From Down
Under to Nippon
by GENERAL WALTER KRUEGER United States Army, Retired
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Battery Classics is an imprint of the Battery Press P.O. Box 3107 Uptown Station Nashville, TN 37219 1989 ISBN: 0-89839-125-3 Printed in the United States of America
ALTHOUGH NEARLY EIGHT YEARS have passed since the end of the war with Japan, the story of the conspicuous part Sixth Army played in it remains to be told. Instead of publishing my personal reminiscences of the events in which I participated, I decided to write the story of Sixth Army. I felt that I owed this to all who served under me there-in particular to the many thousands who laid down their lives. The result is an unadorned narrative of the long trek of Sixth Army "from Down Under to Nippon"; of much bitter fighting; of hardships and shortcomings, as well as outstanding performances; of luck and of victory. The story is based upon my own official reports and those from my subordinate units, and upon my own notes and recollections. It stresses the bold and brilliant strategic plans of our Commander in Chief, General Douglas MacArthur, which charted our course to victory in the Southwest Pacific and which were effectively carried out by his Army-Navy-Air Forces team, of which Sixth Army formed an essential part. I have endeavored to describe the achievements of Sixth Army and its units; the trying conditions of climate and terrain and the great distances; the complexities of the operations, the difficulties of supply and communications, and the limited means with which we frequently had to operate; and above all, the valor and fortitude of the troops, the ability and skill of their commanders, and the outstanding work of my own staff. I take this opportunity to express my appreciation to Major General Clyde D. Eddleman and Colonel George S. Price for information they furnished me in connection with this history; and to Mr. George Parker of San Antonio, Texas. for his generous assistance. My grateful acknowledgments also go to Brigadier General Harvey C. Allen (retired) and Brigadier General Charles R. Lehner (retired), for reviewing the manuscript, and to Major General Samuel D. Sturgis. Jr., Colonel William H. Mills and Sergeant Robert B. Reynolds. for preparing the charts on which some of the maps in this book are based. My thanks are also due to Horace B. Damon, Jr .• Edward J . Wisniewski, Edgar A. Lewis. and Henry L. Kibler, for preparing the finished maps. All photographs are by Signal Corps, U.S. Army. WALTER KRUEGER
General, U.S. Army, Retired San Antonio. Texas June 1953 vii
Foreword Glossary
vii xiii
The Beginnings
Activation 1WO
The Southwest Pacific Area
Initial Operations
The Chronicle Operation
The Dexterity Operation
The Road to the Philippines
The Brewer Operation
The Reckless Operation
Wakde and Biak
The Tabletennis Operation
The Globetrotter Operation
The Morotai Operation
Sidelights on Early Operations ix
Return to the Philippines
The Objective Area
Plans and Orders FIFTEEN
Move to the Objective Area
Initial Operations SEVENTEEN
Phase III on Leyte EIGHTEEN
Final Operations on Leyte
Sidelights on Leyte
Planning for Mindoro
Mindoro Secured
The Planning Phase
The Amphibious Phase
Expanding the Beachhead
The Advance on Manila
The Fight for Manila
North. East and West of Manila
Clearing Manila Bay
Shift of Forces
The Shimbu Line to Batangas
Up from Legaspi
South of Laguna de Bay and in Northwest Bicol
Smashing the Shimbu Line
Sidelights on Luzon
Occupation of Japan
Olympic and Blacklist
Movement to Japan THIRTY-SEVEN
Occupation Operations
Special Features of the Occupation
Sixth Army's Staff Sections
Officers Transferred to Headquarters Sixth Army Third Army Major Units Sixth Army Major Units Casualties
380 380 381
Index A Acorn units. See Sea bees Adm inistrative order. defined. 20 Admiralty Islands Operation. 45-55 Agno River. 224-225 Air support: Arawe. 30; Cape Gloucester. 33; Hollandia-Aitape. 63-64; Humboldt Bay. 66; Aitape. 69; Hollandia. 74; Wakde. 87; Biak. 93; Noemfoor. 109-113; Sansapor. 119; Morotai, 128; Leyte, 173, 174, 179. 194; Mindoro. 199-207; Luzon, 220-222. 293; Manila Bay. 262-270, 290; Legaspi, 279-282 Airborne operations: Noemfoor. 1l0-1l1; Leyte. 177- 178. 181, 192; Manila Bay, 262-270; Aparri, 314-318 Airfield construction: enemy. 12; US: Kiriwina-Woodlark, 19-25; Dexterity. 40; Admiralties, 54-55; HollandiaAitape, 67-78; Wakde. 89; Owi, 99; Biak. 102; Noemfoor, 1l0. 112-113; Sansapor, 116; Middelburg. 119-120; Morotai. 130; Leyte. 193; Mindoro. 206-207; Luzon. 227; Japan, 363 Aitape operation. 56-78 Alaminos, 225 Alamo Force: constituted, 10; early moves. 14- 15; Hollekang CP, 15; KiriwinaWoodlark, 19-25; Milne Bay CP, 22; Goodenough CPo 28; combined with Sixth Army. 29; Cape Cretin CPo 29; Hollandia CPo69; composition in May 1944. 75-76; pressure in planning, 7576; problems of dual capacity, 76; dissolved. 130 Alamo Scouts: organized, 29; in Admiralties, 49; at Noemfoor, 108; at Sansapor. 117; in Philippines, 189; on Luzon, 237
Allied Air Forces. 8. 79-105; HollandiaAitape, 56-78; Sansapor, 114-121; Morotai, 122-132; Leyte, 141-143; Mindoro, 199-207; Luzon. 211222 Allied Intelligence Bureau, 117 Allied Land Forces, 8 Allied Naval Forces. 8; Dexterity. 26-41; Hollandia-Aitape, 56-78; Noemfoor, 106-113; Sansapor, 114-121; Morotai. 122- 132; Mindoro, 199-207; Leyte, 141-143; Luzon. 211-222 American soldier. superiority over enemy. 105 Ammunition shortages, 3211 Amsterdam Island, 114-121 Anas, 185 ANGAU, 25. 68 Anderson, Maj Bernard L, 243 Antiaircraft operations: Wakde. 92; Biak. 102-103; Sansapor, 120; Morotai, 131; Leyte, 181, 193 Antiaircraft artillery. AW Battalions: 202d, 92; 276th, 102; 383d. 131; 389th, 131; 785th, 131; 208th. 102. Gun Battalions: 165th. 102; 166th. 92; 358th, 131; 744th, UI1. MG Batteries: 674th, 102; 675th, 102. Searchlight Battalion : 236th, 102 Antipolo. 275-277, 291-297 Antitank battalions: 20th, 166 Aparri. 310-318 Arawe operation, 26-41 Aritao, 308-310 Armor: Arawe. 31; Wakde, 79-105; Luzon. 230, 245, 255-256 Armoured group: 13th. 211-329 Arnold. MajGen Archibald V. See 7th Inf Div
Artificial moonlight. 293 Artillery support: Aitape. 74; Wakde. 92; Biak. 103; Noemfoor. 112; Leyte. 192; Luzon. 303 ASCOM. 151-152. 323 Atkins. BrigGen Joseph A. 4 Australia base. 12-13 Australia, HMAS. 33. 73
B Backhander Task Force. See Cape Glouces¡ ter Bagabag. 1112 Baguio.299-31O Balayan Bay. 273-278 Baldy Force. 292 Balete Pass. 258-260. 299-310 Banks. Japanese. 357 Barbey. RAdm Daniel E. 47-55. 64-78. 122-132. 154-155. 220. See also Task Forces 76. 77 Barnes. BrigGen E V. 120 Bases in Japan. 360-362 Bataan. 262-270 Batangas Bay. 273-278 Bayombong. 312 Bayug. 183 Beightler. MajGen Robert S. See 157th Inf Div Berkey. RAdm Robert S. 119. 204-207. 220 Bewitch Task Force. See HumboldtTanahmerah Biak operation. 79-105 Bicol Peninsula. 283-288 Binalonan. 225. 228 Binmaley. 223 Bismarck Sea battle. 12 Black market operations. 325 Blackmore. BrigGen Philip G. 24. 1123 Blacklist operation. See Japan. occupation of Blarney. Gen Sir Thomas A. 8 Bokod. 1510-318 Bomb Wing: 308th. 227 Bombardment. air. See Air Support Bombardment. naval. See Naval Support Bontoc. 310-318 Bosoboso. 292 Bradley. MajGen James L. See 96th Inf Div Bradshaw. Col Frederick W. 29 Breakneck Ridge. 170. 17!l Brees. LtGen Herbert J. 4 Brewer Operation. See Admiralty Islands
Bridging. See Engineer operations Brigades. 58th lnd Mixed: 258. Engineer Special: composition. 6; 2d. 29-41. 202-207; 3d. 223; 4th. 223 Brownson. USS. 33 Brush. MajGen Rapp. 36. See also 40th Inf Div Buna-Gona operation. 12 Bunn. CWO J R. 134 Buri. 178. 183 Byproduct Task Force. 19-25
c Caballo Island. 290 Cabanatuan. 237 Cabaruan Hills. 230 Cagayan Valley. 299-318 Calasiao. 225 Calkins. Col John U. 112. 323 Camiling. 225 Camp Columbia. 6 Camp Downes. 182 Cananga. 185 Canton Island. 6 Cape Gloucester operation. 26-41 Carabao Island. 290 Carpender. VAdm A S. 8 Casey. MajGen Hugh J. 15215. See also ASCOM Casualties. See also Medical services. Enemy: Dexterity. 159; Admiralties. 51; Aitape. 73; Hollandia-Aitape. 75; Wakde. 915; Biak. 105; Sansapor. 121; Leyte. 187; Corregidor. 268; LUlon. 318; totals. 381-382; US: Admiralties. 51; Leyte. 187; Corregidor. 268-269; Luzon. 318; totals. 381-382 Catbalogan. 184 Cavite.249 Cervantes. !l10-318 Chamberlin. MajGen Stephen J. 61 Chandler. RAdm Theodore. 221 Chase. MajGen William C. 47-55. 260. See IIlso 38th Inf Div Chemical support. 1015-104 Chickering. William Henry. 221 Chief of staff. functions. 1!l6 Chronicle Operation. 19-25 Civil affairs. Relations with natives. 25. 131. 15!l. 162. 191-192. 207. 322. 356357. See also ANGAU. NICAU. PCAU Clark Field. 228 Clerical force. 136 Collins. Commodore. 73
I H D EX Command problems, 9 Connolly Force, 310-318 Conolly, RAdm Richard L, 220 Construction. See Engineer construction Convoys. See Shipping; Transportation; Logistics Coordination, interservice. See Joint planning Coral Sea battle, II Corps. I: Hollandia, 62-78; Luzon, 211329; Japan, 333-371; VMAC, Japan, 333-371; IX, Japan, 333-371; X, Leyte, 141-196; Samar, 173, 180, 184; XI, Aitape, 71-78; Leyte, 175-196; Luzon, 227-329; Manila Bay, 262-270; Japan, 333-371; XIV, Luzon, 223-329; XXIV, Leyte, 154-196 Corregidor, 262-270 Coun terin telligence, 352-354 Cronin, Capt Joseph C, 220 Cunningham, BrigGen Julian W, 22, 28, 72-78. See also 112th RCT Cyclone Task Force, 106-113
Divisions (cant.) 329, 333-371; 24th Inf, 62-78, 141196, 211-329; 25th Inf, 211-329, 333371; 31st Inf, 91-105, 122-132; 32d, 28-41, 71-78, 141-196, 211-329, 343371; 33d Inf, 211-329, 333-371; 37th Inf, 211-329; 38th Inf, 36, 141-196, 213-329; 40th Inf, 36, 211-329, 333371; 41st Inf, 62-78, 79--105, 94-105, 211-329, 333-371; 43d Inf, 73-78, 211329, 333-371; 77th Inf, 141-196, 333371; 81st Inf, 333-371; 96th Inf, 141196; 98th Inf, 333-371 Dock facilities. See Loading; Shipping Dodola Island, 129 Doe, MajGen Jens A, 61-78, 79--105. See also J63d RCT Drake, Col Royce A, 159 Dulag, 177 Duncan, Col Garfield G, 7 Dunckel, BrigGen William C, 202-207 Durgin, RAdm Calvin T, 220
E D Dalton, BrigGen James L, !l07 Damortis, 226 Decker, MajGen George H, 24, 69, 99, 135 Decorations policies, 135-136 Defense, enemy plans: Admiralties, 54; Hollandia, 74; Wakde, 93; Biak, 104105; Noemfoor, 110, 113; Sansapor, 121; Morotai, 131; Leyte, 159; Lingayen, 226-227; Corregidor,268; North Luzon, 273; LUlon, 289, 298-299, 309, !l12, 325-328 Dexterity Operation, 26-41 Dinagat Island, 156 Director Task Force. See Arawe Diseases. See Medical services Divisions. 1st Int. 170; 2d Arm. 245, 255-258, 299; 8th Int. 277; 10th Int. 299; 16th Int. 166, 170; 19th Int. 259; 20th Int. 71; 23d Int. 258; 26th Int. 171, 173, 181. 183; 30th Int. 166, 170; 41st Int. 71; 102d Int. 166, 170; 103d Int, 305; 105th Int. 277, 299. Americal, 333--371; 1st Cav, 45-55, 141-196, 159, 211-329, !l33-37I ; 1st Marine, 27-41; 2d Marine, 333-371; 3d Marine, !l33--371; 5th Ma¡ rine, !l33-!l71; 6th Inf, 79--105, 114121, 211-329, 343--371; 7th Inf, 141196; 11th Airborne, 36. 141-196, 211-
Eddleman, MajGen Clyde D, 97, 137 Education in Japan, 357-358 Eichelberger, LtGen Robert L, 61-78, 101, 135. See also Eighth Army Eighteenth Army. 71-78 Eighth Army, 108, 144, 207, 235, 287, 31B-319 Eisenhower, Col Dwight D, 4 El Fraile Island, 290 Engineer aviation battalions. 808th, 2941, 102; 810th, 102; 822d, 110; 836th, 67, 92. 117, 120; 841st, 28--41, 67, 130; 842d, 67; 844th, 102; 860th, 29--41, 67, 102; 863d, 29--41, 102; 864th, 28-41, 102; 865th, 67; 866th, 206; 872d, 74; 874th, 74; 875th, 67, 74; 896th, 130; 1874th, 110; 1876th, 130; 1879th, 67; 1881st, 67, 120; 1897th, 120; 1913th, 28-41, 67 Engineer combat battalions, 3d, 67; 6th, 120; 27th, 74, 92, 110; 79th, 67; 116th, 67, 102; 239th, 67 Engineer construction: Kiriwina-vVoodlark, 19-25; Dexterity, 40; Hollandia-Aitape, 67; Wakde, 92; Biak, 102; Noemfoor, 110; Sansapor, 120; Morotai, 130-131; early operations, 134; Leyte, 193; Mindoro, 206--207; LUlon, 225, 244; Japan, 362-363
Engineer construction battalions. 43d, 120, 130; 46th, 102; 340th, 130 Engineer construction groups. 1112th, 120; 1113th, 67 Engineer water supply battalion. 489th, 102 Escalator Force, 10 Etamin, USS, 70 Europe, primary theater, 12 Evacuation hospitals. 29th, 120; 36th, 68; 54th, 92; 58th, 55; 71st, 113; 92d, 68, 103; 98th, lSI; 99th, 131 Evacuation, medical. See Medical services Ezeki, Col, 55
F Famy, 293 Fechteler, RAdm William M, 47-55, 79105, 109-113, 119, 122-132 Field artillery battalions. 147th, 112; 226th, 170; 465th, 160, 170; 983d, 160, 170 Field artillery group. 191st, 79-105 Field artillery pack battalion. 98th, 41 Field order, defined, 19-20 Fifth Air Force: Dexterity, 26-41; Admiralties, 45-55; Hollandia-Aitape, 5678; Wakde-Biak, 79-105; Noemfoor, 109-113; Sansapor, 114-121; Morotai, 122-132; Mindoro, 199-207 Fifth Fleet: Hollandia-Aitape, 56-78 First Army, Australian, 144 Fort McKinley, 253 Fort Stotsenburg, 233, 241 , 269 Fourteenth Air Force, 211-222 Frink, MajGen James L., 24, 56-78. See also USASOS Fuller, MajGen Horace H, 62-78, 79-105. See also 41st Inf Div
G Gasmata, 26-28 GHQ. See SWPA General hospital. 120th, 131 Gill, MajGen William H, 28-41. See also 32d Inf Div Globetrotter Operation. See Sansapor Glover, RAdm Robert 0 , 220 Granum, Capt Alfred M, 220 Griswold, LtGen Oscar W . See XIV Corps Gruenther, LtCoI Alfred M, 4 Guadalcanal-Tulagi, 11
Guerrilla forces, 174, 243, 282. See also Marking's Guerrillas; Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon, 300-318 Guimba, 233 Gypsy Force, 315-318
H Hagins, BrigGen William A, 24, 324 Hall, LtGen Charles P, 71-78, 126-132. See also XI Corps Halsey, Adm William F. See Third Fleet Haney, Col Harold, 97 Headquarters, major, difficulties in echelonment, 15 Health problems, 24-25 Henshaw, Lt Marvin J, 50 Herndon, Col Prugh J , 22 Hettinger, Col John A, 303 Hill, Col Bruce C, 205 Hodge, MajGen John R. See XXIV Corps Hodges, LtGen Courtney H, 3 Hoffman, BrigGen Hugh F T, 47-55, 253. See also 1st Cay Div Hollandia-Aitape operation, 56-78 Hollekang, 15 Homonhon Island, 156 Honnen, BrigGen George, 4, 24 Hospitals. See Medical services Howe, Col Merle H , 63-78 Huie, Comdr Byron S, 220 Humboldt Bay, 56-78 Hurdis, MajGen Charles E, 277. See also 6th Inf Div Hutchings, BrigGen Henry Jr. See 4th ESB Hutchinson, BrigGen Donald B, 72- 78
Imugan, 258-260, 299-310 Industry, Japanese, 355-356 Infanta, 284-286, 287 Infantry battalions. 169th, 166; 171st, 166 Insoemanai Island. See Wakde Insoemoar Island. See Wakde Inspections, necessity for, 76 Intelligence estimates. Gasmata, 27 ; Cape Gloucester, 27; Arawe, 28; Admiralties, 48; Hollandia-Aitape, 58-59; Noem¡ foor, 108; Leyte, 166, 171; Mindoro, 201, 204; Luzon, 213, 215, 271 , 289, 298; Corregidor, 265, 267; Japan, 360 Interrogation of Japanese, 325-328
IN D EX Ipo, 291-297 Irving, MajGen Frederick A, 62-78, 176. See also 24th Inf Div
J Japan, extent of conquests, 11 Japan, occupation of, 333-340. Duties of a regiment, 350-351; special features, 352-358; armed forces demobilization, 354 Joint planning, 39, 61-62, 81-82; Chronicle, 24-25; Cape Gloucester, 27 ; Dexterity, 39-41; Hollandia, 61-62; Aitape, 62; Wakde, 80-81; Morotai, 125; Leyte, 136-137; Mindoro, 199-204; Luzon, 211-219; Olympic and Blacklist, 333340 Jones, Col George M, Ill. See also 503d RCT Jones, MajGen H L C, 36, 260. See also 38th Inf Div Jones, Col Marcus E. See 13th Armored Group
K Kamikazes, 221 Kangleon, Colonel, 174 Kenney, LtGen George C, 8, 56-78, 79105 . See also Allied Air Forces Kennon Road, 228, 260, 299-310 Kiangan, 310-1118 Kinkaid, VAdm Thomas C, 8, 56-78, 79105. See also Seventh Fleet, Allied Naval Forces Kiriwina-Woodlark operation, 19-25 Koemamba group, 79 Krueger, Gen Walter. Asked for by MacArthur, 3; assumes command of Third Army, 4; command experience, 5; relieved from Third Army, 6; assumes command of Sixth Army, 6; assumes command on Goodenough, 23; role in dual command, 76; departure from command, 370-1171. See also Alamo Force, Sixth Army Kurita, Admiral, 163-165 Kuzume, Col Naoyuki, 104
L Lae, 26, 29 Laguna de Bay, 254, 283-288
Lapham, Maj Robert S, 243 LaRue, Col Frank, 7 Lazaretto Task Force. See Gasmata Leaf, Col William N, 69, 77, 323 Lear, LtGen Ben, 5 Leatherback Task Force, 19-25 Legaspi operation 279-282 Lehner, BrigGen Charles R, 24, 77, 323 Leyte campaign, 141-196. Planning, 141144, 148-153; geographical features, 145-147; supply plans, 151-152; move¡ ment to, 154-155; landings, 158-159; enemy defense plans, 159; naval actiom, 163-165; air actions, 165-166; enemy reinforcements, 166, 173-174, 179, 181; supply problems, 168; trans¡ fer to Eighth Army, 186 Libungao, 185 Limon, 175 Lingayen, 223 Loading. See also Supply, Shipping, Ports Logistical problems. Faulty loading, 13; use of railroads, 13; sea transportation, 22; Dexterity, 40, 41; difficulties in supply, 77; Noemfoor, 112; Morotai, 127; classes of supply, 152; Leyte, 168, 183, 190; Luzon, 321-323; Japan, 341344, 359-368 Long Island, 35 Los Banos raid, 254 Los Negros Island. See Admiralties operation Loud, Comdr Wayne R, 220 Louisiana maneuvers, 5 Lumban, 293 Lumsden, LtGen Herbert, 221 Lupao, 256 Luzon campaign, 211-329. Units available, 212-213; troop strength, 213; naval force, 220-222; naval losses, 221; movement to, 221; planning phase, 211-222; amphibious phase, 220-222; Lingayen landings, 223; sidelights on, 321-329; surrender on, 339
M Mabilao, 224 MacArthur, Gen Douglas, 34, 49-50; asks for Krueger, 3; extent of command, 8; returns to Philippines, 162 MacNider, BrigGen Hanford, 54, 135. See also 158th RCT Mahonag, 185
Mail delivery. 77 Malaria control. 6-7. 134. See also Medical services Malasiqui. 225 Malitbog. 183 Mangaldan. 223 Manila. Advance on. 235-245; outskirts reached. 243; battle for. 246-252 Manila Bay, 262-270. 290 Manus Island. See Admiralties operation Marikina. 245 Marine Corps Aviation. Leyte. 179; Luzon. 241. 276 Marine defense battalions. 12th, 19-25; 12th. 28-41 Mariveles, 262-270 Marking's Guerrillas. 295-297 Marshall, Gen George C. 28-29 Marshall. MajGen Richard J . 8 Martin. MajGen Clarence A. 27-41, 7278 Materiel. Japanese. destroyed. 354-355 McGowan, LtJohn R, 49 McLean. Capt John B. 220 McNair. Gen Lesley J , 3 Medical services. Dexterity. 40; Admiralties, 55; Hollandia-Aitape. 68; Aitape. 74; Wakde, 92-93; Biak. 103; Noemfoor. 113; Sansapor. 120; Morotai. 131; Leyte. 191; Mindoro. 206; Luzon. 324; Japan. 363-364 Merrell, Col George. 243 Messes. 134 Metropolitan Road, 290-297 Michaelmas Task Force. See Saidor operation Middelburg Island. 114-121 Military district. 9th. 174 Miller, Capt George F, 243 Miller. Col Luther D. 195 Milne Bay. 11. 24 Mindanao operation. 144 Mindoro campaign. 199-207 Mitita Island. 129 Mitscher, VAdm Marc A. 56-78. See also Task Force 58 Montalban, 275, 277, 291-297 Morale, 133 Morotai operation, 122-132 Morshead, LtGen Sir Leslie, 38 Mount Balidbiran. 293 Mount Baytangan, 292 Mount Cabungaan, 173 Mount Catabaran, 184
Mount Dorst, 289 Mount Lamita, 292 Mount Malepunyo. 283-287 Mount Mapatad, 293 Mount Mataba. 292-294 Mount Oro, 292 Mount Pacawagan. 292-294 Mount Pinatuba, 289-290 Mount Purro, 292 Mount Quitago, 292 Mount Tanauan, 291 Mount Yabang, 292 Mountain Trail, 299-310 Mucci, LtCol Henry A, 237-239. See also 6th Ranger Battalion Mudge, MajGen Verne D. 135.253. See also 1st Cav Div Mullins, MajGen Charles L Jr. See 25th Inf Div Munol. 242, 255 Murray. BrigGen John T, 22 Murtha. Col John T, 205 Muto. LtG en, 325 Myers. BrigGen Donald J, 92-105. See also 40th Inf Div
N Nadzab,26 Nanatian. 225 Nashville. USS, 33, 205 Nasugbu, 239 Natives. See Civil affairs Naval support. Arawe, 30; Cape Gloucester, 33; Hollandia-Aitape, 64; Tanahmerah Bay, 64-65; Humboldt Bay, 66; Aitape. 69; Hollandia, 74; Wakde, 87; Biak, 93-94; Noemfoor, 109-WI; Sansapor, 119; Morotai. 127-128; Leyte, 154-155, 156, 175; Mindoro, 199-207; LUlon, 220-222; Manila Bay, 262-270, 290 New Britain, 26-41 New Guinea, 13 New Guinea Force. 26-41 Ngele Ngele Island, 129 NICA,131 Nichols Field, 249 Nishimura, VAdm, 163-165 Noemfoor operation, 106-113 Northcote, LtGen, 38 Novaliches, 246 Numada, LtGen, 104
o Occupation of Japan. 333-371 Ogden. BrigGen David A D. See 3d ESB Old Spanish Trail. 299-310 Oldendorf. VAdm Jesse B. 220 Olongapo. 235 Olympic Operation. 333-340 Oro Bay. 24 Ormoc. 173. 179. 182-183 Osmelia. Sergio. 162. 252 Owi Island. 97 Ozawa. Adm Jisaburo. 163-165
p Palompon. 181. 185-186 Panaon Island. 158 Pangatian. 237-239 Papua campaign. 11-12 Patrick. MajGen Ed"'in D. 24. 69. 89-105. 106-113. 135. 277. See also 6th Inf Div PCAU. 153. 191-192. 207. 322 Persecution Task Force. See Hollandia. Aitape Persons. MajGen John C. 91-105. 129. See also 31st Inf Div Philippines. First landing in. 156; civil government restored. 162 Phoetlix, USS. 33 Pierce. Col Kenneth. 24, 69. 77. 213 Pinamopoan. 168 Planning. pressure on staff. See also Joint planning Port construction unit. 1054th. 102 I'ort facilities. Australia. 13; Leyte. 190. See also Shipping. Loading Port Sual. 225 Portable surgical hospitals. 2d. 92. 131; 3d. 92. 113; 5th. 131; 11th. 92; 12th, 68. 103; 13th. 131; 15th. 120; 23d. 120. 131; 26th. 68. 103; 27th. 55; 30th. 55 Pozorubbio. 225, 228 Press conferences. 196 Price. Col George S. 77 PTillCt!tOll, USS. 163 Prisoners liberated. 237. 243. 244. 254. 339340
Procurement in Japan. 367- 368 Promotion policies. 135. 324
Q Quarters. 134
R RAAF units. 74. 1l0. 130. 206 Raballi. 19 Rabon. 224. 225 Railroads on Luzon. 229 Ranger battalion. 6th, 156. 174. 237 Raoe Island. 129 Rations. lack of variety, 40 Reckless Operation. See Hollandia.Aitape Reconnaissance. Woodlark. 22; Kiriwina. 22; Cape Gloucester. 27; Gasmata. 27; Admiralties. 47--49. 52; Hollandia¡ Aitape. 60-61; Noemfoor. 108; Sansapor. 117; Morotai. 125 Recreation. 78. 133 Rees. Col James E. 277 Refugees. See Civil affairs Regimental combat teams. 19th. 202-207; 112th. 19-25. 28--41. 71-78. 177. 211329. 333-371; 123d. 91-105; 124th. 7178; 126th. 27--41. 122-132; 127th. 6378; 128th. 38--41; 163d. 62-78. 79--105; 158th. 19--25. 28--41. 79-105. 106-113, 211-329. 279--282. 333-371; 503d. 2641. 109--113. 202-207. 262-270 Regiments. 1st lnt, 181; 41st lnt, 166; 222d lnt, 104. 46th Eng. 19-25; 532d EB&SR. 67. 206; 534th EB&SR. 130; 542d EB&SR. 29-41. 65. 67. 87. 92.102; 543d EB&SR. 119. 120; 544th EB&SR. 130; 592d EB&SR, 45-55; 593d EB&SR. 74, 92. 1l0; 96th Eng GS. 120; 339th Eng GS. 67; 931st Eng Aviation. 67. 130; 21st Inf. 202-207; 34th Inf. 101. 109113; 17th Marines. 28--41; 96th Philip. pine. 181; 16th QM Pack. 41 Reichelderfer. Col Harry. 24. 163. 323 Reid, USS. 179 Religious services. 195 Repatriation of civilians. 356-357 Replacement policies. 76-77. 174, 189--190. 324 Road building. See Engineer operations Rosario. 225 Rotation policies. 77, 324 Ruddock. RAdm T D, 204--207 RlIpertus. MajGen William H. 28-41. See also 1st Mar Div Ryder. MajGen Charles W. See IX Corps
s Saidor operation. 26--41 Salamaua operation. 12, 26. 29
Samar campaign, 144, 145-147, 148-153 San Isidro, 181, 255 San Marcelino, 235 San Juan reservoir, 246 San Manuel, 231-233 San Pablo, 183 Sansapor operation, 114-121 Santa Fe, 258-260, 299-310 Santa Ines, 297 Santa Maria, 242, 293 Santos, Capt Alejo, 243 Sarmi operation, 79-105 Savige, LtGen, 38 Schmidt, MajGen Harry. See VMAC Seabees, 19-25, 45-55, 102 Sears, Col George D, 153 Second Army, 5 Second Battle of the Philippines, 163-165 Security, in early operations, 134 VII Amphibious Force. Dexterity, 26-41; Admiralties, 45-55; Hollandia-Aitape, 56-78; Wakde-Biak, 79-105; Noem¡ foor, 109-11l!; Sansapor, 117; Morotai, 122-132 Seventh Fleet. Dexterity, 26-41; WakdeBiak, 79-105; Leyte, 163-165; Luzon, 211-222 Shaw, USS, 33 Shimbu Line, 273-278, 289-320 Shimizu, Col, 111, 113 Shipping. Faulty loading, 13; difficulties, 22_ See also Supply, Ports, Loading Shore-to-shore operation, defined, 27 Shropshire, HMAS, 33, 73 Sibert, LtGen Franklin C, 79-105, 114-121 , 135. See also 6th Inf Div, X Corps Signal battalion. 99th, 92, 103, 112 Signal construction company. 273d, 103 Signal operations. In SWPA, 13-14; Dexterity, 39; Hollandia-Aitape, 68; Wakde, 92; Biak, 103; Noemfoor, 112113; Leyte, 163; Mindoro, 206; Luzon, 244, 323; Japan, 366-367 Signal operations battalion. 16th, 92 Siniloan, 293 Sixth Army. Staff personnel, 3--4; activation, 3-7; movement overseas, 5-6; Camp Columbia, 6; initial composition, 6; dual role of staff, 10, 76; move to Leyte, 15; plans for Chronicle, 22; combined with Alamo Force, 29; composition in May 1944, 75-76; transportation section, 112; becomes opera-
Sixth Army (cant.) tional, 130; functions of chief of stall, 136; movement to Leyte, 154-155; CP on Wasatch, 162-163; CP on Leyte, 163; Tanauan CP, 170; Tolosa CP, 178; staff operations on Leyte, 195-196; Bonuan Boquig CP, 228; Gerona CP, 243; San Fernando CP, 258; movement to Japan, 341-344, 349; staff sections in Japan, 359-368; inactivation, 369371; officers transferred to, 375-379; major units, 380-381; total casualties, 381-382. See also Alamo Force Skip bombing, 12 SoPac forces, 29 Southern Defense Command, 4 Spruance, Adm Raymond A, 56-78. See also Fifth Fleet Stark, BrigGen Alexander N Jr., 72-78 Starr, Col Edward M, 73 Station hospitals. 82d, 131; 84th, 120; 155th, 131; 172d, 120; 361st, lUI Struble, RAdm A D, 204-207 Sturgis, BrigGen Samuel D Jr, 24, 323 Subic Bay, 235 Suluan Island, 156 Supply. See Logistical problems, Shipping, Ports, Loading Surigao Strait, 164 Sutherland, LtGen Richard K, 8, 79-105 Swift, MajGen Innis P, 45-55, 135. See also 1st Cay Div, I Corps Swing, MajGen Joseph M, 36. See also 11th Airborne Div SWPA. Extent of area, 8; situation in 1943, 8-15; extent of enemy conquest, 11; conditions affecting operations, 12; Allied means available, 12; effect of climate, 13; communications handicaps, 13-14; GHQ locations, 14
T Tabletennis Operation. See Noemfoor Tacloban, 165 Tagaytay Ridge, 239 Tanahmerah Bay, 56-78 Talasea Peninsula, 35 Talaud operation, 141-143 Tank battalion. 44th, 79-105, 232-329 Tank destroyer battalion. 632d, 259-329 Task Force 58, 56-78 Task Force 74, 73
IN D EX Task Force 76, 26-41 Task Force 77, 56--78, 86--105, 109-113, 114121, 122-132 Task Force 78, 119, 154--1 55, 158 Task Force 79, 154-155, 158 Task Group 77.3, 204--207 Task Group 77.12, 204--207 Task Group 78.3, 199-207 Tauali, 27 Third Army, 3, 4, 1180 Third Fleet, 1611-165, 211-222 Thirteenth Air Force, 122-132 XIII Air Task Force, 120 Thirty-fifth Army, 166 Tolibaw. 184 Tomlinson, Col Clarence M, 23 Tradewind Task Force. See Morotai Training, 6 Transportation. See Shipping, Logistical difficulties Transportation, air, 7, 15 Transportation section established, 112 Troop Carrier Group. 317th, 317 Twentieth Air Force, 211-222 Typhoon Task Force. See Sansapor
u Unit of fire, defined, 152 Urdaneta, 228 USAFFE, 8, 14 USASOS, 8, 14, 56--78. 151-152
v Valencia, 184 Villa Verde Trail, 245 , 257-260, 299-310 Visitors, 78, 196, 328-329, 368
Vogelkop Peninsula, 114--121 Volckmann, LtCol Russell W, 243, 1100. See also Guerrilla Forces, North Luzon
w Wacs, 136 Waigeo Island, 114--121 Wakde operation, 79-105 Wasatch, USS, 162-163 Wawa, 291-297 Western Visayan Task Force, 202-207 White, Col Horton V, 29, 325 White, MajGen Ennis C, 47-55, 56-78, 79105, 109-113. See also Fifth Air Force Wilkinson, VAdm Theodore S, 154, 220 Willaumez Peninsula, 35 Wing, MajGen Leonard F, 73-78. See also 43d Inf Div Woendi Island, 97 Woodlark operation. See Kiriwina-Woodlark Woodruff, MajGen Roscoe B, 176. See also 24th Inf Div Wounded, treatment. See Medical Services Wright, 184
y Yamashita, Gen Tomoyuki, interrogated, 325-328 Yokoyama, LtGen, 325-328
z Zambales, 227, 235 Zig Zag Pass, 245, 260-266 Zundel, BrigGen Edwin A, 103
Walter Krueger was born in Germany in 1881 and migrated with his parents to the United States at the age of eight. After service as a volunteer in the Spanish American War, he enlisted in the Regular Army in 1899. He received a commission as a second Lieutenant in 1901. As a junior officer he served in the Philippines and on the Mexican Border. During WWI, he saw action in France with the Tank Corps. In the years between the wars, General Krueger held a variety of command and staff positions. These assignments culminated in comand of the 2nd Infantry Division and the VIII Corps. In May 1941, he was appointed to command the Third Army. In January 1943, General MacArthur requested the services of General Krueger as ground commander in the South West Pacific theater. Thking command of the Sixth Army, General Krueger initiated combat operations in June 1943. He subsequently commanded almost all ground offensives in New Guinea, the Bismarck Archipelago, and the Philippines. Following the surrender of Japanese forces in September 1945, General Krueger led his Sixth Army units to Japan to begin occupation duties. In December 1945 he was relieved of these responsibilities and he soon left for the United States and retirement. He died in 1967.
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