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“Where Fillmore County News Comes First” Weekly Edition

Ceremony honors soldiers killed in 1862 Dakota War Page 28

R-P recipient of two grants page


Monday, September 23, 2013

Mabel-Canton discusses technology fees page


Volume 28 Issue 51

Farm Safety special section pages


Houston Interim Superintendent resigns page


Canton l Chatfield l Fountain l Harmony l Lanesboro l Mabel l Ostrander l Peterson l Preston l Rushford l Rushford Village l Spring Valley l Whalan l Wykoff

Peterson continues County 25 discussion By K irsten Zoellner kirsten@fillmorecountyjournal.com

Marlene Niemeyer and Larry Niemeyer present a flag to the Kingsland School Board. Photo by Barb Jeffers

Kingsland School receives gift of Stars & Stripes By Barb Jeffers barb@fillmorecountyjournal.com

The Kingsland School Board met Monday, September 16, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Kingsland Conference Room. All Sschool board members were present as well as Superintendent McDonald. Consent agenda items were approved. In Public Recognition and Thank You recognition was given for monetary donations for the courtyard project to the Osterud/Winter Fund ($1,500), Fillmore County Water and Soil Conservation ($1,800), and Spring Valley Area Community Foundation ($3,000).

Two board members, Gwen Howard and Troy Asher, were each recognized with a plaque for completion of Phase I, II, and III of training from the MSBA. Superintendent McDonald commended Howard and Asher for their hard work and accomplishments. Stacy Rath presented a check in the amount of $15,545 and reported on the Booster Club activities. Three representatives from VFW Post #4114 were in attendance to graciously donate a flag for the conference room where school board meetings are held. Post Commander Nathan Pike, Larry Niemeyer, and Auxiliary President Mar-

lene Niemeyer presented the school board with a large flag on a flag stand. Following the presentation the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Finance/Facilities Committee reported having met on September 3, 2013 at which time they were updated on projects, toured the offices to see changes made, went over finances, discussed enrollment, equipment needed, and tennis courts. Curriculum/Personnel met September 9, 2013 where hires, a resignation, and a maternity leave were discussed. A discusSee KINGSLAND Page 2 

Comment on this article at www.fillmorecountyjournal.com

September Special! Fall is here!

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The massive project slated for County Road 25, running through the heart of Peterson, Minn. continues to see more questions. The county is eager to get the project underway in 2014, but has said it is willing to wait until the following year. “Waiting could be beneficial, but nobody can predict what’s going to happen,” said Bryan Holtz,” of Yaggy Colby, the engineering and consulting firm assisting with the project. Currently, the county has a 50 percent share policy on a portion of the project and although it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon, the policy is subject to change. In addition, material costs could increase. The city consensus, according to mayor pro tem Dick Lee, appears to be starting the project next year, as planned. The final decision on a timeline will be made at a later date. For now,

the city is trying to iron out any potential hiccups that could disrupt the project or cause unforeseen additional costs. One large unknown that is looming is the condition of the city’s water main. One hundred years old, it could potentially sustain damages during road work. While there are no known issues with the main, construction activity atop the roadway, in the absence of load bearing asphalt could literally shake things up. Water testing will be conducted, including hydrants, but it’s not clear if it will tell the city anything about the overall condition of the pipes. Holtz stated that the city would likely have problems already if the pipes were in poor condition, but without knowing the depth of composition of the pipes, making a determination of what will be needed is difficult. The total project cost will go up significantly if the water main is See PETERSON Page 16 

Canton proposed tax levy set at 8 percent increase next year by approximately $800, and the estimated amount steve@fillmorecountyjournal.com of street repair funds (approxi The Canton City Council set mately $41,000) will be similar to the 2014 proposed tax levy at 8 last year’s expenses. In other Council action: percent at its September 11 meeting, a number that will be reviewed •The council reaffirmed that the and finalized in December. A pro- liquor license related to the city’s posed levy can be reduced before current liquor store business will it is finalized, but not increased. In be up for application once the other financial news, the council city’s ownership of that business learned that expected Local Gov- ends on October 31. The invenernment Aid (LGA) funds will See CANTON Page 12  By Steve H arris

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Continued from Page 1

sion was held on the redesigning of the ECFE program, the new school year and building and facility updates were given. Policy and PR met on August 26, 2013. The website updates look great and are more userfriendly. The committee talked about Brenda Cassellius and her visit to Kingsland. The committee discussed putting ads in local papers that will be printed soon. Principal Hecimovich stated it has been a great start to the new school year. PLTW will have a business partnership meeting on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. PLC had a great first Wednesday together. CIS online registration for the English classes at Riverland will be completed. RUR new program has begun. Deadlines were met for the federal programs. Assessments have been reviewed.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Homecoming festivities will be held The week of September 23-27, 2013. Royalty has been selected. Principal Priebe reported that elementary school picture retakes will be on September 19, 2013. Priebe said it has been a great start to the school year and thanked the parents for helping kids with the transition. The area road construction has created challenges with some students having to leave early to compensate for delays. PLC teams met on September 11, 2013. NWBA/MAP fall testing in reading and math will be held September 13 - September 27, 2013 for all K-6 students. K-6 students are using ipads responsibly and two parent meetings have been held. Language Arts Curriculum teachers and students are learning to use the Think Central online materials with iPads. Some wrinkles have been ironed out. PBIS-KES-KMS

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

staff have been getting students to fully understand what the expectations are of the program. Students are given tickets then receive rewards including one student who chose to cut Priebe’s tie in half as a reward. The business manager requested the school board certify the maximum levy proposal in the amount of $1.8 - 1.9 million which is 7 percent lower than last year. The final levy will be brought before the School Board at a later date. Superintendant McDonald reported a very good start to the school year. ACT results have come out and Kingsland continues to increase scores each year. There will be a STEM Summit on November 11, 2013. Spotlight on education teams are getting started. REAP (Rural Education Achievement Program) Grant for early learners will be received in the amount of $21,198. Superintendant McDonald noted that approximately $40,000 has been brought in due to the hard work of staff. The 4 Star Parent Aware Program was discussed. The visit from Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius went well and Cassellius was very impressed with Kingsland. Enrollment has been declining over the last 16 years, and this year’s enrollment will be the same or possibly a little more. In Old Business, a list of fundraisers will now be available at the end of the year instead of each fundraiser having a representative attend school board meetings. A list of providers of shared services is now available. The Facilities Committee will

hold a third study session on Monday, September 30, 2013. In New Business, the REAP Grant has been approved. Two new programs are the 4 Star Parent Aware Program and the Pathway to Scholarships Program. Parent Aware is a rating program where parents can find assistance. A kindergarten camp will be held to help kids transition from pre-school to kindergarten. $17,500 in grants have been received due to the hard work of Becky Bicknese, Priebe, and the office staff. There will be a homecoming bonfire following the homecoming game. There will be supervision and the fire department will be on hand. A permit has been secured for the bonfire. Lane changes were approved. An ECFE position to change from 0.5 to 0.6 for increased programming and responsibility was approved. An increase in the contract for vision services

as there has been an increased requirement for programming for children with needs was approved. A Truth in Taxation meeting was set. Seniority list was approved as presented. New hires include the winter coaching staff, a route bus driver, a high school paraprofessional, a van driver, and extra-curricular assignments. A request for maternity leave was approved. The Wall of Honor Committee met and have chosen Mitch Lentz as the recipient. Superintendant McDonald stated, “Mitch has done great things for the district but stands in the background.” He deserves the award. There will be a celebration before the homecoming game. The proposed tax levy in the amount of $1.8 million was approved. The next meeting will be held Monday, October 21, 2013. Meeting adjourned.


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Page 4


Monday, September 23, 2013

The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week.

C ommentary The folly of a rigid ideology By Karen Reisner Members of the Tea Party have become so inflexible and blinded by their own rigid ideology that they have become divorced from reality. They are putting the furtherance of their ideology ahead of the future of the Republican Party and the best interests of their country. They have developed this narrowly focused obsession to either delay or defund the implem e n t a t i o n Karen Reisner of Obamacare, which simply is unlikely to happen. Their efforts often interfere with the governing process and are destructive. Members of the Tea Party threaten to deny further short term spending authority if a delay or defunding of Obamacare is not part of the continuing resolution (CR) which needs to be passed by October 1, the beginning of a new fiscal year. This would mean a government shut down of all non essential government services. Even more ominous would be a failure to raise the debt ceiling by the middle of October when the federal government is expected to not have the funds to pay its bills and fulfill its obligations. No group should hold the future of the country hostage with the threat of default. Most all Republicans would like to delay or defund Obamacare. However, most recognize the methods the Tea Party members have suggested are very reckless. They understand that a resolution which includes the delay or defunding of Obamacare would not pass the Senate or be signed into law by the President. House Speaker John Boehner Editorial Cartoon

(R) can save his party and protect the interests of his country by throwing out the “Hastert Rule” and working with the Democrats across the aisle. The Hastert Rule is a guideline introduced by former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R) which says a majority of the majority must back a bill before bringing it to the floor for a vote. This guideline which is not a law has the affect of diminishing the minority party in the House. It is a fact that the Democratic Party holds a majority in the Senate and the Presidency. Then, couple that fact with the resistance of Tea Party members to vote with the Republican majority in the House and the use of the Hastert Rule. Taken all together these elements provide a recipe for even greater dysfunction in Washington. The House is the people’s house. Our forefathers created the House to represent the people, not just the people that happen to vote for the party that holds the majority of members. Therefore, it is reasonable for the Speaker to lead and let all the members of the House have a voice which has been given to them by the citizens who elected them. The Hastert Rule may have the effect of allowing a Speaker to hold on to his position longer, but at what cost to the country. Even for those that are unwavering in their belief that Obamacare is bad for business and for the American people, the risk of a government shutdown or even worse a default versus the reward of delaying or defunding Obamacare should be unacceptable. The Farm Bill (Senate version) and the Immigration Bill approved by the Senate would likely both be passed if they were

allowed to be brought up for a vote in the House. The use of the Hastert Rule has prevented a vote by the full House. Boehner is within his right as Speaker to not allow a vote, but is that really in the best interest of the country? The magic number to get something passed in the House is 218. Republicans have a majority of 233, but about 40 of those members are loyal to the Tea Party and much less, if at all, to the Republican Party. This leaves Speaker Boehner without a workable majority concerning many issues. The Tea Party members are out to make a statement and to protest through obstruction, but are not out to get legislation passed. To reach that magic number of 218, Boehner will have to lead by appealing to Republicans as well as Democrats in order to get a bill passed that can also be approved by the Senate and signed by the President. Boehner has to decide whether his priority is to retain his position as Speaker by sticking to the Hastert Rule or if he has the political courage to protect the country from the extreme efforts of the most conservative wing of his party by throwing out the Hastert Rule and forming a temporary alliance with Democrats to get the CR and the debt ceiling legislation through the House. Tea Party members are trying to raise money to increase their numbers in the next election. They are looking out for their own interests, not the interests of the country or those of the Republican Party. Their methods may backfire. Shutting down the government or even worse a default, will damage the economy and be harmful to the American people. A default could lead to a credit downgrade, lost jobs, a weaker economy, and economic losses throughout the world;

plus, damage the reputation of the United States in the eyes of the world for decades to come. The full faith and credit of the United States is on the line. The United States has never in its history defaulted and I don’t think we want to start those dominos falling. President Obama has declared several times that he will not negotiate on the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling will need to be raised in order to allow the federal government to pay for obligations that have already been approved by Congress. If spending is to be cut by restructuring entitlements, by streamlining military programs, or cuts in other discretionary spending, this is not the way to accomplish that. Efforts have continually failed to produce a long term restructuring of both spending programs and the tax code. The raising of the debt ceiling is in part necessary because of the inability of Congress to work together to solve these issues. There have been efforts to reform entitlements and eliminate corporate tax breaks which could help with the long term issues, but to no avail. Some issues have been decided by tinkering around the edges by increasing taxes on the wealthy and capping discretionary spending. As a country we need to look at the road going forward and make it safer and smoother for the future. That is going to

require a Congress and administration that can work on the more unpopular and more difficult decisions which include the restructuring of entitlements. A good result and compromise for the CR would be to pass a clean resolution without the demand to delay or defund Obamacare and to keep spending levels essentially unchanged. Democrats want some tax increases or targeted spending cuts to replace sequestration, the across the board cuts. Republicans are not in the mood to even consider tax increases. Neither side would be pleased with a simple clean resolution with nearly the same spending levels, but this is often the case with compromise. Next, the debt ceiling is raised so the government can fulfill its obligations protecting the full faith and credit of the United States. To not raise the debt ceiling would be dangerous and irresponsible. We have a democracy and divided government. There have always been rocky periods throughout our history. However, Congress and the President have managed to mostly work for the best interests of the country. Boehner has the tools to lead and keep us afloat through the coming storm. Let’s hope he has the political courage and ability to use them.

Character Assasination of David Williams ... To the Editor, With balanced coverage of news and opinion and the promotion of mutual respect, community unity and harmony, a newspaper has a positive influence on a community. With weighty issues like the sand mining ordinance, with

which the mining interests seemed disappointed, character assasination is always a temptation but such disharmonization moves the community away from mutual respect. A free paper is not expected to make an expensive investigative report exposing the origination of such disharmonization but the requirement of a signature over character assasination articles would discourage such. Bob and Joy Johnson Harmony, MN

Online Reader Poll Results

Comment on this article at www.fillmorecountyjournal.com

Are you going to take advantage of MNsure?

Government this week

• Yes..........................20%

• Monday, September 23, Spring Valley City Council, City Hall, 6p.m. • Monday, September 23, City of Rushford City Council, City Hall, 6:30p.m. • Monday, September 23, Chatfield City Council, City Hall, 7p.m. • Tuesday, September 24, Fillmore County Commissioners, Courthouse, 9a.m. • Tuesday, September 24, Fillmore Central School Board, 6:30p.m.

• No..........................30% • What’s MNsure?......50%

Next week’s reader poll question: Do you think too many people are dependent upon food stamps? Cast your vote at fillmorecountyjournal.com

Schedule subject to change.

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, September 23, 2013


Page 5

C ommentary Guest Commentary: Houston County Planning Commission By Drue Fergison The question of term limits for members of Houston County’s Planning Commission has become rather contentious in recent weeks. Things began to heat up this sum- Drue Fergison mer, when various issues – Schroeders and Omodt-Crow come to mind – came before the Houston County Commissioners. No matter what your opinion is on all of this, the newspaper reports, letters to the editor and public’s questions seem to revolve around four main questions. First, the County Ordinance says that “members of the Planning Commission shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.” Does the Planning Commission accept this role? Second, is the Planning Commission enforcing the Ordinances? Third, is the Planning Commission operating within the Ordinance’s stated “Purpose” – “to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens”?

And fourth, to what extent might the Planning Commission favor business interests over citizen interests? The stories and letters in the papers have cast doubt in all four areas. The situation is complex, to be sure. However, it also seems certain that having a Planning Commission where nearly everyone on it has served from between 13 to 39 years can be helping neither the situation nor the perception of it. I was actually 11 years old when the longestserving member began his service back in 1974. I am now 50! Neighboring counties have term limits that total nine years at the most. Even those counties without term limits tend to have Planning Commission members who serve 5-6 years on average. While I do believe it important to be in some sort of compliance with surrounding counties, let me state one reason why I believe this. It’s simple. The idea of term limits exists for a reason. It is a best practice in a democracy that supports the free exchange of ideas. In a situation with rotating terms, you will always have some less experienced persons coming on and some more experienced persons coming off – but never

all at once. Thus, you always have a healthy mix of experience and fresh ideas. And, those new ideas are less likely to be dismissed because a long-term cronyism automatically dictates: “We’re going to do it this way because that’s the way we’ve always done it!” Term limits assist in practicing democracy, keeping up with the times and moving in new directions, if warranted. I feel certain that the current situation with the Planning Commission members’ longevity was not the original intent. As I understand it, the Planning Commission is supposed to be a volunteer Commission, yet if it becomes too buddy-buddy, who from the community will want to volunteer his or her expertise? I believe that there are any number of competent Houston County residents who would be willing to serve, and who could certainly be “brought up to speed” about as quickly as the elected Commissioners are for their big and complex positions. Oh, and speaking of “getting up to speed.” Our Commissioners have had some discussion recently about the time that it does take to “learn the ropes,” so to speak. This is par for the course. Anyone who has ever started first grade

or a new job knows what this is like. It is normal and we should all expect it and be gracious about it. To be supportive of term limits for the Planning Commission is not in any way a criticism of the Commissioners. I honestly believe that our five Commissioners are operating in good faith. I believe that they care and are doing their best to serve our interests. I understand that they want to, and that it is very, very important to, support the County’s employees and volunteers. This is to their credit. Without a county administrator, though (another area where Houston is different from surrounding counties), our commissioners are also in the position of supervising and evaluating those same employees and volunteers whom they want, rightly, to support. This is the part of supervising that I’m not sure anyone likes. I applaud our Houston County commissioners for opening the issue of term limits for Planning Commission members to the public for input. And, I urge the public to offer that input on Monday evening, September 30, at 6:30, in the Commissioners’ Room at the Courthouse in Caledonia, Minn.

David Williams ... To the Editor, Does anyone imagine for a minute that the vendetta against David Williams is unrelated to the frac sand mining struggle? Does anyone think the accusatory column wasn’t initiated by someone on the pro mining side of this debate? The article was so stupid it does give us clues as to which local supporters of mining may have written it. David Williams is one of the key people helping southeast Minnesotans protect ourselves from the dangers of industrial scale frac sand mining. Others of us engaged in this effort have experienced threats, intimidation, retaliation and smear campaigns. This ugliness has now been visited upon the good and highly knowledgeable Williams. I have a challenge to the pro mining forces: Why don’t you just make your case to the people with as much transparency, honesty and integrity as you can muster? Tell us why we should risk our health, safety, drinking water, air quality, trout streams, thriving tourism industry, roads, tax dollars, home values and investments, and our scenic treasure just so that a handful of you can make a lot of money. The fact that you haven’t been able to do this explains why you are now attacking Williams. Donna Buckbee Rushford, MN

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You can write a check to the “People for Davids Committee” for up to $50 (or up to $100 if you file a joint tax return with your spouse). Within days, we will provide you with a receipt and the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s Official Contribution Refund Form. Fill out and mail both forms to the department and they will issue you a check for the amount donated. This is a direct dollar-for-dollar refund of your contribution returned to you in the form of a check from the State of Minnesota. Please mail your contribution today along with the bottom of this form to the People for Davids Committee, PO Box 1, Preston, MN 55965. Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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$50 person and receive $50 refund

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Prepared and paid for by the People for Davids Committee, PO Box 1, Preston, MN 55965

Wykoff’s Fall Fest

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softball tournament at Bolter Field Marketplace at the Community Center (More than 15 vendors) Home Brew Contest Balloons with a twist at Wykoff short stop GRAnD pARADe stix of Fury tours at Jack sprat Museum Blue Denim Farmers Music Blue Barrel train Rides Home Brew - Wine tasting too Much Fun at shooter’s Gold street Dig CBB Jazz Combo 2nd showing of the strut your stuff nash Vegas at shooter’s


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The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week.

R-P recipient of two grants By Kirsten Zoellner The Rushford-Peterson school year is off to a good start, especially as it received notification of two early education grants. The first, and more sizeable grant, comes to the district from the Minnesota Department of Education. The district’s Lille By Preschool program was recently awarded a 4-Star rating for the Parent Aware program. Began as a privately funded pilot program to address underprepared student needs, Parent Aware was adopted by the Department of Education and will make ratings available statewide by 2015. It is led by the Department of Human Services

and the Minnesota Office of Early Learning. In local communities, Parent Aware is working to share ratings with parents and prepare education programs. According to the MDE, “All Star-Rated Programs go above and beyond licensing requirements to support school readiness. By voluntarily becoming rated, a program shows it cares enough about early learning to use the best practices and proven approaches. With non-rated programs, even though they may be licensed, parents do not have the same assurances about early education quality.” Quality is measured by physical health, well-being, teaching, and rela-

Monday, September 23, 2013 tionships. 4-Star rated programs criteria includes volunteer in-depth training, devotion to strong relationships with each child, adoption of the latest approaches to learning, commitment to daily activities and routines, and a placed focus on health and safety. Once a school has earned a 4-star rating, it is eligible for scholarships to put further practices into motion. The district received word on September 13 that it had garnered approval of a $25,000 scholarship through the Pathways to Success program. “We’re excited to be able to continue,” noted an enthused community education director Lisa Lawston. “It’s a nice addition for our students, as well as those families who might need

Citizen’s report calls for frac sand environmental impact statement to be rigorous and comprehensive LEWISTON, Minn. - An upcoming environmental review of the biggest frac sand mining project ever proposed in southeast Minnesota must not only examine impacts on air, water and economics, but should also require full disclosure of the proposers’ business ties and track record, says a new report released today by the Land Stewardship Project (LSP). Such a review must also be conducted by independent experts with no ties to the proposers or the frac sand industry in general, concludes The People’s EIS Scoping Report. This report was compiled by LSP from the comments of the

100 participants in the People’s EIS Kickoff Meeting held in Rushford, Minn., in July 2013. “Southeast Minnesotans understand that the frac sand industry ultimately benefits oil and gas corporations, not our local communities,” said Bonita Underbakke, an LSP member who lives in rural Fillmore County near Lanesboro, Minn. “We’re concerned about the impacts on our existing economic drivers like agriculture and tourism.” The report addresses the necessary scope and depth of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)




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soon to be underway on the frac sand mining project proposed by Minnesota Sands, LLC. This proposal calls for the development of 11 mine sites in Fillmore, Houston and Winona counties. Under Minnesota law, an EIS must consider not only the environmental impacts of a project, but also its economic, employment and sociological effects. This level of review is mandatory for the Minnesota Sands project, since it includes the proposed mining of 615.31 total acres, well over the threshold of 160 acres for which an EIS is required. The EIS must be completed before any unit of government may make a decision on whether to issue a permit for any part of the proposed project. The Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) is the state agency responsible for carrying out the EIS on the Minnesota Sands project. The EQB is made up of the commissioners of nine state departments or agencies (from Administration to Transportation) along with five citizen members. The EQB has not yet released any draft scoping

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Page 7

child care.” The district has also received notification of a $6,000 grant from Rushford Community Foundation and Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF). This grant seeks to expand elementary playground equipment to include more ADA (American with Disabilities Act) accessible options for students with disabilities. Superintendent Chuck Ehler and elementary physical education teacher Teresa Brown will be finalizing the details of ordering and installing the equipment. In other news, the district has adopted public forum guidelines after a recommendation from legal counsel. Recent public comment at school board meetings has not always been directed

at items on the agenda or at the board as a whole. Instead, recent instances have included varying topics and direct comments at specific board directors. “This comes straight from our lawyer,” noted Superintendent Chuck Ehler. “Our goal is to help the public understand the protocol when addressing the board.” The updated guidelines are available on the school’s website. The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Monday, October 21, at 5:30 p.m., in the Rushford-Peterson Middle School Library in Peterson, Minn. Please note the location change. The public is encouraged to attend. A board walk through of the middle school building will follow the meeting.

document detailing the particular impacts it proposes to study within the EIS. The citizens’ report released today serves as the people’s scoping document, describing the specific impacts of the proposed project which must, at minimum, be studied if the EIS is to serve the public interest, according to Johanna Rupprecht, an LSP organizer who compiled the report. Its categories include impacts on air, water, land, transportation, economics and quality of life. In the People’s EIS Scoping Report, southeast Minnesotans also call for Minnesota Sands to fully disclose information about its identity and track record, and for the EIS to be rigorously carried out by experts with no industry ties. The report expresses local people’s deep concerns about the impacts of the proposed frac sand mining project on their lives, homes and communities. Local residents’ environmental and health concerns are closely connected to the economic and social issues they have also raised. As expressed in the report, area citizens recognize that the destruction and pollution of land, air and water threatened by potential frac sand

mining would also severely damage existing local economies and the fabric of communities. “I worry about my health, my family’s welfare, the health of my animals, our food supply,” said LSP member Vince Ready, who lives on a small farm in Saratoga Township, Winona County, a few miles away from the proposed mine sites. “I need the EQB, as public officials, to be looking out for the best interests of me and my community when they are studying the impacts of this proposal.” On Wednesday, September 18, LSP members from southeast Minnesota will present copies of the People’s EIS Scoping Report to the members and staff of the EQB at its monthly meeting in St. Paul. Copies will also be given to Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton as well as other state and local officials. The People’s EIS Scoping Report: Citizen Comments on the Necessary Scope and Depth of the Environmental Impact Statement on the Minnesota Sands Frac Sand Proposal is available on LSP’s website:www. landstewardshipproject.org/repository/1/959/the_people_s_eis_scoping.pdf.

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Page 8


Obituaries Beatrice “Betty” Ann Brose Beatrice “Betty” Ann Brose, 81, of Lanesboro, Minn. died Saturday, September 14, 2013, at the Harmony Community Healthcare. She was born June 22, 1932, in Winona, Minn. to Oscar and Blanche (Ruhnke) Rose. Betty attended Cathedral Cotter High School and Winona State Beatrice for four years, “Betty” Ann earning her Brose master’s degree in education. Betty married John Brose on June 20, 1953, in Winona. They lived in Winona, Plainview, Minn., Rushford, Minn. and have lived in Lanesboro since 1958. She was a teacher for 42 years. Betty was a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, and was CCW president, lector, on the parish council and was a Faith Formation teacher for 20 years. She also belonged to the American Legion Auxiliary, Lanesboro Golf Course, USBC Bowling Association where she was a secretary. Betty belonged to a bridge club in La Crosse Wis., the Tri-County Retired Association; Thilos Club, American Legion “Flag” education to school classrooms for 10 years. Betty was a Mary Kay Consultant for 20 years and a breast cancer

Monday, September 23, 2013

survivor. Betty loved to golf at the Lanesboro Golf Course and bowl at B & B Bowling Alley in Preston, Minn. She also enjoyed fishing at the cabin on Gull Lake with her family. She is survived by her husband, John Brose; one son, Robert Brose of Mound; one daughter, Betty (Darin) Johnson of Lanesboro; seven grandchildren, Josh Johnson, Wells Brose, John Johnson, Chantal Brose, Jessica Johnson, Desiree Jacobson and Brieanna Brose; two great-grandchildren, Corbet and Hillary; three brothers, Edward Rose of Omaha, Neb., William Rose of Plymouth and John Rose of Delano; three sisters,Marion Jackson of La Crescent, Minn., Anna (Bernard) Appel of Ringwood, N.J. and Patty (Ron) Donkers of Warsaw, Ind. She was preceded in death by a sister, Rita, a brother Fred and a grandson, Francios. Funeral services were on Tuesday, September 17, at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Lanesboro, with Father Patrick Arens officiating. Frances W. Brust Frances W. Brust, former Wykoff, Minn. resident, passed away July 12, 2013 at the age of 94. Frances was the wife of the former Merl Brust and daughter of the late Harry and Ruth Nagel of rural Spring Valley, Minn. She is survived by three sons; Fred, Dennis & Harry and one sister Maxine (Mickey) Berg of of

Arvada, Colo. and nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held Saturday, October 5 at 11 a.m. at the Cherry Grove Cemetery. Ronald Alvin Link Ronald Alvin Link, age 50, of Preston, Minn. died Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at his home. Ronnie was born November 4, 1962 to Alvin and Frances (Westphal) Link in Spring Val- Ronald Alvin ley, Minn. He Link is survived by one brother and two sisters, Elaine (David) Horsman of Spring Valley, Linda (Dan) Strunge of Milaca, Minn., and Ray (Connie) Link of Rochester, Minn., as well as many family members and the staff members at Fillmore Place. He was preceded in death by his parents, Alvin and Frances and two brothers, Bob and Roger. Funeral services for Ronald “Ronnie” Link will be held 2 p.m. Monday, September 23, 2013 at the Hindt Funeral Home in Spring Valley with Pastor William Rowen officiating. Burial will be at the Spring Valley Cemetery. Visitation will be held one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Verdayne Arnold Melbostad Verdayne Arnold Melbostad, age 79 of Spring Grove, Minn. died

The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week. Wednesday, September 18, 2013, at Tweeten Healthcare in Spring Grove. Verdayne was born July 4, 1934, the son of Arnold and Amy (Olson) Melbostad at the Spring Grove hospital. He was baptized July 29, 1934 and conVerdayne firmed May 30, Arnold 1948 at WaterMelbostad loo Ridge. He graduated from Spring Grove High School May 28, 1952. He was united into marriage to Judith (Judy) Tilleraas on May 25, 1963 at Waterloo Ridge. They farmed on the Melbostad home farm until 1993. He was the custodian of the church from December 1974 to the time of his death. He was on the church board from 1999 to 2013. He worked for Northern Engraving from November 1987 to October 2006. Verdayne and Judy enjoyed square dancing for 30 years and were members of the Skyliner Polka Club from 1990 to 2013. He was a 50 year Sons of Norway member with Valheim Lodge 364 in Spring Grove, and served as president for 15 years. Verdayne and Judy also enjoyed going out to eat with friends on Friday night. Verdayne is survived by his wife: Judy, one daughter Jodeen (Jack) Swinghamer of La Crescent, Minn. and two sons, Robert Melbostad of Bloomington, Minn., Steven (Shei-

la) Melbostad of Mabel, Minn. Five grandchildren, Lindsay Passig (special friend Brian Klug), Kristen, Jack, Vance and Megan Melbostad, and five step-grandchildren. Also surviving is one sister, Ardis (Wayne) Meitrodt of Rochester, Minn., one niece and nephew, three aunts and his bothers-in-law and sisters-in-law. Verdayne was preceded in death by his parents, his mother and father-in-law, Orval and Evelyn Tilleraas, one brother-in-law and several aunts and uncles. Funeral services were on Saturday, September 21, at Waterloo Ridge Lutheran Church in rural Spring Grove. Burial was in the church cemetery. Pastor Allen Hermeier will officiate. Delvin George Nelson Delvin George Nelson of Preston, Minn. passed away on Sunday, September 15, 2013 (his 51st wedding a nniversa r y) of respiratory failure, at St. Mary’s Hospital. D e l v i n Delvin George was born on Nelson August 6, 1938 in Cresco, Iowa to George and Joye Nelson. He was raised on the family farm. See OBITUARIES Page 9 

Fillmore County Church Directory Fillmore County Journal • Preston MN 507.765.2151 VBC Video • Preston MN 507.765.2704 A rendahl Lutheran Church....………………………Sundays - 10:30am Highway 30, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 875 -2477 Assembly Of God Church.….………………………Sundays - 10:00am 610 Territorial Rd, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2101 Assumption Catholic Church.……..…Fri. - 8:30am & Sat. - 5:00pm 207 N May St, Canton, MN 55922 (507) 743-8320 Bethlehem Lutheran Church./.………………………Sundays - 9:00am 200 Kenilworth Ave S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3344 Calvary Baptist Church.…….…………Sundays - 10:45am & 6:00pm 910 Winona St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4686 Canton-Scotland Presby terian Church.....…………Sundays - 9:00am 104 W Fillmore Ave, Canton, MN 55922 (507) 743-2260 Chatf ield Lutheran Church……………..Sundays - 8:00am & 9:30am 304 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4721 Chatf ield United Methodist Christ…………………Sundays - 9:30am 124 Winona St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3529 Cherry Grove United Methodist...…………………Sundays - 10:00am 18183 160th St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (Cherry Grove) (507) 937-3177 Christ Lutheran Church...……………………………Sundays - 9:00am 509 Kansas St NW, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2161 Christian Science Services.…………………………Sundays - 10:00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2251 Elstad Lutheran Church...……………………………Sundays - 10:30am 37784 Dogwood Rd, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3769 Emmanuel Episcopal Church....……………………Sundays - 10:00am 217 W Jessie St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2164 Faith United Methodist Church..……Sat. - 5:00pm & Sun. - 9:00am 617 Maple Ln, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2830 Fillmore Free Methodist Church...…Sundays - 8:30am & 10:30am 19127 County 8, Wykoff, MN 55990 (Fillmore) (507) 352-5450 First Baptist Church....…………………Sundays - 10:30am & 6:00pm 701 Kasten Drive, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2840 First Baptist Church-Preston.…………Sundays - 10:30am & 7:00pm 108 Chatfield Ave NW, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4960 First English Lutheran Church.……………………..Sundays - 10:00am 217 W Grant St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2793 First Lutheran Church of Highland.………………..Sundays - 9:00am 22423 391st Ave, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3318 First Presby terian Church..…………………………Sundays - 10:00am 110 S Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2854 Fountain Lutheran....…………………………………Sundays - 9:00am Main Street, Fountain, MN 55939 (507) 268- 4413 Fountain United Methodist Church...………………Sundays - 8:30am Co. Rd. 8 and Cedar St., Fountain, MN 55939 (507) 268- 4456 Garness Trinity Lutheran...…………………………Sundays - 11:00am PO Box 88, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5905

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Grace Lutheran Church..……………………………Sundays - 9:00am 365 Park St, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 875 -2218 Greenf ield Lutheran Church..…………………......Sundays - 9:00am 235 Main Ave S, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-3272 Greenleaf ton Reformed Church..…………………Sundays - 10:00am Highway 9, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2546 Harmony United Methodist Church..……………..Sundays - 10:30am 60 Main Ave S, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886- 6851 Henry town Lutheran Church.…………………………Sun. - 10:30am PO Box 103, Harmony, MN 55939 (Henrytown) (507) 886-2425 Highland Prairie Lutheran Church.……………….Sundays -9:00am 43267 Bowl Dr, Peterson, MN 55962 (507) 864-2731 Historic Lenora United Methodist Church (Special Occasions) Lenora, MN (Rural Canton) (507) 545 -2641 Immanuel Lutheran Church..………………………Sundays - 9:30am 254 Main St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352-2801 Lanesboro United Methodist Church..……………Sundays - 10:30am 507 Parkway Ave S, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2646 Mabel First Lutheran Church………………………Sundays - 9:00am 202 N. Oak, P.O. Box 395, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5293 Mabel United Methodist Church..…………………Sundays - 9:30am 111 W Newburg St, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5296 Nativity Catholic Church...Sun. (1 & 2) - 8:45am & (3 & 4) - 10:30am 640 1st Ave SW, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-2393 New Life Victory Church……………………………Sundays - 9:30am 440 2nd Avenue Southeast, Harmony, MN 55939 (507) 886-3525 Newburg United Methodist Church 3.1 miles N. of Mabel on Hwy. 43; 2.2 miles W. on Co. Rd. 24 North Prairie Lutheran.……………………………Sundays - 10:30am 35957 Highway 30, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 875 -2460 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.……Sundays - 8:00am & 10:30am 805 S Broadway St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-7251 Pilot Mound Lutheran Church.……………………Sundays - 9:00am 8 miles N. of Lanesboro on 250 then 4 miles W. on Hwy 30 (507) 875 -2460 Pioneer Presby terian Church ………………………Sundays - 8:30am 206 Fillmore St NE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4037 Preston United Methodist Church ………………..Sundays - 8:30am 212 Saint Anthony St N, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -2503 R iver Of Life Regional Church 220 N Money Creek St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2853 Root Prairie Lutheran Church ……………………Sundays - 10:30am County Rd 11, Fountain, MN 55939 (507) 268- 4455 Root R iver Church of the Brethren ………………Sundays - 10:00am 23553 County Rd 20, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4772 Root R iver Community Church …………………Sundays - 10:30am 503 Nannestad Lane, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7074

Studio-A-Photography • Preston MN 507.251.6372 Visit Bluff Country • Preston MN 507.765.2151 Rushford Lutheran Church …………………Sun. - 9:00am & 5:30pm 101 S Mill St., Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7152 Saetersdal Lutheran Church.………………………..Sundays - 9:00am 21447 Co. Rd. 30, Rural Harmony, MN Scheie Lutheran Church..……………………………Sundays - 9:30am PO Box 88, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5680 St Columban Church.……..…………………………Sundays - 9:30am 408 Preston St NW # 2, Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 -3886 St Ignatius Catholic Church.………………………Sundays - 10:30am 213 W Franklin St, Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-7565 St John Lutheran Church.…………………………..Sundays - 9:00am 241 Line St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352-2296 St Joseph’s Catholic Church.………………………Sundays - 10:00am 103 N Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-2257 St Mark ’s Lutheran Church...………………………Sundays - 9:00am 104 E North St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7111 St Marys Catholic Church....….......Sat. - 5:00pm & Sun. - 11:00am 405 Twiford St SW, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3148 St Matthews Episcopal Church..……………………Sundays - 9:30am 100 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923-1219 (507) 867-3707 St Matthew’s Lutheran Church..……………………Sundays - 9:00am Harmony, MN 55939 (Granger) (507) 772- 4474 St Olaf Catholic Church.....Sun. (1 & 2) - 10:30am & (3 & 4) - 8:45am 114 N Locust, Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5268 St Patrick ’s Church Hall ………………………...…Sundays - 8:00am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-2480 St Paul Lutheran Church..………Sun. - 10:00am & Wed. - 7:00pm 128 Fillmore St SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867- 4604 St Paul’s Lutheran Church...……………………....Sundays - 10:30am Harmony, MN 55939 (Big Springs) (507) 886-8175 Sumner Center United Methodist Church.………Sundays - 10:30am 9 miles N. of Spring Valley on Co. Rd. 1 (507) 696- 4197 The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints-Sundays - 10:00am 21257 US Hwy 52 South Preston, MN 55965 (507) 765 - 4551 Trinity Fellowship ELCA..…………………………Sundays - 10:00am 110 S Mill St, Rushford, MN 55971 (507) 864-7211 Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church………………Sundays - 8:30am 204 South St, Ostrander, MN 55961 (507) 657-2203 Union Prairie Lutheran..……………………………Sundays - 9:00am Hwy 16, Lanesboro, MN 55949 (507) 467-3363 United Methodist Church.…………………………Sundays - 8:30am 236 Gold St S, Wykoff, MN 55990 (507) 352- 4136 Valley Christian Center…………………………....Sundays - 10:00am 610 Territorial Rd Spring Valley, MN 55975 (507) 346-2101 W halan Lutheran Church..………………………….Sundays - 10:30am Lanesboro, MN 55949 (Whalan) (507) 467-2398

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Continued from Page 8

After graduating from Preston High School, he became a talented mason. In 1962, Delvin marrieed his high school sweetheart, Pat Strahl. They resided in Preston and had two sons. He enjoyed hunting, fishing and gardening. Delvin taught firearms training and was on the Kid’s fishing derby committee since it originated 51 years ago. His sense of humor will be greatly missed. As per his wishes, his body was donated to the Mayo Clinic, for educational purposes. Survivors include sons Nick and Dave (brooke Knies and children) and grandchildren Luke, Kayla and Winona Nelson. Also, Marian Nelson, aunt Myrtle Bellingham and many special cousins. A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, September 28, from 1-5 p.m. at the Preston Servicemen’s Club. Memorials are preferred to the family. Evelyn E. Powell Evelyn E. Powell, age 88, of Wykoff, Minn., died Sunday, August 18, 2013, at Seasons Hospice in Rochester. There will be a time of remembrance for Evelyn, 1 p.m., Monday, September 23, 2013, at the Thauwald Funeral Home in Wykoff. Friends may call at the funeral home at that time. The family prefers memorials to the American Heart Association. Arnie Truman Severtson Arnie Truman Severtson, 85, of Peterson, Minn. died Friday, September 13, 2013, at the Rushford

Good Shepherd Lutheran Home where he had been a resident since April. Arnie was born September 9, 1928, in Fillmore County, to Ole and Martha (Slinde) Severtson on the home farm. He attended Gilbertson Coun- Arnie Truman try School. Severtson Arnie was a veteran of the Korean War from 1950-1953. On March 24, 1956, he married Orpha Delia Kopperud in Rushford, Minn. Orpha passed away on March 8, 2006. Arnie was a farmer and carpenter, and Orpha was a homemaker. Arnie was a member of the DAV and the American Legion. He enjoyed watching baseball, especially the Minnesota Twins. He was a kind gentle person with lots of love for everyone. He is survived by one son, Jim (Judy) Severtson of Lanesboro, Minn.; a daughter, Julie (Dr. Carmen) Scudiero of Winona, Minn.; four grandchildren, Anthony and Becky Severtson and Emily and Nicholas Ziebell. He was preceded in death by his parents, his wife, five brothers and three sisters. Funeral services were on Thursday, September 19, at the Whalan Lutheran Church, with Pastor Patricia Hinkie officiating. Burial was in the Whalan Lutheran Cemetery, with military honors by the Whalan and Lanesboro American Legions. Visitation was on Wednesday, September 18, at the Johnson-Riley Funeral Home in Lanesboro, and one hour before the service at the church on Thursday.

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Page 9

Mabel-Canton Board of Education discusses technology fees By Hannah Wingert The Mabel-Canton Board of Education met on September 17, 2013 at 7 p.m. All members were present. The board wished to welcome the students and staff back to school for the 2013-14 school year. Congratulations were given to volleyball coach Lonnie Morken on his 500th winning game and to Chris Loppnow for completing the MSBA Phase I, II, and III Leadership Development series. The consent agenda was approved. It included approval of Roger Lamm as FFA advisor, approval of Heidi Myhre as vocal advisor, approval of Michelle Logan as health secretary/elementary special education paraprofessional, and approval of Jill Dawley as title I paraprofessional. The consent agenda also included the approval of the Assurance of Compliance Certification, the second reading of the Student Representative on the School Board policy, the approval of Superintendent Jennifer Backer as District Title IX and human rights coordinator, and approval of the 2013-14 Mabel-Canton advisors. Superintendent Backer gave the financial report. She advised the board to consider maximizing the levy. The budget she presented was preliminary and will be finalized after the audit is complete. She did not think it was in the district’s best interests to increase spending on anything at this time. The payment of the district bills was approved. Principal Jeff Nolte reported on

the ACT scores from last year’s college bound seniors. The scores and number of students who took the test were both positive. Principal Nolte also discussed the Technology Committee’s latest meeting. The committee’s goal is to keep the fees for students to “check out” laptops and tablets affordable for everyone. It was proposed to the board that a yearly fee of $40 be charged for laptops and $15 for tablets. The committee also proposed setting a $50 spending cap for families with more then one student eligible to take home an electronic device. The fees will help cover the inherent costs of upkeep and repairs on the laptops and tablets. The fees will need to be paid before students can take the devices home, and students will be expected to use either the school provided cases or purchase their own to avoid damage. A concern was raised that students would access inappropriate sites while using the devices in their homes. Superintendent Backer stated that, because they are the school’s property, the school can search the history any time and students will be held accountable. Superintendent Backer reported that the enrollment numbers for the 2013-14 school year are up 10-12 students from last year. There have been questions about crossing the Minnesota/ Iowa border to transport students to and from school and how to transport students who are residents of the district, but attend daycare outside of the district.

Open enrollment also generates a transportation challenge. The board discussed the issues and possible policies to address them. Several parents of current and future students spoke to the board about their concerns as well. The board will work on setting policies at the next meeting to handle transportation. Band Director Katie Larson asked the board for permission to begin planning a band trip in June 2014. The band students have two destinations to choose from, Tennessee and Florida, with the Florida trip being more expensive than Tennessee. The majority of the students voted for Florida. The destination and other details of the trip will be finalized at the parents’ meeting in October. The band will need to increase its fundraising efforts during this school year to raise enough to cover the trip. The Truth and Taxation meetings were set for December 10 at 6 p.m. in Canton. Minn. and December 17 at 6 p.m. in Mabel, Minn. with the regular board meeting immediately following. The junior class asked the board for permission to change its fundraising efforts for prom to a 50/50 raffle at football games, a 5K color run, and the selling of class t-shirts. The board approved the changes. The board approved a motion to increase special education paraprofessional Jill Kleckner from 0.8 to 0.9. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be held October 15, 2013 at 7 p.m.

State gains 12,200 jobs in August - Minnesota recovers all jobs lost from the recession ST. PAUL, Minn. – employers added 12,200 jobs in August, pushing total jobs in the state over the pre-recessionary peak that was reached in February 2008, according to figures released today by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). The agency said Minnesota has now recovered all the jobs that were lost in the recession, eclipsing the February 2008 mark by 5,100 jobs. The state has added 63,100 jobs in the past year, a 2.3


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percent growth rate that exceeds the national rate of 1.7 percent. The state unemployment rate dropped 0.1 percent in August to a seasonally adjusted 5.1 percent, the lowest level since April 2008. The U.S. unemployment rate in August was 7.3 percent. “August’s employment numbers mark a major milestone in the recovery of Minnesota’s economy,” said DEED Commissioner Katie Clark Sieben. “We’ve now recovered all of the jobs lost during the recession, which is one of many positive indicators pointing to continued economic growth.” The following industrial sectors gained jobs last month: trade, transportation and utilities (up 6,000), education and health care (up 5,500), other services (up 2,300), government (up 1,900), construction (up 1,100), leisure and hospitality (up 700), and financial activities (up 100). Logging and mining held steady. Manufacturing lost 3,400 jobs, followed by professional and business services (down 1,100) and information (down 900). Trade, transportation and utilities led all sectors over the past

year, adding 18,300 jobs. Other over-the-year gains occurred in education and health services (up 13,100), professional and business services (up 10,200), leisure and hospitality (up 9,400), government (up 9,000), other services (up 2,800), construction (up 2,700), financial activities (up 1,900), information (up 400), and logging and mining (up 400). The only sector to lose jobs over the past year was manufacturing (down 5,100). In the state Metropolitan Statistical Areas, job growth occurred in the past 12 months in the Minneapolis-St. Paul MSA (up 3.2 percent), St. Cloud MSA (up 2.2 percent), Mankato MSA (up 1.5 percent) and the Rochester MSA (up 0.1 percent). The DuluthSuperior MSA fell 0.1 percent. DEED is the state’s principal economic development agency, promoting business recruitment, expansion and retention, workforce development, international trade and community development. For more details about the agency and our services, visit us at www.PositivelyMinnesota.com. Follow us on Twitter at www. twitter.com/PositivelyMN.

Page 10


Monday, September 23, 2013

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Fillmore County Sports By Paul Trende Every high school football player fears losing, but they fear losing badly even more. Friday the 13th is a notoriously (facetiously) feared day. In week three of the 2013 football season, the two came together. It was either a very lucky night for six of the seven Fillmore County Journal covered teams, or a very unlucky night. Of five games on Friday the 13th of September, just one was score was competitive. In Spring Valley, the Fillmore Central Falcons handed it to Kingsland. McKinnen Stone rocked his way to three first half TD’s (runs of 2 and 5, reception of 31), the first three FC scores. Bryce Whitehill (1-yard run) and Collin Bennett (31yard FG, 3 PATs) also got in on the early scoring action. At the half, FC led 30-0. Tyson Ristau (44-yard run) and Monty Holm (48-yard fumble return) tacked on two early second half scores. FC built a 43-0 lead. The final was 46-13. Stone (15-131, 2 TDs rushing; TD receiving), Tom Henry (11-102 rushing), and Ristau (5-64, TD rushing) were a three-pronged Falcon running menace. Bennett connected on two FG’s (31, 36 yards, 4-6 PATs). For Kingsland, sophomore QB Quinn Larson (14-25,

259 yards, 2 TD’s passing) and junior WR Marcus Plaehn (6 receptions, 180 yards, 2 TDs) were the bright spots. The Falcons improved to 2-1 in the SFA Blue Division, Kingsland falls to 0-4. In Lanesboro, Mabel-Canton came to town. After weeks one (Lanesboro over Houston on the final play) and two (M-C over Houston in the final ticks), one could’ve expected some more 9-man drama. Burro senior tailback Niko Anderson had other ideas. Number 28 turned out to be unlucky for the Cougars. Anderson racked up 200-plus first half yards and four TD runs (25, 44, 1, and 31) in leading the Burros to a 27-6 intermission lead. M-C had a couple red zone chances in the third quarter, a couple opportunities to make it a game. They came up empty-handed. Anderson sealed things with 72-yard jaunt late in the 3rd quarter. Lanesboro prevailed 40-14. Save for a late Liam Dorn 1-yard run, Anderson (23-327 yards, 5 TD’s rushing) and Lucas Rogers (4 of 6 PATs) scored every Burro point. Garret Boggs (QB) chipped in 82 yards rushing on 12 carries. Hunter Johnson (21-179, 2 TDs rushing) and Donnie Lind (5-83 receiving) led the way for M-C.

The Burros are 1-1 in the SEC, 2-1 overall. M-C fell to 1-1, 1-2 overall. Chatfield continued its postCaledonia-defeat steam rolling. The Gophers used defense to blank Southland 41-0. They forced two fumbles, picked off Rebel QB Trent Reinertz twice, and recorded five sacks. Chatfield’s offense had three very short fields because of Southland miscues (two turnovers, bad punt snap). Jake Neis upped his 2013 TD-total to 12 with runs of 1, 9, and 11 yards (all in the second quarter). He led the Goph’s with 87 total yards offense (57 rushing). Alex Haffner (1 yard), Nate Skare (8 yards), and Carter Duxbury (17 yards) also found paydirt. The Gopher ‘D’ hasn’t allowed a point since the second quarter of game two versus W-K (10 quarters). The win moved Chatfield’s SFA Blue record to 3-1 (3rd place behind Caledonia and R-P). They aren’t ranked, but that is a travesty. The score of the RushfordPeterson/Hayfield affair appeared lopsided. The Trojans got the 28-0 victory. However, Hayfield dominated the ball. The Vikings out-gained R-P 285 to 144, and had twice as many first downs (18 to 9). The R-P defense stood tall and strong when it needed to. Hayfield made it to Trojan territory eight times. They were stopped on 4th down six

Rural clinics - where you’re family Nichole Halverson returned from her honeymoon in the Dominican Republic, only to find herself feeling ill. She called the Mabel Clinic for an appointment. “I thought of Kirsten right away, and got an appointment with her for that very morning!” says Nichole.

Kirsten Wyffels, a doctor of nursing practice (DNP), joined Winneshiek Medical Center’s Mabel Clinic in early July to provide daily expanded hours for the people in the Hesper-Mabel area, Spring Grove, and southern Fillmore County. Along with Kathy Petersburg, ARNP, Kirsten

Nichole Halverson (right) pictured with Kirsten Wyffels, DNP who provides care in the Mabel Clinic. Photo submitted

Annual Fountain lutheran Congregational

LUTEFISK & MEATBALL DINNER Saturday, October 5, 2013 • 11am-7pm Fountain Lutheran Church, Fountain, MN

Lutefisk • Meatballs • Mashed Potatoes • Gravy • Candied Carrots • Coleslaw Cranberry Relish • Lefse • Rommegrot • Sweet Soup • Krumkake • Rosettes & other Norwegian Baking • Milk • Coffee ~ (carry outs available) Adults: Advance Tickets $15.00/$16.00 at Door; Children (Ages 6-12) $6.00; Preschool: Free;

Tickets available at the door.

provides family medicine services such as well child exams, athletic physicals, well-woman exams, care for chronic illness, immunizations, wellness labs, strep tests and offers same day appointments for illness. Medical direction for Winneshiek Medical Center is provided by Mayo Clinic Health System. “Kirsten sat down with me and asked lots of questions to fully understand me and my health history. She took time to get to know me to uncover what could be causing my illness,” says Nichole. Before she left her appointment, Nichole was able to get the necessary lab work done right in Mabel. “Kirsten told me she would call with the results. What I didn’t expect was for her to call

Lanesboro Cadette Girl Scouts Troop #43074 will be having a drive by drop off food drive. Saturday, September 28th from 9am-noon in the sylvan park in lanesboro, they will also be picking up bags from houses they dropped off earlier in the week. This project is for their Silver Award trying to stop hunger!

times. The Trojans also had five total interceptions of Viking QB Cameron Rutledge, two each by Alex Vix and Cole Kingsley. Vix returned one 70-yards to paydirt. He added a short TD run (11 carries for 62 yards). Freshman speedster Noah Carlson (50 rushing yards, 34 receiving yards) had the other two R-P scores (runs of 14 and 1). The win moved R-P’s record to 3-0 in the SFA Blue Division, or tied for first place with Caledonia (3-0). New Falcon Supremacy For the past few years, the Wabasha-Kellogg Falcons have been a premier volleyball power in the 3-Rivers conference. With a state championship in 2010, and Sub-Section 1A East titles in 2011 and 2012, the FalconsNorth have been the crème-dela-crème. The Fillmore Central Falcons, in that span, put quality teams on the court, ones that were overshadowed. That is, until 2013. FC’s two treks to Wabasha in the span of three days marked an official changing of the Falcon guard. In the conference meeting between #8 in Class A FC and #10 in Class A W-K, the teal and black made a statement. They jumped out 10-2 in game one and cruised to a 25-14 win. A 5-0 run in the middle of game two made its score similar (25-16). Game three was headed in the same

direction (FC led 22-16) before W-K let out a last gasp. They authored a 6-0 run and tied the contest at 22. But with the score 24-23, senior Tori Peterson took a chance and attacked on FC’s second hit. Her spike got a little help from the net and fell for the game and match clinching score. FC downed W-K 3-0. Peterson (9 kills), Taylor Case (11 kills, 14 digs, 2 aces), Leah Scheevel (11 kills), and Sammi Bakke (6 kills) were a balanced four-person attack crew W-K couldn’t counter. FC had 44 kills to W-K’s 17. Morgan Malley had 28 assists, but FC was pretty good at scoring via non-Malley sets (a varied offensive attack). The Falcons then took the court at Wabasha few days later for W-K’s Veterans Invite. They didn’t win the tourney. They took second with both losses coming to (well) above-500 AAA-school Rosemount, 2-0 (11-25, 18-25) in a round of pool play, and 2-1 (22-25, 25-10, 12-15) in the gold (championship) bracket. FC beat three good teams in straight sets though, section foe Goodhue (25-18, 25-21), Kenyon-Wanamingo (25-22, 25-13) and Dover-Eyota (25-9, 25-18). The Wildcats, Knights, and Eagles entered with 8-1, 12-2, and 6-3 records respectively. FC also downed Durand Wis-

three times in between to check on how I was doing,” says Nichole. “Being from Mabel myself, I view my patients as my ‘people’ and I want to take care of them,” says Kirsten. “If someone is sick, we will get them seen and they will be treated like family.” The family concept shined through for Nichole. She says, “Kirsten said I should run down to her house to get some Gatorade if I didn’t have

any at home, and she even helped me understand my insurance. I’ve never felt so cared for by a health care provider.” Nichole adds, “Kirsten will be my health care provider from now on. She goes out of her way, and above and beyond, to make sure you are taken care of.” The Mabel Clinic is open Monday – Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. Call 507-493-5115 to schedule an appointment.

athlete of the week

Triskaidekaphobia Football

See SPORTS Page 11 

Niko ANdersoN Lanesboro Burros Football

Burro senior tailback Niko Anderson is Athlete of the Week. Anderson ran for over 300 yards and scored 5 TD’s in a SEC win over Mabel-Canton.

Brought to you by:

Photo by Paul Trende

River Hills Chiropractic

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Monday, September 23, 2013


Page 11

Fillmore County Sports SPORTS

Continued from Page 10

consin (25-10, 25-8). Case (53 kills, 57 digs) and Malley (89 assists) were FC’s tournament statistical leaders. Case, a 5’11” senior OH, went over 1,000 kills for her career. FC upped their records to 3-0 and 8-2. They are essentially tied with Chatfield (4-0) atop the 3-Rivers. Football 09-13: •#8 in 9-man Spring Grove 28, Houston 24 (H: Christian Sires 11-20, 173 yards, TD passing; 14-69, TD rushing; Dylan Lee 5-72, TD receiving; Peter Jergenson/Christian Conley rushing TD each. SG: Caleb Happel 33-181 yards, 3 TD’s rushing; Dustin Vickerman 3-122, TD receiving. Hurricanes led 12-6, fell behind 20-12 in 3rd quarter, retook lead in 4th quarter 24-20, only to fall in final 4:00 on a Happel TD run. It’s their third loss in the closing minutes in as many games. They are 0-2 in the SEC, 0-3 overall.)

Volleyball 09-10: •Houston 3, LeRoy-Ostrander 0 • 25-19, 25-15, 25-21 (H: Abbey Loken 18 kills; Alexa Horihan 28 assists; Erica Langen 7 aces; Kelly Jerviss 6 kills) •Lewiston-Altura 0, Chatfield 3 • 25-20, 25-21, 25-19 (C: Maddy Kammer 10 kills, 3 blocks, 3 aces; Brook Irish 10 kills; Gabrielle Salisbury 21 assists; Kirsten Keefe 13 digs) •Lanesboro 1, Lyle/Pacelli 3 • 20-25, 16-25, 25-18, 15-25 (L: Olivia Haug 6 kills; Alexis Jorgenson 5 kills; Steph Erickson 15 assists, 3 aces) •#5 in A Mabel-Canton 3, Schaeffer Academy 0 • 25-8, 25-12, 25-15 (M-C: Lydia Geving 8 kills, 6 aces, 5 digs; Sara Lind 7 kills, 2 blocks; Belle Sand 5 kills, 5 aces; Carly McCabe 28 assists) •Rushford-Peterson 3, St. Charles 1 • 25-8, 20-25, 25-12, 28-26 (R-P: Sierra McNamer 10 kills; Haley Mueller 11 assists, 24-24 serving; Kendra Crawford 17 digs; Keela Brand 4 kills, 13

digs) •#9 in A W-K 3, Kingsland 1 • 25-27, 19-25, 25-17, 21-25 (K: Brianna Musel 6 kills, 11 digs, 2 aces; Haley Colton 6 kills, 11 digs; Hannah Pruter 19 assists; Rialie Fenske 15 digs) 9-12: •Chatfield 3, Southland 0 • 25-13, 25-8, 25-17 (C: B. Irish 15 kills; M. Kammer 9 kills, 2 blocks, 2 aces; G. Salisbury 19 assists, 15-15 serving; K. Keefe 9 digs; Alex Duxbury 8 digs) •Houston 1, Spring Grove 3 • 25-21, 24-26, 25-27, 17-25 (H: A. Loken 20 kills, 24 digs, 2 blocks, 2 aces; A. Horihan 35 assists; K. Jerviss 9 kills; Natalie King 7 kills, 2 blocks. Hurricanes are 4-2 in SEC, 6-7 overall.) •Kingsland 1, St. Charles 3 • 25-22, 15-25, 22-25, 23-25 (K: B. Musel 7 kills, 15 digs; H. Pruter 17 assists; R. Fenske 16 digs; Taylor Link 15 digs, 14-14 serving) •#5 in A M-C 3, Lanesboro 0 • 25-10, 25-11, 25-16 (M-C: B. Sand 10 kills; S. Lind 9 kills; C. McCabe 24 assists, 5 kills, 7 digs; Coranda Vickerman 25-25 serving, 10 aces. L: Kaia Hongerholt 7 kills; O. Haug 4 blocks. Cougars are 5-0 in SEC, 12-0 overall. They lead the con-

ference. Burros are 1-6 in SEC and overall) R-P 1, Caledonia 3 • 10-25, 25-16, 16-25, 23-25 (R-P: S. McNamer/Brianna Koop 5 kills; H. Mueller 10 assists; K. Crawford 14 digs; Carissa Bieberdorf 18-18 serving, 10 digs; K. Brand 10 digs. Trojans are 1-3, 7-6) 09-15: •Southland Tournament (Kingsland went 2-2. The Knights beat Lyle/Pacelli 1-1 (26-27, 25-16) and Schaeffer Academy 2-0 (25-8, 25-20) while losing to Medford 2-0 (1325, 11-25) in Pool Play. In tournament play, they lost to Southland 2-1 (23-25, 25-21, 6-15) in the quarterfinals. Kingsland is 0-4, 3-7) •Farmington Tournament (Chatfield went 2-2. Gophers beat Owatonna 2-1 (25-22, 17-25, 15-13) and lost to New Prague 2-0 (19-25, 19-25) in the first two rounds of pool play. They then beat Brainerd 2-0 (25-14, 25-19) and lost to Farmington 2-1(18-25, 25-20, 11-15) in the final two rounds. The Gophers are 4-0, 6-3) Cross Country 09-10: •Dover-Eyota Invite (Boys Team: 1st P-E-M, 2nd L-A/R-P, 3rd Lake City, 8th (of 9) L/FC.

Top 25 county boys: 2nd Austin O’Hare (LARP), 6th Ryan Ruberg (LARP), 17th Travis Troendle (L/FC), 18th Hunter Herber (LARP), 20th Dylan Linder (LARP), 25th Jeremiah Munson (LARP). Girls Team: 1st D-E, 2nd Lake City, 3rd P-E-M, 7th (of 7) LARP, L/FC incomplete. Top 25 county girls: 4th Kiera Olson (L/FC), 14th Leah Ruen (L/FC), 22nd Mariah Olson (LARP), 25th Bailey O’Hare (LARP)) 09-12: •Mayo Invite (Boys Team: 1st Wayzata, 2nd Stillwater, 3rd Winona, 23rd (of 23) Kingsland. Hunter Meisner (134 of 160) was the top Knight finisher. Girls Team: 1st Wayzata, 2nd Burnsville, 3rd Eastview, 27th (of 27) Kingsland. Erica Earley (87th of 186) was the top Knight finisher.) 09-14: •Luther All-American Invite (Boys Team: 1st Charles City, 2nd Century, 3rd La CrosseCentral, 11th (of 16) Chatfield. Christian Bance finished 9th of 108 runners. Girls Team: 1st Decorah, 2nd Dubuque-Hempstead, 3rd La Crosee-Central, 17th (of 17) Chatfield. Karen Gomez finished 13th of 111 runners)

Lanesboro safety Will Semmen stonewalls Mabel-Canton RB Keyser Wenthold inside the 5-yardline. The play staved off a Cougar effort to get back into their game with the Burros. Lanesboro moved to 2-1 on the season with a 40-14 victory. Photo by Paul Trende You are invited to our annual

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Page 12



Continued from Page 1

tory of liquor and fixtures will be sold. A letter of intent to purchase that inventory and store fixtures has been received from Nick and Rene Prestby. Interest has been shown in the purchase of the liquor store business, and discussion was held concerning the timing of that sale and the operation of the business itself. Further research will be done to see what might be done to avoid any “gaps in service” between the end of city ownership and the beginning of new ownership. •Background materials regarding 4-M League of Cities investment options were given to City Council members for their review. Discussion on these options will take place at an upcoming Council meeting.

Monday, September 23, 2013

•Volunteers are still needed for the October 5 Town Hall window replacement project, a project made possible by a grant from Rockwell. Lunch will be provided, and notice will go out again in early October to solicit the needed help. •Plans for Canton Christmas celebrations are now underway. The popular annual “Santa Day” will take place on Saturday, December 14, from 3:30-5 p.m., followed by a night-time Christmas Parade. A Christmas Lighting/Decoration contest for city homes is also being planned. •Planning for the 2014 “Canton Day Off” is also underway. The dates will be August 15-17, 2014. As part of the many festivities, the softball field will be dedicated in honor of Ralph Leistikow. New signage and landscaping will be part of that effort, with a special

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

program planned for Friday night. That evening there will also be a “Prom Night” and “Teen Dance.” Saturday may also include an antique truck and semi show, a parade, a beer tent, a live band (“Cherry Gun”), a BBQ kickoff, fireworks and more. Sunday morning will offer a Legion Breakfast, the Assumption Catholic Church Dinner from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and more entertainment. The Canton Day Off planning committee meets the second Monday of every month at City Hall at 6:30 p.m.—all volunteers and ideas are welcome! •The council approved the purchase of used concrete tools from Nick Prestby that will be used for upcoming sidewalk repairs. In other town maintenance news, Jon Nordsving reported that four spots of pavement repair will soon be underway.

Bloodmobile in Harmony on September 24 Harmony will be hosting a bloodmobile at the Harmony Community Center from 1-7 p.m. on Tuesday, September 24, 2013. All donors will be required to provide identification before donating, so please remember your donor card or driver’s license. Typically, all healthy men and women who are at least 16 years old and weigh 110 pounds or more are eligible to donate blood. Donors who are 16 must have the written permission of a parent or guardian. Parental consent forms will be available on the day of the blood drive. There is no upper age limit, and the time commitment is

minimal. While walk-ins are more than welcome, donors are highly encouraged to make appointments. To make an appointment, please call Marilyn Bratager at 507-937-3406.

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The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week.

Grazying crop residues By Jerrold Tesmer, Extension Educator, Fillmore/Houston Counties It appears forages will be at a premium this fall. One way to stretch your feed further into the winter is by having your beef cows graze harvested corn fields. I started to say cornstalks, but 12 percent of Jerrold Tesmer the residue is husk, 27 percent is leaf, and 12 percent cob. So there is much more than just stalks, and I’m not counting any dropped ears of corn that are gleaned. Nutritionally the leaf and husk both

have high digestibility. Iowa State University Beef Cattle data indicates that for each acre of corn stalks grazed; approximately ½ ton of hay will be saved. Crop residues are normally the least expensive feed source, because most expenses are charged against the row crop enterprise. In the Midwest, corn crop residue will feed animals for an average of 65 to 111 days depending on weight gains needed to obtain the desired body condition. Low supplementation may be necessary in some cases. Livestock select the residue with the highest digestibility first, so supplementation beyond trace minerals salt and

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Monday, September 23, 2013

vitamin A are not likely to be necessary the first month. As winter progresses and residue quality decreases additional supplementation may be necessary. Before grazing crop residue fields it is important to check the labels of any pesticides used on the crop to see if they are cleared for grazing. Also, check the fencelines and waterways for poisonous plants. Research conducted at several Midwestern universities show no difference in the performance of cattle that grazed Bt corn crop residue and those that grazed non-Bt corn crop residue. Research has also been conducted to determine if grazing crop residue has any affect on the yield the following year.

Tractor ride a success

An autumn tractor ride drew over 30 tractors from three states for a two-day ride in Bluff Country. The ride, sponsored by the Preston Historical Society, drew tractors from Iowa and Wisconsin as well as Minnesota. “People wagons” and “buddy seats” held additional riders so almost sixty people enjoyed two rides of approximately sixty miles each day of the September 14 weekend. The first day ride took them from the Fairgrounds in Preston, using area black top roads, to Fountain, Chatfield, Fillmore, Wykoff, Cherry Grove and return to Preston. The Sunday ride again left from the Fairgrounds traveling to Harmony, Canton, Lenora, Lanesboro and returning to Preston. A dance to Lost Faculties was held on Saturday evening at the Fairgrounds sponsored by the Fillmore County Ag Society. Meals were catered by the Silver Grille, Chatfield; the Fillmore County Cattleman and the Branding Iron Supper Club; the B & B Bowl, and a Preston Historical Society committee. Additional area businesses were sponsors assisting with the event: Preston Dairy & Farm; Hammell Equipment, Chatfield & Harmony; Gehling Auction; First Southeast Bank, Harmony & Canton; Preston Equipment; S & A Petroleum, Lanesboro; Root River State Bank, Chatfield & First State Bank, Fountain; Preble Farmers Mutual, Lanesboro; St. Joseph Equipment, Chatfield; KFIL & KVGO; the JailHouse Inn, Preston; the Fillmore County Ag Society, Greg M. Davids Financial Services, Preston; Kelly Printing, Preston, POET, Biorefining; Marzolf Implement, Spring Valley; F & M Community Bank, Preston & Chatfield. Area law enforcement personal assisted with traffic and major turning locations. They included the police department staff from Preston, Chatfield, Harmony, and Lanesboro as well as the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Department.


Corn and soybeans have shown similar yields, particularly if grazed when soils are frozen. Soybean stubble is low in quality and cannot provide adequate nutrition for beef cows or stockers. It should not be used as a feed source unless supplemented substantially. The source of most of the information in this article came

Page 13

from two publications shared with me by Root River Grazing Specialist Dean Thomas. They are: Extended Grazing and Reducing Stored Feed Needs, by Don Ball, Ed Ballard, Mark Kennedy, Garry Lacefield, and Dan Undersander; and Improving and Sustaining Forage Production in Pastures, by Howard Moechnig.

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Page 14


Monday, September 23, 2013

The FCJ reaches over 12,000 households each week.

Farm Safety A special section of the Fillmore County Journal

Minnesota conservationists look to dig deep to improve soil health By Brian DeVore On a recent morning in August, North Dakota farmer Jerry Doan waded into a chest-high stand of cover crops that included millet, a type of sunflower and grazing corn. He explained to a visiting group of Minnesota soil conservationists and farmers that this stand, which was planted in June after wheat was harvested, will provide winter feed for his beef herd. Just as importantly, all the plants’ roots and uneaten stalks, along with the manure produced by the grazing cattle, will feed bil-

lions of microbes below the surface. Those microbes will build the soil’s health, which in turn will help produce Doan’s 2014 corn or sunflower crop. “We had for so long forgotten about what was going on belowground,” said the farmer as he examined a spaded-up clod of fragrant soil. As Doan and the other farmers, conservationists and scientists who hosted the Minnesotans during the August soil health tour made clear, paying attention to what goes on in that mysterious



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world where roots, microbes and insects interact can pay off financially and environmentally. This tour to south-central North Dakota’s Burleigh County was sponsored by the Minnesota Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program. Over 40 participants came from across Minnesota to see how farmers in Burleigh County are building soil health in a region that gets 16 inches of precipitation annually -- a foot less than what Minnesota gets in a typical year. Over the years, the Burleigh County Soil Health Team has used a combination of cover crops, rotational grazing and no-till farming to increase soil’s natural ability to cook up fertility, resist erosion and make better use of moisture. The Team, which consists of local farmers, conservation agency staff and USDA scientists, has attracted attention from around the world; just this summer, Russian and French visitors came to Burleigh County to dig in the soil. Visitors often have assumptions turned upside down. For example, in August the Minnesota contingent saw un-irrigated corn, pastureland and hay ground that was thriving despite drought conditions. “I have worked with irrigators for 20 years and I have never seen a corn crop look this good with eight weeks of no rain,” said Brad Wenz, a soil conservationist for the Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) in Minnesota. “There is something going on there.” Fields and pastures where soil organic matter levels had been built up (organic matter is a key driver of soil biology) were bordering conventionally managed plots, providing a striking contrast in the 90-degree temperatures. “Our pastures would look like that if we hadn’t changed things,” said Burleigh County farmer Mike Small, pointing to a neighbor’s burned-out grassland. Small’s nearby pasture was ready to be grazed again after a brief rest provided by his rotation system. From a conservation standpoint, building soil health is the difference between going to the root of the problem and just treating the symptoms, according to Jay Fuhrer, the NRCS Dis-

trict Conservationist in Burleigh County. “We don’t have to accept a degraded resource,” Fuhrer said. “We can regenerate and re-build soil through the power of diversity.” Nowhere was the power of

diversity more evident that in the Burleigh County Team’s use of cover crops -- plantings of small grains and other species either right after harvest of a cash crop or while the cash crop is still growing. The idea is to keep the See SOIL HEALTH Page 15 




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103 1/2 NW Division St., Chatfield, MN

108 Mill St. SW, Preston, MN

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County


Monday, September 23, 2013

Farm Safety

Page 15

A special section of the Fillmore County Journal


Continued from Page 14

soil protected with living plants during the months when row crops like corn are not growing. The Burleigh County Soil Health Team has found that planting multiple species of cover crops at one time -- eight or more in some cases -- produces a drought- tolerant, healthy soil. Although there may not be an immediate market value to such “cocktail” plantings, Team members have made them pay through grazing. Doan estimated that in 2011 grazing cover crops produced $50,000 in savings for

his livestock operation and took pressure off his regular pastures. And Soil Health Team members insisted that even when not grazed, cover crops build enough organic matter to reduce the need for expensive inputs while providing “drought insurance.” Burleigh County farmer Gabe Brown has reported that increasing organic matter has allowed him to reduce the use of commercial fertilizer by over 90 percent. Farmers, as well as NRCS and SWCD staffers, talked during the tour about how to adapt Burleigh County’s approach to bringing farmers, conservationists and scientists together as local “Soil

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Health Teams.” Such teams are needed in Minnesota as reports of extreme erosion have increased and drought conditions become a perennial threat, said Douglas Miller, Minnesota’s NRCS soil health coordinator. “You can say there is something unique and weird about Burleigh County, but the truth is the principles of soil health can work anywhere,” Kristine Nichols, a USDA soil microbiologist, told tour participants. “The next green revolution will be a soil revolution.” For information on using cover cropping and other methods to improve soil health, contact your local Minnesota NRCS or SWCD office. Brian DeVore is the editor of the Land Stewardship Letter.

Multi-species cover crop field day near Harmony The benefits of cover crops are becoming more apparent as more farmers use them. A field day will be held Saturday, September 28 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Jim Love farm west of Harmony, Minn. (13748 201st Ave., Preston, Minn.) to discuss these many benefits. Go 12 miles west of Harmony on County Road 44 then north on 201st Ave. one mile on the east side. Jim planted a cover crop that has a three species mix (tillage radish, Tillage Root Max annual rye and crimson clover). There will be several agronomists from the area to speak about their experience with cover crops. Funding to support this event is provided by the National Wildlife Federation Cover Crop Champion Grant in cooperation with the Fillmore Soil and Water Conservation District and University of Minnesota Extension. Contact Dean Thomas at the Fillmore SWCD office for more information (507)7653878 ext. 3, or email dean. thomas@fillmoreswcd.org.

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Page 16

Monday, September 23, 2013

that the a stripe for a pedestrian lane be painted on the Continued from Page 1 side of the roadway. In addiadded in. For now, the city will tion, signage and a crosswalk proceed with testing and make would be designated. “It’s food the decision of whether or not for thought,” added Holtz. to include the water main in the Due to the change in road project at a later date. elevation in some spots, curb Another key issue is under- and gutter, which is done by ground wiring along the road- machine, will be redone to way. It appears that there’s a match. This will require that possibility for the wiring hav- sidewalks and hydrants along ing been laid years ago without Mill Street be replaced as well. a protective conduit of some Both the sidewalks and ped sort. “We need to make sure ramps will be ADA compliant when everything else is torn up,” for which the city is paying half stressed Lee. Electrical work of the $32,000 cost. For now, could be coordinated with on Fillmore County is planning on the project, but the city will replacing all to improve overall need to consult with MnDOT. functionality. The county, according to The total project cost is curHoltz, is not keen on the city’s rently estimated at $212,438 request for sidewalks on the west and Peterson’s cost is estimated side of South Church Street. at approximately $193,500. Instead, the county would prefer Depending on how the proj-



The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

ect is financed, the city may be required to assess property owners. Using GIS site measurements, it appears the city has 2,729.19 of private property footage along County 25. At roughly $17.78 per foot, the average parcel assessment would be $1,200, but could be larger or smaller depending on actual parcel front footage, according to Councilor Bill Grindland. “It’s not set in stone, but it may be required,” added Holtz. “It’s typical to assess taxes for the same duration as bond. Property owners can pay it off or let it go on their taxes.” In all 41 parcels will be affected. The city currently has no assessment policy, but one will need to be adopted prior to the project. Several financing options are available including general obligation bonds, a Rural


Water seven-year microloan or 15-year midiloan, tax levy, or cash reserves. In other news, the city has set the preliminary levy for 2014 at a 3 percent increase or $72,100. Certifying that amount to the county leaves the city the option of upping the budget, should projects dictate it, or reducing it for the final levy certification in

December. “It’s preliminary. We can go down, but we can’t go up, and we might have more expenses next year than we might expect,” cautioned Lee. The next regularly scheduled council meeting is Wednesday, October 9, at 7 p.m., at City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.

AlpAcA FArm Tour rockie Top Acres

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The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Planning a Wedding? Trying to Be Frugal? You probably have attended many weddings this summer or maybe your invitations will start coming in the mail for fall weddings. I love the fall colors for decorating my home and it is a great time of year for decorating for a wedding as well. My oldest granddaughter got married two years ago. She and

her fiance graduated from college in the spring, he with a degree in Chemical Engineering and she with a degree in Psychology. Then he was offered a five year post graduate program for a doctorate at a college in Massachusetts. He couldn’t pass it up as it was a full ride with a monthly stipend. They decided they didn’t want to be apart for five years

Monday, September 23, 2013

and began to plan a summer wedding. Of course their churches were already booked for the summer weekends. They decided to have the wedding in a local park and proceeded to plan other aspects of the wedding. The bride’s church has a “Bridal Dress Ministry.” Members donate their wedding dress to the church and then members can pick out a dress to use and even alter it to fit and return it after the wedding. It does not cost the bride any money. Flowers were purchased from the store and arranged by the bride’s mother in vases at the alter area where the background was beautiful flowerbeds at this park by a lake. The groom’s best friend’s father


is a pastor and agreed to conduct the wedding. A four piece string quartet played lovely music for the ceremony and chairs were rented for the families attendance. The ushers rolled out the white aisle carpet just before the bride came down the aisle. A friend was the photographer and the lake, gazebo and flowers made a wonderful back drop for pictures. The reception was held at the bride’s family home in the backyard. It has beautiful grass, trees, a brick fire pit and a brick water feature with water fall and pond that her parents designed and built the previous summer. It was a lovely, warm, sunshine afternoon. There was a large white tent with round tables with tablecloths hanging to the ground and white formal dishes with stemware, silverware and beautiful centerpieces. Our son and his family had voluntarily helped serve many banquets at church in the past. Because their church is large, they have two chefs on staff. When these two men learned of the wedding, they told our son they would make the food for the wedding (for free) and then three couples from their adult Sunday School class offered to serve the food for the sit down dinner. They showed up wearing black pants and white long sleeved shirts. It was a wonderful event with very little money spent. The rest of their story is that the groom has three years of schooling left and then he will have his Doctorate in Chemical Engineering and she will have her Masters in Psychology in December. She has been working with autistic children for over a year. These autistic children are too severe to attend public school. She enjoys this

Page 17

job very much. For those of you who have grandchildren, the weddings will come one after another. Are you wondering what to give as gifts? The days of the doilies are gone. Not many people embroider on dishtowels any more either. As a grandma, I have a couple of gift ideas that will help them remember you. I actually did this the first year my granddaughter was married, but you could use my suggestion, to get started ahead, if they are still in high school or college. During my granddaughter’s first year of marriage I would send her a package near an up-coming holiday. I had been buying cute holiday knickknacks at garage sales, consignment stores, second hand stores and day after a holiday purchases at half price. I sent each surprise box just before Valentine’s Day, St Patrick’s Day, Easter, Fourth of July, Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas. I only bought items that were cute and looked new. Maybe you want to downsize your own decorations. I had a friend who knew what her daughter might like and purchased all the lights and decorations for a Christmas tree right after Christmas for half price. She gave her daughter this gift at the bridal shower in February. The daughter was delighted. Another gift idea is to purchase a yard of material with a holiday design. For those of you with a sewing machine, it is easy to sew a hem on the edge. I have many of these seasonal patterned one yard tablecloths and can always make my kitchen look festive with a colorful tablecloth and a colorful seasonal knick-knack. Have fun decorating!

Fruit Pizza

Buy one roll of sugar cookie dough. If you are making many, make your own sugar cookie dough. Using a round pizza tin, cut dough into slices and lay the slices beside each other pinching the dough together to form one large cookie Bake: 350 for 12 minutes – then cool Frosting: Mix with an electric mixer 8 oz. softened cream cheese 1/3 C powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla Prepare fresh fruit- what ever is in season; strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, kiwi, green and purple grapes, cantaloupe & watermelon. Cut them in half or small pieces & decorate. It is fun to do. If you have the fruit ready, your grandchildren age 8+ would enjoy making a smiley face or large 5-point star. Don’t forget...brown sugar won’t get hard if an apple slice is placed in the container


St. Matthew Lutheran Church of Granger, MN

Pancake SuPPer Wednesday September 25, 2013 Serving 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm AdultS - $7 • 12 YeArS & under - $4 preSchool Free

Page 18


Monday, September 23, 2013


In the service

Kyle J. Hermanson Army First Lt. Kyle J. Hermanson won the U.S. Air Force ball coin

design competition. Hermanson is an executive officer assigned to the Bravo Battery 6th Battalion, 52nd Air Defense Artillery at Suown Air Base, South Korea. The first lieutenant has served in the military for four years. He is the son of Brand and Sandy Hermanson of South 12th Street, Montevideo, Minn. His wife Allison, is the daughter of Stanley Fieseler of Grand Street, Chatfield, Minn., and Wendy Zenz of Arbor Drive Northwest, Rochester. Hermanson graduated in 2001 from Perpich Center For Arts Education, Golden Valley, Minn. and earned an associate of arts in 2007 from the Center for Criminal Justice and Law, St. Paul. He also received a bachelor of arts in 2005 from Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

Thank you! The Whalan Taste of the Trail committee would like to thank all the volunteers and participants for helping to make our event in Whalan an overwhelming success. A special thank you to those who provided all the delicious food for sampling! Thank you also to the following sponsors: Aroma Pie Shop, The City of Whalan, Cedar Valley Resort, Doc’s Auto Body and Repair and Eagle Cliff Campground.

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Weddings | Engagements Birthdays | Anniversaries Birth Announcements Special Occasions!

In the service


school is designed to prepare and train officers of all the U.S. military branches of service, foreign military officers, as well as senior civilian officials of federal agencies, to serve in top-level command and staff positions with the U.S. Armed Forces worldwide. Mundfrom is commander assigned to the 774th Civil Support Team at Spring Valley, Minn. The lieutenant colonel has served in the military for David C. Mundfrom 24 years. Army Reserve Lt. Col. David He is the son of Frederick C. Mundfrom has graduated Mundfrom and stepson of from the U.S. Army War Dorothy Rath-Mundfrom of College at Carlisle Barracks, 190th Street, Spring Valley. Carlisle, Pa., and earned a masGarness ~ Ehrhardt ter’s degree in Strategic Studies. Mundfrom received a master of science in 2013 from War Sara Nicole Garness and John The college is the Army’s senior College, Carlisle, Pa. William Ehrhardt are happy to educational institution. announce their engagement and The 10-month curriculum upcoming wedding. of the Army’s senior officer Parents of the bride are Kenneth & Fay Garness of Canton, Minn. Parents of the Soaring High at 85 groom are Carroll Ehrhardt of Richland Center, Wis. and Linda Ehrhardt of Richland Center, Wis. Sara & John both graduated on from WTC La Crosse, Wis. Sara is currently a graphic designer TH Sept. 28 for Courtesy Corporation in Onalaska, Wis. and also works at the Onalaska Country Club. John is currently working for Come celebrate Remember him with Mildred Danielson’s 85th Birthday Brickl Brothers Construction cards mailed to: in West Salem, Wisconsin and Saturday, September 28 1 - 5 pm farms. Chosen Valley Care Center 2359 358th St., Burr Oak, Iowa Their wedding is planned 1102 Liberty Street SE Party to follow—Mabel Legion 7 pm for October 19, 2013 at the Chatfield, MN 55923 No gifts please but bring your favorite Henrytown Lutheran Church With Love From Your Family memory of Mildred to share! rural Canton, Minn.

Charlie McCabe turns


y Birthda h t 5 y p Hap 9th. n Sept 1 o n o t y a , Tr ad, Mom D e v o L ison and Add

Happy 80th Birthday

Happy 28th Anniversary


on the 28th!

John & Gabby

Shirley Jertson

on getting hitched!

on October 1st

Come and help her celebrate her birthday on

Sunday, October 6th 2pm-4pm at Harmony Manor * No Gifts Please

Love, Your Journal Family


Ashley, Brandon, Dillon & Kalen

Happy 14th Birthday Congratulations Kyle & Happy Michelle! Haley!


Love, Peggy

On September 22

September 6, 2013


From Your Co-Workers at the Journal

Cards may be sent to: 445 Main Ave S, Harmony MN

Congratulations Kyle & Michelle!

Love you lots! Grandpa & Grandma Eide

Married on September 6, 2013

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Split Chicken Breast Family Pack

1.49 lb.


Deli Fresh Shaved Meats 7-9 Oz. • Assorted

5 lb.



1.89 lb.


SEASONAL PRODUCE Macintosh Apples 2/$

5 3 lb.

Grocery Items

Pillsbury Moist Supreme Cake Mix 15.25 Oz. • Assorted



Caramel Apples Assorted

99¢ ea.

Locally Grown Butternut, Buttercup, or Acorn Squash

39¢ lb.



Granny Smith Apples $ 49


Creamy Supreme Frosting


Brownie Mix 19.5 Oz. • Assorted



15.6-16 Oz. • Assorted

1.89 lb.


Nestle Toll House Morsels 10-12 Oz. • Assorted



Pam No Stick Cooking Spray 5-6 Oz. • Assorted

2.99 lb.




Boneless Ham Steak $ 59

3 Lb.

10 Oz. • Assorted

13 Oz. • Hillshire Farm


Pork Cube Steak $ 49 Boneless

Pork Cutlets $ 49

3 Lb. • Shurfresh

1/4 Lb. Beef Patties $ 99

Tyson • Boneless, Skinless


Alaskan Pollock Fillets $ 99

Chicken Thighs $ 99

2 Lb.

2 Lb. • Assorted • Jennie-O

16 Oz. • Assorted

12-14 Oz. • Assorted

12-14 Oz.

2 Lb.

1 Lb.

199 4/$ El Monterey Burritos or Chimichangas......... 4 $ 69 Smoked Sausage or Kielbasa Rope.....2 $ 99 Turkey & Gravy in Roasting Pan............3 $ 79 Seafarer Imitation Crab Meat............... 2 $ 99 Johnsonville Bratwurst or Sausage....... 2 $ 99 Old Wisconsin Bratwurst or Wieners......2 $ 99 Midwest Pride Meatballs..................10 $

16 Oz.

IGA Corn Dogs.........................................

5 Lb.

Chairman’s Reserve • Boneless

Beef Eye of Round Steak $ 19

3 Lb.

1 Lb.

Chairman’s Reserve • Boneless

Beef Eye of Round Roast $ 99

2 Lb.

Bakery & Deli

169 $ 79 Pretzilla Pretzel Buns............................... 2 $ 29 Pretzilla Pretzel Bites............................... 2 $ 59 Premium Turkey Breast.......................... 4 Lb. $ 49 Garlic Herb Chicken Breast...................5 Lb. $

6 Count

Sweet P’s Sprinkle Cake Donuts..............

Chairman’s Reserve • Boneless

Beef Tip Sirloin Steak $ 99

4-6 Count • Assorted 13 Count

4 Lb.



Produce 5 Lb.

Russet Potatoes $ 99


Bartlett Pears ¢

99 Lb.


8 Oz.

Giorgio Sliced Mushrooms 2/$


Roma Tomatoes ¢

99 Lb.

8 Oz.

Dole Shredded Lettuce ¢


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139 $ 99 Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing............. 3 ¢ Hunt’s Ketchup......................................99 2/ ¢ McCormick Seasoning Mixes............. 99 ¢ Mexican Style Tomatoes......................79 $ 29 Shurfine Picante Sauce or Salsa.............1 $ 29 Bear Creek Soup Mixes......................... 3 $ 99 Maxwell House Coffee...........................6 $ 39 Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa..............................1 $ 69 Hungry Jack Microwave Syrup............ 2 $ 99 Pancake & Waffle Mix.............................1 $ 69 Kelloggs Pop-Tarts....................................1 $ 99 Nabisco Premium Saltine Crackers........1 $ 69 Hershey’s Bag Candy............................ 3 $ 89 Village Hearth Bagels............................ 2 $ 59 Grandma Alice’s Cottage Bread............1 $ 69 Sara Lee Whole Grain White Bread........2 $

18 Oz. • Assorted

IGA Old Fashioned or Quick Oats..........

12 Count

IGA Taco Shells $ 29

20-24 Oz. • Assorted

24 Oz.


.87-1.5 Oz. • Assorted

10 Oz. • Assorted • Shurfine

16 Oz.

IGA Refried Beans ¢

15.5-16 Oz. • Assorted

9-12.1 Oz. • Assorted


28-30.6 Oz. • Assorted

8-10 Count • Assorted

32 Oz. • Assorted

27.6 Oz. • Assorted

Creamette Pasta $ 99

28-32 Oz. • Assorted • Hungry Jack

9.5-13 Oz. • Assorted

Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies $ 99


8 Count • Assorted


15-15.25 Oz. • Assorted

Del Monte Fruit 2/$

9-16 Oz. • Assorted

11-15 Oz. • Assorted

6 Count • Assorted


20 Oz. • Assorted

20 Oz.

15 Oz. • Hunt’s

7.5 Oz. • Assorted

Original Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce 4/$

Chef Boyardee Pasta in Cups 5/$



12-20 Oz.

IGA Honey Nut Tasteeos, Crispy Rice, Bran Flakes, or Corn Flakes $ 79


14.75-15 Oz. • Assorted

Chef Boyardee Pasta in Sauce 5/$

18-23.5 Oz. • Kelloggs


Raisin Bran or Rice Krispies Cereal $ 49

24 Oz. • Assorted

Hunt’s Pasta Sauce ¢


13-14.5 Oz. • Assorted • Post

Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal $ 69



General Merchandise 3 Boxes

Kleenex Facial Tissue $ 99


Snap & Seal Storage or Freezer Bags $ 79

16.5-18 Lb. • Assorted

Purina Dog Chow $ 99


12-25 Count • Assorted • IGA


8 Oz. • Assorted

Glade Air Freshener Spray ¢


16 Lb. • Assorted

16.6 Lb.

Purina Cat Chow $ 99

Kingsford Briquets $ 99

12 Rolls

6 Oz. • Assorted



Scott Extra Soft Glade Solid Bathroom Tissue Air Freshener $ 99 ¢



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Frozen 10.5-16 Oz. • Assorted • New York Brand

IGA Grated Parmesan Cheese $ 79


12 Inch • Assorted • Bellatoria

Thin or Pan Crust Pizza 2/$

8 Count

Cruz Fajita Flour Tortillas $ 99



12 Inch • Tombstone

16 Oz. • PP $4.19

Kraft American Cheese Singles $ 49

97 Oz.

41 Oz.

Tropicana Orange Juice $ 49


6 Oz. • Assorted




Pepsi & Mountain Dew Products 2/$



24 Pack • Assorted

Kemps Pops $ 99


9-10 Oz. • Assorted

Green Giant Vegetables in Sauce $ 39


Kemps Ice Cream Squares 2/$


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8.75-10.25 Oz. • Assorted

Frito Lay Fritos & Cheetos...............................

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Old Dutch Ripples..........................................

Coca Cola Products 3/$


24 Pack

Aquafina Water $ 99

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12 Oz. • 8 Pack • Assorted

6-12 Pack • Assorted

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8.5-9 Oz. • Assorted

Old Dutch Potato Chips.................................

2 Liter • Assorted

Coca Cola Products 3/$

Rushford Foods • Harmony Foods • Preston Foods

Restaurante Style Tortillas..............................

Pepsi & Mountain Dew Products 2/$ 88



10-13 Oz. • Assorted • Old Dutch

12 Pack • Assorted



8-8.5 Oz. • Assorted

12 Pack • Assorted



8-8.5 Oz. • Assorted

12 Oz. • 8 Pack • Assorted

24 Oz. • 6 Pack • Assorted

Gusto Bello Smart Ones Gelato or Sorbet Classic Favorites $ 99 5/$

56 Oz. • Assorted

Shurfresh Jumbo Cinnamon Rolls $ 79


4.4-10.5 Oz. • Weight Watchers

30 Oz. • Assorted





Banquet Value Meals ¢

5 Count

Shurfine Yogurt 10/$


4.75-10.25 Oz. • Assorted

Shredded or Block Cheese $ 99


59 Oz. • Assorted

Original, Double Top, or Stuffed Crust 2/$ 88

8 Oz. • Assorted • Crystal Farms

Shurfresh Skim Ricotta Cheese $ 79


Kemps Sour Cream $ 19


15 Oz.

Parkay Spread $ 29

8 Oz. • Assorted

Kemps Orange Juice $ 99


7 Oz. • Assorted

Garlic Bread, Sticks Banquet Fruit or Texas Toast or Meat Pot Pies $ 29 5/$

8 Oz.


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Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ten year plan for Preston street maintenance By Karne Reisner Jim Bakken, Public Works, reviewed a detailed 10 year street maintenance schedule at the city council’s September 16 meeting. Councilman David Harrison was absent. Streets have been assigned a numerical rating. Bakken said $45,000 per year is budgeted for street maintenance. He said he expects the cost of services like crack filling and seal coating to continue to increase over the years. The expected 2014 project includes about one-third of the city streets. Most are scheduled for total reconstruction, with just a couple scheduled for mill and overlay and repave. The next larger project for another major street reconstruction is potentially scheduled for 2018. The following years in the 10 year plan would include maintenance only with cost estimates remaining within the $45,000 per year. Bakken said the process of maintenance should begin about six or seven years after the reconstruction of a street. By 2021, about 75 to 80 percent of the city is scheduled to be covered. Wellhead Protection public information meeting Preston adopted a Wellhead Protection Plan in 2003 assisted by the Minnesota Department

of Health (MDH). Pat Bailey, MDH, works at the drinking water protection section out of the Rochester office. The Wellhead Protection Plan has to be formally amended every 10 years as per the federal Safe Water Drinking Act. Bailey noted Preston’s three wells all use the Jordan aquifer. They were considered to have a low vulnerability for contamination 10 years ago and that is still the case today. Bailey said over the next several months they will revisit management strategies. Potential concerns would be if other wells were in the same aquifer or if a business came in and wanted to use the same aquifer for a new well. Other Business In Brief •City Administrator Joe Hoffman explained that he had been approached by two people that owned properties in the floodplain. The one property owner has withdrawn his house from consideration which is located on the floodplain and not the floodway. Hazel Knies has a home on Main Street and is looking at the possibility of selling the house to the city. Half of the house is located in the floodway. The city has acquired three floodway properties so far. Twelve floodway properties

were ranked on an acquisition priority list in 2008. The Knies property is sixth on the list. The council directed the city staff to start the application process. Hoffman noted the grants are competitive. If a FEMA grant was awarded it would pay 75 percent. The DNR would pay 12.5 percent and the last 12.5 percent would be picked up by the city. Hoffman said to get the grant it is necessary to demonstrate repeated flood damage. Hoffman estimated they would need to apply for about $15,000 on top of the EMV which is nearly $95,000. The additional funds would be needed for demolition, removal, and the return of the property to green space. Mayor Kurt Reicks made it clear that if the city did not receive the grant, the city could not buy the property. •A special council meeting was called to take place on September 23 at 5 p.m. It will be combined with part of the EDA meeting to discuss the Hellickson property purchase. City Attorney Dwight Luhmann said he had been instructed on August 5 by the council to negotiate a price for the purchase of the Hellickson house and the Bulk Plant properties. Councilman Robert Maust suggested they wait until after


the EDA meeting on September 23 and see if there is a good plan to bring in the third property. •Maust had requested an additional item be put on the agenda before the agenda was approved. His concern was the amount of funds available to pay the rent ($800) for the National Trout Center. He said the extra $10,000 the council had committed in addition to the original $29,000 had been used up except for about $400. Hoffman said he thought the balance the NTC had on hand was about $10,000. Maust insisted the NTC transfer funds into the city account or pay their bills directly. Luhmann explained that the lease agreement was between the city and the Spanglers, which made the city obligated.

Page 23

A motion was approved to request a transfer of $5,000 from the NTC to the city account to be available to pay bills associated with the NTC. •The payment of bills had been held back out of the consent agenda. A motion was made to pay the bills with the exception of the NTC rent payment of $800. A motion was then made to hold the $800 check until funds were received from the NTC. •The 100 West block of Main Street will be closed to vehicle traffic on Saturday, September 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for the Kid’s Health and Safety Day. •The League of Minnesota Cities annual membership for 2014 was approved with a membership fee of $1,358.

Barn Dance September 28 at the Old Utica School House. Hosted by The Misty Mountain Boys. 5-6:00 pm, Live Music by The Misty Mountain Boys. 6-7:15 pm, Square Dances, Line Dances, and more. 7:15 pm, Refreshments will be provided. 7:45 pm on, Dancing. Free Admission! (Donations will be accepted to help fund this event). Dance calling by Pop Wagner. At the Old School House in Utica, MN, 0.2 miles off of Hwy 14, on S. Center St. Visit www.themistymountainboys.com for more info.

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Page 24


Monday, September 23, 2013

The FCJ reaches over 12,000 household each week.

SpectaculAir at Rushford, MN promises to be spectacular The Rushford Municipal Airport at Rushford, Minn., presents the first-ever SpectaculAir air show, September 27 and 28, 2013, at the airport. The event, sponsored by the City of

The Fillmore County Journal publishes engagement announcements free of charge. Send your announcement and photo to news@fillmorecountyjournal.com

Rushford, Mead & Hunt, Inc., and approximately a dozen local businesses features two aerobatic performance shows featuring Dick Schulz, Erik Edgren, and Darrell Massman, a professional parachute demonstration team, as well as live music, static displays, vendors, and food concessions. According to Carolyn Dunham, airport commissioner and event co-chair, “This is a great opportunity to showcase our airport and to show off our facilities to folks who may not have ever been out here, as well as to have some great family fun with the entire community and region. There is great potential here to link our growing business community with the outside world through air transport and visiting pilots and tourists the year around.” Charla Miertschin, Rushford

Airport Commission chair and event co-chair, adds, “SpectaculAir will bring together visitors from our community and the region at-large, volunteer groups and individuals, and supporters from the region. We have three spectacular performers and a professional parachute demonstration team that will entertain spectators, young and old alike – showcasing and building excitement in aviation.” Recent successful 2013 events held at the Rushford Municipal Airport include Jumps for Hope, a tandem skydiving fundraising event for cancer drew 115 jumpers from the community and region in late June. In mid-July, 47 planes with their pilots and crews attended a fly-in breakfast sponsored by the local Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 919. SpectaculAir events kick off on

Friday with presentations by the aerobatic pilots at the RushfordPeterson school campuses followed by a teaser of aerobatic flying over Peterson and Rushford to drum up enthusiasm for the upcoming air show. Airport grounds open on Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Visitors can view the various static displays and vendors around the airport and enjoy live music by the Cedar Valley Blue Grass Band. A brats and dogs lunch will be served at midday. The first aerobatic show begins at noon and the second follows at 3 p.m. Details about CRW Demos •http://crwdemos.com/ Details about Dick Schulz •http:// www.dickschulzairshows.com/) Details about Erik •http://erikedgrenairshows.com/ About.html Details about Darrel Massman •http://stevenspointairshow.com/ page2.php SpectaculAir appreciates the generous support of our sponsors: City of Rushford, Mead & Hunt Inc., Rushford Foods, WonderInk Printing, Rushford State Bank, Westside Skydivers, The Creamery/Nordic Lanes, Famers Co-op Elevator, Southeastern Minnesota Historic Bluff Country Inc., K & A Coatings, Stumpy’s Restaurant and Bar, Rushford Area

Chamber of Commerce, Windswept Inn, Ace Communications, Butch Johnson Insurance, Linda Horihan Agency, EAA Chapter 919, Rushford Lions Club, Dahl’s Auto Works, Rushford American Legion Post 94, Tri-County Publishing/Bluff Country Newspaper Group. Because of very limited parking at the airport, those attending SpectaculAir are encouraged to park at Creekside Park (Hwy 43 South/North Mill Street) in Rushford and take a free shuttle bus to the airport. Buses will run to and from the airport at regular intervals between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. Spectators are asked to bring their own lawn chairs and blankets for seating for the shows, but are asked to leave their pets at home. Admission to SpectaculAir is $5 per person over the age of 12; children 12 and under are free. Visitors who wish to fly in to attend SpectaculAir may do so Saturday morning. The airport will be closed from 11:30 a.m. until approximately 4:30 p.m. CDT. For more information about SpectaculAir or any of the events during the weekend please call Carolyn Dunham at 507.458.4938, Charla Miertschin at 507.459.1933, or Mike Thern at 507.864.2705.

Ann and Jim O’Connor share their stalk of corn boasting five ears in front of Preston Dairy & Farm. A normal stalk of corn has 1 - 2 ears. Photo Submitted by Ann O’Connor

seVen bridGes pottery

Meadowfest saturday, septeMber 28 - 10am-5pm sunday, septeMber 29 - 10am-4pm Visit seven bridges pottery’s Valley studio

Handmade stoneware pottery

Jean Colette’s silk scarves & ties, silverwynd soaps & Lotions by doris Henderson, darrell’s stained Glass, Mary rouse’s baskets, twyla thorson’s quilted & hand-painted art works, Chair massages by tahira darling, Music saturday 11-1pm by Vinegar Hill. Homemade treats, our famous Hummus, wood oven baked focaccia, Clay play for Kids! As always it’s a family day, come rain or shine we’re on Chisholm road which goes south off Hwy 16 about halfway between Houston & rushford. watch for signs or call for directions

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Page 26


Monday, September 23, 2013

Chatfield details school district emergency plans By Mitchell Walbridge Chatfield School Board members met on Monday, September 16, which has been the first meeting since the beginning of the new school year. All board members were present for the meeting along with Superintendent Harris, Principal Randy Paulson, and staff representatives Elissa Johnsrud and Kristy Cook who were there to speak on technology integration. One of the district’s teachers, Adam Archer, made a statement before the board, thanking them for their support as he has just returned from spending two years as a volunteer in Tanzania. The board had granted Archer a two year leave of absence.

Principal Randy Paulson commented that the high school has had a very smooth start to the school year. All students have handed in their updated handbook agreements. Also in the high school, the Chatfield Student Senate is planning homecoming activities. Superintendent Harris stated that enrollment is up slightly this year compared to the 2012-2013 school year. In September of 2012, the district had a total of 911 students, and the district currently has an enrollment of 921. Superintendent Harris also explained to the board that he has been completing an updated Emergency Resources plan which consists of a group

titled the District Crisis Team. The detailed plan lists how each type of possible emergency that could threaten the school should be handled. Administrators can control the district’s doors, phones, cameras, and skywarn system all from offsite locations. In consent items the board approved the hiring of high school custodian Dave Ahern. In new business the board approved fundraisers, certified the projected levy payable SY2014 with the maximum amount in all areas. Even with maximum amounts in all areas, the levy amounts decreased by 8 percent from last year, which should lower taxes. Finally, the board approved a technology coordinator contract. The next regular monthly school board meeting is October 21, 2013 at 7 p.m. in the Chatfield High School Media Center.

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Fillmore County District Court Dellroy James Tienter, 69, of Spring Valley, Minn., appeared in Fillmore County Court on September 9, 2013 for one alleged count Terroristic Threats- Reckless Disregard Risk which carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment, fines of $10,000, or both. Tienter also faces on alleged count of Assault - 5th Degree Fear of Bodily Harm or Death and one alleged count of Disorderly conduct - Offensive/ Abusive/Noisy/Obscene. Both of these charges carry penalties of 90 days imprisonment, fines of $1,000, or both. Edward Gary Kearns, 41, of Rochester, Minn., was sentenced on September 9, 2013 for one count Receiving Stolen Property. Kearns was sentenced to the St. Cloud Correctional Facility for 22 months and was ordered to pay restitution totaling $18,051.43. Kayla Marie Block, 26, of Rushford, Minn., appeared in Fillmore County Court on September 11, 2013 for one alleged count Burglary - 1st Degree - Dwelling - Occupied Non-Accomplice Present and one alleged count of Burglary - 1st Degree - Assault Person In Building/On Property, both charges carry a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment, fines of $17,500, or both. Block also faces one alleged count Burglary - 2nd Degree - Dwelling which carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment, fines of $10,000, or both, one alleged count of Burglary - 3rd Degree - Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misdemeanor which carries a maximum penalty of 2 1/2 years imprisonment, fines of $5,000, or both, one alleged count of Burglary - 4th Degree which carries a maximum penalty of 6 months imprisonment, fines of $1,500, or both. Block also faces four misdemeanor level charges which include one alleged count Domestic Assault - Misdemeanor - Intentionally Inflicts/ Attempts to Inflict Bodily

Harm, one alleged count Damage to Property - 4th Degree - Intentional Damage - Other Circumstances, one alleged count Disorderly Conduct - Brawling or Fighting, and one alleged count Disorderly Conduct - Offensive/Abusive/ Noisy/Obscene, all of which carry maximum penalties of 90 days imprisonment, fines of $1,000, or both. Sonny Ray Juday, 30, of Spring Valley, Minn. appeared in Fillmore County Court on September 16, 2013 for one alleged count Terroristic Threats - Reckless Disregard Risk which carries a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment, fines of $10,000, or both. Juday also faces one alleged count of Domestic Assault Gross Misdemeanor - Subsequent Violation which carries a maximum penalty of one year imprisonment, fines of $3,000, or both. Juday also faces three misdemeanor charges including one alleged count of Domestic Assault - Misdemeanor - Commits Act With Intent to Cause Fear of Immediate Bodily Harm or Death, one alleged count Assault - 5th Degree - Fear of Bodily Harm or Death, and one alleged count Disorderly Conduct - Offensive/Abusive/ Noisty/Obscene. All of these charges carry maximum penalties of 90 days imprisonment, fines of $1,000, or both. Jeremy David Wood, 18, of Harmony, Minn., appeared in a plea hearing on September 18, 2013 for one alleged count Assault - 2nd Degree - Dangerous Weapon which carries a maximum penalty of seven years imprisonment, fines of $14,000, or both. Wood also faces one alleged count of Assault - 5th Degree - Inflict or Attempt Bodily Harm and one alleged count Disorderly Conduct - Brawling or Fighting. Both of these charges carry maximum penalties of 90 days imprisonment, fines of $1,000, or both.


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Share your thoughts at www.fillmorecountyjournal.com

Houston Interim Superintendent resigns By Angie Rodenburg Houston Public Schools held a school board meeting on Tuesday, September 17. At the meeting, Krin Abraham presented the Annual Report on Curriculum, Instruction, and Student Achievement for the 2012-2013 school year. The Annual Report is required by the Minnesota Department of Education and must be approved prior to October 1. There will also be a public meeting held to present the final report. A date has not yet been set for the meeting. Justin Treptow and Cody Mathers also presented an update on the Minnesota Virtual Acad-

Norwegian Buffet Vaer Sa god


September 25, 2013 Scheie Lutheran Church Mabel, Minnesota

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emy 2013-2014 school year launch. They compared the number of major incidents and site downtime with the 20122013 school year. The 20122013 school year had five major incidents, resulting in 693 minutes of downtime; whereas this school year has had no major incidents and zero minutes of downtime. Treptow and Mathers were very pleased to report such a successful launch and hope to have as few incidents as possible this school year. At the meeting Interim Superintendent Bartleson turned in his resignation. Bartleson has decided to spend more time caring for his wife, who has stage 4 cancer. The board accepted his resignation. Bartleson’s last day will be October 31, with hopes that a new superintendent will be able to start on November 1. This gives the board six weeks to discuss the position (full-time or part-time), advertise, utilize a screening committee, go through the interview process, hold final interviews, select a candidate, and negotiate their contract. It will certainly be a busy month and a half for the Houston School Board. The next school board meeting will be held on October 1, 2013 at the Houston High School library at 5:30 p.m.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Recycling 101 By LaVerne C. Paulson, Recycling Education Coordinator Days are getting shorter. Nights are getting cooler. Leaves are starting to change color. Birds and butterflies are beginning to migrate south. Autumn is upon us once again, and with it comes the long-awaited Fall Household H a z a r d o u s LaVerne C. Paulson Waste Day. The first Tuesday of October, October 1, the Fillmore County Resource Recovery Center will be accepting most of your household hazardous waste, free of charge, as in the past. If you miss this day, it will be six months before the next HHW day in Fillmore County. With that in mind, it is time to collect all that nasty stuff that has been lurking about in cupboards, closets, garages, and sheds. If you no longer have need of some possibly dangerous substance, or perhaps too much of it, bring it to us and we will dispose of it properly. This stuff is not meant to be burned, dropped into a trout stream, buried in a ditch somewhere, or deposited in one of our numerous sink holes. What these substances contain does not belong in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the fish we eat, or the soil in which we grow food.

500 Scholarship Offered!


Are you an aspiring writer? Are you graduating from a Fillmore County high school in 2014? This might be the PERFECT opportunity for you! The Fillmore County Journal is offering a scholarship program for juniors and seniors of Fillmore County area schools in conjunction with the annual Fillmore County Journal Writing Project. Students will be selected from area high schools to write for the Journal Writing Project. The Journal Writing Project will be on a rotational basis with all selected students contributing written content for the Journal in print and online throughout the 2013/2014 school year. Students will be paid $15 per completed weekly project. At the end of the 2013/2014 school year, one student will be selected from the Journal student writers to receive a $500 scholarship to be put towards his or her continuing education. To apply for this writing opportunity and scholarship, prospective participants should complete a scholarship application and meet eligibility requirements which are available at the Fillmore County Journal office in Preston, Minn., or online as a downloadable PDF at www.fillmorecountyjournal.com. Completed applications should be submitted no later than the deadline of October 31, 2013.

If you have any questions, please contact Jason Sethre at 507-765-2151 or jason@fillmorecountyjournal.com.

Partially filled aerosol cans, oven cleaners, antifreeze, lawn care products, bug killers, weed killers, all forms of rodent poison, motor oil, outdated fuel (gasoline and diesel), adhesives, and tar are just some of the household wastes that will be accepted. As usual, most painting and varnishing materials will make up a majority of the waste. A more complete list of items will be published in a HHW Day notice in this newspaper. There are still some mercury thermometers hiding in medicine cabinets throughout the county. Bring them to us and we will reward you with a brand new, never been used, digital model that is much safer, and a lot easier to use. This is also an excellent time to get rid of all those hearing aid batteries, watch batteries, and all rechargeable batteries that no longer work and you have been waiting to get rid of them. Rechargeable batteries are accepted

Page 27

at the Resource Recovery Center throughout the year. You don’t have to wait for HHW day to make this donation. If you have a neighbor or two who cannot attend this event, check with them to see if they have any HHW items that need to be disposed and bring them along with yours. They need to get this stuff out of their house. That is why we call these materials hazardous. There will be the usual charge for tube lights, CFLs, ballast, tires, appliances, and e-waste, but this may be an excellent time to get rid of these things as well. Only household waste will be accepted. Agricultural chemicals, explosives, medical waste, business waste, and radioactive waste will not be accepted. The October Household Hazardous Waste Day at the Fillmore County Resource Recovery Center in Preston, Minn. will begin at noon on October 1, and remain open until 5 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the RRC at (507)765-4704.


The secretary of Preston Dairy & Farm Assn. gives notice that the annual meeting of the association will be held the 24TH day of September, 2013. Supper is at 7:30pm and the meeting begins at 8:30pm at the Preston Servicemen’s Club in Preston, MN for the purpose of electing two (2) directors and any other business that may properly come before the meeting. Lynn Staupe, Secretary

Page 28


Monday, September 23, 2013

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Ceremony honors soldiers killed in 1862 Dakota War By Joe Chase On Sunday, August 25, Chatfield Mayor Russell Smith and four others from Chatfield (Joel and Andrew Young, Michael Martin and myself) attended a memorial service at the cemetery at Fort Ridgely State Park, near Fairfax, Minn. It was an event organized by Minnesota’s Civil War Commemoration Task Force to remember soldiers and settlers killed Judge Joseph P. Chase during the U.S. Dakota War of 1862. That tragic chapter in Minnesota history began on August 18, 1862, and soldiers from Chatfield and Preston, Minn. were quickly caught up in it. Company B of the 5th Minnesota Infantry Regiment was the garrison that summer at Fort Ridgely, a U.S. army post 150 miles west of Chatfield. Company B was an almost-all Fillmore County outfit. Twothirds of the company’s 85 men and boys were from Chatfield. When word reached the fort that the Dakota had attacked the Lower Sioux Agency that morning, Captain John Marsh immediately marched for the agency, 12 miles away, with 46 of his men and civilian interpreter John Quinn. At about noon that day they were ambushed by the Dakota at the Minnesota River

crossing called Redwood Ferry. Marsh, Quinn and half the command were killed. Fourteen of the dead soldiers, including 16 yearold Charles French, were from Chatfield. Back at Fort Ridgely the officer left in command was 19 year-old second lieutenant Tom Gere, of Chatfield—and he was ill with the mumps. Three hundred civilian refugees fleeing the Dakota took shelter that day and night at Fort Ridgely. The survivors of Captain Marsh’s command limped back to the fort. That night, Gere dispatched a rider, Corporal William Sturgis of Chatfield, with a message for Governor Ramsey, the first word state officials would receive that a war had begun on the Minnesota prairie. Before last month’s ceremony at the fort cemetery, Mayor Smith’s group went to the battle ground at Redwood Ferry. Today, getting to the site on the east bank of the river where Captain Marsh and his men were surprised by Dakota warriors still means crossing a mile of river bottom on a dirt wagon track bordered by shoulder-high grass. The battle ground, outside today’s town of Morton, Minn., is on private property now owned by John Simmons. His family has owned the property since the 1860’s, and Mr. Simmons is accommodating to the handful of visitors who each year show up at his house beside State Highway 19, asking to see Redwood Ferry. The battle site, in the thicket of trees at the river’s edge,

is marked by a granite monument placed there by the State of Minnesota, bearing the names of the 24 soldiers and civilian interpreter Quinn who fell there. One hundred fifty-one years ago, at this quiet location, the farm boys and store clerks of Company B, led by a lawyer-turned-soldier, suddenly and unexpectedly found themselves under fire and at war. Some fell without themselves ever firing a shot. From Redwood Ferry we drove back to Fort Ridgely State Park and toured the historic site. It was here, on August 20 and again on August 22, 1862, that the Dakota, led by Chief Little Crow, attacked and came close to overrunning the fort’s outnumbered defenders, before being driven back by the fort’s artillery. One month later the Dakota War was over. An estimated 450-800 white soldiers and settlers and an unknown number of Dakota were dead. Thirty-eight Dakota men convicted of war crimes in questionable trials were hanged in Mankato, Minn. on the day after Christmas, 1862. Within a year the surviving noncombatant Dakota people in government custody were forcibly moved to a reservation in Dakota Territory, most never to return to their ancestral homeland. Mayor Smith and our small Chatfield delegation had traveled to the fort to witness the ceremony held at the outdoor amphitheatre adjacent to the fort cemetery. The day was sunny and warm, bordering on hot—not

unlike August 18, 1862. Speakers included State Representative Dean Urdahl (a former history teacher, published author and authority on the Dakota War), Minnesota Secretary of State Mark Ritchie, and recently retired Historic Forestville site supervisor John Grabko, who spoke specifically about the Fillmore County soldiers who fell at Redwood Ferry. The bodies of the soldiers who died at Redwood Ferry were temporarily interred on the battlefield when the army was able to return to the site 13 days after the fight. Eventually the remains were moved to the fort cemetery, where they now rest beneath a marble obelisk—officially the Captain John S. Marsh State Monument—their names carved in the white stone. The monument was authorized by state statute in 1873 and was the first ever erected by the State of Minnesota. The hour-long ceremony concluded with a reading of the soldiers’ names, and Mayor Smith’s

placement of a wreath and 25 commemorative flags at the Marsh monument. The blue ribbon on the large wreath of red and white carnations, prepared by Chatfield’s Chris Grutzmacher, read: “Fourteen of Chatfield’s Sons,” and carried the 5 B cap insignia of Company B, 5th Regiment. The Chatfield soldiers who fell at Redwood Ferry were: Russell Findley, Joseph Besse, Solon Trescott, Charles French, John Holmes, Wenzel Kusda, Nathaniel Pitcher, Wenzel Norton, Moses Parks, John Parks, Harrison Phillips, John Parsley, Nathan Stewart, and Charles Smith. About the memorial ceremony, Mayor Smith said: “When I heard about this event, I knew Chatfield needed to be there. It was an honor to represent Chatfield in the commemoration of the heroism and sacrifice of these young men. This is an important piece of our history as a community. They lived and died a long time ago and now rest in a distant cemetery. But they were our boys and always will be. We will not forget them here in their home town.”


22390 County Rd. 15, (Yucatan), Houston, MNZenke

SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, 2013 9:30 AM

DIRECTIONS: Approx. 12 miles SW of Houston State 76, to County 4, to County 15, Watch for auction arrows.

NOTE: Duane has bought a house in Houston and is selling his like new tractor, tools, equipment at public auction. We will start with small items and be on tractor, machinery at approx. 11:30. View many pictures online at www.ZenkeAuctionRealty.com TRACTORS, FARM RELATED EQUIPMENT: 2007 McCormick CX105, 4wd, cab, a/c, radio, 3-pt dual hyd, 540 & 1000 rpm, sells w/Westendorf TA-26 plus hyd. loader, 989 hrs; Farmall Super H, nf, good cond; 2012 Rhino, 3-pt, 6’ brush mower; 2011 Rhino model SE-10A, 10’ pull type brush mower; Bison model NVH 270, 3-pt blade, hyd angle; Westendorf 10’ snow pusher; 3-pt hyd log splitter; Farm Fans model AB-8B batch grain dryer w/auger; To Be Moved by Buyer-approx. 3,000-bu. grain bin; 425-gal poly tank; (2) 3-pt bale movers; (2) Westendorf hyd brush clamps; loader mount bale spear; 120-gal & 550-gal fuel barrels w/elec pumps; pile wood fence posts; several sets tractor chains; set pallet forks, fit tractor loader; (3) Fimco 12-volt sprayers; 3-pt trailer hitch w/ball; front weights for JD tractor; 2013 H&H 20’ trailer, dove tail, w/ramps (new); (2) JD hyd cylinders; small pile lumber. GENERATORS, TOOLS, MISC: Tahoe TI 10000 LXI, 10000-watt generator, gas; Tahoe TI 7000 LXR generator, dsl; North Star 5500-ppg generator, Honda engine, needs carb work; Master 3000 generator, Honda engine; Tahoe GP, 3” trash pump, gas engine (never used); Hitachi twin cylinder port. air compressor w/Honda engine; DeWalt DW-744 10” table saw; B&D cordless tool set; Skil elec drill; Clark turbo weld model 150EN; Forney F225 welder; Lincoln AC-225 arc welder; Delta 15” scroll saw; DeWalt elec chop saw; Delta 10” miter saw; (2) cable come-a-longs; Delta shop master drill press; Ryobi cordless set; TruCraft socket set up to 2”; Jonsered models CS7121 & 2040 chain saws; Remington 14” elec chain saw; chain saw sharpener; (2) cable come-a-longs; Geyser sump pump; knife sharpener; Mantis tiller; anvil; several clevis; LP heater; floor jack; several log chains; (2) chain binders; tie down straps; several piano hinges; stake driver, malls, axe, shovels; handy man jack; several wrench sets; misc wrenches/tools; (2) BB guns; True back bar cooler, SS top, double door; hyd press w/20-ton jack; ATV 1500-lb jack; snowmobile trailer; misc. HOUSEHOLD, COLLECTIBLE: Old youth bed, engraved in head board; drop leaf table w/2-leaves; dresser w/ oval mirror; piano bench; old school desks; chest of drawers; leather recliner; china hutch; sofa; (5) bar stools; nail keg; patio furniture; misc flower pots; upright freezer; small vacuum; (2) older sleds pull behind snowmobile; buck saw; cross-cut saw; (2) hand drills; (2) hand corn planters; many lawn ornaments homemade by Bonnie Peterson; pile dry fire wood; Weber grill; Easter & Christmas décor; many home décor items & misc knick knacks. HORSE RELATED: (6) Western saddles, (1) youth, (3) made by Triple C Saddlery; saddle rack; maic halters, lead ropes; (2) horse mangers; misc neck yokes, eveners. AUCTION TERMS: Cash or good check day of auction. Credit Card has 3.5% Convenience Fee. Announcements made day of auction take precedence over any printed matter. All equipment sold AS-IS, WHERE IS. REGISTERED MN AUCTIONEERS: Hoyt Zenke, Andy Burke, Elliott Wieser CLERK: Zenke Auction & Realty, Inc., 11511 State Hwy. 44, Caledonia, MN www.ZenkeAuctionRealty.com

The wreath shown above is in honor of Chatfield’s soldiers killed in the 1862 Dakota War. Photo submitted Antiques • tools • HouseHold

A u c t i o n

Lunch by Gleasons

sunday, september 29, 2013 - 9:00am Sale to be conducted at the

spring Valley sales Auction Building 412 east Park street, spring Valley, Mn

AUCTIONEER NOTE: We will be selling a large selection of furniture, antiques, collectibles, tools and household items from 2 estates and 3 parties downsizing. Don’t Miss This Auction!

Selling 2 Rings - All Day

12-14 Hayracks of Smalls 4 hayracks of shop and woodworking tools For more info contact auction company www.springvalleysales.com or auctionsgo.com

sAle ArrAnged And conducted By sPring VAlley sAles coMPAny

Auctioneers: Dick Schwade Lic. 23-10018, 507-346-2183 or 7834, Cell 507-251-7313; Tom Jasper 50-113, 507-251-7654; Kevin Grabau 23-91, 507-951-1478 ringMAn: Bob Root, Roger Becker clerk: Spring Valley Sales - Fax 507-346-2163. AnnounceMents dAy of tAke Precedence oVer Any AdVertised or Pre-Printed MAteriAl All of tHe ABoVe MercHAndise is selling As is, wHere is, witH no wArrAnty. terMs: cAsH or good cHeck dAy of sAle. notHing to Be reMoVed until settled for. not resPonsiBle for Accidents or MercHAndise After sold. PleAse Bring ProPer identificAtion.

AccePting MAjor credit cArds. • sAles tAx cHArged wHere APPlicABle.

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Page 29

Rushford Village continues commission and ordinance discussion By Kirsten Zoellner The City of Rushford Village does not currently have a Planning and Zoning Commission and that is creating an issue according to City Attorney Tom Manion. “What you have is loose. You’re just going around and around. The city currently operates planning and zoning by statute. It states, ‘The city shall be board of adjustment in absence of planning and zoning commission.’ It’s been suggested, however, that the city have the commission identified as such, established by ordinance. Using a League of Minnesota Cities template, Manion and the city have worked to tweak a definition of the Planning and Zoning Commission for their needs, merging the current zoning board into a joint entity. If adopted, the

five-member commission will be in place to provide input on a comprehensive plan, as well as for reviews and recommendations to the city. Jon Petit would continue as zoning administrator, conducting all field work for the commission, such as the issuance of permits. The city intends to continue review of both the current statute and the league document to combine the two into what suits the needs of the city. The city is also in need of updates to several ordinances, per Manion, including those related to animal and fence issues, which have arisen lately. The council has been working through ordinance language to further define what will be ultimately enforceable. “It’s so much better than what

you had before, which wasn’t much,” noted Manion. In regards to animal control, the council has debated several defining factors, such as nuisance barking and dangerous animal standards. Now, items such as the number and type of animals, including exotics, in R1 and R2 zoning, are coming up. “We’re getting too close in regulations, stepping in too far,” cautioned Councilor Dennis Overland. “I don’t want to be accused of it when I don’t like it.” Other key issues are how to handle known violations if no complaints are made and who will enforce the new ordinance. “We’re stacking the deck against ourselves if there’s not someone out there enforcing,” added Councilor Gordon Johnson. “It’s a good document,” noted zoning board member Glen Kopperud. “I suggest you accept it and fine tune it later.” The new ordinance was passed 4-to-1 with Councilor Overland objecting. The discussion on what language is appropriate continued with the fence ordinance. “As it is stated now, it can be on or up to the property line with a discussion with the abutting neighbor.” “It’s your property. If you’ve got a permit, you’re good to go,”

added Mayor Dale Schwanke. “But if you’re never going to say ‘no,’ what good is it?” asked Manion. “The standards are there so you’re not leaving it up to the neighbors to duke it out.” The idea for including neighbor discussion was to encourage good communication, but Kopperud argued that the ordinance be changed to say only ‘up to’ to the property line and to leave out the term, ‘discussion.’ “That’s just legislating good will,” he added. I expect to have them communicate before it’s happened,” said Petit. “That’s why we took out ‘agreement.’” “It puts you in the middle unnecessarily,” added Manion. “You’re trying to keep neighbor relations working, but it sets you up. It’s not good what you have.” “We know what we want

Pet of the Week


it to say, it’s just a matter of words and clarification,” noted Johnson. An issue with water runoff has also been at the forefront of council discussion. Two instances of problems in the Village have been brought to the council’s attention for review. According to Schwanke, he believes the issue is one for Fillmore County Soil and Water. In at least one of the issues, a permit was required from the DNR for land alterations. “You have no business interceding,” said Manion. “It’s a private negotiation between land owners. It’s something to stay out of. If you try to referee, you’re going to have problems.” The meeting was continued until Tuesday, October 1, at 7 p.m., at City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend. Chihuahua Terrier Mix

I, Tula, love to play with other dogs and kids. I am shy at first and need just a little time to warm up, but after that I love receiving attention. I do currently play with my foster brother and the kids in the home. I’m very playful but I also love to cuddle! I also enjoy a nap anywhere soft even my kennel, which I sleep in at night because I’m going through puppy pad to outside training (it’s going good). I love to chew but I get bones daily to help me not to chew on other stuff. For more information on adopting Tula visit our website: www.smalldogsminnesota.org Small Dog rescue of Minnesota 3853 Columbus Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55407 www.smalldogsminnesota.org.

Fillmore County HouseHold Hazardous Waste ColleCtion tuesday, october 1, 2013 one day only!

noon to 5:00 pm

resource recovery center, preston Early drop-offs are illegal and will not be accepted!!!

examples of Household products accepted Aerosol Cans All types of paint Bug Sprays Oven cleaners Paint thinner Floor care products Degreasers Poisons Antifreeze Lawn care products Garden & flower products

Wood preservatives Roofing tar Battery acid Gasoline & diesel fuel Adhesives Lighter fluid Swimming pool chemicals Moth balls Car care products Epoxy & glues Stains & varnishes

items not accepted during this collection Agricultural chemicals Explosives Medical waste

Business waste Radioactive waste Empty cans

During this collection only there will be a program that will allow you to exchange all your mercury thermometers for one new digital thermometer.

Help your neigHbors and friends and eitHer car pool or bring tHeir waste along witH yours. please bring waste in non-returnable containers or boxes for faster unloading.

for more information, contact tHe fillmore county resource recovery center 507-765-4704.

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, September 23, 2013


Page 31

CALENDAR OF EVENTS TUESDAY, SEPT. 24 •SEMCAC Senior Dining Bingo, 11am, Rushford Tenborg Center.* •Knit it Together, 3:30-4:30pm, Preston Public Library. Knitting for all levels. For fundraiser info, call 507-867-3583.* •Bluff Country Toastmasters meet, 5:30pm, Spring Valley Public Library.* •Chatfield AA meets, 7:30pm in the Pio­neer Presbyterian Church, 206 Fillmore St., Chatfield.* •AA Closed Meeting, 8pm, Presbyterian Church, Mill St., Rushford.*

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25 •Spring Valley Area Foodshelf, 2-4pm, 1300 West Tracy Rd., Spring Valley.* •Future Facilities for R-P Schools (FF/RPS) Committee meeting, 5pm, High School Biology Room.

•SEMCAC Senior Dining: John Bernadot performing, 10:3011:30am, Rushford Tenborg Center. Reservations at 507-864-2786. •Story Hour, 11am, Harmony Public Library. No school, no story hour.* •Canton Senior Citizens meet, 1pm for cards and visiting, Canton Community Center.* •Canton Historical Society meeting, 5pm, Canton Community Center. Come join us, looking for members. •Chatfield Brass Band rehearsals, 7pm, Chatfield Elementary Band Room. New members welcome. bcdnarv@aol.com or 507-8673315.* •AA Class “Road’s Journey,” 8pm, 301 E. Franklin St., Spring Valley (a yellow house).*


•Rushford SpectaculAir, Rushford Municipal Airport (55Y). Food, THURSDAY, SEPT. 26 live music, hot air balloon rides, •Free Senior Coffee, 9am, Heritage aerobatic performers. Grove, Harmony.*

•Preston Farmer’s Market, 11am2pm, Parking lot of the trail head on Fillmore St., Preston, MN.* •Chatfield NA meeting, 7:30pm, Pioneer Presbyterian Church, 206 Fillmore St. Chatfield.* •Harmony AA Group, 8pm, Harmony Community Center. For more info call 612-251-3822 or 507-272-2191*


•Steak Sandwich Dinner, 11:30am-2pm, Lanesboro United Methodist Church. Carryouts available. •Fountain AA Group closed meeting, 7:30pm. Fountain Lutheran Church, south Main St. and Highway 52.*

MONDAY, sept. 30 •Community Coffee, 9am, Park Lane Estates, Preston.*

•Public Blood Pressure Clinic, 1-3pm, Fillmore County Public Health, 902 Houston Street NW, Preston, MN.* •TOPS (take off pounds sensibly) Meeting, Spring Valley Care Center Activity Room. Weigh-in from 5:456pm, meeting from 6 to 6:45pm. Questions contact Judy at 507-3462469.*

•Lanesboro Farmers Market, 9-noon, Sylvan Park, Lanesboro, MN.* •Spring Valley Area Foodshelf, 9-11am, 1300 West Tracy Rd., Spring Valley, MN.* •Celebrate the Whalan Town Hall Restoration, Noon-3pm, Whalan Town Hall. Arnold Bradley Band playing and lunch. •Lanesboro AA Group, 8pm, Bethlehem Lutheran Church. For more info, call 507-251-1771 or 765-2518.*

SUNDAY, Sept. 29

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Page 32


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Monday, September 23, 2013


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WE THANK everyone for the 80th birthday cards and gifts. We really enjoyed them. Thanks for the family party Gary, Lory and Tammy. Larry & Ramona Hudson t23- x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WE WANT TO THANK everyone who came to our open house to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary. It was such an honor to have so many friends and family there. Thanks too for the cards & gifts we received. A special thanks to our wonderful family for all the work they did to make it so special. We love you all. Jerry & Dorothy Evenson t23- o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

THE BERRY FAMILY would like to express their sincere thanks for all of the kind words, cards, flowers, phone calls, food, monetary gifts and for simply being there during the loss of Bob. Thank you to Pastor Michael of the Preston United Methodist Church, VFW Post 6893, the pallbearers and the Thauwald Funeral Home for their services. Thank you to the Preston Servicemen’s Club for the facility and wonderful service. Thank you those who prepared, made and served the food. You are truly amazing. Your love, compassion and friendship from all of you will be cherished always. Mark and Nancy Berry Steve Berry Mitch, Brayonna & Paisley Berry Mara Berry t23- x ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Monday, September 23, 2013

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WILL RAISE your bull calves or heifer calves and larger cattle. Call 507-4509419 anytime. f23- x

ANGUS BEEF herd for sale - 21 cows, 2 bulls. Call 507-251-3204. f23,30- o

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FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in the country with heated shop. 507-2596961. e30tfn- o

FARMLAND WANTED. Cropland, Hunting land. Roger D. Johnson Broker Auctioneer MLS & Licensed MN, WI, IL 507-218-1122. e2tfn-o



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Wonderful 3 bedroom home with nicely updated kitchen. Formal dining room plus eat in kitchen. 308 Fillmore St W Nice deck & large screened porch. Spacious upstairs PreSToN with family room. Good sized backyard with alley access to garage. $97,000/$470.75PI/M*







243 Harwood ave., CHaTFIeLD

13686 295TH ave HarMoNy

Ng LIstI 214 N elm St., MabeL


317 W Melby Dr., MabeL

Top-Notch 2 bedroom Ranch home completely redone 3 bedroom Ranch home on quiet street. Open from from top to bottom. Custom Oak hardwood floors. Oak kitchen to vaulted family room with fireplace. Large cabinets in kitchen, center island plus bay window. dining area, LL finished. Att garage, worship area. Master bedroom with walk in closet & full bath. Garage, spacious yard. $115,000/$558.10 PI/M* Patio & storage shed $119,900/$581.88 PI/M* REDUCED 2 story home with good bones and potential. 5 bedroom. 2 car garage. Private setting. Machine shed, pole shed, and barn. Land may be purchased.

Kelsey Fischer Real Estate Agent remax@harmonytel.net Office 507-886-4221

Select Properties



Cute 3 bedroom home with many updates in 2007 including kitchen, bath, siding, windows, shingles and front porch. Main floor bedroom & bath. 2 bedrooms up with large storage room. Deck off kitchen area. Nice lot. $64,500/$313.02 PI/M*


Ng LIstI

150 5TH St. Ne, HarMoNy

Very well cared for 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home on a great lot with mature trees. Open vaulted ceiling in the living, dining & kitchen. Detached super sized one car with heated workshop. $65,000/$315.45 PI/M*


100 First Street S, CaNToN

150 2ND St Ne, HarMoNy 30 3rD ave NW, HarMoNy

2 bedroom home has beautiful oak hardwoods, good sized bedrooms, and lots of closets. Many updates from windows, shingles, light fixtures, painting, shutters and wonderful covered patio (9 x 18) area across the back of house, plus front patio. Super sized 1 car garage.$68,000/$330.01/ PI/M*

Here’s a honey! Nicely laid out home with a welcoming 3 season porch with wonderful windows plus a back covered deck. Main living areas are open & bright with an open staircase leading to 3 nice sized bedrooms with large closets. Det garage and garden space. $67,000/$325.15 PI/M*


Many updates in this home with well laid out space. Large bathroom, main floor laundry & utilities. Family room & living room on main floor offers plenty of room for entertaining. 3 nice bedrooms upstairs and a large 744 sq ft attached garage. Fenced yard is a nice bonus! $69,900/$339.23 PI/M*

312 Preston St. NW, PreSToN

Spacious 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. Large 784 sq ft 2 car heated garage, built in 2004. Updates include siding, windows, furnace, central air in 2003 and water heater in 2004 plus softener. $79,900/$387.76 PI/M*

140 4TH St SW, HarMoNy

301 N robert St., MabeL

Established restaurant & bar. Includes real estate, equipment, and some inventory. Great location on main Hwy with excellent Cropland: 22 Acres +/-, cropland, Section 17 exposure. Property has separate dining area Harmony Township. plus bar/restaurant area full kitchen. Call for details.$120,000

XXX 295TH ave., HarMoNy

3 bedroom, 2 story home on corner lot, Quiet Location, affordably priced and offers an open staircase, hardwood flooring, main floor laundry and central air. Mature trees, on corner lot with generous sized 2 car garage. Easy to view just give us a call! $64,900/$314.96 PI/M*


34869 Fawn Drive, LaNeSboro

Wonderful 4 bedroom ranch with panoramic view 9 ft ceilings, hardwood floors, large windows, gas fire place, an open staircase. Generous sized bedrooms plus LL walkout. 2 Car attached garage. Easy access to Root River Trail. Couldn’t build for this price! $309,900

505 Fillmore ave S, LaNeSboro

1900’s Craftsman Style Home 5 bedroom 2 bathroom home. Formal dining with built-in hutch. Partially finished basement. Great yard plus detached 2 car garage and 1 car garage. $224,000

21980 Cty 20, PreSToN

Move In Ready 3 bedroom home packed with nice features! Custom built oak cabinets, updated windows, finished basement. Attached 1 car garage, great back yard with open countryside views. Greenleafton. $87,500/$424.64 PI/M*

Redu 401 Hillcrest, LaNeSboro A great opportunity to finish the interior to your liking. At the sheet-rocked & wired stage with bathrooms roughed in. Super location This tri-plex offers a wonderful opportunity for a get away or a full time home. $98,500/$478.03 PI/M*

Church Hill School Condos Lanesboro, MN

260 1ST St NW, HarMoNy

Unit 201 offers 2 bedrooms with beautiful high ceilings with an open, bright feel. Large windows let in lots of natural light. The warmth of wood offers yet a neutral décor to welcome your furnishings. $73,000/$354.27 PI/M*


Semi Private back yard! Roomy walk-out ranch home. 3 bedrooms on main floor. Tile & oak hardwood floors and updated eat-in kitchen. Lower level with 2nd kitchen, 3/4 bath, family room and bedroom. Attached 2 car garage. This home is well maintained and has a lot to offer! $120,000/$582.37 PI/M*

10 Ac

560 1ST ave SW, HarMoNy

3 bedroom ranch home. Open floor plan, vaulted ceiling, fireplace, large windows to back yard. Master bedroom, master bath, whirlpool & separate shower. Updated windows, doors, siding. Large yard & Attached 2 car garage. $139,900/$678.94 PI/M*

706 Parkway ave S LaNeSboro

Queen Anne home offers open staircase, wood floors, stain glass, & 3 fireplaces. Front or back covered sitting porch areas to enjoy the lush garden areas. Beautifully decorated & tastefully updated with 3 bedrooms & 3 full baths. $217,700



45742 Cty 29, MabeL

Newer Ranch home custom cabinets, floors, and millwork. Professionally landscaped. Detached multi 4 car garage plus pole shed, & adorable barn. Gardens. Next to Trout Stream & State Land close by. $250,000

207 Minnesota ave W, MabeL

210 Center St. W, HarMoNy

Craftsman Style 3 bedroom 2 story Half acre beautiful lawn. Grand foyer, open staircase, French Doors, Large living room & fireplace. Formal dining with gorgeous built in hutch. Updated kitchen & baths. Att 3 car. $119,000/$577.51 PI/M*


145 2ND ave Se., HarMoNy

Original woodwork,9 ft. ceilings, pillars, decorative moldings, hardwood floors, & original cabinetry. Eat in kitchen, plus a large dining room with 3 season porch. Main floor bedroom & bath. 3 bedrooms, den & full bath up, plus walk up attic that offers other possibilities. $89,900/$436.29 PI/M*

2 bedroom 1920’s bungalow. Nice layout, wood floors, high & high ceilings and nice layout. Walk up attic area has been sheet rocked & offers additional space. Large 3 season front porch.1 car garage. $41,900/$203.34 PI/M*

225 5TH ave Se HarMoNy

Easy to keep 2 bedroom Home. Updated kitchen and bath, plus main floor laundry. Front enclosed 3 season porch adds extra space. 2 car detached garage. Updated doors, windows, & siding. $69,900/$339.23 PI/M*




611 Kenilworth ave S, LaNeSboro

Impeccably maintained 3-story 5 bedroom 4 bathroom home. Many original features & tastefully updated. 2 car attached. Residential/commercial zoning applies plus B&B licensed offers many opportunities. A must see, seller invites your offer! $295,000

*Monthly Principle and Interest Payment based on 5% down/30 year amortization/ 4.57% aPr. Loan guidelines subject to vary per qualifications. Various loan programs offer down payments from 0%-20%.








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$168,900 1005 SUDEN CIRCLE NE, CHATFIELD #4048068

• 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Open layout • 2 Car garage • Great room • Updated kitchen • 0.82 Acre lot • No backyard neighbors • 1,604 sq. ft. on main • Recently finished lower level family room

$169,900 1403 LONE STONE CT. SE, CHATFIELD #4048318

• 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2 Car garage • Large foyer w/ laundry • Solid doors • Deck • Patio • Landscaped • Fenced yard • Erect wall in lower level for 4th bedroom


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CHATFIELD – NEW LISTING - 3.6 acre building site located just off blacktop high on the hill. Within city limits, view, woods & open area. $54,900 CHATFIELD – Fingerson & Donahoe First Subd. Covenant controlled neighborhood with lg cul-de-sac, walk-out lots w/private backyards. Lots starting at $29,900. NEW PRICING AND ADDITIONAL LOTS AVAILABLE! RACINE – Lyman’s Second Subdivision. Located in newer development on cul-de-sac street with city utilities, choice of builder and covenant controlled. Hurry only 3 lots available. Prices starting at $19,900. FOUNTAIN – Large level lot (132’ x 300’) on the corner of a dead end street in an established neighborhood. $19,900



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$229,900 1033 JOHN & MARY DR SE, CHATFIELD #4047693

• 5 Bedrooms • 4 Baths • 3,106 sq. ft. • Walkout • No backyard neighbors • 3 Car garage • Deck • Large foyer • Spacious & open rooms • Fireplace • Mud room • Patio • New roof & carpet throughout


1.9 ACRE


$239,900 #4046312

$254,900 1563 AMCO DR SE, CHATFIELD


• 5 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 3,224 sq. ft. • Open layout • 2 Car garage (1,040 sq. ft.) w/ heated workshop • Main floor living • Gas fireplace • Private backyard • City sewer • Tons of storage • Newer mechanicals

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$124,900 44798 GOODRICH ST, RUSHFORD





SOLD 908 FILLMORE ST SE, CHATFIELD LD• Garage • Appliances • 3 Bedroom • 3 Baths SO 219 4TH ST WEST, EYOTA SOLD 515 FILLMORE ST SE, CHATFIELD SO • 3 Bedrooms • Den • LD 2 Car Garage • Central Air 800 GRAND STREET SE, CHATFIELD O•LD • 4 BedroomsS • 2 Baths Corner Lot • Garage 1307 11TH AVE NE, ROCHESTER

• 2 Bedroom • Private fenced backyard

• 3 Main floor bedrooms plus den • 2 Remodeled baths


#4045969 #4045239

• 4 Bedrooms • 3 Baths • 2 Car garage • Brick exterior • Totally remodeled in 1993 • 10’ ceilings • Original trim • New roof & furnace • 2,974 sq. ft. • Updated windows • Expand in lower level


$94,900 205 MAIN ST, FOUNTAIN


• 3 Bedroom • 2 bath • All appliances • Totally remodeled from the studs in 1992 • Oversized 2 car garage (24’x34’) • Main floor living • Move-in-condition

For more information on these listings and others visit...


• 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2 Car garage • Major addition added in 1993 • Vinyl siding • Appliances • Newer roof • South Rushford • Move-in Condition



• 3 Bedroom (same floor) • 2 bath • 2 car garage • Main floor laundry • Solid doors • Maple cabinets • Master has walk-in closet & ceramic walk-in shower • All new windows, plumbing electrical & flooring




• 3 Bedrooms • 2 baths (Master) • 2 Car garage • 10’ Ceiling • Gas fireplace • Built-ins • Wood floors • Main floor laundry • Open layout • Paneled doors • Everything is new inside • Conveniently located



• 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 2 Car garage • Main floor laundry • Large lot (0.28 ac) • Quiet street • Single family or duplex • Solid 2 story with 2,592 sq. ft.


TOWNHOME LOTS CHATFIELD ORCHARD RIDGE LOTS – BANK OWNED Townhome lots with private backyards (4 walkout, 2 level). This upscale neighborhood is on a paved dead end road with city utilities. Only $20,000/each.



$109,900 #4044129

• 2 Bedroom • 2 Bath • Corner lot • Sunroom • Quality windows • New roof, furnace & central air • Fireplace • Formally Peterson’s Sport Shop


Page 34




ATTN: 29 SERIOUS PEOPLE wanted to work from anywhere using a computer. Up to $1,500-$5,000 PT/FT. www.pticoncepts.com MCAN

For Sale

510 Saint anthony St N, Preston, MN

This unique 3 bedroom home has new floors on main level, new appliances, one car attached garage & one car detached garage, 24’ x 20’ summer house in the backyard, 10’ x 14’ storage building, a large deck, and central air. $86,900

Matt Gehling realty 507-450-3072 • www.MattGehling.com

EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance agents needed; Leads, no cold calls; Commissions paid daily; Lifetime renewals; Complete training; Health/dental insurance. Life license required. Call 888/713-6020 MCAN OTR DRIVERS NEEDED above avg. mileage pay. Avg. 2,500-3,500 miles/wk. 100% no touch. Full benefits w/401K. 12 months CDL/A experience. 888/5459351 ext 13 www.doublejtransport.com MCAN HELP WANTED: Full-time serviceman installation, service work and manuure hauling positions at K&R Equipment. Call 507-268-4425. h23,30- o

allianCe land Co. See Neil FiShbaugher Ph: 507-743-3000 www.allianceland.net for all your Toll-free: 877-367-6184 Email: alliance@acegroup.cc Cell: 507-259-1953 real estate needs. Licensed in Mn, Ia & WI PiloT Mound TownshiP The well known trout run trout sTewarTville 160 acres with 56 acres tillable, balance stream runs thru this hard to find 3 Acres, with 2 bedroom wooded, older building site. Splits available. Borders state home, cabin, 2 garages plus 2 storage sheds. Must see land. Only 9 miles to Rochester. to appreciate. lanesboro 4 wooded acres, 2 L D home, private, SO bedroom wykoff 90 Acres with 30 Acres tillable, Middle Branch scenic valley. of the Root River on property. Cabin-garage combination lanesboro 148 acres with 90 acres tillable, balance OLD building that has electricity and heat. wooded, 2 story, 4 bedroom home.S york TownshiP: 200 acres with 145Ltillable acres lanesboro Holt township, 90 acres with 85 tillable, SO D balance wooded. Great investment property. Fayette soils. PresTon TownshiP: 105 acres, 54 acres tillable, good housTon CounTy 86 acres, 3 bedroom home, attached access. Fayette soils. garage, family room, fireplace, large yard, porch, scenic rushford 278 acres wooded, CRP, tillable. 20’ x 40’ views, this hard to find property was built in 2005 Cabin. Excellent hunting opportunities, many deer stands housTon CounTy 145 wooded acres. Close to Spring LD all ready to hunt from. Private and scenic views. SO Grove. Private, scenic, and excellent hunting.

EMPLOYMENT DRIVERS NEEDED: Truck Drivers needed for a local company in Chatfield. Local hauls only, home every night must have a valid Class A or Class B CDL and a clean driving reccord. Experience preferred in driving dump trucks and end dumps. Competitive wages. Call 507254-2468 for an appointment. h23,30,7o

HORIZON’S PROGRAM LEADER. Horizon’s is a Community Ed program in six communities of Fillmore Co. Funded through an annual grant, it provides opportunities for adults with disabilities to participate in Community Ed classes and activities. Four school district Community Ed programs are members of the Horizon’s program. These districts are: Rushford-Peterson, FillmoreCentral, Chatfield, Kingsland. For a full job description, please contact Lisa Lawston, R-P Schools Community Ed Program Director at 507-864-7065 or via email at lisalawston@r-pschools.com. To obtain application, please visit our website at www.r-pschools.com. h23- o

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for paid training and jobs in clerical, customer service, janitorial and other positions! You must be 55 years of age or older, unemployed and meet income guidelines to be eligible for our program funded by SCSEP funds through the DOL. 507-289-2652 or tollfree at 855-270-9660. No fee. Nonprofit Organization. Equal Opportunity Service Provider. h23- o

ON THE CRUNCHY SIDE in Harmony is hiring: day bartender/serve; night bartender/server; kitchen staff and cook day/ evening. Apply within - ask for Lisa or Miles. h23,30,7,14- o


Brenda Sheldon, ABR, GRI


(507) 346-2060 Cell: 507-951-2071 Toll-Free: 888-835-8141 273 pine st., dexter $49,900

413 n. pleasant aVe., spring Valley $113,900


SPECIAL EDUCATION paraprofessional needed at Fillmore Central High School beginning on October 1, 2013. 6.75 hours per student contact day. Interested persons should send a letter of application and completed Fillmore Central Support Staff Application to: Micki Breitsprecher, Director of Special Education, Fillmore Central High School, P.O. Box 599, Harmony, MN 55939. Applications available online at www.fillmorecentral.k12. mn.us. Position open until filled. h23,30o

715 North Broadway (Home Federal Bldg.), Spring Valley, MN Email - brenda@brendasheldon.com www.brendasheldon.com

Exceptionally well maintained 3bdrm, 2 bath home. Totally remodeled throughout. Updates include shingles, siding, windows, furnace, hot water heater, softener, a/c & cement drive. Finished lower level with new bath. Kitchen has been remodeled with Swanstone sink, new cabinets & new appliances. All new carpet, freshly painted interior, closet shelving & new entrance doors. This property is in move in condition and ready for new occupancy - priced to sell!

The Official Legal Newspaper for Fillmore County

Monday, September 23, 2013

Interest rates are stIll Great!!! If you are thInkInG of buyInG or sellInG, noW Is the tIme! GIve me a call and put my experIence to Work for you!!! 317 n seCtion aVe spring Valley $61,900

609 W. County rd s, leroy $69,900

Whether you are starting out or slowing down this is an excellent property. Updates include all new appliances including washer and dryer, newer furnace & hot water heater, 12” insulation recently added to attic, & shingles & gutters new in 2000. Hardwood floors under living room carpet & green bdrm. 2 car detached garage & black top drive. Easy commute & access on to I-90 going towards Austin or Rochester. Priced to sell!

Have that “country” feel with the conveniences of City sewer and water. 1.87 acres on the edge of town with a small barn. The 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath home has been renovated and remodeled throughout. Newer high efficiency furnace, hot water heater, insulation, roof and gutters. You’ll enjoy the peaceful surroundings and quiet location. Priced to sell!

Todd Hadoff

318 W. HigH st., spring Valley $66,900

Affordable property & cheaper than paying rent! Nice open floor plan on main floor. Hardwood floors in living room, dining room and den/study area. Large eat in kitchen w/lots of cupboard space. Main floor laundry off kitchen. 3 bedrooms in upper level and a newly updated full bath with new tub & shower surround. The master bedroom is large with double closets. Large back deck and nice back yard.

The Leader In The Real Estate Industry! I Show All MLS Listings

Cell 507-259-5454 Website: www.toddhadoff.com E-mail: homes@toddhadoff.com


You’ll fall in love with the size of this yard! 3 bdrm home with new flooring, freshly painted interior, eat in kitchen and formal dining area, main floor laundry 2 car detached garage plus a stone storage shed. Great place to start out!

23 Years Experience Serving Rochester & SE MN


FARMS & ACREAgE $339,900


$129,900 212 fRanklin St., pReSton

Charming 2-Story • Completely Updated & Remodeled • 4 Bedrooms • Master Bath • New Kitchen w/maple cabinets • New Appliances • Wood Floors • Ceramic Tile • Built-in Hutch • Formal Living Room • Formal Dining Room • New Roof • Fenced Private Backyard • Large Deck • All Landscaped • Vinyl Siding • 2+ Garage • Lots of Character

101 pleaSant St. e., laneSboRo 3 Bedrooms • Main Floor Laundry • Remodeled Kitchen • 3/10 Acre Lot • Formal Living • Formal Dining • Open Staircase • New Roof, Windows, Vinvyl Siding • Large Deck

26011 gladiola lane, laneSboRo


Deer Ridge • Spectacular Home • Unique Floor Plan • 5 Bed • 4 Baths • In-Floor Heat In House & Garage 120 7th St. Se, Chatfield 249 highway 63 n., RaCine • Western Cedar Ceilings • Hickory Floors • Family Room W/30’ Ceilings That Includes Floor To Ceiling 1-Level Living • 2 Bedrooms • New Flooring • Steel Approx. 6 Acres • Private Setting W/ Woods & Windows To Enjoy Wonderful Scenery & Wildlife • Siding • Large Corner Lot • Attached Garage • Mature Pasture • 5 Bedrooms • 3 Baths • Open Floor Plan Master Shower With Heated Floor • Must See Trees • Appliances Will Stay • Main Floor Laundry/Mudroom • Sunken Living COMMERCIAL Room • Sun Room • Dining Room • Family Room • Master Bath W/ Jacuzzi • 2 Car Heated Garage • Horse Shed • 24 x 32 Heated Shed • Wrap Around Deck W/ 30’ Pool • All Fenced • Additional CommeRCial bUilding - wykoff Outbuildings • Covered Porch Completely renovated building that is ideal

RedUCed $50,000!!!



2103 maRgaRet St., Chatfield

704 kenilwoRth ave., laneSboRo

2.8 Acres Surrounded by Woods • Private setting • 9’ & 10’ Ceilings • 2 Fireplaces • Wood Floors • Open Floor Plan • 1108 Sq Ft Heated 3-Car Garage • Open Staircase • Patio • Main Flr Laundry/Mudroom • Abundace of Wildlife

3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • Wood Floors • Archways • High Ceilings • Block Exterior • 2 Car Garage



310 maple St., laneSboRo

3 Bedroom on main floor • Wheel Chair Assess. In-Floor Heat in House & Garage •3 Baths Main Floor Laundry • Fireplace


$69,900 1175 highway 52 n., pReSton

750 bURR oak ave ne, Chatfield

Open Floor Plan • In-Floor Heat • 18’ Ceilings • 9’ 2 Lots (.68/acre) • 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 20x20 Ceilings • Main Floor Master • Main Floor Laundry • 3 Sunroom • 2 Fireplaces • 2 Car Att. Garage • 2 Car Car Garage • Wonderful Views • Deck • Private Backyard Deatt. Garage • Wrap around deck • Hot Tub • Across

223 CenteR St., UtiCa 1 Level Living • Handicapped Accessible • Vinyl Siding • New Flooring • Attached Garage • Main Floor Laundry • Storage Shed • Quiet Backyard

from school and parks • Freshly Painted

MOvIng? liSt yoUR pRopeRty with todd!





25 fillmoRe St., Chatfield

Victorian w/ Unlimited Potential • 4 Bedrooms • 2 Baths • 9’ Ceilings • Wood Floors • Large Corner Lot • Mature Trees • Formal Living Room • Formal Dining Room • Family Room • Large Kitchen

for any type of restaurant, catering or other business opportunity. The lower level is finished for additional space. $149,900




CommeRCial bUilding - laneSboRo Great opportunity to own large commercial building in a high traffic area. Potential $149,900 business could be retail, restaurant/bar, convenience store/grocery, crafts or many 21205 280th St., foUntain other uses. Can be divided off. $64,500 7.7 Acres • Set up for horses • 3 Bedrooms • 2 new liSting - CommeRCial bUilding 206 Main St. Chatfield. Great rental income, Porches • Wood Floors • Main Flr Laundry • Woods • Pasture • 2 outbuildings • Chatfield Schools multiple business rental, 2 apartments rental, newer furnaces, ideal location. $89,900 !!


laneSboRo - Deer Ridge - 3.73 acre building site with panoramic views, woods and shared well all on dead-end road $39,900 Chatfield - Fingerson & Donahoe - 1st Subdivison - Lots Starting At - $29,900 laneSboRo - 3.75 Acre lot with 24x60 shed, Shared well, Close to trail and Root River - $79,900 laneSboRo - 5.76 Acre lot, Close to Root River, Close to State trail, 2 1/2 miles to Lanesboro - $95,000



$174,900 21559 Cty Rd 102, Chatfield 4.58 Aces • 3 Bedrooms • 2 Full Baths • Master Bath • New Cedar Siding • New Steel Roof • 2 New Decks • Remodeled Kitchen • Fireplace • Formal Living Room • Formal Dining Room • 32x30 Shed with Heated Shop • Wildlife • Scenery

Call the FCJ at 507-765-2151 to advertise or offer news tips!

Monday, September 23, 2013


Page 35






HERITAGE COUNTRY KFIL-FM, Preston, Minnesota has a rare full-time on-air opening. This position includes being the Program Director of the station and hosting our live afternoon drive show (3p-7p). We’re looking for a team player that works well with others and can relate to a targeted audience. Personal appearances and weekend availability is a must. Candidates should be social media and web savvy plus possess strong production and organizational skills. Cool Edit Pro and/or Adobe Audition experience is preferred. Email resume and a short mp3 audio sample to: shannon.knoepke@ cumulus.com, subject line: KFIL-FM PD/ On-Air Opening. No phone calls please. Cumulus-Preston is an equal opportunity employer. h23- o

EAGLE BLUFF ELC in Lanesboro is taking applications for part-time housekeeping positions. Flexible hours. Contact Sally Jeske or Nancy Hall at 507-467-2437. h9,16,23- o

OTR DRIVERS WANTED at Lawrence Transportation. Great pay package, benefits, and SIGN ON Bonus! Consistent mileage with the home time you deserve (800) 328-7224 www.lawrencetrans.com h16,23- x

OLD VILLAGE HALL Restaurant in Lanesboro looking for part-time dishwasher and kitchen prep. Must be available evenings and weekends. If interested, call Sarah 507-467-2176. h16,23- o

NEEDED: EXPERIENCED SALES AGRONOMIST who will play a role in management. Knowledge in plant nutrition, crop protection and precision ag needed. Call Colby at 605/772-5543 at the Howard Farmers Coop in South Dakota. MCAN

PLUMBER VIS plumbing and heating is looking for an experienced plumber. Call 507-467-2240 or 507-886-2008 Ask for John. h9,16,23-o LOOKING FOR QUALIFIED Tractor and Pump operators for the Fall work season. Lots of positions available! Call Toni at VCP 507-352-4292. h9,16,23- o

TAHER FOOD COMPANY has a 3 hour dishwasher/aide position opening in the kitchen at the Harmony High School. If interested please call Diane Marzolf FSD at 507-765-3809 Ext. 2214 between hours of 7am and 1pm. h16,23- x ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: Appointment coordination, event and meeting planning, travel arrangements, setting appointments, raise monthly invoice. Send your resume and salary expectations to cowdinaaron@gmail. com. h16,23- o BENT-WRENCH in Fountain is looking for part-time bartenders and waitresses. Call Deanna at 507-268-4922. h16,23,30,7- o

Green Lea Manor is currently looking for special people who want to make a difference! Full-Time & Part-Time Nursing Assistant Positions Available Must be caring, compassionate, and a team player. Will train and reimburse for classes, if not on the registry. Bonus-pay on weekends and shift differential.

Contact: Nicky or stop by for an application

Green Lea Manor Nursing Home E.O.E.

115 N. Lyndale Ave., Mabel, MN 55954 (507) 493-5436 …because the journey matters

WANTED . . .

Carpenters & Upholsterers! Exciting and rare opportunity to join the Featherlite team that builds our world class Specialty trailers. We are looking for talented, responsible, career oriented Carpenters and Upholsterers with a passion to build and grow their careers.

skills & qualifications for carpenters: •

Study specifications in blueprints or sketches to prepare project layout and determine dimensions and materials required Shape or cut materials to specified measurements, using hand tools, machines, or power saws Measure and mark cutting lines on materials, using a ruler, pencil, chalk, and marking gauges Must be able to work well with team members in close proximity

• • •

Carpentry applicants MUST have extensive knowledge of rough and finish carpentry methods and techniques, knowledge obtained either by course work/degree or equivalent hands-on work experience.

skills & qualifications for upholsterers: • • •

Understand and work with Manufacturing Work Instructions Ability to read and comprehend prints Ability to use a ruler

Upholsterer applicant MUST have demonstrated knowledge of reading and understanding blueprints, able to follow work instructions, and strong knowledge of industrial sewing techniques.

rewards: • • • • • • • • • •

Competitive Hourly Wages with Large Earning Potential Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance Life and Disability Insurance Flex Spending/125 Plan for Medical and Child Care Reimbursement 401(k) Retirement Plan Vacation Time Personal Time Off Paid Holidays Health Club Discount Prescription Safety Eyeglasses Program

apply now:

We only produce high quality products. If you are a high quality individual, please apply at our Cresco facility at 816 7th Street West, between the hours of 7:00 am and 4:30 pm or online at our website www.fthr.com/jobs. Also, you can call us at 563-547-4725 and we will be happy to mail you an application. Featherlite, Inc. requires pre-employment background and drug screen. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, strongly encouraging diversity within our workplace.

ROAD AND RIGHT OF WAY maintenance position Norway Township. Approximately 30 hours per week. Send letter of application and resume to Norway Township, 44005 Cty. 10, Rushford, MN 55971. Due by October 14, 2013. h16,23- o

FULL-TIME AND/OR Part-time positions at Kruegel Gas Service is available for a propane delivery driver. Kruegel Gas Service has been serving Southern Minnesota since 1954. For more information and an application call 507-3467362. h16,23- o

PERSONAL CARE ASSISTANT for adults in home. Overnight shift. Must be dependable. $12.50/hour. Spring Valley. 507-251-2978. h16,23- x

ROOT RIVER HARDWOODS looking for reliable person to work in sawmill. Benefit package available. Retirement plan. Apply at Highway 52 North, Preston. 507-765-2362. h23,30- o

TAHER FOOD SERVICE has an opening for a kitchen aide at Mabel-Canton School. Call Jane Hall at 507-272-9363. h23,30- o

PAID IN ADVANCE! MAKE $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Genuine Opportunity! No experience required. Start Immediately! www.mailingcountry.com (VOID IN SD) (MFPA)

Gundersen Harmony Care Center RN/LPN - FuLL Time OveRNighTs NuRsiNg AssisTANT - FuLL & PART Time DAy/eveNiNg shiFTs AvAiLAbLe

Shift differentials, Flexible Scheduling and Training. For more information contact: Ruth McGarvey, RN, DON 507-886-6544 x104 or rmmcgarv@gundersenhealth.org

Help wanted Accepting applications for those who have a desire to work with individuals with disabilities in Harmony. Positions available offer competitive pay, benefits and a fun workplace! To learn about the positions available, the Cardinal experience and apply online, visit us at www.cardinalofminnesota.com

HELP WANTED Full time/part time Organic production General farm labor Year-round, indoors To apply, contact: BackfortyfarmsMN@gmail.com



US Postal Service

positions available in Fillmore County. Apply at www.usps.com Contact local post office for more info.

Rushford-Peterson School District #239 has an opening for an 8 hour per day Administrative Assistant at the Rushford-Peterson Middle School. The job duties include administrative support for the Middle School principal and the Activities Director, recording and reporting of confidential student data and support of students, parents and staff. Candidates should possess strong computer skills and be detail oriented. A new employee may be started at a higher starting hourly rate based on experience and qualifications consistent with the Rushford-Peterson ESP Contract (Contract Article VI. Section 3). Submit application form, letter of application, and resume by October 1, 2013. Applications can be printed off the R-P Schools website: www.r-pschools.com or picked up at the District Office. Angela Shepard Rushford-Peterson Schools, P. O. Box 627 Rushford, MN 55971 EOE

NursiNg AssistANts

Full-Time & Part-Time $500 Sign-On Bonus

Chosen Valley Care Center has a great opportunity for employment at our facility. We are looking for caring, energetic, reliable, outgoing people to join our team with the opportunity to grow. We currently have full-time and part-time positions available. We are looking for nursing assistants who are compassionate and who want to make the difference in the lives of our resident’s. We are willing to train the right applicant. We offer excellent benefits to employees working full-time. • Blue Cross Blue Shield with 100% Coverage on Preventative Care • HealthPartners Dental Plan • Life & Accidental Death & Disability • Generous, Flexible PTO • Tuition Reimbursement • Supplemental Insurance Benefits through AFLAC Please send an application and resume to Attn: Director of Nursing, Chosen Valley Care Center, 1102 Liberty St. SE, Chatfield, MN 55923 or applications may be downloaded at www. chosenvalleyseniorliving.com. (EOE/AA)

Chosen Valley Care Center, InC. A Senior Living Community


Tweeten Care Center


Part-Time Evening & Night Shifts NuRSING ASSISTANT full-Time Day & Evening Shift


Karen Hanson DON 507-498-3211 Ext 123

Gundersen Tweeten Care Center 125 5TH Ave SE Spring Grove, MN 55974


Page 36


Monday, September 23, 2013



TRANSMISSION SERVICE & REPAIR: Foreign and domestic, auto & light truck. 3 year, 100,000 mile warranty. Call for prices. Brown’s Tire, Battery, & Transmission. Rushford 507-864-2969 or 1-888-864-7049. v20tfn- o

Cut Your STUDENT LOAN payments in HALF or More Even if Late or in Default. Get Relief FAST, Much LOWER Payments. Call Student Hotline at 1-855-382-9663 (MFPA)

Norby Tree Service: Stump grinding, tree trimming and removal. Call Dave Norby at 507-259-3118. v8/2tfn- o REBUILD ALTERNATORS and starters for auto, truck, and farm implements. Same day service. DOT & truck inspection available. Hi-Tech Rebuilders, Rushford. 507-864-7440 or 507-4591504. v11tfn- o DISH TV RETAILER Starting at $19.99/ month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) Save! Ask About same day Installation! Call now! 1-800-935-8459. v8/5-11/1- x

DISH TV Reseller – SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months). FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! 1-800-314-4584 (MFPA) Computer Problems? Viruses, Spyware, Email, Printer Issues, Bad Internet Connections – FIX IT NOW! Professional, U.S.-based technicians. $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-855-717-2701 (MFPA) All Things Basementy! Basement Systems Inc. Call us for all of your basement needs! Waterproofing? Finishing? Structural Repairs? Humidity and Mold Control? FREE ESTIMATES! Call 1-866-691-8804 (MFPA)


Rusty Schroeder “Free estimates” 507-765-3648 326 Parkside Dr. SE Res 507-765-2297 www.fillmorecountyjournal.com Preston, MN 55965 Cell 507-251-5535




www.fillmorecountyjournal.com Nice 2BR apt. in Preston, $350/mo + BEAUTIFUL STUDIO apartment downtown Rushford. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. 4 util. Scott 765-3600. r8tfn- o br. $875/mo plus utilities. NP/NS/12 mo. Large lot in New Horizon Trailer lease. 507-864-4400. r23,30,7- o www.fillmorecountyjournal.com Park in Preston. Available Immediately. 765-2131 or 1-800-770-0347. r10/5tfn- NICE ONE BEDROOM apartment at 417 Kansas Street, Preston. $375/month, o includes heat, water, sewer and garbage. Need to store snowmobiles, a clas- Laundry facilities in bldg. Available immediately. Call daytime 507-765-2281 sic car, or a boat? Do you need storage www.fillmorecountyjournal.com while in the process of moving? Space is or 765-2372; evenings 507-765-4423 or available for rent in a building located in 765-2413. r23tfn- o Preston. Call 507-251-5297. r28tfn- x LAKEWOOD SENIOR HOuSINg, 420 Bench St. Chatfield. Easy living...no yard work, no shoveling! For those who are 62 and older, handicapped/disabled. 1-bedroom apts. Heat paid. On-site laundry. Rent based on income. Off-street parking. Call (507) 867-4791 .


Scenic View TownhomeS Printed with ink • Spacious 2 &Soy 3 bedrooms • Attached garages included • Beautiful area • Starting at $505 Income restrictions apply. PRINTED WITH SOY INK 507-864-7880 • Rushford, MN www.paramark.us


CASH FOR CARS: All cars/trucks wanted. Running or not! Top dollar paid. We to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 day come to you! Any make/model. Call for vacation, tax deductible, free towing, all instant offer: 800/871-9145 MCAN caLL tHe paperwork taken care 800/439-1735 JOURNAL to sell yourofextra MCAN or 800-599-0481. stuff! 507-765-2151

For Sale - 2011 HHr caLL tHeChevy JOURNAL to sell your old lT vehicle! 507-765-2151 or 800-599-0481 in the 507 area code to list your vehicle. all line ads are seen on our website www.fillmorecountyjournal.com.

✽❆❋❊❉❆❋❉✽❋❉❆ ✿❁✿❁✿❁✿❁✿❁ White exterior, Grey interior, Automatic, Power Windows, Need to thank someone? Power Locks, 4-door, 48,000 Excellent Condition, Callmiles, us. 507-765-2151 Great Fuel Mileage, asking $13,900 or best offer. Call Jason at 507-251-5297. Advertising works 507-765-2151


TNT Lawn Service • StuMp grinding • power BrooMing • Fall Clean-up • inSured • Snow plowing • light BaCkhoe work . • iCe ManageMent Call:


REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL!* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at e-mail it in! NO COST and programming starting at news@fillmorecountyjournal.com $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-855-2440238 (MFPA) NEED TO THANK SOMEONE? call the Journal at 507-765-2151 or 800599-0481 (507 area code) and we’ll take your message over the phone.


11753 State Hwy 43, Mabel, MN 55954 Craig Henry Shop 507.493.5399 • Mobile 507.450.5573

House & Siding Washes

Mark’s Painting, Repair and Replacements Quality preparations and finishes. Over 30 Printed on recycled paper interior and years of experience. All surfaces, exterior. Insured Boom Van Service

507-268-4977 or Cellphone: 507-429-6755



Brush • Roll • Spray Mark PRINTED Gulbranson ON 507.459.0590 507.743.8585 Canton, MN PAPER RECYCLED

(Free eStiMateS)

We are pleased to announce we now sell & service Boss & Snowdogg Snow Plows. REDUCE • REUSE • RECYCLE We have a selection of new and used hamiah S elding and we are an authorized dealer TRAILER SALES & SERVICE, Inc. trailers JOURNAL to sell your old repair and deSigncaLL tHe for Wilson, Kiefer Industrial, Road 507-886-4600 vehicle! 507-765-2151 or 800-599-0481 King, Alum Line, and Pacesetter 70 4th Street NW • Harmony MN to list your vehicle. Portable Welding in the 507 area code trailers. We also provide service work ironsidetrailersales.net all line ads are seen on our websiteHappy Ads when your trailer needs a tune up. Journal 507-765-2151 Custom round bailing caLL tHe JOURNAL to sell your extra stuff! 507-765-2151 or 800-599-0481.

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Call it in!

www.fillmorecountyjournal.com. 1 block West of Kwik Trip next to Solberg Welding

1x2 (no picture) 1x3 (with picture)


$6.75 $11.00

Call Shamiah!

Call507-951-1698 it in! ✽❆ 800-599-0481 (507 area code)

❋ ❊ ❉ ❆ ❋ ❉ ✽ ❋Turn ❉ ❆Old Bessie

See us for all your trailer sale and service needs!

Into a Cash Cow Journal ✿ ❁ ✿ ❁ ✿ ❁Fillmore ✿ ❁ ✿County ❁ PH: 507-765-2151 oR 1-800-599-0481

Shamiah Womeldorf, Rural Lanesboro

FAX it in! 507-765-2468

Need to thank someone? Call us. 507-765-2151

the Fillmore County507-765-2151 • 800-599-0481 Ade-mail must reach our office with pAyment works byinnoon wednesday for monday’s paper Advertising it in! Journal Classifieds. 507-765-2151 news@fillmorecountyjournal.com

$9.00 minimum (15 words or less) per week. 10¢ each additional word. Price includes online listing on www.fillmorecountyjournal.com

NEED TO THANK SOMEONE? call the Journal at 507-765-2151 or 800Ad copy as it will appear in paper: 599-0481 (507 area code) and we’ll take your message over the phone.

Whether you’re buying or selling, the Journal Auto Page is the place to look

507-765-2151 • 800-599-0481

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AUCTION ou ee y in the Fillmore CountyS the t CALENDAR Journal Classifieds. a vies o

Monday, September 23, 2013

Main Ave. Harmony




Cal lt Ver o ify Mov ie

507.886.7469 M Sat. Sept. 28 - 9:30am - Machinery, Farm Misc., Tickets ~ $5 Adult • $4 Kids & Seniors Woodworking & Steelworking Machinery, Guns, Fri. Sept. 27.......................7:30pm Household, Building & Misc., Sawmill, and More! Sat. Sept. 28.......................7:30pm Auction held at Rudy & Anna Gingerich Auction, Sun. Sept. 29......................7:30pm 11094 Co. Rd. 15, Harmony, MN. For more Whether you’re information contact Fox Auction Service buying at 660-or selling, the Journal Auto Page is Run Time: PG 341-1453 or online at www.foxauctionservice. the place to look 1 Hour 35 minutes com. Listing in the Journal. Sat. Sept. 28 - 9:30am - Tractors, Farm Related Equipment, Generators, Tools, Household, and More Auction. Auction held at Duane Peterson, 22390 Co. Rd. 15, Houston, MN. For more information contact Zenke AuctionGet at 507.895.2090 the job done LP D E Bring your own bucket for popcorn EvEryday & save! or online at www.zenkeauctionrealty.com. E H T Find the help you N Listing in the Journal. A www.jemmovies.com deserve by advertising W us! Sun. Sept. 29 - 9:00am - Antiques,with Tools, www.facebook.com/JemTheatre Household Fillmore Auction. Selling 2 Rings All Day, County Journal Classifieds! 12-14 Hayracks of smalls. 4 hayracks of shop 507-765-2151 • www.fillmorecountyjournal.com and woodworking tools. For more info contact Spring Valley Sales Co., 507-346-2183 or www. springvalleysales.com. Listing in the Journal.



OF BRANCH OFFICES OF Thurs. Oct. 3 - 6pm - Real Estate Auction. Alice ASSOCIATED BANK D Meyer Estate, 616 Fillmore Street E., Wykoff, Notice is hereby given that applicaFind your dream home in MN. For more info contact Spring Valley Sales tion has been made to the Comptroller of Co., 507-346-2183 theor www.springvalleysales.com. Journal Classifieds the Currency, Central District Office, One

Financial Place, Suite 2700, 440 South

Thurs. Oct. 3 - 4pm - Winona Nursery TreeLaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60605, for consent www.fillmorecountyjournal.com Pavers-Retaining Wall Auction! Inventory to purchase certain assets and assume certain liabilities of the Lanesboro, Minnesota Reduction Sale! For more information contact branch, the Rushford, Minnesota branch, Darr Auctions, Rodney Darr at 1-800-852-0010. and the Red Wing, Minnesota branch of To view complete listing go to www.darrauctions. Associated Bank, National Association, com. Listing in the Journal. Green Bay, Wisconsin, by Merchants Bank,

National Association, Winona, Minnesota. Following consummation of the proposed transaction, the Lanesboro, Minnesota 136 St. Anthony St. • P.O. Box 496and the Rushford, Minnesota offices will Preston, MN 55965 be operated as branches of Merchants Bank, National Association. Merchants 507-765-2151 • 1-800-599-0481 • FAX 765-2468 Bank, National Association will continue Wanted: news@fillmorecountyjournal.com Cars, trucks, buses, and to operate all of its existing branch offices. semi trailers,www.fillmorecountyjournal.com running or not. Serving Associated Bank, National Association will SE MN and northern IA. Luke Junge, retain and continue to operate its existing Preston, MN. Call 507-259-4556. Red Wing, Minnesota locations. w30tfn- o This notice is published pursuant to 12 USC 1828(c) and 12 CFR 5. Anyone may submit written comments on this applicaWANTED - Local crafters intertion by October 2, 2013 to: Director of ested in selling at a Holiday Gift Fair District Licensing, Central District Office, in early November. Call 507-459-2303. One Financial Place, Suite 2700, 440 w23,30- o CLASSIFIEDS South LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60605. HE PLACE TO FIND The public file is available for inspecin the district office during regular THE BEST DEALS tion business hours. Written requests for a copy of the public file on the application should be sent to the Director of District Licensing. September 2, 2013 Advertising in the Journal MERCHANTS BANK, NATIONAL is a SNAP. ASSOCIATION news@fillmorecountyjournal.com Winona, Minnesota ASSOCIATED BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Green Bay, Wisconsin Publish 2,9,23


T MOwIng & SnOw reMOVAL needed

for Preston & Lanesboro Post Offices

Must be able to accept VISA cards. Contact Terry at 507.765.3334 for more information.


Central Boiler OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Safe, clean, efficient, WOOD HEAT. Theobald Heating Solutions 507-251-9924. swk4tfn- o

MEL’S GOLF CARTS After Labor Day Sale. Stop in for Unbeatable Savings. Trades Welcome! Mel’s Golf Carts, 132 Garfield Ave., South, Albert Lea, MN. 507-438-2705. s16,23,30,7- x

FOR SALE: TWO ALL leather western saddles, 15 inch seat in fair condition, $150. 16 inch seat in good condition, $400. Call 507-867-1654. s6tfn-x

DEBARKED HARDWOOD slabs. FREE delivery up to 50 miles. Call Root River Hardwoods for more info 507-7652284. s16,23,30- o

Rochester, MN 866-657-4910

103 20th St. NE, Stewartville, MN ~ Just off Hwy 63

NEw FeatHerlite trailerS iN Stock: New Rebates!


NOtice of Mortgage Foreclosure sale DATE: August 29, 2013 YOU ARE NOTIFIED that default has occurred in the conditions of the following described Mortgage: INFORMATION REGARDING MORTGAGE TO BE FORECLOSED 1. Date of Mortgage: October 21, 2008 2. Mortgagors: Kevin S. Lange, a single person 3. Mortgagees: Marine Credit Union Peterson 4. Recording Information: Recorded on April 10, 2009, as Document Number 371116, in the Office of the Fillmore County Recorder, Minnesota. Registrar of Titles of Fillmore County, Minnesota 5. Assignments of Mortgage, if any: Assigned to N/A by written assignment recorded on N/A, as Document Number N/A, in the recording office stated in paragraph. INFORMATION REGARDING MORTGAGED PREMISES 6. Tax parcel identification number of the mortgaged premises: 17.0543.000 7. Legal description of the mortgaged premises: Lot 6 and 7 Columbian Addition to the City of Preston, Fillmore County, Minnesota Check here if all or part of the described real property is Registered (Torrens) 0 8. The physical street address, city, and zip code of the mortgaged premises: 300 Cottage Grove Avenue SE, Preston, MN 55965 9. The person holding the Mortgage: [check one] 0 is a transaction agent, as defined by Minn. Stat. 58.02, subd. 30. The name(s) of the transaction agent, residential mortgage servicer, and the lender or broker, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02, is/are . The transaction agent’s mortgage identification number, if stated on the Mortgage, is . 1 is not a transaction agent, as defined by Minn. Stat. 58.02, subd. 30. The name(s) of the residential mortgage servicer and the lender or broker, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02, is/are . 10. If stated on the Mortgage, the name of the mortgage originator, as defined in Minn. Stat. 58.02, is N/A. INFORMATION REGARDING FORECLOSURE 11. The requisites of Minn. Stat. 580.02 have been satisfied. 12. The original principal amount secured by the Mortgage was $72,000.00. 13. At the date of this notice the amount due on the Mortgage, including taxes, if any, paid by the holder of the Mortgage, is: $83,892.70.

14. Pursuant to the power of sale in the Mortgage, the Mortgage will be foreclosed, and the mortgaged premises will be sold by the Sheriff of Fillmore County, Minnesota, at public auction on November 14, 2013, 10: 00 a.m., at Fillmore County Courthouse, Main Lobby, 101 Fillmore Street, Preston, Minnesota 55965. 15. The time allowed by law for redemption by Mortgagor or Mortgagor’s personal representatives or assigns is six (6) months after the date of sale. 16. Minn. Stat. 580.04(b) provides, “If the real estate is an owner-occupied, single-family dwelling, the notice must also specify the date on or before which the mortgagor must vacate the property if the mortgage is not reinstated under section 580.30 or the property redeemed under section 580.23.” THE TIME ALLOWED BY LAW FOR REDEMPTION BY THE MORTGAGOR, THE MORTGAGOR’S PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES OR ASSIGNS, MAY BE REDUCED TO FIVE WEEKS IF A JUDICIAL ORDER IS ENTERED UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 582.032, DETERMINING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, THAT THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE IMPROVED WITH A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING OF LESS THAN FIVE UNITS, ARE NOT PROPERTY USED IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AND ARE ABANDONED. Name and address of Attorney for Mortgagee or Mortgage Assignee: Daniel E. Dunn La Crosse, WI 54602-1104 Publish 2,9,16,23,30,7

County Projects Bids Close October 7, 2013 Fillmore County, MN Notice to all Contractors Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be accepted by the County Engineer, at the Fillmore County Highway Department, Preston, MN. Until 1:00 p.m. on the 7th day of October, 2013, for the following projects: SAP 023-623-025: Construct Br #23K23, Bridge replacement with culvert and approach grading, on CSAH 23, located 2.6 miles south of Jct. TH 16. Major quantities included 50 feet of 14’ X 6’ precast concrete box culvert and two 14’ X 6’ precast concrete end sections, minor approach grading and aggregate surfacing. Plan and Proposal price is $25.00 picked up, and $30.00 if sent by US mail. SAP 023-599-184: Construct Br #23K02, Bridge replacement with culvert and approach grading, on Colt Road in Norway Township, approximately 0.4 miles SE of Jct. CR 107. Major quantities include 90 feet of 16’ X 5’ precast concrete box culvert and two 16’ X 5’ precast concrete end sections, minor approach grading and aggregate surfacing. Plan and Proposal price is $25.00 picked up, and $30.00 if sent by US mail. Plans, Proposal and Specifications can be examined and obtained from the Fillmore County Highway Department, 909 Houston Street NW, Preston, MN 55965, ph. # 507-765-3854. Request for plans and proposals must be accompanied by a check, draft or a money order, payable to the Fillmore County Treasurer, in the amount mentioned above. Bids submitted must be individually sealed, and identified on the outside for each specific project. A bidder’s bond or a certified check in the amount of at least 5% of the total amount bid and payable must accompany the bid to the Treasurer of Fillmore County. Fillmore County reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated: September 4, 2013 Ronald Gregg County Engineer Fillmore County, MN Publish 9, 16, 23

FOR SALE ProFlowers – Send Bouquets for Any Occasion. Birthday, Anniversary or Just Because! Take 20 percent off your order over $29! Go to http://www. Proflowers.com/Buy or call 1-866-9832204 (MFPA)

• Bobcat S330 w/Cab • Bobcat T180 • Bobcat S630 w/Cab

ENJOY 100% GUARANTEED delivered-to-the-door Omaha Steaks! Save 74% plus 4 free burgers - The Family Value Combo - only $39.99. Order today 877/415-6938, use code 48829ALF or www.omahasteaks.com/mbfam99 MCAN BUYING/SELLING Gold & Silver bars, coins, rings, diamonds, pocket watches, silver dollars, rare coins, currency, $5.00, $10.00, $20.00. Gold coins, Krugerands, sterling silver sets, anything marked 10-K, 14-K, 18-K, .925. Any gold or silver item. Compare prices before you sell. 32 years at the same retail location, Fairmont, Minnesota, Kuehl’s, 507-2353886. s23- x

FOR SALE: John Deere 220 Flexhead $2,500. Lowry 1,200 Bushel Bin $1,200. Call 507-467-2940. s23,30- o

• 2013 Car Bumper Pull • 500 Gallon Fuel Trailer • 4 Horse LQ's • 7' x 20' Stock • 24' Show Stock • 16' Bumper Stock • 7' x 24' Stock • 16' Goose Neck Stock • 7'6" x 32' Stock USEd FeatHerlite trailerS: • 17' Alum. Flatbed • 24' Snow Trailer • 20' Stock • 32' Stock • Bobcat S250 w/Cab • Bobcat S130 Cab USEd EqUipMENt: • Bobcat 334 Excavator • Bobcat S650 • Bobcat E35 Excavator


PIANOS, DIGITAL Pianos, Rodgers Church Organs - New, Used, Sales & Service - Call DEWEY KRUGER MUSIC, Northwood, Iowa, 800-9335830, deweykrugermusic.com. s23,30,7x


• NH TC 40 w/loader • Cat 248 B • Mustang 2056

Page 37


SAWMILLS from only $4,897.00 - Make & save money with your own bandmill cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info/DVD: 800/578-1363 Ext. 300N www.NorwoodSawmills.com MCAN



EZ-GO & Yamaha GOlf Carts SaleS & Service New & USed Ivan Vreeman harmony, mn 507-273-6928

notice of public hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lanesboro City Council will meet at the Lanesboro City Hall in the Council Chambers at 202 Parkway Avenue South, Lanesboro, MN 55949 on Monday, October 7, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. to conduct a second public hearing regarding the Minnesota Small Cities Development Grant Program (SCDP) for owner-occupied housing and commercial rehabilitation in the Cities of Lanesboro and Mabel. Any person wishing to express an opinion on the matters to be considered at the public hearing can be heard orally in person on October 7 or in writing by mailing comments to David Todd, City of Lanesboro, 202 Parkway Avenue South, Lanesboro, MN 55949. Linda S. Griggs Clerk Publish 23



LANESBORO METHODIST Church garage sale. Friday, Sept. 27, 4pm-7pm. Saturday, Sept. 28, 9am-12pm. Books, puzzles, dishes, bedding and some furniture. g23- o

ESTATE SALE OF William Young. 35385 County Rd. 30, Canton, MN. Saturday, Sept. 28, 8am-5pm. Farm and household items and more! g23- x

HOUSTON CITY WIDE Garage Sale. Saturday, October 5, 8am-1pm. Maps available at local businesses sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary. g23- o

P E r F E C t

Some recent projects brought to you by Cyclin-Inn of Whalan

U-Pick s berrie Straw

ns Mini Golf and More is oot River State Bicycle Trail, on


U-Pick In June ries Strawber

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Printing SolutionS

of Whalan

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The Gator Greens Mini Golf and Mor e is located on the Roo t River State Bicy cle Trail, onteachers, the Root River Our team includes parents, teachers, team includes parents, Our and within a ionals, business profess coaches, health care professionals, business es, health care blockcoach of two professionals and fitness enthusiasts of all sorts. fitness enthusiasts of all sorts. and ionals profess city park s, and Our main goal is to inspire children and and theOur main goal is to inspire children • Meet and interact with families y and Cyclin-In families to lead more active, healthy and n. s to lead more active, health familie who share the same interests • Meet and interact with families journey starts with our fun fulfilling The s lifestyles The journey starts with our fun lifestyle fulfilling sts who share the same intere ies designed filled family events and activities designed • Invite other families to attend filled family events and activit y lifestyle health d rage encou atten to educate to and ies te and encourage healthy lifestyle to educa fitness events and activities • Invite other famil sports and habits. Our main events include sports and habits. Our main events include Se M in fitness events and activities and games ges, n eS o tA challen fitness activities, family challenges, games and • Join special fitness and sports fitness activities, family PRESTON ~ nFARMER’S e io w MARKET: A ~ Sw nutritional demonstrations. nutritional demonstrations. groups • Join special fitness and sports w co e achiev s re familie signatu helping Purchase fresh and healthy homeiSgrown our to in ngarden ating Dedicated Si n produce, addition Consider this Inyour personal invitation to visit Preston, n to particip to participatin additio In g in our signature way! 507 s fun the along the Root River in scenic bakery items, and handmade crafts from several area group -272-2 beinglocated and well 149 trails, health m Minnesota, parks, our optimu Dedicated Located on the Root River Bike Trail, Whalan of use to helping te • families events, Share promo achieve we promote use of our parks, trails, recipes 439 ,Half we Street vendors, including local events Historic Bluff Country! to optimum health and well being the fun way! Open•Weekends Amish vendors. Preston our beautiful areas have lakes and all that our beautiful areas have to recipesDay - Labor Day all that Share Memorial Located on the Roo lakes and Whalan, MN 55949 Trailhead location. t River your • Promote HISTORIC FORESTVILLE: LIFE IN THE LATE 1800’S Bikeown year round. By Traihealth Preston, known “Minnesota’s Capital,” Call for after-hours or group reservations l, Wh s active Tour and offer to keepas alan also the beaall families active all yearTrout offer to keep familie Open Weekends utiful round. By Open Fridays 11-5, May A G u id offering Memorial Day - Labo is a welcoming family-fun destination own health and your e to groups and ote bluf 439 tourism fs • Prom fitness surr DNRs, events Ha our oun partnering r with Day H lf ding with ring our Go back in time as costumed guides go about their daily Stre DNRs, tourism 507.272.2149 partne is to ri – October. Additional groups and and et visitors a variety of entertaining, educational, Call for after-hours P: 507.251.5101 c are or Amish B lu ffMarket offered on we the , grou Root Rive zations business at Historic Forestville, a 19th century pioneer p reservations ted organi recreationalother activities to choose from: Fish blue Vallother r family ey, viafamily Wh orientated fitness events ala organization o u nHwy a Jeep orienta n, s, we are MN or upon a horse Saturdayscalong try52. info@Cyclin-Inn.com ribbon cold water streams, bike, hike, or ski two559 state49 village. Visit the general store with original 19th century drawnactivities and 507.272.2149 wag on. to of the areas able to promote Trout te rallarou Avapromo ilable yea all of theCenter, able areas activities merchandise. Tour the homestead and farm buildings trails, visit the National takeand a cave tour, nd, weather MILWAUKEE ELEVATOR: dep to ent. www.Cyclin-Inn.com families. which feature original artifacts. k of events P: to experience an Amish Tour, canoe or tube along the Schedule our networ our network 507 of families. eventsend .251.5101 yours today. Project Fit Families is a non profit You can even lend a hand be will you Root River, tour Historic Forestville, visit Forestville/ s, By joining Project Fit Families, By joining Project Fit Familie This original, 1902 Milwaukee organization dedicated to providing youycli will n-In be n.co info@C with daily chores of the era Project Fit Families is a non profit Mystery fun, Cave m s who share Elevator Co. grain building ing fun, like baking bread, tending the to a network of families who share State Park, introduced or introduced to a network of familie inspiring events and activities to children organization dedicated to provid wwCity is also home to a restored w.Cycli Fun Fact: garden, and cutting wood. Walk n-Inn.com snowmobilethe same values and n interests as it pertains to and childre to values ies same activit interests the and as it and pertains families, to encourage healthymiles 1939 Milwaukee Road boxcar inspiring events across the landmark Carnegie and of Preston has servedtoas the access have also will y and and 1951 caboose. Future healthy lifestyle living. YouCounty Bridge that leads visitors into town. Special programs healthy lifestyle living. You will also have active groomed trails. access lifestyle habits, Fillmore seat since 1856! as and families, to encourage health well as enriching improvements include onspecial groups, offered May – October. 507-765-2785 www.mnhs.org/ enriching to several events and activities, special groups, to several events and activities, family relationships to last a lifetime. going reconstruction of former active lifestyle habits, as well as forestville join Preston so e. s. Membership is free, clubs lifetim a recipe and recipes. elevator buildings enabling the last and to Membersh clubs nships ip is free, so relatio join offers shopping, fine dining, unique overnight family site to become a grain elevator FORESTVILLE/MYSTERY CAVE STATE PARK: today! s Project Fit Families accommodations and camping today! facilities. Reach Project Fit Familie and transportation interpretive us via the Historic Bluff Country National Scenic A center, highlighting grain Take a pu naturalist led tour of Mystery Cave, the longest Byway or fly into the Fillmore County Airport to start l i c A b A ti pu b l handling and rural agricultural on cave in Minnesota, featuring i c At your Preston adventure experience. Now’s the time i oby

Join the Family!

Join the Family!

Whole House Rental

Whole House Ren



Tour the beautiful bluffs surrounding the Root River a a Jeep or upon a horse drawn Available year around, weather pendent. Schedule yours today.


Welcome to Preston

Project Fit Families

Fun For Everyone!

n by stalagmites and stalactites, underground pools. The State

History & Heritage


named after the town’s first postmaster, Luther Preston, a good friend and employee of Mr. Kaercher.

Located in the “Driftless Area” of the state, the Preston area was untouched by glaciers and is now a mecca of karst geology, hardwood forests, abundant wildlife, and numerous springs, brooks and streams.

Fun Trail Fact: Two State Bike Trails run through the heart of Preston offering 60 miles of paved trails for your enjoyment!

Summer Share



ore T han sota’s Guide to M Southeast Minne iful Area o In Our Beaut 101 Places To G

group drop locations.


Egg Share ....................... $80.0 We offer one dozen eggs with your summer produce boxes. These are extremely popular and sell out quickly.

How do I sign up?

efarm.net, Go to our website at www.earthdanc fill in the registration form and submit.

Local Food Naturally Grown Delivered to You

In late October through Thanksgiving we offer 3 biweekly bushel deliveries of storage veggies, root crops, herbs, hardy greens, apples and more. Perfect to extend the season and eat local during the holidays.

Earth Dance Farm Norm Gross/Laurie Nelsen 27842 141st Ave. Spring Valley, MN 55975 Phone: 507-378-4252 Email: info@earthdancefarm.net www.earthdancefarm.net


Egg Share ....................... $80.00

Earth Dance Farm

Norm Gross/Laurie Nelsen We offer one dozenNorm eggs with your Gross/Laurie Nelsen summer produce boxes. These are 141st Ave. 27842 141st Ave. 27842 extremely popular and sell out quickly. Spring Valley, MN 55975 55975 MN Valley, Spring .net Phone:

info@earthdancefarm How do I sign up?

507-378-4252 dancefarm.net .earth Go to our website www at www.earthda ncefarm.net, Email: info@earthdancefarm.net fill in the registration form and submit. www.earthdancefarm.net

Local Food Naturally Grown Delivered to You

Forestville State Park, Preston - Votedin“Best Hiking” ore Co un Fil lm

ry Cli nic ly Ve ter ina

Welcome to Presto n www.prestonmntourism.com

Consider this your personal invitation Minnesota, located to along the Root Rive visit Preston, Historic Bluf f Cou r in scenic ntry! Preston, also know n is a welcoming fami as “Minnesota’s Trout Capital,” ly-fun destination visitors a varie offering

ty of entertaining, MINNESOTA’S TROUT educCAPITAL recreational activ ational, and 2013 ities to choo

of f

Sunny Says, “We want e on Inn, Preston - Voted “Best Lodging” ThTrailHead Norm Gross/Laurie Nelsen Forestville State Park, Preston - Voted “Best Picnic Spot” 27842 141st Ave. Spring Valley, MNJuliaClaire 55975 Repeat Boutique, Preston - Voted “Best Boutique” info@earthdancefarm.net The Root River - Voted “Best Fishing Spot”


Harmony to Preston - Voted “Best Section of the Trail”


Call 507-765-2117 for appointments. Valid through June 30, 2013

to be your pet’s favorite vets.” Preston Area Tourism PO Box 657 Preston, MN 55965 507.765.2100 888.845.2100 www.prestonmntourism.com

History & Heritag e

Preston was foun ded by John Kaer cher in 1853. The location was desi rable as the Root River afforded opportunities for Kaer mills along the river cher to establish his flour . abundant supplies The area offered of stonework and railw timber, water power, ay service. Pres named after the town’s first postmaston is Luther Preston, a ter, good friend and employee of Mr. Kaercher. Located in the “Drif tless Area” of the the Preston area was untouched by state, glaciers and is now a mecca of kars abundant wildlife, t geology, hardwood forests, and numerous sprin streams. gs, brooks and

Fun Trail Fact:

Two State Bike Trail s run through the heart of Preston offering 60 miles of paved trails for your enjoyment!


Fall is right around the corner.

Preston’s 9 – Ho le Fishing Course

Ready to engage in it is – Preston’s 9 a new angling experience? Here – Hole Fishing Cou along the in-town rse. Each hole 0.8 mile stretch of presents anglers the with a different angl Root River The course also ing challenge. give stream ecology and s anglers a crash course in trout habitat envi hole, individually ronment. Each mark located on land that ed, is 30 to 100 yards long and anglers have publ ic access to. It’s like playing golf, but then again it’s not. You record your results: species, size, and number of fish caught. Anglers can pick up a map and scorecard at the National Trout Center located in dow encouraged to later ntown Preston. Anglers are center and share report their results back to the their experience with NTC Staf f. All ages and abilities are welcome to use the course.

Preston ntsn EveFu Preston


se from ribbon cold wate r streams, bike, hike : Fish blue trails, visit the Nati , or ski two state onal Trout Center, experience an Amis take a cave tour, h Tour , canoe or tube Root River, tour Hist oric Forestville, visit along the Mystery Cave Forestville/ State Park, or snowmobile miles of Preston has serv groomed trails. ed as the Fillmore County seat since 1856! Preston offers shopping, fine dining, unique overnight accommodations and camping facil ities us via the Historic Bluf f Country Nati . Reach Byway or fly into onal Scenic the your Preston adve Fillmore County Airport to start nture experience. to “Get Hooked on Now Preston!” Start plan ’s the time Preston visit toda ning your y!

Fun City Fact:

$1200 off exclusively

Wildlife is abundant alo of bald eagles, wild tur vultures are common. T The Harmony - Preston Isinours Forest Junctio trails are used for bikin trails are also groomed winter. Trail maps are a Center or print one onl

Fun City Fact:

Call 507-

t y de dic ated

©Explore Minnesota Tourism

The current “Jail House Inn” formerly served as the old Fillmore County Jail from 1865-1971!

Center located in downtown Preston. Anglers are Please contact us for all of your pet’s healthcare needs. cold-water fishery encouraged to later report their results back to the resources of the center and share their experience with NTC Staff. All driftless region and ages and abilities are welcome to use the course. the arts and crafts related to trout fishing. Students Drs. and Staff of RRVC and groups meet at field sites or the NTC where experienced instructors Lyme & Heart worm Screening Testactivities for Dogsof will lead various durations. The NTC also offers seminars, B&B Bowl, Preston ~ Voted “Best Breakfast” lectures, and workshops on-site at the NTC or Branding Iron Restaurant, Preston ~ Voted “Best Steaks” prearranged on location at schools, community JailHouse Inn, Preston ~ Voted “Best B&B” centers, or other public meeting sites. One coupon per dog. Not valid with anyca other & do gs . tsoffers. Old Barn Resort, Preston - Voted “Best Camping”

Preston’s 2012 Best of Bluff Country Winners:

Ride over rolling hills a views on this 18 mile m and Harmony. The nor is constructed on an ab section follows the South Branch of the Root River, passing through a variety of wooded areas and farmland. The southern trail segment is quite picturesque, but more challenging, as this portion of the trail climbs out of the r ridgeline between valle trail has been added w Forestville State Park.

Step back in time as you learn about the Amish way of life on a guided Amish Tour. Experience Amish culture firsthand and see how they live, work, and play. Opportunities available on tour to purchase Amish baked goods and hand crafted items. Tours are fun and educational for all ages.

late to Center” is too “National Trout ease until it and other at hiding dis



Stop by the Preston Tourism Center to discuss Amish Tour options.

in awareness of the St up d a map andyour scorecard at the National s. an Don’t dogs deserve to lead Trout a disease freeenvironment life? Call usand today for an appointment. Drpick

Fall Share ...............................See website for prices

Share ............................... See website for prices

Preston is one of several scenic river towns along this 88-mile route. Enjoy quaint country charm and breathtaking scenery as you pass impressive limestone bluffs, acres of hardwood forest, and numerous rivers and streams which delight fishermen, birdwatchers, photographers, and motorcyclists alike. www.byways.org or www. bluffcountry.com.

Community Supported Agriculture Anglers can aff of RRVC

There are 3 deliveries of a ½ bushel box in May and early June. It is a great way to satisfy your craving for fresh local vegetables early in the season. Limited shares, sign up early.

box There are 3 deliveries of a ½ bushel way to satisfy May and early June. It is a great les early in your craving for fresh local vegetab early. the season. Limited shares, sign up we In late October through Thanksgiving of storage offer 3 biweekly bushel deliveries greens, veggies, root crops, herbs, hardy the season apples and more. Perfect to extend and eat local during the holidays.

Community Supported Agriculture

Spring Share .......................See website for prices

for prices Spring Share ....................... See website in


Fishing Course

This is our 18-week delivery of a ¾ bushel box. This size is meant for a small family or a vegetarian couple. There are 8-13 seasonal crops in each delivery. Individual delivery …….. $600.00 Dropped by your home or workplace available in limited areas. Email to confirm availability to your address. Group site pick up ……. $550.00 Dropped at a host site and you pick it up there. Check our website for drop locations. Half share ………………… $425.00 A smaller, 5/9 bushel box for a couple, single person, or a new member. Only available at group drop locations.


In 2012 Minnesota was na the nation by the L

The Amish communities near Preston are frequent users of Hwy 52. Most of the Amish farmsteads are located off the highway on county roads. Drive carefully as you pass their horse & buggy vehicles which remind us of a bygone era.

bors, rs se Street S., Preston, MN Dear NeighDear Neighbors, 120 St. Anthony y are maste ng from the Spring 2013 althy, but the ne cats that are sufferi 507-765-4700 may look he ur cattos engage we exami Yo To... has Ready inEv a ery newday Here dogs in Fillmoretes Godisease Lyme isangling quietlyexperience? infecting many ated.disease tre abe County. Lyme Di lly • sfu e lur ces it is – Preston’s 9 – Hole Fishing Course. Each hole Fai every dog lur be suc dneytesting nationaltroutcenter.org so widespread that we recommend exam. e • Ki Fai at etheir annual easRoot disthe eas along thees: in-town 0.8 mile Riverras disbecome l (gum)of ites • Heart chronic dontastretch Pa • rio r Pe For hours presents anglers with a different challenge. to of operation re • Cance Pressuangling The key od disease Bloanglers early. gh promotional osed Higives of Lyme can course vary. Some dogs run a fever have veryand painful joints andevents The courseSigns also a crash in diagnand tdoors, lly if they are sfu stream ecology habitat environment. Each never go ou cespermanently other dogs and showtrout no signs until affected bys arthritis. Thes worst cases of r cat d sucare atethey tre be -up now! Even if you eck can m. hole,Lyme individually marked, is 30 to 100 yards long and s ch exa cat ed cal of disease ysi and even death! es can cause kidney phaccess , they ne g afailure ian rin nar du Most dis located oneas land thaten anglers have public to. eri nd vet visited a is oft fou s ve ha osi s gn cat dia r you an early r since Lyme disease is preventable by vaccination and it is treatable if it is caught in the early r a yea It’ss like playing ove been if it ha althy, golf,stages but then of the disease. Thede use tick protection products like Frontline Plus and to lead he veeffective serof ines your The National te fel again it’s not.r fav ori t. Pleasethis deadly Certifect also help protect dogs disease.Trout enagainst you n’t your Do s an appointm Center (NTC) You record for ay tod s. ed us natio n for cat Call althcare ne ysica l exami he py lives?species, provides t’s hapresults: ch phhandspe r Eayour youyour pooch at risk. Test and vaccinate of put Don’t dogs against Lyme today s. all r offerdisease for size, and number us 30, 2013 t on activities to valid with any othe contac to protect them from this painful and potentially fatal disease tomorrow. Not through June intments. Valid of fish caught. appo for engage the public 765-2117

Summer Share

¾ bushel This is our 18-week delivery of a family or a box. This size is meant for a small seasonal 8-13 are vegetarian couple. There crops in each delivery. 0 Individual delivery …….. $600.0 ce Dropped by your home or workpla to confirm available in limited areas. Email availability to your address. Group site pick up ……. $550.00 it up there. Dropped at a host site and you pick s. Check our website for drop location 0 Half share ………………… $425.0 single A smaller, 5/9 bushel box for a couple, le at person, or a new member. Only availab

As you drive into Preston you will be treated to one of the most beautiful panoramas in all of Southeast Minnesota.

Discover the dramatic carved limestone bluffs this paved, 42 mile trail railroad, the trail follow Riding the trail you may or tubing on the river. B located in nearby Lane


212 Saint Anthony Street South, Preston, MN 55965 re” thca www.RootRiverVetCenter.com ern pet heal ice and mod opract507.765.2117 ir ch e, ur he ct T it ring 2013 Sp e Vismodern ing acupun acupuncture, chiropractice Comand pet healthcare” “Embrac“Embracing Preston’s 9 – Hole

Membership Share Options and Prices

Membership Share Options and Prices

practices used over the years. Located next to the Trailhead.

Park offers blue ribbon trout Melinda Coscarelli Lutes fishing streams, camping, Founder / Executive Director horseback riding trails, horse camping facilities, cross country Preston was founded by CFT,John CFN Kaercher in 1853. The skiing and snowmobile trails. 507-352-5111 www.dnr. location was desirable as the Root River afforded state.mn.us/state_parks/forestville_mystery_cave/index. 507-951-99to80establish his flour w opportunities for Kaercher w html w .v mills along themelinda@p river. The area offered is itb luff rojectfitfam ilies.org cou ntr abundant supplies of timber, water power, y.cNATIONAL HISTORIC BLUFF COUNTRY SCENIC www.projeservice. om ctfitfamiliesPreston .org stonework and railway is

The Root River Trail sys attracts thousands of outdoor enthusiasts ea season.


Preston Area Attractions

to “Get Hooked on Preston!” Start planning your Project Fit Families Preston visit today!

Melinda Coscarelli Lutes Founder / Executive Director CFT, CFN 507-951-9980 melinda@projectfitfamilies.org www.projectfitfamilies.org


Go back in time as business at Histor village. Visit the ge merchandise. Tour which feature orig You can even February 2013lend with daily chorScotc es o 16…13TH Annual like baki brea d, t Annual Scotc 23…13THng gard en, and cutting across the landmar March 2013 Brid ge that lead s vi TH Annual Scotch 2…13 offer ed May – Octo b TH fore Annual Scotch 9…13 stvil le 31…ECFE Easter Egg FORESTVILLE/MY ST April 2013 Take a natuMethodist ralist ledC 5…United 13…Adult/Youth 9 Pin 13…MN Trout Fishing 13…Mystery Cave Ope 26-28…Bluff Country S

May 2013 skiinFridays…Preston g and snowmob Farm il state17-19…Preston .mn.us/state_ Trout parD html Sales, Car S Family Fun HISTORIC BLUFF COU Golf Tourna BYWAY: 18…Servicemen’s Club 19…Preston As you drive intoChamber Presto i will be25…South treated Forestville to one beautiful panorama of s in Southeas June 2013esota. t Minn Fridays…Preston Farm Preston is one of 1…Dakota Drum & Da seve ra river towns along 8…Bread & Butter thisDay country charm and 88 breaF 13…Preston’s Family pass impr essive limeston forest, and numerou delight fishermen s riv , birdwa and motorcyclists alike. w bluffcountry.com.

Come Visit The

“National T

120 St. Anthony St 507-765-4700


Get a headstart with your marketing materials now.


F an

Brochures • Inserts • Magazines • Rack Cards PEr FEC t

g lo S SY

Preston’s 2012 Be st of Bluff Country W inners: B&B


Bowl, Preston ~ Vote

d “Best Breakfast

Branding Iron Rest

aurant, Preston ~

JailHouse Inn, Pres

Voted “Best Stea


ton ~ Voted “Bes

Old Barn Resort,

Forestville State

t B&B”

Preston - Voted “Bes

t Camping”

Park, Preston - Vote

www.perfectglossy.com d “Best Hiking”

TrailHead Inn, Pres

Forestville State

ton - Voted “Best


Park, Preston - Vote

JuliaClaire Repe

d “Best Picnic Spot

at Boutique, Pres

Printing SolutionS

The National Trou t Center (NTC) provides handson activities to engage the public in awareness of the environment and cold-water fishery resources of the driftless region and the arts and craf ts related to t and site exp will vari NTC lectu on-s prearranged on loca tion at scho centers, or other public meeting sites.

The Root River -

Harmony to Pres

ton - Voted “Best


Voted “Best Fishi

ton - Voted “Best

ng Spot”

Section of the Trail ”





Weather Forecast

September 23, 2013 September 24, 2013 September 25, 2013 Septmeber 26, 2013 September 27, 2013 September 28, 2013 September 29, 2013















55° 73°


* This is a projected forecast, for the most up-to-date weather go to www.fillmorecountyjournal.com and click on the weather icon.













SUN & MOON DATE: SUNRISE & SUNSET MOONRISE & MOONSET 09/23/13 6:57am 7:02pm 9:26pm 11:26am 09/24/13 6:59am 7:00pm 10:09pm 12:23pm 09/25/13 7:00am 6:59pm 10:56pm 1:15pm 09/26/13 7:01am 6:57pm 11:47pm 2:03pm 09/27/13 7:02am 6:55pm Prev. Day 2:45pm 09/28/13 7:03am 6:53pm 12:41am 3:23pm 09/29/13 7:04am 6:51pm 1:37am 3:57pm

All children 13 and under are welcome to submit Weather Art. Send your picture to Fillmore County Journal P.O. Box 496, Preston, MN 55965 or email it to: ads@fillmorecountyjournal.com or drop it off at the Fillmore County Journal 136 St. Anthony St., Preston, MN Be sure to include Child’s First and Last Name, Age, Town and Title of Art Work.





SEPT. 26

OCT. 4

OCT. 11

OCT. 18

“Sunny Day” By Parker Storhoff Lanesboro Elementary 1ST Grade

Preston equiPment Jct. 52 & 16, Preston, mn Ph: 507-765-3803



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Computer Solutions SMG Computer Solutions will no longer be operating in the Fillmore County Journal building. We would like to thank all of our customers who have given us the opportunity to serve them over the past couple years. Since we want to make sure our customers are in good hands moving forward, we will be referring all of our customers to Bluff Country Computer Works in Harmony, MN.

www.bluffcountrycomputerworks.com For the best computer support with service and sales, we highly recommend Bluff Country Computer Works in Harmony, MN. They do great work and have been serving residential and business customers in Fillmore County for more than a decade. They can be reached by phone at 507-886-9675 or Toll Free at 866-229-6757. And, you can find them located at 35 1st Ave NE in Harmony located in the Harmony Telephone Company building. Again, thank you for your business. Jason Sethre

President SMG Computer Solutions



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Get your vehicles ready for fall weather ahead! 2009 toyota corolla, 1.8L Auto FWD, 69,000 Miles, Black, AC, Bucket Seats, CD, Cloth Interior, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes/Door,Tilt,Tinted Glass………………………………………………$9,895 2007 pontiac Grand prix, 3.8L Auto FWD, 77,000 Miles, Brown, AC, Airbags, CD, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Windows, Sunroof, Tilt, ………………………………………$9,250 2006 buick rendezvous, Auto FWD, 156,000 Miles, Light Blue, AC, Airbags, Cassette & CD, Fold Down Rear Seat, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Windows…………………$6,900 2006 chevrolet impala lt, 3.5L Auto, FWD, 116,000 Miles, Grey, AC, Airbags, CD, Keyless Entry,Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Windows, Tinted Glass…………………………………$6,889 2006 ford taurus, 3.0L Auto FWD, 86,000 Miles, Grey, AC, Airbags, CD, Heated Seats, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Windows ………………………………………………$6,000 2006 hyundai santa fe, 3.5L Auto, 4WD, Leather, 141,000 Miles, Black, AC, Airbags, CD, Heated Mirrors/Seats, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Windows……………………$8,399 2005 chevrolet cobalt, 2.2L Ecotech Auto FWD, 146,000 Miles, White, AC, CD, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Windows,Tinted Glass…………………………………………..…$4,750 2005 hyundai sonata, 2.7L Auto FWD, 86,000 Miles, Gold, AC, Airbags, CD, Keyless Entry, Leather Interior, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Windows, Sunroof …………………………………$6,500 2003 chevrolet malibu, 3.1L Auto FWD, 145,000 Miles, White, AC, CD, Power Brakes/Locks/ Mirrors/Windows………………………………………………………………………………………$2,950 2003 dodge caravan sport, 3.8L Auto FWD, 99,500 Miles, Tan, AC, Airbags, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Sliding Door/Windows, Quad Seating………………………………$5,699 1999 chevrolet astro lt, 4.3L Auto 4WD, 165,000 Miles, White, AC, Airbags,Cassette, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Windows, Roof Rack…………………………………………………$3,250 1997 toyota camry, 2.2L Auto FWD, 178,000 Miles, Tan, Leather, AC, Airbags, Cassette, Keyless Entry, Power Brakes/Locks/Mirrors/Seats/Windows, Sunroof……………………………………$2,999

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