Fillmore County Journal 3.3.14

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“Where Fillmore County News Comes First” Weekly Edition

Area libraries expand services Page 14

Regarding healthcare page

Monday, March 3, 2014

Gopher GBB finishes perfect




Volume 29 Issue 24

MERC rate increases page


Engineering Services changes in Spring Valley page


Canton l Chatfield l Fountain l Harmony l Lanesboro l Mabel l Ostrander l Peterson l Preston l Rushford l Rushford Village l Spring Valley l Whalan l Wykoff

Fillmore Central looks at maintaining facilities By Jade Sexton

Fillmore County saw one of the worst winter storms in years February 20-21, 2014. Pictured above is 331st Avenue 2.5 miles NE of Harmony. Photo submited by Jo Paulson Stamer

Fillmore County cleans up after February 20-21 blizzard By Mitchell Walbridge

If you were at work on the morning of Thursday, February 20, you probably looked out your window a few times anticipating to see the snow flakes flying. Though the winter storm that hit the area didn’t get underway until roughly 2 p.m. in Fillmore County that day, when it finally arrived it made its presence known. Large, heavy snowflakes began to fall at rates as fast as two inches per hour. Due to warmer temperatures the snow had a dense consistency that accumulated quickly, depleting road conditions as fast as plows could keep up. By Thursday at 4:40 p.m., the Minnesota Department of Transportation released a No

Travel Advisory in southeastern Minnesota as driving conditions were considered difficult. Motorists faced blowing snow, icy patches, and reduced visibility. From there, the storm had only gotten started. On Thursday evening into Friday morning winds ramped up to 50 mph in locations. In addition to the numerous inches of snow, drifting made numerous roads impassable. MnDOT and the Minnesota State Patrol closed several major highways due to cars being stalled and lanes being blocked by drifts measuring several feet high. Every school in the county was closed Thursday and Friday. The accumulated snow posed problems even after snowfall and winds subsided. Stranded cars and massive drifts created

mobility problems for plow drivers in addition to the hardened, compacted ice and snow on roadways. Another problem was snow removal, as space is limited for placing any additional snow. From a statement from the Minnesota State Patrol, between Thursday, February 20 through 3:30 p.m. on Friday, February 21, 284 vehicles were reported to have been off roadways within the Rochester Minnesota State Patrol District. Forty-nine were recorded as property damage crashes, nine of which were rollovers. Two of the accidents had reported injuries. Tri-County Electric Cooperative began seeing customers with power outages on Thursday afteroon. As early as 2:30 See BLIZZARD Page 9 

Fillmore Central Superintendent Richard Keith presented the school board with some of the facility projects that need to be done in the next few years. “We have two great facilities,” he said. “We want to maintain and improve them the best we can.” The maintenance plan, which was put together by Keith and the facilities committee, categorized projects by priority. Some of the projects under Priority #1 included parking renovations at both sites, ceiling work at the elementary, carpet in the music room, asbestos removal at the high school, and windows at the high school. There was also a sprinkler system at the high school, with an estimated cost of $850,000. Keith explained the Fire Marshall recognized the high school did not have a sprinkler system, and it needs to be done soon.

The project would be paid for with Health and Safety funds. Keith showed plans for parking lot improvements at both sites. The gravel parking area at the back of the elementary building would be paved, and the lot and front drive would be resurfaced. Keith also mentioned the necessity of adding more parking spaces, and he gave a couple of options they had been considering. Board member Emily Ellis asked about parents dropping off their kids in the morning or picking them up after school. The front drive is very congested at both of these times, and it makes things difficult. Ellis asked if it was possible to make a drop-off lane. Keith said the traffic there is something they need to look at when considering their plans. Some of the items on the Priority #2 list included restroom upgrades at both sites, but primarily the high school, HVAC See FC SCHOOL Page 19 

Chatfield to forgo billing for extra water and sewer costs city would be essentially absorbing the cost of the continuous running of water. Councilors Chatfield encourages residents Ken Jacobson and Robert Pederwith drinking water tempera- son were absent at the February ture of 40 degrees or lower to 24 meeting. run their water continuously to City Clerk Joel Young said prevent freezing of lateral water that with the frost so deep there lines, a water main freezing, or have been a number of freeze a broken water main. Council- ups and one water main is froors approved the averaging of zen. One-hundred and ninety each resident’s bill over the last residents have notified the city 12 months to determine the staff that they are running water amount to be billed until the See CHATFIELD Page 21  frost is out of the ground. The By K aren R eisner

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

C ommentary Health care and Obama care... To the Editor, Karen Reisner’s February 17 editorial acknowledged Obama Care is “not yet a work of perfection”. Kind of like saying the Captain of the Titanic made a “small error of judgment” by steaming at top speed through an area known to be infested with icebergs. She also repeated the standard liberal mantra that our horrible healthcare system was in “desperate need of an overhaul.” Here are some facts minus the rhetoric compiled by the United Nations World Healthcare Organization in 2012 as quoted from Investors Business Daily. 1) 85 percent of Americans pre Obama Care were covered by some type of private health insurance. Almost all the rest were covered by Medicaid or Medicare. 2) ACA is not about improving “care”, but is all about “insurance”. It does nothing to address one of the main items needed to lower costs: tort reform. 3) Here are the five year cancer

survivor statistics: USA 65 percent England 46 percent Canada 42 percent 4) Percent of patients diagnosed with diabetes who receive treatment within 6 months : USA 90 percent England 15 percent Canada 43 percent 5) Percent who are seen within 1 month after being referred to a specialist: USA 77 percent England 40 percent Canada 43 percent 6) Number of MRI scanners per 1 million people: USA 71 England 14 Canada 18 Liberals can bang the drums all they want condemning our “formerly horrible system;” if we look objectively at the demographics, logistics, and facts, I think we measured up pretty darn well. Jeff Erding Wykoff, MN

Rep. Davids’ bill would provide immediate tax conformity, tax relief for hard working Minnesotans give Minnesotans some needed tax relief.” Davids’ legislation would conform Minnesota’s individual income tax and corporate franchise tax to most federal changes enacted after December 31, 2013. Some of the provisions include ending the marriage penalty; an increased income threshold for the working family credit; employer paid adoption assistance; employer provided education assistance; and extending the discharge of indebtedness, which prevents housing debt relief from being recognized as income and therefore taxed.

By Jason Wenisch Minnesota House of Representatives Communications Specialist ST. PAUL, Minn. - In an effort to provide tax relief to hardworking Minnesotans, State Representative Greg Davids (R-Preston) is authoring legislation that would force Minnesota to conform state tax rates to that of the federal government. “In 2011, the Republican legislative majority prioritized conforming to most federal tax provisions despite facing a $5 billion deficit,” Davids said. “In 2013, the DFL majority and Governor Dayton prioritized MNsure and a new $90 million Senate Office Building over federal conformity, while increasing taxes overall by $2.1 billion. Now that we have a budget surplus, it is time to correct the Democrats’ mistake and

Vote Arylyn Johnson for CArrolton township superVisor

I think I’m most qualified for the supervisor job. I worked for the state for 30 years maintaining roads. I’ve had experience with heavy equipment, laying rock, black top, grading roads, cleaning ditches and taking banks down. After retiring from the state I got a job with the township for 8 years grading roads, cleaning ditches, laying rock and plowing snow in winter. I had many compliments on my work of keeping the roads in excellent condition. I always try to save the tax payer’s and township money. I would appreciate your vote March 11th. Thank you, Arlyn Johnson Paid for by Arlyn Johnson

Notice of Norway towNship aNNual MeetiNg & electioN The citizens of Norway Township are hereby notified that the annual meeting will be held in the Norway Town Hall on Tuesday, the 11th day of March 2014 (in case of inclement weather the Annual Meeting and Election will be held on March 18, 2014) to elect: One Supervisor, 3 year term. One Clerk, 2 year term. General business will be conducted. Business meeting will begin at 8:00 pm. Polls will open from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Walter Laumb • Clerk, Norway Township

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With a projected $1 billion surplus, Davids said Minnesota has the money needed to enact federal tax conformity and ease the financial burden of hardworking taxpayers. “Minnesotans want to get started on their tax returns and collect their refund,” Davids said. “This is not an issue that should be ignored as ‘Tax Day’ is less than two months away. After all the wasteful spending projects the Democrats funded during the 2013 session, it’s time for them to spend a portion of our surplus on something that is truly necessary for many Minnesotans: federal tax conformity.”

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Monday, March 3, 2014


Page 3

C ommentary If we get honest about sustainability, it will revolutionize our lives for the better By Dr. Bryan Van Gorp It is understood that some of the things said in this article will make some people uncomfortable and some angry. That is good, because adults generally do not expand their learning as long as they are comfortable with their current Dr. Bryan understandVan Gorp ing. When facts come to light that are incongruent with the current view, then people are forced to either deny the facts or expand their thinking to bring it into alignment with those facts. The latter is much preferred.

Getting Honest There is something powerful in speaking the truth, even when it is a truth people do not want to hear. The first step in getting honest would be to admit we have a problem. The majority of people deep down know we must face the truth about climate change, resource depletion, toxic dumping, extinctions, air quality, water quality and over use, soil depletion, and acidification, overfishing, dumping in the oceans. Those who do not believe in science and do not distinguish between weather and climate may still question climate change. If there is no climate change, perhaps they can explain how to reconcile this with the fact that oil companies are fighting over drilling rights on the newly exposed artic that has been covered with ice for millions

of years. Some people try to politicize these issues but this isn’t right vs. left. This is a matter of doing what is right and necessary. These are issues of ecology, chemistry, biology, and physics. Nature doesn’t lose arguments to politicians. All life is dependent on healthy ecosystems. Even if you still have doubts about the reality of human induced climate change, ask yourself what is the upside and downside potential of taking or not taking action. Suppose the whole thing is a hoax but we take action any way - we get an updated clean renewable energy system and full employment. Or, suppose climate change is real and we do nothing our children will have a very ugly life thanks to our stupidity and greed. Which do you want to bet on? When deciding who has credibil-

ity, it is important to think about whether the speaker is motivated by a conflict of interest (oil executives and the politicians they fund) or are speaking out of concern for the public health and wellbeing. Let’s stop talking about natural gas as a bridge fuel. First of all, while it does generate less actual carbon dioxide, it is approximately equal to coal in greenhouse gas impact because of the methane leaks. Methane is 23 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Second, a bridge to what? We have no energy plan and this is just a scam to get us to accept continued reliance on fossil fuels. The best available science tells us we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 5-10 percent per year starting immediately to avoid entering

positive feedback loops that make climate change irreversible. An example would be, warming causes melting of the permafrost which releases huge amounts of methane, a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, which creates more warming and in turn more methane release. We are still increasing emissions by 3-5 percent per year. Climate change is progressing much faster than any of the models predicted. Change and Grieving At first thought this may seem negative. Obviously many people are afraid of change or don’t want to change, especially if they are comfortable where they are. Change can be either for the better or for the worse. An 18 year old leaving home may return a failure or may discover independence and how he/she fit into the world. Because change can be scary and perceived as negative, many people grieve for the loss of their previous “life style”. For that reason they are stuck in the various stages of grieving: 1 denial (climate change deniers), 2 anger (those who rail against science and environmentalists), 3 bargaining (if we change light bulbs or buy hybrid cars we will be OK), 4 depression (it is hopeless, we don’t know what to do), and finally 5 acceptance (we know we have a big problem and are prepared to take the required actions to deal with it). Once we get to acceptance we can see that we cannot both continue the status quo and have a livable planet for future generations. Will we claim the moral high ground, be on the right side of history choose a sustainable future? Personal Choices and Societal Choices Some people who have not thought very deeply about these issues will say, “If you are so concerned why don’t you give up your car and stop having children?” First, common sense tell us that an individual driving less or having only two children is certainly the right thing to do but it will not change the outcome for the planet. These are global problems and can only be impacted by whole societies and even international efforts to do the right thing. That of course means regulation and cooperation much like the mobilization that went into WWII. This is not an unheard of idea, only a new application. Second, we all know we could have more fuel efficient cars, a more efficient energy grid, more regulation of toxic chemicals, etc. Those are not things that can be done by individuals; they require a common effort and regulation so better choices become available to individuals. We must also start making decisions based on science and reason rather than beliefs. People can and often do believe ridiculous things. They can believe the world is flat or that we will somehow be taken care of even when we foul our own nest. Obviously people can believe anything they want. It is equally obvious that decisions that impact the commons and the public good and the survivability of future generations must be based on reason and science, See SUSTAINABILITY Page 5 

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Monday, March 3, 2014

The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week.

C ommentary Regarding healthcare By Yvonne Nyenhuis It’s a bright sunny day in Lanesboro. My houseplants are making a vigorous effort to reach toward the light. The calendar is heralding the beginning of March. I feel 20 years younger since I received my Yvonne new knees. I Nyenhuis see myself riding my bicycle on the trail when the snow melts. The greatest gift next to good health is time! I’ve set aside today to solve the nation’s healthcare dilemma. The cost of healthcare is a dark cloud which hangs over us all. Daily we are assaulted with ads on TV urging us to “talk to our doctors” about a variety of drugs. “Drug companies pour $57.5 billion into marketing, dwarfing the $31.5 billion devoted to research.” “Sixty-one thousand dollars is spent on promotion, convincing doctors to prescribe costly medicine” (consumeristcarey-blog). Millions are spent lobbying politicians and for PR manipulating public thought. Who pays the cost? We do. Our healthcare system is a “for profit” industry. The drug and pharmacy companies would like us to believe that our health is their main concern. In reality they only make money if we are sick. As the result we are over medicated and over tested. I was taught during my formative years that the medical system treats symptoms, not causes. This may be an over simplification but there is some truth here. For a headache we take an aspirin. For indigestion, insomnia, depression we take a pill. Many illnesses are caused by our diet which may be lacking necessary vitamins, minerals and

Online Reader Poll Results Have you filed your income taxes yet? • Yes, I do my own....14.3% • Just waiting on the accountant to finish!......................85.7% • No, we are always last minute..........................0%

Next week’s reader poll question: How well did Russia perform its duties of hosting the Winter Olympics? Cast your vote at

and expensive. She said she had all the same tests the year before and there was no resolution to her problem. She reasoned “Why am I told to repeat the same procedure when nothing has changed?” Our healthcare system rewards the use of drugs and un-necessary tests. Part of the cost in healthcare is awarded in excessively large salaries for CEOs. Their success is measured in company profits. Shareholders also benefit from the sale of drugs and pharmaceuticals. The present effort to expand healthcare and make it “affordable” is about introducing regulations to insurance companies, holding them accountable: not dropping customers whose needs have escalated and not refusing care to those who have pre-existing conditions. (My husband Glenn and I figure that “old age” is a pre-existing condition!) The deal that is being made with insurance companies that they will benefit as the number of customers increase. If we had opted for the “single payer” plan, the expansion of Medicare, a program already in place, the transition would have been less confusing. The cost of healthcare escalated out of sight in the last 20 years. It is to the credit of this administration that they are attempting to improve the situation. We need to work at keeping ourselves healthy, which involves how we produce our food, protect our water, land and air from toxins. Americans should have accessible care determined by their needs and not by the appetite of profit hungry corporations. When I learned to drive, my friend told me, before turning the key in the ignition, I should think where I am, where I want to go and a strategy as to how I would get there. It’s time members of congress deal with the countries problems instead of avoiding them.

enzymes. My husband and I are grateful for the expert care he received at St. Marys in 1991. He underwent a diabetic trauma that came close to making me a widow. He was told when he was released from the hospital that he would be on insulin the rest of his life. In 1997 he started to use a mineral, vitamin supplement and found he needed less insulin. Within six months he was able to get off insulin altogether and has been insulin free for over 15 years. It seems chromium is important in the diet for people who have diabetes II. Janet Starr Hull was told that she would die if she did not have her thyroid removed immediately. She researched her problem and found it was caused by aspartame (nutra-sweet) in the diet softdrinks she was imbibing. By eliminating aspartame from her diet, she was able to regain her health. (her book –“Sweet Poison”) Jordan S. Rubin (NMD – PHD) came near dying from Crohn’s disease. He recovered by extensive study, diet and exercise. Dr. David Perlmutter tells us in his book “Grain Brain” about the value of a gluten free diet and cutting down on sugar and carbs, which can dramatically reduce risk for neurological diseases, Alzheimers, ADHD, anxiety, chronic headaches and depression. A company I worked for sent me to a medical doctor for a strain in my back I acquired at my job. He gave me a “muscle relaxant” which made me ill. I promptly threw it away and went to a chiropractor who took care of my problem. When my sisters and I were children ,we were never given aspirin for a fever. My Mom used to “make a game” out of applying cold packs to my midsection. She failed to convince me that it was “fun”, but it absorbed the heat in short order. When I had Comment on this article at measles, our doctor who believed in natural methods recommended an Epsom salts bath. “It will bring the poisons out of your system. Mr. Davids’ “Questionaire”... You’ll bloom like a rose!” I spent To the Editor, three days in a subdued light play- My husband and I were about ing with my paper dolls. I don’t to fill out Mr. Davids’ “Quesremember feeling sick. tionaire” but we realized that it A friend confided in me that was so slanted and partisan that she was scheduled for tests. She we could not really answer queshad an on-going problem with tions that were not asked. This dizziness. The tests were extensive “questionnaire” is an insult to voters’ intelligence. Mr. Davids failed to mention the surplus in the State Treasury under Gov. Dayton’s leadership. It seems that money is the only thing 136 St. Anthony St. • P.O. Box 496 some political parties care about! Preston, MN 55965 I have learned in my life that 507-765-2151 • 1-800-599-0481 FAX 507-765-2468 money is not the most impore-mail: tant thing in life. It would be website: good if we care for one another Published by Sethre Media Group, Inc. every - maybe provide Health Care and Monday and mailed third class. Circulation: 11,232 FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS to Zip Codes a decent living wage. Could we served, 920 FREE STORE DISTRIBUTION work together for the welfare of and 246 paid subscriptions at $55 per ALL, not just the wealthy and year, third class or $105 first class. big business? DEADLINE for news & advertising is NOON WEDNESDAY for the Monday Julie Malin Edition. © 2014 Peterson, MN (In the 507 area code)

Response to “A view of liberalism”... To the Editor, In Stan Gudmundson’s article, “A View of Liberalism,” he states, “I do not care for liberalism. Not at all.” Well, Mr. Gudmundson, I don’t care for conservatism. Not at all, especially the extreme right wing ideology that you appear to represent. Mr. Gudmundson says liberals’ “solutions” to problems are “Just wrong.” Our Social Security System was a bad “solution?” Really? Medicare was a bad “solution?” I think Mr. Gudmundson would be hard-pressed to find even a handful of Republicans who would be willing to scrap either of these programs. Medicaid a failed “solution?” Problems, yes, but we, as a nation, would be much worse off without these programs. All three programs exist mainly because of liberal initiatives and show that our system of government cares about the elderly and the poor. I suspect that Mr. Gudmundson is no different than millions of other Americans who are taking full advantage of both Social Security

and Medicare. Might there be just a wee bit of hypocrisy here? Let’s just take a brief look at a few other government programs instituted over the years and initiated by liberals and largely resisted by conservatives: almost all of our labor and child labor laws, Freedom of Information Act, women’s right to vote, establishment of land-grant public universities, bank deposit insurance, Pell Grants, Americans with Disabilities Act, Securities Act and most banking regulations, Family and Medical Leave Act, Public Health Service and CDC, The Peace Corps, universal public education, the Civil Rights movement, Consumer Product Safety Commision, OSHA and workplace safety laws and the list goes on and on. All of these were liberal “solutions” to some kind of problem or deficiency in how we provide for and protect our citizens. Clearly, Mr. Gudmundson, entrenched in his bitter right wing ideology, has not done his homework. Herb Panko Chatfield, MN

Sick of slick... To the Editor, Well fellow babies, the “silly season” bears down on us once again. I’m talking (pardon the expression, politics). From now until November we will be treated to millions of dollars worth of messages, most of it negative, from well meaning and well coiffed candidates, who will try to convince us they actually have some solutions. They will be aided in this mission by an army of consultants whose jobs are to make us think their guy or gal can walk on water. Since voters seem to care more about appearance and WWF style smackdowns, the message can be expected to be more about the crease in the candidate’s pants and the evidence that the oppo-

nent is in league with the devil, than about substantive issues. Ever wonder why politics gets so negative? The consultants know from their polls and test panels that it works. With issues like the highest number underemployed workforce in 36 years, and a crisis in healthcare, we as voters cannot afford to make superficial judgments about who we choose to send to Congress. H. L. Mencken said, “The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth.” As voters we need to start getting this right. Do your homework. Engage mind before coloring in the circles. David Boone Houston, MN

Fillmore County Absentee Ballot Process Township Elections will be March 11th, 2014 in Fillmore County. The Fillmore County Auditor/Treasurer’s office will be providing absentee balloting services to the Fillmore County Township residents for the March 11th, 2014 Township Election. The Township Election Absentee Voting will begin February 8th, 2014 and end on March 10th, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. The Fillmore County Auditor/Treasurer’s Office will be open Saturday, March 8th from 10:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. for absentee balloting. Location: Fillmore County Auditor/Treasurer’s Office Fillmore County Courthouse 101 Fillmore Street, Room U201 Preston, MN 55965 Mail: Fillmore County Elections P.O. Box 466 Preston, MN 55965 Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Phone: 507-765-2667 or 507-765-2663 (After 4:30 p.m. leave message) Email: • Fax: 507-765-2662 Absentee ballot applications will be accepted by fax, e-mail or in person.

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, March 3, 2014


Page 5

C ommentary SUSTAINABILITY Continued from Page 3

not on beliefs. The commons must be protected; we all have a right to clean air, clean water, and access to nature and resources. The earth itself and its resources should never be owned by a person or a company. They were here before us and will be here after us, how can we own these resources or have the right to foul or deplete them? How the Current System Works The answer does not lie with either of the current political parties. There are a few exceptions, but both parties represent the interests of the donor class. The fact that we can name a few exceptions only proves they are exceptions and not where the parties themselves are at. If corporations are people then we want a DNA test to see who their parents are. If money is speech then rich people have a bully pulpit and poor people are mute. Our current system is an auction, with power and access going to the highest bidder. We obviously need campaign finance reform to have any chance to restore our democracy. But what would make us believe that the very people who came to power under this corrupt system would be willing to change it? Special interests will never voluntarily give up power, the people must take it. We are currently being held hostage by a broken and dysfunctional system that only serves the interests of the financial and political elites. Our best hope is to educate enough voters to vote

for people who represent their legitimate interests. Politicians have never led the way to significant change. Women’s rights, civil rights, previous environmental progress are examples of political change only occurring after activists provided the leadership, education, and energy that forced politicians to act. When we go hat in hand to the current elected officials or their appointees to ask for “favors “we only further enable and legitimize this dysfunctional system. When we get to acceptance we must acknowledge that to move toward sustainability will require drastic changes in our lifestyle. Change is not optional. The choice we have is to create the future we want or cling to the present until things get so ugly we are forced to react in desperation to the changes that are thrust upon us. Since infinite growth on a finite planet is by definition not sustainable, it becomes obvious that we must set limits. Those limits are defined by the carrying capacity of the earth itself. The carrying capacity is what the ecological services of the earth are capable of handling. That means a certain number of people and a limited level of consumption. The more people on the planet the, lower the level of consumption that can be sustained. Therefore, it is obvious that we need to limit both reproduction and consumption as part of any sustainability strategy. Continuous growth seemed to work OK before we overshot the carrying capacity of the earth but now the problems are obvious.

Since capitalism requires continuous growth and it is actually illegal for corporations to subordinate profits to the public’s welfare we can see that capitalism is also incompatible with a sustainable future. Under capitalism companies externalize costs, to maximize profits. Externalization means to make other people pay the real costs. Examples of this are: air pollution causing respiratory problems, sick people pay the true costs not the company that did the polluting; or the chemical spill in West Virginia, individuals go to the hospital or have to buy water not the company that declares bankruptcy. Climate change disasters and the huge negative economic impacts associated with them are externalized costs for fossil fuel companies. This is an example of how markets can lie. If we forced companies to internalize these costs, and stopped subsidies to the largest and wealthiest corporations, renewable energy would be the low cost option. It is antithetical to capitalism to leave most of the known fossil fuel reserves in the ground, yet that is what is required for us to pass on a livable planet to our children. Capitalism vs. Democracy Capitalism is also destructive of democracy. By definition, power in a capitalist system resides with the capital, the few wealthy elites, while in a democracy power resides with the majority of people. Over time capitalism causes ever increasing consolidation of wealth which is antidemocratic. Democracy requires a level playing field, equality of opportunity

Election Tuesday March 11th, 2014 Township Township Election Tuesday March 11th 2014 Township

Office(s) to be filled




Amherst Twp

Clerk(2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Hugh F Fendry II John Abrahamson

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Amherst Town Hall 19521 371st Avenue, Lanesboro, MN 55922

Arendahl Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Keith Brown Rudy Boyum

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Arendahl Town Hall 37555 State Hwy 30 W, Rushford, MN 55971

Beaver Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Evelyn Osland Justin Kennedy

3:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Beaver Town Hall 13175 County 26 LeRoy, MN 55951

Bloomfield Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Norma Merkel Dan Apenhorst

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Bloomfield Town Hall 419 Main St. Ostrander, MN

Bristol Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Eunice Biel Brad Thorson

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Bristol Town Hall 13144 241st Ave, Harmony, MN 55939

Canton Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Fay Garness Richard Bjertness

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Canton Town Hall 107 Ash St N, Canton, MN 55922

Carimona Twp

Clerk (2 yrs)

Linda Marzolf

after 1:30 pm meeting to 8:00 pm

Preston City Office Bldg

Supervisor (1 yr)

Arlynn Hovey

Carrolton Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Luanne Storelee Arlyn Johnson

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Chatfield Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Forrest Hayden Tom Starken

5:00 pm to 8:00pm

Fillmore Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Bonnie Heidtke Dale Shafer Michael Eickhoff

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Fillmore Township Hall 223 1st St N, Wykoff, MN 55990

Forestville Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Connie Morger Dave Tart

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Forestville Town Hall 19232 County 5, Spring Valley, MN 55975

Fountain Twp

Supervisor (3 yrs)

Paul M Hamann

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Fountain Fire Hall 104 Main Street, Fountain, MN 55935

Harmony Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Kathy Whalen John A Hanson

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Harmony Township Hall 120 1st Ave. NW, Harmony, MN

Holt Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Chris Gudmundson Loren Berge

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Sons of Norway Hall 200 Parkway Ave. S Lanesboro, MN 55949

Jordan Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

John Hoffman's Shop 16598 120th St, Chatfield, MN 55923

Newburg Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Genette Halverson Steve Melbostad

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Newburg Town Hall 43769 County 34, Mabel, MN 55954

Norway Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Walter Laumb Kim L. Chiglo

5:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm

Norway Town Hall 44005 County 10, Rushford, MN 55971

Pilot Mound Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

William Sullivan Jordan J Redalen

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Pilot Mound Town Hall 31365 State Highway 30 Chatfield, MN 55923

Preble Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

David Larson David Williams

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Preble Town Hall 18132 Highway 43, Mabel, MN 55954

Preston Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Treasurer (2 yrs)

Curtis Bisek Andrew Bisek

4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Preston Emergency Services Bldg 217 Fillmore St., Preston, MN 55965

Spring Valley Twp

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Jon Nolte

Spring Valley Fire Department 112 West Courtland, Spring Valley, MN 55975

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Melinda Miller Randy Ness

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Sumner Town Hall 31036 County 1, Stewartville, MN 55976

Clerk (2 yrs) Supervisor (3 yrs)

Fred Scheevel Aaron Klingsheim

5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Sumner Twp York Twp

210 Fillmore St W, Preston, MN 55965 Carrolton Town Hall 107 Beacon Street, Lanesboro, MN 55949 Thurber Building 21 2nd St. SE, Chatfield, MN 55923

York Town Hall 12245 County 5, Harmony, MN 55939

and voice. Alexis de Tocqueville and Thomas Paine both describe how structurally tolerated inequality is directly antagonistic to democracy. Big business has captured our government. Capitalism says he who has the gold makes the rules. Democracy is about reasoned debate and voting. The alternative to capitalism is not socialism; it is democracy. A democratically planned economy that sets limits and treats all people justly. We claim to be a democracy, yet in the work place, where we spend more of our waking hours than any other place, we have no voice. If we had a democratic work place, we would not vote to outsource our own jobs, pollute the river we drink from, or pay the CEO 500 times more than the workers. Instead we would vote to pay everyone who works a living wage. A democratic work place would also encourage more people to get involved and take responsibility for their place of work and their local community and environment. This may seem a radical idea to some but it has been endorsed by many, from the Pope to leading economists (Richard Wolff, Richard Smith). There will be those who will say the government can’t do anything well, that it is less efficient than the private or corporate business sector. That is simply not true, compare the overhead cost of Social Security vs. private pension funds or Medicare/Medicaid vs. health insurance or compare the cost of soldiers to those of private contractors. What you find is that government is much more efficient and fairer. Honesty compels us to deal with four major requirements to attain a sustainable future. 1. Stopping population growth and gradually decreasing it over time. 2. Less consumption per person in the wealthy countries. 3. Abandoning the capitalist paradigm – continuous growth on a finite planet is magical thinking. 4. A WWII level commitment to moving from fossil fuels to renewable energy and a commitment to support all other countries efforts to become more sustainable. Why are people so reluctant to do these things? At least in part because we all know that one person acting alone cannot fix the larger problem. Each person is reluctant to sacrifice their own “quality of life”. Unless we know it has a chance of meaning something and unless it is part of an organized systemic effort that has a chance of succeeding, why do it? We know the political system will not organize this effort and certainly the business community will not. So it is up to us to create a citizen movement demanding these changes. If we are not honest in our discussion of what it will take (if we focus on the symptoms instead of the disease), we will lose all credibility just as our political and business leaders have. Acceptance means we understand sustainability as a challenge for every person on earth regardless of country, race, and income level. So the solution can only be affected by everyone working together in common cause. That is the big positive; once we get honest we realize we have to cooperate with everyone else to survive. This has the potential to change so many things for the better. But first we have

to do the education to bring more than 50 percent of the people along and the first step in doing that is being honest in our debate. Time to Decide Evolution has equipped each species with certain attributes that allow it to survive. For humans a couple of the most important are a conscious mind and the ability to communicate. Let’s use those attributes to debate and decide where we go from here. Sustainability is the vision. Renewable energy, population management, equality of opportunity and many other things are all pieces of the pie. Each of these must be addressed. None of us can do everything, but every one of us can do something. It is also important to keep the overall picture in mind. All these things are connected. This brings us to change, and therefore a chance to choose a better future. For example, since climate change cannot be solved by any one group or country, it provides a vehicle for national and international solidarity and cooperation. It becomes obvious that our futures are all interrelated and that means thinking in terms of “we” instead of “us vs. them”. We have an opportunity to leave the treadmill of consumerism and militarism to start thinking in terms of what we really value in our lives and society. Think how liberating it would be to stop being seduced by this consumer culture we have been marketed and say yes to a future of our own choosing. Maybe the common enemy of climate change can unite us in a way nothing else has been able to. Let’s lead by example. Since our energy use per person is by far the highest in the world, it is only fair we take responsibility before preaching to others. To be legitimate a government’s priority must be a sustainable future because if we fail at that nothing else matters much. Let’s do what is required of us to secure the future just as those who went before us often had to do. Climate change is the challenge of our generation just as the Revolutionary War, Women’s Rights, Great Depression, or Civil Rights were the struggle of previous generations. Our survival depends on us coming together in cooperation and that will be a very hopeful and positive thing. Wise people generally do not try to solve a problem with the same processes that created the problem. Will we define freedom as the right to steal from the commons for short term personal gain and to exploit fellow human beings to maximize profits or will we define freedom as the right to create a sustainable future that allows us to share in its responsibilities and rewards? We can’t have both, and it is time to decide.

Please Vote for

Ricky Holland as a write-in for Supervisor Carrolton Township

Tues., March 11, 2014 Thank you for your vote! Paid for by Ricky Holland


March 2014

Kingsland • Spring Valley - Wykoff

Knights news Good luck renee

KES really got into the theme of things by hosting a Winter Olympics of their own. Complete with an official Opening Ceremony, the classrooms each picked a country to represent, which then entailed learning all about the region. Students proudly marched flags in for the ceremony, and held fun events all week until the final Closing Ceremony.

For the first time in many years, Kingsland had a student advance to the Regional Spelling Bee finals in Rochester. Renee Lechner will compete for a spot in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, putting her best vowels and consonants forward. Best of luck to Renee!

Math Wizards place 2nd! The 5th/6th grade Math Wizards team had a stellar season, with the pictured group placing 2nd at their Spring Grove meet. Many individuals also took home honors, as the students were fine representatives of Kingsland. They ended their season with a sundae party to celebrate all their sweet success.

Congrats to the Knowledge Bowl team! The Kingsland High School Knowledge Bowl team has had a great season thus far. They took first place in the south conference, and will meet the north conference soon. Congratulations to all Knowledge Bowl participants who have put in the time this season!

Reminder! Don’t forget, the Spring Sports PAC meeting takes place Tuesday, March 4th. Silver Cards are available during school hours in the office, with sport specific meetings at 6:00 pm.

For more information on upcoming school events please go to

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Obituaries Ruth Allen Ruth Allen, age 92, of Mabel, Minn. died Friday, February 21, 2014 at the Green Lea Manor Nursing Home in Mabel. Ruth was born October 9, 1921 near Riceford, Minn. to Henry L. Ruth Allen and Geneva R. (Bell) Hagen. She graduated from the Mabel High School in 1939 and received her teaching certificate from Luther College. On June 8, 1944 she was united in marriage to Vernon Allen at the Riceford Lutheran Church parsonage. She taught school at Grindeland, Highlandville, and Hesper schools before finishing her 35-year teaching career in the Decorah Schools. They had lived on Vernon’s home farm in Winneshiek County for 54 years until 2004 when they moved into Mabel. Vernon passed away August 24, 2012. Ruth was a member of the Hesper Lutheran Church and enjoyed reading, playing piano, archaeology, and family history. Ruth is survived by a son Jonathan (Gwen) of Mabel; a granddaughter Jody Roberts of Mabel; and two great grandsons


Monday, March 3, 2014

Christopher Rogich of Rochester, Minn., and Adam Rogich of Mabel. She was preceded in death by her parents; and two brothers Charles and Robert. Funeral services were on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at the Hesper Lutheran Church in Hesper, Iowa with the Rev. Matt Larson officiating. Burial was in the Hesper Lutheran Cemetery. Laurie Christopherson Laurie Christopherson, age 56, of Ostrander, Minn. passed away Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at the Stewartville Care Center in Stewartville, Minn. Laurie Rollie was born October 20, 1957 in ZumLaurie brota, Minn. Christopherson to Larry and Evelyn (Schultz) Rollie. She was a 1976 graduate from Mazeppa High School in Mazeppa, Minn. After high school, Laurie continued her education and studied to become a surgical tech. She has since worked at St. Marys Hospital in Rochester as a C.S.T. for 37 years. On August 24, 1991, Laurie was united in marriage to Dale Christopherson in Stewartville. Laurie enjoyed fishing, baking with her grandson, sewing and making surgical hats, and working on the farm.

Laurie is survived by her husband, Dale Christopherson of Ostrander; daughters, Sarah Tentis of Apple Valley, Minn. and Marie Christopherson of Spring Valley, Minn.; grandson, Jackson Rowe; mother, Evelyn (Chuck) Weick of Mazeppa; siblings, Judy Rollie of Mazeppa, Jim (Wendi) Rollie of Oronoco, Minn., and Connie (Brad) Dahlke of Rochester, Minn.; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her father, Larry and brother, Ed Rollie. Funeral services for Laurie Christopherson were on Monday, February 24, 2014 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Ostrander with Pastor Herman Bakker officiating. Burial took place in Oronoco Cemetery. Visitation was held from 3-6 p.m. Sunday, February 23, 2014 at Trinity Lutheran Church and one hour prior to the service at the church. Christian “Chris” Sebastian Grutzmacher “Mr. G” Christian “Chris” Sebastian Grutzmacher “Mr. G”, 67, of Chatfield, Minn. died Saturday, February 22, 2014 of natural causes. He was born July 10, 1946 in Winona, Minn. to Walter and Ida (Gillingham) Grutzmacher of Lewiston, Minn. Chris graduated from Lewiston High School and Winona State University

majoring in English and Theatre. He taught one year in Grand Meadow, Minn. and then 27 years at Chatfield High School. His passion for theatre led him to producing remarkable theatrical productions in high school and community theatre. He especially enjoyed making possible and chaperoning the senior class trips to Disney World. After retiring from teaching he became a custom florist, owning and operating Chatfield Floral. Chris was an avid bridge player and loved the season of Christmas, collecting and displaying many beautifully themed Christmas trees. Survivors include a brother, William “Bill” (Vonnie) Grutzmacher of Altoona, Wis.; and a sister, Kathleen Grutzmacher of Rochester, Minn.; nephews and nieces, Kevin (Deb) Grutzmacher of St. Paul, Minn., Kurt (Cherie) Grutzmacher of Elk River, Minn., Kelly (Larry) Rowekamp of Houston, Minn. and Jon (Cindy) Grutzmacher of Hurst, Texas; six grand-nephews; five great-grand-nephews; and two great-grand-nieces. Chris took his final curtain call unexpectedly, and will be loved and missed greatly by his family, friends, clients, bridge partners and former students. He was preceded in death by his parents. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Monday, March 3,

Page 7

at Chatfield Lutheran Church, with Pastor Mark Docken officiating. Visitation was on Sunday, March 2, at Riley Funeral Home in Chatfield, and one hour before the services at the church on Monday. Burial at Oakwood Cemetery in Rochester. James Dean Hall A Memorial for James Dean Hall, will take place on Saturday, March 8, at 1 p.m. at the Henrytown Lutheran Church. Coffee and cake will be James Dean served after a “Jermy” Hall short service in the church; friends and family are encouraged to attend and remember a gentle soul. Betty Halverson Betty Halverson passed away peacefully at the age of 87, at her daughter’s home in rural Ridgeway, Minn. on Friday, February 21, 2014 from a 14-month battle with Betty Halverson heart failure. Betty Halverson was born BerSee OBITUARIES Page 10 

Fillmore County Church Directory Fillmore County Journal • Preston MN 507.765.2151 Perfect Glossy • Preston MN 507.251.5297 A rendahl Lutheran Church....………………………Sundays - 10 : 30am Highway 30, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 875 -2477 Assembly Of God Church.….………………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 610 Territorial Rd, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2101 Assumption Catholic Church.……..…Fri. - 8 : 30am & Sat. - 5 : 00pm 207 N May St, Canton, MN 55922 (507) 743-8320 Bethlehem Lutheran Church...………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 200 Kenilworth Ave S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3344 Calvary Baptist Church.…….…………Sundays - 10 : 45am & 6 : 00pm 910 Winona St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4686 Canton-Scotland Presby terian Church.....…………Sundays - 9 : 00am 104 W Fillmore Ave, Canton, MN 55922 (507) 743-2260 Chatf ield Lutheran Church……………..Sundays - 8 : 00am & 9 : 30am 304 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4721 Chatf ield United Methodist Christ…………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 124 Winona St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3529 Cherry Grove United Methodist...…………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 18183 160th St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (Cherry Grove) (507) 937-3177 Christ Lutheran Church...……………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 509 Kansas St NW, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2161 Christian Science Services.…………………………Sundays - 10 : 00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2251 Elstad Lutheran Church...……………………………Sundays - 8 : 30am 37784 Dogwood Rd, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3769 Emmanuel Episcopal Church....……………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 217 W Jessie St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2164 Faith United Methodist Church..……Sat. - 5 : 00pm & Sun. - 9 : 00am 617 Maple Ln, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2830 Fillmore Free Methodist Church...…Sundays - 8 : 30am & 10 : 30am 19127 County 8, Wykoff, MN 55990 (Fillmore) (507) 352-5450 First Baptist Church....…………………Sundays - 10 : 30am & 6 : 00pm 701 Kasten Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2840 First Baptist Church-Preston.…………Sundays - 10 : 30am & 7: 00pm 108 Chatfield Ave NW, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4960 First English Lutheran Church.……………………..Sundays - 10 : 00am 217 W Grant St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2793 First Lutheran Church of Highland.………………..Sundays - 9 : 00am 22423 391st Ave, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3318 First Presby terian Church..…………………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 110 S Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2854 Fountain Lutheran....…………………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am Main Street, Fountain, MN 55935 (507) 268- 4413 Fountain United Methodist Church...………………Sundays - 8 : 30am Co. Rd. 8 and Cedar St., Fountain, MN 55935 (507) 268- 4456 Garness Trinity Lutheran...…………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am PO Box 88, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5905

Brought to you by: SMG Web Design • Preston MN 507.765.2151

Grace Lutheran Church..……………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 365 Park St, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 875 -2218 Greenf ield Lutheran Church..…………………......Sundays - 9 : 00am 235 Main Ave S, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-3272 Greenleaf ton Reformed Church..…………………Sundays - 10 : 00am Highway 9, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2546 Harmony United Methodist Church..……………..Sundays - 10 : 30am 60 Main Ave S, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886- 6851 Henry town Lutheran Church.…………………………Sun. - 10 : 30am PO Box 103, Harmony, MN 55939 (Henrytown) (507) 886-2425 Highland Chapel Seventh-Day Adventist..….....Saturdays - 10 : 30am 217 W. Jessie St., Rushford (507) 993-8328 Highland Prairie Lutheran Church.……………….Sundays -10 : 30am 43267 Bowl Dr, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 864-2731 Historic Lenora United Methodist Church (Special Occasions) Lenora, MN (Rural Canton) (507) 545 -2641 Immanuel Lutheran Church..………………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 254 Main St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352-2801 Lanesboro United Methodist Church..……………Sundays - 10 : 30am 507 Parkway Ave S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2646 Mabel First Lutheran Church………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 202 N. Oak, P.O. Box 395, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5293 Mabel United Methodist Church..…………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 111 W Newburg St, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5296 Nativity Catholic Church...Sun. (1 & 2) - 8 : 45am & (3 & 4) - 10 :30am 640 1st Ave SW, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-2393 Newburg United Methodist Church 3.1 miles N. of Mabel on Hwy. 43; 2.2 miles W. on Co. Rd. 24 North Prairie Lutheran.……………………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 35957 Highway 30, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 875 -2460 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.……Sundays - 8 : 00am & 10 : 30am 805 S Broadway St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-7251 Pilot Mound Lutheran Church.……………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 8 miles N. of Lanesboro on 250 then 4 miles W. on Hwy 30 (507) 875 -2460 Pioneer Presby terian Church ………………………Sundays - 8 : 30am 206 Fillmore St NE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4037 Preston United Methodist Church ………………..Sundays - 8 : 30am 212 Saint Anthony St N, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2503 R iver Of Life Regional Church 220 N Money Creek St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2853 Root Prairie Lutheran Church ……………………Sundays - 10 : 30am County Rd 11, Fountain, MN 55935 (507) 268- 4455 Root R iver Church of the Brethren ………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 23553 County Rd 20, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4772 Root R iver Community Church …………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 503 Nannestad Lane, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7074

Studio-A-Photography • Preston MN 507.251.6372 Visit Bluff Country • Preston MN 507.765.2151 Rushford Lutheran Church …………………Sun. - 9 : 00am & 5 : 30pm 101 S Mill St., Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7152 Saetersdal Lutheran Church.………………………..Sundays -10 : 30am 21447 Co. Rd. 30, Rural Harmony, MN Scheie Lutheran Church..……………………………Sundays - 9 : 30am PO Box 88, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5680 St Columban Church.……..…………………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 408 Preston St NW # 2, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -3886 St Ignatius Catholic Church.………………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 213 W Franklin St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-7565 St John Lutheran Church.…………………………..Sundays - 9 : 00am 241 Line St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352-2296 St Joseph’s Catholic Church.………………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 103 N Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2257 St Mark ’s Lutheran Church...………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am 104 E North St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7111 St Marys Catholic Church....….......Sat. - 5 : 00pm & Sun. - 11: 00am 405 Twiford St SW, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3148 St Matthews Episcopal Church..……………………Sundays - 9 : 30am 100 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923-1219 (507) 867-3707 St Matthew’s Lutheran Church..……………………Sundays - 9 : 00am Harmony, MN 55939 (Granger) (507) 772- 4474 St Olaf Catholic Church.....Sun. (1 & 2) - 10 :30am & (3 & 4) - 8 : 45am 114 N Locust, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5268 St Patrick ’s Church Hall ………………………...…Sundays - 8 : 00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2480 St Paul Lutheran Church..………Sun. - 10 : 00am & Wed. - 7: 00pm 128 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4604 St Paul’s Lutheran Church...……………………....Sundays - 10 : 30am Harmony, MN 55939 (Big Springs) (507) 886-8175 Sumner Center United Methodist Church.………Sundays - 10 : 30am 9 miles N. of Spring Valley on Co. Rd. 1 (507) 696- 4197 Trinity Fellowship ELCA..…………………………Sundays - 10 : 00am 110 S Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7211 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church………………Sundays - 10 : 30am 204 South St, Ostrander, MN 55961 (507) 657-2203 Union Prairie Lutheran..……………………………Sundays - 9 : 00am Hwy 16, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3363 United Methodist Church.…………………………Sundays - 8 : 30am 236 Gold St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352- 4136 Valley Christian Center…………………………....Sundays - 10 : 00am 610 Territorial Rd Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2101 W halan Lutheran Church..………………………….Sundays - 9 : 00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (Whalan) (507) 467-2398

Do you want to sponsor the Fillmore County Church Directory? Call 507.765.2151

Houston Festival of Owls March 7-9, 2014

March 7 -9 th


Pre-registration is required for the banquet, Sunday bus trip, and scout program. For everything else buy an admission button at the door.

• 8 species of live owls • • Lots of kids activities • • Owl experts from Finland and Israel • EVENTS LOCATED THROUGHOUT HOUSTON

Come and join in the engaging


FESTIVAL OF OWLS March 7 -9 th


2014 Festival of Owls Schedule of Events Friday, March 7, 2014 {At Houston Elementary School} 6-8:00 PM 6:15 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM

Owl Merchandise and Vendors º Owl Speak with Larry Dolphin (for kids, includes live Barred Owl) º Live Owl Program by the SOAR º Family and Adult-Only Owl Prowls º

Saturday, March 8, 2014 {All activities at Houston Elementary School unless otherwise noted}

8–11:00 AM Owl Face Pancake Breakfast (Lutheran Church) 9–4:30 PM Rusty and Iris Live Video Feed º 9–4:30 PM Owl Merchandise, Vendors, and Bake Sale º 9:30–4:30 PM Photography contest voting and hands-on owl displays (Houston Nature Center) 9:30 AM Live Owl Program by SOAR º 10:30–2:30 PM Kids Activities (Community Center) º 10:30–2:30 PM Owl Nest Box Building ($30/box, garage behind elem school) 10:30–2:30 PM Owl Pellet Dissection ($5/pellet) º 11:00 AM Owls: the Best Friends of Farmers and Ornithologists in Israel by Dr. Motti Charter º 11:00 AM Owl Storytime º 11–1:00 PM Owl-themed Lunch º 12:30 PM Kids Hooting Contest º 1:30 PM Owl-themed Live Auction by Pete Peterson º 1:30–3 PM Alice’s Hatch-Day Party º 3:00 PM Live Owl Program by SOAR º 4:00 PM Indoor Owl Photography Opportunity (gym) º 5:00 PM Banquet Social Hour (Valley High Golf Club)* 6:00 PM Banquet (Valley High Golf Club) * 7:30 PM World Owl Hall of Fame Award Presentations (Valley High Golf Club) * 8:00 PM Nepal Owl Festival Winning Videos (Valley High Golf Club) * 8:30 PM Owls of the World by Dr. Heimo Mikkola from Finland (Valley High Golf Club) *

Sunday, March 9, 2014 {All activities at Houston Elementary School unless otherwise noted}

8:30–12:30 PM Birding & Natural History Bus Trip and German Lunch (leave from Houston Nature Center) with Dan Jackson and Brian Lee * 9–4:00 PM Owl Merchandise, Vendors, and Bake Sale º 9–4:00 PM Rusty and Iris Live Video Feed º 9:30 – 4:30 Photography contest voting and hands-on owl displays (Houston Nature Center) 10–2:00 PM Owl Pellet Dissection ($5/pellet) º 10–2:00 PM Owl Nest Box Building ($30/box) 10–2:00 PM Kids Activities (Community Center) º 10:00 AM Children’s Live Owl Program º 10:30 AM Cub Scout Program by Jen Lilla (pre-registration required, Community Center) º 11:00 AM International Owl Center Update by Karla Bloem º 12:00 PM Indoor Owl Photography Opportunity º 12:30 PM Live Owl Program by SOAR º 2:00 PM Rusty an Iris 2013 Highlights by Karla Bloem º

* Pre-registration and fees required º Admission button required (may be in addition to other fees) Adults: $8; Kids ages 4-12: $4; age 3 & under free

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Festival of Owls

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Highland: 2.8 inches Mabel: 1.0 inch Spring Grove: 2.8 inches Peak Wind Gusts Canton: 43 mph Fillmore County Airport: 37 mph Lanesboro: 29 mph Houston Co./Mound Prairie: 25 mph

ing. All power was reported to have been restored by 11:20 Continued from Page 1 a.m. on Friday. Estimated Snowfall Totals p.m. 33 power outages were from 2/20 -2/21 recorded, affecting 1,269 customers, many of which had Spring Valley: 10.7 inches to spend the overnight hours Cherry Grove: 5.5 inches without power until crews Lanesboro: 4.5 inches could regroup on Friday morn- Preston: 4.3 inches Peterson: 3 inches


Festival of Owls March 7-9, 2014

Come and visit our Booth

at the

Page 9


Festival of Owls March 7th-9th

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Continued from Page 7

nice Esther Schultz on June 5, 1926 in Preston Minn., the 13th (of 16) child born to Richard and Pauline (Bender) Schultz. Betty was baptized and confirmed at St Paul’s Lutheran Church in Preston. She attended school in Preston. After high school, Betty moved to Harmony where she worked various jobs including working at the Harmony House cooking and waiting tables. Betty loved going to dances with friends. One night at a dance in Canton, Minn., she met accordion player, Sid Halverson. Following a whirlwind courtship, they were married June 10, 1946 at the First Lutheran Church in Decorah, Iowa. They made their home on a farm in Pleasant township, rural Decorah, until they purchased a 120-acre farm one mile west of Ridgeway in the spring of 1951. Betty was a true farm wife working along side Sid in the fields and in the barn doing chores and milking cows. They continually were fixing up and making improvements on their place, which included putting in a large farm pond in 1979 so family and friends could enjoy fishing and having picnics. Along with the family reunions, birthday parties, etc. held at “the pond”, many church activities were held there, also, including a Sunday morning worship service. Betty and Sid loved sharing their place with everyone. They raised their four children on this farm, Sidney (Jim) James, Ronald (Ronnie) Allen, Norma Jean, and John Duane. Besides being a good dance team, Sid and Betty enjoyed going to auctions. Many Saturday nights they would head down to West Union to their friend’s auction house and undoubtedly bring home many “treasures”. For a time in the early 70’s Betty opened up a consignment store in Ridgeway called the “Bargain Shop” featuring used clothing, furniture and antiques. She was sole proprietor and thoroughly enjoyed running her shop, while still taking care of her tasks on the farm. She closed her shop after the building she was renting was sold. After Sid’s death

Monday, March 3, 2014

in 1986, Betty left the farm and moved to Ridgeway. During this time Betty worked outside the home. She cooked, baked, and waited tables at the “Cow Palace” restaurant at the sale barn in Decorah and ran the lunch stand at the Sunday night “old time” dances at the Legion hall in Harmony, Minn. She also worked at her daughter and son-in-law’s convenience store in Ridgeway, making the donuts, rolls, and breakfast pizza. She continued working at this convenience store until December 15, 2012, when a massive heart attack left her unable to return to work. Betty was an active member of the Peace Lutheran Church in Ridgeway, especially enjoying being a member of the Lamplighters Couples Club for many years before the group disbanded. She also looked forward to “doday” at the WELCA meetings working with the ladies making quilts. Betty was a great cook but enjoyed baking the most. Hobbies other than baking that Betty enjoyed were traveling, going to auctions and garage sales, visiting with friends and dancing. She also enjoyed working outside. Betty lived with her daughter and son-in-law since January 2013. Even with her declining health, she treasured her time with her family and her faithful friends. They always brought a smile to her face, especially her great-grandson, Keegan, who always made her laugh and never left her memory. She is survived by her children; Jim (Debbie Roethler) of Cresco, Iowa, Ronnie (Colleen) of Ridgeway, Norma (Kenny) Carolan of Ridgeway, and John of Ridgeway; her four grandchildren and Great-Grandson, Keegan Carolan of Ames; two sisters, Leona Grisham of Shelby, N.C., and Margaret Hemker of Harmony, two brothers, Philip (Virginia) Schultz of Remer, Minn. and Kenneth (Mercedes) Schultz of Wykoff, Minn.; Sister-in-law, Dorothy Schultz of Rushford, Minn. Betty is also survived by many nieces and nephews, as well as two special four-legged friends, Tootie and Max. Betty was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Sidney in 1986; her siblings; Florence (Ralph) Odden, Walter (Gena) Schultz, Rueben (infant), Paul

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Schultz, Art (Muriel) Schultz, Ann (Orson) Bush, Otto (Leone) Schultz, Carl (Nona) Schultz, Pauline (Clarence) Hanson, Clarence Schultz, and Richard (Maxine) Schultz; brothers-inlaw; Robert Grisham and Walter Hemker; five nephews; two nieces; many dear friends, and close companion Donald Bruess. Carlyn James Klomp Carlyn James Klomp, 61, died Friday, February 21, 2014 in Phoenix, Ariz. Carl graduated from Harmony High School in 1970. He then attended the Air Force Academy for one year. In August 1972, he enlisted in the U.S. Army and attended helicopter flight school. He retired at the rank of Chief Warrant Officer 4 after 20 years in the Army and moved to Gilbert, Ariz. where he worked for Boeing as an aviation training instructor for the last 20 years. He received a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Phoenix and a Master’s degree from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. He is survived by his wife, Sue, of Gilbert, Ariz., daughter Stacy (Eric) Schmidt, also of Gilbert, son James Klomp of Tempe, Ariz., 11 grandchildren, two sisters, Janeen (David) Honsey of Lanesboro, Minn. and Deanna (Lauri) Piiparinen of Star Lake, N.Y., and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, James and Esther (Runge) Klomp. Burial was at the Phoenix National Memorial Cemetery in Phoenix. Elizabeth “Betty” A. Luzum Elizabeth “Betty” A. Luzum, 85, a long-time resident of Marion, Iowa, passed peacefully on Thursday, February 20, 2014.

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County Betty was born January 15, 1929, in Canton, the daughter of Vane and Anne (Carmody) Snyder. She was united in marriage with Kenneth Luzum on September 6, 1958, at Assumption CathoElizabeth lic Church “Betty” A. in Canton. Luzum Betty earned her Bachelor of Science degree from the College of St. Teresa, Winona, Minn. and began a teaching career in Evanston, Ill., and later, in Richland Center, Wis. After raising her children, Betty returned to the school system as a library aide at Marion Independent Schools for 20 years before retiring. Betty was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Marion and a member of Mercy Auxiliary. Betty enjoyed time spent with family, reading, playing cards, gardening, and volunteering at church. Remaining to honor her memory is her loving husband of 55 years, Kenneth; children, Craig (Linda) Luzum of Smyrna, Ga., Steve (Kim) Luzum of Leawood, Kan., Anne (Kevin) Schneider of Marion, and Dave (Jenny Manner) of Asheville, N.C.; seven grandchildren, Ben, Lauren, and Mitch Schneider, Nico Luzum, Nathan Luzum, and Jacob and Charlotte Luzum; brother-inlaw, Jerry (Rosemary) Luzum of Naples, N.Y.; and sister-in-law, Audrey Snyder of Canton, Minn. Betty was preceded in death by her parents; brother, Vane Jr.; and sisters, Mary and Charlotte. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to St. Joseph Catholic Church, Marion, or

to Hospice of Mercy in Betty’s memory. A Funeral Mass celebrating her life was held at 2 p.m. Monday, February 24, 2014, at St. Joseph Catholic Church, Marion. A family burial was held Tuesday, February 25, in Canton. Lorene Sydel (Lageson) Sartell Lorene Sydel (Lageson) Sartell died December 25, 2013 in Arizona just days away from her 95th birthday. She was born January 8, 1918 to Anna and Albert Lageson in Mabel, Minn. She was baptized and confirmed in Mabel First Lutheran Church, Mabel. She attended the Mabel School and graduated from high school in 1936. She and Vincent Sartell were married on December 30, 1943 at the Mabel First Lutheran Church. They began their lives together in Buffalo, N.Y., moving to Decatur, Ill., and later moved to Lincoln, Neb. and still later to Arizona. Lorene is survived by one son, Peter Sartell of Mesa, Ariz., a sister Arvilla Allen of Cresco, Iowa and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, Albert and Anna Lageson, her husband, Vincent Sartell, one son, Timothy Sartell, and one sister, Ione Middlebrook. Memorial services were held in Arizona.D


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Monday, March 3, 2014


Becky’s Food Tales By Becky Hoff

Waiting for Something to Happen This is the time of year in which we are all waiting for something to happen. That

‘something’ is of course, spring. We’re all eagerly awaiting signs

Homemade Tacos

The Taco Seasoning 1 T chili powder 2 t onion power 1 t each of garlic powder, paprika (not smoked), crumbled oregano and ground cumin ½ t salt ½ t ground coriander Mix seasonings together and set aside Brown one pound of ground beef with one chopped medium onion and a pinch of salt. When the mixture is cooked, add your seasoning blend and cook for one minute, stirring constantly to keep the spices from scorching. To this mixture add about one cup of your favorite salsa, or tomato sauce, or a can of Rotel. Cook to desired consistency, adding small amounts of water or more salsa if consistency is too thick. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Serve with tortillas and your favorite taco fixings.

Happy 5th Birthday Treyton! March 6

that the arctic landscape has not become a permanent fixture in our lives. Here is what I have noticed so far. The sun rose today at 6:47 a.m., and will set at 6:03 p.m. Today the daylight will last for 11 hours and 15 minutes. Back on December 8, the sun rose at 7:39 a.m. and set at 4:31 p.m. We had daylight for 8 hours and 52 minutes. We’ve gained 2 hours and 23 minutes since December 8 - this is significant! The snow is slushy. Well, sometimes it is. You don’t get slushy snow in January, unless you’re having some sort of freak heat wave. That definitely did not happen this winter. January snow looks different from March snow. March snow is sloppy and heavy and frankly quite annoying to deal with. But it’s a sign of progress! Twig tips are getting ‘feathery’. No, they’re not budding yet! But our trees can feel change in the wind, even if we can’t. Buds were produced last summer, but are kept well protected through the winter. If you look


Page 11

Weddings | Engagements Birthdays | Anniversaries Birth Announcements Special Occasions!

at the outline of a tree against the sky in December, the lines are very sharp. As we progress towards spring, the twig tips start to swell and look a bit more feathery against the backdrop of the sky. If this doesn’t seem very pronounced right now, just keep observing. It’ll become noticeable soon! You can occasionally wear cotton instead of wool socks, and your feet don’t freeze. This is a huge deal, scientists should really make an official study of this. The day I can wander around my drafty old house bare footed will be the official start of spring for me. And lastly, the time to start seedlings is approaching! I will be starting seedlings late this month and into April, and eventually those seedlings will be placed outside in their beds, in weather that will not immediately kill them. The weather will turn warmer and warmer, and my seedlings will (hopefully) flourish into nice big tomato and pepper plants. Can’t. Wait. So there you have it! Five signs that spring is approaching. The

Happy 14th on 3.3 Koltan James & Happy 12th on 3.9 Karter Jon!

sock thing alone is cause for rejoicing. Today’s recipe is for nice and spicy homemade tacos. This is the recipe that I use when I make tacos, and after a year or so of tweaking I’ve finally got it the way I want it. You can adjust the heat by using a hotter or milder chili powder or salsa. Dehydrated tomatoes can be added to the mix to add some texture, but they’re not necessary. Don’t wait until Cinco de Mayo to try these tacos, we need fun and warming meals to get us through March!

Birth Announcement Kailer Randy Volkman Big sister Kaylie welcomes home baby brother, Kailer Randy Volkman. Parents are Ryan Danielson of Lanesboro, Minn. and Kati Volkman of Peterson, Minn. Kailer was born February 14, 2014. He weighed 8lbs. 5oz. and measured 19 1/2 inches. Grandparents are Ron and Sandy Danielson of Lanesboro and Rocky and Julie Volkman of Rushford, Minn.

Happy Birthday Lucille Tangen!

Our wonderful Mother, Grandmother and GreatGrandmother is celebrating a “special” birthday, March 7th!


Love Mom, Dad, KayLeigh & Kreedon!

We love you Mom and hope your birthday starts

Love, Grandpa & Grandma Fishbaugher

off a fantastic year!

Vicky, Vonnie, Mike, Genie & families


readers Luke Reese, Harmony

keep getting

younger every day.

Page 12


Monday, March 3, 2014

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Fillmore County Sports By Paul Trende Not too many teams go through an entire regular season undefeated in conference. Fewer trek through undefeated overall. League championships aren’t exactly handed out like candy at a parade either. The #3 in Paul Trende AA Chatfield Gopher girls have accomplished all three. They end the regular season 19-0 in the 3-Rivers, 22-0 overall; the 2013-2014 South Champions. It’s the school’s first out-right girls basketball title in a long time. Chatfield got their biggest test of the year versus fellow TRC power Plainview-Elgin-Millville (#11 in AA; 16-1, 20-3). The Gophers fell behind by nine in the first half (21-12), got to even (four ties), only to trail 36-32 at halftime. Chatfield then fell behind by 10 in the second (42-32), only to again get to even (49-49 with 8:00 left). With 3:55 to go, a Kirsten Keefe bucket gave Chatfield its first second half lead (54-53). Bulldog sophomore standout Sarah Hart answered with a couple FT’s (5554 PEM). Brook Irish then hit a short jumper (56-55 Chatfield), only for P-E-M’s Tessa Hubbard to answer with a 3-point play (5856 PEM), only for Irish to knock down another short jumper (5858; 2-plus left)! After a PEM turnover, Brian Baum diagrammed a play that got Keefe an open lefty lane-up (60-58 Chatfield). Bulldog coach Jason Melbostad then diagrammed a play to get Hart a bunny. It rolled around and didn’t fall (something that happened often for both teams). Sidney Irish was (eventually) fouled (0:23). In a one-andone situation, Irish’s first attempt rattled around and dramatically hung on the front of the rim before dropping. Irish nailed the second too (62-58 Chatfield). Hart then found the opponents spot in Chatfield gym (south basket, left of center, top of the key, deep; ala Devin Decker of St. Charles). She buried a three

(0:13.6). Sidney Irish was again fouled. Irish’s front end again took a Magellan-like route to its home. The second fell too. In the final seconds, P-E-M could only hoist up an errant two-pointer. By a final of 64-61, Chatfield prevailed. Keefe (15 pts, 5 stls) and the Irish’s, Brook (11 pts, 10 in the second half, 11 rebs, 5 stls) and Sidney (11 pts, 4-4 FT’s), set the pace. Hart was P-E-M’s standout (26 pts, 7 rebs, 4 stls). Hayley Rau chipped in a double-double (11 pts, 10 rebs). Chatfield’s FT shooting (18-20; 90%) probably won the game because P-E-M was excellent at the line also (20-26; 76%). Chatfield then downed Caledonia 70-48 for the Gophers senior night. B-Irish (12 pts, 5 rebs) led the way. Senior Camille Rasmussen, typically a rebounder and defender, hit 3 of 4 three’s for a season high 11 points. Maddie Talamantes added 10, eleven Gophers scored, as Chatfield officially snagged the 3-Rivers South. Their season finale versus fellow South 20-win team, fellow SubSection top seed, Rushford-Peterson, was a play-off prelude. On the Trojans’ senior night, Chatfield used a good start (8-0) and a good finish (9-0) to take control (39-24) at the half. They doubled standout senior G Kendra Crawford amidst their press, which impacted the Trojan efforts. R-P hung around though. When Crawford scored her 1,000th career point in the second half, it spurred the green. They got as close as seven midway thru, but could never get within true striking distance. Free throw shooting (15 for 29) and turnovers (30) were hindrances (Chat: 15-21 and 24). The Gophers snapped R-P’s 7-game win streak win a 66-52 win. Keefe (16 pts, 6 rebs, 3 assists, 4 stls), B-Irish (12 pts, 8 rebs, 3 stls), and Maddie Kammer (10) led the way. Crawford (15 pts, 5 rebs, 3 assists) and Brianna Koop (15 pts, 7 rebs) led R-P. It’s the third straight year a Lady Trojan has topped 1,000 points (Kenzie Lind, Amy Todd). They finish the regular season at 20-4 (15-4 in TRC). They are 1A East’s 1-seed

and will play 9-seed Lanesboro (5-12, 8-18) who beat 8-seed Houston (7-11, 8-15). Chatfield (19-0, 22-0) is 1AA East’s 1-seed and will host 8-seed L-A.

Goldsmith, Holm head section champion’s cast

Seven county wrestlers are section champions. Eleven total are heading to state. Topping the list are ‘undefeated’ section champs Jared Goldsmith (Chatfield) and Monty Holm (FCLMC). Goldsmith, a junior (ranked #4 at 113), posted a pair of wins by fall. He then toppled two defending section champs. Kenyon-Wanamingo’s Jared Clawiter (ranked #6, 30-14), who beat Goldsmith for the 2013 106-pound crown, fell first, 5-4. Zumbrota-Mazeppa’s Joey Majerus (ranked #3 at 120, 37-3), the defending 113-pound champ and three time state placer (3rd, 3rd, 4th), fell second, 3-2. Goldsmith hadn’t wrestled either elite foe in Chatfield’s multiple meetings with Z-M and K-W. He heads to state with a 28-0 record. Holm, a 195-pound senior, flew mostly under the radar this year for the Wolves. He replicated teammate Niko Anderson’s rise a year ago. Ranked #7, Holm pinned his way to the finals (bringing his season total to 20). There he faced Triton’s Lucas Etchason (#3, 29-0, a 2012 section champ, a 2013 section runner-up and state 4th place finisher) in a battle of undefeateds. Holm’s second period takedown proved the difference. Holm moved his season record to 32-0 with the 3-1 victory. Fellow Wolves standout Niko Anderson repeated as Section champ, moving up a weight from 170 to 182. Anderson (#1, now 33-1) won 16-6 and 17-1 before downing Z-M’s Hunter Prodzinski (#10, 36-6) 6-4 in the finals. Three other Gopher wrestlers, Hank Friederichs (#1 at 138), A.J. Riley (#5 at 145), and Harvey Friederichs (#3 at 152) joined Goldsmith as section champs. The Friederichs’ both repeated. Hank, a junior, has now gone to state each of the last three years at different weights (106, 120, 138). Harvey, a senior, won 132 last year. The brothers each have 38 wins on the season. Harvey holds a ½ game lead in the loss column (1 versus 2)! Sandwiched between them, weight-wise was Riley. The senior won three hard-fought matches (6-3 over FCLMC’s Andy Love, 3-2 over Z-M’s #8 Cody Heitman, & 3-1 over K-W’s Trent Brossard) to earn his title. Riley (33-3) was section runner-up at 126 a year ago. By virtue of second place finishes, Gophers Cody Bly (Sr., #5 at 170), Ryan Meeker (Jr. 132), and Ty Van Sickle (Fr. #10 at 120) moved on to state. Van Sickle (34-8) and Meeker (30-7) won true second matches. Meeker (30-7) was Mr. OT, losing 3-1 in triple OT in the championship, but then beating Lake City’s #10 Andrew Schmidt 2-1 in quadruple OT. Bly just lost in the finals 7-6

to K-W’s Drew Sathrum. Chatfield had seven individual state qualifiers, the most of any Section 1A team. They had eight last year. Eight-graders Treyc Van Sickle (106) and Jake Mandt (126), junior Jacob Bleess (#8 at 220) each lost true second matches (took third). Mandt wrestled for the 126-pound title. Alex Haffner took third (without wrestling for a trip to state). The Gophers thus took either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at 11 of 14 weights! Like Goldsmith, the Friederichs’, Riley, and Anderson, Bly and Meeker each qualified for state last year. In Section 2A, GMLOK junior Wyatt Richardson (#8, 25-4) won the 195-title, beating Maple River’s #5 Casey Decker in the finals 3-2. It is Wyatt’s first state appearance. He is the Bulldogs only qualifier, though Brenn Olson (Fr., 106), Jace Bunne (Jr., 138), Parker Hale (So., 145) each took third. Olson wrestled a true second match. In Section 1AA, LARP freshman McCoy Tekautz (#8, 29-4) took second at 126. He won 5-4 in the semis before falling to Cannon Falls’ Keston Lopez 17-15 in the finals. Josh Doerr (Fr., 113) lost a true second match to take third.

Burros ride unexpected hero to quarterfinal win

Lanesboro boys basketball this year has been a lot of Kole Ruud and Luke Rogers. The 1,000point duo have carried the Burros’ offense. In Lanesboro’s (4-seed; 16-9) 1A East quarterfinal matchup with Kingsland (5-seed; 6-20), Knight Head Coach John Fenske went so far as to employ a triangleand-two defense to curb R/R’s offensive efforts. And breaking from a trend all-season long, John Smith’s Burros got huge contributions elsewhere. He got a standout performance from freshman Cole Schwichtenberg. The 5’8” G single-handedly took

athlete of the week

Gopher GBB finishes perfect

Kingsland out of its special defense by burying four three-pointers in the first 10 minutes. Behind his 16 first half points, Lanesboro led 37-28 at the break. The Knights got an Isiah Bubany 3-point play right out of the gate to get within six (37-31), but a 7-0 Burro run (5 by Schwichtenberg) ensued (4431). Lanesboro’s lead would stay in double digits the rest of the way. They sank 22 of 26 second half FT’s (30-36 for the game) and downed the Knights 77-55. Schwichtenberg, who played full-time B-squad, part-time varsity (as the year progressed), entered with 47 varsity-level points. He finished the game with 23 points (9-11 FG’s, 4-5 three’s), an easy career high. The Burros had five guys score. All were in double figures (a first this season). Ruud (21 pts, 14-15 FT’s, 5 assists), Liam Dorn (12 pts, 4-4 FG’s, 4-6 FT’s, 14 rebs), Rogers (11 pts, 10 assists) and Garret Boggs (10 pts, 7-10 FT’s, 5 rebs, 6 assists) all contributed to a great Burro team-effort. Kingsland fought to the finish, but hit on just 9 of 34 three’s (26.5%). They were 30% from the field. Lanesboro was 48%. Junior G Jacob Rindels had 13 (5-19 shooting), sophomore Quinn Larson 9. Marcus Plaehn had 8 (pts) and 5 (reb). The Knights season ends at 6-21.

M-C upsets FC in quarters

Earlier in the year, Mabel-Canton’s boys notched their first win over SEC rival Lanesboro in 16 meetings (2006-2007). In the first round of the 1A East play-offs, the 6-seed Cougars (14-11) got another big win. They upset 3-seed Fillmore Central (11-15). It’s their first win over the Falcons in 10 meetings, dating back to 20062007. Doug Wyffels’ boys started the game hot from deep. Noah Manning, Hunter Johnson, and See SPORTS Page 13 


Chatfield (4), FCLMC (2), and GMLOK (1) wrestling combined for seven section individual champions. With LARP, the programs are sending a combined 11 wrestlers to state. None of those stars shone quite as brightly as Gopher junior Jared Goldsmith and Wolves senior Monty Holm. See ‘Goldsmith, Holm head section champion’s cast.’ Photo by Paul Trende

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The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week.

Monday, March 3, 2014


Page 13

Fillmore County Sports SPORTS

Continued from Page 12

Keyser Wenthold each hit a pair of first half trifectas. The Cougars did what they did to FC in the regular season (up 17-8) and bolted ahead (up 30-16). They led 35-26 at halftime. Unlike the regular season, where the Falcons came back and Logan Masters won the game (57-56) with a late driving lay-up, the Falcons couldn’t recover. A 6-0 run out of intermission helped M-C (up 41-26). The Falcons got to down 42-31, but then a 10-0 Cougar run (52-31). The closest FC got from there was 12. M-C curtailed Masters (6 pts, 4 assists, 7 stls). He had 20 the first meeting. They executed better offensively, passed the ball well (had twice as many assists), and thus shot a better percentage (44% to FC’s 31%). They also hit their free throws in the second half (17 of 25/68%) and for the game (20 of 30/67%). FC was 9 of 18 (50%) and 14 of 26 (54%). They prevailed 71-56. Johnson led the way (game-high, career-best-tying 25 pts, 3-4 three’s, 6-8 FT’s). Manning flirted with a triple double (15 pts, 10 rebs, 9 assists). Donnie

Lind had a double-double (11 pts, 12 rebs). For FC, Nick Powell finished off a fine season/career doing what he does (20 pts, 18 rebs, 4 stls, 3 blks). Carter Rindels chipped in 10. FC’s season ends at 11-16.


FC junior G Morgan Malley, with her team trailing 54-52, was fouled taking a three-pointer with less than a second to go versus Southland. She hit all three free throws to give the Falcons a 56-55 win! Malley finished with 26 points (5-11 three’s, 7-8 FT’s). FC has won 8 of 12. The losses have come to teams with a combined 87-8 record (L/P, R-P, Chatfield, P-E-M). They (8-11, 12-12) are 1A East’s 2-seed. R-P’s girls knocked off Kingsland to register their first 20-win season since 2006-2007. Kingsland (3-17, 4-22) is the 6-seed and will play at 3-seed Spring Grove. M-C’s girls used a second half surge (they trailed 30-28 at halftime), and a season high 19 from senior G Carly McCabe, to push past Houston 67-56. Abbey Loken was huge for the ‘Canes (25 pts, 18 rebs). M-C (13-4, 14-9) is the 4-seed and will host W-K (5-seed).

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athlete of the week

Jared Goldsmith Chatfield Gopher Wrestling

Chatfield (4), FCLMC (2), and GMLOK (1) wrestling combined for seven section individual champions. With LARP, the programs are sending a combined 11 wrestlers to state. None of those stars shone quite as brightly as Gopher junior Jared Goldsmith and Wolves senior Monty Holm. See ‘Goldsmith, Holm head section champion’s cast.’ Photo by Paul Trende

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Houston’s boys’ season (6-17) came to an end with an 87-73 loss to Schaeffer Academy in a 1A East play-in game. Schaeffer then fell 82-33 to R-P. Sixteen Trojans scored. In 1AA East, 3-seed Chatfield handled 6-seed La Crescent 65-46. Jayme LaPlante had 21 (pts) and 11 (rebs).

Boys Basketball

02-18: 1A East Play-in; 9-seed Houston 73, 8-seed Schaeffer Academy 87 (H: Austin Peplinski 19 pts (5-10 three’s); Sam Ross 18 pts, 5 rebs, 6 assists; Trevor Lundberg 10. SA: Zach Sanger 26 (9-9 FT’s); Dan Streifel 21 (11-13 FT’s); Roman Lahr 15; Joe Vaughan 13 pts, 13 rebs. Lions were 30-40 from FT line, ‘Canes 12-24. Hurricanes finish year at 6-17) 02-21: 1A East Quarters; 8-seed SA 33, 1-seed #3 in A R-P 82 (R-P: Cole Kingsley 10 pts; 5 assists)

1AA East Quarters; 6-seed La Crescent 46, 3-seed Chatfield 65 (C: J. LaPlante 21 pts (10-14 FG’s), 11 rebs; Christian Bance 12 pts, 6 rebs, 4 stls; Nate Skare 12; Brandon Adler 8 pts, 12 rebs)

Girls Basketball

02-18: Southland 54, FC 55 (FC: M. Malley 26 pts, 7 rebs; Kendyl Bennett 12 pts (4-5 FG’s, 4-6 FT’s), 12 rebs) M-C 67, Houston 56 (M-C: C. McCabe 19 pts, 5 rebs; Lydia Geving 15 pts, 13 rebs, 4 assists, 6 stls; Sara Lind 13 pts, 11 rebs; Abby Hanson 12 pts, 6 rebs. H: A. Loken 25 pts (9-16 FG’s), 18 rebs; Kelly Jerviss 15 pts (7-12 FG’s), 6 rebs, 4 assists) R-P 68, Kingsland 48 (R-P: B. Koop 18 pts (9-15 FG’s), 8 rebs 5 stls; K. Crawford 15 pts (3-18 FG’s; she’s closing in on 1,000-points), 5 rebs, 4 assists, 6 stls; Hope Morrison 12 pts all

Journal Writing Project:

in the second half (4-11 three’s); Keela Brand 11 pts (4-6 FG’s), 8 rebs, 6 stls; Sierra McNamer 10 pts all in the second half, 7 rebs, 4 assists. K: Marissa Bornholdt 12 pts, 9 rebs, 8 blks. On senior night, Knights fought Trojans to first half draw (26-26) before R-P executed better in second. First game was 74-40) 02-22: Grand Meadow 40, M-C 53 (M-C: S. Lind 19 pts, 10 rebs; L. Geving 12 pts, 8 rebs, 6 stls) Kingsland 43, Southland 71 (K: M. Bornholdt 13; Melinda Woods 10. Game was tied 29-all at halftime) 02-24: Kingsland 61, L-A 48 (K: M. Woods 14 pts, 12 rebs; Kailynn Hamersma 13; M Bornholdt 12 pts, 8 rebs; Gracie Schmidt 10. Knights end 13-game losing streak)

By Kaysie Kerns Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be Kaysie Kerns repeated, over time. Bullying is everywhere we look whether or not we like to admit it or look the other way. I recently read a story about a young girl, Rebecca, who was taunted and bullied by two other girls until she committed suicide. Rebecca was only 12 years old when she took her own life. The two girls who pushed Rebecca to her breaking point are both

being charged with felonies and will serve some time in juvenile prison. Both will not be allowed back into any public schools. Bullying has always been an issue through the generations, but with the more recent technology it has become easier. Cyber bullying which is bullying over the internet, phone, or other electronic technology has become more popular and seen very often. It is so convenient for kids to go onto Facebook or other social media sites and write rude remarks about other kids. They think it’s funny, they think its okay to make people feel so terrible that they will not even want to live anymore. Cyber bullying is the most popular type of bullying that there is today because kids don’t have to have a face to face confrontation, they can just hide behind their

phones and computers. One in five teenagers say that they have been bullied. Research also shows that school administrators can play a powerful role in bullying prevention. Psychologists say that bullying is caused by a lack of empathy for others. Teachers and parents that teach children empathy towards others reduces the chances of bullying and other kinds of violence. There is always bullying in schools, some of which is so bad that it can makes kids resent their school or not want to go anymore. Bullying is everywhere whether it is face to face or on the internet. Bullying isn’t “cool” or “impressive”, so if you witness bullying please try to stop it. Parents also need to encourage kids to speak to them if they or someone else is being bullied. Kaysie Kerns is a student at Mabel-Canton High School. She is one of 8 area students participating in the Journal Writing Project, now in its fifteenth year.

College News

of Spring Valley and Dylan Steichen of Spring Valley. •Minnesota State Mankato: Jonn Hansen of Fountain; Theodore Hermanson of Lanesboro; Nicholas Ebner of Preston; Adria Timm of Rushford; Erik Bicknese of Spring Valley; Spencer Klevan of Spring Valley; Jenna Rindels of Spring Valley and Natasha Root of Wykoff. •Southeast Technical: Danny Webber of Harmony; Jesse Amdahl of Mabel; Kyle Lee of Mabel; Kendra Sand of Mabel; Joshua Agrimson of Peterson; Laura Rislove of Peterson; Jessica Scroggins of Preston; Keela Brand of Rushford; Courtney Breer of Rushford; Brianna Keller of Rushford; Alicia Klungtvedt of Rushford; Samara McManimon Myers of Rushford; Ryan O’Shaughnessy of Rushford; Mariah Zuccarelli of Rushford and Maria Jones of Spring Valley. •Drake University: Jennifer Quanrud of Preston. •Western Technical College:

Kean Fallon of Peterson; Logan Deschler of Spring Grove and Michael Utecht of Spring Grove. •Bemidji State University: Cody Henderickson of Harmony; Ashley Christian of Spring Valley and Elizabeth Tart of Spring Valley. Graduations •University of Wisconsin-Stout: Amanda Lutes of Harmony, BFA Art. •University of Wisconsin-River Falls: Adam Hazel of Lanesboro, Bachelor of Science degree in Crop & Soil Science. •Rochester Community and Technical College: Denise Bearbower of Peterson, Associate in Science Degree for Nursing; Alan McCaulley of Fountain, Associate in Arts Degree for Liberal Arts and Sciences; Christopher Olson of Lanesboro, Associate in Science Degree for Engineering, with high honors; Ashley Olson of Preston, Associate in Science Degree for Accounting, with honors.


Dean’s List/Honors •University of Wisconsin Platteville: Derek Johnson of Spring Grove. •University of Dubuque: Victoria Woltz of Wykoff. •University of Minnesota Morris: Lisa Early of Wykoff. •Bethel University: Samatha Stocker of Peterson. •University of Minnesota Twin Cities: Benjamin Mesick of Chatfield; Jacob Pierce of Fountain; Miranda Walbridge of Fountain; Tori Ristau of Preston and Amanda Distad of Spring Valley. •Riverland Community College: Nicholas Mesenbring of Ostrander; Cheryl Perry of Ostrander; Matthias Bush of Spring Valley; Arie Foster of Spring Valley; Darin Ness of Spring Valley; Marshall Oeltjen of Spring Valley, Scott Schroepfer


Page 14

Monday, March 3, 2014

Area libraries expand services By Karen Reisner Fillmore County library directors highlighted the many and varied services they provide at the county board’s September 25 meeting. Seven area libraries were represented by Monica Erickson, Chatfield; Stephanie Silvers, Harmony; Tara Johnson, Lanesboro; Donna Johnson, Mabel; Beth Anderson, Preston; Susan Hart, Rushford; and Dianne Sikkink, Spring Valley. Susan Hart insisted that libraries are adapting to change and evolving with a lot of technology being incorporated into the library services. Libraries will continue to be here in the future, she said. Library staff provide a number of services helping people find what they need from books to information online to help with their devices. One patron had commented, “If they don’t have what you need, they will find it for you. How great is that?” Monica Erickson said lots of folks come in and out of our doors for a variety of reasons including meetings, quiet time for reading, and little folks after school. Staff help people access new electronic materials and have access to 52 electronic data bases. Collections of books, magazines, electronic materials, audio books, movies, and music can be shared between libraries within SELCO and also through a network of libraries, even across state lines. There are 47 computers throughout the seven libraries and they draw many folks of all ages. Wi-Fi access is available at most of the libraries. Erickson maintained they work to entertain and educate everyone that comes in. They sponsored 328 programs with an attendance

total of almost 6,000. Erickson said the money from the Arts and Heritage portion of the Minnesota Legacy funds is very helpful. Commissioner Duane Bakke asked about the amount of Legacy funding. Michael Scott, Assistant Director of SELCO, explained that they are in their fourth year of receiving the funding. In the current biennium $3 million was made available for all of the libraries. The funds received by SELCO are divided across the 11 southeast Minnesota counties it serves. They go back to the legislature every two years to apply for the funding through a competitive grant process. Erickson added that they know their patrons and can provide personalized service. The market value of the retail service provided is over $4 million. Chairman Chuck Amunrud asked if they have helped people sign up for the Affordable Care Act. Sikkink said they have helped and that navigation of the system has sped up. Sheriff Department Approval was given for the purchase of two new vehicles including a 2014 Chevrolet Impala Limited at the low quote on the Minnesota State Contract for $20,509.20 and a 2014 Dodge Durango AWD SSV at the low quote of $27,975.00 from Dodge of Burnsville (lower than the state contract quote). The Impala will replace a 2008 Impala with 130,000 miles, which will be sent to auction. The Durango will replace a 2008 Chevrolet Silverado, which will continue in use as a back-up vehicle that has FWD. The board has a policy to buy at the state contract quote unless

Chatfield Library Director Monica Erickson and SELCO Assistant Director Michael Scott inform board members as to the value of library services and funding available to help with the expansion of services. Photo by Karen Reisner

Pet of the Week



DOMESTIC MEDIUM HAIR MIX I was hiding under a tree in the front yard of a Byron home, and I was so laid-back that my rescuers were able to walk right up to me and carry me in their arms. Once I got to the shelter and was put into a cage - No way!!! I’d rather be sacked by the whole Chicago Bears defensive line than have to stay in a cage! When I’m out and about, I’m a friendly young guy, and when someone walks into the room, I purr non-stop. The time clock is ticking, so don’t delay. I’ll be so excited to reach the goal line - my forever home!

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a local dealer can beat the state contract price. The board approved the purchase of a low mileage used Chevrolet Impala from a local dealership under $17,000 at Sheriff Daryl Jensen’s discretion. It will replace a 2007 Impala. Jensen reported 2013 statistics related to the South Eastern Minnesota Narcotics and Gang Task Force (SEMNGTF). The task force does not include Rochester, but includes Winona and Austin. There were 640 investigations, 191 search warrants, 339 felony drug arrests, and 33 non-felony arrests. Drugs seized included synthetic drugs, methamphetamine, marijuana, and prescription drugs. Also seized were 28 handguns and 38 long guns that were present during executed search warrants. Jensen said the task force has a monthly meeting for sheriffs and police chiefs. He said the county gets a good return on its invest-

The FCJ reaches over 13,000 households each week. ment with the task force. Other Business In Brief •The board approved the request from Social Services to have a fifth employee telecommute for three days of the work week. Telecommuters are expected to do 20 to 30 percent more work. Community Services Director Beth Wilms said there has to be a value for the department as a whole to justify it. She suggested they produce a yearly report on the telecommuters work output. Commissioner Tom Kaase said the benefit to the county is the increased work load, asking what is the cost. Wilms said it costs about $2,000 to get a new telecommuter set up. She said it doesn’t really matter where you are sitting to do the work, adding it is a privilege to telecommute. The request for the additional telecommuter was approved for an employee that works in adult services and disability services.

•An addendum to 2014 CREST Initiative agreement was approved. Wilms said there were no major changes in the agreement. She said it is a flexible program that provides reimbursement for services not covered by other forms of reimbursement. The state wants more accurate reporting of these dollars. It is part of adult mental health services and helps with drug copays, dental work, housing, and emergency housing. •Two resolutions were approved to support Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) legislative priorities. The first supports efforts for a new state-wide comprehensive transportation funding package to address Minnesota’s $50 billion transportation deficit (the Move MN Campaign) and the second supports legislation that would allow counties to publish certain public notices on their web sites instead of, or in addition to, an official newspaper.

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Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!


Continued from Page 1

project at the elementary, playground surfacing at the elementary, and some electric signage at the high school site. Keith said there have been concerns in the past about using up the space at both sites, but currently at least 85 percent of the rooms are in use on a daily basis 75 percent of time. “We’re using our space, and we’re running out of room in some cases.” There was also some discussion about changing the location of the office at the high school, either by remodeling the media center or adding on to the building. Personnel The board approved the resignation of Cheryl Tesch, a custodian at the elementary school. With this resignation, Custodial Supervisor Bernie Hurley had requested a decrease of 2.5 custodial hours per week. He requested the two part-time employees, Jim Schott and Jon Haug, increase to full time to replace Tesch. Board member Shelly Topness had some concerns about decreasing the amount of hours per week. She suggested they advertise for Tesch’s position and leave the hours the same. The board agreed.

The board also approved the maternity leave extension for Jeanette Burns until March 31, and the long-term sub extension for Terry Sinn. Spring coaches were approved. Tim Ostrom will be coaching B squad softball, Travis Malley 8th grade, and Jessie Powell 7th grade. In baseball, David Broadwater will coach B squad, Don Schoepski and Jeff Dick 7th grade. Brad Holten will coach boy’s golf and Lane Powell girl’s golf, and Aaron Mensink junior high. Baseball field improvements The board accepted donations from AgStar for $750, the Fillmore Central Booster Club for $10,000, and Preston Community Foundation for $2,000 to go toward the baseball field renovations. Chris Mensink received bids from two companies for a new fence, and the lowest was for $13,820 from Sutherland Fence in Chatfield. The donations will cover the cost of the fence. Mensink added he has applied for a grant from the Minnesota Twins for $10,000, and he will find out at the end of March if he received that. If the district does get that extra money, it will go toward more improvements to the field. Weather make-up days The district’s policy on making up snow days allows for one snow day a year, and up to five

Monday, March 3, 2014 days must be made up. So far this winter, there have been five days missed due to bad weather. There was some discussion about when to make up the four days missed. It was decided not to take days away from spring break. The board will discuss which days to make up at the end of the year at the March meeting. Summer Food Service program Keith informed the board about a program the elementary school is eligible to participate in. Because of low incomes in the area, there could be a program at the school that provides two free meals per day to anyone 18 and under. There would be no need to prove need or age, and the school would be reimbursed by the state depending on how many meals are served. Other Business Services with ProCare for a school psychologist were terminated. The district is now receiving the services of Brian Feight through a contract with Kingsland. It was approved the seek bids for a food service management contract, as well as for multi-coverage insurance for 2014-2017. Mensink said 151 people attended the recent FatherDaughter Hoe Down hosted by ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education).

Minnesota Farm Bureau commends Senate for passing five-year farm bill The Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation (MFBF) applauds the U.S. Senate for approving the bipartisan farm bill, the Agriculture Act of 2014. The bill provides needed risk management tools and a viable economic safety net for America’s farmers and ranchers.

“We appreciate the Senate’s decision to protect and strengthen the federal crop insurance program and not reduce its funding, as well as the approval of a commodity program that provides farmers varied safety net options,” said MFBF President Kevin Paap.

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“This proposed bill will encourage farmers to follow market signals. Most importantly, the bill is fiscally responsible.” “We thank Senators Klobuchar and Franken for voting in support of the final bill. A special thank you to Senator Klobuchar for her leadership on the farm bill conference committee,” said Paap. “They had many tough decisions to make but were able to move forward with a solid bill that includes many Farm Bureau supported provisions.” “It’s been a tough road for the legislation, but we are pleased with the clear bipartisan vote that prevailed,” said Paap. “We need the final bill signed into law by President Obama so farmers and ranchers can have the certainty they need to make business decisions over the next five years and to provide the U.S. Department of Agriculture time to begin implementation of the bill’s provisions.” Minnesota Farm Bureau representing Farmers • Families • Food is comprised of 78 local Farm Bureaus across Minnesota. Members make their views known to political leaders, state government officials, special interest groups and the general public. Programs for young farmers and ranchers develop leadership skills and improve farm management. Promotion and Education Committee members work with programs such as Ag in the Classroom and safety education for children. Join Farm Bureau today and support our efforts to serve as an advocate for rural Minnesota, www.fbmn. org.


Page 19

Tax Preparation Guide

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Page 20


Monday, March 3, 2014

The FCJ reaches over 13,000 household each week.

Minnesota Energy Resource Coorporation (MERC) rate increases By Karen Reisner A request was made by a Fillmore County Journal reader to look into the “customer charge” and “per unit charge” increases requested by MERC last fall. MERC has many local natural gas customers in Rochester and surrounding cities. MERC, a subsidiary of Integrys Energy Group, filed a request with the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) to increase its natural gas rates by 5.52 percent overall or an increase of $14,187,597 in gross revenues on September 30, 2013. MERC has requested three rate increases since 2008, the last rate increase was three years ago. My understanding is that the requested increase is not an increase in the base natural gas charge, but an increase in the retail natural gas rates which includes the wholesale cost of natural gas. For example, the rate increase for an average

residential customer is expected to go from $8.50 to $11 per month, which taken by itself is greater than a 5.2 percent increase, but not when the whole bill is taken into account including the wholesale cost of natural gas. The Minnesota PUC is tasked with regulating public utilities. A piece of their regulatory duties includes investigation into requested rate changes by large natural gas companies like MERC, which is the third largest distributor of natural gas in Minnesota. In a press release the company called the requested increase modest and said it was to raise revenue to cover added costs due to “general inflation, property taxes, improvements to customer service programs, efforts to expand the customer base...and operations/maintenance projects to ensure reliability and safety for custom-

ers.” The company suggests they are experiencing increased costs due “to increased costs related to customer service functions and conservation programs.” MERC expects that even with the rate increase residential customers will be paying less for natural gas than they did six years ago because the wholesale price of natural gas is considerably lower now than it was then. MERC raises revenue to pay for the distribution of natural gas including infrastructure through the monthly customer charge, the per unit distribution charge, and the demand charge, if applicable. The wholesale price of natural gas is passed on to the customer directly “without adding a penny to the price.” The company’s revenue stream comes from these service charges to deliver natural gas and not from a mark up of the wholesale price of natural gas.

If the permanent rate changes are approved by the PUC, monthly bills will vary depending on the wholesale price of natural gas. Late in November the PUC ordered MERC to include a customer notice in all bills about the interim rate increase. These rates, which went into effect on January 1, will be in effect until October, 2014, when the PUC hands down its decision on the requested authority for the permanent rate increase. “The overall interim rate increase is $10,526,156 or an average of 4.09 percent over current rates including the cost of gas.” If the permanent rates are set lower than the interim rate, customers will be refunded the difference with interest. If they are set higher than the interim rate, customers will not be responsible for the difference. The interim or temporary increase according to MERC

Yes, spring is coming!

Fillmore County District Court

By Jerrold Tesmer, Extension Educator for Fillmore/Houston Counties We each have our own markers, in my case; I’ve received messages about corn silage test plots, and black cutworm pheromone trapping. Before we get Jerrold Tesmer too excited about spring, we have one more event for farmers that will be of interest. There will be a “Forages for “U” workshop, on Thursday, March 27, 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. in St. Charles at the City Hall. Key forage production and management issues for Minnesota will be addressed. This program is developed by the

Nicole Renee Mills, 35, of Harmony, Minn. appeared in Fillmore County Court on February 19, 2014 for sentencing for one count Fleeing a Peace Officer in a Motor Vehicle. Mills was given a stay of imposition with the conditions of pay fine, fees, and restitution totaling $4,065. Mills was sentenced to 27 days in the Fillmore County Jail with credit for time served of 27 days. Mills will be under supervised probation for three years with the conditions of remain law-abiding, no same or similar, aftercare, no alcohol or controlled substance use, no possession of alcohol or drugs, do not enter bars or liquor stores, random testing, submit to random searches, no contact with victim(s), no contact with persons associated with illegal drugs, or known felons, no assault, no use or possession of firearms or dangerous weapons, supply DNA sample, advise agent prior to changing employment and/or residence, take medications in the prescribed dosage and frequency, no contact with co-defendant(s), Dexter Eiken, pay restitution, complete treatment, write letter of apology within 10 days. Tyler Byron Michael Ryant, 19, of Spring Grove, Minn. appeared in Fillmore County Court on February 24, 2014 for sentencing of one count Burglary - 3rd Degree - Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misdemeanor. Ryant was given a stay of imposition ordering him to 30 days in the Fillmore County Jail, 40 hours of community work service and placing him under supervised probation for four years. Probation conditions include no same or similar, pay restitution, complete cognitive thinking skills program, no possession of alcohol or mood altering substances, do not enter premises of establishments primarily serving alcohol, maintain employment, write letter of apology, submit

University of Minnesota Extension and is aimed at current issues and research in forage production and management with the intent to increase producers’ forage production and farm profitability. Past participants expressed that they have benefited from the useful, research based, and timely information the University of Minnesota Extension brings to these meetings and the open discussion format designed to encourage audience participation. This program targets crop management information for producers and Ag professionals. Pre-registration is preferred by March 14. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. with the program dismissing at 3 p.m. Program agendas can be mailed or emailed upon request. For more information contact Jake Overgaard at 507457-6440 or

DNA sample, submit to random searches, no contact with anyone known to be involved with sale use or distribution of controlled substances, do not engage in assaultive, aggressive, threatening, or intimidating behavior, no possession of firearms or dangerous weapons. Jeremiah Duane Siewert, 32, of St. Charles, Minn. appeared in Fillmore County Court on February 24, 2014 for sentencing for one count Harassment; Restraining Order - Violate within 10 years of first of two previous domestic violence convictions/adjudications. Siewert was sentenced to 24 months in a Minnesota Correctional Facility, which was stayed for five years. Siewert was placed under supervised probation for five years with the conditions of no same or similar, complete domestic violence treatment, follow recommendations, complete cognitive skills program, no possession of alcohol or mood altering substances, submit to random testing, do not enter premises of establishments primarily serving alcoholic beverages, maintain employment and residence, submit to random searches, no contact with anyone involved with

is needed to produce sufficient revenue to cover costs and to prevent a “revenue deficiency.” Customers will see differing effects on their monthly bills depending on “natural gas use and customer type.” During this 10 month period of review and evaluation by the PUC, the Minnesota Department of Commerce investigates MERC’s books and records. The public comment period runs from December 19, 2013 through March 27, 2014. The local office for MERC is at 3460 Technology Drive NW, Rochester, Minn. Comments can be e-mailed to PublicComments.PUC@state. or they can be mailed to Burl Haar, Executive Secretary, MN PUC, 121 7th Place East, Suite 350, St. Paul, MN 551012147. Include the docket number with your comments, PUC Docket Number G-011/GR-13617. sale, use, or distribution of controlled substances, do not engage in or exhibit assaultive, aggressive, threatening, or intimidating behavior, do not possess firearms, dangerous weapons, or ammunition, submit DNA sample. Mark Kevin Burrington, 52, of Spring Valley, Minn. appeared in Fillmore County Court on February 24, 2014 for sentencing for one count Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana. Burrington was given a stay of imposition that includes 30 days in the Fillmore County Jail to be served by April 1, 2014 with credit for time served of 14 days, a fine of $1,000, five years of supervised probation with the conditions of no same or similar, do not possess alcohol or mood altering substances, submit to random tests, do not enter premises of establishments primarily serving alcoholic beverages, be medication compliant, maintain employment and residence, do not engage in assaultive, aggressive, intimidating, or threatening behavior, submit to random searches, no contact with anyone known to be involved with sale, use, or distribution of controlled substances, no contact with known felons, no possession of firearms, dangerous weapons, or ammunition.

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Continued from Page 1

continuously to prevent freeze ups. Young noted that the sewer bill is tied to water usage. Young reported that many people that have called in are concerned about the cost of running water continuously. He noted that property owners are responsible for their service line to their home if it were to freeze. Councilors agreed that residents who run their water are protecting their own service line as well as the city’s system. It will help keep the water mains from freezing, as the water is continuously moving in the mains. Frost is six feet or more in depth where there is no snow cover. The cost associated with continuous running of water for the city is probably considerably less than costs the city would incur to repair frozen mains. 2014 Street Project City Engineer Dillon Dombrovski reviewed the feasibility

report for the 2014 street and utility project which includes St. Albans Place (mill and overlay and utility improvements), Twiford Street (roadway and utility improvements), Bench Street (roadway and utility improvements), and West Chatfield improvements. The total cost of the four projects is estimated to be $1,889,130. There will be several sources of funding including special assessments to benefiting property owners, general obligation bonds, DEED grant funds, and other city funding. Construction is expected to begin in the spring and be completed by November, 2014. Mike Bubany, David Drown and Associates, said the 2014 improvements should be viewed as four separate, physical projects, but as three projects for the legal authority process. There will be no public hearing necessary for the sewer and water utility portion. The special assessment authority has its own legal process (special assessment authority for

Monday, March 3, 2014 at least 20 percent of related cost). Bubany said the Twiford developer assessment will exceed 20 percent. A five year plan will have to be adopted for the street construction authority. Grants in the amount of $323,750 will be used for the Twiford and St. Albans portions. The total bond issue is estimated to be $1,565,000 which is to be financed over 10 years. Seventeen percent of the project cost is for sewer improvements and fourteen percent for water improvements. Bubany said without the improvements sewer rates are projected to increase 4.5 percent per year, but with the improvements they will increase at the rate of about 6 percent per year. Water rates are projected to increase at a rate of 2 percent per year without the improvements, but with improvements rates will increase about 3 percent per year. Total costs for a typical home owner including sewer and water costs and property taxes would go up 2 to 3 percent per year more than what they would have without the improvements. Councilors adopted a resolution calling for a public hearing on the proposal to adopt a street reconstruction plan and the intent to issue general obligation street reconstruction bonds. The hearing will be held on March 24 at 7 p.m. A resolution to receive the feasibility report and call a hearing was not voted on because it legally required a super majority and there

Government this week

Dealer lenDer consignment

Notice AdvertisiNg deAdliNe Due to the recent snow storm the advertising deadline for the Gehling Auction Company spring sale has been changed to March 4, 2014. Tractors already consigned J D 9560RT-2012-788 hrs., 8360R-2012425 hrs., 8335R-2012-395 hrs., 8770, plus the Arnold Schleusner retirement farm line. To consign a single item or a complete line call Gehling Auction Company 1-800-7700347 or email

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•Monday, March 3, Lanesboro City Council meeting, City Hall, 5:30 p.m. •Monday, March 3, Preston City Council meeting, Council Chambers, 6 p.m. •Tuesday, March 4, Fillmore County Commissioners meeting, Courthouse, 9 a.m. •Tuesday, March 4, Houston School Board meeting, 5:30 p.m. •Tuesday, March 4, Ostrander City Council meeting, Community Center, 6 p.m. •Tuesday, March 4, Rushford Village City Council meeting, Community Center, 7 p.m. •Thursday, March 6 Fountain City Council meeting, City Office, 7:30 p.m. •Monday, March 10, Whalan City Council meeting, City Hall, 5 p.m. •Monday, March 10, Houston City Council meeting, City Hall, 7:30 p.m. •Monday, March 10, Wykoff City Council meeting, City Hall, 7 p.m. •Monday, March 10, Chatfield City Council meeting, City Hall, 7 p.m. •Monday, March 10, City of Rushford City Council meeting, City Hall, 6:30 p.m. •Monday, March 10, Spring Valley City Council meeting, City Hall, 6 p.m. Schedule subject to change.


were only three voting members present. It will be acted on at the next meeting. Other Business In Brief •Approval was given for the Chatfield Saddle Club to install aluminum bleachers at the Mill Creek Arena. The city recommended that the bleachers be installed on a concrete slab. •Joel Young and Tony Lammers praised the city workers for the long hours they put in dealing with freeze ups, a 6 inch water main that is froze up, and the recent snow event. Steve Horsman came out of retirement to help. The council approved payment for his 15 hours of work. They authorized Tony Lammers to call on Horsman over the next three months when additional help is needed. •Jenny Bradt, secretary/treasurer of the Bluff Country Hiking Club, reported on the club’s activities over the last year. She requested additional funding from the city. The city provided $2,000 to the club in 2013 and approved the same for 2014. The funds help with advertisement, liability insurance,

Page 21

and brochure printing expenses. The club has received grants to help with improvements for the trail from the Minnesota Conservation Corps, Operation Round-Up, and a Minnesota 4H Helping Hands Grant. Upcoming scheduled events include a competitive Spring Trail Run on May 17, participation in National Trail Days on June 7 and a Halloween Trail Run and Hike on November 1. •The Olmsted County Board of Review will meet by appointment at the Olmsted County Government Center from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on April 24. The Fillmore County Board of Review will be at the Fillmore County Assessor’s Office on April 21 through April 24 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the assessment year, 2015 payable year. •Chosen Valley Care Center, Inc. will host the “Running for the Aging 5K/1 mile run as a fundraiser for the senior living community. The event is scheduled for June 21 at 9 a.m. The council approved the use of the streets that will be used for the event.


Hay & Straw Monday, MaRCH 10, 2014 • noon notE: SalE iS 2nd Monday of EaCH MontH

Sale Site: Preston dairy & farm of Canton 1/2 Mile west of Canton, Mn on Hwy 52 To Consign Hay or Straw or For More Information: Call Don 507-743-2250 or Gehling Auction Company 507-765-2131 All hay must be on the lot by 5:00pm the Friday prior to the auction. Loader tractor will be onsite 1 week ahead of sale and 1 week after the sale. All round bales & big square bales must be unloaded. No Saturday, Sunday or Sale Day unloading. Loader fee is $1.00 per bale. Only small square bales will be sold on trailers or wagons but must be weighed empty and full. There will be no exceptions. or email


Page 22

Monday, March 3, 2014

Habitat repurposing show moved to fall

Habitat for Humanity to host fundraiser in October 2014 products. Vendors with an interest in participating in the fall show should contact Annie Oxborough-Yankus or Jen Tepovich by stopping at the Habitat office located at 108 E. 4th St. in downtown Winona or by calling 507-457-0003. Potential vendors will be asked to provide a short description of their products as well as photos.

WINONA, Minn. – The Winona ReStore and Habitat for Humanity Winona-Fillmore Counties has adjusted the date for their second annual “Your Home: ReStyled, RePurposed, ReVived” event to take place on Saturday, October 11, 2014 at the Winona National Guard Armory! The show will be a gathering of ideas, skills, product, and vendors with experience in repurposing, recycling, and restyling various home

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Red Green’s Wit & Wisdom Tour Live The best-selling author, humorist and handyman who believes "anything is possible if you use enough duct tape," continues to entertain audiences with his still-popular public TV series, The Red Green Show. The champion of underachieving men everywhere, Red Green (aka Steve Smith) will offer homespun wisdom ("Lower your expectations and live a happier life."), philosophies on relationships ("Women always have the last word in an argument. Anything after that is just the beginning of the next argument"), and of course handyman tips ("Never get in between electricity and where it wants to go").

AIRS March 5th at 8:30pm and March 8th at 9pm.



The FCJ reaches over 13,000 household each week.

Professional Engineering Services changes in Spring Valley By Gary Peterson The Spring Valley City Council met Monday night and spent a short amount of time discussing the proposal for Professional Engineering Services from Yaggy Colby Associates. There was a letter from Yaggy Colby to City Administrator Deb Zimmer in regards to the city hiring another engineering firm replacing Yaggy Colby. The letter was signed by David Strauss, Project Engineer and voiced disappointment. “Yaggy Colby Associates was obviously disappointed to received your letter dated January 7, 2014 that disclosed the City of Spring Valley will be making a change in engineering services. We have enjoyed serving the City of Spring Valley and have considered the City a valued client.” The letter from Yaggy Colby proposes to provide the following services. Complete record drawings for South Broadway project (R11404) and to charge the City $3,200 for this service. The second service is to gather and transmit requested information to the City. The cost for having the information transmitted to the City at a charge of $600. Deb Zimmer said that she had sent Yaggy Colby a flash drive that the information could be placed on and returned to the City.

There is some question by members of the city council if these items aren’t already owned by the City and they should not be paid again. A little history on fees paid to Yaggy Colby for the past seven years. The total so far is $1,072,872.04 and Mayor Struzyk said, “This leaves the council with a bad taste in its mouth.” On a much more positive note, the Street Department received a big Thank You from everyone for the good work during and after the blizzard last week. After the meeting Chad Hindt was asked how the sand and salt is holding up and he said that they are keeping the joint city, county and state building ready to go for the next storm. Department Head reports starting sounding like warmer weather. Librarian Diane Swenson-Sikkink that a library inventory was held on February 11

and they have identified 24,000 items done. Also, adult readers will be scheduled for March 28. John Fenske reported that May 21 will be registration for summer recreation programs. Tim Rasmussen submitted a written report on law enforcement and in addition mentioned the next time the City buys a vehicle that perhaps they should look at All Wheel Drive or Four Wheel Drive to enable moving about the City during snow storms like we had last week. Troy Lange of the Fire Department reported a normal month. Deb Zimmer reported that the Almanzo 100 needs more homes to house participants. So far 1,700 bikes are registered. Some dates to write down •SV Area Community Foundation Banquet on April 26. •Board of Revue April 14 at 5:30 p.m. •Rental Ordinance Public Hearing is March10 at 6.

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Bidding starts ending on Monday, March 10th at 5:00pm THERE WILL BE MN SALES TAX CHARGED ON THIS AUCTION! Partial list: 2012’ A.C. 4x4 ATV; Gravely & Simplicity mowers; 97’ A.C. snowmobile; FLOE snowmobile trailer; Many NICE collector toys (tractors, cars, heavy equip. NIB); Beer collectibles; Long guns & ammo; Fill. Co. & MN Atlas’; Old post cards & stamps; Glassware –(Redwing; Roseville, McCoy, Frankoma); Antique books; Sports memorabilia-(some autographed); Woll’s Rushford Dairy bottle; Redwing crocks; Hummels; Farmall F20 Pedal tractor in box-(never assembled); NICE furniture – hutch, BR sets, couches, tables, Hoosier cabinet; Roy Rogers – John Wayne photos; Many prints –(Redlin, Van Dyke, Killen); Stainless sinks –like new; Barber chair; Power & hand tools; Glass gas pump globes; Garden tiller; Foosball table. terms: MN sales tax & 10% buyer prem. added to all purchases; All items sold “as is”. Buyer confirming validity & condition; All buyer’s must pick up & pay for items on pickup day. If you’re not able to make pickup day, please don’t bid; all gun buyers must read & agree to all gun terms on our web site. Viewing days: Wed. March 5th 3pm-7pm; Sun. March. 9th 11am-3pm PickuP day: Tues. March 11th 8 am – 7 pm. location: Darr Auctions Warehouse at 909 Larson Lane, Rushford, MN. Look for directional Rodney daRR signs.

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Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Fillmore County police reports Chatfield Police Department Samuel D. Hershberger, 26, Rochester, Minn.; 12/10/2013, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Naomi Ann Nord, 30, Rochester, Minn.; 7/12/2013, Driver’s License - Driving After Suspension; Fees $290. Brianna Lee Wing, 27, Chatfield, Minn.; 10/1/2013, Speeding - 55/45; Fees $130. 10/1/2013, Driver Must Carry Proof of Insurance when Operating Vehicle; Fees $200. Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office Sarah Rose Chounard, 26, Ostrander, Minn.; 12/16/2013, Driver’s License - Driving After Revocation; Fine of $1,000 (stay $800 until 2/4/2014), Fees $290, Local confinement for 90 days (stay 90 days for one year), Remain law-abiding, No same or similar, No driving without insurance, have valid license to drive. 12/16/2013, Uninsured Vehicle - Owner Violation; Fine of $1,000 (stay $700 until 2/4/2015), Fees $300, Local confinement for 90 days (stay 90 days for one year), Remain law-abiding, No same or similar, No driving without insurance, have valid license to drive. Justin Daniel Fisher, 23, Harmony, Minn.; 12/29/2013, Parking Ordinance; Fees $32. Oronzo Louis Horman, 44, Winona, Minn.; 12/20/2013, DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcohol Concentration 0.08 Within 2 Hours; Fine of $1,000 (stay $700 until 2/4/2015), Fees $415, Local confinement for 90 days (stay 87 days for one year), Supervised probation for one year - Remain law-abiding, No same or simi-

lar, No alcohol/controlled substance use, No possession of alcohol or drugs, can work at the golf course, Random testing, Do not enter bars or liquor stores, Submit to chemical testing, complete chemical assessment, follow all recommendations. 12/20/2013, Speeding - 38/30; Fees $40. Benjamin Garth Miller, 22, Spring Valley, Minn.; 6/2/2013, Collision with Unattended Vehicle - Notify Victim or Police; Fine of $1,000 (stay $700 until 2/3/2015), Fees $390, Local confinement for 90 days (stay 90 days for one year), unsupervised probation for one year - Remain lawabiding, No same or similar, No driving iwthout insurance, also have valid license to drive. Michael William Niemeyer, 33, Spring Valley, Minn.; 9/25/2013, Disorderly Conduct; Fees $90, Local confinement for 90 days (credit for time served of 90 days). Gary Wayne Olson, 45, Canton, Minn.; 7/14/2013, DWI Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcohol Concentration 0.08 Within 2 Hours; Fine of $3,000 (stay $2,100 until 2/12/2016), Fees $1,095, Local confinement for 365 days (stay 335 days for two years, serve as work release), Superivsed probation for two years - Remain law-abiding, No same or similar, Chemical dependency evaluation/treatment, Complete outpatient treatment by March 1, 2014 and continue psychiatric services, Aftercare, No alcohol/ controlled substance use, No possession of alcohol or drugs, Do not enter bars or liquor stores, Random testing, Submit to random searches, Follow all instructions of probation, No

Monday, March 3, 2014 driving without insurance, and valid driver’s license. Mark Casey Richmond, 46, Caledonia, Minn.; 9/2/2013, Driver’s License - Driving After Revocation; Fees $290. Tara Nicole Schmoll, 31, Lime Springs, Iowa; 10/8/2013, Driver’s License - Driving After Revocation; Fees $290. Mason Paul Stuhldreher, 26, Rochester, Minn.; 9/9/2013, Driver’s License - Driving After Revocation; Fees $290. Casey Dakota Turbenson, 19, Spring Valley, Minn.; 1/31/2014, Seat Belt Required - Driver and Passengers Must Use; Fees $115. Spencer Allen Yeadon, 20, Racine, Minn.; 1/1/2014, Drugs - Possession of Drug Paraphernalia - Use or Possession; Fees $140. Minnesota State Patrol Randolph Norman Cronk, 20, Spring Valley, Minn.; 12/6/2014, Open Bottle Law - Possession - crime described; Fees $190. 12/6/2013, Liquor - Consumption by persons under 21; Fees $100. Brayden Jeffrey Hebl, 23, Lanesboro, Minn.; 1/23/2014, Vehicle - Window Restrictions - Tint Too Dark; Fees $140. Hussein Shukri Ibrahim, 36, Faribault, Minn.; 1/24/2014, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $130. Sherri Marie Langfeldt, 53, Faribault, Minn.; 12/26/2013, Driver’s License - Driving After Suspension; Fees $290. Molly Beatrice McNicoll, 43, Decorah, Iowa; 1/29/2014, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $130. Adam David Pettey, 19, Spring Valley, Minn.; 10/18/2013, Driver’s License Driving After Suspension; Fees $290. 10/23/2013, Driver’s License - Driving After Suspension; Fees $290. Kelli Marie Reicks, 22, Preston, Minn.; 11/19/2013, Driver’s License - Driving Without a Valid License or Vehicle Class/Type; Multiple Licenses Prohibited; Fees $190. 11/19/2013, Speeding - 65/55; Fees $40. Preston Police Department Brett Michael Alderman, 23, Harmony, Minn.; 1/15/2014, Stopping/Standing/Parking Where Signs Prohibit Stopping; Fees $32. Melvin Marvin Hayner, Winnebago, Minn.; 1/25/2014, Stopping/Standing/Parking Where Signs Prohibit Stopping; Fees $32. Rushford Police Deparment Dylan Michael Bartsh, 29, Houston, Minn.; 10/12/2013, Driver’s License - Driving After Revocation; Fees $290. 10/12/2013, Driver Must Carry Proof of Insurance when Operating Vehicle; Fees $200. Jacob John Bellock, 19, Rushford, Minn.; 6/6/2013, DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under Influence of Alcohol; Fine of $3,000 (stay $2,100 until 2/13/2016), Fees $1,095, Local confinement for 365 days (stay 335 days for two years, serve as work release/ weekends), Supervised probation for two years.


Page 23

Recycling 101 By LaVerne C. Paulson, Recycling Education Coordinator There have been several questions concerning medicine disposal in the last few months. Today’s article will address this subject. Although medical waste has very little to do with recycling, the correct disposal of LaVerne C. Paulson medicine is extremely important to the environment. Much of this information has been shared with you before, but a little review might be in order. There is a pretty good chance that each of us has cleaned out our medicine cabinet, and either on purpose or by accident, disposed of medicines incorrectly. If you have flushed them down the toilet, poured them down your sink, threw them into a ditch, or dropped them into a gopher hole, you need to change your method of disposal. While flushing unwanted medicine does indeed prevent accidental human ingestion, many non-human organisms will most likely be negatively affected. Medicines are not environmentally friendly and will put many living things in your area, including your children, your grandchildren, your pets, wild birds and other animals, and you at risk. Medicines can harm beneficial bacteria found in septic systems on farms and municipal wastewater treatment plants. These bacteria are responsible for breaking down waste. To make matters worse, many of these drugs are not destroyed as they pass through the septic tank or the treatment plant. They are then released into nearby creeks and rivers, expos-

ing aquatic life to unwanted medications, hormones, and steroids. Those frogs, found in Minnesota waters several years ago that had acquired extra legs, may very well have been offspring of generations of ancestors who were exposed to very small amounts of drugs over a period of several years, changing their genetic patterns. How do you dispose of this stuff without endangering the environment? Place pills and liquids into a laundry detergent bottle or plastic pop bottle. Add an inch or two of water. Allow the tablets and capsules to dissolve. Then add a few spoons of flour, charcoal, dirt, or kitty litter (used, if you have it) to discourage anyone from consuming the mixture. Place the top on the container securely and add it to your landfill garbage. Over the counter medications, as well as pharmaceuticals, can be disposed of this way. Do not put this with your recycling. Do not store medication that you have no intention of ever using. Purchase only the medications you really need. Do not accept free samples if you are not going to use them. Keep all pharmaceuticals in one location. This may help to limit purchasing products you already have, just to dispose of them when they expire a few years from now. Evidence of drugs, hormones, and steroids continue to be found in many of our streams and rivers. Please help keep our beautiful streams in Fillmore County suitable for our trout, crayfish, and other aquatic life. As I’ve mentioned before, a frog with five legs just doesn’t seem like a good thing.

Attention Shareholders: SoutheaSt MinneSota ethanol llC annual Meeting

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Page 24

Share your thoughts at

Monday, March 3, 2014

CALENDAR OF EVENTS TUESDAY, MARCH 4 •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 10-10:30am, Sylvan Manor, 503 Parkway Avenue, Lanesboro. •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 10:30-11am, Kenilworth Apartments, 503 Parkway Avenue, Lanesboro. •Bingo, 11am, Rushford Tenborg Center.* •Knit it Together, 3:30-4:30pm, Preston Public Library. Knitting for all levels.* •Bluff Country Toastmasters meet, 5:30pm, Spring Valley Public Library.* •VFW Auxiliary monthly meeting, 7pm, Preston Servicemen’s Club. •Chatfield AA meets, 7:30pm in the Pio­neer Presbyterian Church, 206 Fillmore St., Chatfield.* •AA Closed Meeting, 8pm, Presbyterian Church, Mill St., Rushford.*

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5 •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 9:3010am, Hillside Apartments, 409 South Hudson Avenue, Spring Valley. •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 10:4511:15am at the Community Center, 200 South Broadway Avenue, Spring Valley. •Spring Valley Area Foodshelf, 2-4pm, 1300 West Tracy Rd., Spring Valley.*

•Ash Wednesday Service with Holy Communion, 7pm; chili supper 6pm, Christ Lutheran Church, Preston.

THURSDAY, MARCH 6 •Free Senior Coffee, 9am, Heritage Grove, Harmony.* •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 10-10:30am, Good Shepherd Apartment Community Center, 800 Home Street, Rushford. •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 10:45-11:15am at the Tenborg Center, 113 East Jessie Street, Rushford. •Story Hour, 11am, Harmony Public Library. No school, no story hour.* •Spring Valley Community Blood Drive, 12:30-6:30pm, Community Center. For appointment/information call 1-800-REDCROSS or visit www. • Merry Meeters Birthday Club, 2pm, Pickett home. Roll call: Sightings of first signs of spring. •TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) meeting, Spring Valley Care Center Activity Room. Weigh-in from 5:155:30pm, Meeting from 5:30-6:15pm. Questions contact Judy at 507-3462469.

•Preston Historical Society meeting, 7pm, Methodist Church, Preston. Public invited. •AA Class “Road’s Journey,” 8pm, 301 E. Franklin St., Spring Valley (a yellow house).* •SEMCAC Senior Dining, County Nurse Birthday Party, Rushford Tenborg Center.

FRIDAY, MARCH 7 •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 1-1:30pm, North Manor, 445 Main Avenue South, Harmony. •World Day of Prayer Service, 2pm, Wykoff United Methodist Church 236 Gold St. S Wykoff. All are invited. •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 1:302:30pm at the South Manor, 445 Main Avenue South, Harmony. •Chatfield NA meeting, 7:30pm, Pioneer Presbyterian Church, 206 Fillmore St. Chatfield.* •Harmony AA Group, 8pm, Harmony Community Center. For more info call 612-251-3822 or 507272-2191*

SATURDAY, MARCH 8 •Spring Valley Area Foodshelf, 9-11am, 1300 West Tracy Rd., Spring Valley, MN.* •Lanesboro AA Group, 8pm, Bethlehem Lutheran Church. For more info, call 507-251-1771 or 765-2518.*

SUNDAY, MARCH 9 •Fountain AA Group closed meeting, 7:30pm, Fountain Lutheran Church, South Main St. and Highway 52.* •VFW Men’s Aux Breakfast, 8-12:30pm, Spring Valley VFW Hall.

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MONDAY, MARCH 10 •Community Coffee, 9am, Park Lane Estates, Preston.* •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 10-10:30am, Cherrywood Estates, 101 & 105 Cherrywood Drive, Mabel. •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 10:3011:15am at the Fire Hall, 109 North Elm, Mabel. •Preston Senior Dining, 11am, Chic’s Pizza Place & Restaurant, Preston. •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 1-3pm, Fillmore County Public Health, 902 Houston Street NW, Preston, MN.* •VFW Ladies Aux meeting, 7pm, Spring Valley VFW Hall.


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65 Main Avenue North, Harmony Marcy Allen, LPC; Paul Broken, MA; Alan Rodgers, LICSW 8:00am - 4:30pm, Mon-Fri 1-800-422-0161

Psychotherapy, psychiatry, case management, adult rehab mental health services


lisa stensrud, dPT

507.867.8007 fax: 507.867.8018

- a service of DFO Community Corrections.

Sexual Assault Program ~ Victim/Witness Assistance Program All services are free & confidenital

Po Box 232 212 fillmore st. W Preston, Mn 55965

Advocacy, information & assistance for victim/survivors of sexual assualt & other felony crimes. Community & professional education & consultation. Located in the Fillmore County Court House - Preston, MN

This space is available for your business!

MON-FRI 765-2805 OR CALL 24 HR CRISIS LINE TOLL-FREE 1-877-289-0636

To advertise on this page please call 507.765.2151 or email

real estate Over 1,500 acres sold in the past year! •Specializing in hunting land, farm land, hobby farms & rural properties •Small town work ethic backed by nationwide marketing •Local expertise, born and raised in southeastern MN

chad garteski, Agent/Land Specialist

Cell: 507.269.2742 • Email:

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Classifieds SERVICES


Monday, March 3, 2014

Page 25

Call 507-765-2151 or 800-599-0481 (in 507 area code) FAX 507-765-2468 or e-mail:



Norby Tree Service: Stump grinding, tree trimming and removal. Call Dave Norby at 507-259-3118. v8/2tfn- o

REBUILD ALTERNATORS and starters for auto, truck, and farm implements. Same day service. DOT & truck inspection available. Hi-Tech Rebuilders, Rushford. 507-864-7440 or 507-4591504. v11tfn- o


Scheevel and Sons, Inc. (507) 765-4756 Precision Laser Excavating

Specialties: Ponds, Waterways, Terraces, Driveways, Building Sites and More. Ron (507-273-9796), Aaron (507-272-3923), Eric, & Nate Scheevel 17057 Kind Rd. • Preston, MN

SERVICES schroeder drywall ReSidential - CommeRCial

Drywall Hanging • taping • texturing Rusty Schroeder “Free estimates” 507-765-3648

TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR: Foreign and domestic, auto & light truck. 3 year, 100,000 mile warranty. Call for prices. Brown’s Tire, Battery, & Transmission. Rushford 507-864-2969 or 1-888-864-7049. v20eow- o

Randy Haakenson • Commercial • Residential • Agricultural 326 Parkside Dr. SE Res 507-765-2297 Preston, MN 55965 Cell 507-251-5535

APPLIANCE REPAIR we fix it no matter who you bought it from! Call ServiceLive and get referred to a pro today: 800/324-5295 MCAN

11753 State Hwy 43, Mabel, MN 55954 Craig Henry Shop 507.493.5399 • Mobile 507.450.5573


Professional service Guide Basement Waterproofing




• New Construction • Remodeling • Insured • Free Estimates • Licensed 507-743-8325 SEE US FOR ALL YOUR HEATING & COOLING NEEDS Randy Newman - 507-421-2536 - GeoSystems

WE FIX WET BASEMENTS! Mention this Ad and Receive $100 off Basement Waterproofing System Free Estimates • 507-259-7776 •


507-493-5282 • Free Estimates

ServiceMASTER of Chatfield


Professional Cleaning ~ Carpet, Furniture, Floors, Furnace Duct Cleaning, Fire & Water Damage, Janitorial Service.

Dave Swenson Don Tollefsrud Matt Swenson Lic. #008399PJ

The clean you expect The service you deserve

Jeff Hebl, Owner 507-467-4798 • Lanesboro, MN


We Carry • Dryers • Grain Bins for Drying & Storage

& Tear Down , Millwright, Grain Legs, Auger, and Conveyor Construction, Concrete Construction.

-Fans -Heaters -Roof Vents -Floors

JIM OVERTON, 507-923-3181 CHATFIELD OFFICE: 507-867-1405


507.765.3873-lanesboro,Mn • 507.932.4560-st. charles, Mn

50-100 new/rebuilt motors on hand at all times

(And More!)



Fountain, MN

Lic# BC474301

AL LARSON & SONS Plumbing & Heating

• New Homes • Remodeling • Air Conditioning

308 St. Anthony St., Preston Calls welcomed any time! • Furnace • Drain Cleaning



HUNGERHOLT CARPENTRY For ALL your building and remodeling needs. Many Years of Experience • MARTY HUNGERHOLT, 507-467-2203 • RANDY HARMON, 507-467-2410 • RICHARD NEPSTAD, 507-765-3621

auTHoriZed Baldor dealer


Tony Brumm • Mabel, MN 55954 Phone: (507)493-5507 • Cell:507-251-9212


Lic. #7046


Licensed & Insured • MN Lic #BC667047

motors & motor repair RISTAU FARM SERVICE

Lic. #008744PJ

propane gas

OC Exteriors & Constuction Roofing • Tear-Off • Storm Damage Insurance Claims • Windows & Siding


and Cabinetry

• Insured • Septic systems • New Construction • Remodeling



satellite serviCes Craig Stortz #PL07718

Power Limited Licensed


Nick Stortz #PL07719

Serving the Tri-State area Residential & Commercial Accounts for Direct TV & Dishnet. Cable - Phone - Internet - Wiring Canton, MN

Toll Free 866-862-5397 Bus 507-743-8486 Cell 507-259-1454

trailer sales Denny’s Trailer Sales & Service All modeles include horse, stock & flat bed

Check out on-line inventory!

18880 County Rd. 8 • 3 miles N of Wykoff, MN at Fillmore Phone 507.352.5491 • Fax 507.352.5492

Water testing

Dave’s Plumbing & Heating, Air Conditioning LLC New Construction & Remodeling• In-Floor Heat • Drain Cleaning

Appliance Sales & Service • New & Used

Call Dave • Cell: 507-259-4238 Spring Valley & Preston • Bus. 765-2173 or 346-7879

Put your business here! call 507.765.2151

Welding & truCk repair 507.421.2956

& Truck Repair

Page 26


SERVICES TNT Lawn Service Make arrangeMentS now For your Snow Care

• Mowing • power BrooMing • StuMp grinding • inSured • Fall Clean-up • light BaCkhoe work • Snow plowing Call: • iCe ManageMent 507-268-4977 • aerating or Cellphone: 507-429-6755

(Free eStiMateS)

Shapmaiiraha’nSdWdeelSding ign re Portable Welding Custom round bailing

Call Shamiah! 507-951-1698 Shamiah Womeldorf, Rural Lanesboro


Share your thoughts at

Monday, March 3, 2014

EMPLOYMENT The Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce is seeking a part-time Tourism Assistant. The position is seasonal AprilOctober and will consist of working every other weekend and possibly one day a week. The position responsibilities include working with tourists, answering emails, answering the phones and other office duties. To apply please send letter of application to HACC, Human Resources, PO Box 141, Harmony, MN 55939 by March 15th. h3,10-o Spring Valley Senior Living is looking for Full-time CNA’s on the day shift for immediate hire! The positions include every other weekend worked and offer a weekend shift differential. Benefit eligible. If interested, please send application or resume to Spring Valley Senior Living, Attn: HR, 800 Memorial Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975. Or e-mail hr@ EOE. h3,10-o HELP WANTED - CHS Inc is seeking part-time seasonal truck drivers and general laborers for the Grand Meadow, Elkton, LeRoy, Ostrander, Spring Valley, Wykoff, MN and Chester, IA areas. Must have or be able to obtain a CDL and medical card. Contact CHS at 507-7545125 or 507-657-2234. CHS is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. h3,10-o Full or part-time custodian at Fillmore Central Schools. Applicant form on district website www.fillmorecentral. h3-o



Seasonal Help: Hiring seasonal agronomy truck driver/delivery person (CDL required) and agronomy plant attendant (CDL required). Inquire at Farmers Co-op Elevator in Spring Grove, 507-498-5321, Houston, 507-896-3147, or Rushford, 507-864-2161. Download job description and application at www. h3,10-o

Agronomy Applicators: Two positions open, one in Houston and one in Rushford. Responsibilities include operating spreading and spraying equipment, mixing fertilizer or chemicals, delivering product, and maintaining records. Minnesota applicator license required; Class B or above driver’s license preferred but not required. Inquire at Farmers Co-op Elevator in Rushford, 800-450-7733 / 507-8647733. Download job description and application at h3,10-o

Seasonal Feed Truck Driver: Responsibilities include delivering bulk feed from our Houston feed mill and assisting with feed production at the mill. CDL license required. Inquire at Farmers Co-op Elevator in Rushford, 800-4507733 / 507-864-7733. Download job description and application at www. h3,10-o Full time position at Brumm’s Plumbing and Heating. Must be reliable - will train. Call 507-493-5507. h17,24,3,10-o Full time truck driver wanted to pull a hopper in the midwest. Home weekly, good MVR, pass drug screen, experience preferred. Call 507-459-7850. h17,24,3-o

Spring Valley Senior Living has openings in the Nursing Department for part-time CNA’s and part-time LPN’s or RN’s on the day and evening shifts. These positions include every other weekend worked and have the potential to include more hours as needed. Interested individuals should send application or resume to Spring Valley Senior Living, Attn: Human Resources, 800 Memorial Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975. Or e-mail EOE. h17,24-o

Clement Farms

Help Full ClFarmFarm Help • F•ull -TTime ime • Salaried Experience in Planting, Spraying and and Experience in Large LargeEquipment EquipmentOperation, Operation, Planting, Spraying Harvesting. GPS Farm Mapping Software Experience is a plus. Harvesting. GPS Farm Software Experience is a Plus. CDLMapping License required. Resume to: 12515 CountyValley, Rd. 3,MN 55975 Send ResumeSend to: 12515 County Rd. 3, Spring Spring Valley, MN 55975

Green Lea Manor is LookinG for speciaL peopLe who want to Make a difference. Must be caring, compassionate, and a team player.

part-time rn/Lpn & cna shifts available. Will train and reimburse for classes, if not on the registry. Bonus Pay on weekends and shift differential.

Contact Nicky or stop by for an application.

Green Lea Manor nursing home 115 N. Lyndale Ave., Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5436


…because the journey matters

Now HiriNg!

RN Opening! New Graduates Encouraged to Apply $2,500 Sign-On Bonus Chosen Valley Care Center has a part-time RN position open with the future potential to become full-time. We offer 12 hour shifts and every 3rd weekend. When working at Chosen Valley Care Center you find yourself working in a team environment with everyone working to provide the best quality of care. You will find yourself working with enteral feedings, Wound Vacs, PICC lines, Tracheostomy Care, providing wound care and other treatments. You utilize all those skills you learned to school. We not only encourage experienced RNs to apply but new graduates. We are willing to work with new graduates and provide you experience. Apply at or send application and resume to Attn: Director of Nursing, Chosen Valley Care Center, 1102 Liberty St. SE, Chatfield, MN 55923. (EOE/AA)

Chosen Valley Care Center, InC. A Senior Living Community

EMPLOYMENT APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED for a full-time Eligibility Worker in the Fillmore County Community Services, Social Services Division. This is a regular, non-exempt position, eligible for benefits. Minimum Qualifications: Three years of clerical experience, or experience working with the public, or some combination of the two, totaling three years; or in accordance with the Merit System Eligibility worker position. Rate of Pay: Starting salary at $16.7414/hour according to the 2014 MN Merit pay scale with final salary dependent on qualifications. Job description with complete listing of qualifications may be obtained from the Fillmore County Coordinator’s Office, P.O. Box 466, Preston, MN 55965 by phone: (507)765-4566 or online at http:// intranet/employment.htm. Merit application and test scheduling must be completed through the MN Merit System at mnmeritsystem/default.cfm. Job#951-23 Applicants must complete current MN Merit and county applications to be considered. Eligible applicants must complete Merit Eligibility Worker test on or before March 24, 2014. Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m. on Friday, March 14, 2014. EOE h24,3,10-o APPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED for a full-time Merit Office Support Specialist position in the Fillmore County Community Services Department. This is a regular, nonexempt position, eligible for benefits. Minimum Qualifications: Requires minimum of High school diploma or general education degree (GED) and two years of related office experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience to demonstrate the ability to perform the work of the job. Rate of Pay: Starting salary at $11.4425/ hour according to the 2014 MN Merit pay scale with final salary dependent on qualifications. Applicants must complete a MN Merit System application to be considered. Application materials may be obtained from: or at mnmeritsystem/default.cfm. Job #61423. Important: If you are already Merit System eligible, do not re-apply for the exam. Check your current application and status to verify your eligibility and availability for this vacancy. Regular County employees are eligible to apply for this position along with the public. Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m., Monday, March 10, 2014. EOE. h17,24,3-o

Regional Runs Available! Choose the Total Package: Regular, Frequent Home Time; Top Pay; Benefits, Monthly Bonuses. Automatic Detention Pay & More! CDL-A, 6mos Exp. Req’d EEOE/AAP


The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County


Monday, March 3, 2014

Page 27






HELP WANTED - CHS Inc is seeking part-time seasonal truck drivers and general laborers for the Grand Meadow, Elkton, LeRoy, Ostrander, Spring Valley, Wykoff, MN and Chester, IA areas. Must have or be able to obtain a CDL and medical card. Contact CHS at 507-7545125 or 507-657-2234. CHS is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. h10,17,24,3-o

RELOCATE WITH YOUR TAX REFUND! 1 & 2 bd apts in Rushford. Rent based on income & smoke free! Flexible leases and deposit payment plans! Free apps & tours! 507-438-3196 or 800-676-6505 tdd 507-451-0704. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. r3,10,17,24-o

Apartment in Fountain for rent: 2 bedroom apartment with garage. Available March 1. Call 507-259-6961. r17tfn-o

Two contract for deeds for sale. Call if interested in buying. 507-8752775. e3-x

30 Acres Tillable for sale by owner. Located in Arendahl Township, section 22, 1.5 miles south of hwy 30. Available now @ $6500 per acre OBO. Survey is complete. CFD may be available. Call 507-696-5263 or 507-875-2659. e3,10-x

EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Agents Needed; Leads, no cold calls. Commissions paid daily. Lifetime renewals. Complete training. Health & Dental Insurance. Life insurance license required. Call 888/713-6020. MCAN

Got a News Tip? Have a Story Idea?

Contact the Fillmore County Journal P: 507.765.2151 F: 507.765.2468 E:


FOR RENT: Small 2 bedroom in Preston. $465/per month. Includes utilities. Deposit required. 651-212-1524 r3,10-o Nice 2BR apt. in Preston, $350/mo + until. Scott 765-3600. r8tfn- o

Scenic View TownhomeS • Spacious 2 & 3 bedrooms • Attached garages included • Beautiful area • Starting at $505 Income restrictions apply. 507-864-7880 • Rushford, MN

AUTOS DONATE YOUR CAR Truck or Boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of 800/439-1735 MCAN

Need to store snowmobiles, a classic car, or a boat? Do you need storage while in the process of moving? Space is available for rent in a building located in Preston. Call 507-251-5297. r28tfn- x OFFICE SPACE for rent in historic downtown Preston, MN, with enough room for 4 to 6 employees. Cost $335/month, includes standard utilities. Common area break room and bathroom facilities. Call 507-251-5297. r30tfn- x

44493 OAKVIEW LOOP, Rushford. For sale by owner: 2 miles south of Rushford, Country living close to town, 2.5 acre lot, ranch style home, custom built in 2005, 4 bdrm/3 bath, finished basement, heated 2 car garage, blacktop drive and concrete driveway, community well, move in condition, for more info. and viewing call 507-864-3689. e20,27,3,10,17,24,3,10-x


FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in the country with heated shop. 507-2596961. e30tfn- o

Large lot in New Horizon Trailer Park in Preston. Available Immediately. 765-2131 or 1-800-770-0347. r10/5tfn- o

LAKEWOOD SENIOR HOuSINg, 420 Bench St. Chatfield. Easy yard work, no shoveling! For those who are 62 and older, handicapped/disabled. 1-bedroom apts. Heat paid. On-site laundry. Rent based on income. Off-street parking. Call (507) 867-4791

Maple Street, Mabel Spacious 3br/1ba Single Family, 2,652 sq. ft., Detached Garage. lease or Cash.

Fillmore County Journal 507-765-2151

A Great Read!

Call For Details 877-553-5348




New 2015 MoDeLS CHEVY HD 3/4 Reg. Cab, 4WD

New 2014 MoDeLS 2011 Chevy 1/2 Ton Crew Cab LT, 4WD, Diamond White, Leather, (1-Owner), 29,000 Miles, Factory Warranty

(8) CHEVY 1/2 Ton Crew Cab 4 dr., 4x4 (3) CHEVY Impala LT, 4 dr., CHEVY HD 3/4 Ton Crew Cab (2) BUICK Enclave CXL, AWD (3) CHEVY Equinox, 4 dr.

NOW ONLY $27,995

(3) CHEVY 1/2 Double Door, 4WD CHEVY Traverse AWD CHEVY Malibu, 4 dr. BUICK LaCrosse, 4 dr. (5) BUICK Encore

(3) CHEVY Cruze LT, 4 dr. CHEVY Impala LTZ, 4 dr. CHEVY 1/2 Ton, Reg. Cab, 4WD CHEVY HD 3/4, Reg. Cab, 4WD CHEVY Sonic LT, 4 dr.

NOW ONLY $14,995

New 2013 MoDeLS Buick LaCrosse, 4 dr.

2009 CHEVY Equinox LTZ, AWD (1-Owner), Factory Warranty, Sunroof


uSeD veHicLeS

2012 Chevy Captiva 2LS, FWD, Local Trade, 32,000 Miles, Factory Warranty

NOW ONLY $15,995

2008 GMC Yukon XL, SLT, 4WD, 8-Pass., Heated Leather, Remote Start

NOW ONLY $19,995

2009 Chevy HHR LS, 75,000 Miles, Local Trade, “Great Gas Mileage”

NOW ONLY $8,495

‘13 CHEVY 1/2 Ton Crew Cab, 4WD, 26,000 Miles, Factory Warranty ‘13 CHEVY 1/2 Ton Crew Cab, 4WD, 21,000 Miles, Factory Warranty ‘12 BUICK Enclave CXL, AWD, (1-Owner). 26,000, Factory Warranty ‘12 CHEVY Captira 2LS, FWD, 32,000 Miles, Factory Warranty, Local Trade ‘12 CHEVY Cruze LT, 31,000 Miles, Factory Warranty, “Great Gas Mileage” ‘11 CHEVY HD 3/4 Ton, Ext. Cab, 4WD, 41,000 Miles, Factory Warranty, Local Trade ‘11 KIA Sorento EX, FWD, Heated Leather ‘11 CHEVY Equinox LTZ, AWD, (1-Owner), New Tires ‘11 FORD Focus SE, 4 dr., 11,000 Mile, Factory Warranty ‘11 FORD Edge LTD, AWD, (1-Owner), 20,000 Miles, Factory Warranty ‘11 CHEVY Equinox LTZ, AWD, (1-Owner) Factory Warranty ‘11 BUICK LaCrosse CX, (1-Owner) 29,000 Miles, Factory Warranty ‘11 CHEVY 1/2 Ton Reg. Cab, 4WD, 34,000 Miles, Local Trade ‘10 CHEVY 1/2 Ton Crew Cab, 4WD, Local Trade

‘10 BUICK Enclave CXL, Local Trade ‘10 CHEVY Malibu LT, (1-Owner), Factory Warranty, Remote Start ‘09 BUICK Enclave CXL, FWD, Local Trade ‘09 CHEVY HHR LS, 75,000 Miles, Local Trade ‘09 BUICK La Crosse CXL, Heated Leather, Sunroof, Local Trade, 3800 V-6 ‘09 CADILLAC STS-4, AWD, 36,000 Miles ‘09 CHEVY Equinox ‘09 CHEVY 1/2 Ton Crew Cab LT, 4WD, (1-Owner), Factory Warranty ‘09 CHRYSLER 300 Touring, 4 dr., Heated Leather, 79,000 Miles, Local Trade, Very Clean! ‘09 GMC 3/4 Ton, Crew SLE, 4WD, Plow-Truck “Diesel” Only 21,000 Miles, Heated Leather ‘08 HONDA Odyssey Van, DVD, Sunroof, Heated Leather ‘08 BUICK Enclave CX, FWD, Sunroof ‘08 CHEVY 1/2 Ton Crew Cab, LTZ, 4WD, Heated Leather ‘08 CHEVY Avalanche LTZ, 4WD, 51,000 Miles ‘08 GMC Yukon XL, SLT, 4x4, Local Trade ‘07 Caddy DTS, 4 dr., 77,000 Miles, Local Trade, Heated Seat & Steering Wheel, Very Clean!!

‘07 CHEVY Impala SS, 4 dr., New Tires, Local Trade ‘07 TOYOTA Tundra Crew, 4x4, Local Trade, 59,000 Miles ‘07 CHEVY Suburban LT, 2WD, (1-Owner) $18,995 ‘07 CHEVY 1/2 Ton Crew Cab, 4WD, Local Trade ‘06 BUICK Rainier, AWD, Local Trade ‘06 BUICK LuCerne CXS, V-8, (1-Owner) ‘06 FORD Explorer XLT, 4 dr., 4WD, 99,000 Miles ‘06 CHEVY 1/2 Ton, 4WD, Local Trade, Now Only $9,495 ‘05 CHEVY 1/2 Ton Crew Cab, 4WD, 76,000 Miles, (1-Owner) ‘05 CHEVY Malibu Maxx, Local Trade ‘03 GMC 1/2 Ton Ext. Cab, 4x4, 72,000 Miles, Local Trade ‘02 FORD F150 Ext. Cab, 4WD, Now Only $7,995 ‘01 CHEVY Blazer, 4WD ‘00 FORD Windstar Van, Local Trade ‘99 PLYMOUTH Voyager Van, Only $1,995

H&S MotorS

SAleS PHone 563-547-2401

Sales: Bryan Sheehy Aaron Butikofer

HigHway #9 weSt - creSco, iowa 1-800-798-2845

Service PHone 563-547-4910 Service: Dick Holten Keep that great gM feeling with genuine gM parts

2009 CADILLAC STS-4, AWD, 36,000 Miles, Heated & Cooled Seats, NAV, Loaded

NOW ONLY $22,495

2011 Buick LaCrosse CX, (1-Owner), Factory Warranty, 29,000 Miles

NOW ONLY $17,995

2008 BUICK Enclave CX, FWD, New Tires, Sunroof, Local Trade, Remote Start

NOW ONLY $14,995

Page 28



Share your thoughts at

Monday, March 3, 2014





This week’s Sudoku answer is located on page 30.

OPEN HOUSES • SatUrday, MarcH 8

Darr realty lIStINGS! $259,900

10:00 - 11:00


11:00 - Noon 614 Hanover Ct., Rushford Custom Designed 5 Bdrm, 3 Bath, 4200+ sq ft. $249,900

784 Olson Dr., Rushford

Beautiful 2005 Built Twin Home, 3 Bdrm, 3 Bath, Main Floor Laundry. $169,000

Mona Ostrem

44953 E Goodrich, Rushford Newer home, expansive floor plan, master suite, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, finished throughout. Nearly 4000 sq. ft.

507.251.3837 • View more at


27382 Hart Drive, Hart Completely remodeled on 5 acres: 3 BR, 2 BA, 20 min. to Winona & 35 min. to La Crosse!

$310,000 709 Johnson Ct., Rushford 4 BR, 2 BA: All finished! Great room w/frpl.; heated gar., mnfl. laundry, open floor plan.

240 2nd Ave. NE, Harmony



New list

Affordable home w/motivated seller; appliances stay.

Jeff Darr Cell # 715-495-6948

45115 Laura Lane, Rushford Has it all! Gourmet kitchen, private master suite, expansive great room, 3 car gar., new 30x40 pole building. 5 BR, 3 BA, mnfl. laundry, 4,000+ sq. ft. walkout on 2.5 Acres.

BUILDABLE LOT IN RUSHFORD: Build single or multi-family. $27,500

1-800-852-0010 • Rushford, MN

Rodney Darr Cell # 507-951-3843

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County




Brenda Sheldon, ABR, GRI

(507) 346-2060 Cell: 507-951-2071 Toll-Free: 888-835-8141

715 North Broadway (Home Federal Bldg.), Spring Valley, MN Email - 317 N. SEctION, SPRING VALLEY $53,000 Conveniently located near school, downtown business district, gas station & restaurants. This home features formal dining & living room w/hardwood floors, large eat in kitchen, main floor laundry, updated bath w/ new tub & shower surround, toilet & vanity & 3 bdrms. Large back deck, alley access to garage/shed in back yard. Priced to sell!!

104 N. HuDSON AVE., SPRING VALLEY $129,900


This amazing 3 bdrm 2 bath home is located in a beautiful established neighborhood. The main level has been renovated and remodeled w/lower level partially finished. Appl's included. 2 car detached garage w/workshop. Upstairs is a 1 bedroom 1 bath rental unit with eat in kitchen & living room. Have your renter pay part of your mortgage payment, taxes & insurance!

Stylish “Cape Cod” style home featuring 3 bdrms, hardwood floors, updated 100 amp electrical breaker box, new cement drive, retaining wall, finished garage new with door & insulated, electrical line to shed, new laminate floor in kitchen, freshly painted throughout, updated plumbing fixtures and new toilet and new deck by front door. Excellent location near grocery store, banks, convenience stores and gas station. Move in ready!

Todd Hadoff


Large Ranch • Living Room • Dining Room • Wood Floors • Large Yard • Newer Windows • Main Floor Laundry • New Roof • Storage Shed • Steel Siding • 3-Season Porch

305 W. MAIN, SPRING VALLEY $64,900


908 waShington St. nw, preSton

702 viKing ave., laneSboro 3 large bedrooms • 2 full baths • Wood floors • Remodeled & updated • Maple cabinets • Master Bath & w/in closet • Formal Living Room • Formal Dining Room • Gas Fireplace • Private Patio • 840 sq ft garage • Vinyl siding • 2 city lots (.48/acre)

3 Bedrooms On Main Floor • Family Room W/Fireplace • Dining Room • Living Room • Main Floor Laundry • Lower Level Family Room W/Bar • Rec Area • D/O • 2+ Attached Garage • Wood Floors • New Furnace • Newer Roof


Moving? liSt your property with todd!




CoMMerCial building - laneSboro Great opportunity to own large commercial building in a high traffic area. Potential business could be retail, restaurant/bar, convenience store/grocery, crafts or many other uses. Can be divided off. $64,500

4 Bedrooms • 4 Baths • Formal Living Room • Formal Dining Room • Family Room • Rec Room W/Bar • Fireplace • 3+ Garage • Storage Shed • Patio • Main Floor Laundry

$146,900 189 blueJaCK lane Se, roCheSter 2 bedrooms • 3 baths • Open floor plan • Living room w/ fireplace • Dining room • Master bath • Walk-in closet • 2-car garage • Dead end street

704 Kenilworth ave., laneSboro

$440,000 26011 gladiola lane, laneSboro

3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Wood Floors • Archways High Ceilings • Block Exterior • 2 Car Garage



2103 Margaret St., Chatfield

804 auburn ave. S, laneSboro

2.8 Acres Surrounded by Woods • Private setting • 9’ & 10’ Ceilings • 2 Fireplaces • Wood Floors • Open Floor Plan • 1108 Sq Ft Heated 3-Car Garage • Open Staircase • Patio • Main Flr Laundry/Mudroom • Abundace of Wildlife

$209,000 310 Maple St., laneSboro

Ranch Home On Large Lot • Open Floor Plan • Main Floor Laundry • Private Deck • 2+Garage • Large Lower Level Family Room

3 Bedroom on main floor • Wheel Chair Assess. In-Floor Heat in House & Garage • 3 Baths • Main Floor Laundry • Fireplace


21559 Cty rd 102, Chatfield

4.58 Aces • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Full Baths • Master Bath • New Cedar Siding • New Steel Roof • 2 New Decks • Remodeled Kitchen • Fireplace • Formal Living Room • Formal Dining Room • 32x30 Shed with Heated Shop • Wildlife • Scenery

CoMMerCial building – laneSboro Unlimited potential for this completely updated building with high traffic area and 2 accesses. All brick exterior, arched windows, finished 3 levels, large apartment. Ideal for retail or bar/restaurant. Formally Olivia’s Attic. $269,900

Kelsey Bergey Real Estate Agent Office 507-886-4221

Select Properties

Roxanne Johnson, Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI Cell: 507-458-6110


22078 Cty road 20, preSton (greenleafton)

4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Wood Floors • 9’ Ceilings • Large Corner Lot (0.41/Acre) • Across from church • Formal LoTS FoR SALE Living Room & Dining • Main Floor Laundry • New Chatfield - Fingerson & Donahoe - 1st Furnace • New C/A • Enclosed Porch • Handicapped Subdivison - Lots Starting At - $29,900 Accessible • Walk-up Attic

1104 John & Mary dr., Chatfield


Beautifully updated & well maintained 4 brdm 2 bath home. Hardwood floors, formal dining and updated & remodeled 13x21 eat in kitchen. Re-shingled in 2002, newer furnace, gutters, siding & back deck in 2003. Double garage w/heated workshop area & full attic. All the old world charm w/modern conveniences.

I Show All MLS Listings Serving SE Minnesota since 1989

Deer Ridge • Spectacular Home • Unique Floor Plan • 5 Bed • 4 Baths • In-Floor Heat In House & Garage • Western Cedar Ceilings • Hickory Floors • Family Room W/30’ Ceilings That Includes Floor To Ceiling Windows To Enjoy Wonderful Scenery & Wildlife • Master Shower With Heated Floor • Must See


307 W. cOuRtLAND AVE., SPRING VALLEY $112,900

Great duplex with long term renter in one of the units. Main floor is 1 bdrm, 1 bath with access to laundry facilities. Upper unit has 2 bdrms, 2 baths and small deck off kitchen area. Great income producing property OR live in half and rent out the other half keeping the property with homestead tax and letting the renter make your mortgage payments!






Interest rates are stIll Great!!! If you are thInkInG of buyInG or sellInG, noW Is the tIme! GIve me a call and put my experIence to Work for you!!!



107 SpruCe St Se., fountain Newer Home • 4 Bedroom • 3 Baths • Wood Floors • Master Bath • 6-Panel Doors • Heated 3 Car Garage • Large Deck • Large Bedroom • Vaulted Ceilings • Kitchen Nook & Bar • Maintenance Free Siding • Dead End Street • Backs up to the Park

25 Center St. W, Harmony, MN 55939 • Toll Free: 888-839-2142 Each Office Independently Owned & Operated 400 Spring St. nW, PreSton


Multi-level 3 bedroom home with many updates including custom built hickory cabinets in kitchen with center island. Tile floors, vaulted living areas, and new appliances. Fenced yard. Attached 2 car garage is heated with one door and shop area in second stall. $95,000/$442.91PI/M*

615 1st ave. SW, HarMony Excellent Condition 2 bedroom ranch home on edge of Harmony. Many updates, good sized living areas, with 14 x 14 deck, garden space and country views. $80,000/$372.98 PI/M*

145 2nd ave. Se, HarMony

3 Ac

214 n elm St., Mabel

XXX 3rd ave. Se, HarMony lots for Sale! 215 5th St. SW, HarMony

Mint Condition Home on Edge of Town: Ranch home with walk out basement offers both the amenities of quality small town living with country views. Smart floor plan with eat in kitchen and large living room, patio door leads out to stamped patio. 2 car garage.

600 4th St. ne, HarMony Affordable and efficient 2 bedroom home on private 3 acre lot bordering golf course. Eat in kitchen with good sized living room. Good sized bedroom on main floor plus second bedroom and den on upper level. Large 2 car attached garage. $80,000/$372.98 PI/M*

Harmony’s newest subdivision, with country views and city utilities at an affordable price. No connection fees or building permit fees in 2014! Harmony is a super place to live, offering the quality lifestyle of a small town, with a thriving business district, clinic & health care facilities. $14,900/each



243 Harwood ave. ne, CHatFIeld

210 Center Street W, HarMony If you love older homes here it is! 4 bedroom home with original woodwork,9 ft. ceilings, pillars, decorative moldings, hardwood floors, and original cabinetry. Eat in kitchen, plus dining. 3 season porch. Main floor bedroom & bath. 3 bedrooms, den & full bath up, plus walk up attic. $89,900/$419.14 PI/M*

10 Ac

45742 Cty 29, Mabel

118 Main St. S, Mabel

Property is in good condition with updates. Retail & office space. 2 parking spaces on property. Public parking front side of building. Full kitchen, laundry, & full bath onsite. Opportunity for landlord or supplementing your own business with additional income. $68,000

Starting up or slowing down this 3 bedroom home had many updates in 2007 including kitchen, bath, siding, windows, shingles & front porch. Main floor bed & bath. 2 bedrooms up plus large storage room with potential to finish . Deck off kitchen. Det garage. Large corner lot. $56,000/$261.08 PI/M*

400 dupont St., laneSboro

Move in ready 3 Bedroom home. Vaulted ceilings in living room with cozy NG fireplace. Kitchen has newer countertops and sink, plus skylight for natural lighting. Lower level family room, exercise area, office/den, bath, laundry, and storage. Att garage. Semi-private back yard. $98,500/$457.83 PI/M*

1920’s 2 bedroom bungalow with high ceilings, wood floors, and nice layout. Walk up attic area has been sheet rocked & offers additional space. Vinyl siding, shingles 4 years, boiler 5 years, add on wood furnace included. Large 3 season front porch. Seller invites your offer. $41,900/$195.35 PI/M*





Page 29

The Leader In The Real Estate Industry!


215 5th St. Se, Chatfield



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Monday, March 3, 2014

15413 Cty 9, PreSton

Quality built 3 bedroom Ranch home. Custom cabinets, floors, and millwork. Lower level finished with family room, office, and ¾ bath plus root cellar and storage room. Geothermal heating. Professionally landscaped. Detached multi 2 cars, shop & storage space, pole shed, & small barn. $250,000



100 1st Street S, Canton

150 5tH St. ne, HarMony

Very well cared for 3 bedroom home on a nice lot with mature trees. Floor plan is well laid out with an open vaulted ceiling, in the living, dining & kitchen. Master bedroom & bath. Detached super sized one car with heated workshop area. Great location few blocks from golf course and Roof River trail access. $59,500/$277.40 PI/M*



New Construction 2013 - Cottage Style Living. Mocha birch cabinets, granite counter with breakfast bar, engineered hardwood flooring. 9 x 16 deck with a beautiful view of North Bluff. Laundry & storage areas in the lower level. New & Efficient! Super location for retreat or daily living. $69,900/$325.89 PI/M*


225 5tH ave. Se, HarMony

Bungalow with high ceilings & open floor plan. Updated kitchen and bath, 2 bedrooms, and main floor laundry. Front enclosed 3 season porch adds extra space to enjoy in whether it’s raining or sunny. Plus a 2 car detached garage.


10277 Cty 116, GranGer

Investment property - this affordable 2 bedroom home offers efficient living, near the Upper Iowa River and miles of snowmobile trails, with 2 car garage. Seller tiled around perimeter, new furnace in 2007 and updated septic. $48,000/$231.31 PI/M*


308 Fillmore St. W, PreSton

Wonderful home with nicely updated kitchen. Formal dining room plus eat in kitchen. Access to deck from kitchen plus large screened porch for enjoying your evenings. Spacious upstairs with nice family room and 3 bedrooms on one level. Full bath on upper level. Good sized backyard with alley access to garage.


313 Fillmore St. W, PreSton

Craftsman style home with original features. Open staircase, oak & maple hardwood floors, built in’s include bench/storage along staircase, built in hutch in dining room, pass through hutch between kitchen & dining and brick fireplace. Upstairs bedrooms all have wood floors.

Nicely updated 2 bedroom home, updates on main floor include paint, flooring, lighting, bathroom, and window replacement plus furnace. Full basement with laundry and storage. Roof new in 2013. Large detached garage. Greenleafton offers affordable living with country views. $57,000/$265.75 PI/M*



1012 Washington St., PreSton

Very nice condition 2 bedroom ranch home that has been well maintained. Large kitchen and living room, steel siding, shingles-2002, furnace-2012. The dry lower level has a large family room area, den, storage, and work area. X large 1 car garage.

Nicely laid out 1 3/4 story home with welcoming 3 season porch Main living areas are open and bright with open staircase leads to 3 nice size bedrooms with large closets. Back covered deck. Det garage, carport, and garden space. $61,900/$288.59 PI/M*

*Monthly Principle and Interest Payment Based on 5% down/30 year amortization/4.23% APR. Loan guidelines subject to vary per qualifications. Various loan programs offer down payments from 0%-20%.


Page 30



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Monday, March 3, 2014



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100% WOOD HEAT, no worries. Keep your family safe and warm with an outdoor wood furnace from Central Boiler. Theobald Heating Solutions 507-5334523. s24,3,10-o

BILL’S GUN SHOP. Buy, sell, trade, and repair. We are your local MUCK BOOT dealer. Hours: 7pm-10pm M-F, Saturday 8am-5pm, Sunday by appointment. 1 1/4 miles south of Carimona, 19708 Kava Rd. Preston. 507-765-2762 s10eow- o

IKEA desks/workstations with bookshelves and organizers for sale. Perfect for office or home. Brand new $375 per desk, but selling them for $75 each. There are currently 7 available. Call 507-251-5297. s23tfn-x

SAWMILLS FROM only $4897.00 Make & save money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info/DVD: 800/5781363 Ext.300N. MCAN

103 20th St. NE, Stewartville, MN ~ Just off Hwy 63

NEw FeatHerlite trailerS iN Stock:

Printed on recycled paper Corn Stalk Bales For Sale

• 2013 Car Bumper Pull • 500 Gallon Fuel Trailer • 4 Horse LQ's • 7' x 20' Stock • 24' Show Stock • 16' Bumper Stock • 7' x 24' Stock • 16' Goose Neck Stock • 7'6" x 32' Stock USEd FeatHerlite trailerS: • 17' Alum. Flatbed • New Kiefer Flatbeds in Stock USEd EqUipMENt: • Bobcat T180 • JD 329D • Bobcat S300 • Bobcat S650 • Bobcat S330 w/Cab

• Bobcat S630 w/Cab • NH TC 40 w/loader • Cat 248 B

• Dieci TeleHandlers in Stock • NH L220 • Gehl 7810 E



Our family would like to thank friends, family and co-workers who sent flowers, cards, and memorials to the church, historical society, Micheal J. Fox Foundation, and Parkinson’s Research. Thank you to those who attended his wake and funeral in memory of Don. Thank you to those who visited Donald Reiland at the Ostrander Rehab & Care Center and to the staff who became his second family that he called “home.” Thank you to Jim Hindt Funeral Home for their professional and caring staff that made this process comforting in our loss. Thank you to Faith United Methodist Church in Spring Valley, MN with the direction of Pastors David Lieder & Beth Perez in presenting a very warm and compassionate tribute to his life. A special thank you to the church group volunteers that served the meal following his service. Sincerely, The family of Donald Reiland t3-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Minnesota Secretary of State CERTIFICATE OF ASSUMED NAME Minnesota Statutes Chapter, 333 1. State the exact assumed name under which the business is or will be conducted: Terri’s Tender Lovin’ Stitches 2. State the address of the principal place of business. A complete street address or rural route and rural route box number is required; the address cannot be a P.O. Box. 401 1st St. Fountain, MN 55935 3. List the name and complete street address of all persons conducting business under the above Assumed Name, OR if an entity, provide the legal corporate, LLC, or Limited Partnership name and registered office address. Terri Ann Allen 401 1st St. Fountain, MN 55935 4. I, the undersigned, certify that I am signing this document as the person whose signature is required, or as agent of the person(s) whose signature would be required who has authorized me to sign this document on his/her behalf, or in both capacities. I further certify that I have completed all required fields, and that the information in this document is true and correct and in compliance with the applicable chapter of Minnesota Statues. I understand that by signing this document I am subject to the penalties of perjury set forth in Section 609.48 as if I had signed this document under oath. Dated: February 23, 2014 Signed: /s/ Terri Ann Allen, owner Publish 3, 10

THANK YOU for remembering me in so many ways while I was in the hospital and care center. It was greatly appreciated. The best of all to everybody. Orval H. Amdahl t3-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

GARAGE SALES USED BOOK SALE - Saturday, March 15, 8am-3pm & Sunday, March 16, 1-4pm. Bag sale $5 & reductions Sun only. Supporting Funds by Thrivent Financial. Houston Co. Historical Society, 104 History Ln,(East Main), Caledonia, MN. 507-725-3884. g3,10-x

WANTED Wanted: Cropland, farms, hunting land. Call Roger D. Johnson, Land Broker Auctioneer. Licensed MN, SD, WI, IL. 608-385-8080 w3tfn-o Wanted: Cars, trucks, buses, and semi trailers, running or not. Serving SE MN and northern IA. Luke Junge, Preston, MN. Call 507-259-4556. w30tfn- o

FARM WANTED: 800-1200 # Beef Calves. No antibiotics/growth stim. Born on your farm. Call Joe Austin 507-352-4441. f10,17,24,3-o FOR SALE: Large net wrapped cornstalk bales. $32 per bale. 507-272-9046. f3,10x FARM LAND For Sale, 400 acres, Murray County, Sect. 1 & 12, Twp. 107, Range 40. For more info call: Steven: 507/828-4308, Randy 218/770-2911. MCAN

notice to residents of carimona townshIp change of meeting date The March meeting of the Carimona Township Board will be held on Tuesday, March 4 at 7:00 p.m. at the Preston Emergency Services Building. Linda Marzolf Clerk Publish 24, 3

1,100 Pound • Chopped & Wrapped PrintedBales on $ recycled PaPer 49 Each • Delivery Available

Clement Farms

507.346.2800 orull 507.951.2155 ClF arm Help • F -Time • Salaried Experience in Large Equipment Operation, Planting, Spraying and Harvesting. GPS Farm Mapping Software Experience is a Plus. PUBLIC NOTICES Send Resume to: 12515 County Rd. 3, County Projects IF MN YOU55975 UNDERWENT Testosterone Spring Valley, bids close march 24, 2014


fillmore county, MN notice to contractors Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be accepted by the County Engineer, at the Fillmore County Highway Department, Preston, MN until 1:30 p.m. on the 24th day of March, 2014, for the following project: SAP 023-601-026: Grading, Aggregate Base, Curb and Gutter, Underground Utilities & Concrete Paving, located on CSAH 1 beginning at the Jct. of CSAH 1 and TH 63 extending east to the Jct. of CSAH 1 and TH 16 in the City of Spring Valley, MN. Major quantities include grading & aggregate base, concrete pavement, curb & gutter and underground utilities including storm & sanitary sewer and water main. Plan and Proposal price is $50.00 picked up, and $55.00 if sent by US mail. Plans, Proposal and Specifications can be examined and obtained from the Fillmore County Highway Department, 909 Houston Street NW, Preston, MN 55965, ph. # 507-765-3854. Request for plans and proposals must be accompanied by a check, draft or a money order, payable to the Fillmore County Treasurer, in the amount mentioned above. Bids submitted must be individually sealed, and identified on the outside for each specific project. A bidder’s bond or a certified check in the amount of at least 5% of the total amount bid and payable must accompany the bid to the Treasurer of Fillmore County. Fillmore County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated: February 13, 2014 Ronald Gregg County Engineer Publish 24, 3, 10

Summary of Minutes February 11, 2014 County Board Meeting The Fillmore County Board met in regular session at the Courthouse in the City of Preston. All members were present. Also present were the Coordinator/Clerk, and other department heads and staff, citizens, and two members of the press. The following resolutions were adopted by the Board: NONE The Board approved the following agenda items: • the amended agenda. • the following amended Consent Agenda: 1. February 4, 2014 County Board minutes. 2. Request paid administrative leave for employee #1368. 3. Re-appointment of Jeffrey Brand as County Surveyor for four year term. 4. Annual renewal invoice for Southeast MN Regional Radio Board membership. • pay balance of $56,000 for Greenleafton Septic System land purchase and any prorated taxes. • pay Public Employees Retirement Association invoice for part-time employee. The following Commissioners’ warrants were approved: REVENUE FUND Vendor Name, Description Amount Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP, services $4,050.00 Uniforms Unlimited, Inc., supplies, uniforms $2,620.05 TOTAL REVENUE FUND BILLS OVER $500 (listed above) $6,670.05 TOTAL REVENUE FUND BILLS UNDER $500 (51 bills - not listed) $5,483.45 TOTAL REVENUE FUND $12,153.50 INFRA FUND Vendor Name, Description Amount TOTAL INFRA FUND BILLS OVER $500 (none) $0.00 TOTAL INFRA FUND BILLS UNDER $500 (1 bill - not listed) $493.00 TOTAL INFRA FUND $493.00 The above represents a summary of the County Board actions on the listed date. Official County Board minutes are on file in the Fillmore County Courthouse and are available for review during regular business hours. County Board meetings are usually scheduled for Tuesday mornings at 9:00 in the Commissioners’ Room in the Courthouse. Questions regarding the minutes or upcoming meetings can be directed to Bobbie Vickerman, Coordinator/Clerk of the County Board at 507/765-4566. Publish 3

Therapy for Low-T and suffered a heart attack, stroke, pulmonary embolism or a loved one died while undergoing Testosterone therapy between 2000 and present time, you may be entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H. Johnson 800/535-5727. MCAN CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75% on all your medication needs. Call today 800/259-1096 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. MCAN

DISH TV RETAILER Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) Save! Ask About same day Installation! Call now! 800/297-8706 MCAN GUARANTEED INCOME for your retirement. Avoid market risk & get guaranteed income in retirement! Call for free copy of our safe money guide plus annuity quotes from A-rated companies! 800/917-4169 MCAN

EZ-GO & Yamaha GOlf Carts SaleS & Service New & USed Ivan Vreeman harmony, mn 507-273-6928

Call today to receive your paper today! 765-2151

AUCTION CALENDAR Mon., March 10 - Hay & Straw Auction. Sale Site: Preston Dairy & Farm of Canton, 1/2 mile West of Canton, MN on Hwy 52. To consign hay or straw or for more info call Gehling Auction Company 507-765-2131 or Listing in the Journal. Sat., March 29 - Consignment Auction: Area Farmers, Consignors & Merchants. Located on Dale and Kathie Grobe farm in Elgin, MN. For more info contact Tony Montgomery Realty & Auction Co. at or 507-259-7502. Notice in the Journal. On-line AucTiOn infOrmATiOn

Sat., March 1 - Tues., March 11 - Bankruptcy & Municipal Owned Auction. View items at www. Open House: Sun., March 9, noon-2pm. Listing in the Journal. Bidding starts ending on Mon., March 3, 5:30pm - 255 Massey Tractor/RV/Vehicles/Power & Hand Tools/Guns & Ammo...More! Viewing Days: Wed. Feb. 26, 2-6pm and Sun., March 2, 11am-3pm. Pickup Day: Tues. March 4 8am-7pm. Location: Downtown Nodine, MN in old creamery building. For more info visit or call 800-852-0010. Listing in the Journal. Bidding starts ending on Mon., March 10, 5pm - ATV/Snowmobile & Trailer/Gravely 0 Turn/Red Wing/New Collector Toys/Glassware/ Antiques. Location: Darr Auctions Warehouse, 909 Larson Lane, Rushford. For more info visit www. or call 800-852-0010. Listing in the Journal. Bidding ends on Wed., March 26, 7pm - Real Estate Auction, 240 2nd Ave. NE, Harmony. Viewing Days: Wed. Feb. 26, 5-7pm or by appointment. Go to for more info. Listing in the Journal. To list your Auction 507-765-2151

This week’s Sudoku puzzle is located on page 28.

Clear the Clutter Advertise those unused items in the classifieds!

Fillmore County Weather Forecast March 3 Monday

March 4 Tuesday

March 5 Wednesday

March 6 Thursday

March 7 Friday

March 8 Saturday

March 9 Sunday

Partly Sunny

Partly Sunny

Mostly Cloudy








5 21





10 25




This is a projected forecast, for the most up-to-date weather go to and click on the weather icon.

Sun & Moon Schedule

Date: SunriSe & SunSet MoonriSe & MoonSet 03/03/14 6:39am 6:00pm 7:45am 9:11pm 03/04/14 6:38am 6:01pm 8:19am 10:18pm 03/05/14 6:36am 6:02pm 8:55am 11:22pm 03/06/14 6:34am 6:04pm 9:34am next Day 03/07/14 6:32am 6:05pm 10:17am 12:21am 03/08/14 6:31am 6:06pm 11:03am 1:16am 03/09/14 7:29am 7:07pm 12:52pm 3:06am


Moon Phases • March FirSt




“Pretty Day”

Annika Mensink, Fillmore Central Elementary

March 8

March 16

March 23

March 30

Jct. 52 & 16, Preston, mn Ph: 507-765-3803

new JoHn deere TracTors • 1025R • 4320 •4720 MFWD Cab

• 5100E • 6150R • 6125R

Fall Tillage

• JD 2623 VT 26’ NEW

Hay eqUipmenT • JD 530 MoCo’s • (2) 568 Round Balers • (2) JD 567 Round Balers • JD 935 Impeller

Used TracTors • ‘11 JD 7230 PREM 741 Loader IVT • ‘10 7330 Prem IVT/673 Loader • ‘09 5085 M/Open ST MFWD 553 SOLD Loader • ‘08 JD 4720 72” Deck • ‘08 7730 IVT • ‘05 7220 MFWD IVT • ‘05 7920 MFWD IVT Duals • ‘04 6420 MFWD 640 Loader

miscellaneoUs • JD CX20 Rotary Cutter • JD MX6 Rotary Cutter • JD 230 Disc

Call On Used Financing Specials!

1.9% FOR 3 YEaRS OR 2.9% FOR 5 YEaRS On aLL uSED EquIPMEnT

Wildlife & Habitat of Fillmore County would like to give a huge thank you to all of our major donors & sponsors.




life & Habit a t

Preston equiPment

All children 13 and under are welcome to submit Weather Art. Send your picture to Fillmore County Journal P.O. Box 496, Preston, MN 55965 or email it to: or drop it off at the Fillmore County Journal 136 St. Anthony St., Preston, MN Be sure to include Child’s First and Last Name, Age, Town and Title of Art Work.

y Fil WHFC unt lmore Co

Your generosity helped make the 21st annual WHFC Banquet a great success. WHFC is a nonprofit local organization that is working in the Fillmore County area actively promoting good conservation practices & improving habitat by providing trees & shrubs, wildlife feed & pheasants to our membership. If you are interested in joining WHFC, please contact a committee member: Dan & Kelli Jo Dornink, Melissa Onsager, Eric & Sue Ostrom

2014 MAJoR DonoRS Matt & Amy Benson Canton Heating & Cooling LLC Greg Davids Financial Services First SE Bank of Harmony/Canton Harmony Agri Services Harmony Conservation Club Harmony Telephone Company J & M Building & Remodeling Kingsley Mercantile

Koliha Insurance/Lynda Koliha Thomas Manion, Attorney at Law nordic Lanes & Creamery oak Meadow Meats Poet Biorefining R & J Wood Goods Ridgeview Farms Lynn Tienter Farm Trigger Time Firearms

2014 SuPPoRTInG SPonSoRS Al Larson & Sons Plumbing & Heating M & M Lawn & Leisure American Family Insurance/Kiel Anderson McCabe Repairs, Preston B & B Olympic Bowl Dave & Tracie Mensink Farms Bob & Sandy Benson Preston Auto Parts Shane & Paula Birch Old Ways New Ideas Branding Iron On the Crunchy Side Brunsvold Enterprises Parker, Mindy: Pampered Chef Dacia’s on Main Preston Dairy & Farm Diane H Photography Preston Equipment F & M Community Bank Preston Golf & Country Club Gehling Implement Preston Motor Mart Generations of Harmony Sagen Wines Grandview Memorial Gardens Sally’s Hair to Dye For H & S Motors Scheevel & Sons Hammel Equipment Solberg Welding Harmony Enterprises Teluwut Grill & Pub Harmony Foods Torgerson, Liz: Thirty One Harmony Golf Course Village Farm & Home of Mabel Harmony Greenhouse Village Square of Harmony Harmony Repair Service Weber & Judd of Preston Harmony Vet Clinic Wheelers Major & Company Work-It Circuit The WHFC planning committee would also like to extend a big thank you to all the volunteers that help to make the program a success. Special thanks to Marc Prestby for his auctioneering talent and to the Wheelers staff for catering a wonderful meal.

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