Fillmore County Journal 5.20.13

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“Where Fillmore County News Comes First” Weekly Edition

Mock Crash has an impact on Lanesboro students Page 20

Murdering ourselves page

Monday, May 20, 2013

Catch-up week




Volume 28 Issue 34

Lanesboro Schools hear about senior trip page


Area farmer says baby calves need protection page


Canton l Chatfield l Fountain l Harmony l Lanesboro l Mabel l Ostrander l Peterson l Preston l Rushford l Rushford Village l Spring Valley l Whalan l Wykoff

Preston Lions Club visits Historic Forestville By Barb Jeffers

Zachary Queensland, of Wykoff, Minn. shows off his letter from President Obama. Photo by Hannah Wingert

6th grader receives letter from President Obama

he has been enjoying. During the recent tial election, Zach followed the Twelve year old Zachary debates closely. Even though Queensland has been interest- the elections are over, he still ed in history, especially World keeps track of what is going on War II, and learning about the in politics through the media US presidents since he was in and is looking forward to his 2nd grade. He is currently a dream vacation to Washington 6th grader at Kingsland Middle DC in August of this year. School in Wykoff and his inter- So, when he had something est has grown in the last four to say about gun control, a years. current hot button issue, he Cindy Erding, a library and decided, without prompting lunch assistant/para at the from anyone, to write a letschool, says that Zach has read ter to President Obama about every book available about it. When he sent the letter WWII in the school library. He off in late March, he said he often quizzes her on presiden- was expecting some sort of a tial trivia when he comes into reply, but when a large manila the library and has a book of envelope arrived in his mailbox his own about presidents that in early May, he was surprised By H annah Wingert




nonetheless. Inside the envelope was an autographed picture of President Obama, a picture of Bo the White House dog, with facts about him on the back, and several informational brochures about the White House. But the best thing in the envelope and what surprised Zach the most, was a signed personal letter from the president himself thanking Zach for his enthusiasm and concern for our country. The letter and the other items that were sent along with it, are currently on display in the Kingsland Middle School library for the students to view.

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OPEN 7 DAYS/NIGHTS A WEEK! Sun -Thurs - Noon-8pm Fri- Sat - Noon-9pm 109 S. Parkway, Lanesboro, MN 55949

The Preston Lions Club met at Historic Forestville on Monday, May 13, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. to spend an enjoyable evening in a peaceful setting. The Lions members were met by Sandy Scheevel, Site Manager, and John Grabko, Site Supervisor. The event began with a delicious catered meal by the Gateway Inn of Wykoff, Minn. The dinner bell was rung by John Grabko and the club members filed into the kitchen of the Meighen home where they filled their plates and returned outside to eat at tables in the back yard. Following the meal the Lions held their regular meeting. President Ken Stager called the meeting to order then reviewed old business and approved the minutes of the last meeting. Ongoing business was discussed as well as future plans for the group. The Lions Club held a breakfast during Trout Days and arrange-

ments were made for who would be able to help with the task. One particularly exciting moment of the evening occurred when the members bought and received their First Annual Commemorative Trout Days pins. This was eventful because “only one hundred pins were made and then the cast was broken so no more can be made,” explained Ken Stager. Each pin is numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity. The annual pins will highlight a different type of trout each year with the first year featuring a brook trout. Each pin also has the Lions logo and the Preston Lions Club name on it. The pins were being sold during Trout Days 2013 for eight dollars each and will continue to be sold until gone. The Lions Club presented John Grabko and this visiting reporter each a Trout Days pin which was an honor for each of us. Anyone wishing to purchase a Trout Days pin can contact President Ken Stager at See LIONS CLUB Page 9 

Board of Review at Harmony City Council meeting in the county and 46 agricultural. Tom Raedeke from the Depart The annual Board of Review ment of Revenue explained the was held before the regular Har- average sales ratio that is used, mony City Council meeting on and how Blagsvedt must value May 14. Cindy Blagsvedt from properties at 90-105 percent of the County Assessor’s office market value. If it is more or summarized the sales study that less than that, there must be an was conducted on residential, adjustment. commercial and agricultural The total value of all propsales in Fillmore County. There erty in Harmony comes to were 158 residential sales in the $55,975,100. There was county, and 14 in Harmony. $84,800 in new construction There were 13 commercial sales See HARMONY Page 13  By Jade Sexton

Summer Music! Sat., May 25TH • 8-11:30pm • Steve McCloone MP4 Sun., May 26TH • 5-9pm • Charlie Warner

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Friends cut down 200-year-old Community partners can make the difference: tree in Lanesboro Stormwater Mini-Grant Program By Jade Sexton The huge white oak tree fell over during a storm last summer in the backyard of Dona Conway. The fallen tree took up much of the backyard, and it remained there most of the summer until a group of Amish cut it up and hauled the brush away for firewood. What was left standing was a tall, bare trunk. This spring, Nathan Arnold and Carla Joseph have been housesitting for Conway while she visits family in Austria. Nathan was helping his friend Kevin Hoeltzle move when he noticed that he owned a large two-man crosscut saw. He suggested they use it to cut down the tree. When Kevin saw the tree, he thought maybe Nathan had been joking. The tree was a lot bigger than he thought it would be. Together, after sharpening the old saw, they spent six hours cutting it down, not an easy task, as the cut was low. “We wanted to get it as low to the ground as possible,” explained Nathan. After a couple of hours, Carla came out to see what they were doing. “I didn’t really think they were going to do it,” she said.

“Then I got suckered into helping.” The job was a workout for them, and was made more difficult by the fact that the tree was starting to rot, and there was ice inside that melted as they worked. “It’s hard to find a cut that smooth,” said Kevin of the end result. Nate made an attempt to count the rings in the old tree, but had a difficult time seeing all of them. “I got about one-third of the way through, and I got to 75,” he said. “It must be close to 200 years old.” Lanesboro was founded in 1885, meaning this tree was standing before the town was there, and before people built their homes around it. “I don’t think anyone has cut down a tree using a crosscut saw for about a hundred years,” said Kevin. The group of friends is planning to have someone come look at the tree to find out its exact age. Nate is planning on making a chair out of the trunk they cut down, but using a chainsaw this time. When asked why they chose to use the crosscut saw, Nate replied, “Just to see if it could be done.”

Fillmore County SWCD has received $45,000 in Clean Water Funds to be offered as minigrants for projects that reduce or treat stormwater runoff to local streams. Is your community or nonprofit organization interested in planting a rain garden? Would you like to see more stormwater friendly public spaces? The Community Partners Conservation Program, through the MN Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) and the Fillmore County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), is looking for community partners that want to complete projects that restore, protect or enhance water quality in our rivers and streams. Examples of eligible projects include but are not limited to: •Rain gardens: basin shaped

gardens that collect and infiltrate stormwater •Rain barrels/cistern systems: rain water collection systems for any building with gutters •Pervious pavements/pavers: solid surface or block paver systems that increase porosity without losing structural capacity •Stormwater basins or swales: vegetated practices that safely convey, detain and infiltrate stormwater from larger areas •Native prairie and tree plantings: using native grasses, flowers and trees to create natural stormwater “sponges” in place of lawn and turf grasses •Education/outreach: developing programs that engage people in stormwater activities, such as coordinating groups for storm drain stenciling, hosting rain barrel workshops, etc.

{ We Live Where We Work }

Mitchell Walbridge


Nathan Arnold (left), Carla Joseph, and Kevin Hoeltzle, all of Lanesboro, with the saw they used to cut down a tree that is older than Lanesboro itself. Photo by Jade Sexton

Grants funds will be available now through the end of 2015. Grant applications will be accepted at any time with two ranking periods each year. Ranking period deadlines for 2013 are June 10th and August 2nd. Eligible community partners include municipal communities, non-profit organizations, citizen groups, businesses, school or student groups, faith organizations, and neighborhood or homeowner collaborations. For more information about the mini-grant application process, check the Fillmore SWCD website at, or contact Jennifer Ronnenberg at 507-765-3878 x3. To learn more about the Minnesota Clean Water Fund visit the BWSR website at: www.bwsr.state.

“Southeastern Minnesota, especially Fillmore County, is such a great place to live and work. Providing the news that is important to the people of Fillmore County is such a rewarding privilege that I’m lucky to have.”

Mitchell Walbridge is a Fillmore County Journal reporter who grew up in the Fountain-Lanesboro area. After graduating from Lanesboro High School in June of 2012, Mitchell has just completed his freshman year at Winona State University. He is currently pursuing a degree in Mass Communications with an emphasis in broadcast journalism. In addition to his major, Mitchell is also working to complete a minor in political science. During Mitchell’s junior year of high school, he started writing for the Fillmore County Journal. He began by covering school board meetings and writing columns for the Journal Student Writing Project in both his junior and senior years. He even received the annual student writing scholarship in 2012 from the Fillmore County Journal. Today, Mitchell continues to write government and feature pieces for the Journal’s publications. Providing the news that matters to the residents of Fillmore County is extremely important to Mitchell. Communicating the facts and information that readers need is a huge commitment that he strives to fulfill each and every week. When he’s not covering the news, Mitchell enjoys being active in community events. Mitchell’s passion for journalism goes hand-in-hand with his enthusiasm to support the communities of Fillmore County.

- Mitchell

Community Involvement Relay for Life Team Captain “Fountain Fighters”

Fountain Trail Days Committee Member Lanesboro Boys Basketball Statistician Fountain United Methodist Church Pianist

Delivering the news every week!

In Mitchell’s free time he enjoys reading, playing the piano and trumpet, and spending time with family, friends, and pets. He will continue his education this fall at Winona State University.

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Monday, May 20, 2013

The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week.

C ommentary Murdering ourselves By Col. Stan Gudmundson John Adams once said that “democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide”. In a book first published in 1942 economist Joseph Schumpeter asks the question, “Can capitalism survive?” He answers, “No I do not think it can”. Neither man had confidence in the long term Col. Stan survivability Gudmundson of the United States based on what we were founded on. Again we are being told by some of our leading “intellectuals” that the constitution as written is no longer meaningful or valid for a variety of reasons but one of the common criticisms is that the authors lived 200 years ago and had no concept of what our country would be like today. Moreover, critics have to conclude that the amendment process created to modify the constitution is inadequate. In other words, the founders were too ignorant to establish a constitution that could work forever. Obviously the changes in the

world have been enormous since the late 1700s. Human knowledge has expanded exponentially since our founding. For one to contend that the constitution as written isn’t as important anymore one must conclude that the changes during the intervening years are significant enough to make the constitution little more than window dressing. However, there are at least four solid reasons that counter the argument the constitution is less valid today than when it was first written. First, one must assume that the founders knowledge of history, human behavior, and the principles on which governments are founded is far less sophisticated than ours. Can our arrogant smarter-than-thou elite make the case that our understanding of history’s lessons of governance and human behavior is superior to that of our founders? I don’t think so. One really needs to read the Federalist Papers to adequately understand that. Reading the old documents will give one an understanding of the depth of our founders comprehensive knowledge of human nature, government, and history. Were any of them still alive today, I am certain the last 200 years would only reinforce their judgment.

Letter about Davids following party line To the Editor, I am writing this letter in the early morning hours of May 10th, just hours after the State House approved a bill that will make gay marriage legal. I have never been more proud to live in this great state, and I hope that soon the Senate will take the same path to history and place the bill before Gov. Dayton, who will sign it into law. There is one thing, however,

that I noticed while glancing at the names of the votes cast for and against the bill. Greg Davids was on the side of those against, along with most of the other Republicans in the House. This really hit home for me, as before now, I considered Mr. Davids to be a fair man who, for the most part, has people’s best interest at heart. However, I now see that, when push comes to shove, he will follow the party line, which is the main reason for the current stalemate in all forms of govern-

Editorial Cartoon

unrecognizable. The so-called living constitution is deader than a doornail and what is essentially a judicial tyranny based on nothing more than a philosophy of “what’s cool now”. Third, our history, especially that of the last 100 years or so, confirms their fear of establishing a centralized authority that is not adequately checked. For example, nowhere in the constitution can you find any basis for creating the monstrous and, in some cases, virtually unaccountable, federal bureaucracies that exist today. Many of our founders concerns however, were based on the perceived inadequacy of what they were trying to establish. They never imagined that the constitution would not be followed as it is not being followed today as the executive branch refuses to enforce laws it does not approve of. Fourth, there is a critical achievement that the constitution followed establishes. However imperfect, it provides some restraint on government beset by our many untoward human frailties. The notion of a “living” constitution is nothing more than an arbitrary approach to selfgovernance and worse, it is often capricious. It is a conceit that has seriously degraded liberty and undermined the constitutions critical checks and balances. We are out-of-control and are murdering ourselves.

Moreover, we may not be as smart as we think we are. Some geneticists actually believe that human intelligence is declining. Writer Mike Barrett, in a recent article, points out that Stanford researcher Dr. Harold Crabtree, among others, thinks this is the case. He says, “I would wager that if an average citizen from Athens of 1000 BC were to appear suddenly among us, he or she would be among the brightest and most intellectually alive of our colleagues and companions, with a good memory, a broad range of ideas, and a clear-sighted view of important issues. Furthermore, I would guess that he or she would be among the most emotionally stable of our friends and colleagues.” Doesn’t say much for us does it? As a consequence of the September elections and observing liberals for years, this comes as no surprise to me, though the whole notion of declining intelligence is controversial to be sure. Second, to believe that constitution is less valid one must also assume that basic human nature has changed since our founders wrote the constitution. Unfortunately human nature has not changed since then, not at all. The seven deadly sins are still with us in abundance and the greed for power and control are as powerful as ever. The overwhelming impetus to seize power and destroy freedom and the mega-

lomania that produces it has not waned at all. A mundane example is New York’s mayor who has taken it upon himself to dictate what people may eat and how much they can drink at one time. These things are not within the purview of government and are consequently little incremental tyrannies that over time make full-blown tyranny inevitable. Bloomberg has neither the authority nor the responsbility to do what he is doing but he is doing it anyway. Is there the slightest evidence that human nature has changed or that human pathologies are fewer or different? Nope. Look back at the slaughter of 20th century. And now in the 21st we are again faced with another fanatic utopian movement. Moreover, America is constantly under assault from those who would impose their will, rather than work through the constitutional process, to make things “better” for us. We being too dumb or ignorant to let the constitution work as it was designed. Politicians beginning with Theodore Roosevelt on through Obama seek to circumvent the constitution. They view it is an impediment. And of course there are the activist judges who provide rulings based on emanations wafting heavenward from constitutional penumbras that twist the constitution’s meaning into something

ment in this country. This is not an issue of taxes or money. It has nothing to do with public safety, or education. This is strictly an issue of the pursuit of happiness, one which our Founding Fathers felt was a basic human right. Everyone in this state should be allowed to marry whomever they choose, and I think Mr. Davids really dropped the ball on this one. Trent O’Connor Preston, MN

Letter about MN Marriage My prayer is that we would To the Editor, seek God and His plans, not I’m very saddened today by our own! the decision our state’s “leadSteve Rehm ership” has made to re-define Preston, MN marriage. If people want to live a lifestyle that we were not designed for, that is their choice. But, to re-define marriage and change it from a committed man and woman is wrong in God’s eyes and only moves us as a nation further 136 St. Anthony St. • P.O. Box 496 from Him.

Online Reader Poll Results Should the Vikings be able to use the University of Minnesota’s TCF Bank Stadium? • Yes.......................66.7% • No.......................33.3%

Next week’s reader poll question: How will you keep your kids busy this summer vacation? Cast your vote at

Preston, MN 55965 507 507-765-2151 • 1-800-599-0481 (Inareathecode) FAX 507-765-2468 e-mail: website:

Publisher/Editor Jason Sethre Associate Publisher Amanda Sethre Creative Director Sheena Tollefson Proofer Gretchen Bollweg Admin. Assistant Alissa Shannon Ad Design Gabby Gatzke Ad Design Kim Sapp Sales Sherry Hines Sales Julie Kiehne Sales Peggi Redalen Sales Sarah Wangen Contributors: Vicki Christianson, Tammy Danielson, Gabby Gatzke, Col. Stan Gudmundson, Barb Jeffers, Loni Kemp, Eric Leitzen, Kathy Little, Sue Ommen, Gary Peterson, Karen Reisner, Paul Trende, Mitchell Walbridge, Jade Sexton, Kirsten Zoellner Published by Sethre Media Group, Inc. every Monday and mailed third class. Circulation: 11,232 FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS to Zip Codes served, 920 FREE STORE DISTRIBUTION and 246 paid subscriptions at $55 per year, third class or $105 first class.

DEADLINE for news & advertising is NOON WEDNESDAY for the Monday Edition. © 2013

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, May 20, 2013


Page 5

C ommentary One Moment, Please... Inspiring Youth By Jason Sethre Publisher Fillmore County Journal & Olmsted County Journal Cell: 507-251-5297 This past week has been full of so much positive energy it makes me proud to do what I do. Yeah, sure, I get to work with an awesome team that creates i n f o r m a - Jason Sethre tion shared in print and online that is relevant to one of the most engaged audiences in Southeast Minnesota. That’s what we do every week, and we should be proud of that, too. But, when we have our local youth taking an interest in all that we do, we feel honored. This is our moment to roll out the red carpet. Kindergarten Tour On Friday, May 10, 2013, three groups of Fillmore Central Kindergarten classes, a total of 58 students, filled the entrance of the Fillmore County Journal office. Along with visiting our office, the teachers and chaperones escorted the children to the National Trout Center and KFIL in Preston. And, after that they visited JEM Theater in Harmony, along with the Community Center and Library in Harmony. I wish I was in Kindergarten again. Their field trip sounded like a lot of fun. Now, we haven’t had a group of youth come to the Journal for a few years. As a matter of fact, the last group I recall was a Boy Scout Troop.

Government this week • Monday, May 20, RushfordPeterson School Board meeting, 6:30pm, High School Biology Room. • Monday, May 20, Kingsland School Board meeting, 7pm. • Monday, May 20, Chatfield School Board meeting, 7pm, HS Media Center. • Monday, May 20, Preston City Council meeting, 6pm, Council Chambers. • Tuesday, May 21, Rushford Village City Council meeting, 7pm, Community Center. • Tuesday, May 21, Houston School Board meeting, 7pm. • Tuesday, May 21, MabelCanton School Board meeting, 7pm. Schedule subject to change.

For our team, it is truly the highlight of our week to have a field trip group visit the office. As I lead the tour, I introduced the Kindergarten groups to each of our employees and explained what they did at the newspaper. What really amazed me, and Mrs. Schumacher pointed this out during the tour with some excellent questions, was that pretty much everything the kids learn in school each day and each year as they grow is everything we use in the newspaper. For example, you have to use math to calculate ad rates and sizes, and even the size of the newspaper each week. And, all of those art classes come in handy when you are thinking outside of the box to give an advertiser a design that will attract the attention of readers. Of course, we also use English, so the kids should keep working on their spelling lists. While we did talk about the four primary colors used to create millions of color combinations in the newspaper, cyan, magenta, yellow and black, I especially enjoyed showing the children a framed copy of an authentic issue of the New England Palladium dated Friday, August 28, 1801. Written in an Old English style, it is a little difficult to read. But, to see a newspaper that dates back nearly 212 years and still in such legible condition is something you don’t see every day. I was fortunate enough to pick up this newspaper while attending the Freedom Forum in Washington, DC. My point with holding on to this newspaper and showing it to others is to illustrate the longevity of newspapers. Throughout the introduction of all sorts of different media such as TV, radio, and even the Internet, newspapers have stood the test of time. And, what was absolutely the best part of seeing the Kindergarten classes revolved around making them a part of the newspaper. We took pictures of each of the three groups, as you’ll see alongside my commentary in today’s Fillmore County Journal. When I asked the kids to raise their hands if they had ever been in the newspaper, a good majority of the hands went up. And, that’s what I like to see. Local news is our niche, and getting local names and faces in the newspaper is important to us and our readers. So, we hope the parents and grandparents of these smiling faces will cut out the picture in today’s newspaper and hang it on the fridge.

And, I have to say that the children were extremely attentive, good listeners. A special thanks goes to the teachers Mrs. Ostrem, Mrs. Schumacher and Mrs. Duff, for organizing this field trip, along with the chaperones. Window Art On Tuesday, May 14, 2013, a number of youngsters lead by Courtney Bergey, a recent Luther College graduate and former Fillmore Central graduate, put together a window display full of colorful “public art” from the Fillmore Central Community Education’s Art Club -- grades third through sixth. Courtney coordinated the Fillmore Central Community Education’s Art Club this school year to offer an artistic outlet for kids right after school gets out. I know our two children participated in the program and loved it. First, I’d like to thank Courtney for coordinating such a fantastic opportunity for our youth at Fillmore Central. And, second, I’d like to thank the children who worked so hard to present some colorful paper mache insects with the use of recycled newsprint provided by the Fillmore County Journal. These 3-D sculptures will certainly give visitors or a passersby something to look at in downtown Preston. We Need More As I reflect on both the field trip and the 3-D sculptures hanging in the front picture window of the Journal office, I hope to see more of these collaborations in the future. Our staff at the Journal would love to give more tours. And, we have a nice picture window in downtown Preston that could always use an artistic face lift. And, what’s even more important to all of us at the Journal, and I’m sure KFIL, the National Trout Center, and the JEM Theater would agree, is that we appreciate an opportunity to connect with the next generations of youth that are going to help to make these small towns a wonderful place to work, play and do business. These youngsters need to see what their towns have to offer and the people who work in the towns where they are raised. And, hopefully, one day some of these children will have the courage and inspiration to open up a business or take over an existing business in downtown Preston or Harmony or any of the towns we call home in Fillmore County. Yes, connecting our youth, our schools and our local businesses can bring about a positive energy that should make all of us proud to live in a small town in rural Southeast Minnesota.

Mrs. Ostrem’s Fillmore Central Kindergarten 2012-2013 class. Photo by Jason Sethre

Mrs. Duff’s Fillmore Central Kindergarten 2012-2013 class. Photo by Jason Sethre

Mrs. Schumacher’s Fillmore Central Kindergarten 2012-2013 cla ss. Photo by Jason Sethre

Kindergarten classes learned about how editorial and advertising comes together like a puzzle every week. Photo by Kim Sapp

The Journal picture window displays 3-D sculpture artwork presented by Fillmore Central Community Education’s Art Club.

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Obituaries Marion (Klockeman) Draeger Marion (Klockeman) Draeger of Apple Valley, Minn., age 57, died May 6, 2013 of cancer. Marion is survived by her husband, Richard Draeger; children Amanda Orchard, Farmington, Minn and Adam Draeger, Apple Valley, Minn; mother Winefred Klockeman, Preston, Minn (formerly of Fountain, Minn); sister Donna Klockeman, Belcamp, MD; and brother James Wilsey, Maui, Hawaii. She was preceded in death by her brother, William Wilsey, and her father, Robert Klockeman. Her funeral was held Friday, May 10 at Burnsville Catholic Church, Burnsville, Minn. Signe O. Housker Signe O. Housker, age 85, of Mabel, Minn. died Friday, May 10, 2013 at the Green Lea Manor Nursing Home in Mabel. Signe was born May 1, 1928 in Spring Grove, Minn. to Sverre and Emma (Skorgen) Aasum. Her family moved to a farm near Riceford, Minn. where she attended grade school. She attended the Mabel High School, graduating in 1946. Signe then moved to Rochester, Minn. where she attended the

Monday, May 20, 2013

Kahler School of Nursing and worked at Colonial Hospital. On October 23, 1948 she married Bernard Housker at the Hesper Lutheran Church in Hesper, Iowa. They farmed in Preble Township, Fillmore County, Minnesota. She was active in Scheie Lutheran Church, rural Mabel, WELCA, and Anna Circle for many years, serving as WELCA President. She was Sunday School Superintendant, Luther League Advisor, and AAL/Thrivent SecretaryTreasurer. She and Bernard were also active in Sons of Norway Valheim Lodge 364 in Spring Grove for many years until his death in 1987. In 1993, Signe moved to a residence in Mabel until 2009 when, due to declining health. She moved into Green Lea Manor Nursing Home. Her hobbies included flowers and gardening, counted cross stitch, geneology, and corresponding with and entertaining friends and relatives. Signe is survived by two children, Carol Ann (Scott) Christensen of Fort Collins, Colorado, and Robert (Terese) Housker of Mabel; six grandchildren; three great grandchildren; sister-in-law Beverley Aasum of Caledonia; brother-in-law Harry Housker of Mabel; and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, twin brother Sidney, and sister-

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Aiken, South Carolina, John (Eileen) Loken of Houston, Minn., and Mark (LeeAnn) Loken of Moundsview, Minn.; seven grandchildren; and a sister, Patricia (Robert) Justin of La Crescent. She was preceded in death by her husband; parents; sister, Alice Marie Loken Alice Marie Loken, 85, of JoAnne Rudolph; and by her Houston, Minn. died on life-long friend, Mary Rostad. Wednesday, May 8, 2013 at There was a Memorial Mass her home in Heritage Court in for Alice on Tuesday, May 14, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Houston. Alice was born on May 20, Houston with the Rev. Pratap 1927, in Lanesboro, Minn. to Reddy officiating. Burial was in John and Mary (Horihan) the Crucifixion Cemetery in La Scanlan. She was raised near La Crescent, Minn. Crescent, Minn. on her family’s Alice Meyer farm. Alice graduated from La Crosse Aquinas High School, Alice Meyer, age 94, of La Crosse, Wisc. in 1945. On Wykoff, Minn., died Saturday October 12, 1947, she was unit- morning, May 11, 2013, at the ed in marriage with Marvin Chosen Valley Care Center in Chatfield, Minn. Loken in La Crescent. Alice and Marvin moved to Alice was born May 5, 1919, the Houston area, where Alice south of Wykoff, the daughter lived the remainder of her life. of Gustav and Marie (Miller) She worked at Gundersen – Wondrasch. She was baptized Lutheran Medical Center in La May 19, 1919, confirmed May Crosse as a respiratory thera- 28, 1933, and attended parochipist for many years, retiring in al school all at St. John Evangel1995. Alice enjoyed quilting and ical Lutheran Church, Wykoff. belonged to two quilting guilds. She did house work until her She was a member of St. Mary’s marriage to Lorenz Meyer on Catholic Church in Houston April 12, 1939, in Wykoff. The and the women’s group there. couple farmed until 1962 when Alice was also a member of the they moved into town. She American Legion Auxiliary in worked for the city cleaning the community center for 25 years Houston. Alice is survived by three chil- and helped her family with the dren: Carol (Charles) Pexa of family business, Meyer Garbage. in-law Barbara. Funeral services were Tuesday, May 14, 2013 at the Scheie Lutheran Church with the Rev. Mary Waudby officiating. Interment was in the church cemetery.

Lorenz died July 17, 1989. She was lifelong member of St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church and was a member of the Farmers Union. She loved her family and enjoyed gardening and embroidery. She is survived by her four sons, Lyle of Rochester, Minn.; Maurice of Rochester; Steve (Annette) of Spring Valley, Minn.; and Lowell (Karen) of Chatfield; eleven grandchildren; seventeen great-grandchildren; and two sisters, Lorena Arnold and Ruth Wondrasch both of Saginaw, Mich. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Shirley Rasmussen; one grandson, Jamie; and two sisters, Adeline and Melvina. The funeral was Wednesday, May 15, 2013, at St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church with Rev. Robert V. Stohlmann, Pastor. Burial was in the church cemetery. Vivian Muriel Thompson Vivian Muriel Thompson, 93, of Chatfield Minn., died Saturday, May 11, 2013. Vivian was born May 3, 1920, in Chatfield to Ernest and Nellie (Schroeder) Engle. She graduated from Chatfield High School with the class of 1937. On Sept. 3, 1953 she married Ray H. Thompson at North Prairie Lutheran Parsonage, rural Chatfield. The couple made See OBITUARIES Page 8 

Fillmore County Church Directory Fillmore County Journal • Preston MN 507.765.2151 VBC Video • Preston MN 507.765.2704 Visit Bluff Country • Preston MN 507.765.2151 A rendahl Lutheran Church....………………………Sundays - 10:30am Highway 30, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 875 -2477 Assembly Of God Church.….………………………Sundays - 10:00am 610 Territorial Rd, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2101 Assumption Catholic Church.……..…Fri. - 8:30am & Sat. - 5:00pm 207 N May St, Canton, MN 55922 (507) 743-8320 Bethlehem Lutheran Church./.………………………Sundays - 9:00am 200 Kenilworth Ave S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3344 Calvary Baptist Church.…….…………Sundays - 10:45am & 6:00pm 910 Winona St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4686 Canton-Scotland Presby terian Church.....…………Sundays - 9:00am 104 W Fillmore Ave, Canton, MN 55922 (507) 743-2260 Chatf ield Lutheran Church……………Sundays - 8:00am & 10:00am 304 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4721 Chatf ield United Methodist Christ…………………Sundays - 9:30am 124 Winona St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3529 Cherry Grove United Methodist...…………………Sundays - 10:00am 18183 160th St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (Cherry Grove) (507) 937-3177 Christ Lutheran Church...……………………………Sundays - 9:00am 509 Kansas St NW, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2161 Christian Science Services.…………………………Sundays - 10:00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2251 Elstad Lutheran Church...……………………………Sundays - 9:00am 37784 Dogwood Rd, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3769 Emmanuel Episcopal Church....……………………Sundays - 10:00am 217 W Jessie St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2164 Faith United Methodist Church..……Sat. - 5:00pm & Sun. - 9:00am 617 Maple Ln, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2830 Fillmore Free Methodist Church...…Sundays - 8:30am & 10:30am 19127 County 8, Wykoff, MN 55990 (Fillmore) (507) 352-5450 First Baptist Church....…………………Sundays - 10:30am & 6:00pm 701 Kasten Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2840 First Baptist Church-Preston.…………Sundays - 10:30am & 7:00pm 108 Chatfield Ave NW, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4960 First English Lutheran Church.……………………Sundays - 10:00am 217 W Grant St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2793 First Lutheran Church of Highland.………………Sundays - 10:30am 22423 391st Ave, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3318 First Presby terian Church..…………………………Sundays - 10:00am 110 S Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2854 Fountain Lutheran....…………………………………Sundays - 9:00am Main Street, Fountain, MN 55939 (507) 268- 4413 Fountain United Methodist Church...………………Sundays - 8:30am Co. Rd. 8 and Cedar St., Fountain, MN 55939 (507) 268- 4456 Garness Trinity Lutheran...…………………………Sundays - 11:00am PO Box 88, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5905

Brought to you by: SMG Web Design • Preston MN 507.765.2704 SMG Computer Solutions • Preston MN 507.765.2704 Grace Lutheran Church..……………………………Sundays - 9:00am 365 Park St, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 875 -2218 Greenf ield Lutheran Church..…………………......Sundays - 9:00am 235 Main Ave S, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-3272 Greenleaf ton Reformed Church..…………………Sundays - 10:00am Highway 9, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2546 Harmony United Methodist Church..……………..Sundays - 8:30am 60 Main Ave S, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886- 6851 Henry town Lutheran Church.…………………………Sun. - 10:30am PO Box 103, Harmony, MN 55939 (Henrytown) (507) 886-2425 Highland Prairie Lutheran Church.……………….Sundays -10:30am 43267 Bowl Dr, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 864-2731 Historic Lenora United Methodist Church (Special Occassions) Lenora, MN (Rural Canton) (507) 545 -2641 Immanuel Lutheran Church..………………………Sundays - 9:30am 254 Main St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352-2801 Lanesboro United Methodist Church..……………Sundays - 8:30am 507 Parkway Ave S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2646 Mabel First Lutheran Church………………………Sundays - 9:00am 202 N. Oak, P.O. Box 395, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5293 Mabel United Methodist Church..…………………Sundays - 9:30am 111 W Newburg St, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5296 Nativity Catholic Church...Sun. (1 & 2) - 8:45am & (3 & 4) - 10:30am 640 1st Ave SW, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-2393 New Life Victory Church……………………………Sundays - 9:30am 440 2nd Avenue Southeast, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-3525 Newburg United Methodist Church 3.1 miles N. of Mabel on Hwy. 43; 2.2 miles W. on Co. Rd. 24 North Prairie Lutheran.……………………………Sundays - 10:30am 35957 Highway 30, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 875 -2460 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.……Sundays - 8:00am & 10:30am 805 S Broadway St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-7251 Pilot Mound Lutheran Church.……………………Sundays - 9:00am 8 miles N. of Lanesboro on 250 then 4 miles W. on Hwy 30 (507) 875 -2460 Pioneer Presby terian Church ………………………Sundays - 8:30am 206 Fillmore St NE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4037 Preston United Methodist Church ………………Sundays - 10:30am 212 Saint Anthony St N, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2503 R iver Of Life Regional Church 220 N Money Creek St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2853 Root Prairie Lutheran Church ……………………Sundays - 10:30am County Rd 11, Fountain, MN 55939 (507) 268- 4455 Root R iver Church of the Brethren ………………Sundays - 10:00am 23553 County Rd 20, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4772 Root R iver Community Church …………………Sundays - 10:30am 503 Nannestad Lane, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7074

Olmsted County Journal • Rochester MN 507.288.5201 Daytripper • Rochester MN 507.288.5201 Studio-A-Photography • Preston MN 507.251.6372 Rushford Lutheran Church …………………Sun. - 9:00am & 5:30pm 101 S Mill St., Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7152 Saetersdal Lutheran Church.……………………………Sundays - 9am 21447 Co. Rd. 30, Rural Harmony, MN Scheie Lutheran Church..……………………………Sundays - 9:30am PO Box 88, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5680 St Columban Church.……..…………………………Sundays - 9:30am 408 Preston St NW # 2, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -3886 St Ignatius Catholic Church.………………………Sundays - 10:30am 213 W Franklin St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-7565 St John’s Lutheran Church.…………………………Sundays - 9:00am 241 Line St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352-2296 St Joseph’s Catholic Church.………………………Sundays - 10:00am 103 N Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2257 St Mark ’s Lutheran Church...………………………Sundays - 9:00am 104 E North St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7111 St Marys Catholic Church....….......Sat. - 5:00pm & Sun. - 11:00am 405 Twiford St SW, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3148 St Matthews Episcopal Church..……………………Sundays - 9:30am 100 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923-1219 (507) 867-3707 St Matthew’s Lutheran Church..……………………Sundays - 9:00am Harmony, MN 55939 (Granger) (507) 772- 4474 St Olaf Catholic Church.....Sun. (1 & 2) - 10:30am & (3 & 4) - 8:45am 114 N Locust, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5268 St Patrick ’s Church Hall ………………………...…Sundays - 8:00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2480 St Paul Lutheran Church..………Sun. - 10:00am & Wed. - 7:00pm 128 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4604 St Paul’s Lutheran Church...……………………....Sundays - 10:30am Harmony, MN 55939 (Big Springs) (507) 886-8175 Sumner Center United Methodist Church.………Sundays - 10:30am 9 miles N. of Spring Valley on Co. Rd. 1 (507) 378- 4801 The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints-Sundays - 10:00am 21257 US Hwy 52 South Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4551 Trinity Fellowship ELCA..…………………………Sundays - 10:00am 110 S Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7211 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church………………Sundays - 8:30am 204 South St, Ostrander, MN 55961 (507) 657-2203 Union Prairie Lutheran..……………………………Sundays - 9:00am Hwy 16, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3363 United Methodist Church.…………………………Sundays - 10:30am 236 Gold St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352- 4136 Valley Christian Center…………………………....Sundays - 10:00am 610 Territorial Rd Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2101 W halan Lutheran Church..…………………………Sundays - 9:00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (Whalan) (507) 467-2398

Do you want to sponsor the Fillmore County Church Directory? Call 507.765.2151

Chatfield May 2013

Gopher News Critters and Company Visited Chatfield Elementary

Congrats to the Girls Track Team and Coaches for their strong 2nd place finish at the True Team meet!

Big News! Critters and company visited Friday, May 3, to talk with students about positive behaviors. Birds, reptiles, and a porcupine highlighted the show. Thank you to Greg Olson and his wife for presenting! District News: Dan Schindler (formerly of Chatfield) has accepted an offer to become the new Activities Director for the Chatfield School District. He was chosen as the top candidate by a committee of 9 that included head coaches, school board members, administrators and support staff. Welcome Dan!

Congratulations to the History Day students that participated in the State History Day competition. Luke Isensee and Bailey Hilgren finished in second place in the senior high group documentary category and will represent Chatfield and the state of Minnesota in the National History Day competition in early June. Seniors Caitlin Hansen and Mary Simpson made the finals of the competition with a senior high group exhibit and Logan Little also made the finals in the senior high individual documentary category. Each received honorable mention awards at the ceremony held in Williams Arena. Luke and Bailey also won the Minnesota Courts topical prize and will split the $500 that accompanies it. This year’s National History Day competition is dedicated to the memory of former Chatfield student Laura Zeccardi. It is especially fitting that Chatfield will have two students represented at the event.

State Science and Engineering Fair!


Thank you to the Red Cross and Chatfield’s National Honor Society for putting on another very successful blood drive by the Service Club. Go Gophers!

Congratulations to Kamryn Kullot, Logan Little, Sawyer Haagenson, Justin Viss and Bennett Gathje for competing at the Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair in Bloomington. Justin Viss won the Honorable Mention STEM Communicator Award for his paper. Bennett Gathje won top 7th grade paper, the US Metric Association Award, Broadcom MASTERS Award for the top 10% of Middle School Projects, The US Naval Science Certificate and Medallion, the WSB Engineering Excellence Award along with $250, and the second place 3M Innovation Award worth $750. Bennett was also a Second Place Grand Award winner and brought home a silver medal. Well done Gophers and a big THANK YOU to Mrs. Gathje for her support of this program and the students.

Savanna Springs Nature Area: Controlled Burn Mrs. Fritz and her Ag students assist Tim Gossman with a controlled burn to promote the health of the Savanna Springs Nature Area.

Congrats to the speech team! Four members of the team placed at the section tournament and those placing 3rd or higher will advance to the state tournament. This is a big year for the team. Usually only one person advances to state from our team, this year with 3 people advancing we couldn’t be prouder. These are the place winners. Danielle Norton placed 6th in prose, Gabby Bouska placed 2nd in poetry and is going to state. Levi Cole placed 2nd in drama and is advancing and Kayla Nelson placed 1st in poetry making her the section champion in her category and is advancing to state. We are lucky to have such great kids on our team. --Kelly Puent (advisor)

For more information on upcoming school events please go to

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Page 8


Monday, May 20, 2013

The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week.

Spring Valley views new ambulance equipment


Continued from Page 6

their home on the Thompson family farm near Pilot Mound southeast of Chatfield. Vivian was a homemaker. Ray passed away on Dec. 25, 2001. Vivian played clarinet and was treasurer of the Chatfield Brass Band. She was a charter member of the Founders Committee at the Chosen Valley Care Center, and was a member of Pilot Mound Lutheran Church, WELCA. Vivian was a church organist for 40 years, and a member of the Pilot Mound Busy Bees. She also volunteered for the Chatfield Tourism Center. She loved music, crafts and time spent with family. Vivian was adventurous and like to travel and learn new things. Vivian is survived by one son, Robert (Kathie) Thompson of Pilot Mound; one daughter, Chadra (Ken) Hess of Rochester, Minn.; four grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, and one brother, Murral Engle. Funeral service was Thursday, May 16, at Pilot Mound Lutheran Church in Pilot Mound, Minn. with Rev. Ronald and Janet Warnes officiating. Burial was in the Pilot Mound Cemetery.

By Gary Peterson The Spring Valley City Council met on Monday night, May 13th and approved a resolution to approve the issuance and sale of a Housing and Health Care Facilities Revenue Note, Series 2013 and authorizing the execution of documents relating thereto (Spring Valley Care Center/Olmsted Medical Center Project). The project to be financed by the Note is the refinancing of the outstanding principal amount of the City’s Housing and Health Care Facilities Revenue Note, Series 2006 (Spring Valley Care Center Project) and the financing of the acquisition, construction, and equipping of an approximately 14,055 square foot medical clinic, outpatient therapy clinic, and post acute nursing facility to be located at 800 Memorial Drive in the City. Except for the medical clinic which will be leased to and operated by Olmsted Medical Center, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation, the Project will be operated by the borrower. After a public hearing on the project on April 8th, 2013 it was determined that the issuance and sale of the Housing and

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Health Care Facilities Revenue Note, Series 2013 is in the best interest of the City, and the City determined to issue the Note and to sell the Note to Merchants Bank, National Association in Winona, Minnesota. Pursuant to a loan agreement to be entered into between the City and the Borrower, the Borrower has agreed to repay the Note in specified amounts and at specified times sufficient to pay in full when due the principal. The note to be issued in accordance with the further provisions hereof; and the total aggregate principal amount of the Note that may be outstanding hereunder is expressly limited to $6,500,000. Council also approved an amendment to the agreement with People Service. The amendment states; “People Service shall provide the Owner with up to eighty (80) hours of in kind service each year to be used for snow removal efforts within the City of Spring Valley.” Repairing the Tourist Information Center parking lot was discussed at the meeting. City Administrator Deb Zimmer stated that she had gotten a bid of $16,900 that would be bituminous. Council person Todd Jones stated that he would like to see another quote for using concrete in upgrading the lot. It was decided Zimmer would get an appropriate quote for the next meeting. Council had an opportunity before the meeting to view a new piece of equipment. The system will greatly assist ambulance attendants in loading and unloading patients and make that process safer for both the patient and the ambulance attendants. It’s called the Stryker Power Load System and the single unit cost is $23,943.00. The Ambulance Service indicated that two of the units would be required for a total cost of $45,526.00. According to Deb Zimmer there aren’t sufficient funds in the budget at the current time but council will delay any action until next year’s budget, which might result in delaying the purchase of a new ambulance.

Adult Co-ed Soccer At 6:00 p.m. every Sunday night from now until the end of October, we will be playing soccer at the Preston Elementary School soccer field. This is completely free to play, so you just have to show up. Any questions, call Jason at 507-251-5297. A las 6:00 pm todos los domingos a partir de ahora hasta finales de octubre, vamos a jugar al fútbol en el campo de Preston Elementary School fútbol. Esto es completamente libre para jugar, por lo que sólo tiene que aparecer. Cualquier pregunta, llame a Jason al 507-2515297.2013 y en funcionamiento hasta principios de otoño.

John Fenske reported that activity in the parks and swimming pool area is coming up to speed. He said that he hopes the pool can be repaired and in operation by June 7th. Fenske again thanked the people at utilities in helping with the repair. This will be a busy weekend for many activities in Spring Valley. The Almanzo 100 is set to kick off on Friday continuing through Saturday. There are over 1,600 people registered to

take part and the motels and campgrounds should be full. During the Council reports Bill Bires said that a citizen had approached him in regards to the chicken ordinance. He said that the citizen was inquiring about making a change in the ordinance to allow the roosters conjugal visits on a regular schedule. Will there be further discussion at another council meeting remains to be determined. Another city discussing a similar ordinance is Mantorville. They would allow up to 6 hen chickens and rooster visits every two weeks for 48 hours.

Spring Valley City Council members had the chance to view the new Stryker Power Load System recently purchased for the Spring Valley Ambulance Service. Photo by Gary Peterson

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Monday, May 20, 2013

among other buildings. The Visitors Center was also open for Lions Club members to tour. Forestville was settled in 1853 and grew quickly. By 1860 the town included over 150 people and twenty homes. The bustling town also included a school, a blacksmith shop, two hotels, a distillery, two sawmills, a gristmill, a cabinetry shop, and a store. In 1868 the Southern Minnesota Railroad bypassed Forestville and instead went through area towns including Preston, Wykoff, and Spring Valley, Minn. Little by little the town disappeared with the Meighen Store being the last business to close in 1910. The Meighen Store is still set up as it was when it closed with aisles and shelves fully stocked with sundries, clothing, and almost anything else a person needed in 1910. There are several buildings on the property that are all preserved the way they were when the town was full of residents. There are many educational programs and tours available in Historic Forestville which gives visitors a sense of what it was like to live in the late 1800’s including interpreters dressed in costume doing household chores and garden work. Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park includes Mystery Cave which, according to the brochure from the park, is “the longest cave in Minnesota with over 13 miles of natural passages” and Lions Club members say the Pledge of Allegiance before starting maintains a constant temperatheir meeting at Historic Forestville. ture of 48 degrees Fahrenheit so Photo by Barb Jeffers a visit to the cave on a hot Summer day would be refreshing for CLIP N’ SAVE visitors. Historic Forestville and Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park is an excellent educational opportunity for school groups from the area to spend a day understanding what life was Opening June 1ST for like many years ago and to get Hours: 1-5pm & 6-9pm  the 2013 Season! students out to enjoy nature (Non-Lesson Days/Weekends while learning at the same time. (Weather Premitting!) 1-4pm & 7-9pm According to Sandy Scheevel the 507-765-5408 (During Lessons) size of this State Park is “over 4,000 acres” which gives guests Costs: plenty of room to roam whether $95 - Family Season Pass  staying for the day or camping (Big Pool) for a weekend. Be sure to stop by the Visitor Center Nature $50 - Single Season Pass Store before you leave to pick up (Big Pool) souvenirs from your visit includ$25 - Season Pass ing hats, bonnets, educational (Baby Pool) products, and more. $3 - Daily Admittance On Saturday, June 1, 2013 Historic Forestville, along with

Club serves the community are Disaster Relief efforts, Breakfast Continued from Page 1 with Santa, and parking at the (507) 765-5299 or any Lions Fillmore County Fair each year. member. The Lions Club serves the world The Lions Club is a charita- by sponsoring or contributing ble organization that serves the to used eyeglass and hearing aid local and world communities. collection, Leader Dogs for the The Lions Motto is “We Serve blind, Special Olympics, and - our youth, our community, many additional programs. our world.” The Preston Lions The Preston Lions Club meets Club has 28 members who are on the third Monday of each active with many programs to month at 6:30 p.m. in the F&M help those in need. One prior- Community Banks conference ity of the Lions Club is to assist room located in the basement. the blind and visually impaired The Club is looking for new and there are many programs members so if you would like included in their efforts. The to join this fine group of people Lions Club holds fundraisers contact Ken Stager. throughout the year to provide Following the Lions Club and support these programs. meeting at Historic Forestville A few of the programs the the group was fortunate to Lions offer to youth are college receive a tour of the grounds scholarships, eye exams and eye and buildings from John Grabglass purchases, as well as Inter- ko who shared his knowledge national Youth Exchange. Some with the group. The tour includof the many ways the Lions ed the Meighen home and store


Preston Swimming Pool

Swimming Lessons: Sign up Begins June 1ST at 1pm at  the Pool. Lessons must be paid for in  advance. To participate in lessons you  must be at least 42” tall. Morning Lessons: 10:35-11:30  Costs: Levels 1, 3, 5 $25 - City of Preson Resident 11:35-12:30  $30 - Non Resident Levels 2, 4, 6

• Session 1: June 10-14 Afternoon Lessons: 4:05-5:00    (Make up days June 17 & 18) Levels 2, 3, 5 • Session 2: June 24-28 5:05-6:00    (Make up days July 1 & 2)  Levels 1, 2, 4 • Session 3: July 8-12 6:05-7:00    (Make up days July 15 & 16)  Levels 1, 5, 6 • Session 4: July 29 - August 2 (Lanesboro Only - Afternoon ) • (Make up days August 5 & 6)




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the Prairie Island Indian Community, will present Dakota Drum & Dance - A Mini Pow Wow which will be an exciting learning experience with all of the different sights and sounds that will be in Historic Forestville on that day. Admission for the Pow Wow will be $7.00 - Adults, $6.00 - Seniors, $5.00 - Children, and five years and under will have free admission. Minnesota Historical Society members will receive a discount. The admission price includes a Historic Site Tour. A $5.00 Daily State Park Permit will also be required. For additional information

Page 9

on the Pow Wow or any of the programs available at Historic Forestville call (507) 7652785 or visit forestville. The address of Historic Forestville is 21899 County Road 118, Preston, Minn. Historic Forestville is open Memorial Day Saturday thru Labor Day Monday. Look for special event postings after these dates. Hours are Thursday through Saturday 10:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. SundayNoon to 5:00 p.m. The evening of May 13 was not only an educational one for the Preston Lions Club members but was also an enjoyable night spent with friends.

The First Annual Commemorative Trout Days Pin. Photo by Barb Jeffers

EMS Week • May 19-25

Share your thoughts at

Preston Emergency Service would like to thank our volunteers and their families Greg Bremseth, Jeff Bennett, Matt Benson, Marti Higgs, David Keene, Doug Keene, Tim Kiehne, Deb Lindell, Tim Melver, Heath Mensink, Vicki Musel, Kevin Ostern, Ryan Quanrud, Stuart Quanrud, Kurt Reicks, Deb Ristau, Katie Ristau, Dan Root, Shirley Shanahan, Gina Shaw, Ron Schreier, Tony Severson, Jayden Wilhelm, Adam Severson, and Brian Soland Recently Retired: Jerry Olson & Mike Woellert along with their employers, Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office, Preston Police Department, Preston Fire Department and surrounding EMS for your service to our communities.

Thank You! Contact Ryan @ City Hall for information on becoming a member!

EMS Week Open House Wednesday, May 22nd 1pm-3pm

Preston Emergency Services Building Cookies & Coffee Blood Pressure Checks • File of Life New Member Information If you are unable to attend contact Ryan @ City Hall to create your File of Life Record 507.765.2153

Page 10


Monday, May 20, 2013

Part 3: Mabel-Canton senior class trip diaries Day 8 By Christy Welscher and Morgan Roppe We started out the day early in the morning so we could be the first group at Mount Vernon, home of George Washington. We took a tour of the house and walked around the property. After we got back on the bus Dave gave us our own American flags as he prepared us for Arlington Cemetery. At the cemetery we looked at many of the gravestones of the men and women who died for our country. We saw many famous tombstones, including the Kennedy family and Audie Murphy (the most decorated soldier). At 1 o’clock in the afternoon, the four class officers separated from the group to receive instructions for the laying of the wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. After receiving the instructions, they returned to their group to watch the changing of the guard. When

the time came, the four officers lined up and were led down the stairs by one of the guards. The wreath was placed by the president and the vice president; it was a very moving moment for everyone. After the wreath laying, our class had an emotional moment together that we will never forget. After we left Arlington Cemetery, we traveled to the Marine Memorial. Six classmates reenacted the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima. While we were at the memorial, we talked to a veteran who fought in the Battle of Iwo Jima. After talking to the veteran, everyone in our class shook his hand and thanked him for his service. Next we all got dressed up for a night at the theatre. First, we promenaded into Phillip’s Seafood Buffet. We enjoyed a great meal in each other’s company. Afterwards we took pictures on the dock and then headed to the Kennedy

Rushford aims to reduce comprehensive plan By Kirsten Zoellner The city has entered into an agreement with Yaggy Colby Associates for professional planning services in an effort to update the city’s comprehensive plan. The plan was last updated in 2008 and so after the flood, changes weren’t made. “Each planning commission just kept adding things,” noted City Clerk Kathy Zacher. The current planning commission has identified areas in need of simplifying and consolidating. Areas with statistical data and charts also must be updated with current information. “The

plan has over 21 goals,” added City Administrator Steve Sarvi. “It should be three or four for the whole works.” Changes such as removing the housing study, which is addressed elsewhere, are expected. The city will split the scope and cost of the reduction project over two years to better budget for the cost. It is not to exceed $10,000 with some updating being done in house to lower costs. The city has also approved an extension of $30,000 in funding to GForce Ink from an existing funding already in place to the

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Center. There we saw the play “Shear Madness,” a murder mystery. The play was wonderful, and the actors were hilarious. After the play when we got on the bus it was a bitter sweet moment. Dave informed us that it was our last night in DC and that he would miss our family. It was a day filled with all sorts of emotions. Day 9 The Last Day in D.C. By Austin Ryan, Zeth Curran On the 9th day was the last day in D.C. When we left the hotel, we went to the White House and walked on the sidewalk next to the White House.We couldn’t go all the way up to the fence because it was taped off, and Secret Service were blocking off the whole road. Then after we were done with the White House, we walked over to the Lincoln Memorial and the Vietnam Memorial. We all had free time to look on our own. Then we all made our way to the

Holocaust Museum, and we all walked on our own and took as much time as we needed. When we were done with the Holocaust Museum, we all made our way to the American History Museum to get some food. When we were done eating, we had time to walk around the mall. Then we all met up at 2:30 to head back home. Day 10 By Katie Schulte and Kaylor Aasum At 2:12 everyone was awakened by flashing red and blue lights. About six miles outside of Chicago, our bus was pulled over. We found out that we had a headlight out. We pulled into a truck stop for a bathroom break, and by the time everyone came back to the bus, the driver had fixed the headlight. Everyone went back to sleep, and we continued down the road toward Wisconsin. Around 6 a.m., we were awakened by Dave. He proceeded to tell us that we were going to stop for breakfast in a few min-

utes. He had us all convinced that it was Wisconsin’s smallest McDonalds! We came to find out that it was actually Wisconsin’s largest McDonalds! After breakfast we loaded back on the bus and headed for Mabel. On the way there, Dave made us stay awake and tell everyone what our favorite hotel, food, and place were. Pulling out of Lacrosse, we switched bus drivers for the last time, and we headed for Mabel. Driving into Mabel, we first saw Elizabeth’s parents standing on their back porch waving at us. After we passed BP, Erin’s mom followed our bus all the way to the school! Mostly everyone’s parents were there to help with our suitcases, since we were all exhausted. Most of us were just excited to go home and sleep! All in all, we had a good time, though we were excited to get home, we were also sad to leave. There were many great memories made. Even though it seemed to end so quickly, the memories will stay with us. We will always be a family.

local firm. Repayment on the extension and original loan, plus capitalized interest, will begin in August and November, respectively. It will be paid in increments to allow for the launching of the rSchoolToday on-line program. Available in more than 4,200 schools, the program brings a level of excitement to both the company and the community. In a unique setup, similar to Amazon with its multiple vendors, schools can go to one online location for all their needs with the money going in all. This attracts vendors, due to the large number of schools, providing an e-commerce platform for them. It also provides competitive purchasing for schools, which the program was driven and requested by.

Three patents have currently been completed by GForce Ink out of Rushford, with two of them being related to this program. There was some difficulty in coming up with funding to get the program running. Administrator Sarvi noted that the vote which led to the recommendation before the council was approved in a two to one vote. “There were concerns of the program would be unable to perform.” Now, the program can go online when schools are winding down and the system can be worked out before schools are back in session. “Everything up (on line) so you can be ready to go right out of the gate. The feeling was, let’s get Geoff the money so he can get vendors lined up so he can get

this thing going,” he continued. Payments of the funding will be made from EDA directly to rSchoolToday. “The main emphasis is to line up the vendors so when schools do go back on and click on it, it’s there,” added Sarvi. The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Monday, May 27, at 6:30pm, at city hall. The public is encouraged to attend. A special joint meeting of Rushford, Rushford Village, Peterson, and Rushford-Peterson School District, a fiscal impact work session, will be held Wednesday, May 29, at 6:30pm, at the Rushford Village Hall. Financial consultant Mike Bubany of David Drown Associates will be present.

Rep. Davids: Democrats release budget targets with $3 billion tax increase ST. PAUL, MINN. - On May 12, Legislative Democrats along with Governor Dayton agreed in principal on a two year budget that will spend $38 billion on state government, or nearly $3 billion more than what was spent over the previous two years. While the budget is high in price, State Representative Greg Davids (R-Preston) said the budget target is low on specifics. “House and Senate Democrats said they want to raise your taxes by $3 billion, but they won’t tell us how they’re planning to do it,” Davids said. “Regardless, the $3 billion increase represents

Pet of the Week

a cost of $550 for every man, woman and child in this state.” Legislative Democrats have promised to raise income taxes on individuals making more than $150,000 a year. They also plan to institute a business to business sales tax, and raise tobacco taxes. But they’ve not ruled out many other specific tax increases, including gasoline and alcohol. Davids said those details will be worked out in last minute conference committee negotiations. Legislative Democrats also said they will reduce $50 million in health and human services funding, which likely Terrier/PiT Bull Mix

daisy is very sweet and loves to play. She can be shy at first, but it doesn’t take long for her to warm up to you. daisy would benefit well from puppy classes. She seems to have some minor skin allergies that we are still trying to work out, and may need to be kept on a grain free diet. Please stop by and meet this cutie today! Paws & Claws dog and cat shelter is located at: 602 7th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901


Viewing Hours for our animals: • Monday: 12:30pm - 4:30pm • Tuesday: 2:00pm - 7:00pm • Wednesday: 12:30pm - 4:30pm • Thursday: 2:00pm - 7:00pm • Friday: 12:30pm - 4:30pm • Saturday 12:30pm - 4:30pm (PleaSe arrive 15 MinuTeS Prior To cloSing To vieW caTS and dogS available For adoPTion.)

means less money for nursing homes and their employees. While announcing the budget target agreement, Governor Dayton was asked point blank if middle class Minnesotans would see a tax increase under their

plan. He responded, “I can’t say no.” “Governor Dayton can’t say no, but I can,” Davids said. “I will not raise taxes on the poorest of the poor and every hardworking Minnesotan in order to

permanently increase spending. Remember, we have a $600 million deficit and this bill increases taxes by $3 billion. That is the definition of fiscal irresponsibility and inefficient government.”

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In This

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Ace Communications Group Bluff Country Newspaper Group Bluff Country Woman Blog Bluffscape Amish Tours Caledonia Area Convention and Tourism Bureau Camp Winnebago Carolyn S. Dunham, Ph.D Cedar Valley Resort City of Fountain City of Hokah City of Houston City of LaCrescent City of Peterson City of Rushford City of Spring Grove City of Spring Valley City of Wykoff F & M Community Bank NA Fillmore County History Center & Genealogy Library Fillmore County Journal Forestville/Mystery Cave State Park Hampton Inn - Rochester Harmony Chamber of Commerce Harmony Foods Harmony House Restaurant Harvest Farm Campground Hidden Bluffs Resort Highway 250 Campground HIS Business Hruska’s Canoe Livery & Campground Keller Williams Premier Realty - Mona Ostrem Lilac & Lace Guest House Loken’s Sawmill Inn & Suites

Mabel House Hotel Maple Springs Campground Meadows Inn Bed & Breakfast Money Creek Haven, Inc. Money Creek Retreat Niagara Cave Nordic Lanes & Lounge /The Creamery Norsland Lefse Oakenwald Terrace B & B On the Crunchy Side Peterson Station Museum & Visitor Center Pine Tree Orchard Preston Apple & Berry Farm Preston Foods Randy’s Bluffton Store & Campground RE/MAX Select Properties - Roxanne Johnson RINTek Root River Antique Historicial Power Association, Inc. Rushford Area Chamber of Commerce Rushford Foods Rushford Historic Depot Rushford State Bank Selvig House B & B SonSations Business Services Spring Valley Historical Society Stumpy’s Restaurant Spring Grove Swim Center The Bunkhouse White Valley Motel Wildcat Park & Landing Wykoff Jail Haus B & B

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Page 12


Monday, May 20, 2013


re monotes from a country kitchen by Vicki Christianson

When I learned how to drive a car it had an automatic transmission. I figured that was the only kind there was. I didn’t know a thing about driving a “stick” shift till I got married. My husband only owned and drove 3-speed or 4-speed vehicles. I believe his comment back then was “automatics are for old ladies”. So, if I wanted to drive his car (the only vehicle we had when we got married) anywhere and not depend on him I had to learn to drive a 3-speed on the floor. When he finally decided to teach me, he took me out to a grocery store parking lot after hours in Winona (which is where we first lived). We had a very sharp 1972 red Chevy Nova that was his pride and

Thank You to all my family and friends for the Wonderful 80Th Birthday!!! All your “well wishes,” gifts, cards, and hugs are so appreciated!! The “surprise” PARTY was great!!! The memories will last forever!!! Love you all, Julia Borgen

joy! There were no dings, dents, or rust anywhere and he wanted it to stay that way!! He first pointed out all the necessary “gadgets” that I needed to know about and then showed me how everything worked by driving slowly around the parking lot. I learned where the clutch was and that I had to push it in each time I shifted from one gear to the next (why a car needed all these gears was beyond me!!). I got behind the steering wheel and started practicing. I was able to shove in the clutch and change gears but I couldn’t get to the footfeet quick enough and so I always ended up killing the engine! It took me many, many, many tries before I got the hang of it. If I wasn’t killing the engine I was revving it too much! Finally Den thought I could handle going out on the road! Didn’t do too bad. The first few times I drove around town Den went with. I had trouble getting started when I was stopped at red lights and God help me if I had to stop on an uphill incline!! That was not pretty at all!! I just couldn’t get going fast enough without

rolling backwards. Needless to say I avoided all intersections that had an incline for a long time!! Eventually I got the hang of it and drove vehicles with clutches for many years. But, then we moved to the farm and I had to learn how to drive a tractor with a clutch! The tractor had twice as many gears as the car did! Figured shifting a tractor couldn’t be any different than shifting a car, right?? Just get your speed going, shove in the clutch, and shift. WRONG! Who thought up the dumb idea that each time you shift from one gear to the next in a tractor you have to actually stop the tractor??!! So I got another verbal lesson on how tractors actually work. My first tractor was an old John Deere that had a hand clutch. That turned out to be quite fun to drive! Didn’t go real fast and switching gears was easy. Next I learned on a couple of M Farmalls. Was a little harder but still I learned. Eventually I learned how to drive our big Farmalls. Those poor tractors sure took a beating before I finally mastered the knack of smooth shifting! I eventually got to the point where I could drive a tractor pulling 2 full loads of corn up hill and through snow!! I was quite proud of myself by that time! That city bred gal had come a long way!!

Moist Rhubarb Coffeecake

2 cups flour 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. baking soda ½ tsp. salt 1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar, plus 2 tablespoons 1 egg 1 cup plain low fat yogurt ½ cup applesauce 1 tsp. vanilla 3 cups raw chopped rhubarb Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl. In another bowl mix the egg and 1 cup brown sugar; add the yogurt, applesauce, and vanilla. Mix well. Stir this into the flour mixture and blend well. Finally add the rhubarb and stir. Dump into a 9-inch square greased pan. Sprinkle the 2 tablespoons of brown sugar over top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-35 minutes or until done. Can double for a 9x13 pan.

Reception/Dance open House May 25, 2013 6 - 11pm

Fountain Community Center Fountain, MN. BYOB Heidi and Scott Hanson of Chatfield, MN would like to announce the marriage of their daughter Danielle to Alex MacPhail, son of Trina MacPhail and Rudy Chon of Hereford, AZ .

They were married on May 4, 2013 in Hereford, AZ. on their ranch.

Happy 2nd Birthday Trigg Christopher 5-27-13 Love, Grandpa & Grandma Fishbaugher

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Weddings | Engagements Birthdays | Anniversaries Birth Announcements Special Occasions!


Lunsford ~ Halverson Bill and Sharon Lunsford of Arcadia, Wis., would like to announce the engagement


of their daughter, Nichole, to Andrew Halverson, son of Arlen and Genette Halverson of Mabel, Minn. The future bride is a graduate of Arcadia High School and attended Winona State University. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in social work. She currently works at Green Lea Manor in Mabel in the medical records department. The future groom graduated from Mabel-Canton High School. He is currently employed as a sprinkler fitter for Summit Fire Protection in Rochester, Minn. The couple will be married at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Caledonia, Minn. on June 22. jobs. The bride’s parents are Tammy and Kevin Hines of Sauk Rapids, Minn. The groom’s parents are Char and Mike (Beaver) Hanson of Fountain, Minn and Dave Swan of Bigfork, Minn.

Happy 90TH Birthday! Swan ~ Hines MistiLyn Marie Hines and Jacob David Swan would like to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. They will be married on October 5, 2013 in Little Falls, Minn. The couple currently live in Sauk Rapids, Minn. and plan to stay in that area after the wedding. The couple both work at Texas Roadhouse Restaurant in St. Cloud, Minn. and love their

Help Alberta Fishbaugher celebrate on May 29TH with a card shower!

Send a card and make this day very special!

Alberta Fishbaugher Spring Valley Senior Living 800 Memorial Drive C/O The Estates Apt 102 Spring Valley, MN 55975

With Love From All Your Family

The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week.


Continued from Page 1 for residential in Harmony, and $25,900 commercial. Blagsvedt explained how commercial values are reached using the examples of two businesses in Harmony. Dave Kiehne and his daughter, Chris Torgerson approached Blagsvedt with a question on how the asphalt was assessed on the commercial property at Torgerson Auto. Kiehne said he came to the meeting last year with concerns about how high his assessment was, and it was lowered. This year the assessment was the same at $43,000, and he asked to have it lowered to $26,500 again. “That lot has lost value,” said Kiehne. “I think the valuation needs to be looked at a little further.” Blagsvedt explained the assessment on asphalt is done exactly the same for every property, and she recommended not making any changes to it. They look at replacement costs and apply a depreciation across the board. Torgerson commented that it cost them $30,000 to put the black top in, and they were now being assessed $43,000. “It makes no sense,” she said. The council passed a motion to leave the assessment as is. Lynn Arnold had a question about his two buildings downtown, the post office building and the Big Woods Graphics next to it. The value on one property went down a little and

one went up. Blagsvedt said he could come see her at another time and discuss it. 1st Avenue Project The council decided which sidewalks would be replaced and which ones would not along 1st Avenue when the county works on that street next summer. Brett Grabau of Bonestroo, Inc., along with someone from the county and City Administrator Jerome Illg, marked several curb sections that need to be replaced along that street. Grabau said there were so many different sections that it would be cheaper to replace all of it instead of different pieces. The county has decided to do a reclaim and repave from Center Street to 3rd Street, and a mill and overlay for the rest of the street. Grabau recommended they urge the county to remove all curb and gutter for those first three blocks. The county is sharing the cost 50/50, so it will be an extra cost for the city, but a major improvement according to Grabau. The council decided to replace the sidewalk on both sides of the street for those first three blocks, and replace only on the west side from the third block through the fifth block. Wood Carvings Stan Maroushek of Slim’s Woodshed is working on a project to add wooden statues to downtown Harmony. Maroushek said he would like to draw more people in to the downtown area. He has received a grant for $5,000 to

Monday, May 20, 2013 build a statue that will be placed in the Cancer Park downtown. He is also getting a grant that will total $13,500 for two statues that will be placed on the northwest and southwest corners of the parking lot behind the bank. Another statue in the near future will be placed at the Visitor’s Center, and one in front of Andy Batstone’s tax office. Illg explained $2,000 of that grant will be a match from the Harmony Arts Board, and $1,500 a contribution. There was some question about maintenance costs. Maroushek brought up the Hobo Camp, which has suffered vandalism. He said they should consider bronzing the statues there in the near future, as he can get grants to preserve them. Lynn Mensink, who is on the arts board, said everyone there believes it’s a good idea, and the only concern was the cost of maintenance. The statues will have a large concrete base so they will be difficult to move. The council will have to approve the locations before they are placed. Building and Maintenance Report City maintenance employee Chris Johnson told the council about the wastewater plant pump and compressors that were recently installed. There will be an added installation cost of about $5,000 over the cost that was presented to the board last month. There will be asphalt patches needed on streets in town that


will cost $5,900. Also, the south part of the approach to Kwik Trip has deteriorated considerably. Grabau will look at what can be done to fix it and give a recommendation to the council. There will be some dust control done in the same two spots that were done in previous years; an area by the tree dump, and an area near Solberg Welding. The council approved three passes of tree sapping at $1.55 per foot. Garbage billing Tom Jarland attended the meeting to discuss garbage and recycling billing for people who are gone for the winter. There are several people who live in southern states during the winter months, and still have to pay their monthly garbage and recycling fees. “In my estimation, it isn’t right,” said Jarland. He added that people shouldn’t have to pay for a service they are not using. Illg said they can only report changes to Waste Management every quarter. Past experiences with changes have not always been good, as there have been reports of an empty house or someone being gone, but there is garbage on the curb. Illg explained that when Waste Management goes through the town, they pick up garbage wherever they see it, and they are not aware of who is paying for the service. There is also the issue of vacant homes. Normally garbage services can be stopped if all utilities are turned off. All residential homes pay a base garbage and recycling fee, and they also pay for garbage bags, so people who have more garbage pay more than others. Illg said it would be difficult administratively to make changes, but he will look into ways it can be done. New playground equipment The playground equipment at Selvig Park was installed, and there have been a lot of positive comments. The Park Board gave thanks to all the volunteers and city employees that helped with installation. Council member Debbie Swenson said the city should consider closing the gap between the money that was raised for the project and the total cost, which is a gap of around $6,500. Harmony Enterprises transformer upgrade Illg reported that Harmony

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Enterprises will be upgrading their service to 2000 amp, which means installing underground cable, transformer, a new enclosure, and redo or splice existing cable. Tri-County Electric Policy says the member must contribute 40 percent of the cost to upgrade, but that does not include the cost of the transformer itself. The council approved the rebuilt transformer option, with a total cost of $12,800, and Harmony Enterprise’s cost will be $3,200. Schmidt Roofing Darren and Cory Schmidt of Schmidt Roofing spoke to the council about hail damage done to the roof of Heritage Grove. There was damage done to both the main building and the garages, and Schmidt Roofing looked at it and came up with an estimate for the insurance company. According to Darren Schmidt, the insurance company approved the estimate of $115-125,000. He said the insurance estimator used their estimate. Schmidt told the council if they were chosen to do the project, they could have it done in three days. They are licensed and insured and follow OSHA guidelines, and have been in business for 22 years. There was a question about putting it out for bids because the project is more than $100,000, and Illg said he would check on it. The city will only have to pay the $500 deductible regardless of who does the job. The EDA will handle the issue at the next EDA meeting. Other Business The EDA is in the process of reviewing a purchase agreement for Heritage Grove. There will most likely be a joint meeting with the city council at some point to discuss this if everything works out. The council approved the bid for a Life Line ambulance for $107,879, with $65,000 for trade in on the old ambulance. Gary Nolan said they decided to go with a four-wheel drive this time. Keith McIntosh of the Conservation Club said they will be having a beer tent again on July 4. The council approved the noise permit and liquor license. Seal coating bids were approved for 2013 scheduled improvements at $59,462.16.

Agents: Creighton Horihan Jan Haugen Jim Peterson


302 South Mill Street Rushford, MN 55971

Page 14


Monday, May 20, 2013

The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week.

Fillmore County Sports Catch-up week By Paul Trende A Baseball Bonanza There was a bevy of countyrelated baseball action going on starting Monday May 6th. Fillmore Central/Lanesboro entertained Rushford-Peterson. It was a back-and-forth game. FC/L jumped out 3-0 (after one). R-P replied to take a 4-3 lead (after two). FC/L replied to take a 5-4 lead (after three). R-P forced a tie in the 5th, only for FC/L to retake the lead in the bottom half of the inning (6-5). But the Trojans got the last two hurrahs. They tied the game in the 6th and then got the winning run in the 7th for the 7-6 victory. Zach Ansell was 3-4 with a pair of RBI’s. Cale Stensgard (2-3, 2B, 2 R) also drove in a pair. Fernando Tominaga went the distance and got the win. For FC/L, Cal Larson was 2-3 with a run scored and a pair of RBI’s. Dan Gatzke was 1 for 3 (2B, RBI), but had 4 SB’s and scored 3 runs. That same Monday, a pair of

county baseball teams finally got in the win column. GMLOK pulled off the 3-Rivers Conference shocker of the year. The Bulldogs pulled into Wabasha win-less on the season (0-7). A season ago, they had just one victory. W-K was last year’s Sub-Section 1A East champ. They entered with a 5-0 record (and finished the week leading the 3-Rivers with a 7-1 mark). The one loss came at the hands of GMLOK. Junior pitcher Isaac Tangen was a big reason why. He scattered 6 hits, walked just two, struck out five, while giving up just one run. He also was 1-4 at the plate with a RBI. The ‘Dog defense committed 0 errors. Trevor Gomer (2-4, 2B) and Isaiah Bubany (1-2) each scored runs as the Bulldogs defeated the perennial powerhouse Falcons 3-1. Mabel-Canton also rode a junior pitcher into the win column. Collin O’Bieglo pitched a 5-hit shutout (6 K’s, 2 BB’s) to allow the Cougars to defeat Schaeffer Academy 2-0. Justin

Ward and Noah Manning were each 1 for 3 with doubles. Ward drove in one of M-C’s runs. The Cougar defense was also solid. It committed just one error. On Friday, the Bulldogs wrapped up the week hosting R-P. Senior 3B Lucas Roe got the day started, smacking a 2-run HR in the first inning, the first GMLOK dinger of the year. The 2-0 lead wasn’t all Isaac Tangen, again on the mound, needed, but it was pretty close. The Bulldog lead was 7-1 heading to the top of the 7th. At that point, Tangen had surrendered five hits and allowed just one run with zero walks. R-P collected four hits in the 7th. They attempted a comeback. Shane Jacobson’s 2-run single pulled the score to 7-3, but that’s where it stayed. Tangen got pinch-hitter Parker Dittman to ground out to first base to end the game. In the span of a week, GMLOK doubled its win total from 2012. The Bulldogs got solid play up and down the lineup. Roe (2-3, HR, BB, 3 RBI, 2 R) and Tangen (7 IP, 9 H, 3 R, 2 ER, 0 BB, 4 K, Win; RBI) led the way, but Quinn Larson

Mueller...Bueller...Mueller. A trio of GMLOK Bulldogs try to run down R-P’s Mariah (they didn’t). Trojans went round and round the bases like a Ferris wheel as, the Bulldogs didn’t have a ‘Day Off’ iin losing a double-header to R-P, 12 to 4 and 11 to 2. Photo by Paul Trende

(2-4, RBI), Trenton Bliefus (1-2, 2 BB, 3 SB, R), and freshman catcher Josh Shorter (2-3, R) all contributed in moving GMLOK’s record to 2-8. R-P is also 2-8. A Trio of Softball Shellackings County softball teams played three games versus one another on the week. None were nailbiter competitive. R-P entertained GMLOK for their annual doubleheader. They weren’t gracious party hosts. The Trojans got close to 10-running the Bulldogs in both games. In the end, they walked away with 12-4 and 11-2 victories. Keela Brand was 2 for 2 with a triple and 3 RBI in game one for R-P. Kendra Crawford was 3 for 5 with a double, 3 RBI’s, and 2 runs scored in game two. She also pitched the entirety of both games, picking up both wins. Kaylee Beevers was 3 for 4 with a double and an RBI in game one for GMLOK. The ‘Dogs had just three hits in game two. Chatfield picked up (on Wednesday the 8th) where it left off (on Tuesday the 1st) versus FC/L, as the teams re-commencing playing a contest halted courtesy of Mother Nature. The Gophers turned the 6-0 lead they built on the 1st (after an inning and a half) into a 10-1 victory. Sophomore catcher Shelby Bernard had the loudest hit of the day, a nodoubter HR to left field. It’s her second HR of the year, but first without controversy (the previous deflected over the fence off a fielder’s glove). Brook Irish (3-4, 2B, 2 R) and Maddy Larrabee (2-4, 2B, R) each drove in a pair of runs. FC/L’s Taylor Case was 2 for 3 with a double and the only Falcon run scored. Baseball > Chatfield (Went 1-3 on the week (7-4 overall, 7-2 in league, tied for 2nd with Southland (6-2, 8-2) behind W-K (7-1, 8-1). Beat D-E 9-6 (Jake Neis 3-3, 2B, HR, RBI, 4 R; Justin Viss 3-4, 2 RBI, 2 R). Lost to W-K 3-1 (Mitch Irish 1-4, 2B, RBI; J. Viss 2-2, 2 BBs, R. Falcons hit back-to-back HR’s in first inning to take 3-1 lead). Lost to Southland 6-0. Lost to L-A 11-10 (Goph’ stranded 12

men, bringing total in three losses to 32)) > FC/L (Went 0-3 on the week (2-6 overall). Lost to R-P (See Above). Lost to St. Charles 8-6 (D. Gatzke 1-3, HR, 2 RBI, 2 R. A 3-run 6th inning propelled Saints to victory). Lost to W-K 12-0 in 5 innings (Niko Anderson 1-3, had only Falcon hit)) > GMLOK (Went 2-1 on the week (2-8 overall). Beat W-K and R-P (See Above). Lost to P-E-M 10-1.) > M-C (Went 1-1 on the week (1-8 overall). Beat Schaeffer Academy (See Above). Lost to Goodhue 4-1 at the Stewartville Tournament) > R-P (Went 1-2 on the week (2-8 overall). Beat FC/L and lost to GMLOK (See Above). Lost to D-E 3-1 (Eric Courrier 2-3, R; Zach Ansell 2-4) Softball > Chatfield (Went 5-2 on the week (13-2 overall, 11-1 in the 3-Rivers South, tops in the league). Beat L-A 6-0 (Sidney Irish 2-4, solo-HR (2), 3 R, RBI; B. Irish 7 IP, 1 H, 0 R, 6 K, 4 BB, Win; Ashley Wolter 2-3, 3 R). Beat W-K 4-1 (Goph’s trailed 1-0 in the 5th but 2B, 3B, 2B, 2B from Miller, Keefe, Bernard, & B. Irish helped plate all four of their runs. S. Bernard 2-3, 2 2B, RBI; Kirsten Keefe 2-3, 3B, RBI, R; Jennifer Hanson 7 IP, 2 H, 1 R, 1 ER, 4 BB, 7 K, Win). Beat FC/L 10-1 (See Above). At Stewartville Tourney, beat Austin 15-1 (M. Miller 2 HR’s, A. Wolter HR), then suffered first lost of year to Stewartville 9-8 in 9 innings (Stewie took lead in top of 9th and held; B. Irish 3-4, HR, 3 RBI; S. Bernard 2-4, HR, 3 RBI). Beat C-SG 1-0 (S. Irish scored the game’s only run via small-ball in the top of the first; win clinched conference title; B. Irish 7 IP, 3 H, 0 R, 2 BB, 7 K), but then lost to the Warrior-Lions 17-7 (Score was 9-7 C-SG heading to top of 7th. Gopher pitching issued 14 walks. The game was the Goph’s 7th in six days) > FC/L (Went 4-1 on the week (7-2 overall, 6-2 in 3-Rivers South, second behind Chatfield). Beat See SPORTS Page 15 









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The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, May 20, 2013


Page 15

Fillmore County Sports SPORTS

Continued from Page 14

St. Charles 8-1 (Morgan Malley 4-4, 2 2B’s, 3 RBI, 2 R, 7 IP, 1 H, 1 R, 0 ER, 7 K, 3 BB, Win. Her no-hit bid was broken up in 7th inning). Lost to Chatfield 10-1 (See Above). Beat D-E 4-1 (M. Malley 7 IP, 1 H, 1 R, 2 BB, 12 K’s Win; T. Case 2-3, 2 RBI). Beat Southland 4-3 (Steph Erickson 7 IP, 7 H, 3 R, 2 ER, 3 BB, 11 K, Win) and 12-2 in six innings (Jordan O’Connor 2-4, 2B, 3 RBI, R; Erickson 6 IP, 4 H, 2 R, 2 ER, 2 BB, 4 K, Win)) > GMLOK (Went 2-5 on the week (3-12 overall). Lost to R-P twice (See Above). Lost to P-E-M 7-3 (Haley Colton 1-4, R, RBI) and then beat P-E-M 6-2 (Brittany Erding 2-2, 3 R, RBI; Rialie Fenske 1-2, 2 RBI, R). Lost to Southland 6-2 (Shelby Erding 132, 2 RBI), beat the Reb’s 5-4 (H. Colton 1-2, SB, R, RBI). Lost to Byron 15-4 in five innings (R. Fenske 1-1, 2 RBI)) > M-C (Went 1-5 on the week (3-7 overall). Lost to GlenvilleEmmons 24-5 in five innings (Coranda Vickerman 2-3, 3 RBI,

R, 2 SB) and 16-6 in five innings (Lydia Geving 1-2, 2 R, 2 SB). Lost to P-E-M 13-11 (Teams combined for 10 hits, but 24 runs. M-C pitching walked 12. Bulldogs had 8 errors). At the Hayfield Tourney, lost to KenyonWanamingo 12-4 (C. Vickerman 2-3, RBI, R) & St. Charles 13-4 (Ashley Dahl 1-1, 2 RBI), beat Medford 15-2)) > R-P (Went 5-3 on the week (8-6 overall). Swept GMLOK in a doubleheader 12-4 and 11-2 (See Above). Beat D-E 11-1 in 6 innings (Kendra Crawford 3-4, 2 RBI, 4 SB, pitching win; Keela Brand 2-4, 3B, 2 RBI). Lost to C-SG 5-3 (K. Crawford 2-3, 2 R, 2 SB, had Trojans only two hits), beat the Warrior-Lions 9-1 (K. Brand 1-4, HR (1), 3 RBI; Lauren Hadley 2-3, 2B; Jodi Eggert 2-3, RBI). Lost to Winona-Cotter 6-0 (Jessica Rislov 2-2, 2 2Bs), beat De La Salle 10-6 (K. Crawford 4-4, 2 3B, R, 2 SB, 2 RBI; Mariah Mueller 2-4, HR, 3 RBI), and then lost to La Crescent 13-4 (Crawford 2-3, 2 RBI, 2 SB) at the Lancers Tournament) Track and Field 05-07 Section 1A True Team

Meet (The Chatfield girls (850) finished second to Lake City (882). R-P-H (721.5) and L/FC/ MC (647.5) finished 5th and 7th of 16 teams. The L/FC/MC boys finished 4th (723.5), Chatfield 6th (630), and R-P-H 7th (607). Winona-Cotter was the boy’s champion. Top Gophers: Ashley Baker (1st 100, 2nd 200), Maddie Kammer (1st 200 & 400), Autum Erickson (2nd 100), Mikaela Bray (2nd Pole Vault), Maddie Talamantes (2nd 300-hurdles, 3rd 100-hurdles), Tyler Wondrow (2nd Long Jump), Jayme LaPlante (1st Discus, 2nd Shot Put). Top R-P-H’ers: Jordan Honken (1st Pole Vault), Kate MacKenzie (2nd 100-hurdles), the boys 4x200 (2nd), Tyler McLellan (2nd Long Jump). Top L/FC/MC’er’s: Olivia Haug (1st Discus, 2nd Shot Put), Gabe Decker (1st Pole Vault), the boys 4x100 (2nd), the boys 4x400 (2nd). Meet held in Rushford) 05-11 3-Rivers Conference Meet (Girls: PEM 1st, Chatfield 3rd, R-P-H 5th, Kingsland 6th. Boys: PEM 1st, R-P-H 3rd, Chatfield 7th, Kingsland 8th (of 8). Top Gophers: the girl’s 4x100 – Erickson/Kammer/Mariah Bell/Baker

(1st), the girl’s 4x200 – Erickson/ Bell/Kammer/Talamantes (1st), M. Kammer (2nd 400), Kayla Woltz (2nd 3200), J. LaPlante (1st Discus), Adam Amy (2nd Discus), T. Wondrow (2nd High Jump). Top Tro-canes: A. O’Hare (1st 1600), the boy’s 4x800 – O’Hare/ Jeremiah Munson/Dylan Linder/ Ryan Ruberg (1st), T. McLellan (2nd Long Jump), J. Honken (2nd Long Jump). Top Knights: Lacey Schwartz (2nd 100, 3rd 200). At Herman track in Plainview) Golf > Chatfield (Girls lost to Southland (230 to 237) and C-SG (216 to 240). Paige Isensee and Morgan Henry (50) shared medallist honors versus the Reb’s. Isensee medalled versus C-SG. The boys lost to R-P (170 to 210), to Southland (179 to 230), and to C-SG (173 to 201). Luke Kappers led Goph’s all three meets, but didn’t medal.) > FC (Girls downed Kingsland (215 to Inc.), C-SG (204 to 212), and Southland (228 to 252). Keeley Todd (49) and Laura Donney (51) were 1-2 versus the Knights. Katie Tammel (48) and Todd (49) were 1-2 versus the Warriors. Todd (54) and Donney (55) were

2-3 versus the Rebels. The boys downed Kingsland on (168 to 207) and Southland on (181 to 195). Trevor Barnes (40) and Jordan Miller (42) respectively medalled.) > Kingsland (Girls lost to FC (215 to Inc.). Megan Back (57) was the only Knight competitor. The boys lost to FC on (168 to 215) with the Falcons having the top five scores) > Lanesboro (Girls beat Lyle/ Pacelli (238 to Inc), GM/L-O (240 to Inc). Johanna Bearson (43/43) was medallist at both meets. The boys lost to L/P (200 to 191), beat GM/L-O and G-E (176 to 187 to Inc.). Liam Dorn and Tristen Chiglo (48’s) tied for 3rd versus L/P; Dorn (41) medalled versus GMLO/G-E) > R-P (The boys downed Chatfield (170 to 210) & Caledonia (174 to 184). Beat Southland and Caledonia (187 to 199 to 218). Hudson Stensgard, Chad Christian, & Kyle Wiedemann all had 42’s versus the Goph’s. Charlie Krambeer (40) medalled versus the Warriors with Christian (41) one-stroke back)

Peterson hosts summer jam series

athlete of the week

(L-R) Drue Fergison, Donna Buckbee, and Joy Hoiland make up the string trio Vinegar Hill. Photo provided. Photo by Kirsten Zoellner

Morgan Malley Fillmore Central/Lanesboro Softball

ed are Scandinavian-American tunes from the area. The group also enjoys more informal musical styling. “We have a lot of fun working out harmonies and simply jamming informally. Jamming is not performative, but is a direct outgrowth of a traditional, inclusive approach that invites amateur musicians into the group to play along and experience the joy of making and learning music together. We are excited to share this style of informal, imperfect, in-process, living and breathing music with others.” The music gets underway at

7pm, May 24. It is free and open to all ages. “We are getting excited about our first jam,” enthuses Gail Boyum, one of the organizers. “We invite you to come out and join us!” For more information about Vinegar Hill, check out their Facebook page at:

A Great Read!

hubaRb Festival R Saturday, June 1, 2013 10:00 am - 3:00 pm rhubarb capital of mn Sylvan park Gazebo lanesboro, mn

FREE Family Fun all day!

FCL softball player Morgan Malley is A.O.T.W. Malley wasn’t around for all of the Falcons 4 and 1 week. She did play a huge part in the first two wins, flirting with a no-hitter (gave up just one hit in the 7th inning) and going 4-4 (2 2B’s, 3 RBI, 2 R’s) in an 8-1 win over St. Charles, then tossing a 2-hitter in a 4-1 Falcon win over D-E. Malley is 6 and 1 with a 1.34 ERA and the Falcons are 10 and 2 (as of May 15th). Photo by Paul Trende

Brought to you by:


By Kirsten Zoellner Utilizing the refurbished bandstand that sits in the heart of the town, Peterson will be hosting an eight series musical jam. Held every other Friday, during the fish fry, the series hosts a wide range of local musicians. Memorial Day weekend, the series kickoff, string trio Vinegar Hill will be performing. Comprised of Houston resident Drue Fergison (fiddle) and Rushford residents Donna Buckbee (fiddle, voice) and Joy Hoiland (mandolin), Vinegar Hill features traditional American, old-time Appalachian music. “Much of this music hails from the rich southern Appalachian mountain culture, predating bluegrass, with roots going back to the 19th century and earlier,” notes the group. Also includ-

Mon-Sat 7am-9pm Sun 8am-7pm

• The Rhubarb Games for kids and adults - Rhubarb Stalk Throw and Green Eggs and Rhubarb - KTTC Morning News Team of Jess Abrahamson and Ted Schmidt will open the event at 10 am & toss out the first stalk at 10:30am • Rhubarb Rant, Rhubarb Zumba & Helicopter rides and many new vendors. • Have your picture taken as “Ray & Ruby Rhubarb with your little rhubarbettes”. • Rhubarb Fashion Show - Wear anything that represents rhubarb. Prize for the best • The Story Tree - Local Storytellers will entertain • Contests & prizes ~ Largest Rhubarb Leaf ~ Heaviest Rhubarb Stalk & More!

pie-making contest

12-12:30pm & 1-1:30pm

minute-to-win-it Rhubarb & Chop Sticks runs continuously 10:30am - 1:30pm

Cock-A-Doodle MuSiC EvERywHERE! 10:45-11:15am Walter Bradley & Steve Arnold Zoo a unique up 11:15-Noon Rhubarb Sisters Tom Schramm close animal 12:30-1:00pm 2:00-3:00pm Rutabaga Brothers experience! Get your copy of the Rhubarb Festival Cookbook. See for more details.

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The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

tech bytes By Mitchell Walbridge

YouTube Viewer Fees on the Horizon While sitting at school, at work or even at home, it’s not an uncommon scenario for your co-workers, friends, or family to ecstatically gather around the computer to watch the exciting trending video that you discovered earlier that day. Whether you’re looking for a laugh, wanting to watch your favorite television scenes, or viewing a news report for a second time, YouTube has provided videos since 2005, when it primarily hosted only homemade videos. Since then however, the content has exploded in variety. In 2007 YouTube created what is known as the YouTube Partner Program, which has allowed for more than one million creators from more than 30 countries to earn money from their provided videos, mainly through advertisements. Now, six years after the YouTube Partner Program was launched, popularity of videos has grown exponentially. In fact, in 2011 the website had one trillion views, which calculates to roughly 140 views per person for everyone on the planet. For at least the past year, content creators have been pushing for more flexibility and

more options to raise revenues from their videos. YouTube has answered back to the persistent requests by launching a pilot program that will give paid channels the option to impose subscription fees to viewers. Fees are said to begin at $0.99 per month. As of Thursday, May 9, only a small group of partners were set up with the fee-charging system. YouTube reported that in the coming weeks many more qualifying partners will have the subscription option added to their channels. Those who subscribe to a channel do have a 14 day window to withdraw their subscription if they are not satisfied. Charging fees is venturing into unfamiliar waters for YouTube, as this new option for content creators is only a pilot program. It’s also important to realize that not all videos will require paying a subscription fee to view, but don’t be surprised if the fee notification appears on your screens. As if paying the monthly cable or satellite bill wasn’t enough, many are unsure whether this will potentially lower YouTube’s viewer traffic. However, there are many dedicated fans who are inseparable from their YouTube videos.

Monday, May 20, 2013


Page 17

5th Annual Rhubarb Run will award homemade rhubarb pies to all winners Rhubarb Run 5K and 1-Miler celebrate the funniest vegetable in all of Minnesota. Saturday, June 1 the race activities will be staged one block west of downtown Lanesboro, off County Road 8. Check-in and same-day registration start at 8:00 a.m. under the ball field pavilion. Race time is 9:00 a.m. This family-friendly, kid-encouraging event invites laughter-prone runners, joggers and walkers of all ages to kick up their heels. It’s a great way to burn calories before sampling all the free rhubarb treats at the ninth annual Rhubarb Festival, which directly follows the Run. A 10:00 a.m. Rhubarb Run awards ceremony in Sylvan Park kicks-off Rhubarb Fest festivities. This year’s Rhubarb Run promises to keep up its humorous traditions. Winners take home fresh rhubarb pies. All race entrants will get the Grand Rhubarb Treatment: serenade of accordion music along the course, ceremonial fanning with rhubarb leaves, reviving shot of pure local rhubarb elixir, rhubarb refreshments and fun surprises. Pre-register online for the Rhubarb Run or opt for same-day registration. Park at the Bass Pond off County Rd 8, cross under the scenic bridge along the Root River to the ball field side Check-in/Registration area and Starting Line. After the race events, runners are invited to freshen up (showers in two locations in Sylvan Park)

and stay for a day of sweet and silly rhubarb-related attractions, including the festival’s signature rhubarb recipe contest tasting attraction, Lanesboro Farmer’s Market, Pie Making Contest, Cock-A-Doodle Zoo featuring real kangaroo, lemur, alligator and other exotic (possibly rhubarb-eating) creatures, Rhubarb Fashion Show, Rhubarb Games, Story Tree read-alouds, Rhub-Art, bake sales and vendors of tasty rhubarb foods and humorous rhubarb goods.

All proceeds from the Run support the Lanesboro Public Library. Run sponsors include the Fillmore County Journal, Commonweal Theatre, Artesian Fresh, Frank Wright, Lanesboro Fire Department, Joe Deden/Eagle Bluff ELC and Road ID. For more information about the Rhubarb Run, visit the Rhubarb Festival website at http://www. or email the Race Director at rhubarbrun@aol. com

Rich Anderson, owner of Labrador Home and Garden, Rushford, MN, is part of a family rich in military service. Rich determined it was important to have the United States flag flying in view at the Garden Center. On Saturday, May 11th Labrador Home and Garden celebrated the special occasion of their 5th Anniversary and a special Flag Raising Ceremony. At assistance were members of Rushford American Legion, Murphy-Johnson Post 94. Photo submitted


Fountain American Legion

Romas-Mailia Post #492 • Nevin Vrieze, Adjutant

Memorial Day Program Monday, May 27, 2013

7:30 a.m. ............................... 8:15 a.m................................. 8:30 a.m. ............................... 8:45 a.m. ............................... 9:00 a.m. ............................... 9:30 a.m. ............................... 10:15 a.m. .............................

Canton American Legion

Legionaires meet at the Community Hall Winslow Cemetery Fountain Lutheran Cemetery Fountain Catholic Cemetery Root Prairie Cemetery Wykoff St. John’s Cemetery Watson Creek Cemetery

★★★★★★★★★★ Lanesboro American Legion

Paul Blegan Post #400 Doug Marin, Commander

Henry M. Guttormson Post #40 • Deane Benson, Commander

Monday, May 27, 2013 • 9:00 a.m.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Program Canton Town Hall Speaker - Doug Marin

★★★★★★★★★★ Harmony American Legion

Gustav Berg Post #81, Commander James Bakken

Memorial Day Program

Monday, May 27, 2013 11:00 a.m. Fillmore Central High School Gymnasium, Harmony, MN Advancement of Colors ........ “National Anthem” Pledge of Allegiance ............. Invocation .............................. Gold Star Mothers’ Tribute ... Special Music Selection ........ Memorial Day Address .........

American Legion Post #81

Audience Pastor Betsy Dartt Diane Strahl Jacque Ryan SSG Jason Marquardt, Veterans Service Officer, Fillmore County “In Flanders Field”................ Hailey Lange Benediction ........................... Pastor Betsy Dartt Retiring of Colors ................. American Legion Post #81 Grave Service and raising of colors following in the Selvig Park

★★★★★★★★★★ Mabel V.F.W.

Kittelson-Onsgard Post #5769 • Jason Marquardt, Commander

Mabel American Legion

Joseph B. Lund Post #299 • Ralph Schneekloth, Commander

Memorial Day Program

Monday, May 27, 2013 • 11:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m............................. 7:30 a.m............................. 8:30 a.m............................. 9:15 a.m............................. 10:00 a.m........................... 10:45 a.m........................... 11:15 a.m........................... 11:25 a.m........................... 11:30 a.m........................... Advance of Colors ............ “Star Spangled Banner”. ... Invocation .......................... “America The Beautiful” .. Memorial Day Address ..... Pledge to the Flag.............. Gold Star Mothers Tribute Memorial Ritual at the Crosses .................. Benediction .......................

Meet at Mabel Legion Highland Lutheran Graveside Rituals Hesper Lutheran Graveside Rituals Burr Oak Cemetery Graveside Rituals Henrytown Cemetery Graveside Rituals Prosper Cemetery Graveside Rituals Meet at the Legion March to Steam Engine Grounds Program at Steam Engine Grounds American Legion-VFW Drill Squad Band & Audience Eddie Macha Band & Audience Eddie Macha, speaker Band & Audience Legion-VFW and Boy Scouts Mildred Danielson, Legion Auxiliary Chaplain

Potluck Dinner at the Mabel Legion Hall

(In the event of rain, the program will be in the High School Auditorium)

Memorial Day Program

9:45 a.m................................. 10:00 a.m. ............................. Presentation of Colors ........... National Anthem ................... Invocation .............................. Recognition of Gold Star Mothers ...................... Musical Selection .................. Reflections on America ......... Memorial Day Address ......... God Bless America ............... Benediction ........................... Presentation of Flowers......... Gun Salute to the Dead & Taps

Parade from School to Lanesboro War Memorial Community Center Program begins in Lanesboro War Memorial Community Center American Legion Color Guard Lanesboro High School Band American Legion Chaplain American Legion Auxiliary Lanesboro School Band Lanesboro High School Seniors Deane Benson Audience Amer. Legion Auxiliary Chaplain By Our Children American Legion Post #40

★★★★★★★★★★ Peterson American Legion Gilbertson-Rude Post #526 James Loven, Commander

Memorial Day Program Monday, May 27, 2013 10:00 a.m. Program at City Park

“Battle Hymn of the Republic” .............

R-P Middle School Band Director Mr. Jacob Olson Placing of Colors................................... American Legion Post #526 “Star-Spangled Banner” ........................ R-P Middle School Band Welcome....................................................... Bev Loven Invocation ............................................. Pastor Warnes “Amazing Grace” ................................. R-P Middle School Band In Flanders Field ................................. Joy Hundorf Answer to In Flanders Field ................ Tovah Schroeder Introduction of Speaker ........................... Bev Loven Memorial Day Address ....................... Jennifer Gumbel “March of the Lost Battalion”............... R-P Middle School Band Benediction ........................................... Pastor Warnes Firing Squad .......................................... American Legion Post #526 Taps ....................................................... Maverick Jackson Echo ...................................................... Isaiah Schick In the event of rain, the program will be held in the R-P Middle School Auditorium


Spring Valley V.F.W.

Hanson-Raabe, Post #4114 • Nathan Pike, Commander

Spring Valley American Legion

Everett H. Hale, Post #68 • Nathan Pike, Commander

Memorial Day Program Monday, May 27, 2013

VETERANS MEMORIAL Musical Selection, Kingsland H.S. Band Prayer - Chaplain Roger Svebakken Laying of Wreath Salute to the Dead -- Honor Guard Taps COMMUNITY CENTER 10:00 a.m.: Call to Order - Nathan Pike Patriotic Selections by String Ensemble Invocation - Chaplain Roger Svebakken Presentation of Colors - Veterans Color Guard Pledge of Allegiance - All Patriotic Selections By String Ensemble Introduction of Speaker - Nathan Pike Memorial Address - Luke Rath Patriotic Selections By String Ensemble Announcements - Nathan Pike SPRING VALLEY BRIDGE Salute To Those Lost At Sea SPRING VALLEY CEMETERY Call to Order - Nathan Pike Invocation - Chaplain Roger Svebakken Patriotic Readings Placing of Wreaths - Ladies Auxiliaries Salute to the Dead - Honor Guard Taps 9:45 a.m.:

Preston American Legion Vial Post #166 • Dave Collett, Commander Preston V.F.W.

Magdlin-Gilbertson Post #689 • Les Puffett, Commander VFW & American Legion Auxiliaries Sons of the American Legion Erlyn Marzolf, Commander

Memorial Day Program

Monday, May 27, 2013 • 9:30 a.m.

At Christ Lutheran Church, Preston

Welcome................................ Advancement of Colors “National Anthem”................ Invocation ............................. “In Flanders Field” ............... “America, the Beautiful” “Tribute to Gold Star Mothers” Memorial Day Address ....... “Some Gave All” ................... Announcements ...................

Ron Scheevel

Prayer .................................... Presentation of the Wreath .... “Taps” ..................................

Pastor David Jore Norman Schultz Jim Pickett

Prayer .................................... Calling of the Roll................. Rifle Volley-21 Gun Salute ... “Taps”....................................

Pastor David Jore Phil Durst & David Starks Servicemen Color Guard Jim Pickett

Sharyol O’Connor Pastor David Jore Jesse Nelson Alex Fishbaugher Pastor David Jore Ron Scheevel Ron Scheevel

At West Bridge

At Crown Hill Cemetery

★★★★★★★★★★ Rushford VFW

VFW Post 5905 • Maynard LaFleur, Commander

Rushford American Legion

Murphy - Johnson Post #94 • Todd James, Commander

Memorial Day Program Monday, May 27, 2013

7:00 a.m......................... Breakfast-Legion, free to Veterans 7:30 a.m......................... Assemble Fire Squad-Legion for Cemetery Honors 10:30 a.m....................... Program Commences, Veteran’s Park behind city hall. (Alternate location for weather is the R/P High School auditorium)

Music ............................ RP Band, Directed by Burton Svenson Presentation of the Colors . American Legion Post #94 “National Anthem”........ RP Band Pledge of Allegiance ..... All Welcome........................ Commander LaFleur Invocation Presentation of Blue Star Banners - Commander James of the Legion and address by Deanna Honsey President of the Legion Auxiliary. Introduction of Speaker Commander LaFleur Memorial Day Address Ted Roberton Benediction Firing Squad Salute to the Fallen........ Ron Peterson, Squad Leader Taps ............................... Derek Berg

11:30 am - 6:00 pm or until gone - Brat & Burger Feed at the Rushford Legion Hall. All Are Welcome. Free will donations.

Chicken BBQ at the Community Center 11am till gone Sponsored by the American Legion

★★★★★★★★★★ Whalan American Legion Erickson-Rose Post #637 Steve Erickson, Commander

Memorial Day Program Sunday, May 26, 2013

7:00 p.m. - Whalan Town Hall Program Refreshments will follow program.

★★★★★★★★★★ Wykoff American Legion

Stahl-Linnemeyer Post #369 • Wayne Winslow, Commander

Memorial Day Program Monday, May 27, 2013

10:30 a.m. - Fillmore Cemetery Memorial Day Address - Chad Campbell (Executive Director of Good Earth Village) Music Selections by Kingsland School Band Director - Josh Hogberg Presentation of the Wreath - Esther McCaulley

★★★★★★★★★★ “Freedom Is Not Free” Let us never forget the patriotism and courage of those who sacrificed everything for the sake of the country they so dearly loved. It is an honor to recognize the heroism and service of these great American heroes. They have forever earned a place in the heart of our grateful nation.


Monday, May 20, 2013

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Mock Crash has an impact on Lanesboro students By Mitchell Walbridge “Mothers and daughters have a very special bond. From the moment Sydney was born, she was a true light in my life. Every day was a wonderful day because Sydney was a part of it… Sydney had dreams of becoming a wife and mother someday. Sadly, her dreams will not become a reality. I will never have the pleasure of watching as my little girl walks down the aisle, embracing her dad’s arm as he gives her away. I will never be able to enjoy Sydney’s children, my grandchildren.” “Her beautiful face will only be visible in pictures from this point forward. This world will never know the true goodness and generous contributions Sydney could have made… Sydney will never graduate from high school or venture off to college like her classmates and friends. Sydney will never experience true love and all that goes with it. Sydney will never experience her wedding day or experience the joy and excitement of welcoming a child into this world… We’re blessed with only one life. Let’s live it wisely.

God bless the memory of my little girl, Sydney Kay Johnson.” Sadly, Theresa Johnson’s words above similarly illustrate the emotions of many parents who have lost a child in a car accident. 2011 CDC statistic report 3,331 people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver, and 387,000 were additionally injured in crashes involving a distracted driver, many of them being young adults. As if keeping intoxicated individuals out of behind the wheel wasn’t challenging enough, there’s the new danger of cell phones involving both texting and talking while driving. In any student’s high school career he or she will read thousands of pages, write dozens of papers, sit through hours of lectures, and be tested on learned information repeatedly. As important as gaining this knowledge is, some of the most valuable lessons that a student learns happens outside the classroom through pure observation. The morning of Friday, May 10 was one example for the students of Lanesboro High School as the school’s chapter of the SADD organization (Stu-

Mock crash victim Johanna Bearson had to be extricated as the result of the one-vehicle simulated rollover. She was one of four students involved. Photo by Mitchell Walbridge

dents Against Destructive Decisions) presented a mock crash and criminal trial. At 9:15 am students and teachers were paged from their classrooms, and they walked from the school to the Lanesboro football field. Upon arrival students and school staff encountered a horrifying and realistic scene of a onecar rollover involving four fellow Lanesboro seniors including ejected passengers Sydney Johnson and Linnea Thiss, vehicle-bound passenger Johanna Bearson, and entrapped driver Erik Peterson. Within seven minutes the Fillmore County deputies along with Preston/Lanesboro law enforcement officers were on the scene of the crash. Within minutes of law enforcement arrival the Lanesboro Fire Department and the Lanesboro Ambulance were also on the scene to assist. Throughout the entire crash scene, Brenda Pohlman, a health educator of Fillmore County Public Health, narrated the response process to the school audience. After extricating Peterson and Bearson from the car with the help of the Jaws of Life, Deputy Jesse Grabau conducted field sobriety tests on Peterson, who was then taken into custody. Emergency crews stabilized Thiss, who was apparently suffering from a neck injury after striking an electric pole. Johnson, who had been ejected several more feet from the car, was determined to be deceased. Johnson’s mother, Theresa Johnson, also made an appearance on scene to identify her daughter. Approximately forty minutes later Mayo One landed to aid in rapid transport. Observing this traumatic scenario did not end with the conclusion of the crash scene. Students then met at the Lanesboro Community Center for a mock trial, State of Minnesota v. Erik Peterson. The Honorable Robert Benson presided over the trial with Brett Clarke, Lanesboro’s High School Principal, acting as the prosecuting attorney and Ethan Simonson, high school history instructor, as the defense attorney. Testimony was given by Thiss, who was paralyzed from her neck injury, Bearson, Peterson, and Deputy Grabau. Grabau reported Peterson had a reported blood alcohol level of 0.18%, more than twice the legal limit and that texting also had played a role in the crash. Also, statements were read by mothers Kathy Thiss and The-

resa Johnson before Judge Benson completed the sentencing. In the end Peterson was sentenced to 120 months in the state prison and a fine of $5,000 plus restitution for one count of Criminal Vehicular Homicide. Peterson was also convicted and sentenced for one count of Criminal Vehicular Injury, which carried a sentence of 60 months in the state prison and a $3,000 fine plus restitution. The sentences were to be served concurrently. Students, without a doubt, learned a lot the morning of May 10. From the initial crash scene to witnessing court proceedings, Judge Benson said it the best, stating, “When you drive a motor vehicle, you’re behind one of the most dangerous instruments that we have in our society, and when it’s misused, somebody dies… somebody is injured.” Judge Benson also pointed out the dangers of texting while driving, “The average reading or sending a short text takes about 4.6 seconds. That’s 4.6 seconds that you’re not paying attention to what you’re doing… and in 4.6 at 55 mph, you’ll go the length of a football field without paying attention to maintaining control of the motor vehicle.” According to Judge Benson, crashes that involve distractions such as cell phone usage cause accidents of 23 percent more

severity, as demonstrated earlier that morning. The best way to armor against these kinds of crashes is to educate drivers at a young age because the decisions they make now will affect them for the rest of their lives. SADD Advisor Rochelle Gathje reflected on what students have learned the most from observing the mock crash and trial, “Many of the students took away the seriousness of distracted driving. For example, how fast one text can lead to an accident. Students understand that even small decisions, such as getting into a car with a distracted or impaired driver, can have a huge impact.” Senior Kirsten Ruen stated, “No one should ever have to go through that, especially family members. This can happen to anyone by making one bad choice.” As much as the observing students learned just by watching, the four actors are also changed. Sydney Johnson, who ended up deceased from the impact of the rollover, expressed how this has affected her, “It was such a hard experience for me because having my mom participate was a wakeup call that it could happen. I never want to put my mom or the rest of my family through that.” The Lanesboro SADD Chapter, directed by high school biology instructor Rochelle Gathje and school psychologist Heidi See MOCK CRASH Page 21 

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Page 20

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The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, May 20, 2013


Page 21

Chatfield moves forward to create Capital Improvement Plan


Continued from Page 20

By Karen Reisner City engineer David Morrill, McGhie and Betts, discussed the process to create a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) at the Chatfield City Council’s May 13 meeting. Councilors Paul Novotny and Robert Pederson were absent. The city has completed televising the older (pre 1970s) sanitary sewer lines. There also is data on water mains and information about street overlays, sidewalk programs and the condition of other infrastructure. The short term goal is to prioritize the work that is needed and create a budget. Morrill listed possible funding sources that included bonding, utility rates, and assessments of property owners. The estimated cost for the services of McGhie and Betts include updating the inventory ($3,200), rating the condition of infrastructure ($4,200), the cost estimating process ($1,800), and the production of the CIP for the next several years ($3,600). Morrill expects the complete process to produce the CIP to

Johnson, has been planning this year’s mock crash for months. Organization got underway as early as September with monthly meetings. As the event drew nearer, daily tasks had to be completed to make the operation successful. Community meetings were a big part of the planning stages. Many agencies were involved in making the mock crash execute smoothly. The Lanesboro Ambulance, the Lanesboro Fire Department, the City of Lanesboro, the Lanesboro High School journalism class, music department, staff, and administration, Mayo One, the Johnson and Thiss families, Judge Robert Benson and the staff at the Fillmore County Courthouse, Herman’s of Fountain who donated the transportation of the vehicle, the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Department, and Brenda Pohlman of Fillmore County Public Health all played a significant role. Full video of Lanesboro’s mock crash and mock court trial is accessible at the Fillmore County Journal’s website,

take up to four months, adding it will require some city staff time. The fees charged are based on an hourly cost. If more time is needed than expected further negotiation of cost could follow. Councilor Mike Urban asked whether or not the council should wait to decide about authorizing the services until Novotny and Pederson were present. City Clerk Joel Young noted he had discussed the production of the CIP with Paul Novotny and Novotny had indicated he supported going forward. Young said the plan would set priorities for water, sewer, or street projects and help them figure out how to fund the work. Councilor Ken Jacobson said they had discussed doing a CIP at a Committee of the Whole meeting last year. The council voted unanimously to move forward to produce a Capital Improvement Plan. Other Business In Brief •The city applied for a permit from MnDot to have a safe pedestrian crossing just south of the intersection of TH 52 and 30. The city will be responsible for

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establishing the crosswalk stripes and maintaining them. MNDot will put up signage to make notice of the pedestrian crossing. •A resolution approving the city/club trail agreement with Chatfield Trails, Inc. was adopted. The city serves as the government sponsoring unit. The Minnesota Off-Highway Vehicle Trail Assistance Program grant application was for the amount of $15,000. The money is used for ATV trail maintenance. •A resolution approving the Minnesota (Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension) Joint Powers Agreement with the city of Chatfield for the prosecuting attorney and the police department was adopted. •Olmsted County recently announced an increase in the Environmental Service Fee, effective May 1. Olmsted County residents will see the increase in their utility bills. •Tony Lammers said they had 38 applicants for the open maintenance worker position. They have interviewed 6, but have not selected an applicant yet to rec-

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ommend for hire. The council authorized the advertisement for bids to basically completely reroof the old part of city hall. •Young reported that the city wide clean up produced about the same tonnage as last year. Payment for the service in the amount of $9,650.13 was approved. •Mayor Russ Smith read a proclamation proclaiming May 2013 as National Preservation Month. “See it. Save it. Celebrate it.” is this year’s theme. Co-sponsors are the Chatfield Heritage Foundation and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. •The next council meeting will be on Tuesday, May 28.


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Page 22


Monday, May 20, 2013

Lanesboro School Board hears about senior class trip By Jade Sexton Lanesboro High School seniors Michael Holst and Kirsten Ruen attended the school board meeting on May 13 and talked about the recent senior class trip to Washington, D.C. The seniors were gone from April 3-11. “It was amazing,” began Ruen. Holst spoke of the educational experiences, which were many. “On the bus we heard a lot of stories from history,” he said. “There was a lot about wars, battles, and many events.” The students learned a lot about the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and were able to visit the Pentagon, as well as the farm in Pennsylvania where Flight 93 crashed. “I can see why the school supports this trip,” said Ruen. “It’s very educational.” Holst also spoke of how well they were able to get to know their fellow classmates, as well as the teachers, calling it a very “eye-opening” experience. Ruen believes every class should have the opportunity to take this trip. “It’s surprising how much you learn about yourself, and others,” she said. She added that they learned a lot more than can be taught in a textbook. The students shared some of their favorite parts of the trip, including Arlington National Cemetery, where Ruen and Holst were able to lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. They also spoke of the night walk on the battlefields in Gettysburg, Washington, D.C. and the monuments there, Colonial Williamsburg, Mount Vernon, and Monticello. Superintendent Jeff Boggs said the students always love the trip, and always speak of it as a bonding experience with their classmates. “It’s very worthwhile for them.” Early Childhood Family Education Kristi Ruen, ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) parent educator, gave a presentation about the ECFE program at Lanesboro Schools. The mission of ECFE is to promote healthy development of children. Ruen said they emphasize that the primary and most important teacher is the parent. They encourage interaction and educational play between parents and their children, and provide education and support for parents. “One of the benefits is the positive parental interactions,” shared Ruen. “When the parent and child work together, it works better.” Ruen added that the families develop networks with other families, and develop friendships and have play dates with other children. Ruen told the board about the new classroom that is shared with Title I, and the many special classes that are held sev-

eral times a year. The special events include open gym once a month, Kids in the Kitchen, a music class, Mad Scientists Class, V-Day Blast, Earth Day Class, holiday events, a Halloween party, Santa’s workshop, and an Easter Egg Hunt. Many people in the community help sponsor these events, including the Lions Club, American Legion, Fire Department, Booster Club, Lanesboro Schools, student helpers, the City of Lanesboro, and community members that volunteer. The ECFE program has three classes on Wednesdays, with 25 families enrolled, and 41 children. One to One Computer program Principal Brett Clarke spoke to the board members about the first year of the One to One computer program. This was the first school year that students in grades 9-12 were given a personal notebook to use for school purposes. “We learned several things this year,” said Clarke. He mentioned many of the benefits they saw with the program,

including saving time for busy students, and the ability for them to type papers and email assignments quickly. The district will continue to move toward having textbooks online. Clarke said they are reviewing more software capabilities for the future. They surveyed staff and students, and it has been a generally positive experience. Board member Dave Lawstuen asked if he would change anything if he could do it over again, and Clarke replied that he is pretty happy with the results. Special Recognition The school board formally recognized the play cast and crew for an outstanding play this year. They also made a formal recognition of the FFA Dairy Team that went to the FFA State Convention. Board member Chris Troendle reported that the four team members placed within the top 21 individuals out of 250. They will be attending a national competition in Louisville, Kentucky in October. Other Business Due to the large number of snow days this winter, two teacher workshop days will be added to the calendar, June 5 and possibly June 6. The board approved the nonrenewal of contract for nontenured teacher Gina Klennert.


to All the Supporters of the Fillmore/Houston County

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may 14, mabel Steam engine Grounds

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

LeRoy man pleads not guilty to animal abuse charges Wilbur Eugene Schmoll, 80, of LeRoy Minn., has pleaded not guilty to 24 counts misdemeanor Overwork/Maltreat Animals including Torture and Deprive of Food and Shelter. Schmoll has also pleaded not guilty to two counts of Animal Health - Disposal of Animal Carcasses by Burial or Burning, one of which is of gross-misdemeanor level. The plea hearing comes after Schmoll was discovered to have been allegedly abusing animals back in November of 2012. The plea hearing was overseen by Judge Fabian on May 14. A settlement conference has been set for June 18, 2013 after the waiving of an omnibus hear-

Caledonia: Caledonia Bakery, Caledonia Veterinary Clinic, Ellingson Motors, SNO PAC Foods, Danielson Insurance Agency, Inc., Portland Prairie Embryo Services, Caledonia Haulers, Inc., Miken Sports, Loveless-Eikens American Legion Post 191, Caledonia Implement Co., SEMA, Mayo Clinic Health System, Wiebke Tires, and Farm Bureau Insurance-Audre Myrah eitzen: Hammell Equipment Inc., and Eitzen State Bank Canton: First Southeast Bank Chatfield: Chosen Valley Veterinary Clinic, GP Truck Painting, Hammell Equipment Inc., Olmsted Medical Center, and Manahan Machine Shop Fountain: First State Bank of Fountain, Drury Furniture, and K & R Equipment Harmony: First Southeast Bank, Hammell Equipment, Inc., Morem Electric, Inc., and Bluff Country Computer Works Houston: Eastwood Bank, Ace Telephone Association, American Legion Post 423, Gunderson Lutheran Houston Clinic, H & R Block-Stephen Rischette, and Mound Prairie Mutual Insurance Company La Crescent: P.T. Welding & Driveshaft Repair

ing. Reports claim that Schmoll had 55 horses seized from his farm, five of which were severely ill and had to be put down by veterinarians from the University of Minnesota. Schmoll first appeared in court in front of Judge Robert Benson back on January 15. Since then, Schmoll has failed to appear to a hearing in mid-March. Penalties for the pending charges against Schmoll could range from 90 days to one year in prison, fines of up to $3,000, or both. If a conclusion at the settlement conference cannot be reached, the case will go before a jury to determine resolution.

Lanesboro: S & A Petroleum Bulk Plant & Martin Oil Bulk Plant, Preble Farmers Mutual, River Hills Chiropractic, RLH Grain Inc., Thrivent Financial Services-Walter Bradley, and the American Legion. mabel: Bank of the West, and Craig’s Auto Repair Ostrander: CHS-Ostrander Farmers Coop Elevator preston: American Family Insurance, F & M Insurance, F & M Community Bank, Gehling Implement & Auction Co., Scheevel & Sons Inc., Poet Biorefining, Preston Apple & Berry Farm, Preston Dairy & Farm, McCabe Repairs, and Olmsted Medical Center rushford: Croell Redi-Mix Inc., Hoff Funeral Home, Valley Veterinary Clinic, Lind Awards & Engraving, Norman’s Electric Service Inc., and Farmer’s Coop Elevator Spring Grove: Shooting Star Native Seeds, Inc., Wilmington Mutual Insurance Co, Solie Services, Twisted Twig Flower Shop, Terry Sagdalen Excavating, Red’s Hometown Market, and Kraus Oil Co. Inc. Spring Valley: Bloomfield Mutual Insurance Co., Croell Ready Mix Inc., Olmsted Medical Center, Essig Agency, Marzolf Implement, Sunshine Foods, and Marburger Insurance Services Wykoff: Denny’s Equip & Trailer Sales, and Pete’s Auction & Photo Inc.

457 students, their teachers, and chaperones from 13 schools the fourth grade classes from: Fillmore Central FFA Advisors: Houston Dennis Rud Rushford-Peterson Jenelle Thorman Lanesboro Spring Grove Fillmore Central mabel-Canton Jessica Thompson St. John’s, Wykoff FFA Group Leaders FFA Group Leaders FFA members Colby Lind St. John’s, Caledonia Kyle Lee Mitch Ristau Stephanie Hafner Karen Tisthammer St. Mary’s, Caledonia Elizabeth Johnson Braden Hahn Chelcie Busch Chatfield pLAnnerS: Brady Schuttemeier Brady McCabe Ethan Brink Mabel-Canton Fillmore/Houston County Extension Gabe Solum Cody Erickson Luke Nordsving Spring Grove Houston County Farm Bureau Izaak Solum Clay Fishbaugher Tyler Stortz La Crescent Fillmore County Farm Bureau Brandon Shuttemeier Mac Stone Justin Ward Kingsland Fillmore County Public Health Levi Hermanson Nick Drinkall Crucifixion, La Crescent Mabel-Canton FFA Advisor Dennis Rud Spencer Dunn Austin Whitacre Concerned citizen, Richard O’Connor Kyle Sylling Mason Henry City of mabel: Abby Hanson t-SHirt DOnOrS EMT Ambulance Crew Donnie Lind Generation X Construction, Lanesboro Sales Commission Fire Department preSenterS: Steam Engine Grounds electric Safety - Tri-County Electric - Brad Pecinovsky Hesper-Mabel Historical Old Barn ptO Safety - Fillmore/Houston extension - Jerrold Tesmer mabel Ambulance - mabel emt - Neil Folstad eqUipment: Lawn mower Safety - U of m extension - Houston - Meghan Wall Preston Equipment Co.- tractor, spreader, & AtV Safety - Jared Barnes, Braden Barnes riding lawn mowers; Kingsley Mercantile, Grain Drowning - Fillmore County Farm Bureau Melinda Miller and Ruth Meirick Harmony - push lawn mowers; Storlie’s tractor rollover - Houston County Farm Bureau - Cynthie Christensen Portable Pit Stops, Spring Grove & partial Livestock Safety - Harmony Vet Clinic - Dr. Lynn Aggen; Megan Witt support from Mabel FFA - port-a-potties; Sun & Seatbelt Safety - Fillmore County public Health Brenda Pohlman LUnCH: 911 Simulator - Fillmore County Sheriff’s Office - Dan Dornink, Kevin Beck, Jesse Fillmore County Pork Producers - sandwiches Grabau, TIm Melver & Sheriff Daryl Jensen prepared & served by Mark Sikkink, Craig Basic First Aid - Chatfield Ambulance EMT - Dawn Lubahn, Zach Linnell, and Mensink, Molly Horihan, Pam Mensink and U of Ed Hallisy. M Extension-Fillmore County LeeAnn Howard. General Farm Safety - Rushford EMT Doug Lind, R-P FFA Ryan Ruberg and Kwik Trip-bananas • Houston DHIA & ADA-Milk Jordan Bergan Fillmore DHIA & ADA-Milk Fire Safety - Mabel Fire Department - Bob Schutte Rushford, Harmony, Preston Foods-chips medLink Air, Gunderson Lutheran Serving More Than 600 People! pinch Hitting Wherever needed Fillmore SWCD Dean Thomas

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Page 24


Monday, May 20, 2013

Workforce Development a real plus for Southeast Minnesota By Karen Reisner Commissioner Chuck Amunrud reported at the May 14 county board meeting that Workforce Development helped maintain the Veteran unemployment rate at one of the lowest levels in the nation at just over 1 percent. Workforce Development, Inc. (WDI) is an independent, nonprofit agency serving ten counties of southeast Minnesota with a mission to develop and advance the workforce in the region. They provide career planning, counseling and placement services serving nearly 6,000 adults and 400 youth during the last program year. The agency helped returning veterans by working to get private business representatives and public agency representatives trained to help with the unique challenges faced by returning veterans, while providing veterans with career counsel-

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ing and guidance. WDI was able to finally break ground to build a new Rochester Workforce Center at the Heintz Center Campus having secured bonding money. Other Business In Brief •Kristina Kohn, Human Resources, presented recommendations from Bjorklund Compensation Consulting for market adjustments for three positions; one grade increase for the Finance Officer, two grade increases for the Veterans Service Officer, and one grade increase for the Building Maintenance Supervisor. The last market study was completed in 2006. The board approved making the above adjustment in two phases, July 1 and October 1. The Human Resources Officer position will also be increased by two grades to be completed in two phases, July 1 and October 1. A recommended half point pay plan adjustment will be considered at the first of the year when the cost of living adjustment is considered. •Resolutions for four bridge grants (bridge bonding money) were approved. The bridges are located on CSAH 7 in Chatfield Township (2 bridges), CSAH 23 in Holt Township, and CSAH 15 in Carimona Township. Any cost in excess of each grant will be paid for with township funds

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and any grant money not required for the bridge project completion will be returned to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund. *An access permit for Lucas and Sarah Thieke for access to CSAH 40, Chatfield Township was approved. Zoning administrator Chris Graves explained the new access was for a four acre parcel that had been split off. •Matthew Opat will be sworn in as Minnesota Third Judicial District Judge on June 28 at 3 p.m. at the Chatfield Center for the Arts. •Chairman Randy Dahl announced that there will no longer be bus transportation for Head Start due to federal sequester cutbacks. He also noted that the county as an employer will be looking into how to comply with the new law for Marriage Equality. •In reference to the Workman’s Compensation Bill, county coordinator Karen Brown noted at this time PTSD, without being tied to a physical injury, is still in the bill, but the part allowing a diagnoses by a general practitioner was eliminated. The bill includes in the definition of occupational disease and personal injury “any mental impairment.” Mental impairment, however, is to be diagnosed as “PTSD by a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist.” This mental impairment can not be related to disciplinary action or termination. Brown maintained there will be claims that we will have to contest, adding this legislation will increase costs for the private sector as well. •There was a compromise at the committee level in proposed legislation to limit “frac” sand mines to outside a one mile radius from trout streams. Bakke had noted in the last meeting that it would not affect four of the proposed industrial sand mines in Fillmore County, calling that provision a really bad idea. The compromise now in the bill would require a hydrological study and a new DNR permit for proposed “frac” sand mines located within one mile of a trout stream. Bakke seemed to think the latest language made more sense. •The Board of Appeal and Equalization Hearing is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 18.

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The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Peterson awarded scholarship at SDSU

BROOKINGS, S.D. – Katlyn Peterson of Lanesboro, Minn. was awarded the Matthew and Colleen Vukovich Scholarship for the 2013-2014 academic year at South Dakota State University. Peterson is a exercise science major at SDSU, where she is active in the Exercise Science Club, PrePT/OT Club and Pre-Professional Club. She is the daughter of John and Sarah Peterson and is a graduate of the Lanesboro High School. Matthew and Colleen Vukovich moved to Brookings, S.D. in 1999. Matthew is an Associate Professor in the HPER Department and teaches in the Health

Promotion Program. Colleen is a Broker Associate for Coldwell Banker. They both value education and want to provide assistance to an individual who also values education, achieving the academic standards set forth by the Jackrabbit Guarantee. About SDSU Founded in 1881, SDSU is the state’s largest, most comprehensive university. Ranked by the Carnegie Foundation as the number one research institution in S.D., SDSU offers more than 200 academic programs to students on the main campus in Brookings and at sites across the state.

When you buy from a mom or pop business, you are not helping a ceo buy a third vacation home. you are helping a little girl get dance lessons, a little boy get his team jersey, a mom or dad put food on the table, a family pay a mortgage, or a student pay for college. our customers are our shareholders and they are the ones We strive to make happy. thank you for supporting small businesses!

Two Parcel absoluTe real esTaTe aucTion 102.5 +/- Acres: Douglas M. Miland Saturday, June 22ND at 10am Sale Site: Wykoff Community Center 226 Gold Street North, Wykoff, MN 55990 Parcel one: 95 Acres +/- of Ag land, Located in Section 14, Spring Valley Township, Range 13 W, Fillmore County, Minnesota. Parcel two: 5 +/- Building site with 3 bedroom Rambler home built in 1961 and all outbuildings. Also included in parcel 2 is 2.5 +/- acres of recreational land located across the road from the building site. East of 151ST Ave. Building Site: 25177 151ST Ave, Spring Valley, MN 55975 Parcels will be sold, survey to govern if they are split. Terms: 20% Nonrefundable down payment day of auction. Balance due in full at closing on or before July 10, 2013. Real Estate sold on an as is basis. To Receive An Auction Information Booklet Call 800-770-0347

Matt Gehling, Auctioneer/Broker 800.770.0347


The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, May 20, 2013

Area farmer says baby calves need protection By Karen Reisner Mother Nature was rough on everything this last couple of months with her cold, rainy, and windy weather tantrums topped off by a heavy, wet May snow. Many beef cow-calf operations have suffered unusually heavy calf losses driven in large part by that weather. Dan Serfling, Carimona Township, has his prescription for preventing calf losses like this in the future. He believes shelters built to protect calves from the elements would have saved calves. Loosing the calf is like loosing your crop. He says you can’t afford to keep the cow another year without a calf. Serfling farms about 320 acres and has 60 beef cows. He saved twenty heifers from last year for breeding with the intention of increasing the herd size. He has also raised hogs, but has sold the last of them and is out of that business. His farm site is dotted with hoop sheds. His cows started calving the first part of April. He insists cows can handle bad weather, but baby calves can’t. Serfling has shed space to put his cows in when they have their calf. He keeps them in a cemented cow yard a day or two

making sure the calf is nursing and has a good start before kicking them out. During that time calves can use what he calls port-a-huts (metal huts for sows) for shelter. They are big enough for three to four calves per hut. He maintains that you have to keep an eye on the herd so you don’t loose calves. Calves can’t be left in the mud or wet snow. He insists that calves left out in the open in weather like we have had this spring will “die.” Serfling made it clear that he didn’t believe that you can just turn your beef cows out in a pasture and forget about them. After a few days the cow with her calf is turned into a small pasture where the calves can use shelters. Serfling sells hoop sheds which he uses and adapts for all kinds of purposes on his farm including hay and machinery storage. He suggests the shelters be 9 foot by 28 foot, adding you don’t want them any bigger. The calves can get in, but not the cows. Calves can stay nice and dry. One end and one side of the shelter are solid, the other end has a gate and the one side has boards across about half way up to allow the calves

access, but not the cows. The shelters are bedded with corn stalks and he suggests it is best to put straw on top of the stalks. The gate allows for easy bedding and cleaning. The shelter is covered with the fabric used in hoop sheds. Serfling says the hoop barns are a lot cheaper than conventional sheds, adding that he has never had one come down with a snow load. He said it doesn’t cost much to provide shelters to save these calves. Cattle Numbers It was reported in the February issue of Beef Magazine that cattle numbers have been decreasing, according to the USDA Cattle Inventory released earlier in 2013. John Keating, president of Cargill Beef, explained the “U.S. cattle herd is at its lowest level since 1952. Increased feed costs resulting from prolonged drought, combined with herd liquidations by cattle ranchers, are severely and adversely contributing to the challenging conditions we face as an industry.” The reductions in the cattle herd were heavily contributed to by the wide spread drought especially in the south central portion of the country. A large

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A Scenic Family recreation area along the shores of the lazy Zumbro River in Southeast Minnesota ADAM WATERS




portion of this area is still in drought. Southeast Minnesota is no longer even considered dry after a very wet late winter and spring. This is a good thing, but the wet conditions have taken an additional toll on cattle numbers. Adverse conditions over win-

Page 25

ter combined with the drought stress of last fall have contributed to an extraordinary winter kill for alfalfa in parts of southeast Minnesota, guaranteeing a continuation of high hay prices. All things considered, don’t expect any relief in the price of beef any time soon.

Calves are comfortable, dry, and protected in this simple shelter. Mud and slop is just outside of the structure, but the calves remain high, dry and healthy. This picture was taken after 12 inches of wet May snow. Photo by Dan Serfling

Fillmore County District Court Joshua Mosby, Jr., 37, of Pine Island, Minn., appeared before Judge Robert Benson at the Fillmore County Courthouse on May 10 for one alleged count of Burglary - 1st Degree - Dwelling Occupied - Non - Accomplice Present, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment, fines of $35,000, or both. Mosby also faces one alleged count of Burglary - 1st Degree - Assault Person in Building/on Property, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years imprisonment, fines of $35,000, or both, one alleged count of Burglary - 2nd Degree - Dwelling, which carries a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment, fines of $20,000, or both,

one alleged count of Domestic Assault by Strangulation, which carries a maximum penalty of 3 years imprisonment, fines of $5,000, or both, one alleged count of Domestic Assault - Misdemeanor - Commits Act to Cause Fear of Immediate Bodily Harm or Death, which carries a maximum penalty of 90 days imprisonment, fines of $1,000, or both, and a final alleged count of Domestic Assault - Misdemeanor - Intentionally Inflicts/ Attempts to Inflict Bodily Harm on Another, which carries a maximum penalty of 90 days imprisonment, fines of $1,000, or both. Mosby’s next court appearance is scheduled for May 14 in front of Judge James Fabian.

Dust Control


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Let us help control your dust problem on roads, driveways & parking lots. Environmentally safe & noncorrosive. Call Chuck’s Feed & Grain today and sign up for your dust control!

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City of Wykoff, MN The City of Wykoff, MN is seeking a Water/Wastewater Operator and Maintenance person to work in its Public Works Dept. Required: Current CDL, Class B Wastewater Operator License and Class D Water Operator License. Operation of light to medium equipment involved in the repair and maintenance of city streets, storm sewer system and other city property. All candidates must submit a resume to: City of Wykoff, 217 Gold Street North, P.O. Box 218, Wykoff MN 55990. Phone: 507-352-4011. Fax: 507-352-2415. Application deadline is July 1, 2013. Salary is negotiable depending on qualifications. Start date is November 1, 2013. Interviews are scheduled for July 16, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Council Room of the Municipal Building at 217 Gold Street North, Wykoff, MN 55990 for those selected. Cheryl L. Davis Clerk/Treasurer/Zoning Administrator

FillMore CounTy


Weather Forecast May 20, 2013

May 21, 2013

May 22, 2013

May 23, 2013

May 24, 2013

May 25, 2013

May 26, 2013










Partly Sunny



MoStly Cloudy



MoStly Cloudy


49° 67°


* this is a projected forecast, for the most up-to-date weather go to and click on the weather icon.




Moon PhaSeS ~ May-June new


May 24

May 31

June 8

June 16


MoStly Sunny

WeaTher arT WanTed!

Date: SunriSe & SunSet MoonriSe & MoonSet 05/20/13 5:37am 8:35pm 3:33pm 2:44am 05/21/13 5:36am 8:36pm 4:42pm 3:14am 05/22/13 5:35am 8:37pm 5:54pm 3:47am 05/23/13 5:34am 8:38pm 7:08pm 4:25am 05/24/13 5:34am 8:39pm 8:20pm 5:10am 05/25/13 5:33am 8:40pm 9:27pm 6:03am 05/26/13 5:32am 8:41pm 10:27pm 7:04am



Weather art

Sun & Moon




“a dog on a nice Spring day” By Kaylin Mensink, age 7 Wykoff, Mn

all children 13 and under are welcome to submit Weather art. Send your picture to Fillmore County Journal P.o. Box 496, Preston, Mn 55965 or email it to: or drop it off at the Fillmore County Journal 136 St. anthony St., Preston, Mn Be sure to include Child’s First and last name, age, town and title of art Work.

Preston equiPment

Preston equiPment

Jct. 52 & 16, Preston, mn Ph: 507-765-3803

new JoHn deere tractors • 2720 • 3520 • 4320

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it’s Lawn and Garden time!

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, May 20, 2013


Page 27



•Semcac Bus to Rochester, bus picks up for shopping, 9:35am at Chic’s, Preston; 10am at Fountain State Bank. Call 800-944-3874 to ride. •Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 10-10:30am, Lakewood Apartments, 420 Bench Street SW, Chatfield, MN. •Knit it Together, 3:30-4:30pm, Preston Public Library. Knitting for all levels. For fundraiser info, call 507-867-3583.* •Bluff Country Toastmasters meet, 5:30pm, Spring Valley Public Library.* •Chatfield AA meets, 7:30pm in the Pio­neer Presbyterian Church, 206 Fillmore St., Chatfield.* •AA Closed Meeting, 8pm, Presbyterian Church, Mill St, Rushford.*

•The Hebrew Lesson play, 8:30pm, Dream Acres •Spring Valley Area Foodshelf, 2-4pm, 1300 West Tracy Rd, Spring Farm. For info go to www. Valley, MN.* •Free Senior Coffee, 9am, Heritage Grove, Harmony.* •Story Hour, 11am, Harmony Public Library. No school, no story hour.* •Canton Senior Citizens meet, 1pm for cards and visiting, Canton Community Center.* •AA Class “Road’s Journey,” 8pm, 301 E. Franklin St., Spring Valley (a yellow house).*

FRIDAY, MAY 24 •Preston Farmer’s Market, 11am-2pm, Parking lot of the trail head on Fillmore St., Preston, MN.* •Chatfield NA meeting, 7:30pm, Pioneer Presbyterian Church, 206 Fillmore St. Chatfield.* •Harmony AA Group, 8pm, Harmony Community Center. For more info call 612-251-3822 or 507-272-2191*

•Spring Valley Area Foodshelf, 9-11am, 1300 West Tracy Rd, Spring Valley, MN.* •Lanesboro AA Group, 8:00pm, Bethlehem Lutheran Church. For more info, call 507-251-1771 or 765-2518.*

SUNDAY, MAY 26 •Fountain AA Group closed meeting, 7:30pm. Fountain Lutheran Church, south Main St. and Highway 52.*

MONDAY, MAY 27 •Community Coffee, 9am, Park Lane Estates, Preston.* •Green Team of Fillmore Cty MN serving a Memorial Day lunch for Relay for Life, 11:30am-1pm, Greenleafton Church, Harmony, MN. Free will donations will be appreciated.



•TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) Meeting, Spring Valley Care Center Activity Room. Weigh-in from 5:45-6 p.m. Meeting from 6 to 6:45 p.m. Questions contact Judy at 507-346-2469.*

Professional Guide





•Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 1-3pm, Fillmore County Public Health, 902 Houston Street NW, Preston, MN.*




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Call 507.765.2151 Today or email us at

Page 28



Call 507-765-2151 or 800-599-0481 (in 507 area code) FAX 507-765-2468 or e-mail:


LOST/FOUND FOUND: 2 OPERATOR MANUALS for CASE farm machinery. Found at intersection of County Road 21 and 341st St. (Southeast of Lanesboro) 507-438-6781. lf20-x

A Great Read!

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Monday, May 20, 2013

ATTN: COMPUTER WORK Work from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1,500 part time to $7,500/mo. Full time. Training provided. MCAN FOREMEN to lead utility field crews. Outdoor physical work, many positions, paid training, $17/hr. plus weekly performance bonuses after promotion, living allowance when traveling, company truck and benefits. Must have strong leadership skills, good driving history, and be able to travel in Minnesota and central states. Email resume to or apply online at www.OsmoseUtilities. com EOE M/F/D/V. MCAN PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Helping Home-Workers since 2001. Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! (VOID IN SD) (MFPA)



CONCRETE FOUNDATION COMPANY looking for laborers, carpenters, rod busters and finishers that are motivated, experienced and willing to travel. Housing provided. 218/462-2607 MCAN

Green Lea Manor is currently looking for special people who want to make a difference! Full-Time & Part-Time Nursing Assistant Positions Available

SMALL MINNESOTA BASED COMPANY seeking motivated flatbed drivers and owner operators. Established mid-central lanes, home often with great income potential. Contact Deb 218/4622611 Astle’s Trucking. MCAN Help Wanted: Chic’s Pizza in Preston is looking for a cook/waiter willing to work weekends and week nights, part-time. If you are interested please stop in and talk to Ib or pick up an application. 507.765.3333, 216 St. Paul St. SW, Preston MN. h20tfno


Must be caring, compassionate, and a team player. Will train and reimburse for classes, if not on the registry. Bonus-pay on weekends and shift differential.

Contact: Nicky or stop by for an application

Green Lea Manor Nursing Home E.O.E.

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Professional service Guide

Basement Waterproofing



BRUMM’S PLUMBING & HEATING, LLC Tony Brumm • Mabel, MN 55954 Phone: (507)493-5507 • Cell:507-251-9212


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HOUSEKEEPER Part-time, weekdays & every other weekend required. Call Green Gables Inn, ask for Jackie 507-467-2936. h18tfn-o

LANESBORO INN SEEKING experienced housekeeping staff. M-F with every other Saturday. Late AM weekdays. Must commit through October or do not apply. 507-467-2154. h20,27-o

EMPLOYMENT ON THE CRUNCHY SIDE in Harmony is hiring bartenders & wait staff, all shifts, ask for Lisa. Also hiring cooks & kitchen staff, all shifts, ask for Miles. Apply in person - fun place to work!! 507-886-5560. h1tfn- o ON THE CRUNCHY SIDE - In Harmony, MN is hiring an early morning cleaning person. MUST be dependable. References will be check/verified. Apply in person, ask for Lisa. 507-886-5560. Great place to work!! htfn14- o

Freelance Writer The Fillmore County Journal is looking for a freelance writer to write occasional feature stories and cover government meetings.We are looking for someone with good writing skills and an interest in people. Please send a letter of interest and writing sample to Editor, Fillmore County Journal, P.O. Box 496, Preston, MN 55965 or e-mail to jason@fillmorecountyjournal. com or call for more information 507-251-5297.

Now Hiring! SMG Web Design, a rapidly growing web design and hosting company located in Preston, MN, is seeking a PART-TIME GRAPHIC / WEB DESIGNER who has a desire to help local businesses expand their horizons with a strong web presence. Applicants should be versed in the areas of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and Dreamweaver. Candidates with knowledge in the areas of HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript and MySQL are preferred. Understanding of social media management, web analytics, and SEO a plus. Starting with an average of 20 hours per week with opportunities for growth into a full-time position, this career opportunity will be the right fit for someone with great attention to detail, positive customer relations skills and a flair for design.

Please submit a letter of interest, design samples and a resume to SMG Web Design, PO Box 496, Preston, MN, 55965, or e-mail to jason@smgwebdesign. com, or contact Jason Sethre for more information at 507-765-2704.

EMPLOYMENT HEAD COOK, full time during school year at the Lanesboro Public School starting the 2013-2014 school year. Food preparation, serving, clean up and all required paper work involved in serving school food service meals. Must have or be able to get the ServSafe Certificate for food service management. Applications available at the school office, 100 Kirkwood St, Lanesboro MN 55949. Questions call 507-467-2229. Applications due May 28, 2013. h6,13,20o

Route Service/Sales Technician Family-owned company seeking Pest Control Service Technician in the Preston, MN (Fillmore County) Area. Career-oriented, people person, reliable and work independently. Four weeks paid training in Minnesota. Inspect and conduct preventative treatment for current client accounts and future ones. Company vehicle, competitive salary and opportunity to grow route. Excellent benefits package including: medical, dental, 401(k) life insurance, short-term and long-term disability. Increase pay based on production and bonus program. To apply go to: Drug screen, background check, pre-employment physical and acceptable driving record to qualify. Plunkett’s Pest Control EOE


SMG Design

Good Shepherd Lutheran ServiceS

has current openings for experienced, mature and caring individuals

Part-Time Cook

8:30am - 4:30pm Every Other Weekend/Holiday

Work for the Official Trailer of NASCAR® and IndyCar! Featherlite located in Cresco, Iowa seeks job applicants for assembler and welder positions. Featherlite is the nation’s top trailer brand and manufacturer of professional race car transporters.

Nurse Assistant Registered Evening or Night Shift

• Convenient and close to home and school • Quality and caring staff, loving residents, rewarding work • Child care on-site with employee discount • Flexible scheduling, shift differential, no mandatory over-time or shift rotation • Wages based on education and experience • On-site Fitness Center For more information contact Kelly at GSLS PO Box 747, Rushford, MN or call 507-864-7714. Or visit our website at to fill out an application.

Good Shepherd Lutheran Services Creative Christian Living and Human Service

Page 29

EMPLOYMENT New Richland Care Center is looking for a seasoned Director of Nursing for their 50-bed skilled nursing facility located in New Richland, MN. NRCC is a 5-star facility for the past two years and is rich with volunteers, families, and community support. The DON will have 3-5 years of experience as an RN, with long-term care experience a must! Full benefit package included. If you are interested, please go to and fill out an application, or email your resume to Lyn Sebenaler, lsebenaler@nrcarecenter. com. EOE. h6,13,20- x HELP WANTED: Local motel looking for season part-time desk attendant/housekeeping. Call 507-896-7050. h13-20,27-o SEEKING RESPONSIBLE TEENAGER to care for a 4 1/2 year old and baby some Saturdays this summer, June-August. 8am3pm. Must have drivers license and be able to drive back and forth from Peterson to our house. Call Tessa Lange at 507-875-5556. h20-x LOOKING FOR QUALIFIED Tractor and pump operators for spring work season. Work opportunities for summer through fall available. Many open positions and possibilities. Vorwerk Custom Pumping, Wykoff, MN. Toni at the office: 507-3524292. Cell: 507-884-9918. Andrew cell: 507-421-1387. h20,27-o SPRING VALLEY SENIOR LIVING is currently looking for a full-time Maintenance Technician. Primary responsibilities include general maintenance and upkeep of the facility and grounds. Qualified applicants must possess as a minimum a 2nd Class C Boilers License, however a 1st Class C is preferred. Previous experience with computer systems maintenance a plus. Experience in long-term care operations favored. If interested please send cover letter and resume to Spring Valley Senior Living, Attn: Human Resources, 800 Memorial Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975. Or e-mail EOE. h20,27-o SOMEONE TO TAKE CARE OF LARGE YARD. Light maintenance around the house. Ideal for recently retired man or farmer. In Chatfield. Ask for Don 507-8673767 (after 2pm). h20,27-o



Monday, May 20, 2013

Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider

Temporary Electrical Line Worker Preston Public Utilities will be accepting applications for a Temporary Electrical Line Worker (June-September). Primary responsibilities consist of, but are not limited to, maintenance, construction, and repair of overhead and underground electrical distribution lines, equipment, and substations. Must be able to climb poles and work in inclement weather. Minimum requirements are a valid CDL driver license, good driving record and ability to perform work requiring considerable physical effort. Completion of an accredited Electrical Line Worker program from a vocational or technical college required. Applications and job descriptions are available at Preston Public Utilities, 210 Fillmore St. W., Preston, MN 55965 (507)765-2491 or online at To apply, submit a cover letter, resume, and application to Preston Public Utilities, c/o Public Works Director, P.O. Box 657, 210 Fillmore St. W., Preston, MN 55965. First consideration will be given to applications received by May 24, 2013 at 4:30 p.m.

It pays to work 2nd shIft! apply today.

Harmony House Restaurant has openings for part-time wait staff

Apply at Harmony House Restaurant, downtown Harmony. Contact Marilyn at 507-886-4612

REAp THE REwARDS . . . • • • • •

Competitive Hourly Wages 2nd SHift Premium Health, dental, and Vision insurance Life & disability insurance flex Spending/125 Plan for medical and Child Care reimbursement

• • • • • •

401(k) retirement Plan Vacation time Personal time Off Paid Holidays Health Club discount Prescription Safety eyeglasses Program

EARN up To $0.70 MoRE pER houR for coming to work on time or doing your job safely!



An exciting opportunity to work alongside committed and driven people in the industry, building the industry’s top products. You will assemble products by interpreting print packets and bills of materials. You must be able to accurately measure components and assemblies, utilize a variety of hand, power and air tools and perform high quality work.

An exciting career opportunity for entry level and experienced welders in aluminum and/or steel component fabrication. Our welders apply best welding techniques to create aluminum and steel piecework and subassemblies, and read/interpret print packets/work orders for assigned jobs.

Apply now!

We produce only high quality products. If you are a high quality individual, please apply at our Cresco facility at 816 7th St. West, between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:30 pm or online at our website Also, you can call us at 563-547-4725 and we will be happy to mail you an application. Featherlite, Inc. requires pre-employment background and drug screen. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, strongly encouraging diversity within our workplace.

Looking for a person to work on farm construction. Must have driver’s license and be willing to travel weekly!

Call 507-346-2374 for application.


Construction, Inc

Maple Leaf Services, Inc. 100 Main 2 S.E., Preston

Positions available in Preston! Part-Time late night and every other weekend night.

Apply online at or call Cherie at 507-765-2107 EOE Providing services for people with developmental disabilities for 30+ years!


Page 30



Part-Time Dietary Aide & Cook Green Lea Manor is currently looking for both a Part-time Dietary Aide and Cook. Please contact Samatha Neuzil or stop in for an application.




HELP WANTED: Immediate seasonal employees needed for constructing grain bins and general labor. Please call 507875-2496, Meldahl Construction, Peterson, MN. h20,27-o

INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST. Fillmore Central Schools. Application requirements on district website h20-o

MEL’S GOLF CARS LLC closeout on new colored 2012 Yamaha gas and electric Golf Carts. Example: a $5,000.00 car with small down payment and approved credit the price could be $150/month for 36 months. Many used Golf Cars available. We are an authorized Yamaha Dealer and provide the highest quality in all our Golf Carts. 132 Garfield Ave. S,. Albert Lea, MN or call Mel at 507-438-2705. s20,27,3,10,17,24-x

Farm Manager

Green Lea Manor Nursing Home


The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, May 20, 2013

in Chatfield, MN

115 N. Lyndale Ave., Mabel, MN 55954

(507) 493-5436

…because the journey matters

Delivery Driver

Join a dynamic team serving SE Minnesota This is a part-time position involving the delivery of the Fillmore County Journal to the USPS locations and rack locations. Candidates applying for this position must be insurable drivers with a valid Minnesota Driver’s License and a clean driving record. Position works 10 hours per week Fridays and Saturdays every week. Please mail your resume to: Fillmore County Journal, P.O. Box 496, Preston, MN 55965 or email your resume to For more information, call 507-765-2151.

Jennie-O Turkey Store is looking for an individual to join our Team as a Farm Manager. This individual will be responsible for dayto-day activities at the farm caring for turkeys from six weeks to market. This individual will work a 45 hour flexible shift schedule Sunday thru Saturday. Must be able to lift 40#’s repetitively, able to wear respiratory protection, have mechanical ability to perform minor repairs and have a valid driver’s license. Company housing included. Competitive wage based on experience and qualifications. Jennie-O Turkey Store offers an excellent benefit package including: Paid Vacation, Health, Dental, Vision, Life, Disability, and Retirement (401K). If interested, please stop by, call, or email “Jennie-O Turkey Store is an EEO/AAP employer” Jennie-O Turkey Store 1116 NW 4th Avenue Faribault, MN 55021 507-332-5320



Oxford Property Management is looking for a full-time Cook at our Heritage Grove facility in Harmony, MN that provides independent, assisted care, and memory care living services. Responsibilities include: providing great service to all residents through high quality standards in the preparation and cooking of resident meals, routine kitchen maintenance and regular cleaning duties. Requirements include: certified food manager, excellent customer service and interpersonal skills; strong communication skills; highly organized; upbeat energetic personality; high level of confidentiality; and ability to multi-task. If you are looking for an opportunity to be part of a progressive company, stop by to fill out an application or send resume to: Heritage Grove 455 Main Ave North Harmony, MN 55939 507-886-6515 A drug free and Equal Opportunity Employer

WANTED . . .

Transportation Dispatcher Industry leader in trailer manufacturing is looking for a Transportation Dispatcher for daily coordination of the traffic schedule for a fleet of 19 trucks. Using specialized computer software, this role owns the execution of the schedule from tendering loads to drivers and carriers to the successful on time delivery to all of our customers.

job desCription: • • •

Fillmore County DaC Position available

Designated Coordinator

The Fillmore County DAC seeks a full time permanent Designated Coordinator who reports to the Executive Director. Qualifications and conditions of employment: 1. Education: A bachelor’s Degree in special Education or human services field and at least one year of experience working in a DT&h or with individuals with developmental disabilities. Or a four year degree in a field related to service provision and one year working with individuals with developmental disabilities. Or a two year degree in a field related to service provision and at least two years working with individuals with developmental disabilities. Or a Designated Coordinator diploma/certificate from an accredited postsecondary institution and has at least two years experience working with individuals with developmental disabilities. 2. supervisory experience 3. Familiarity with consolidated standards 245b/245D requirements. 4. 18 Years of age or older and pass a Dhs background study and maintain clearance to provide direct contact services. 5. Proficiency in microsoft word and Excel. 6. Demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills. 7. Vehicle access, valid driver’s license, valid car insurance, meets motor vehicle record standards (for agency’s insurance coverage). The Designated Coordinator has the responsibility of facilitating the accomplishment of Fillmore County DAC goals and objectives. The Designated Coordinator is responsible to facilitate each consumer’s identified needs as specified in the isP under the licensing standards. Fillmore County DAC policies, and all applicable rules and regulations. The Designated Coordinator is responsible for the supervision and training staff working with Fillmore County DAC consumers. The Designated Coordinator will have professional and effective communication skills to facilitate working relationships. if interested, send credentials to Lori weiss at the Fillmore County DAC. Address: 108 Fillmore Pl., P.O. box 205, Preston mN 55965. EOE. salary to be determined. Position opened until filled.

• • • • •

Coordinate and schedule all deliveries and back hauls for the fleet. Insure on time deliveries, establish return timelines, maintained schedules and resolve any changes made to runs Perform general administrative support work such as running reports, copying, filing, faxing, scanning, etc. Coordinate the delivery of loads tendered to Common Carriers and Local Carriers. Environmental and Fuel reconciliation record keeping. Tender loads to drivers based on their bids and seniority. Assign loads as necessary to cover all runs on the board.

job QualifiCations: Qualified candidates must have past experience in transportation operations and demonstrated knowledge of DOT regulations. Be self-motivated, show strong initiative and capable of prioritizing and completing multiple tasks. Leadership abilities and strong communication skills are required. Must have strong computer skills.

rewards: Featherlite offers a competitive benefits package that includes: • Health, Dental, and Vision • Medical Flex Spending Account • Base Life Plan with option to purchase more • Short and Long-Term Disability Insurance • Paid Vacation • Paid Holiday • 401(k) Plan including Match • Employee Assistance Program • Fitness Program


Please send resume via email to or via mail at: Featherlite, Attn: Human Resources, 816 7th St. West, Cresco, IA 52136. For more information on Featherlite, please visit our website at Featherlite, Inc. requires pre-employment background and drug screen. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, strongly encouraging diversity within our workplace.

SAWMILLS from only $3,997.00 - Make & save money with your own bandmill cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info/DVD: 800/578-1363 Ext. 300N MCAN NEW ALUMINUM ROLL-IN Walks on Water dock 32’ long, 8’ patio, cedar deck, plastic wheels. Delivery available. Call 320/743-2020 MCAN ProFlowers - Send Flowers for Any Occasion! Prices starting at just $19.99. Plus take 20 percent off your order over $29! Go to Buy or call 1-866-983-2204 (MFPA) THRILL DAD with 100 Percent Guaranteed, delivered-to-the-door Omaha Steaks! SAVE 67 PERCENT PLUS 4 FREE Burgers ñ The Favorite Gift ONLY $49.99. ORDER Today. 1-877356-2704 Use Code:45102YXL or www. (MFPA)

EZ-GO & Yamaha GOlf Carts SaleS & Service New & USed Ivan Vreeman harmony, mn 507-273-6928

WANTED Wanted: Cars, trucks, buses, and semi trailers, running or not. Serving SE MN and northern IA. Luke Junge, Preston, MN. Call 507-259-4556. w30tfn- o SCENIC VALLEY WINERY in Lanesboro is buying rhubarb starting May 28. Please call before picking. 507-467-2958. w20,27o

FOR RENT HARMONY - HARMONY MANOR: Rent 30% of Income! 1 BR units now available for seniors 62+ or disabled. New siding and windows. On site laundry, large community room and covered patio for gatherings. Call Rosie 507-886-2137. Equal Housing Opportunity. r4/29-5/27-o Nice 2BR apt. in Preston, $350/mo + util. Scott 765-3600. r8tfn- o Large lot in New Horizon Trailer Park in Preston. Available Immediately. 7652131 or 1-800-770-0347. r10/5tfn- o Need to store snowmobiles, a classic car, or a boat? Do you need storage while in the process of moving? Space is available for rent in a building located in Preston. Call 507-251-5297. r28tfn- x SPRING GROVE - SPRING GROVE MANOR: Rent 30% of Income! 1 bedroom apartments now available for seniors 62+ or disabled. New siding and windows. On-site laundry, large community room for family gatherings. 507-498-5780. Equal Housing Opportunity. r4/29-5/27-o CHATFIELD DOWNTOWN 2 Bedroom upstairs apartment. $575 per month, all utilities included, washer and dryer included, off street parking. Available immediately, call 251-1724 for more info. r20tfn-o SMALL 2 BEDROOM APT. in Preston. Laundry. $465/month. Includes all utilities. Deposit. 651-212-1524. r20,27-x

LAKEWOOD SENIOR HOuSINg, 420 Bench St. Chatfield. Easy yard work, no shoveling! For those who are 62 and older, handicapped/disabled. 1-bedroom apts. Heat paid. On-site laundry. Rent based on income. Off-street parking. Call (507) 867-4791

Scenic View TownhomeS • Spacious 2 & 3 bedrooms • Attached garages included • Beautiful area • Starting at $505 Income restrictions apply. 507-864-7880 • Rushford, MN

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!



FOR SALE: Internet-ready, eMac computers, 1ghz, 80gb, 512mb RAM, InDesign Master Suite Collection software. All products for media desktop publishing included. Asking $249 or best offer. Call Jason at 507-251-5297. s6tfn- x

FOR SALE: TWO ALL leather western saddles, 15 inch seat in fair condition, $150. 16 inch seat in good condition, $400. Call 507-867-1654. s6tfn- x

HEAT YOUR ENTIRE HOME, water and more with an OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE from Central Boiler. Theobald Heating Solutions 507-251-9924 swk3tfno

REAL ESTATE Richard Milne

NEw FeatHerlite trailerS iN Stock: New Rebates!

RichaRd Milne Call it in!

BRokeR, GRi, aBR

• 2013 Car Bumper Pull • 500 Gallon Fuel Trailer • 4 Horse LQ's • 7' x 20' Stock • 20' Wood Floor Stock • 16' Bumper Stock • 7' x 24' Stock • 16' Goose Neck Stock • 7'6" x 32' Stock USEd FeatHerlite trailerS: • 17' Alum. Flatbed • 20' Stock • 20' Flatbed • 16' Stock • Bobcat S330 w/Cab • NH TC 40 w/loader USEd EqUipMENt: • Bobcat T180 • (4) Telehandlers on Hand • JD 4610 w/Cab & Loader

(507) 346-2060 Cell: 507-951-2071 e-mail it in! Toll-Free: 888-835-8141

19679 160th ave. new g! LiStin ink eLktOn, $149,900

Todd Hadoff

new 290 pine pLace, g! dexter LiStin $69,900

CALL THE JOURNAL to sell your extra stuff! 507-765-2151 or 800-599-0481.


CALL THE JOURNAL to sell your old vehicle! 507-765-2151 421 or 3rd800-599-0481 way se, dover in the 507 area code to list vehicle. 4 Bedrooms • 2 Bathsyour • Steel Siding • 2 Car Garage 600 Park st se, CHatfield All line ads are Shed seen• Open on our website • Large Yard • • Storage Kitchen/Dining 2+ Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Large Lot (.33/Acre) • Cul-De-Sac


Wood Floors • Remodeled Kitchen & Bath • Main Floor Laundry • New Roof • New Appliances • Deck • Newer Carpet

22991 St hwy 16 new g! preStOn LiStin $310,000

730 e LOweLL St., LerOy $136,900

NEED TO THANK SOMEONE? Ranch you’re style home with “park like” back yard on over an acre of land in town. 1996 the manufactured home locatedor in 800quiet Escape to this incredible acreage with an abundance of wildlife,Whether Call Journalone at owner 507-765-2151 sit Property or selling, abutsthe the Upper Iowa River in the back yard. Awesome landscaping community of Dexter - close to I-90 making it a convenient trout fishing in Watson Creek which runs through the property,buying 599-0481 (507 area code) and we’ll take Journal Page is back yard. The garage is insulated and heated. The lower andAuto partially fenced drive to either Austin or Rochester. This home sits on over and enjoy evenings on the front porch of this 3 bdrm log home built in 1995. Panoramic views of the countryside, hills and valleys. the place to look your message over the phone. level (walk out) has a huge family room with large day windows allowing for 1/2 acre in town on a corner lot. 2 storage sheds and double detached garage with cement drive. The home features 2 bdrms & 2 baths. Living room & dining room have newer laminate floors. All appliances are included with the property. Priced to sell!

Peaceful country living with a fire pit and small bridge that allows you to roam across the creek to trails, grassland and wooded areas. There is a single car attached garage to the house and a 24x48 shop/garage with cement floor and cold storage.

The Leader In The Real REUSE Estate Industry!ELP D I Show All MLS Listings H TE

Printed on recycled paper

Cell 507-259-5454 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Website: E-mail:

Interest rates are stIll Great!!! ROUND UP SOME GOOD DEALS If you are thInkInG of buyInG or sellInG, noW Is the tIme! in the Fillmore County GIve me a call andJournal put my experIence to Work for you!!! Classifieds.

Reduced for quick sale. Seller Motivated! Fabulous 15 Acre Hobby Farm just off Affordable hobby farm with 5.06 acres. Conveniently located Highway 63. Perfect location with several outbuildings. 30x50 pole barn, 48x60 between Austin and Rochester in Elkton, MN. All set up for barn, 16x40 leanto, 20x75 utility shed & 48x80 machine shed with shop. Totally horses - fenced & pasture area with 84x48 shed with 14' door renovated with new custom kitchen, new cabinets, granite countertops, stainless - 3 outside hydrants, chicken house & livestock building with steel appliances, pantry & more. You’ll find quality throughout this home including 5 pens & hay pit area. The house has 3 bdrms, full bath and WITH center gas fireplace, spacious bedrooms, newer carpet, main floor laundry, PRINTED foyer & updated furnace, hot water heater, new shingles 2004 & buried mud room, hardwood floors, ceramic tile, paneled doors, French doors, new baths power line to house. If you're looking for a move in ready and more! Schedule your appointment to see this one today! property, look no further! .

Fillmore County Journal

Matt Gehling Phone: 507.450.3072

FAX it in! 507-765-2468

Brenda Sheldon, ABR, GRI


1x3 (with picture) 209 Freeman St, Nw, Preston$11.00 Storage Building Size: 40×20 Lot Size: 67x126 Features: Concrete Floor, Heated, Storage Shelves, overhead Turn Old Bessiedoor with opener, electricity Into in shed, Work Cow Benches. a Cash $14,900. PH: 507-765-2151 OR 1-800-599-0481

• Bobcat S630 w/Cab • Case 430 w/Cab • Bobcat S300 • Cat 248 B


507-765-2151 800-599-0481

For more inFormation go to

715 North Broadway (Home Federal Bldg.), Spring Valley, MN Email - ed!

BEAUTIFUL 7.9 ACRE building site close to Forestville State Park. Partially wooded, private setting. Abundant wildlife. 507-3524122. e20,27-o

1295 Hwy 52, Preston Lots & lots of space. 4 bedroom home w/ almost 2600 sq ft on the main level. Lot size is approx 1.5 acres. Featuring a hot tub in living room, vaulted ceiling & centre island in kitchen, very nice woodwork, large deck, 3 car att. garage, central air, large addition put on in 1994. Buyer has option to purchase additional acreage and 32’x75’ shed, call for details. Definitely worth aAds look at this price! Now at Journal Happy $96,500. 1x2 (no picture) $6.75

Home 507-765-2172 Cell: 507-951-3672 Fax: 507-765-5308 Email: daVid Call Milne it in! (507 area code) 800-599-0481 507-696-6730


HOUSE ON ROOT RIVER. 3 br, 2 bath. 2 car garage with heated shop. Hwy 16, Whalan/Peterson. $170,000. 507-313-1945. e13,20,27,3-x

Real Estate Listings!

Buildable 45 acre Parcel - With approximatelyi40 acres wooded and nd nG 5 acresPe tillable. Multi Purpose Building - With panoromic views of the Camp Creek Valley. Originally built for use as a financial institution but could be used for any commerical business or converted to a residence with zoning change. $199,000

new 13698 40th St., ing! iS L Lime SpringS, ia Printed twith $330,000


Real Estate, LLC

103 20th St. NE, Stewartville, MN ~ Just off Hwy 63

Page 31


& Associates

WOMEN’S CLOTHES, some with tags. Small, medium, large. Sweats, coats, dresses, shirts, pants, and sweaters. 507-8752685. h13,20-o

Rochester, MN 866-657-4910

• Bobcat S185 Cab • Bobcat S250 w/Cab


Monday, May 20, 2013


lots of sunlight. Large storage area with shelving and workshop in lower level as well. Main level has 3 bdrms, 1 full bath, formal dining with patio doors to deck, laundry and huge kitchen w/hardwood floors in kitchen and dining areas. This property is move-in-ready!

Get the job done

Find the help you AN deserve by advertising W 23 Years Experience Serving with us!

Rochester & SE MN County Journal Classifieds! Fillmore 507-765-2151 •




26011 gladiola lane, lanesboro

Deer Ridge • Spectacular Home • Unique Floor Plan • 5 Bed • 4 Baths • In-Floor Heat In House & Garage • Western Cedar Ceilings • Hickory Floors • Family Room W/30’ Ceilings That Includes Floor To Ceiling Windows To Enjoy Wonderful Scenery & Wildlife • Master Shower With Heated Floor • Must See

Find your dream home in 21559 Cty rd 102, CHatfield 25 fillmore st., CHatfield 4.58 Aces • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Full Baths • Master the Potential Journal Classifieds Victorian w/ Unlimited • 4 Bedrooms •2 Bath • New Cedar Siding • New Steel Roof • 2 New

Baths • 9’ Ceilings • Wood Floors • Large Corner Decks • Remodeled Kitchen • Fireplace • Formal Lot • Mature Trees • Formal Living Room • Formal Living Room • Formal Dining Room • 32x30 Shed Dining Room • Family Room • Large Kitchen with Heated Shop • Wildlife • Scenery


✽ ❆ ❋ ❊ ❉1175 ❆ HigHway ❋ ❉ ✽52❋n.,❉ ❆ Preston $369,900

Open Floor Plan • In-Floor Heat • 18’ Ceilings • 9’ Ceilings • Main Floor Master • Main Floor Laundry • 3 Car Garage • Wonderful Views • Deck • Private Backyard


2103 margaret st., CHatfield 2.8 Acres Surrounded by Woods • Private setting • 9’ & 10’ Ceilings • 2 Fireplaces • Wood Floors • Open Floor Plan • 1108 Sq Ft Heated 3-Car Garage • Open Staircase • Patio • Main Flr Laundry/Mudroom • Abundace of Wildlife

Need to thank someone? Call us.$89,900 507-765-2151 224 burr oak ave., CHatfield

Aluminum Siding • New flooring • Main Flr Laundry • Gas Fireplace • Private Fenced Yard • Patio Advertising • 792 Sqworks Ft Garage


$164,900 418 winona st., CHatfield

4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Wood Floors • 4 Season Porch • 9’ Ceilings • Maple Kitchen Cabinet • New Windows & Doors • 988 sq. ft. garage w/ heated shop • 6/10 acre lot • Porch • Patio • Main Floor Laundry • Alot of Storage Garden • Firepit • Formal Dining • Living room

$249,900 6164 39tH ave nw, roCHester

4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths • Master Bath • Main Floor Laundry • 3 Car Heated Garage • Open Floor Plan • W/O To Patio • Large Deck

507-765-2151 • 800-599-0481

1x column fill 1 $98,500


101 Pleasant st. e., lanesboro

3 Bedrooms • Main Floor Laundry • Remodeled Kitchen • 3/10 Acre Lot • Formal Living • Formal Dining • Open Staircase • New Roof, Windows, Vinvyl Siding • Large Deck




30 millHouse lane sw, CHatfield Townhouse • 2 Large Bedrooms • Eye Level Living • Attached Garage • New Appliances • New Private Deck • Open Floor Plan


572 6tH Ct se, dover

704 kenilwortH ave., lanesboro

Immaculate New Ranch • Main Floor Laundry/Mud Room • Vinyl Siding • 9’ Ceilings • 2 Car Insulated Garage • Open Kitchen & Dining • Bull Nose Corners • Cul-De-Sac

3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Wood Floors • Archways • High Ceilings • Block Exterior • 2 Car Garage



310 maPle st., lanesboro 3 Bedroom on main floor • Wheel Chair Assess. In-Floor Heat in House & Garage •3 Baths Main Floor Laundry • Fireplace

Fillmore County Journal FREE to over 10,000 households. 507-765-2151 • 800-599-0481 $79,900 707 roCHelle ave s., lanesboro 2 Story • 3+ Bedrooms • Porch 2 Full Baths • Main Floor Laundry • 2 Car Garage IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE in 507 area code 800-599-0481

$117,500 14 winona st., CHatfield

Ranch Home • New Roof • New Windows Wood Floors • Remodeled bath • Gas Fireplace 3-season porch

$109,900 312 benCH st. sw, CHatfield 3+ Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Gas Fireplace 2 Car Garage • New Roof • Vinyl Siding



249 HigHway 63 n., raCine 136 St. Anthony St. • P.O. Box 496 Approx. 6 Acres • Private Setting W/ Woods & 605 1/2 CalHoun ave., lanesboro Preston, MN 55965 Pasture • 5 Bedrooms • 3 Baths • Open Floor Plan • 3 Bedroom 507-765-2151 • 2 full baths •• 1-800-599-0481 Walk-out insulated • FAX Main 765-2468 Floor Laundry/Mudroom • Sunken Living Room garage • Living room • Dining room • Sun Room • Dining Room • Family Room • Master • Family Room Bath W/ Jacuzzi • 2 Car Heated Garage • Horse


Shed • 24 x 32 Heated Shed • Wrap Around Deck W/ 30’ Pool • All Fenced • Additional Outbuildings • CommerCial building - wykoff Covered Porch Completely renovated building that is ideal for any type of restaurant, catering or other business opportunity. The lower level is finished for additional space. $199,900 $159,900 CommerCial building - lanesboro Great opportunity to own large commercial CLASSIFIEDS 19405 st. HigHway 80, wykoff building in a high traffic area. Potential business HE PLACE TO FIND could be retail, restaurant/bar, convenience store/ 4+ Acres • 4 Bedroom • Main floor laundry • Large THE BEST DEALS deck • 720 Sq. Ft. Garage • Large Ranch grocery, crafts or many other uses. Can be divided • Enclosed Breezeway off. Apartment above for rental or personal use. $64,500 new listing - CommerCial building Advertising in the Journal 206 Main St. Chatfield. Great rental income, multiple business rental, 2 apartments rental, newer is a SNAP. furnaces, ideal location. $99,000 $164,500



Chatfield - Fingerson & Donahoe - 1st Subdivison - Lots Starting At - $29,900


$149,900 11687 deer road, mabel

Cabin on 16 acres • Knotty Pine • Steel siding • New well & septic • Covered porch • In-floor heat • Loft area • Laundry

21205 280tH st., fountain

7.7 Acres • Set up for horses • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Porches • Wood Floors • Main Flr Laundry • Woods • Pasture • 2 outbuildings • Chatfield Schools

$239,900 13947 117 st. se, CHatfield

2 acres • 3 bedrooms on main floor • 2 baths 24x24 family room w/maple ceilings • Wood Floors Gas fireplace • Vinyl siding • 2 car att. garage • 30x32 shed w/heated shop Edge of town • Overlooks city


Page 32

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County






FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in the country with heated shop. 507-259-6961. e30tfn- o

NEWER HOME AND POLE barn. 101 acres Winona/I-90/LaCrosse. Woods, ponds. MLS 4041200; WI-MN Real Estate 608-385-8080. e1tfn- o

2005 24X48 3 BEDROOM, 2 full bath, gas fireplace, energy efficient, manufactured home. Includes appliances and stoneskirting and front and back decks. Beautiful condition. In rural Fountain. Call 507-2723738. e13,20-x

1993 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile home in Southwest Rochester. High-end appliances, kitchen remodeled. Nice view from deck. No contracts. $28,900 negotiable. 507-288-8827. a20,27-x

RUSHFORD - CONTRACT FOR DEED, cash, or rent with option to buy. Outstanding terms. 3 bedrooms, appliances, sunroom, formal dining, garage. Newer kitchen, bathroom, roof, furnace, central air. 507-4542775. e20,27-x

FOR SALE: New 4 bedroom 3 bath, 3 car garage. Fountain. 507-259-6961. e29tfn- o

Roxanne Johnson, Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI Cell: 507-458-6110

Select Properties

25 Center St. W, Harmony, MN 55939 • Toll Free: 888-839-2142 Each Office Independently Owned & Operated

Simple lines, means smart design. Super smart layout & use of space 2 good sized bedrooms. Oak hardwoods, updated windows & shingles, private covered patio (9 x 18) plus front patio, and super sized 1 car detached garage. Make an offer! $68,000/$287.20

30 3RD Ave NW, HARMONy, MN




Historic Sears 2 story home on large corner lot with mature trees & beautiful lawn. Grand foyer, open staircase to 3rd level, double French Doors, Large living room, fireplace, & built-in bookcases. Formal dining with gorgeous built in hutch. Tastefully updated kitchen with breakfast nook. Large master, updated baths, plus walk up attic. $125,000/$527.94 PI/M*



207 W Minnesota Ave, MABEL, MN

OPEN HOUSE! Saturday, May 25TH 9:30-11am


2.5 A

10 A

24754 210TH ST, PRESTON, MN

Spacious home with att. 3 car insulated garage plus 32 x 40 steel shed. Outdoor wood furnace & FA gas furnace offers dual fuel. Fenced area for a small pasture. Short walk to the Root River & only a few miles to Forestville State Park.$156,000

Ave S, 330 MainNy, MN O M HAR

45742 Cty 29, MABEL, MN

3 Bedroom Ranch with 2 car garage & picture perfect setting. Professionally landscaped. Detached multi 2 cars with shop & storage space, pole shed, & adorable barn. Riceford Creek across road, public access. $259,900

Church Hill School Condos Lanesboro, MN

401 County Rd 8, FOUNTAIN, MN

A must see! Generous living space, oak hardwood floors. Quality 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. Eatin kitchen with new counter tops. Updated windows, siding & shingles. LL family room, bed & ¾ bath. Heated 2 car att garage. $98,900/$417.71 PI/M* ND ve SE 55 2 A y, MN N R A H MO

Lovely home with 9 ft ceilings, pillars, decorative moldings, hardwood floors, and original cabinetry. Large dining room with access to the 3 season porch. A full basement with laundry and storage. Walk up attic. Beautifully landscaped.. Carport $94,900/$400.82 PI/M*

Move in condition, 4 bdrm, 2 bath. Updated kitchen & baths. Original woodwork, wood floors, high ceilings, built ins on main floor. LL family room. Walk up attic. Front covered porch and partially fenced back yard. Insulated 3 car garage. New shingles 2009. Home warranty. $118,900/502.18 PI/M*

Incredible 3-story 1900’s home. Impeccably maintained & beautifully decorated. Formal & informal living areas, original wood floors, impressive open staircase in foyer, pocket doors, and wonderful woodwork. Plus the modern conveniences of an updated kitchen & baths. This 4 bedroom home offers tons of space with a 1400 sq. ft. addition that is currently used for a home based business and is easily adaptable for a huge family room, plus main floor bedroom if desired. LL basement area is partially finished and offers a great exercise room, rec room, storage, and bathrooms. X-lg 2 - car garage. $345,900

Unit 202. Beautiful high ceilings & open, bright feel. 2 bedrooms. $100,000 Unit 201. Large bedroom with walk in closet. Large space super for entertaining. Open to Unit 202.Rent to own option. One garage stall available. $115,000 Unit 104. 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo, cherry wood cabinets, granite countertops & maple hardwood flooring with high ceilings. Master bedroom, walk in closet & full bath. Enjoy incredible views, easy access to trails, shopping, theatre. Garage stall included. Buy Now ENJOY THIS SEASON $150,000

Cross the threshold into your new home with confidence! Get the professional advantage when purchasing your new home & property. Call Roxanne & Kelsey!

• Full time agents, over 19 years of experience • Free Buyer Consultation Service • Step by step guidance through the process • Financing through reputable lenders • We research property information for you • We are your resource for all your real estate needs • Multiple Listing Service Member - We show all listed properties, listed with all companies from Rochester to Decorah • We keep your information confidential



ND Ave NE 255 2 Ny, MN M HAR O

Neatly kept & updated dining room, 9 ft ceilings on main floor. Living room with partial open staircase leads up to a large master bedroom and a guest bedroom. $61,900/$261.44 PI/M*

355 3RD Ave SE, HARMONy, MN

Spacious Ranch on corner lot. Very nice kitchen, oak cabinets and breakfast bar area. Master bath and Guest bedroom & bath. Living room has extra 10 x 10 area on one end great for office or formal dining. Huge 2 car attached garage. $95,000/$401.24 PI/M*

285 Niagara Ct, HARMONy, MN

Country views! 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home. Great kitchen with plenty of cabinets and patio door to back deck. Shingles, siding & windows updated in 2005. 1 car att garage.

202 2ND Ave, WHALAN, MN

Charming & relaxing move in ready home. Great for entertaining inside & out. Eat in kitchen, large family room with dining area, main floor bath, bedroom & laundry. Upstairs offers a loft bedroom, plus master with master bath. Det garage. $109,900/$464.17

Inspections, Special Conditions, Financing, Negatiations & Contracts!


oni rAL Z


ND Ave SE 450 2 Ny, MN M R HA O

Great location on quiet tree lined street.3 bedroom home with open porch to welcome your guests. Main floor bedroom, 1/2 bath, and laundry. Hardwood floors under carpet. No backyard neighbors! Detached garage. $48,000/$202.73 PI/M*



611 Kenilworth Ave S, LANESBORO, MN

ter St. W 210 Cen y, MN N HARMO

Super for starting up or slowing down. Two bedroom home with many updates including kitchen and bath, 6 panel oak doors, plus plumbing, windows, furnace, and electrical. Generous storage & workspace in basement. deck plus 2 car detached garage. $61,500/$259.75 PI/M*

Kelsey Fischer Real Estate Agent Office 507-886-4221

512 Washington St NW, PRESTON, MN

Perfectly packaged! 3 bedroom home with updated shingles, siding and windows. Central air. 2 car garage and a wonderful corner lot. $79,900/$337.56 PI/M*


From selecting homes to locking down the deal… We’re opening all the right doors for you!

ty 24, 38608 CA, MN R O N E L Charming well cared for home in the village of Lenora. Home was redone in 1997 with new sheetrock, wiring, and many updates. Summer Kitchen added in 1992. Newer garage with loft, small greenhouse area is super for starting your garden plants early. $74,900/$316.34 PI/M*

28821 Cty 25 S, PRESTON, MN

*Monthly Principle and Interest Payment Based on a 5% down/30 year amortization/3.42% APR. Loan guidelines subject to vary per qualifications. Other loans may be applicable for 0%, 3% or 3.5% down payment.

Ideal for the outdoor lover! Custom home features vaulted ceilings, granite counter tops, quality tongue & groove walls, gas fireplace & wonderful view from every room! LL features a hot tub & exercise area, plus storage. Att 2 car plus 30x40 det garage. 2.57 Acres available. $267,900









• 3 Bedrooms • Den • 2 Car Garage • Central Air • Main floor laundry • Open staircase • Appliances • Steel siding • Wrap around porch • Deck • New windows • roof, furnace & water heater




• 2 Plus Bedroom • 2 Bath • Large Corner Lot • Main floor living • Totally Updated • Steel siding • All Appliances • Central Air • Move-in-Condition • 2 Car Garage plus storage shed • Close to School


$104,900 303 TWIFORD ST SW, CHATFIELD #4043283



• 3 Bedroom • 3 Baths • Garage • Appliances • Clean & updated throughout • Steel siding • Newer roof, windows, exterior doors • Finished LL family room • Central Air



• Updated main floor w/1,320 sq ft & bath • 2-1 Bedroom apartment’s w/separated utilities


• 3 Bedroom • Open Layout • 3 Porches • New windows • New roof • All new flooring • Hardwood floors • Gas stove • Steel siding • Remodeled kitchen with new cabinetry & island







E-mail: 272 Main St. North Chatfield MN 55923 Ph: 867-9100 Cell: 259-9110

ELCOR Realty Co.




• 3 Bedrooms • Den for 4th bedroom • 2 Baths • Remodeled 4 Season porch • Gas stove • Updated kitchen with large center island • Both levels finished • 2 Car garage • Deck

CHATFIELD – Fingerson & Donahoe First Subd. Covenant controlled neighborhood with lg cul-de-sac, walk-out lots w/private backyards. Lots starting at $29,900. NEW PRICING AND ADDITIONAL LOTS AVAILABLE! RACINE – Lyman’s Second Subdivision. Located in newer development on cul-de-sac street with city utilities, choice of builder and covenant controlled. Hurry only 3 lots available. Prices starting at $19,900. STEWARTVILLE – Last available lot in established neighborhood across from Elementary School. Dead end street, 0.23 acres, level lot & modular homes are welcome. $36,900



• 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2 Car Garage • 3,000 sq. ft.


• 4 Bedrooms • 0.40 ac

• 3 Bedroom • 2 Bath • 2 Kitchens

• 3 Bedroom • 2 Bath • 2 Story • Close to town




$122,900 509 PARK ST SE, CHATFIELD




• 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Quiet Street • Front & rear deck • Fenced & private backyard • Steel siding • Storage shed • Newer roof • Patio • Qualifies for zero down payment!


• 3 Bedroom • 2 Bath • Finished Lower Level • Newer roof, furnace, A/C, steel siding • Nicely landscaped yard • Patio • Private Backyard




• 4 Bedrooms • 2 baths • 2 Car garage • Hardwood floors 313 TWIFORD ST SW, CHATFIELD #4044148 • Open Staircase • Sunroom • Remodeled 2nd floor • 3+ Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2 Car Garage •New cabinets • Steel Siding • New roof • Fenced backyard • Granite tops • Ceramic backsplash • Stainless steel appliances

• 2 New furnaces & A/C for comfort control • Main floor laundry • Original woodwork • Hardwood floors • leaded windows



$59,900 #4040978

• 2-2 Bedroom Units • Numerous updates • Live on main floor and renter make payment • Great Location across from School • Easy convert back to 4 bed, 2 bath, single family home




• 3 Bedroom • Main floor living • Deck • 2 car garage • Maintenance free exterior • New roof & windows • Just move-in

• 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Move-in condition • Main floor living • 2,172 sq. ft. • Large rooms • Master Suite • Fireplace • Deck • Blacktop road • 3 Car heated garage with storage area



• Business Opportunity • 2.3 acres • Trout Creek • Totally remodeled Tavern of yesteryear • Bar w/ fireplace, Dance Area, Kitchen/Prep area • Remodeled 2 bedroom house w/ carport



$169,900 104 FILLMORE ST E, WYKOFF


• 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths • 2 Car Garage • Fenced Yard •3,808 sq. ft. • Main floor living • Energy efficient • Hardwood floors • Paneled doors • Open layout •Basement roughed in for bath & floor heat


CHATFIELD ORCHARD RIDGE LOTS –BANK OWNED Townhome lots with private backyards (4 walkout, 2 level). This upscale neighborhood is on a paved dead end road with city utilities. Only $20,000/each.

For more information on these listings and others visit...



$139,900 28977 181ST AVENUE, WYKOFF

• Professional office space or retail • Display window • hardwood floors • ½ Bath • 1 Bedroom apartment on second floor


• 2 Bedroom • 2 Bath • Corner lot • Sunroom • Fireplace • Quality windows • New roof, furnace & central air • Formally Peterson’s Sport Shop






• 6 Bedroom • 3 Bath • 2 lots • 4,966 sq. ft. • Pocket doors • Crown moldings • 2 staircases • Leaded windows • Built-ins • Butler pantry • Finished walk-up attic • Sauna • 2 car garage

$65,900 #4040531




• Numerous possibilities • Formally a Pizzeria • Main floor offers 3,011 sq. ft. • 2 baths • Hardwood floors • Updated electrical & furnaces • Display windows • Includes a very nice 2 bedroom apt. & 1 bedroom apt.









$119,900 521 MAIN ST S, CHATFIELD

• 3+ Bedrooms on same level • 2 Baths • 2 Car garage • Numerous updates • Move-in cond.






212 MAIN ST S, CHATFIELD $64,900

$99,900 205 MAIN ST, FOUNTAIN


• 3 Bedroom • 2 bath • Fully furnished • Totally remodeled from the studs in 1992 • Oversized 2 car garage (24’x34’) • Main floor living • Move-in-condition



$349,900 #4044347

• 3 Bedroom (Possible 5) • 3 Bath • Ranch built in 2001 • Heated shop (54’x56’) finished out w/ bath & in floor heat • 2 Pole sheds, 2 Cattle/horse sheds, Fenced pasture • Great location just off the blacktop • 15 Minutes to Rochester


$109,900 103 SPRUCE ST, FOUNTAIN


• 2 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • In floor heat • Open layout • Everything on main floor • Central Air • 3’ doors • 9’ Ceilings • Walk-in closets • No association fee • Dead end street • Next to park & bike trail

Share your thoughts at

AUCTION CALENDAR Sat. May 25 - 9am - Furniture, Antiques, and Household Auction. Selling 2 rings all day. 1-14 Hayracks of smalls. Auction held at Spring Valley Sales Auction Building. For more information contact Spring Valley Sales at Listing in the Journal. Thurs. June 20 - 9:30am - Notice of Upcoming Dealer, Lender, Consignment Auction. Sale site at Gehling Implement & Auction Co. in Preston, MN. For more information contact Gehling Auction at 507-765-2131 or online Listing in the Journal. Sat. June 22 - 10am - Two Parcel Absolute Real Estate Auction. Sale Site is at Wykoff Community Center. For more information contact Matt Gehling, Gehling Auction at 800-770-0347. Listing in the Journal. To list your Auction 507-765-2151

GARAGE SALES COUNTRY FRESH PRODUCE AUCTION: 5/21, 5/28, 5/31. Starting at 10am. Evening Flower Auctions: 5/22. Starting at 6pm. Country Fresh Produce Auction, 13473 Cty Rd. 35, St. Charles, MN 55972. g13,20,27-x ESTATE/GARAGE SALE on Trout Run. 29856 Hardwood Rd. near intersection of route 40 and Hwy 30, Chatfield. Furniture, antiques, garage, yard, and cabin items, electrical supplies, table saw, garden tiller, men’s size 13 new shoes, socks, and much misc. Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26 8am-6pm. g20-x BARNYARD SALE: Memorial weekend. May 24-27. Friday & Saturday 8am-6pm. Sunday & Monday 12-5pm. Everything must go. Craigslist search barnyard sale on Tuesday. Google Maps 12536 Nichols Spring Dr., Chatfield, MN. g20-o

PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY THIS ACTION. DATE: April 8, 2013 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described Mortgage: INFORMATION REGARDING MORTGAGE TO BE FORECLOSED 1. Date of Mortgage: April 13, 2009 2. Mortgagors: Frederick L. Williams and Dennise N. Williams, n/k/a Dennise Klutts 3. Mortgagees: Jennings State Bank 4. Recording Information: Recorded on April 16, 2009, as Document Number 371300, in the Office of the County Recorder of Fillmore County, Minnesota 5. Assignments of Mortgage, if any: Assigned to Central Bank, a Minnesota banking corporation by written assignment recorded on September 9, 2010, as Document Number 380189, in the recording office stated in paragraph 4. INFORMATION REGARDING MORTGAGED PREMISES 6. Tax parcel identification number of the mortgaged premises: 01.0211.010. 7. Legal description of the mortgaged premises: That part of the NW ¼ SE ¼ and that part of the NE ¼ SW ¼ , both in Sec. 25-101-8, Fillmore County, Minnesota, described as follows: beginning at the NW corner of said NW ¼ SE ¼ ; thence North 89°38’25” East (assumed bearing) along the North line of said NW ¼ SE ¼ , 524.68 feet; thence South 12°06’07” East, 645.31 feet; thence North 89°10’05” West 679.23 feet to the centerline of a Township Road; thence North 01°22’18” West along said centerline, 617.78 Feet to the North line of said NE ¼ SW ¼; thence North 89°38’25” East along said North line, 33.99 feet to the point of beginning and containing 8.86 acres, more or less. Subject to easement for a Township Road across the Westerly line and Northerly line thereof. Subject to any other easements of record. Check here if all or part of the described real property is Registered (Torrens) 8. The physical street address, city, and zip code of the mortgaged premises: 45550 116th Street, Mabel, Minnesota 55954. other foreclosure data 9. The person holding the Mortgage: [check one] is a transaction agent, as defined by Minn. Stat. 58.02, subd. 30. The name(s) of the transaction agent, resi-

Monday, May 20, 2013

Main Ave. Harmony


you See he at t es vi Mo

Cal lt Ver o ify Mov ie

507.886.7469 Tickets ~ $5 Adult • $4 Kids & Seniors Fri. May 24.......................7:30pM Sat. May 25.......................7:30pM Sun. May 26.......................7:30pM Mon. May 27.......................7:30pM pg

Run Time: 1 Hours 42 Min.

Bring your own bucket for popcorn EvEryday & save!

PUBLIC NOTICES dential mortgage servicer, and the lender or broker, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02, is/are […]. The transaction agent’s mortgage identification number, if stated on the Mortgage, is […] is not a transaction agent, as defined by Minn. Stat. 58.02, subd. 30. The name of the residential mortgage servicer and the lender or broker, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02, is Central Bank. 10. If stated on the Mortgage, the name of the mortgage originator, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02, is Jennings State Bank. INFORMATION REGARDING Foreclosure 11. The requisites of Minn. Stat. 580.02 have been satisfied. 12. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was $ 84,500.00. 13. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, including taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage, is: $73,787.42. 14. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the mortgaged premises will be sold by the Sheriff of Fillmore County, Minnesota, at public auction on June 20, 2013, 10:00 a.m., at Fillmore County Courthouse, Main Lobby, 101 Fillmore Street, Preston, MN 55965-1080. 15. The time allowed by law for redemption by Mortgagor or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is 6 months after the date of sale. 16. Minn. Stat. 580.04(b) provides, “If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, the notice must also specify the date on or before which the mortgagor must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property redeemed under section 580.23.” If this statute applies, the time to vacate the property is December 19, 2013. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Name and address of Attorney for Mortgagee or Mortgage Assignee: Joseph M. Paiement 221 East Myrtle Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Name of Mortgagee or Mortgage Assignee: Central Bank Publish 22,29,6,13,20,27 NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Date: April 29, 2013 YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT: 1. Default has occurred in the conditions of the Mortgage dated May 1, 2003, executed by Joel L. Merchlewitz and Jelaine L. Merchlewitz, husband and wife, as mortgagor(s), to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., as mortgagee, and recorded on May 12, 2003 as Document

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FOR EMERGENCY PROTECTION FIRE Number 331151, which mortgage was SERVICES assigned to The Bank of New York Mellon THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Trust Company, N.A. fka The Bank of New WYKOFF, MINNESOTA DOES ORDAIN: York Trust Company N.A. as successor SECTION ONE: PURPOSES AND in-intrest to JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., INTENT fka JPMorgan Chase Bank as Trustee for This ordinance is adopted for the purMASTR Alternative Loan Trust, Mortgage pose of authorizing the City of Wykoff Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2003-5, to charge for fire service as authorized pursuant to an Assignment of Mortgage, by Minn. Stat. 366.011, 366.012, and dated July 15, 2011, recorded on August 415.01. 23, 2011 as Document Number 385087, SECTION TWO: DEFINITIONS in the office of the County Recorder of (A) “Fire service” means any deployFillmore County, Minnesota. The land ment of the fire fighting personnel and/or described in the Mortgage is not regisequipment to extinguish a fire or perform tered land. any preventative measure in an effort to 2. The original principal amount secured protect equipment, life, or property in an by the Mortgage was $64,600.00. area threatened by fire. It also includes 3. No action or proceeding at law is the deployment of fire fighting personnel now pending to recover the debt secured and/or equipment to provide fire suppresby the Mortgage, or any part thereof. sion, rescue, extrication, and any other 4. No mortgagor has been released services related to fire and rescue as may from financial obligation on the mortgage. occasionally occur. 5. The holder of the Mortgage has (B) “Fire service charge” means the complied with all conditions precedent to charge imposed by the City for receiving acceleration of the debt secured by the fire service. Mortgage and foreclosure of the Mortgage, (C) “Motor vehicle” means any selfand all notice and other requirements of propelled vehicle designed and originally applicable statutes. manufactured to operate primarily upon 6. At the date of this notice the amount public roads and highways, and not operdue on the Mortgage, and taxes, if any, ated exclusively upon railroad tracks. It paid by the holder of the Mortgage is includes semi trailers, snowmobiles, man$49,267.44. ufactured homes, all terrain vehicles, or 7. Pursuant to the power of sale park trailers. in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be (D) “Fire protection contract” means foreclosed, and the land described as fola contract between the City and a town lows: or other city for the City to provide fire Legal Description: Beginning at a service. point 880 feet South of the stake at the (E) “Mutual aid agreement” means an Northwest corner of the agreement between the City and a town or Northeast Quarter of the Southeast other city for the City’s fire department to Quarter, Section 23-104-8; thence 140 provide assistance to the fire department feet East, thence 80 feet South, thence of a town or other city. 140 feet West, thence 80 feet North SECTION THREE: PARTIES back to place of beginning. Together AFFECTED with all hereditaments and appurte (A) Owners of property within the City nances belonging thereto, subject to who receive fire service. the following exceptions: Easement (B) Anyone who receives fire service as of record, if any will be sold by the a result of a motor vehicle accident or fire Sheriff of Fillmore County, Minnesota, within the City. at public auction on June 27, 2013 at (C) Owners of property in towns or cit10:00 a.m. at the Lobby of the Fillmore ies to which the City provides fire service County Courthouse, 101 Fillmore Street, pursuant to a fire protection contract. Preston, Minnesota. SECTION FOUR: RATES 8. The mortgagor must vacate the prop Fire call charge will be set by resoluerty on or before 11:59 p.m. December 27, tion . Additional charges may apply for 2013, if the mortgage is not reinstated products (ie: foam) that may be used in under Minn. Stat. Sec. 580.30, the propthe suppression of the fire. erty is not redeemed under Minn. Stat. SECTION FIVE: BILLING AND Sec. 580.23, or the redemption period is COLLECTION not reduced under section 582.032. (A) Parties requesting and receiving 9. The time allowed by law for redempfire services may be billed directly by the tion by Mortgagors or Mortgagors’ perCity. Additionally, if the party receiving fire sonal representatives or assigns is 6 services did not request services but a months after the date of sale. fire or other situation exists which, at the 10. THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR discretion of the fire department personnel REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, in charge requires fire service, the party THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL will be charged and billed. All parties will REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS MAY be billed whether or not the fire service BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A is covered by insurance. Any billable JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER amount of the fire charge not covered by MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION a party’s insurance remains a debt of the 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER party receiving the fire service. THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED (B) Parties billed for fire service will PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A have 30 (thirty) days to pay. If the fire RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN service charge is not paid by that time, it FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED will be considered delinquent and the City IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND will send notice of delinquency. ARE ABANDONED. (C) If the fire service charge remains 11. THE RIGHT TO VERIFICATION unpaid for 30 days after this notice of OF THE DEBT AND IDENTITY OF THE delinquency is sent, the City will use all ORIGINAL CREDITOR WITHIN THE TIME practical and reasonable legal means to PROVIDED BY LAW IS NOT AFFECTED BY collect the fire service charge. The party THIS ACTION. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO receiving fire service shall be liable for COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION all collection costs incurred by the City OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT including, but not limited to, reasonable PURPOSE. attorney fees and court costs. Foreclosure Data required by Minn. (D) If the fire service charge remains Stat. Sec. 580.025 unpaid for 30 days after the notice of 1. Property Address: 1320 Main delinquency is sent, the City Council may Street, Rushford, Minnesota 55971 certify the unpaid fire service charge to the 2. Transaction Agent: Not Applicable county auditor. In the case a fire service 3. Name of Mortgage Originator charge was billed to a party living in our (Lender): Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, fire protection contract service area, the Inc.; assigned to The Bank of New York delinquent bill will be sent to the City Mellon Trust Company, N.A. fka The Bank of New York Trust Company N.A. as Clerk or another party as designated by successor-in-intrest to JPMorgan Chase the fire protection contract service area Bank, N.A., fka JPMorgan Chase Bank as in which the fire service charge was billed Trustee for MASTR Alternative Loan Trust, to attempt collection of the delinquent fire Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, service charge. Series 2003-5 (E) False alarms will be billed as a 4. Residential Servicer: Wells Fargo fire call if the fire department personnel Bank, N.A. responded to the call before the false 5. Tax Parcel Identification Number: alarm was declared. In the case where 05-0178-060 the false alarm was reported before any 6. Transaction Agent’s Mortgage ID fire department personnel responded, the Number: Not Applicable party requesting the fire service call will Wells Fargo Bank, National Association not be billed. Attorneys for Mortgagee SECTION SIX: MUTUAL AID James T. Keig AGREEMENT STEPHENSON, SANFORD, PIERSON & When the City fire department provides THONE, P.L.C. fire service to another fire department Suite 220, 1905 East Wayzata Boulevard pursuant to a Mutual Aid Agreement, the Wayzata, MN 55391 billing will be determined by the Mutual (952) 404-2100 Aid Agreement. 7-3037 SECTION SEVEN: APPLICATION OF Publish 6,13,20,27,3,10 COLLECTIONS All collected fire call charges will be used to offset the expenses of the City fire PUBLIC NOTICE department in providing the services. MAPLE LEAF SERVICES MEETING SECTION EIGHT: EFFECTIVE DATE Maple Leaf Services Inc. will hold its This ordinance shall become effective annual meeting on May 23rd at Lyndynn _____________. Bridges in Rushford at 1:30pm. Public is Passed by the Wykoff City Council this welcome to attend. ____ day of _______,_______. Publish 13,20 _______________________ Lyman Hare, Mayor Attest: _________________ ORDINANCE #207 Wykoff City Clerk AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING Publish 20 FEES

Page 33

PUBLIC NOTICES STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF FILLMORE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION Court File No. 23-PR-13-352 In Re: Estate of Roy M. Fitch Deceased NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated October 6, 2008. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed ANDREA NORTH, whose address is 5722 Alta Vista Road, Ames, IA 50010, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent’s estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate are required to present the claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Date: May 16, 2013 /s/ James D. Attwood Registrar Dated: May 16, 2013 James D. Attwood Court Administrator DAVID A. JOERG, P.A. Dwight D. Luhmann: MN# 0300238 PO Box 257, Preston MN 55965 Telephone: 507-765-3862 Facsimile: 507-765-3863 e-mail: Publish 20,27 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF FILLMORE DISTRICT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT PROBATE DIVISION Court File No. 23-PR-13-350 In Re: Estate of Richard G. Larson Decedent. NOTICE OF INFORMAL PROBATE OF WILL AND INFORMAL APPOINTMENT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is given that an Application for Informal Probate of Will and Informal Appointment of Personal Representative was filed with the Registrar, along with a Will dated January 13, 2006. The Registrar accepted the application and appointed marcia k. larson, whose address is 45207 160th St, Mabel, MN 55954, to serve as the personal representative of the decedent’s estate. Any heir, devisee or other interested person may be entitled to appointment as personal representative or may object to the appointment of the personal representative. Any objection to the appointment of the personal representative must be filed with the Court, and any properly filed objection will be heard by the Court after notice is provided to interested persons of the date of hearing on the objection. Unless objections are filed, and unless the Court orders otherwise, the personal representative has the full power to administer the estate, including, after thirty (30) days from the issuance of letters testamentary, the power to sell, encumber, lease, or distribute any interest in real estate owned by the decedent. Notice is further given that, subject to Minn. Stat. § 524.3-801, all creditors having claims against the decedent’s estate 507-765-2151 are required to present the800-599-0481 claims to the personal representative or to the Court within four (4) months after the date of this notice or the claims will be barred. Date: May 16, 2013 /s/ James D. Attwood Call it in! Registrar (507 area code) 800-599-0481 Dated: May 16, 2013 James D. Attwood Court Administrator DAVID A. JOERG, P.A. Dwight D. Luhmann: MN# 0300238 PO Box 257, Preston MN 55965 FAX it in! Telephone: 507-765-3862 Facsimile:507-765-2468 507-765-3863 e-mail: Publish 20,27

Call it in!

e-mail it in!


Page 34

Monday, May 20, 2013

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!






TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR: Foreign and domestic, auto & light truck. 3 year, 100,000 mile warranty. Call for prices. Brown’s Tire, Battery, & Transmission. Rushford 507-864-2969 or 1-888-8647049. v20tfn- o

Norby Tree Service: Stump grinding, tree trimming and removal. Call Dave Norby at 507-259-3118. v8/2tfn- o

THANK YOU EVERYONE who remembered us and helped us celebrate our 50th anniversary. It was fun going to the mail box. I can’t figure out where the years went. Thank you again. May God richly bless you for your thoughtfulness. Ken and Marie Baker t20-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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WE WISH TO THANK our family, friends, and neighbors for the flowers, cards, and good wishes on our 60th wedding anniversary. It was great. LaVern & Betty Knoepke t20-x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THANK YOU to all the businesses and individuals for your support of our poppy poster and poppy sales to support our Veterans their families. American Legion Auxiliary #166 t20-x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THANK YOU TO THE GOOD SAMARITAN who followed me all the way home after alternator failure the night of May 13, 2013 - whoever you are. Mike Clement t20-x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Drywall Hanging • taping • texturing Rusty Schroeder “Free estimates” 507-765-3648

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ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUFFERERS with Medicare. Get CPAP Replacement Supplies at little or NO COST, plus FREE home delivery! Best of all, prevent red skin sores and bacterial infection! Call 888-705-4795 (MFPA)

AUTOS 1994 FORD RANGER. Four wheel drive, manual transmission. Runs and drives great. $1800 OBO. 507-459-5040. a1tfn- x FOR SALE 1979 gs425 Suzuki Motorcycle. 8,000 miles. New plugs, seat and headlight. Needs a carb clean and it’s ready to go! Great bike. $800 OBO. Call 507-421-4718. a22tfn- x 98 HONDA CR-V LX, 60,000 miles, excellent condition, $6,000. 507-4672218 or 612-467-9225. a6,13,20-o CASH FOR CARS: All cars/trucks wanted. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We come to you! Any make/model. Call for instant offer: 800/871-9145. MCAN

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THANK YOU to all my family and friends for the wonderful 80th Birthday I had! All your “well wishes”, gifts, cards, and hugs are so appreciated! The “surprise” party was great! The memories will last forever! Love you all, Julia Borgen t20-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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PO Box 273 • 70 4th St. NW, Harmony MN 55939 We are proud to offer these services: • DOT Inspections on your pickup & trailer • Install B&W gooseneck hitches • Install brake controllers • Trailer brake repair • Light repair on trailers • Wiring repair on pickups and trailers • Welding repair and modifications on steel and aluminum trailers •View our inventory at We are looking forward to helping you with all your trailer needs!

CUSTOM FEEDING CALVES. Will raise your bull calves for you. 507-450-9419. f20-x WHITE REGISTERED babydoll ram lamb $200. 507-438-1414 f-20-x JEFF NIELSEN SALES: TRACTORS: 2011 Kubota L3540D C/H/AC Hydro Loader 4WD Warranty (4-27-14) No Bucket Hrs: 51 Like New $27,000.00. Ford 4400 Loader Gas 2WD $6,350.00. SKIDLOADERS: Case: 40XT Hrs:2,500 $12,250.00. 85XT Hrs:1,500 $17,500.00. Mustang 342 Hrs:3,850 T-Bar $7,750.00. 2054 C/H T-Bar Hrs:960 $14,500.00. Bobcats: 2010 S185 Hrs:2,720 C/H/AC 2-Speed $22,900.00. 873 Hrs:3,600 New Motor $19,250.00. 2007 S300 Cab/Heat 2-speed Hrs:2,000 $26,500.00. 2005 S175 Hrs:1,405 Cab/Heat $17,500.00. 1998 773 Cab/Heat Hrs:2,640 $11,900.00. UTILITY VEHICLES: Yamaha Rhino 660 4WD Hrs:230 $5,999.00. Steiner $2,750.00. MISC: Manure Bucket for Case 1818 $150.00 Call for Appt. & Info. JEFF NIELSEN SALES Eberhardt Str., Albert Lea, MN. Buy-Sell-Trade H- 507-3771137, C- 507-383-7012, Website: Email:nielsen81@charter. net Trucking Service Available. Call any day but Sunday. f20,27,3-x WESTENDORF LOADER WL-42 allmatic quick-tach snow bucket and hay spear. 507-450-5556. s20-x

AUTOS 207 South Elm, Rushford, MN • 507-864-7711

AUTOS 2001 FORD WINDSTAR VAN with 170,000 miles for sale. Siler color in fair condition with good tires. Sold as is. Can be seen at the Lanesboro Public School bus shed. Pickup bid forms in the Lanesboro School office. Sealed bids must be returned to the office by 3:30pm May 28th. Call Erik Overland at 507467-2354 with any questions. The school has the right to refuse any or all bids. a13,20,27-o DONATE YOUR CAR Truck or Boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 day vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of 888/485-0398. MCAN

Memorial Day Bargains! 2007 Buick Rendezvous cX, White, 52,973 mi, air, tilt, CD, cruise, air bags, p/locks/win/seats $12,446 2008 chevy Impala Lt, Gray, 63,323 mi, air, tilt, cruise, air bags, CD, p/win/locks/seat, $11,865

For Sale!


WANTED BEEF CATTLE 800-1200 lbs. Born on your farm. No antibiotics/no growth meds. Call Joe Austin. Hill and Vale Farms, Wykoff. 507-352-4441. f6,13-o

2004 Chevy Impala SS Black Exterior, Grey Leather Interior, Heated Seats, Fog Lights, Automatic, Power Windows, Power Locks, Electric Seats, Remote Keyless Entry, Digital Display, AM/FM, Cassette, Multi-disc CD Player, Moon Roof, Spoiler, 240 hp with SUPERSPORT 3.8 V6 engine, Tinted Windows, New Tires, 150,400 miles, One Owner Vehicle, Well-maintained and serviced at Herman’s Station in Fountain. Asking $6,100 or best offer. Call 507-251-5297.

2009 toyota Rav 4, Blue, 46,124 mi, air, tilt, cruise, CD, p/win/locks/seats, air bags, $17,356 tRuckS

2005 chevrolet Avalanche, Z71, Black, 119,222 mi, air, tilt, cruise, p/win/locks, $13,688 2008 chevy colorado Ext. cab 4x4, White, 180,068 mi, air, tilt, cruise, p/win/ locks, CD, air bags $9,488 2009 Ford Excape XLt V6 FWD, Red, 80,179 mi, air, tilt, cruise, p/win/locks/seat, CD, air bags, $14,256 We FeatuRe

1999 Jeep Grand cherokee Laredo, Maroon, 114,526 mi, air, tilt, cruise, p/win/locks, CD, air bags, cassette $5,688 cARS

2007 toyota corolla LE, White, 111,241 D! p/win/locks, CD, air mi, air, Stilt, OLcruise, bags $9,989 2007 Buick Lucerne, Burgundy, 86,693 mi, air, tilt, cruise, p/win/locks/seats, CD, air bags, $11,898 2004 Olds Alero LD! GL, Gray, 98,349 mi, air, tilt, SObags, cruise, air CD, p/win/locks/seat, $6,779 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix, Green, 115,136 mi, air, tilt, cruise, air bags, CD,p/win/locks/ seat, $8,778 2008 Ford Fusion SEL, tan Met., 70,802 mi, CD, air, tilt, cruise, p/win/locks/seats, air bags, $12,999


• 507-765-2405

AL LARSON & SONS Holiday Hours Plumbing & Heating Holiday Hours

Holiday Hours

Monday, Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve - Closing at Noon localEve advantage (this includes thePreston, drive up) MN Monday, Dec. your 24 - Christmas - Closing at Noon (this includes the drive up) Tuesday, Dec. 25 - Christmas Day - Closed Tuesday, Dec. 25 - Christmas Day - Closed Monday, Dec. 31 - New Year’s Eve - Closing at 3 pm

Country Trails Inn & Suites

507-886-6922 Toll Free 1-877-886-6922

3 Main Ave N Harmony MN 507-886-6922 Toll Free 1-877-886-6922



24 Hour ATM • Online Banking • 24 Hour Telephone Banking

Fountain, MN 507-268-4488 Willis J. Cambern, Owner


100 Saint Anthony St. N Preston, MN 55965 507-765-3823

ATM Available 24/7!!!

Hwy 52 & 16, Preston


Hwy 44 & Locust, Mabel


100 Sheridan St on Hwy 16 W, Lanesboro


11748 State Hwy 43 MABEL, MN • 507-493-5217

r days be

May you

“Satisfy& Your Fix

Printed by the Fillmore County Journal, May 20, 2013

212 SAINT PAUL ST NW • 765-2205 • PRESTON MN


Meats & Catering


Best wishes for a super at Chic’s” a new 216 Paul St. SW season Preston MNand • 765-3333 year filled with good health and happiness.


109 W. Jessie St. • Rushford • 507.864.7726 •

Sweet Stop & Sandwich Shoppe


PRESTON • 765-9956

Proud to be an american


Preble Farmers Mutual Insurance Co.

EBT Customers Welcome •

M-F 7-5:30 Sat. 7-12:00 • 507-346-2579 • 800-660-MEAT 17643 121st Ave. • 4.5 miles South of Spring Valley on Hwy 63

Spring Valley, MN 1030 N. Broadway 507-346-9836

Rushford 864-7771 Houston 896-3127 St. Charles 932-4100 Lewiston 523-2277 Goodview / Winona 452-4241


LeRoy, MN 102 West Main 507-324-5260

129 South Main Street Chatfield, MN

Rushford 507.864.7755 Houston 507.896.7755

205 Parkway Ave N Lanesboro, MN (507) 467-3797

112 Coffee St. • Lanesboro, MN • 507-467-3355


Fountain, MN • 507-268-4343 Mon-Fri 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat 8:00 am - 12:00 pm


Stop in! We’ve got everything to build anything!


Phone - 507-346-7326 • 1010 N. Broadway • Spring Valley

of spriNg valley

Napa auto parts

811 Hwy. 52 North, Preston, MN • 507-765-2565


The following businesses encourage you To display This flag in observance of MeMorial day on Monday, May 27 2013 Where you “meat” your friends!

Quality Service with a PersonalWTouch

111 N Main St Canton MN 507-743-2204 Toll Free 1-877-457-5977 3 Main Ave N Harmony MN 507-886-6922 Main 1-877-886-6922 Ave N Harmony MN Toll 3Free

Willie’s Grocery & Locker

Monday, Dec. 24 - Christmas Eve - Closing at Noon Dennis Overland (this includes the drive up) Monday, Dec. 31 - New Year’s Eve - Closing at 3 pm (this includes the drive up) Insurance Agency, Inc. 40 rooms/suites, indoor pool & spa, continental (this up) Tuesday, Jan. 1 - New Year’s Day - Closed Tuesday, Dec. 25 -includes Christmasthe Daydrive - Closed 313 S. Elm St., Suite 2, Rushford, MN breakfast served daily, conference space available. 507.864.2557 • 888-378-2896 Monday, 31Year’s - New Year’s - Closing at 3 pm Tuesday, 507-765-2533 Jan. 1 - Dec. New Day• -Eve Closed (this includes the drive up) Tuesday, Jan. 1 - New Year’s Day - Closed

507-743-2204 Toll Free 1-877-457-5977

111 N Main St Canton MN 507-743-2204 111 N Main St Canton MN Toll Free 1-877-457-5977

Quality Service with a Personal Touch Quality Service with a Personal Touch Quality Service with a Personal Touch

24 •Hour ATM •Banking Online Banking • 24 Hour Telephone Banking Banking 24 Hour ATM Online • 24 Hour Telephone


407 S. Mill Street • Rushford, MN • (507) 864-7214 •

NORDIC LANES 407 S. Mill Street • Rushford, MN • (507) 864-7799

Hwy 52, Preston, MN 507- 765-4486 (9am-6pm)


Timothy McLaughlin Phone: 507-765-4432

Ronald Schreier Phone: 507-765-4444

Spring Valley Greenhouse & Floral

LLC 507-346-7440 RegulaR HouRs: 9am-5pm 720 N. Broadway • spring Valley, mN

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