 1939-1945-CampaignsPhilippines-Corregidor Island. 3. Bataan (philippines: Province)-History, Military. 4. Corregidor Island (Philippines)-History, Military. I. Title. D767.4.S582012 940.54'25991-dc23 2011039887 ISBN 978-1-4391-9964-0 ISBN 978-1-4391-9966-4 (ebook)

To those who came home and those who didn't



A $36-a-Month Paradise



Paradise Lost



A Black-and-Blue Christmas



The Last Bridge to Nowhere



Victory, Retreat, and a Final Charge



Abandoning the Battling Bastards



Chaos on a Collapsing Front



Through One Hell to Another



The Rock-"A Shining Example"



O'Donnell and Other Horrors



Hell Ships-Voyages to Oblivion



Escape-The Ultimate Revenge



A Race Between Freedom and Death



New Lives, Old Scars


Sources and Notes

















Pacific Ocean


Lingayen Gulf ~



'" Luzon

South China




9 190 29 0 390 miles ,


o Mindanao eDavao

The Far East, 1941-42


200 i 400 kilometers )


Abraham, Sergeant Abie, 323 Abreu, Lulu, 345 Abucay-Mauban line, 95-96,117-18, 120,121,127,132 "Abucay Withdrawal" (Lee), 122-23 Adair, Captain Bill, 186-87,362 Adapt or Die (Merritt), 310 Adler, Pilot Glen, 210 Admiral Hughes (transport), 348 Alamo of the Pacific (King), 355 Alamo Scouts, 321, 324, 325 Alexander, Colonel Irvin, 94, 146, 168,243 Alexander, Joseph: at Clark Field, 36 at Del Monte Field, 61-62 on hell ship, 263-64, 265, 267 and Japanese surrender, 337 at Kawasaki, Japan, 267-68 name change from Trejo, 18-19, 356 posttraumatic stress of, 337, 357 return to U.S., 355-57 American Defenders of Bataan and Corregidor, 356, 362 Aquila, PFC Andrew, 331 Arisan Maru (hell ship), 268-69 Armstrong, Army, 293, 294 Army, U.S.: Alamo Scouts, 321, 324, 325

Army Rangers, 321-22, 323-26 cavalry regiments, 83-85, 116, 123-24,160,173-74,346 communications breakdowns in, 53-54,59,61,69,71,89 deaths by "friendly fire," 278,330 deemed expendable in Washington, 138 and disease, 132, 133-35, 156, 157, 160 inadequate planning, 53, 55-57 inadequate supplies, 50, 56, 78, 108-9,132,133-35,138 inadequate training, 52, 56, 76 inadequate weaponry, 56, 84,101, 108-9 and Japanese attacks (Dec 9), 42 Japanese threat discounted by, 11-12, 40 morale of, 97-98,108,135,139, 147,211,212,253,329 and Philippine troops, see Philippine Army; Philippine Scouts and posttraumatic stress, 337, 346, 355,357 POW return to U.S., 338-58 prewar conditions in, 9, 26 Quartermaster Corps, 58, 94 rumors in, 135-37, 147,212,240,362 tenacious resistance of, 190



Army Air Corps, u.s.: enlistrnentin,18,62 food shortages in, 158 interservice disputes with, 145 Japanese ships attacked by, 278-80, 283,330 at1v.lindanao,262-63 Provisional Air Corps Infantry Regiment, 79-80, 119, 134, 135, 157,162,187,363 as U.S. Air Force, 356 Arnold, Captain Harold A., 58 Ashby, Captain Jack, 73 Associated Press, 319 Astor, Gerald, 54, 57, 84,132,140, 190, 193,233,247 atomic bombs, use of, 328, 331-32, 335,339 Au Cheu (amah), 144, 145 Australia: attempted Japanese invasion of, 265, 363 MacArthur in, 151 MacArthur's evacuation to, 138-41, 143-47, 148, 149 men on hell ships, 284 supplies diverted to, 51, 60, 64-65 B-17s,24-25, 30, 31-38, 55 diverted to Australia, 60 No. 87, 27, 38 Bacon, Frank (miner), 298-303 Bagac-Orion Line, 96,117,120-23,125 Bagac-Pilar road, 131-32, 174 Baldwin, Lieutenant James, 141 Bales, PFC Ernest]., 222-23 Barker, Captain Joe, 173,286-88,347 Barker, Captain Robert, 78 Barnes, PFC Silas "Mr. Tiger," 214-16,219-20,245 Bataan: anniversaries of, 345 battle for, 96,120,148,151-52, 153-54, 155-56 Battle of Points and Pockets, 129-32,137

bridges to, 92-94 deemed expendable in Washington, 138,139-40 defense of, 52, 80, 81-82, 93-94, 95-96,97-98,101-6,110-11, 125-27,129-32,138,147-48,363 doomed, 140, 155, 162, 168, 174,363 guerrillas on, see guerrilla bands Hospital No.1, 87-88, 107, 134, 136,153-54,165-66,179,180, 229,253 Hospital No.2, 134, 166, 171,229 insufficient food, 57-59, 70, 78, 94, 132,133-35,202 insufficient supplies, 57-58, 60, 133 Japanese attacks on, 109-11, 155-56,157,160-61 Japanese breakthrough on, 155-56, 158, 160 Japanese observation balloons over, 204 map, 77 retreat to, 57,59-60,63,72-73, 75-78,83-85,92,95,116-17, 127-29 Route 110,95 surrender of, 58, 162-64, 165-74, 175-81,191,225,234-35,288,317 as symbol of forlorn hope, 95,123 U.S. Army moving toward Corregidor, 157, 159, 160-61, 165-66,170 work details on, 236-37 and WPO-3, 94, 95 Bataan and Beyond (Coleman), 349 Bataan Death March, 178-200 end at Camp O'Donnell, 182, 185, 200,229-30,295 escapes from, 193,202,285-88,289 and Filipino civilians, 194-95, 196, 197,198,200,286-87,292-93 Filipino troops on, 183, 193-94,319 inner strength found in, 191-92 Japanese atrocities on, 179, 181, 182-85,187,189-90,194-95, 258,313-14,316-19

Index map, 77 numbers of POWs unknown, 182-83 and revenge, 192 San Fernando railway, 197-99,282 survival of, 191-93, 195,229,316 walking on human flesh, 183-84, 185 Batangas Peninsula, 42, 76 Baum, Private Charles, 167, 193 Beck, Private Leon, 192-93,289-92 Beebe, General Lewis, 208-9, 220-21,225-26 Beecher, Colonel Curtis T., 251-53, 281,335 Bell, Don, 33 Bell, Captain Tom, 118 Bell, PFC Walter, 3 Benjo Maru (hell ship), 269 Berkowitz, Lieutenant George, 38 Berry, Colonel Kearie L., 122 Bilibid prison, 247, 253-57 hospital, 255, 259 Navy medics brought in, 255-56 work details, 255, 256 Block, Private Gerald, 195 Bloom, Sol, 319 Bluemel, General Clifford, 55-56, 147,160-61 Boelens, Lieutenant Leo, 296 Boise (cruiser), 44 Boone, Corporal John, 287 Boselli, Ted, 340-41 Bowen, Captain William E., 269 Brazil Maru (hell ship), 282, 283-84 Brennan, Captain Jim, 118 Brennison, Sergeant, 79 Brereton, General Lewis, 21 and MacArthur, 24-25, 28, 30, 31-32,55 and Pearl Harbor, 22, 24-25, 28 Bridget, Commander Francis, 106, 107,117,126,275,277,280,283 Brittan, Lew, 239-40 Brooks, Louise Cromwell, 9 Brougher, General William, 147 Brown, PFC Robert, 198


Buckeley, LieutenantJohn, 44,144-45 Bunker, Colonel Paul, 131 Burke, Captain Ed, 82 Burton, Alex, 354 Bush, George W, 356 Bushido code, 101, 191 Butienbruch, Rev. Theodore "Father Ted," 256-57 Cabanatuan prison camp, 243, 244, 247-53,254,295 "blood brother" groups in, 250 deathsin,247,248, 249-50, 251, 252,265 farming program in, 252, 259 food in, 252-53, 261 monument at, 351 positive change in, 251-53, 323 POW rescue at, 321-22, 323-26 as staging area for forced-labor shipments to Japan, 252, 259-60, 322 torture in, 250-51 underground smuggling in, 252 water in, 248, 249 Cabcaben Airfield, 89, 13 7, 163, 171 Caibobo Point, 117 Calumpit bridge, 92-93 Campbell, Colonel Alexander, 32 Camp John Hay, 28-29 Camp O'Donnell: Death March to, 182, 185,200, 229-30,295 description of, 230-32 disease in, 231, 237-38 escape from, 239-41 Filipino death toll in, 230, 239, 243 food in, 236, 238, 239, 2iSl "hospital," 235, 255 living conditions in, 238-39, 254, 316 as one big graveyard, 200 POW treatment on arrival at, 232-37 prison compound of, 182, 185 prisoner numbering system in, 240,250



Camp O'Donnell (cont.) U.S. military death toll in, 230, 235, 236,237-38,253,265,314 water supply of, 231, 239, 245 work details, 236-38, 240 Zero Ward in, 235-36, 255, 316 Campos, Pilar, 2, 39, 66-67, 118-19, 257,326-28,344-46 Campos, Tony, 328 Canopus (submarine tender), 106-7, 175,244 Carrington, Sergeant Wayne, 162 Carroll, Sergeant Hubert, 131 Cavanaugh, Sergeant James, 330 Cavite Navy Yard, 12-14, 18 Japanese attacks on, 42-44, 106 Chamberlain, Reid Carlos, 293, 294 Chaumont (troopship), 18,45 Chicago Tribune, 318, 319 Christmas Day (1941), 73-74, 75, 78-79,81,85 Churchill, Wmston, 50 Chynoweth, General Brad, 143 Clark, Captain Golland L., 224 Clarke, Colonel George, 101-2, 103 Clark Field: abandonment of, 70-72 air-raid alarms at, 30-32 B-17s at, 24-25, 27, 31-38 B-25 bombers at, 342 Japanese attacks on, 32-38, 52, 60, 262,295 journey from U.S. to, 14-15 P-40s at, 60-61 peacetime duty at, 4-5,15-16, 19, 40 and Pearl Harbor, 27-28, 30 work party on, 23 7 wreckage of, 39-40, 44, 60-61, 70 Clement, Sergeant Robert A. "Duke," 105-6 Clement, Colonel WIlliam, 13-14, 18,45,62 Clinton, Bill, 356 Close, Upton, 360

Coleman, Captain John S.Jr.: in Bataan, 78-79,119-21,134,135, 157-59 and Bataan Death March, 183-84, 187-89 at Cabanatuan, 248, 251 at Camp O'Donnell, 237-39 fractured leg of, 64, 68, 188 interrogations of, 187-88 leaving Manila, 68-70 and Maverick, 157, 158 at Nichols Field, 40-42, 64-65 return to U.S., 348-49 survival of, 189, 193, 195-97, 349 transport to Japan, 265-67 Collier, Colonel James v., 231 Compton, LieutenantJohn, 104 Congress, U.S.: inadequate appropriations from, 50 isolationists in, 9 and MacArthur, 13 9 and U.S.-Japanese treaty, 362 Conrad, Ralph (miner), 298-303 Considine, Bob, 358 Cooper, Gary, 20 Coral Sea, Battle of (1942), 265 Corregidor,201-28 anniversaries of, 345 Battery Geary, 211 communication system of, 207-8, 209,218,221 deemed expendable in Washington, 138,139-40,218 defense of, 52, 81, 86,105,111, 152-53,203-5,212-14,217-18, 222,227 doomed, 140,211,212,363 evacuations of, 205-7, 208-10 fallen, 210, 255 Filipino refugees on, 211 food and supplies for, 58, 201-2, 212 hospital, 151 James Ravine, 211 Japanese amphibious landings on, 212-15,218

Index Japanese bombing of, 150, 152-53, 205,207-8,210-12,217,226 Malinta Tunnel, 137,142,143, 149,150-51,174,202,207,215, 216-19,220,222,226 map, 142 Navy Radio Tunnel, 13, 151 nurses evacuated from, 205-7 nurses evacuated to, 165-66, 171, 172 retreat to, 59-60, 160-61 surrender of, 220-21, 222-28, 259, 262-63,357 as symbol of security, 201 Topside, 152,211 Costello, John, 54 Cox, Maxine, 16-17, 339 , Crispino, Ila Rhea, 339 Croxton, Lieutenant Warner, 15-16, 27-28,70-71,89 Cuba, as US territory, 6 Davao airstrip, 29-30 Davao Penal Colony (DAPECOL), 259-63 escape from, 295-98, 305-7,314, 316 U.S, flag in, 261-62, 334 Davis, PFC Lee, 276 Davison, Captain Maude, 206 Death on the HeJlships (Michno), 284 Decker, Corporal Paul, 98-99, 179-80 Deeter, Lieutenant Morton, 68, 70 de la Cruz, Benigno "Ben," 296-97 Del Carmen Field, 17,25 Del Monte Field, Mindanao, 31,40, 60,61-62,71,72,262 Dewey, Commodore George, 6 Dey, Lieutenant Jim, 71-72 at Bataan, 137, 171 and Bataan surrender, 171-72 at Cabcaben, 89,90,91 at Corregidor, 202 Distinguished Service Cross, 116,346 Dobervich, Lieutenant Mike, 296, 305-7


Dominador (houseboy), 38-39,67 Dooley, Lieutenant Thomas, 37, 141 Drake, General Charles C, 58,150 Duckworth, Colonel James, 153, 165, 253 Dyess, Colonel William Edwin "Ed," 294-98,305-7,316-19 "Dyess Story, The," 317-19 Eads, Captain Harold, 22 Easley, PFC Cecil, 322 Eden, Anthony, 319 Edwards, Radioman Randall, 107 Eisenhower, General Dwight D., 10, 359,360 Eiyo Marn (tanker), 272 11 th Regiment, 13 3 Embick, General S. D., 151 Enoura Marn (hell ship), 282-83 Erie Marn (decrepit hulk), 295 Erwin, Colonel Jack, 181, 183 Escape from Corregidor (Whitcomb), 342 Eubank, Colonel Eugene, 14-16,31, 33,38 Euperio, PFC Pedro, 113-16 "Europe First," 50, 52, 57,317 Far East, map, xii FEAF (U.S. Far East Air Force), 21, 22,24,25 Ferrell, Sergeant Harold "Gunner," 130,281 Fertig, "General" Wendell, 316 Fifth Bomber Command, 341 Fifth Interceptor Command, 22 First Battalion, 102, 157 First Cavalry Division, 271 First Marine Division, 265 Fitch, Major Alva, 134, 154 Flying Fortresses, 14-16,27,60 Fort, General Guy 0., 263 Fort Drum, Manila Bay, 152,224 Fort Frank, Manila Bay, 152,224 Fort Hughes, Manila Bay, 152,224 Fort Mills, see Corregidor



Fort Santiago, 300 Fort Stotsenburg, 37, 46, 48, 61, 231, 286 Fort William McKinley, 17,20 14th Bomber Squadron, 34, 50 14th Engineers, 131-32 440 Aviation Ordnance Squadron, 19, 36,263 454th Ordnance Squadron, 35,135,186 Fourth Army, 358 Fourth Chemical Company, 3 Fourth Marines, 12-13, 18,63,85,86, 130,203,214,222,255,335,363 France, U.S. troops in, 7 Frazier, Private Glenn, 194-95, 332-33 Fry, Colonel Philip, 100-103 Fryziuk, Sergeant Nicholas, 199 Fukuka Gapanese guard), 310 Fukuoka POW camp, 331-32 Funk, General Arnold, 162 Fusiki prison camp, 351-52

Gray, Sergeant]. S., 51 at Bataan, 80 and Bataan Death March, 192 at Camp O'Donnell, 238 at Clark Field, 35-36 at Davao, 261-62 at Yokkaichi steel mill, 333-34 Great Britain: U.S. aid to, 52 and Washington Naval Conference (1922),7 Great Depression, 4 Green, Lieutenant Arthur, 104 Green, Lieutenant Ed, 27, 33 Green, Tech Sergeant Smith L., 4 Gripsholm (Swedish ship), 314, 318 Guadalcanal, Marine landing on, 265, 268 Guam, U.S. defenses on, 7, 52 guerrilla bands, 193,241-42,273, 285,286-92,303-5,307-9,316, 321,324-26

Garand rifles, 102 Gastinger, [nurse] Leona, 88 Gater, Corporal Hubert, 198-99,200 Gatson, Pat (guerrilla), 303, 304 General Wainwright's Story (Considine),358 Geneva Convention, 178, 187, 234, 259 George, Colonel Harold H., 22 Germany: in World War I, 7 in World War II, 52, 57 Gerow, General Leonard T., 54 Gerth, Captain Herman, 101, 104 Getz, General Charles, 345 Gill, PFC Russell, 4-5 Gillespie, Colonel James 0.,166 "God Bless America," 266, 344 Gordon, PFC Richard M., 98 Goto, Captain Kiyosato, 29 Grashio, Lieutenant Sam, 239, 294-98,305-7 Graves, Lieutenant Steve, 85

Hagood, GeneralJohnson, 51 Hall,JosefWashington, 360 Halsey, Admiral William F., 268 Harris, General Field, 343, 344 Harris, Lieutenant William: in Bataan jungle, 292-93 capture of, 343 escape of, 245-47, 294, 298, 316, 342,343 and Japanese surrender, 343 in Korean War, 343-44 at 92nd Garage, 245-46 Hart,Admiral Thomas, 13, 14, 18,43, 63,86,105 Haruna Gapanese battleship), 50 Hatto, Yuichi, 356 Hawaii, as U.S. territory, 6 Hawkins, LieutenantJack, 296, 306-7 Hay,John,6 Hayes, Commander Thomas, 255 Hays, PFC Roy, 212-14, 217 Heer, Sergeant Robert B., 52, 145 Hell's Guest (Frazier), 195

Index Hewlett, Frank, 109,206 Hibbs, Captain Ralph E.: at Bataan, 134, 156-57 and Bataan Death March, 178-80 at Bilibid prison, 253-54, 256 at Cabanatuan, 322-26 death of, 346 and declaration of war, 25-27 and escape, 180 and food, 134 and Japanese bombing raid, 44-45 in Manila, 1-3,21,22-23,38-39, 66-67 as medical missionary, 345 and Pilar, 2, 39, 66-67,118-19,257, 326-28,344-45 promoted to major, 326 and rescue, 323-26 return to U.S., 344-46 and Second Battalion, 98-99, 117-19,127-29 and WhiffenpoofBoys, 2, 21-22, 179,256,322 Hirohito, Emperor, 205, 330, 333, 335,336,361 Hiroshima, atomic bomb dropped on, 328,332,335,339 Hoeffel, Captain Ken, 221 Hokusen Maru (hell ship), 269-70 Homma, General Masaharu: amphibious landings on Luzon, 81, 125-26 battle for Bataan, 151-52, 153-54, 155-56 battle for Corregidor, 152-53,205, 214,218 deadlines of, 53, 13 3 14th Army, 53, Ill, 132, 147 and Java invasion, 96 and occupation of Manila, 78, 81, 92 and POW numbers, 191 propaganda messages from, 99,148, 154-55 relentless attacks by, 109, Ill, 151-56 shortages and losses of, 111-12, 122, 132-33,191,218


and U.S. surrender of Bataan, 177-78 and U.S. surrender of Philippines, 225-27 Hoover, Herbert, 51 Houser, Major Houston P., 279 Houston (flagship), 14,44, 62 Howard, Colonel Samuel L., 18, 130, 214,218,220,222 Huff, Sidney, 140 Huk insurgents, 289, 290-91 Hunkins, Captain DwightT., 21, 38-39,66,67,128,322 Hurt, Major Marshall H., 175-76 Iba Field, 25, 39 I Corps, 94, 97,104, 1l0, 112, 121-22,131,132,143,156,160, 167-68 II Corps, 94, 97,100,104-5,108, 110,119,121,127,132,152,155, 160, 162, 167 Ind, Captain Allison, 22 International Red Cross, 252-53 Irwin, Colonel Pete, 209-10 Ito, Lieutenant Torashi, 313 I Wtzs There, Charley (Kathman), 353 Jackfert, PFC Edward, 35 Jackson, Colonel Calvin G., 249-50, 336 James, Sergeant Charlie, 166-67 Japan: atomic bombs dropped on, 328, 331-32,335,339 attacks by, see specific sites economic woes of, 191,258,312 expansionism of, 7,191,265 expectation of war with, 18 and Geneva Convention, 178,234, 259 hatred for Americans, 190-91, 193, 233-34 "hell ships" to, 261, 263-69, 271-72, 274-84,322,328 infiltrators from, 53,129-30



Japan (cont.) and international law, 319-20 Kempeitai (secret police), 288 military muscle developed by, 5, 52 propaganda leaflets dropped by, 99, 154 Russo-Japanese War (1905), 6,191 superior attitude of, 193-94, 198 surrender of, 330, 335-37, 343, 358, 359,360 U.S. declaration of war on, 22-23 U.S. military forced labor in, 251, 258-60,262,267-68,322,328-30 U.S. peace treaty with, 362 U.S. postwar relations with, 360-61, 362 U.S. prewar relations with, 5, 6-7 war crimes trials of, 230, 313 in World War I, 7 Zangyaku-sei spirit of, 360 Japanese Air Force: Mitsubishi Type 0 fighter planes, 34,36 Type 97 heavy bombers, 28-29, 152-53 Val dive-bombers, 119 Zero fighterV-135s, 30 Zeros, 50, 52, 161 Japanese Imperial Army: banzai charges of, 100-101 Bushido code of, 10 1, 191 casualties of, 218 and Corregidor surrender, 224-28 and diseases, 112, 13 2 fighting to the death, 191 14th Army, 53, 81, 111, 117, 132, 147-48,176 intelligence reports to, 96 interrogations by, 187-88,242, 300-303,343 no mercy shown by, 223, 224, 258, 312-14 reprisals againstPOWs by, 312-14, 329,330-31,332-33 revenge actions against, 192, 309-11,342

shortages of supplies, 112, 132, 191, 313 16th Division, 13 3 61st Infantry, 214 65th Independent Brigade, 96-97, 133,309 Summer Brigade, 111 surrender as shameful to, 191,234, 258 tenacity of, 106 treatment of Filipinos by, 183, 193-95,241-42,243 tunnels constructed by, 130, 131 Japanese Imperial Navy, 6, 7,106, 265,274 Japanese Imperial War Ministry, 258-59 Java,Japanese invasion of, 96 John D. Ford (destroyer), 44 Johnson, Major Harold K., 101, 103, 133,282 Johnson, Robert Fred (fake name), 299-303,314-16,321 Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S., 319 Jones, General Albert M.: and Bataan surrender, 168 as I Corps commander, 143, 167-68 and MacArthur, 98 and Sou~ Luzon Force, 75-76,92, 93-94 Joson, Captain Eduardo, 325 Juan, Sergeant Casiano de, 307 Jumarong, Victorio "Victor," 297 Junyo Maru (hell ship), 284 Kathman, Corporal Clemens: and Bataan Death March, 194 and Bataan surrender, 162-64 at Cabanatuan, 251-53 and disease, 352 at Fusiki prison camp, 351-52 in Manila, 5 retreat to Bataan, 72-74, 88-89 return to U.S., 353 Keene, Lieutenant James w., 45 Kelly, Captain Colin, 50

Index Kempeitai Gapanese secret police), 288 Kennedy, John F., 354 Kerchum, Corporal Paul, 270 Kilbourne, General Charles Evans Jr., 150 King, General Edward P. "Ned": and Bataan command, 149 and Bataan surrender, 162, 167-68, 169,171,174,175-78,225, 234-35 at Camp O'Donnell, 234-35 King, PFC Henry H., 32-33 King, PFC Otis H. "Karl": on Bataan, 105-6, 130-31, 155 and Bataan surrender, 1-70 at Cavite, 12-14, 18,42-43,45-46 at Corregidor, 203-5 death of, 355 on his own, 45-46, 62-64, 85-86, 95, 105 at 92nd Garage, 244-45 Purple Heart awarded to, 205 return to U.S., 353-55 swimming to Corregidor, 170 transport to Japan, 264-65 King Features Syndicate, 358 Knox, Donald, 268 Knox, Sergeant Forrest, 253 Knox, Frank, 318 Korean War, 343-44, 359-60, 361 Krueger, General Walter, 271, 309, 321 Lamar, Major Robert, 357 Lamon Bay, Japanese landing at, 65, . 75-76 Lapham, Lieutenant Robert, 289, 290 "Lapham's Raiders," 289 Lawton, Captain Marion "Manny": and Bataan Death March, 180-81, 183,198,199 at Cabanatuan, 247-48 and Camp O'Donnell, 235-36 on hell ship, 274-79, 283-84 and Japanese surrender, 335 Leavelle, Charles, 318


Lee, Clark, 137, 139,206 Lee, Lieutenant Henry, 122-23, 139 Leimer, Captain Henry, 283 Leyte: MacArthur's "return" to, 308, 322 U.S. amphibious landing on, 271 U.S. Navy in, 342 Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 274 Liberty Ships, U.S., 273 Lieutenant Ramsey's Wtlr (Ramsey and Rivele), 347 Lima Maru Gapanese freighter), 264-65 Lingayen Gulf: and Cabanatuan POWs, 321-22 defenses at, 46, 49-50,57,84 Japanese beachhead at, 60, 61, 84 U.S. invasion force at, 282, 309, 321, 322 Lipa airstrip, 40 Lohman, PFC Ben, 22 3 Longoskawayan Point, Japanese troops on, 125-26,130-31 Lowe, Colonel Karl H., 21 Luger, Richard, 343 Lunn, Colonel Charles, 340 Luzon: chaos on, 52-53,59,62,83, 103 defense of, 49-50,55-57,82-83, 104,110,121,143,309 food supplies on, 58-59 Japanese blockade of, 151 Japanese bombing of, 29 Japanese invasion of, 46, 47, 48,50, 55,56,60,61,75,82,84 malaria epidemic on, 112 U.S.-Filipino forces on, 78, 81, 94, 229 U.S. fortifications on, 7 U.S. invasion of, 308-9 Luzon Guerrilla Force, 286-92, 303-5 MacArthur, General Arthur (father), 8 MacArthur, Arthur (son of Douglas), 9,144,145



MacArthur, General Douglas: in Australia, 151 background of, 8-12 and Bataan defense, 95-96, 97-98, 126-27,363 biographies of, 54 on Corregidor, 137-38, 143 and Corregidor evacuations, 205-6 on Corregidor's hopeless situation, 212,363 and Corregidor surrender, 224, 228 death of, 361 and "don't shoot first" policy, 24-25, 28,30,31,39-40,45,53-55 ego of, 11-12,54,56,140,141,360, 361 erroneous reports from, 12, 57, 81, 121,138 evacuated to Australia, 13 8-41, 143, 144-47,148,149 and food shortages, 94 and guerrilla forces, 286, 288, 289, 290,304,307-9,317 "I shall return," 140-41, 143, 146, 147,268,271,274,289,304 isolation from Washington, 10, 138 Japanese threat discounted by, 11-12 and Korean War, 359-60, 361 at Leyte, 308, 322 and Marine Corps, 86,105 orders from Washington, 54, 138-41,143 in peacetime Manila, 1, 8, 92 and Philippine Army, 9, 10-12, 55-57, 108 in postwar years, 359-61 promises of, 97-98,105,140-41, 146-47,268,271,289 Reminiscences (memoir), 57, 141 reputation of, 8-9,40,56,138,140, 146,359-60 and rescue operation, 326 and retreat to Bataan, 59, 76, 93-94, 127 and retreat to Corregidor, 59-60

as supreme commander of Pacific forces, 140, 144, 149 as supreme commander of USAFFE, 1, 12,29 unrealistic visions of, 12,56,57-58, 108-9,127,138,139-40,162,167 visit to troops by, 97-99, 138 MacArthur, Jean Marie Faircloth, 9, 138,144,145

MacArthur Controversy andAmerican Foreign Policy, The (Rovere and Schlesinger), 54 Manchester, William, 54, 360-61 Manila: as ghost town, 63, 65 Japanese attacks on, 58 Japanese occupation of, 78, 81, 92 Japanese troop movement toward, 75-76,78 as open city, 65, 92 peacetime life in, 1-4,5,15-16, 19-20 as "Pearl of the Orient," 3, 16,54 postwar, 348 Manila Bay: Japanese attacks on, 42,58 Japanese control of, 81 map, 77 shallow wllters of, 95 U.S. defenses in, 7,143,151,152,363 U.S. surrender of, 221, 224 Mapes, PFC Victor, 34-35, 272 maps: Bataan, Manila, and the Death March, 77 Corregidor Island, 142 Far East, xii Japanese invasion of Luzon, 47 Marblehead (cruiser), 44 Marcos, Ferdinand, 354 Marine Corps, U.S.: and Corregidor surrender, 222 MacArthur's animosity toward, 86, 105 Mariveles: Bataan Death March from, 182

Index defense of, 130 supply center at, 125, 175 U.S. troop withdrawal to, 168-70, 171,173 Marshall, General George as Army Chief of Staff, 10,359 and MacArthur, 54, 81,121,138, 139,149 and returning veterans, 274, 338-39,358 and Wainwright, 209-10, 212, 217, 358 Marshall, Paul, 296 Marshall, General Richard, 104-5, 110 Martin, Bob, 239 Maverick, Colonel Bill, 41,157,158, 248 Maxwell, Don, 318 McClellan, George ill (pilot), 21, 256 McCoy, Lt. Commander Melvyn, 221,296,305-7,319 McGuire, Captain Ralph, 288 McKinley, William, 6 Mealor, Captain Gladys "Ann," 210 Medal of Honor, 103, 146,358 Mellnik, Colonel Steve, 296, 305-7, 319 Merrill, Colonel Gyles, 289-90 Merritt, Private]. D., 309-11 Michno, Gregory F., 284 Midway, Battle of (1942), 265 Midway Island, U.S. defenses on, 7, 52 Miller,]. Michael, 222 Mindanao: chaos on, 52-53 DAPECOL,259-63 Davao airstrip, 29-30 defense of, 143 guerrilla bands, 307, 316 and U.S. surrender, 224 Mindanao Force, 259 Missouri (battleship), 319, 336, 343, 358,360 Moffit, Major Lloyd, 26, 38, 128-29, 156,178 Montevideo Maru (hell ship), 284



Moore, General George, 209, 220-21,227 Morgenthau, Henry, 361 Mori, Colonel Masao, 250 Morioka, General Sasumu, 95 Moron, Luzon: defense of, 112-16 withdrawal from, 116-17 Motomura, Captain Ryosuke, 28-29 Mount Bataan, 93 Mount Mariveles, 174 Mount~atib,93, 105, 117 Mount Samat, 155 Mount Silanganan, 110, 117 Mucci, Colonel Henry, 321 Mydans, Carl, 57 "My Day" (E. Roosevelt), 341 Myers, Corpsman Estel, 277, 278 ~agano,

General Kameichiro, 176

Nagaru Maru (freighter), 252 ~agasaki,

atomic bomb dropped on, 328,331-32 Nagato Maru (hell ship), 266-67 ~akanishi, Colonel Hiroshi, 117 ~akayama, Colonel Motto, 176-78, 225 ~ara, General Akira, 96,111-12 Narwhal (submarine), 273 ~ational Museum of the Pacific War, Fredericksburg, Texas, 262 ~avy, U.S.: Asiatic Fleet, 13-14,44,105,106-7 and Battle of Leyte Gulf, 274 and Battle of Midway, 265 and Battle of the Coral Sea, 265 bombing Luzon, 291-92 and China Marines, 12 -13, 17 combat battalion of, 106, 117, 126, 130 "Great White Fleet," 6 interservice disputes with, 145 and Japanese attacks, 42 medical team, 255-56 Pacific Fleet, 7, 52 turning points for, 312



Nazi threat, see Germany Nesbit, LieutenantJosephine, 166,206 New York Times, 318 Neyland, Robert, 296 Nicholas I, Czar of Russia, 6 Nichols Field, 25-26, 38, 64-65 Japanese bombing of, 39,40-42, 262 Nielson Field, 25, 28, 30, 32 19th Bomb Group, 4,14-16,27, 31-33,52,167,328 92nd Garage holding pen, 243-47 96th Infantry Division, 271 Nininger, Lieutenant Alexander "Sandy," 102-4 Norman, Michael and Elizabeth, 251

O'Donnell: Andersonville of the Pacific (Olson), 230 Oliver, PFCJohn, 328-29 Olongapo Naval Station, 105,280-82 Olson, ColonelJohn, 11, 103, 146-47,155,191,229-30,233 Omori prison camp, Tokyo, 356 On Celestial Wings (Whitcomb), 343 192nd Tank Battalion, 92-93,152, 162, 189 194th Tank Battalion, 82-83,127, 152, 162, 186 OryokuMaru (hell ship), 274-80, 281, 283,284,322 Oswald, Lee Harvey, 354 Overton, Adrienne, 339 Overton, Charles, 339 Overton, Sergeant Cletis: and aftermath of Pearl Harbor, 49 arrival in U.S., 273-74 and Bataan surrender, 169-70 at Cabanatuan, 248-49 at Camp O'Donnell, 234 at DAPECOL, 260-61 and disease, 248-49, 260 faith of, 80-81, 273 and food, 135,261 on hell ship, 271-74 in Manila, 16-17, 19-20

Purple Heart awarded to, 274 return to U.S., 338-39, 340 and survival, 249, 271, 272-73 P-35As,26 P-40s,25-26, 32,40,44, 52,60-61 Pacific, balance of power in, 265, 268, 312,363 Paddle (submarine), 272 Pajota, Captain Juan, 324, 325 Pancho Villa, 290 Paraw, Private Menandro ''Andy,'' 286 Parker, General George, on Bataan, 94,96,97,104,105,110,127, 132,155,156,162 Patrol Torpedo Squadron Three, 44 Pearl Harbor: aftermath of, 39-40,49,52,53-55 and declaration of war, 22-23 Japanese attack on, 7,20,22,26-28, 32,312 rumors about, 22 U.S. failure to respond to, 24-25, 28,30 Perry, Seaman lIC Paul Edward, 244 Peshek, Lieutenant Michael, 130 Philippine Air Force, 11 Philippine Army: First Divi.sion, 110-11, 112, 116, 117,121-22,129-31 11th Division, 92,131,147 21st Division, 92,186 31st Division, 55-57,104,110,147, 160 41st Infantry, 102, 155 45th Infantry, 126, 160 71st Division, 192,231 81st Division, 263 91st Division, 92-93 casualties to, 76, 158 desertions/escapes of, 46, 76, 119, 126,155,164,285 Japanese brutality toward, 243 lack ofleadership in, 76, 78 lack of training and battle experience in, 78

Index and MacArthur, 9,10-12,55-57, 108 Mindanao Force, 259 North Luzon Force (NLF), 48,56, 75, 76 retreat to Bataan, 75-78 South Luzon Force (SLF), 75-76, 92-94 Philippine Defense Medal, 354 Philippines: deemed "indefensible" in Washington, 51-52 and "Europe First" policy, 50, 52, 57,317 exodus from, 5, 274 guerrilla forces in, 193,241-42,273, 285,286-92,303-5,307-9,316, 321,324-26 inadequate supplies for, 51 Japanese attacks on, 7-8,12-13 Japanese surrender in, 358 Manila, see Manila and neutrality, 54, 55 peacetime life in, 1-5,8 postwar return trips to, 345, 351, 354 surrender of U.S. forces in, 209, 224-28,263 U.S. fortifications in, 7 as U.S. territory, 6 and WPO-3, 7, 51-52, 54, 55, 57-58,60,69,78,94,95 Philippine Scouts, 10-11 and Bataan surrender, 173 57th Regiment, 100-104, 117, 133, 155, 160 14th Engineers, 93 at Longoskawayan Point, 131 recognition for, 358 26th Cavalry, 83-85,110,112, 114-17,173,286 23rd Field Artillery, 134, 154-55 Pierce, Colonel Clinton, 84-85 Porwoll, Sergeant Kenneth]., 82-83, 186 Poston, LieutenantJohn, 39


President Coolidge (troopship), 1,2, 16--17 President Grant (troopship), 3 President Harrison (troopship), 17 President Pierce (troopship), 40 Prince, Captain Bob, 324, 325

PT-32,145 PT-34, 144, 145 PT-35,145 PT-41,144,145 Pugh, Captain John R., 141 Purple Heart, 205, 274

Quail (minesweeper), 131 Quezon, Manuel: evacuation to Australia, 138 and MacArthur, 9, 54-55 and neutrality, 54, 55 and retreat to Corregidor, 59-60 and Roosevelt, 108 Rainbow Five, 51-52, 54, 57,69,78 Ramsey, Lieutenant Edwin Price: on Bataan, 160-61 and Bataan surrender, 173-74 and defense of Moron, 113-16 and guerrillas, 286--89,303-5, 307-9,346 injury and illness of, 116, 123-24, 288,308,346-47 and last cavalry change, 114-16 and posttraumatic stress, 346 return to U.S., 346-47 and Wainwright, 84-85,112-13, 160 Ray (U.S. guerrilla), 241-42 Read, Glenn (German POW), 350 Read, Sergeant Louis: at Bataan, 134, 152, 164-65 and Bataan Death March, 184, 198 at Camp O'Donnell, 236--37 and disease, 237, 329, 349, 350 on hell ship, 269-70 injuries of, 164-65, 184 and Japanese surrender, 330, 350 in Manila, 3



Read, Sergeant Louis (cont.) and Philippine Army, 78 return to U.S., 350-51 as slave labor, 270, 329-30 survival of, 351 Reamer, PFC Edward D., 227 Redmond, Lieutenant Juanita, 87, 88, 136,137,154,206 Reminiscences (MacArthur), 57, 141 Renka, Lieutenant John, 90,137, 171-72,202 Rescue (hospital ship), 350, 352 Rice, John H., 281 Rigley, Major Reginald "Bull," 281 Rivele, Stephen]., 347 Robinett, PFC Blair, 184,289, 290-91 Rock, The, see Corregidor Rockwell, Admiral Francis W, 18 Roeder, Wally, 308 Romulo, Colonel Carlos, 146 Roosevelt, Eleanor, 341 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 10, 12,50-51 , 108,139,141,217-18,221,317, 318,338 Roosevelt, Theodore, 6 Rovere, Richard, 54 Ruby, Jack, 354 Ruffy, Major Ramon M., 303-4, 305 Russo-Japanese War (1905), 6,191 Ryujo (aircraft carrier), 29

Sacred Cow (FDR's plane), 341 Sakaibara, Admiral Shigematsu, 313 San Fernando railway, 197-99,282 Santo Tomas University, Manila, 300-301,303,314 Sartin, Commander Lea B. "Pappy," 255-56 Sato, Colonel Gempachi, 227 Sayer, Francis, 138 Schedler, Dean, 206 Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., 54 Schultz, Duane, 8, 59,92, 130, 138, 168,213,358 Schwartz, Colonel Jack, 281, 334-35

Seadragon (submarine), 43 Sealion (submarine), 43 Sebald, William]., 361 Second Battalion, 26, 38, 98-99, 117-19,127-29 Segundo, General Fidel v., 112-13, 116, 122 Seid, Captain Sidney, 352 17th Pursuit Squadron, 25, 39, 198 77th Infantry Division, 271 Seventh Fleet, 274 Seventh Infantry Division, 271 Seventh Materiel Squadron, 32 Shacklette, Lieutenant Edith, 165-66 Shark 11 (submarine), 268 Sharp, General William F., 143, 145, 224,259,262 Sherwood, Robert, 139 Shimakawa, Seaman 11C Masa-aki, 30 Shinyo Maru (hell ship), 272-74,338 Shofuer, Lieutenant Austin "Shifty," 296,297,306-7 "Silent Night," 73 Silver Star, 118 Sims, Richard, 349 16th Naval District, 18 16th Squadron, 16 Sixth Army,.271, 309, 328, 350 Skerry, Colonel Harry, 93 Snook (submarine), 269 Spanish-American War (1898), 6 Spearfish (submarine), 208, 209, 210 Spielman, Private Robert, 296 Sprague, Captain Charles "Bud," 22 Stanley, Sergeant Henry G., 135, 186, 237,362 Stewart, Sergeant Sidney, 65-66, 192, 197,276-77 Stiles, Reece, 339 Stimson, Henry L., 138, 149, 318, 338 Stingray (submarine), 61 Straub, Lieutenant Ruth, 210 Strickler, Major Dudley, 126 Strobing, Corporal Irving, 221

Index Sturgeon (submarine), 284 Sullivan, ColonelJames, 281 Surles, General Alexander, 318-19

Surviving Bataan and Beyond (Alexander),243 Sutherland, General Richard K.: and "don't shoot first" policy, 24-25, 28,31-32 and Luzon defense plans, 55, 104, 110,121 and MacArthur's evacuation to Australia, 141, 143, 144, 145 and Wainwright, 209 Swordfish (submarine), 138 Tainan Naval Air Base, Formosa, 30 Tant, Private Norman, 22 Tarlac Province, prison camp for senior officers in, 244 Tarpy, Corpsman Leonard, 277 Tell MacArthur to Wait (Hibbs), 346 Tenney, Corporal Lester, 107, 189-90 at Camp O'Donnell, 232-33, 239-41 escape of, 240-41 at Fukuoka camp, 331-32 and guerrilla band, 241-42 recapture and torture of, 242 "Tex" (Corpsman), 277 Third Battalion, 100-101, 126 Third Fleet, 274 Third Pursuit Squadron, 39 Third Squadron, 25 31st Infantry Regiment, 1,4, 10,21, 26,38,48,78,98,104,117-19, 134,152,162,164,178,180,192, 236,322,363 32nd Infantry Division, 271 Thompson submachine gun, 80 Thorp, Colonel Claude, 286, 287, 288-89,290 Time magazine, 359 Tojo, Hideki, 258, 259 Tokyo Rose, 135 Toland,John,108 Tooley, Bill (Signal Corps), 21, 322


Toro Maru (hell ship), 263-64, 267 Townsend, Colonel Glen, 133 Tradewind (submarine), 284 Traywick, ColonelJesse T., 174, 262-63 Trejo, Joseph: name change of, 18-19, 356; see also Alexander, Joseph as teenager, 18-19,337 Trout (submarine), 316 Truman, Harry S., 319, 358, 361 Tsuneyoshi, Captain Yoshio, 233-34 Tuguegarao airfield, 29 21st Pursuit Squadron, 25, 295 24th Infantry Division, 271 25th Infantry, 231 26th Cavalry Regiment, 48, 83-85, 94,110,112,114-17,160-61, 162,173-74,286,363 27th Bomb Group, 16,20-22,35,80, 238,309,362 27th Materiel Squadron, 40, 64, 6870,78-79,119-21,134,157-59 28th Bomb Squadron, 35 200th Coastal Artillery Regiment, 5, 72-73, 163, 166-67 Ullom, [nurse] Madeline, 107, 153 United Press, 109,206 United States: atomic bombs dropped by, 328, 331-32,335,339 censorship in, 317-20 flag of, 261-62, 326, 334, 357 isolationists in, 9 peace treaty with Japan, 362 public awareness in, 314, 316-20 territories of, 6, 8 undefeated,363 Uramara" Lieutenant, 225 USAFFE (United States Army Forces, Far East), 1, 12,24,29, 53,59,104,121,143 USAFFE Guerrillas, 289-92 USFIP (United States Forces in Philippines), 149



Vance, Colonel John R., 211 Visayan Islands, 143,224 Voice of Freedom, 135,224 Wada Gapanese interpreter), 275, 278,279-80,282 Wainwright, GeneralJonathan M.: and Bataan defense, 97,104-5, 109-11,112-13,114,125,126, 129,132,137,156,160 and Bataan surrender, 162, 167-68, 174,235 biographies of, 56, 358 and bridges to Bataan, 92-94, 114 and cavalry, 83-84, 98, 160 and Clark Field, 37 command of all forces in Philippines, 149, 177 command of Luzon troops, 143 on Corregidor, 149-50, 151, 153, 205-12,216,217-19,220-21 and Corregidor surrender, 221, 222, 223,224-28,259,262-63,357 death of, 359 and defense of Luzon, 49-50,82 and I Corps, 94,121-22 and Japanese invasion of Luzon, 46,61 and Japanese surrender, 335-36, 358,359 Japanese threats to, 148 and MacArthur, 56,97,126-27,141, 143,208-9,221,360 and Philippine Army, 55-57, 75-76, 131 postwar years of, 357-59 as POw, 244, 357 and retreat to Bataan, 95, 97,117, 121-22 and retreat toward Corregidor, 160-61 return to U.S., 357-58 at Stotsenburg, 48 Wake Island: Japanese massacre at, 312-14 U.S. defenses on, 7, 52

War Department, U.S., 10,51,52 Office of Censorship, 317-20 War Plan Orange (WPO-3), 7, 51-52, 54,55,57-58,60,69,78,94,95 Washington Naval Conference (1922),7 Watson, Charles, 17,272 Wedemeyer, General Albert, 357 Wetherington, PFC Thomas, 43 Wheeler, Captain John, 110-11, 112, 113,115,116,123-24 Whiffenpoof Boys, 2, 21-22, 179, 256,322 Whitcomb, Lieutenant Edgar: in Bataan jungle, 89-91,136,171, 292-93 and Bataan surrender, 171-72 capture and interrogations of, 299-303 at Clark Field, 27-28, 33-35, 37-38, 39-40,60,70-72 at Corregidor, 136-37,202-3 escape of, 245-47, 293-94, 298-99, 342,344 fake name Gohnson) taken by, 299-303,314 flight to Clark Field, 14-16 at 92nd Garage, 245-47 and Pearl Harbor, 27-28 return to U.S., 314-16, 320-21, 340-43 Williams, Colonel Everett c., 175-76,177 Williams, Major Francis H., 214, 222 Williams, Captain George, 21, 178-79 Williams, Private Ike: on Bataan, 105-6 and Bataan surrender, 170 at Cavite, 12-14, 18,42,45-46 at Corregidor, 203-4 on his own, 45-46, 62-64, 85-86, 95,105 return to U.S., 354 swimming to Corregidor, 170 transport to Japan, 264-65

Index WIlson, Sergeant Joe, 26-27 WIlson, Lieutenant Kenneth, 104 WIlson, [nurse] Lucy, 166 World War I: Bonus Army of, 9 Japan in, 7 MacArthur in, 8 World War II: declaration of war, 22-23, 25-27 "Europe First," 50, 52, 57,317 Japanese surrender in, 330, 335-37, 343,358,359,360 Pearl Harbor attack, 20, 22, 312


rumors and false stories of, 50, 90-91,135-37,147,362 U.S. censorship in, 317-20 WPO-3 (War Plan Orange), 7, 51-52,54,55,57-58,60,69,78, 94,95 Yamashita, General Tomoyuki, 308 Yokkaichi steel mill, 333-34 Zambales coast, Luzon, 49-50 Zambales Mountains, 289 Zeros, 50, 52, 161

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