Eagle against the sun : the American war with Japan

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l'7fJ~ First Vintage Books Edition, November 1985 Copyright ÂŽ 1985 by Ronald H. Spector All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House, Inc., New York, and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. Originally published by The Free Press, a division of Macmillan, Inc., in 1984. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Spector, Ronald H ., 1943Eagle against the sun. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. World War, 1914-1918-Campaigns -Pacific Area. 2. World War, 1939-1945-United States. 3. World War, 1939-1945-)apan. 4. United States-History-1933-1945 5. )apan-History-1912 -1945 . 1. Tide. D767.S69 1985b 940.54'26 85-40140 ISBN 0-394-74101-3 (pbk.) Manufactured in the United States of America 3579C864

To the memory of my father, David D. Spector

Contents Acknowledgments





Prelude 1. States of Mind: American


2. States of Mind: Japanese


3. Orange


4. Some Last Minute Changes


5. The Issue Is in Doubt


6. The Short, Unhappy Life of ABDACOM


7. "The Vital Flank"


8. From Midway to Massacre Valley


9. Routes to Rabaul


10. Jungle Victories




12. The Dodging Tide


13. "They Are Waiting for Me There"


14. To the Marianas


15. "A Hell of a Beating"


16. The Road to Myitkyina


17 . Ichigo


18. Strangers in Strange Lands

382 417

19. Where Is Task Force 34?




21. The War of Attrition

445 478

22. From Leyte to Luzon


23. "I Am Become Death, Shatterer of Worlds"


20. Behind the Lines

Bibliographic Note




Acknowledgments The late Professor Louis Morton, editor of the "Wars of the United States" series, selected me to write this volume and approved the initial outline shortly before his death. Although he did not live to see the completed work, it is my hope that the end product would not disappoint him. Many of my colleagues at the Center of Military History, although at times skeptical that the experience of the war with Japan could be meaningfully encompassed within one volume, were kind enough to read and comment on portions of the manuscript. They include Robert W. Coakley, Stanley Falk, Charles MacDonald, Morris J. MacGregor, and Robert Ross Smith. Bernard Nalty of the office of the Chief of Air Force History read a portion of the manuscript and also assisted me in locating relevant Air Force records. John Toland generously gave me access to his extensive notes and files used in the preparation of his prize-winning book, The Rising Sun . Michael Howard and the late Richard Storry discussed the book with me during my brief visit to Oxford in 1978 and Professor Howard kindly read a portion of the first draft. MyoId friends Stephen Peltz and Sadao Asada read parts of the manuscript dealing with Japanese plans and policies. Professor Robert Love of the U.S. Naval Academy read parts of the manuscript and shared with me his unparalleled knowledge of Pacific strategy and World War II Navy politics and personalities. Mr. John Hammond Moore kindly allowed me to use a prepublication draft of his excellent book on G.l.s in Australia, Down Under War. Alexander S. Cochran shared with me the results of his wideranging research in the cryptographic records, the results of which have since been published in the Revue d'histoire de La deuxieme guerre mondiaLe. Thomas C. Hone gave me the benefit of his extensive knowledge of technology and naval policy in the interwar years. Alan R. Millett took time from his own demanding research to give the entire manuscript a thorough reading, as did Peter J. O'Connell, who also helped with the early planning and organization of the book.




The late Charles Romanus introduced me to research in the records of the China-Burma-India theater when I was a young journeyman in the Center of Military History. Although the present results may not have met his exacting standards, I could not have had a better guide. Like many other researchers in the complex and voluminous records of World War II, I have benefited immensely from the knowledge and experience of archivists at various government repositories. At the Naval Historical Center Operational Archives, Dr. Dean Allard, who has been an unfailing help since my graduate days, put his formidable knowledge of World War II at my disposal. I am also grateful to GeriJudkins and Martha Crowley of the Operational Archives Branch and to Mary W olfskill of the Library of Congress. The Naval and old military records branch and the modern military records branch of the National Archives are staffed by men and women whose collective knowledge of World War II and its records is probably unmatched anywhere in the country. I am especially grateful to William Cunliffe, Terry Hammett, Timothy Nenninger, Edward Reese, and John E. Taylor for their invaluable assistance. I am also grateful to Sally Marks of the Civil and Diplomatic branch of the National Archives, for her patience and prompt assistance with my many requests. Mrs. Helene Masson-Bruno cheerfully and patiently typed the many drafts and revisions while also acting as perceptive first-line critic and copy-editor. I am also grateful to my editors at The Free Press--Barbara Chernow, Joyce Seltzer, and Eileen DeWald-who patiently saw the book through its lengthy gestation. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Dianne and my sons Daniel and Jonathan, who have had to live with this book for nine long years. The opinions expressed in this book are mine and should not be construed as those of any of the above-mentioned individuals or of any agency of the U.S. government.


Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATlS),459 Alsop, Joseph, 341 American Volunteer Group, 325 Amphibious Force, Southwest Paci6c, 231 Amphibious Group, 9,515 Amphibious warfare, 25-28, 230', 244, 262-266, 269-273, 303-304, 318319, 389, 527 AMTRAC (Amphibious Tractor), 231 ANAKIM, 342-343, 346, 349 Anarni Korechika, 557 Andaman Islands, 353 Anderson, J. W., 66 Annapolis Naval Academy, 18 Antonov, Alexsey, 553 ANVIL,353

A-GO operation, 292, 306 A-20s, 227 ABDACOM, 127-134,330 Abe Hiroaki, 211-212 Abuku""" 435 Acheson, Dean, 546 Adachi Hawo, 226, 28<>'288 Admiralty Islands, 280-283, 284 Advanced Base Force, 26 Ainsworth, Walden, 234-235 Air Corps Tactical School, 15 Air evacuation, 383, 384 Air Force unitS: JU speci6c unitS Airsols, 243-244, 245, 278 Aitape, 286, 287 AIt4,i, 88-89, 172, 174-175 Akin, Spencer B., 455, 456

Aoblt, 201

Akilsuki, 438

Arakan, 34<>'347, 350

Akiyama Saneyuki, 43 , 44 Akyab Island, 34<>'347 Alamo Force, 232, 242, 290-291, 294 A/uco ..., 310 A/btrl W. Grltnl, 435 Alcohol consumption, 11 Aleutian Islands, 166-167, 176, 178-182 Alexander, Sir Harold, 333 Allied Geosraphical Section, 459-460 Allied Intellisence Bureau (AlB), 458, 466, 467

ArltIbi, 239

Arawe, 24<>'247 ARCADIA Conference, 123-125,327,330 Arizonlt, 5

Armour, Lester, 461 Army Air Corps, 12-17 Army Air Forces, 126 Army Ground Forces, 126 Army Service Forces, 126 Army unitS: Itt speci6c unitS Army War Collese (Japan), 35


574 Arnold, A. V., 427 Arnold, Archibald, 181 Arnold, H. H., 75, 125, 126, 154, 190, 206-209,225, 227, 346, 367, 375, 490,493,539 Asada Sadao, 41 A,agumo, 435 Asiatic Fleet, 129-130 Alloria, 194 Atago, 245, 429 Athletics, 11 Atlanta, 211 Atomic bomb, 550-560 Attu, Island of, 178-182 Auchinleck, Sir Claude). E., 350 Au,tra/ia, 519 Australia, 118, 127, 138, 142-144,216217,255,324 ABDACOM, 127, 131, 132 Gis in, 400--403 Australian Beaufighters, 227 AXIOM,354 B·I0 bombers, 16 B·12 bombers, 16 B·17 bombers, 16, 17,74-75,107,108, 207,227,488 B·24 bombers, 490 B·25 bombers, 153-155,227 B·29 bombers, 279, 280, 298, 301, 320, 365-367,420,488-494,502-506, 539, 554, 555 Ba Maw, 465 Badung Strait, 132 Bagac-Orion line, 112, 113, 116, 135 Bagley, Worth, 451 Bairiki Island, 265 Baker, Newton, 72 Balanced fleet concept, 24 Baldwin, Hanson W., 60, 138,483 Bali, 132 Balikpapan, 131-132 Barbey, Daniel "Uncle Dan;· 232, 241, 283, 384, 396, 426, 427, 527 Barnes, Harry Elmer, 95, 98 Barton, 208 Base construction, 299, 300 Bataan Japanese conquest of, 110-119, 134-135, 139, 447-448 reconquest of, 518, 525 Batun Death March, 396-398 Batavia, 134

Index Battleships, 19,20-21,23-24,47,258 Bay of Bengal, 152 Beard, Charles A., 95 Beck, Leon, 397 Bedell, Henry, 103 Belleau Wood, Battle of, 24 Bellinger, Patrick N., 2 Bellows air base, 5 Benedict, Ruth, 408 Berkey, Russell S., 281 Bernard, Harry, 470 Betio Island, 259, 261, 262,265 BiaI< Island, 278, 289, 291-293 Birmingham, 430 Bismarck Sea, Battle of the, 227-228 Bissell, Clayton, 349 Blacks in armed forces, 386-393, 404-405 Blamey, Sir Thomas, 190, 215, 232 Blandy, W. H. P., 496-499 B/mtd Evtflt, 243 Blockade runners, 114, 115 Bloody Ridge, 198-199,218 Blum, John, 407 Boatner, Haydon L., 334 Boeing Aircraft Corporation, 16 Bogan, Gerald, 430, 437 80i", 131,200, 201 Bombers: Jtt specific bombers Bonin Islands, 305 Bonus Army, 72 Borneo, 76, 82, 128, 131, 526 Bose, Subhas Chandra, 465 Bougainville Island, 224, 226, 239, 242247,278,283-284,456 Boyington, Gregory, 406 Bradley, James L., 427 Bradley, Omar, 418 Bratton, Rufus, 94, 95 Breakneck Ridge, 514-515 Brereton, Lewis, 107-108, 339 Brett, George, 159 Brett, James, 150 Brink, Francis G., 356 Brooke, Sir Allan Francis, 254 Brooks, Roland, 4 Brougher, William E., 119 Brown, Albert E., 180-181 Brown, Rothwell H., 357 Brown, Wilson E., 18, 104, 149, 150 Browning, Miles E., 169 Bruce, Andrew D ., 320, 516, 517, 535 Bruce, David, 461

Index BUCCANEER. 3B. 3~4 Buck. Pearl S .• 32~ Buckner. Simon Bolivar.Jr.• 178-179. ~32~3~. ~40

Buell. Thomas. 146.312 Buhler. James. 237 Bullitt. William c.. ~9~ Buna Governmenl Station. 188-189. 214217 Burke. Arleigh. 148.312.423.433 Burke. Harold].. ~ 37 Burma. 62. 82. 127. 133. 2~~. 277. 32~. 327-334. 336. 339-343. 346-348. 3~3-362. 370. 371.464-466 Burma Independence Army. 331 Burma Road. 327. 332. 3~4. 3~~ Bush. Vannevar. ~51 Byrnes. James F.• ~46. ~~6. ~~7 CABONAOO.378 Cacms Air Force. 198 Cairo Conference. 3~2-3H Caldwell. Howard H .• 24~ Cali/ornia, ~. ~ 19 Callaghan. Daniel].. 186.211.212 Canada. 143 Canberra, 194. 424 Cape Esperance. Battle of. 200--201. 211 Cape Gloucesler. 22~. 226. 246-247 Carigara. 513-514 Carlson. Evans S.• 264 Carney. Robefl B .• 410. 433 Caroline Islands. ~~. ~7. 67. 147. 2~2. 2~3. 2~~. 280 Carpender, Aflhur. 214 Carrien.20,22-23.46.48. 148. 149.2~72~8

Caflmill. Cleve. ~~O CARTWHEEL. 226. 232-248, 2~~. 276 CasablancaConference. 180. 220--223. 2~2. 2~~. 342, ~4~ Callin, 6 CAST. 449. 451 Cales. Cliflon B .• 19~ Caval"', 310 Cebu Island. ~27 Celebes Islands. 132 Celebes Sea, 128 Cenlral Bureau. 4~~-457 Central Pacific Force reserves. 271 Ceylon. 1~1. 1~2 Chase. William c.. 281-283. ~21. ~2~

Chennaull. Claire Lee. 342. 346. 348 141h Air Force and. 349. 3~0. 36~-367. 492 intelligence and. 463 plans and IaClics of. 16. 198. 32S. 341 relief of. 3 7S-3 76 Chiang. Madame. 461 Chiang Kai-shek. 326. 348. 366-373. 377. 463.492 Burma and. 339-340. 346. 368 al Cairo Conference. 3S2-3B India and. 335. 336 Slilwell and. 329. 331. 332. ~38-339. 342. 367-369 as Supreme Commander. China Thealer. 327. 328 Cbicago, 194 China. 143.324-342. 346-3SS. S60. S61 B-29s based in. 489-492 CABONAOO. 378 Icbigo, 36~-367. 370--371. 377 inlelligence in. 461=463 Lend-Lease. 32~. 327. 329. 339 Wedemeyers effoflS in. 374-379 China Incidenl. 63. 64. 77 Chindils. 348. 3~~. 3~6. 3S9 Chinese CommunislS. 376-378.462 Cbi/ou, 431.438 Cbiyoda, 431 Choiseul raid. 244 Cho""i, 194 Chou En-lai. 377 Cbrysan/hemum and /bt Sword, Tbt (Benedicl),408 Chu Teh. 377 Churchill. Sir Winslon. 142. 144. 3~1. 3~9 alomic bomb and. ~S2. SH. ~~9 Burma and. 349. 3S0. 373 al Cairo Conference. 3S2-3S4 al Casablanca Conference. 220. 222 India and. 33~. 337. 348. 3~0 al Potsdam Conference. H6. ~~2 Roosevell. talks with. 68. 123. 124 al TRIDENT ' meeting. 2~4 Clark. Bennett ChamP. 398 Clark. Mark. ~29 Clark Field. 107. 108. ~20. S21 Clarkson. Percy. S28-~29 "Claude" fighter. 46 Coastwalcher service. 4~8-4S9 Codebreaking: Itt Intelligence Cole. Eli K .• 27 Collins.]. Lawton. 237-238

576 Columbia, 519

Combat conditions. 382-386 Combat fatigue, 236 Combined Chiefs of Staff, 125, 220-222, 276-279.351 Combined Fleet Oapanese), 151-153, 156. 168, 209-211, 271-272, 428-429. 431 Commando operations, 458, 460 Communications Security Unit (OP-20-G), 448-451,454,455 Compton. Arthur H ., 551 Conolly, Richard L., 269, 270, 302 Cooke, Charles E., 127, 185, 187,224 Coral Sea. Battle of the, 158-163,166,173. 191,449 CORONET, 542 Corregidor, 112 Japanese conquest of. 13 5-13 7 MacArthur on, 110, 115 MacArthur's escape from, 139. 434 reconquest of, 525-526 Corsairs. 229 Coward, Jesse B., 435 Crace,]. G ., 158, 159, 161 Cravm, 239 Cripps, Sir Stafford, 335 Cruisers, 19,20, 21,23,24,45.46 Crutchley, V. A. c., 191 , 193 Cruzen, Richard H., 435 Cunningham, Julian W., 246 Cunningham, Winfield Scott, 102, 105-106 Currie, Lauchlin, 339 Curtis, John, 190 Czechoslovakia, 59 D·Argenlieu. Georges Thierry, 406-407 Darkr, 429 Davies, John Paton, 334, 352, 405 Davison, Ralph E., 432 De Gaulle, Charles, 407, 470 Dt Ruyltr, 134 De Weldon, Felix, 502 Deboyne, Island of, 157 Decoux, Jean, 469 DESDIV 12,239 Destroyer Squadron 54, 435 Destroyers, 19.20,23,24.45,46 DetaChment 101 (OSS), 464 Devastator torpedo planes, 148, 150 Devereux, James P. S., 102. 105-106 Dewey, George, 54-56 Dewitt, John L., 12, 100, 178, 181 . 409 Deyo, Morton L., 538

lrukx Dill, Sir John, 340 Disease, 382. 383, 399 Dixie Mission. 377-378 Doe, Jens A .• 286, 287. 289 Donovan, William J., 460-463 Doolittle,James H., 154. 155.349,488 Doonnan, K. W. F. M.• 132-134 Dorn, Frank, 353 Douglas, Sir Shulto, 351 Douglas Dauntless bombers, 148. 172 Douhet, Guilio, 13. 15 Downts, 6

DOWNFALL, 542 Draemel, Milo F., 105 Driscoll, Mathew, 537 Drum, Hugh A., 12.328-329 Du Bose, L. T., 425 Duncan, Donald B.• 154 Dunkel, William c., 518 Dunlop, 239 Dupuy, R. Ernest, 487 Dutch East Indies: Itt Netherlands Indies Dutch Harbor, 166. 176, 178 Dyess, William E., 398 Eareckson, William D., 259 Early, Jubal A., 527 Eastern Solomons, Battle of the, 196 Eddleman. Clyde, 283 Edson, Merritt A., 199,265 Eichelberger, Robert L., 146.216,286, 287, 292, 522. 526, 527 Eifer, Carl. 464 810th battalion, 388 81lth battalion, 388 18th Army, 287-288 18th Division, 355, 357, 360 Eighth Air Force, 541 Eighth Army, 522, 526-528 8th Cavalry Regiment, 523 Eighth Marine Division. 264-265, 304 81st Division, 421 Einstein, Albert, 550-551 Eisenhower, Dwight D ., 116. lI8. 137, 146,147,351-352 E1 Alamein, 221 11th Air Force, 527 11th Airborne Division, 522. 524 XI Corps, 524-525 Ellice Island, 253 Elliott, George Fielding, 60, 487 Ellis, Earl H ., 26-27 Embick, Stanley D ., 58



Empress Augusta Bay, Batde of, 244 Engebi Island, 272 Engineers, 299-300 Eniwetok Atoll, 269, 271-273, 316 Enola Ga,. 555 EnltrpnI•• 2, 23, 104, 149, 154, 169, 173, 115-177,196,211 Erskine, Graves B., 302 E'sux<lass carriers, 257 Etajima naval academy, 49 Evans, Arthur Reginald, 459 Ewa Marine Air Station, I, 5,6 Ewell, Julian, 527 Extltr. 133 Ezaki Yoshio, 2111. 282 F4F·3 Wildcat, 102, 103 F4 U Corsair, 229 F6F Hellcat, 178, 257-258 F6FSN Hellcat, 258 Fabian, Rudolph, 188 Falk, Stanley, 88 Fechteler, William, 281 Feldt, Eric A., 458 Ferebee, Thomas, 555 Fertig, Wendell W., 467 Fife, J. R., 455 5th Air Force, 243, 287, 512 V Amphibious Corps, 258, 302, 315, 495496 Fifth Fleet, 257, 258, 300, 539 Fifth Marine Division, 495-496, 500, 502 5ht Division, 113, 226, 228 Fifcy-seventh Infantry, 112 Fighter planes, 16, 46-47: Jtt "Iso specific fighters Fiji Islands, 151, 390 Finschhafen, 226, 241-242 Firefighting, 537 First Air Fleet, 48 First Battalion Oapanese), 137 Fine Banalion, Seventh Marines, 210 Fine Cavalry Division, 281, 427, 428,513, 521-524, 528 I Corp$, 112, 135, 520, 524, 528 ht Division, 511, 514 First Marine Defense Battalion, 102-103 First Marine Division, 186, 191, 195,213, 247,385,386,401,420-421,534, 535 ht Provisional Marine Brigade, 302, 319 Fitch, Aubrey W., 18, 159 503d Parachute Infantry Regiment, 294

503d Regimental Combat Team, 525 509th Composite Group, 554 51 hh Parachute Regiment, 522 5307th Provisional Regiment, 355-360 5329th Air and Ground Forces Resources and Technical Staff (AGFRTS), 463 Five Power Washington Treacy, 20-21 Flamethrowers, 237, 501, 540, 544 Fleet Faction, 39-41 Fleet Marine Force, 27 Fleet Radio Unit, Melbourne (FRUMEL), 454-455 Fleet Radio Unit, Pacific (FRUPAC), 449450,458 Fletcher, Frank Jack, 18, 104, 105, 149, 15S-162, 169, 173, In, 191, 192, 194, 196 Flying Tigers, 325, 488 Fong.Hsien-Chueh, 366 Food, 197, 385-386, 399 Formo".86,88,107,418-420,424,425, 494 Forrestal, E. P., 258 Forrestal,James V., 501. 546, 549, 556 Fort Stocsenburg, III 4ht Division, 233, 286 43rd Division, 235-238 48th Division, 112 14th Air Force, 349, 350, 365-367, 375, 463, 472, 492 Fourteenth Army (Japanese), 109, 117 14th Army (U.S.), 372-373 XIVCorp$, 213, 520, 521, 528 14th Indian Division, 347 Fourth Army (Chinese), 366 Fourth Brigade, 24 IV Corps, 372-373 Fourth Marine Division, 269. 301-302, 304,313,316,495-496,500,502 Fourth Marine Regiment, 136-137 France, 59~3, 68 Franklin. 536, 537 French Frigate Shoals, 169 French Indochina, 468, 469-472 Friedman, William F., 446 Fubuki. 201

Fuchida Mitsuo, 4 Fuchs. Klaus, 554 Fukudome Shigeru, 83, 153, 424, 430 Fuller, Horace H., 286, 287, 292 Funk, 135 Furuta". 201



Fushimi Hiroyasu, 41 Fuso. 429, 43-5 GALAHAD, 355, 360 Gallipoli, Battle of, 2G G.",.i" 439 Gandhi, Mobaodu K., 335, 336 Gauu,~e, 326, 377 Gavutu. 184, 191-192 GBT sroup, 470 Geiaer, Roy S., 198, 302, 534 Genda Minoru, 79-81, 84, 88 Gerow, Leonard T., 74 Ghormley, Robert L., 18, 144, 186-187, 191, 192, 194, 196, 199,200,206, 209,407 Gilbert Islands, 149,252,253,255-267, 276 Gill, William H ., 287 Glassford, W. A., 131 ~, 214, 215, 216 Gordon, Laurance, 470 Goto Ariromo, 156,200-201 Grant, Ulyues s., 222 Great Britain, 5~7, 86-88 ABDACOM, 127, 131-133 ARCADIA Conference, 123-125 Burma and, 327-333, 336, 339-343, 346-349,353,361-362,371-374, 378-379 Cairo Conference, 352-353 India and, 333-338, 348, 350 intelligence and, 456 Malaya and, 128-129, 131,336,348, 378-379 QUADRANT Conference, 351 Ipheres of responlibility, 142-144 Great Depression, 21, 35 Greenslass, David, 554 Grew, Joseph, 546 Griswold, Oscar W., 236-238, 283, 524, 528 Gruber, William, 333 Guadalcana1, 186, 190-201,205-214, 217-218,229,238,340 intelligence reportS and, 453, 459 Matanikau attack, 210 naval enpaemenlS, 192-195,200-201, 211-214 lupplies and reinforcemenlS, 207-208 U.S. invwon of, 184-185, 190-192 Guam, 20, 54, 55, 82,88,301, 307 Japenese conquest of, 101, 106


Guam-Co,,';.. u'" neial disturbance on, 391-392 reconquest of, 319-320 GuJ,,,,... 483 Guerrilla warfare, 458, 460, 462, 464, ~

468 H",i":t. 239 Hahn, Otto, 550 Halifax, Lord, 87, 99 Hall, Charles P., 287, 288, 525 Halsey, William F., 18,22, 146, 149, 154, 158,253,419,424-426 CARTWHEEL operation, 231, 232, 237, 244-246 Guadalcana1 operation, 209, 213, 214 leadership Ityle, 423 Leyte operation and Task Force 34, 428, 431-433,437-442,512,517 Rabaul and, 223-226 HUlla8UChi Osachi, 41 Hankow Miuion, 491-492, 503 Han.. Bay, 284, 285, 287 Hansell, Haywood S., 493 Hardins, Edwin, 214, 216 Harmon, Millard F., 199,200,207,209, 223, 224, 236 Han, Thomas C., 18,87,129-132,136, 478-480 H,,"' .... 431 Hasepwa KiYOlhi, 548 Ham Shunrolru, 62 Hawkins, William D., 263

H"Yllk. 102-103 Heavy, Willillln F., 232, 241 Heinrichs, Waldo, 21 Htlm.. 200-201,235 Helfrich, Contld E. H ., 129, 131, 132 HellcalS, 178,257-258,309-310,430 Hendenon, Lofton, 171-172, 195 Henderson Field, 195-197,205,209-212 Herrins, Edmund, 215 Hester, John H., 234-236, 238 Hickam Field, I, 5,6

Hili. 212 Hipshikuni, Prince, 558 Hill, Harry W., 2ro-263, 271, 272, 318, 319,496 Hirap Yuzuru, 45 Hirohito, Emperor, 33-34, 36-37, 77-78, 86,87,99,545-546,548,556-557 Hiroshima, 555, 556, 559 Hi"... 104, 105, 172, 175, 177


Hider, Adolf, 59, 60, 68 Hiyo, 311 Ho Chi Minh, 471 Hobby, Oveta Culp, 393, 395 Hodge, John R., 513, 517, 534 Holland, Elmer ]., 452 Holland, Major, 260-261 Hollandia, 284-289, 456 Holmes, Wilfrid]., 188, 458 Homma Masabaru, 109, 110, 112, 116, 117,134-136,139 Hong Kong, 82, 128,254 Honshu, 542, 543 Hoover, Herbert, 21, 25 Hoover,John E., 257 Hopkins, Harry, 341, 346, 546 Hori Teikichi, 40, 41 Horii Tomitaro, 189, 214 Horn.I, 153-155, 169, 173, 176, 177, ~()(), 211 Hosogaya Boshiro, 166, 178-180 Hospitals, 383-384 HouJlO", 132, 133, 134,424 Huff, Sidney L., 115 Huks, 467 Hull, Cordell, 6, 63, 67-68,77,85,86, 95,487,488 Hundred RegimentS Offensive, 376 Hunter, Charles N., 359 Hurley, Patrick]., 115,368-369,377,492 Hyakutaka Harukichi, 192, 196,209,283284 Hyuga, 431,432 l-class submarine, 481, 483 'T' operation, 229 Irhigo, 365-367, 370-371, 377

Ichiki Force, 196 Ichiki Kiyono, 196 Ilu River, 196, 218 Imperial General Headquarters, 49 Imperial Military Reserve Association, 34 Imperial Way faction, 35, 37 Imphal, 361, 371 Incendiary bombs, 491-492, 503-504 l"dtpmJmc., 437 l"dtpmJmct-class light carriers, 257 Ind~,

333-338, 348, 350 GIs in, 403-406 intelligence in, 463-464 Indian OCean, 152 Indochina, 62, 64, 68, 86-88, 327, 468, 469-472; Itt auo Netherlands Indies; specific countric:s Indonesia, 465, 466

579 I,,/amy (Toland), 97-98 Ingersoll, Royal E., 64 Inoue Shigeyoshi, 40, 48, 64, 102, 151, 155-156 Insoemanai Island, 289 Intelligence, 85, 86, 100, 445-472 in Burma, 464 in China, 461-463 coastwatchers, 458-459 Guadalcanal and, 453, 459 gueril~, 458,460,462, 464,466-468 in Ind~, 463-464 in Indochina, 470-472 Midway and, 168,450-451 Pearl Harbor and, 94-95 POrt Moresby operation and, 157-158 resistance activities, 468-471 in Siam, 468-469, 471 submarines and, 485 translaton, 457-459 Interrogation of prisonen, 457, 459 Inukai Tsuyoshi, 36 lpo Dam, 528 Irrawady River, 332, 372, 373 Irvi~, Frederick A., 286, 427 Isaacs, Harold, 405 1st, 431,432 Ishiwara Kanji, 35, 38 Isolationism, 63 Italy, 60, 64, 254, 255, 277, 529 Ito Hirobumi, 44 Ito Seiichi, 153 Iw.bachi Sanji, 523 IwoJima, 182,276,527,555 U.S. assault on, 494-503

Jackson, Stonewall, 527 Jaluit, 267 James, D. Clayton, 418 Japanese-Americans, 408-409 Japanese Flag Officen Code, 449 Jannan, Sanderford, 314 ja"';I, 208

Java, 132, 134, 466 ja~a, 134 Java Sea, Battle of, 133-134 Jellicoe,John Rushworth, 312, 434 Jinnah, Muhammed Ali, 335-336 jinlI", 197, 235 IN-25,449 jOh"II.", 437 Johnston, Stanley, 451-452 Johnston Island, 147

580 Joint Army and Navy Board, 27, 55-59, 66,67, 101, 124 Joint Chiefs of Staff, 125, 142-145, 147, 185, 186, 27~280, 285, 340, 367, 461,462, 489, 5~I, 553 Joint Intelligence Center, Pacific Ocean Areas, 457, 458 Joint Staff Planners, 125-126 Joint Strategic Sutvey Committee, 126, 284 Joint U.S. Strategic Committee, 253 Joint War Plans Committee, 126, 254 Jomard Passage, 159, 160 Jones, Albert M., 110 jun,au. 208 Jutland, Battle of, 19, 147,312 Kachin Rangers, 356, 359,464 Kaga. 172, 174-175 Kahn, David, 98 /(alt.o. 194 Kalcuta Kalcuji, 176, 307 Kamikaze attacks, 410, 440-441, 512, 51~ 520. 533, 535-539, 543, 555, 559 Kaminski, Harold. 4 Kaneohe air base, I, 6 Kangleon, Ruperto, 467 "Kate" torpedo bombers. 46 Kato Kanji, 39,41 Kato Tomosaburo, 38, 39, 40 Kavieng airfield. 224 Kawaguchi Kiyotake, 19~199 K4wa/t.azt. 239 Kawasaki, 505 Kennedy, John F., 434, 459 Kenney, George c., 146,216, 224, 22~ 227,243,280,281,286,287,489 Keyes, Sir Roger, 26 Kido Koichi, 547, 548, 557 Kilduff, Thomas A., 537 Kimmel, Husband E., 1-4, 18,93-98,101, 103-104, 106 Kimura Hoyotaro, 372 King, Edward P .• 135 King, Ernest].. 22, 125, 147, 149, 154, 185, 187, 208, 223, 225, 423, 432 , 451,462,493,539,541,542 Anakim and, 342-343 at Casablanca Conference, 221-222, 224 on Central Pacific advance, 252-253, 25~257, 259-266, 27~2RO character and personaliry, 12~127 on Formosa, 41~20 Guadalcanal operation, 206

lrnkx King, Ernest J .-Conlinu,d Marshall and. 225 Nimitz and, 146 at TRIDENT meeting, 255 Kinkaid, Thomas c., 18, 146, 179-181, 281,286,422,426,432-435,437. 439,441,442,515,527 Kinryu Maru. 196. 197 Kirilbi"",. 212 Kiriwina Island, 225, 226, 232. 233 Kiska, Island of, 17~180 Kiwono Toyozo, 286 Knox, Frank. 6,61-62. 85,93,95, 213, 342,488 Kobe, 504, 505 Koga Mineichi, 242-245 Kohima.361 Koiso Kuniaki, 547 Kokoda trail, 189,214 Kolombangara Island, 237, 23~239 Komandorski Islands, Battle of the, 179180 Kon operation, 292 Kondo. 175-176 Kondo Nobutake, 167, 196,210-212 Konoye Fumimaro, 62, 75-77, 82, 547 Korlman'. 133 Krueger, Walter, 12, 232, 242, 281, 290, 292,422,513-517,520-521,526, 528, 529, 542 Krulak, Victor H., 244 Kula Gulf, 234-235 Kuribayashi Tadamichi, 494-495, 527 Kurile Islands, 422, 553 Kurita Taken, 429, 430-433, 436, 437, 439-441 Kuroshima Kameto, 79, 166 KusakaRyunosuke,80-8I,84,88 Kuzume Naoyuki, 291 Kwajalein Atoll, 267-271 Kyoto, 554-~55 Kyushu, 539, 542-544

Lae, 150-151, 156, 188,226,240-241 La.ff", .537 laGuardia, Fiorello, 25, 101 Lamon Bay, 110 Landrum, Eugene M., 181 Lane, Rufus M., 26 Lanphier, Thomas G., Jr., 230 laurel, Jose, 465 layton, Edwin T., 147,229-230 LCI (landing Craft Infantry), 231


LCf (Landing Craft Tank), 231 LCVP (Landing Craft Vehicles and Personnel), 231, 259 League of Nations, 36 Leahy, William 0 .,125, 417,419,543,546 Lear, Ben, 12 LedoRoad, 333-334, 340, 350, 353-355, 361, 370, 388 Lee, Willis A., 212, 308, 309, 432, 437 Leeson, R. A., 434 Lejeune, John A., 24, 25, 26 leMay, Curtis E., 490-491 , 493, 504, 505 , 539 Lend-Lease, 66,221,325,327,329,339, 368 Leonski, Edward, 402 Leslie, Alan G., 263 Leutze, James, 88 Ltxinglon, 2,20, 23, 104, 150, 158, 159, 161-162 Leyte, 419 U.S. invasion of, 422, 426--428,511-517 Leyte Gulf, Batlle of, 428-442,511,513, 520 Liaison Conference, 49-50 Liddell Hart, B. H ., 15 Lindsey, Eugene E., 174 Lingayen Gulf, 518--520 Lingga Roads, 422 Linlithgow, Lord , 335 Linn, George, 446 Lippmann, Walter, 117 Liscomb Bay, 267 Liversedge, Harry , 234, 237, 238 Lloyd, W. L., 347 Lockwood, Charles A., 484 London Naval Conference of 1930, 20, 21, 479 Lone Tree Hill , 290-291 , 294 Long, 519 Long, Gavin, 117 , 139 Los Negros Island, 281 Louisville, 519 Love, Edmund G., 315 Low, Francis S., 154 LST (Landing Ship Tank), 230-232 Luce, Claire Booth, 332-333 Luzon, 424 , 426, 494 U.S. invasion , 418-420, 517-530 Japanese conquest of, 108--109 LVT (Landing Vehicle Tracked), 231, 259 LVTA (Armored amphibian tractor), 303 Lytton Commission, 36

581 M-4 tanks, 544 M-69, 491--492 Maas, Melvin).. 25 MacArthur, Arthur, 285 MacArthur, Douglas, 125, 158, 189, 190, 395, 540 Admiralry Islands operation, 281-284 Bataan, retreat to, 111-113, 114, 117119, 135 CARlWHEEL operation, 226, 232, 233, 240-242, 246 on Central Pacific drive, 255-256, 276, 278--280 character and personaliry of, 72-75, 145 on Corregidor, 110, 115 on discrimination against blacks, 391 escape from Corregidor, 139, 434 Hollandia operation, 284-286, 288, 456 intelligence activities, 447, 455--457, 460 invasion of Japan plan, 541-542 Japanese air attack on Clark Field, 107108 Japanese surrender and, 559-560 Leyte, invasion of, 422, 426, 427, 512, 515, 517 Luzon, invasion of, 418-420,517,518, 520, 521, 524, 529-530 Marshall and, 118 Mindoro, invasion of, 515 , 517 Nimitz and, 285 Papuan campaign, 215-217 Pearl Harbor meeting, 417--418 plan for defense of Philippines, 73-75, 109, 138 public opinion of, 117-118 Quezon's gift to, 115-116 Rabaul and, 185, 223, 225, 226, 276 recalled to active service, 69-72 Roosevelt and, 117, 118, 125 southern Philippine campaign, 526-527 Southwest Pacific Theater command, 144-146 WATCHTOWER operation, 186-187 MacArthur, Mrs. Douglas, 285 MacKechnie, Archibald R., 233 MacLeish, Archibald, 460, 546 MacLemore, Henry, 409 MacMorris, Charles "Soc," 147 Madang, 226, 240 Madigan, Michael).. 551 "MAGIC" intercepts, 454, 549 Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 19,33,43,47,58, 293



Majuro Atoll. 268. 271 Makassar Strait. 128 Maid. John M.• 408 Makin. 259. 261. 266-267. 316 M~ya.68. 75. 76.&2.83. 88.127-129. 131. 139. 336. 378-379.465 Maloelap. 267. 269 Manchester. William. 529 Manchuko. 35 Manchuria. 35-38. 129. 553 Mand~y. 372. 373 "Manhattan" project. 551 Manila. 107. 110-111.518.520-524 Manila Bay. 55. 57. 73 MII"i'"



Mao Tse-runS. 326, 376. 377 Mllrbltbtlld. 131. 132 Marcus Island, 258 Mariana Islands. 20. 55. 57.253,279,280, 285,293.301-320.420,492.493 Marine Corps Expeditionary Force, 26 Marine Corps Schools. 26, 27 Marine Corps uniu: S" Specific uniu Mark-14 torpedo, 130.484-485 Mark-17 torpedo, 485 MARS Force, 370. 373 Marshall. Georse c.. 2. 10, 12. 17, 18,62. 67, 74. 86, 146. 178-179. 185. 208. 223,278, 328-329. 341. 342. 367. 368,373.375,411,488.541,545. 546.553 ABDACOM and. 125-128 at Casablanca Conference. 220. 221 Kina and. 225 MacArthur and, 118 Pearl Harbor and, 95, 97 Philippines and, 114 Plan Oos and, 66 at TRIDENT meetinss. 254 Marshall. Richard J.. 115 Marshall Islands. 55. 57.67,88.101,149, 252.253.255-257.260, 267-273. 276, 279 Martin, Frederick L.• 2 Marumo Kuninovi, 160 Maruyama Masai. 210 Mllry"'"d. 261-263

Massacre Valley, 180-181 Matanikau. 2 \0 Mauuoka Yosuke, 62, 65, 68 MATTERHORN, 489, 490

Mllury. 239

179, 245, 429 McAfee. Mildred. 394 McCain. John S., 193,426,438.439 McCampbell, David, 430 McClure, Robert B.• 374 McCollum, A. H .• 455 McCoy, Melvin H .• 398 McHush.James M.• 341-342 McMorris. Charles H., 105. 179-180,280. 417 McNair. Leslie J.. 126 Medical treatment. 383-384 Mellnik, Steve H., 398 Merrill. Frank. 356-359, 369 Merrill, M. Stanton, 244 Merrill's Marauders. 356-360, 464 Meynier. Robert. 470 Mil",.

Michishi•• 435

Midway Island, 147, 149. 152 intellisence and, 168,450-451 Japanese attack on, 151-153. 167-177. 191 Mikawa Gunichi. 192-194 Miltumll. 176

Miles. Milton E., 461-463. 470 Mille. 267 Milne Bay, 190.218,229 Mindanao, 419, 424. 527 Mindoro. 515, 517-518 Mitchell, William "Billy," 13-15.21-22, 228 Miucher, Marc Ao. 269. 271-272. 302. 303,305.307-311,423,432.433. 437,438,538 Miyo Tauukichi. 152 MO operation. 449 Mobile supply squadrons, 300 Moft'ett. William Ao. 22 M'gllmi. 176, 245, 435 Mollison. Po Vo. 233 Moluccas Islands. 294 Mont Blanc. Battle of. 24 Mom,somery, Alfred Eo, 245, 257 Moore, Charles "Carl" J.. 258, 268, 423 Moosbruaer, Frederick, 239 Morsenthau, Henry. 93. 487-488 Morison. Samuel Eliot. 83, 88, 106, 192, 276,499 Morolai Island. 294 Morton. Louis. 145 Mountbatten. Lord Louis. 351-354, 356. 371.373


Inlkx Mudge, Verne D., 282, 427, ~21 Munda Point, 234-238 Musllshi, 47, 293, 429, 431 Myirkyina, 3B, 3~~, 3~6, 3~9-361, 370, 464 Myolto, 431 Nllchi, 179, 43~ Nagano Osami, 76, 78. 82. 1~3 Nagasalci, ~~~, ~~6 Nagata Tetsuzan, 3~ NlIgllto, 431 Nagoya, ~03, ~O~ Nagumo Chiiichi. 80. 84. 88. 99. I ~2, I ~3. 167.169-172.175 Namur Island. 269-270 Napalm. 491-492 Nara Akira. 112-113 Nllshvillt, 518 Nassau Bay. 233 National Defense Woman's Association. 34 Nauru Islands. 2~6. 2~9 Naval General Staff (Japanese). 39. 41. I ~ I. 1~3

Naval War College. 19. ~7. 479 Navy Ministry (Japanese). 39.41 Navy unitS: Stt specific units Ndeni operation. 199-200.209 Nehru. )awaharlal. 33~. 336. 46~ Nemura Kichisaburo. 38 Ntoslxl, 160. 162 Netherlands. 60. 62. 63. 86-88.127.129. 132-133, 143 Netherlands Indies. 46. 62. 68. 75. 76.82. 83. 127. 129. 131-134.330; Stt II/so specific countries Nevil"", ~

New Britain Island. I~O. 1~6. 18~. 22322~. 246 New Caledonia. I~I. lB. 208. 390. 406407 New Fourth Army Incident. 376 New Georgia. 223. 226. 233-239. 267 New Guinea. 127. 138.1~~151.1~~-16O. 18~-19O. 214-217. 28~-294 New Ireland. 224 Ntu/ Jersey, 271. 428 Ntu/ Mtxi,o, ~ 19 New Zealand. 142-144 Night 6ghting. 46. 132. 133-134. 2~ 201. 308

Nimitz. Chester W.• 18. ~7. 104. 106. 18~187. 191.206.209. 223. 22~. 229230. 24~. 2~3.4~1. ~03. ~39. ~40 Central Paci6c drive. 279. 280. 28~ character and personality, 146 Coral Sea. Battle of the. 1~8. 162 Gilbens operation. 2~6. 2H Hollandia operation. 28~-286 invasion of )q>an and. HI. H2. ~44 King and. 146 Leyte operation. ~ 12 Luzon operation. 420 MacArthur and. 28~ Marianas operation. 273 Manhalls operation. 267. 268. 271 Midway operation. 168. 169 mobile supply bases and. 300 Paci6c Ocean Areas command. 144-147 Palaus operation. 420. 421 Pearl Harbor meeting. 418 Task Force 34. 438. 442 93d Division. 388 96th Infantry Division. 427. 428. ~ 13. B4B~

Ninth Australian Division. 241-242 Ninth Cavalry. 386 9th Marine regiment. 319 Nisei. 4~9 Nishimura Shoji. 429. 431-432. 434. 439 Noemfoor Island. 294 Nomonhan defeat. 37 Nomura Kishisaburo. 67~8. 84. 9~ Norden bombsight. I ~ North Africa. 221. 2~4. 339. 340 North Cllro/i"", 24 Noumea.208 Nourse. Edith. 393


Obayashi Sueo. 307 OCTAGON Conference. 419 Office of Chief of Naval Operations. 127 Office of Naval Intelligence. 1~7 Office of Strategic Services (OSS). 460-464. 468.469.471 Office of War Information. 461 Oikawa Kojiro. 42 Oishi TamotSu. 80. 81 Okada Kasuke. H7 Okinawa. 276. 421. 424. ~~~ battle for. B2-HO. ~43 Oltlllho""" ~ Oldendorf.)esse B.• 434-43~. 519-~20

584 Olongapo. 54-55. 135. 525 OLYMPIC. 542 Ommant] Bay. 519 Omori Sentaro; 244 105th Infantry. 266 106th Infantry. 272 112th Cavalry. 246. 288 158th Infantry. 528 158th Regimental Combat Team. 290. 294 162d Infantry. 291-292 163d Regimental Combat Team. 287. 289 164th Infantry. 205. 210 165th Regimental Combat Team. 266 Onishi Takijiro. 440. 441 Operation LANDGRAB. 180 Operation RO. 243-245 Operations Division (OPD). 126 Oppenheimer. J. Robert. 552 Orange Plan. 44.55-59.66.73. 110.252. 255. 267. 279 Ormoc. 511. 512. 514. 515. 517 Osaka. 505 Osumi Mineo. 41 OVERLORD. 277. 278. 353 Ozawajisaburo. 152.306-311.422.425. 431. 432. 43S-441 P-38 " Lighmings." 207. 228-229. 230 P-39s. 207 P-40Bs. 17. 325 P-40s. 107. 108. 198.447-448 Pacific Fleet. 144. 145. 147-149.256-258 Pacific Military Conference. 223-225 Pacific War Council. 143 Pakistan. 336 Palau Islands. 285. 419. 420-421 Palawan Island. 526. 527 Panay. 527 Panay incident. 63-Q4. 88 Papua. 214-217 Parker. George M .• 112. 113 Parry Island. 272 Patch. Alexander M .• 213. 214. 406. 407 Patrick. Edwin D .• 294 Pallmon. 194 Panerson. Robert P .• 551 Peale Island. 120-103 Pearl Harbor. 55.480.483. 555 debate on. 93-100 japanese attack on. 1-7 japanese planning for. 79-84 Peleliu Island. 420-421 Pmnlylpani". 6. 261

IntUx Peralta. Macario. 467 PERSECUTION. 286 Pershing. john).. 12 Ptrtb, 134 Petain. Henri Philippe. 60 Petillo. Carol. 115-116 Phibul Songkram. 468. 469 Philippine Artny. 69. 73-75 Philippine Division. 109. 112. 113 Philippine Islands. 20. 21. 54. 68. 69. 82. 83.88 guerrilla movements. 466-468 japanese conquest of. 99. 107-119. 134135. 139.447-448 Orange Plan and. 55-59 recapture of. 253. 41S-420. 422. 424442.511.513.515.517-530 Philippine Scouts. 106-107. 109. 112. 116 Philippine Sea. Battle of the. 308-312. 433. 520. 560 Phillips. William. 337 Pbomix. 281 . Pick. Lewis A .• 370 Pierce. Sir Richard E. c.. 131 Plan Dog. 65-Q7 Pogue. Forrest. 12 Points. Battle of the. 116. 139. 448 Poland. 59. 60 Poorten. Hein ter. 131 Popa. Stephen. 242 Port Moresby. 151. 156-159. 162. 166. 188-189.229 Portal. Sir Charles. 154 Portland, 212 Potsdam Conference. 546. 552. 553 Potsdam Declaration. 546. 549. 554-556 Pownall. Charles A .• 257. 261 Prange. Gordon. 94. 96 Pratt. Wesley McC .• 105 Price. C. F. B .• 390 Pridi Phanomyong. 468. 469 Prin" of W"ltI. 128 Princtton, 430 Prisoners of war. 396-400. 527. 555 Propaganda. 460 Promotion. 11-12 Psychological warfare. 460 PT boats. 434. 435 Public opinion towards japanese. 407-411 Puller. Lewis ··Chesry." 210 Purple code. 446 Pumam. Paul A.• 102


Index Pye, W. S., 26 Pye, William S., 104-106 QUADRANT Conference, 276-278, 351 Quezon, Manuel, 73, Ill, 112, 115-116,

466 QuinCJ. 194

Rabaul, 150, 155, 156, 185-188,223-226, 242, 243, 245, 248, 276-278 Radio traffic analysis, 157 , 446,455 Rainbow Plans, 59, 73, 147 , 479 Ranger. 23

Rangoon, 327, 331 , 373-374 Rawlings, Sir Bernard, 537 RECKLESS, 286-289 Recreational facilities, 385, 386 Reed-MalSudaira formula , 41 Reid, Jack, 170 Rendova Island, 234 RENO IV, 284 RtpulIt. 128

Research and .developmem programs, 10, 19 Resistance activities, 468-471 Reynaud, Paul, 60 Richardson, James 0 ., 1-2, 3, 58, 66 Richardson, Roben c. , Jr., 258 Richmond. 179 Risser, Roben, 304-305 Robem, Owen J., 93 Rochefon, Joseph]., 449-451 Roi Island, 269-270 Roosevel[, Eleanor, 393 Roosevel[, Franklin, 75, 76, 139, 328, 329, 336-337,488 aid [0 Grea[ Britain, 61 atomic bomb and, 550-551, 554 bombing of Japanese home islands, 154 a[ Cairo Conference, 352-353 a[ Casablanca Conference, 220, 222 China and, 330, 341, 342, 349, 353, 367369 Churchill, calks with, 68, 123, 124 death of, 375 declaration of war against Japan, 6-7 evenlS leading to war, 85-88 freezing order, 6~9 MacAnhur and, 11 7, 118, 125 naval appropriations under, 21 outbreak of World War II and, 59~ Pearl Harbor atrack and, 95-99, 480 Pearl Harbor meeting, 417, 418 Philippines and, 114

Roosevelt, Franklin-Continutd Plan Dog and , 65-66 submarine warfare and, 480 at TRIDENT meetings, 254 unconditional surrender formula, 222223, 546 Roosevelt, Kermit, 461 Roosevelt, Theodore, 24, 56 Rose, Lisle, 558 Rosenthal, Joe, 501-502 Royal Marines, 25 RuperlUs, William H ., 420 Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, 37, 44 Ryan, Michael P., 265 Ryujo. 196

Ryukyu Islands, 421 , 422, 424 Sabotage, 458, 460 Safford, Laurence F., 448 Saionji Kinmochi, 36-37 Saipan Island , 301-305, 312-317 Saito Makoto, 36, 38 Sakhalin Island , 553 Salamaua, 150-151 , 156, 188,226,240241 Salt Lakt City, 179-180, 200 Samoa, 390 San Bernardino Strait, 429, 431-433, 435437,439-441 San Francisco. 200,212 Sanananda, 214 , 215 , 217 Santa Cruz Islands, Battle of [he, 211 Saratoga. 20, 23, 104 Sarmi,290 Sasaki Noboru, 234, 236-239 Sa[o Naotake, 549 Sam TelSutaro, 44 Savige, Stanley G ., 233 Savo Island, Batlle of, 193-195 Sayre, Francis B. , 75 Schaeffer, R. E., 184 Schmid[, Harry, 496, 497 Schrier, Harold G ., 501 ScO[[, Norman, 200-201 Second Baualion, 13 7 Second Cavalry Brigade, 282-283 Second Corps, 112, 135 Second Division, 210 Second Engineer Amphibious Brigade, 232 Second Engineer Special Brigade, 241, 242 Second Marine Division, 191, 213, 259, 301 , 304, 313, 316, 532 2d Signal Service Company, 447-448, 455

586 Security leaks. 451-452 Segi Point. 234 Selective Service Act. 387. 393 Seni Pramaj. M. R .• 468 Service forces. 299-300 VII Amphibious Force. 231. 232. 241.42~ 427 Seventh Fleet. 422. 426. 427. 429. 432. 434-435. 439. 527 Seventh Infantry Division. 180. 270-271. 427.428.513.515.534.535 Seventh Marine Regiment. 199 Seventh Marines. 210. 247 77th Infantry Division. 302. 319-320. 513. 515-517.535 Seventy-seventh Long Range Penetration Brigade. 347 Sextant Conference. 279 Sb4w.6 Shedden. Sir Frederick. 217 Sheer. 434 Shepley. james. 356 Sherman. Forrest. 267. 280 Sherman. Frederick c.. 245. 246. 430 Sherr. joseph R .• 447. 455 Sherrod. Robert. 146. 238.262. 264. 265. 409.410.501 Sherwood. Robert E.• 461 Shibasaki Keiji. 264 Shi&u". 239. 435 Shima Kiyohide. 156.422.425.435 Shinyo M"ru. 400 Sbo plans. 421-422. 429.439.441 Sbobo. 160-161. 162 Sbolt..ltu. 156. 157. 160-163. 166. 196. 211. 310 Short. Walter C .• 3. 93-98 Shortland islands. 226 Shoup. David M .• 263. 264 Siam. 82. 88. 128.327.465.466.468-469. 471 Sibert. Frank c.. 513. 514 Sicily. 254. 277 Signal Intelligence Service. 446 Sims. 160 Singapore. ~7. 82. 132. 139.330.491 Sino-American Co-Operative Organization ("SACO"). 461-463 Sino-j.l*le5e War of 1894-1895. 37. 44 Sino-j.l*le5e War of 1937-1941 43 16th Division. 511. 515. 516 Sixth Army. 232.422.513.516.520.526. 528.542

["tkx Sixth Division. 290 Sixth Marine Division. 304. 534 Sixth Marine Regiment. 264-266 Sixth Ranger Battalion. 427 Sixty-fifth Brigade. 112. 116 Slim. William. 347 Smith. Holland M .• 258. 267. 271. 302. 304.305.312-319.410.501.539 Smith. julian. 259-261. 263-266 Smith. Ralph. 314-316 SOE. 468. 469 Soissons. Battle of. 24 Solomon islands. 46. 138. 155.459; Stt "Iso Guadalcanal; specific islands Somervell. Brehon B .• 126.419 Somerville. Sir james. 152 Sonar. 482 Soong. T . V .• 339. 461. 487-488 So,,". 104. 105. 172. In South D"lto,... 212-213. 309 SOUth ....est Pacific Theater command. 144146 Soviet Union. 59. 64. 68. 353. 369. 547549. 552-553. 555. ~58. 559. 561 Spaaa. Cui A.• 541 Special $eQariry Officers. 457 Sprque. Clifton. 436-437. 439. 441 Sprque. Thomas L.• 436. 437. 440 Spruance. Raymond A .. 18. 223.422 character and personality. 169 GilbertS operation. 257. 258. 260. 261. 2~267

1....0 jima operation. 496-497. 507 leadership style. 423 Marianas operation. 301. 305. 307-309. 312. 319.433 Marshalls operation. 267-268. 271. 273 Midw.y operation, 169. 173. 175. 176 Okina..... operation. 532. 533. 537. 539 Stalin. joseph. 353. 369. 546. 552 Standley. William H .• 23 Swk. Harold. 18.62.65-&.67.86.95. 125.480 Steel. Robert c.. 522 Ste....art. Sidney. 397 Stila. Frederick. 317 Stil....ell.joseph W .• 330. 348. 351. 353. 492 Burma operation. 329. 334. 338-342. 350 Chixng lind. 329. 331. 332. 338-339. 342. 367-369 counter-AXIOM message. 354


lrukx Stilwell, Joseph W .-Conlinutd coven operations and, 464 kbigo and, 366, 367 Mountbatten and, 352 Myitkyina operation, 355, 356, 359, 360 recall of, 369 at TRIDENT meeting, 349 Stimson, Henry L., 6, 61-62, 74, 75, 85, 86,93,95,97,114,118,129,328329,342,488,546,547,554-556 Strassmann, Fritz, 550 Strategic Air Force, 541 Stratemeyer, George E., 375 Stretcher journeys, 384 Strong, George V., 61 路路Strong Memorandum路路 of June 1940,61, 65 Struble, Anhur D., 515, 516 Srump, Felix, 437, 439 Submarines, 20,45,48,85, 129-130,452453, 478-487 Suicide, 317-318; Stt also Kamikaze attaCks Sultan, Daniel, 369 Sulu archipelago, 526 Sumatra, 76, 466 Sumiyoshi Tadashi, 210 Surigao Strait, 429, 432, 434-435, 439 Sutherland,RichardK., 107-108,115,188, 190, 215, 216, 223, 224, 227, 280, 284,395,419,447, 455,456 Sutton, James P., 523 Suzuki Kantaro,44, 547-549, 557 Suzuki Sasaki, 513 Sweeny, Walter c., 172 Swift, 528, 529 Szilard, Leo, 550 Taffy 2, 437 Taffy 3, 436 Tagami Hachiro, 290 Tai Li, 461-463, 469 Taibo, 310 Takao, 429

Takasu Shiro, 167 Takeo Kurita, 175-176 Takeo Takagi, 156, 159-162 Talaud Island , 419 Tambor class of submarine, 481 Tan, Frank, 470 Tanaka Raizo, 197, 211-213 Tanaka Shimishi, 357 Tanambogo, 191-192 Tanks, 304, 540, 544

Tansill, Charles C., 95 Tarawa, 182,258,259-266,276,304,501 Taruc, Luis, 467 TARZAN, 353 Task Force 8, 149 Task Force 11 , 150 Task Force 16, 149, 150, 154 Task Force 17, 149 Task Force 34, 432-435, 438-442 Task Force 38, 245, 517 Task Force 39, 244 Task Force 50.3, 245 Task Force 57, 537-538 Task Force 58, 268-269, 302, 303, 305, 307-312,457,499,538 Task Group One, 438, 439 Task Group Three, 430 Task Group Four, 430 Task Group 3l.2, 239 Task Group 38.1,426 Tassafaronga, Battle of, 213 Taussig, J. K., 5 Tawi-Tawi, 306 Teheran Conference, 353, 369, 552 10th Air Force, 339, 375, 464 Tenth Army (Chinese), 366 Tenth Army (U.S.), 532 Tenth Cavalry, 386 X Corps, 513 Terauchi, 129, 512-513 Teten, Dan, 103 Thach,James, 148, 174 Thailand:



Theobald, Roben A. , 95, 178-179 III Amphibious Corps, 302, 534 Third Battalion, 210 Third Fleet, 422-425, 429, 432-434, 438 Third Marine Division, 244, 246, 302, 319, 320,495-496 13th Air Force, 243 13th Army (Chinese), 375 30th Division (Chinese), 355 31st Division, 294 32d Army, 533 32d Division, 214, 216 32d Infantry Division, 287, 513, 515, 529 XXXIII Corps, 372-373 33d Division, 528-529 37th Division, 283, 284, 521, 522, 524 38th Division, 524-525 38th Division (Chinese), 355, 356, 371 Thomas, Francis J., 5

588 Thorpe, Elliot, 97 Three Demands, 339 Tibbets, Paul, 555 Timor, 466 Tinian Island, 301, 302, ;07, 318-319 Toem, 289 Togo Heihachlro, 434 Togo Shigenori, 547-549, 557 Tojo Hideki, 7, 82, 465,547 Tokyo, 153-155,349,504-505 Toland, John, 97-98, 139 Tolley, Kemp, 87-88 Torpedoes, 19, 20,45,46,81, 130, 132134,483-486 Towers, John H., 18, 258, 280 Toyoda, 428 Trafalgar, Bailie of, 19 Translators, 457-459 Treasury Islands, 244 Trenchard, Hugh, 13 TRIDENT meetings, 254-255, 349, 350 Tripartite Pact, 64-65, 78 Trobriand Islands, 225, 232, 233 Truk, 147, 155, 156,252,271-272,285 Truman, Harry S, 543 atomic bomb and, 552-554, 558 Potsdam Conference, 546, 552, 553 Tsushima, Batde of, 44 Tulagi, Island of, 156, 159, 186, 19 1-192, 229 Turner, Richmond Kelly, 19, 127, 145 character and personality, 238 Gilberu operation, 257, 258, 261, 264 Guadalcanaloperation, 191-193, 195, 199,205,209,211,238 Iwo Jima operation, 496-497, 499 Marianas operation, 301-303, 305, 318319 Marshalls operation, 267-271 New Georgia operation, 234, 236 Okinawa operation, 532-534 20th AIr Force, 489-492, 505 Twentieth Bomber Command, 490, 503 20th Infantry Regiment, 290 Twenty-first Bomber Command, 492, 493, 503 22d Division (Chinese), 355, 371 XXIV Corps, 513, 534 24th Infantry Division, 286, 427,428, 513515 24th Marines, 270 25th Marines, 304, 502 25th Regimental Combat Team, 388-389


Twenty-sixth Cavalry, 109, III 26th Division, 511, 515, 516 27th Infantry Division, 261, 302, 312-317, 535 28th Marines, 500, 501 Twitty, Joseph J., 457 Tyler, Kermit, 3-4 Type 95 (Nell) long-range torpedo bombers,46 Typhoon Attack Force, 424 Ukagi Matome, 166 ULTRA, 456, 457 Umezu Hoshijiro, 548 Unconditional surrender concept, 222-223, 545-546, 549 Ushijima, 533, 535 Vahin, Jan, 428 Van Noy, Nathan, 242 Van Volkenburgh, Robert H., 188 Vandegrift, Alexander A., 186, 199,206, 209, 213, 238, 390 Vanderbilt, William H., 461 Vella Gulf, Batde of, 238-239 Vella Lavella, 239-240, 247 Viet Minh, 471 Vietnam, 470-471 Villemn'J, 194 Vindicator dive-bombers, 172 Vinson, Carl, 25 VMF-211, 102, 103 Volcano Islands, 305 Volckmann, Russell W., 467

W.. operation, 515-516 WAACs (Women·s Army Auxiliary Corps), 393-396 Wainwright,Jonathan M., 109, 110, Ill, 113, 134-135, 137 Wakde Island, 289-291 Wake Island, 82, 88, 258, 389 caprure of, 101-106 Waldron, John c., 173 Walker, Kenneth N ., 16, 227 Wallace, Henry, 377 Walt, Lewis, 247 Wantanabe Yasuji, 152 W..Jbingl.n, 24,200,212 Washington Conference of 1922, 20, 3940 WATCHTOWER, 186, 187, 199-200 Watson, Edwin '·Pa,'· 118


Watson, Thomas E., 313 Wau, 233 Wavell, Sir Archibald, 128,

131-B~, 139, 327,328, 340, 341, 346, 347, 350

WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service), 394 Wawa Dam, 528 Wedemeyer, Albert C, 351, 369-370,463, 471 Weigley, Russell F., 27-28 Weller, Donald M., 498 West Point, 72 Wist Virginia. 4-5 Westover, Oscar, 16 Wewak, 285, 286 Wheeler, R. A., 351 Wheeler air base. 5 White, Theodore, 334, 366 White, Walter, 392 Whitehead, Ennis C, 227. 281, 512 Whitney, Courtney, 467, 468 Wickham Anchorage, 234 Widhelm, W.]., 310 Wigner, Eugene, 550 Wildcats, 102, 103, 148, 198 Wilkes Island, 102-105 Wilkie, Wendell, 341 Wilkinson, Theodore S., 236, 237,240,427 Willoughby, Charles A., 188,281,455,

458.459,521 Wilson, Woodrow, 24, 56 Winchell, Walter, 452 Wingate,Orde, 347-348, 355, 356, 359 Wohlstetter, Roberta, 96, 98 Wolfe, Kenneth B., 490 Women in armed forces, 393-396 Wood, Leonard, 54, 56 Wood lark Island, 225, 226, 232, 233 Wooten, George E., 241 Wotje, 267, 269 Wurtsmith, Paul B., 527

589 Y-Force, 368, 370 Yabagi. 431,538 Yalta Conference, 553 Yamaguchi Tamon, 172 Yamagumo. 435 Yamamoto Gombei, 39 Yamamoto lsoroku, 40, 64~5, 78, 155,

156, 199,503,547,560 death of, 230, 453-454 "I" operation 229 Midway operation, 151-153, 166, 167,

169,115-177,450 Pearl Harbor operation, 79-82, 84, 85,

99 Yamanashi KatSunoshin, 40, 41 Yamasake Yasuyo, 181 Yllmllsbiro, 420, 435 Yamashita Tomoyuki, 512-513, 518, 519,

523, 527-529 Yllmato. 47,49, 166,293,429,431,437,

538 Yangtze, Battle of the, 44 Yap, 419 Yellow Sea, Battle of the, 44 Yenan episode, 377-378 Yokohama, 505 Yokoyama Shizuo, 523 Yonai Mitsumasa, 38,40,48, 62,


78, 547, 548 Yor.town. 23, 149,150, 158, 161-162, 168-169,173, In, 177 Yoshida Zengo, 65 Zambonanga peninsula, 526, 527 Zero lighters, 46-47, 107. 108, 148, 174,

178, 198,218,228,257 Zig Zag Pass, 525 Zuibo. 211,431 Zui....u. 156, 157, 160-163, 166, 196,


ABOUT THE AUTHOR RoNALD H. SPECIOR graduated from Johns Hopkins

University and received his-Ph.D. from Yale University. He served with the U.S. Marines in Vietnam and was a Senior Fulbright scholar in India during 1977 and 1978. Now a major in the Marine Corps Reserve, Spector was recendy ordered to active duty t() prepare a study of the Grenada operation. He has served as a Historian at the U.S. Army Center of Military History and presendy teaches history at the University of Alabama. A frequent contributor to scholarly journals, Spector is the author of four other books: Admiral of

the New Empire: The Life and Career of George Dewey; Professors of War: The Naval College and the Devekipment of the Naval Profession; Advice and Support: The Early Years, 1941-1960 The U.S. Army in Vietnam , Volume 1; and After Tet: The Bloodiest War in Vietnam.




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----------------~()~--------------­ "Spector has done the Impossible and done it with dazzling brilliance. Mining a warehouse of material with absolute control, he has produced a superbly readable, insightful, gripping, unbiased one-volume history of the American-Japanese war that is at the same time a glorious celebration of the American spirit." -Clay Blair, front page, The Washington Post Book World

----------------~()~---------------'The best one-volume history of that complex confl ict ... No other presents as balanced a view or provides such terse and searching analyses not only of the great battles but of half-forgotten aspects, such as the impact of blacks and female participants on the services ... No future book on the Pacific war wi II be written without paying due tribute to Eagle Against The Sun." -Drew Middleton, The New York Times

----------------~()~---------------"Clear, coherent, effective ... this is an excellent book ... Iikely to be for a long time to come the standard , comprehensive history of the Pacific Ocean War."-Russell F. Weighley, Temple University.

----------------~()~---------------Only now can the full scope ofthe war in the Pacific be fully understood. Historian Ronald Spector, drawing on newly declassified intelligence files, an abundance of British and American archival material, Japanese scholarship and documents, and research and memoirs of scholarly and military men, has written a stunning, complete and up-to-date history of the conflict.

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