Paz Marquez Benitez : one woman's life, letters, and writings -- PRELIMINARY PAGES

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One Woman ~ Life) Letters) and Writings




Ateneo de Manila University Press

For the great-grandchildren of Paz Marquez BenitezAna Maria Licuanan, Carlo and Andrea Peterson Anna Kristina and Paolo Ilusorio-And all the children who will come after So that they will know the woman who somehow Will continue to live through them

ATENEO DE MANILA UNIVERSITY PRESS Bellarmine Hall , Katipunan Avenue Loyola Heights, Quezon City Po. Box 154, 1099 Manila, Philippines Copyright 1995 by Ateneo de Manila Book and cover design by Fidel Rillo The frontifpiece shows a piece of writing by Paz Marquez Benitez, who wrote prodigious notes on, as was her fi¡ugal habit, all types of used paper-envelopes, receipts, grocery lists. The National Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Recommended entry: Licuanan, Virginia B. Paz Marquez Benitez: one woman's life, letters, and writings I Virginia Benitez Licuanan. - Quezon City ADMU Press. c1995 304 p 1. Letters. 2. Benitez, Paz M. I. Title. PL5546 1996 899.21 '06 P9610()()062 ISBN 971-550-185-0 (pbd.) ISBN 971 - 550-186-9 (pbk.)


Introduction PART





Transition and Transformation


A bout LO I1<~ El1gagel1l el1ts • Marria<~e al1d Career · D cifil1itioll oj a Girl ill LOlJe • FB Goes to the us. .......................................... ........................................... 29 The Speech ~f GOlJemor-Gell eral F B. Harrisoll • GOlJel'llor Harriso11 's Visit fo Lllcell a • More Prepara tiol1 Jor the GOlJern or-General Visit .......................... .. ....... .... 32 Memories of Many Childhoods 37 A Bride oj Nearly Six MO llths • Tile Woman's Jo urn al • T he Co llege • After Tell Years oj Marriage • Bllildillg th e H Olise ill Sa 11 jllan ....... .. ....... .. ... ..... ... ... .... 68 PART




The High Tide of Life


Letters to a Daughter in America


A Day at Home • Th e Elpidio Qllirillos • A /~ja lld ro R oces, j r. • Carlos P. R Ollllllo • Titay OS II/ eila R eacts to QII ezo 11 's Ca ll ... ......... ... .............. ..... ........ .. ... ...... 89 DOli Vicellte Canl1ol1 a 011 Q ll ezoll alld A lJa11 ceiia • A N(~ht at th e Farm • Edllca tioll oj th e Heart • Family Nellis .... .... ...... ...... ...... ... ...... .............. ..... ............... . 9 1 LaI1,~ lI a,~es

• Gardells alld LOlJe • Ma nllel Qllezoll in tlte H ospital • Qllezoll Talks to U P. Stlldents 011 Morality • ConlJersa tion with Quezol1 011 YOlll1g People • Qllirino on Qlle.<..oll .... .. ... ... .... ........ ............. ............... .. .......... ......... ...... .... .. ... ..... 97 Prepa rin<~Jo r

a Weddillg ill th e Fall/ily • Isallg Tapales • 0 11 D OII/illion StatllsJor tile Pllilippilles • Til e Wa lls (!f Illt rall/li ros ........... . .. . ................. ...... .... .... ... ...... 10 1

Ti,lenty Years as UP. Dean • Work as a Teacher • Tea at the Kalaws • Tagalog as the Nationa l Language ...................... ..................... . ................ .. ........ . .... .. ... 104 The Art oj Spending Money • Police ChiifAntonio Torres and Troublemakers • Old Students • Childishness and Childlikenesses • Dancing ... ... ... ......... ....... ..... 109 Gen. Douglas MacArthur at the UP. • On Remembering the Dead • On Religious Dogma • The Japanese and War in China • Religious Instruction in the Public Schools ............................................................................................................ 112

Dining and Dancing with Don Sergio • Party at the Lopez Brothers' Penthouse • On Making Decisions • Dreaming oj a Farm • On Choosing a Spouse ..... ... 117 On Childless Women • April at Home • Tact and Good Breeding • Rose Bushes Jrom Texas • On the Romantic Temperament................................. ......... .. ........ 120 Money and Working • The Question oj Philippine Independence • ROl1lulo~ Conference with Roosevelt • Birthday Celebration at HOl/le • The Uses oj Sorrow.. .. 124 Comments on Daughter~ Poel/l • Party Jor Manuel Roxas • Binit Lacson in a valera Terno • Quezon ~ Rampage at UP. ............................................. ............. 128 A Summons to Malacanang • President Quezon~ Views • The Plan Jor the UP. Tranifer to Diliman • AJtermath oj the Malacanang Visit • OSl11ena~ Birthday Celebration .. .......................................... ...... ......................... ......... ....... 132 Camilo Osias and His Problems • Comments Jrom Claro M. Recto • Conversation with Artists Anguita and Iglesias • Memories oj Cayetano Arellano • Qllezon ~ Politics and Elpidio Quirino......... ... ... .......... .... ... ... ...... ........................... 138 Archbishop O'Doherty and Masons • More on the UP. Tranifer to Diliman • Ideas on Hindus and Chinese............. ..... ............... ........ .. ............ .......... .... . .... 143 Memories in Photographs Letters to a Husband of Twenty -Five Years


166 On the President Coolidge • Columnists Fred Mangahas and S. P. Lopez • IlIlpressions ojJapan and the Japanese • Ship Concert... .............................. 169

Letters From Her Husband • Visit with the Escodas • Reunion with Her Daughter. On New York City • Visit to Her Daughter's School.................................. 172 F Benitez and Plans to Leave Govemment • Observing Classes at Columbia Uni-

versity • Conversation with Osmeiia • A Rakish Hat • Tallulah Bankhead in a Play .............. ...... .. .. ..... ........ ...... ... .............. .. .............. .. ........ .... ..... .. ............ 180

Birthday Thoughts • To Washington with Don Sergio • Katherine Hepburn in Philadelphia Story· About America and Americans • A Feeling About Wedded Life ...................... .... .. .............. .. ............ .. ............ .... .... ... .. ...... ............ ..... .. 184 Visit to Gov.-Gen. Forbes • CrosSiltg the Atlantic on the Normandie • Counting Her Blessings • Leaving New York • Visit to the Monroes ... ... ......... ... ... ..... .. 188 Celebrities on the Nqfmandie • England • The English ............................ 194 War Preparations in Europe • The Foltntainbleau • Geneva • Rome • Papal Visit and Organized Religion ..... ........... ......................... .... .. ... ................. ......... .. .. 198 Naples • Pompeii • OJ Olympian Gods and Saints • Impressions Jrol11 the European Trip ................ ..... ........................ .. ......... .. ........ ..... .... ............. .. ........... 204 PART




War and Aftermath Growing Old is Growing Up The "Real" Paz Marquez Benitez Mter All is Said and Done

215 249 265 279



Index of Personal Names



A Abad Salltm, Amanda, 217 Abad Santos, jose, 41 , 77, 7R, 92, 223, 226 Abad Santos, Pepito, 237 Acosta Sison, Honoria, 65 Africa, Professor, 103 Aguirre, Miss, 106 Alano, Leni (Ms, jaime Rivera), 17-1 Albert, Mrs. Nena, 109 Albert, Professor, 130 Alegre, Edilberto N., 2R7 Alonso, Professor Agustin , 2 17 Alllllan, Il..afael jr. (Nene), 175 Alllllan , Il..afael Senior, 134 Anguita, julio Esteban, 76, 1-11 Araullo, justice, R3 Arellano, Cayetano, -10, 62, 142 Arellano, Manuel, 231 Arguelles, Manuel, 17 Arranz, Melecio, R() Arranz , Mrs., 79, RO Avanceiia, justice Ramon, R3, 92

l3enitez, Kristina, 279 Benitez, Laura, 269 l3enitez, Leni , 269 l3enitez, Lourdes Abad Santos, 2RO Benitez, Mariano, 1 16 l3enitez, Mario, 224 l3enitez, Rafael, 175, 269 l3enitez, Roberto, 112, 2RO l3enitez, Soledad Francia, 39 l3enitez, Teofilo, 39 l3enitez, Tomas, 11 3 l3enton, Mrs., 1R7 l3ernardo, Professor, 106 l3ocobo, Elvira, lOR l3ocobo, jorge, 130, 135 l3ocobo, jorge (Mrs.),112 l3onnet, M., 97 1300th, Claire, 79 l30wers (Col. and Mrs.), 70 l3uencamino, Philip, 99 l3urgos, jose (Father), -19 l3urgos, Nelly, 130 Burgos, Ruth, 130 l3urton, Mrs., 25, 2R5

B l3agtas, 99 l3alch, Henry H., 22 l3ankhead, Tallulah, 1R4 l3antug, jose, 42 Barredo, 100 l3arza, Isaac, 231 l3attig, Mother, 141 Bautista, Paz Legaspi , 65 l3enitez, Angela Vargas, R4 Benitez, Antonia (Ramos), R l3enitez, Ceferino, R, 39 l3enitez, Conrado, R, 39, 41 l3enitez, Eulogio, R, 39, 41 l3enitez, Francisca Tirona, 7, 66, 90,121 Benitez, Francisco (from Spain), 3R l3enitez, Francisco, 15,27,37,39,264 l3enitez, Francisco jr., 1,64 l3enitez, Gening, 102 l3enitez, Helen Z., 96 l3enitez, Helena, 96 Benitez, Higinio 0. , 33, 3R, 39

C Carballo, Capt. Ruben , 230 Carillo, Father, 62 Carmona, Vicente, 92, 139 Castillejos, Lino, 135 Castro, Melquiades M., 240 Cayetana, 61 Celi, Flora, 142 Chamberlain, 19R Chuan, Dee C, 147, 166 Clark, judy, 269 Clemente, Professor, 106 Coffillan, President, 129 Corday, Charlotte, II R Cramer, Doctor, 1Rl

D Dayrit, Amando, 142, 226 Dee C Chuan, 14R, 166 293


De joya , judge, 103 De Ia Concepcion, R.osita Sandejas, 127, 1Hl De Ia Gracia , Concepcion, 127 De Tavera , 142 Del Fiero, Vicente, 122 De los Santos, Epifanio, 142 Dietrich , Marlene, I ')4





H emady, Magdalena, 144 Hepburn, Katherine, 1H6 Hess, Myra, 141 Hilado, Serafin, 126, 127 Hilario, Dr. & Mrs. jose, H,) Hodgson, Mr., 71 Hunter, Mr. & Mrs., 78 Hutton , Barbara , 1')4

E Earnshaw, M an uel , 36 Eden, Anthony, l,)H Elizalde brothers, 145 Eli za ld e, joaquin, 173 Esca ler, j ose, 41 Escoda, Antonio, 173 Escoda, josefa Llanes, 173

F Fabella , Salu d De Unson , 65 Fairbanks, Douglas, 61 Faustman , Ladi , 273 Fausto, Mrs. , 231 Ferdinand, Prin ce Louis, 145 Fernandez, Doreen Gamboa, 2H6, 2H7 Fernandez, Don l"tamon, 11H Flora, Celi (Lansang), 142 Florendo, Professor, 106 Foch , Marechal , 1')4 Fonacier, Doctor, 106 Forbes, Gov.-Gen. William Cameron, 26 Francia, Capt. Hilario, 4, 3') Francia, julio, 41 Francia , Soledad, 3'), 241 Fuentebella, j ose, 116

G Ga lli -Cursi, 46 Gi l, Concepcion Marquez. See Marquez, Concepcion G il , j oe, 1. 224 Gi l, j ose,jr., 1 15 Gomez, Guillermo, 108 Gonzales, josefi na Paras, ')2 Goquingco, Leonor Orosa, 65 Granjia, Father, 15 Grant, Cary, 1')4 Grooves, Ambassador, 1')2 Guinto, Leon , Sr., 137

H Harrison, Frances 13urton, 33, 34 Heifetz, jascha , 46

I Iglesias, Monserrat, 141 Iluso rio, Arsenio, 27') Iluso rio, Lourdes (13enitez), 27') Ilusorio, Potenciano, 185


jhocso n, Mariano, 111 johnso n, justice, 68 jurado, Maria (Marquez), 6, 15, 4H, 50 jurado, Pedro, 4')

K Kalaw, Teodoro, 107 Kihara, Consul, 115 Kung, H.H. , ')2

L Lacson, 13albinit, 7,), HO, 127, 12') Lacson, l"ticardo, 80, 127 Laguda , Hortensia (Sta rke), 1')3 L'air, Miss, 177 Lamkin, Mrs. , 121, 177 Lamkin , President Uel, 177, 178 Lansa ng, jose, 142 Laurel, Daniel , 22 Laurel , Dulce, 221 Laurel,jose P,137 Legarda, Ben , 26') Legarda, Lita Ganzon, 273 Licuanan, Francisco jr. , 182,205,2 15,230 Licuanan, Francisco III , 236, 271 Licuanan , jose, 225 Li cuanan , Patricia, 271 Li cuan an, Virginia Benitez, 45, 254 Lim, Pilar Hidalgo,S,) Limjap, Don Mariano, 27 Limjap, Leonarda de Ubaldo, 65 Lin Yu Tang, 147 Lippay, Alexander, 77 Liu , Herman , 115 Lobregat, Victorina, 76 Locsin, Leandro, 3')





Lopez brothers, 11 H Lopez, Fernando, 117, 11 H, 169 Lop ez, Isa bel , 16 Lopez, Marikit, 117, llH Lopez, Pompeyo, 175 Lopez, S. P , 147, 169 Louis Ferdinand, Prince, 146 Loy, M yrn a, 194 Lu cban , Dr. Jose, 6H Luz, Arse nio, 174

M M aca raig Professor Serafin, 127 Ma cArthur, Gen. Douglas, 1 12 Ma cArthur, Mrs. Douglas, 113 Madrigal, DOlla Susana Paterno, 3H Madrigal , Vicente, 3H Maeterlinck , Mauri ce, 116 Malabanan , Emilia, 170 Malanti c, Antonio, 39 Mangahas, Fred , 75, 10H , 142,147, 169 Mapa, Plac id o, H3,I 00 MarcOl, Ferdinand, 272 Marquez, 13onifac io, 16 Marqu ez, Carlos, 5 Marquez, Carolina (Olivera), 6 Marquez, Crisanto, 16 Marquez, Concepcion (Gil), I , 6, 65 Marquez, Daniel , 16, 1H Marquez , Dolores (Carballo), 6 Marquez , Don Gregor io, 5,15 , 17, 56, 215 Marquez, Gregorio Jr. , 5 Marquez, Isabel , 6 Marquez, Isabel Lopez, 16 Marqu ez, Jose, 5 Marquez, Manuel J. , 5, 51 Marquez Maria. See Jurado, Maria. Marquez, Natividad, 6, 66, 85, 86 Marquez, Ramon , 5 Marquez, Severo, 16 Marquez, Socorro (Zaba ll ero), 6 McNutt, Hi gh Commissioner Paul v. , 77 Menuhin, Yehudi , 46 Miller, Mr. , 78, 11 3, 11-1 Monroe, Dr. Paul , 192 Montano, Asse mblyman , 119 Montelibano, Alfi-edo, 245 Moore, Professo r, 76 Moran, Juan , 127

N Nag, Doctor, 142, 1-16

295 Nathorst, Col. & Mrs., 9H Ni eto, Major Manuel, 134 Nieva , Gregorio (Yoyong), 172 Noble, Ju an, 175

o Olivera, 13aldomero, 273 Oli ve ra, Carolina , 6 Orosa, Rosalinda, 65 Orosa, Severina Luna, 65 Ortega, Antonia , 3H O sias, Cami lo, 134, 138, 173 Osmeiia, Esperanza (Titay), 8, HO, 91 O smella , Lourdes Dela Rama , 225 Osmella , Sergio, 8, 76, HO, 191, 223 Osmella, Sergio J r. , 225 , 239 Osorio, Nati (Mrs . Francisco Agu in aldo), 117, 193

p Pablo, Mrs. Winifred, 137 Packer, Dean , 147 Padilla, Sabino, 100 Painter, Dr. , 177 Panlasique, Doctor, 106 Paredes, Quintin, 231 Pavlova, Anna , 46 Pecson , Imay, 127 Pinpin, Leoncia, 4H Pius XII (Card in al Pa ce lli), 203 Pond, Horace, 9H Pond, Mrs. Horace, 9H, 120 Pritchard, Tom , 9

Q Quesa da , 144 Quezon , Aurora, 79 Quezon , Baby, 90, 9-1 Quezon, Pres. Manuel L. , 8, 15 , 237 Quirino, Alicia Syquia, HO , 89, 140 Quirino, Elpidio, 76, 80, 89, 100, 1-13 , 253 Quirino, Vicky (Delgado), 243

R R amos, Antoni a 13enitez, 3H I~azon, Enrique, 174 Recto, C laro, 139 Reyes, Jose, 205 Reyes, Lulu (13esa), 94 Reyes, Titos Albert, 19-1, 205 Reyes, Co l. & Mrs_ , 110 Ri vera, Dr. Jaim e, 174



Rizal sistns, 49 Roces , A. jr., 90 Roces , Alice Villareal, 231 Rocha , Zacarias, 116 Rockfeller Ill , 269 ROlllulo, Carlos P , 90,122,126,127,239 ROll1ulo, Virginia Llamas, 90 Rooseve lt, Franklin Delano, 126 Roxas, Manuel , 129, 134, 137, 138,245 Russell , Dean , 131 , 1¡\0

S Sandejas de la Concepcion, Rosita, 181 Santiago, Doctor, 108 Santos, G loria Paz (Mrs . Gi l Carlos), 80, 175 Sanvictores, Ms. , 11 7 Saturnino, " Turni ," 20 Sayler, Norvel , 178 Sayler, Mrs. (Norvel), 177 Schuster, Morgan, 28 Sinclair, Mr., 172 Siochis, 110 Sison, Fernando, 139 Sison , H onoria Acosta, 65 Sison , Tony (Dr. Antonio Sison), 127 Soli ven, l3enito, 143 Sotto, Vicente Sr. , 82 Street, Mrs. (justice) , 188

r1l1P1NAS Ht:~ T. .f:




T Tapales, Isang, 103 Teague, Mrs. Mercedes, 172 Thomas, Esther, 183 Torres, Chief Antonio, 110, 139 Tuason, Gloria, 147 Tydings, Senator Millard, 174

U Uchiyama, Consul, 115 Unson, Salud Fabella , 65

V Valdez, Basilio, 223 Valera , 129 Vargas, jorge, 84, 13-1 , 139, 231, 232, 269 Villamin, Mrs. Vi cente, 175, 184

W Wardall , 23, 24 Watanabe, Captain, 229

y Yangco, Luisito, 28 Yulo, jose, 134

Z Zaballero, Socorro, 6 Zobel, Enrique, 22()





Paz Marquez Benitez : one woman 's life, letters, and writings I Virginia Benitez licuanan .

This book on the life, letters, and writings of Paz Marquez Benitez (1H9419H3) marks the birth centenary of this extraordinary woman. Paz Marquez Benitez was among the first generation ofFillpinos educated under the Americans. She became a professor of English, as well as the country's first and foremost short story writer in English. The course in short story writing that she taught at the University of the Philippines for thirty years has been credited with having produced some of the brightest and best Filipino writers in English. She also was among the founders of the first American-style college for women in the Philippines (the Philippine Women's College). She founded and edited the first Filipino women's magazine. With her husband, Dean Francisco Benitez-the founder and first dean of the College of Education of the University of the Philippines-she started the country's first professional magazine for teachers, the Philippille Joumal oj Edllcation.After her husband died in 1951, she took over as its editor until her death at the age of eighty-nine. Aside from her work of teaching and writing, Paz Marquez Benitez ran a printing press, a mango farm, and a poultry farm; raised temperate-zone flowers in a vast tropical garden; reared four children and was grandmother to seven. She spoke French and Spanish fluently, swam, sang, danced beautifully, played concert-quality piano. In her youth, she was Queen of the Manila Carnival of 1912, captain of the first Philippine girls' basketball team, and she was probably the first Filipina to have learned how to drive a car. 130m a hundred years ago, she was a woman of her times, ahead of her time,

and for all time-the quintessential Filipina.

VIReINlJf The author is Paz Marquez Benitez's daughter. At age eighteen and a college freshman, she began a journalistic career that spanned some fifty years, writing for the MOllday Alail, The Star Reporter, the Mallila Chronicle, and the Philippilles Herald. She has written several books, among them Filipinos and AlIlericalls: A Love-Hate Relationship and MOlley in the Balik. She is currently publishing a continuing translation series of historical documents on the Spanish regime in the Philippines. She is also managing director and publisher of the Philippille JOIIYl1al (!f Edllcatioll founded by her father in 1918.

ISBN 971-550-186-9

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