NFF Professionalsgids

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PROFESSIONALS GIDS 2018 PROFESSIONALS GUIDE 2018 28 september – 1 oktober 28 September – 1 October

Voorwoord Welkom collega’s, Vier dagen lang is NFF Professionals de plek voor de hele sector om elkaar te ontmoeten, te inspireren en nieuwe kennis uit te wisselen. In een klein land vol eigenzinnige makers, uiteenlopende belangen en grote concurrentie vanuit het buitenland is dit belangrijker dan ooit. Daarom nodigen we jullie van harte uit om elkaar te bevragen, inspireren en te informeren, met als gezamenlijk doel de kwaliteit, zichtbaarheid en toegankelijkheid van Nederlandse producties te vergroten.   Met deze ambitie als vertrekpunt heeft het NFF Professionals programma dit jaar een vernieuwde vorm gevonden. Het programma start met de NFF Conferentie waarbij we constructieve discussies faciliteren en makers uit elk vakgebied uitnodigen hun visies te delen, uitgedaagd te zien en aan te scherpen.   Naast het agenderen van belangrijke onderwerpen die de hele industrie aangaan, wil het NFF een plek van inspiratie zijn, voor alle departementen. We hopen jullie dan ook allen te zien bij de masterclasses van o.a. Jan Harlan (producent van o.a. Kubrick en Spielberg), William Simpson (storyboarder Game of Thrones), Karen Palmer (award-winning ‘storyteller from the Future’), Dylan Tichenor (vaste editor Paul Thomas Anderson) of bij Be Dramatic!, een ochtend die geheel in het teken staat van Europese series.   Tot slot blijven project- en talentontwikkeling en het delen van expertise belangrijke speerpunten tijdens het NFF Professionals programma. De co-productiemarkt Holland Film Meeting heeft plaatsgemaakt voor meer op maat gemaakte programma’s voor projecten in ontwikkeling, die samenwerking en kennisuitwisseling tussen de Nederlandse en internationale filmindustrie stimuleren. Belangrijke onderdelen hiervan zijn BoostNL (i.s.m. IFFR PRO), Stories & Beyond, en de allereerste editie van SOLD!. In deze gids worden deze programma’s en de geselecteerde projecten gepresenteerd. Daarnaast organiseert NFF Professionals ook dit jaar weer de Talent Speeddates, de Talent Feedback Sessies en presenteren wij vier veelbelovende Talents en Route!   We bedanken alle partners, betrokkenen, en collega’s uit de sector voor de samenwerking die tot dit programma heeft geleid. We hopen hier met elkaar op te kunnen proosten tijdens de Closing Party voor de hele AVindustrie op maandagavond.   Namens het hele professionals team wensen we jullie een inspirerend, uitdagend en verbindend NFF Professionals programma toe. Silvia van der Heiden Algemeen Directeur NFF

Intro 2

Rianne Poodt Head of NFF Professionals

Foreword Welcome colleagues,

Colofon / Colophon

For four days NFF Professionals is the place for the entire industry to meet, inspire and exchange. In a small country like The Netherlands, with its unconventional creatives, a wide spectrum of interests and heavy competition from international talent, this is more important than ever. We wholeheartedly invite you therefore to question, to challenge and to inform — and to share your visions with others. The goal is to improve the quality, visibility and accessibility of Dutch productions.   Against this unique backdrop, NFF Professionals has found its new direction, and we are proud to present it to you. The program starts with the NFF Conference, where the focus will be on debate and discussion among professionals from every corner of the industry.   Furthermore, NFF aims to inspire. We therefore hope to see you at our masterclasses that feature, among others, Jan Harlan (producer of a.o. Kubrick and Spielberg), William Simpson (storyboard-artist Game of Thrones), Karen Palmer (award-winning ‘Storyteller from the Future’) and Dylan Tichenor (editor for Paul Thomas Anderson). We also welcome you to the dynamic Be Dramatic! programme that focuses on the development, production and presentation of successful European TV series.   Project and talent development and the interchange of expertise will always be strong pillars of the NFF Professionals program. The former Holland Film Meeting co-production market has evolved into a series of tailor-made programs for projects in development that encourage collaboration and exchange between the Dutch and international industries and professionals. Important elements within this include the BoostNL programme (in collaboration with IFFR PRO), Stories & Beyond programme and the inaugural SOLD!. This guide will outline all the programs as well as each selected project. Simultaneously, NFF Professionals is once again host to the Talent Speed-dates and Talent Feedback Sessions, and we are happy to present to you four highly promising Dutch Talents en Route!   We want to thank all our partners, colleagues and fellow professionals involved in the creation of this program. And when it is all over, we look forward to raising our glasses in celebration at the Closing Party on Monday night, which is open to all industry professionals.   On behalf of the entire Professionals team, we wish you an inspiring, challenging and engaging NFF Professionals program.

Een uitgave van het Nederlands Film Festival. Coördinatie / Coordination Esther Schmidt Redactie / Editor Alex Zwart, Nick Cunningham Vertaling / Translation Sjaan de Bruijn, Nick Cunningham Ontwerp en vormgeving/ Design NFF Guide Dina Milovcic, Tessa Bachrach Kristofic, Franka Tretinjak (NJI3​) Fotografie / Photography Nichon Glerum, Ramon Mangold, Desirée Schippers, 31pictures / Bram Belloni, Anieka van Leeuwarden, Melanie Lemahieu Drukwerk / Printer Veenman+ Advertentieacquisitie / Acquisition AdNovus B.V. Oplage 1.500 exemplaren

Silvia van der Heiden Festival Director NFF

Intro 3

Rianne Poodt Head of NFF Professionals

Campagne / Campaign Hong Kong Amsterdam Fotografie cover / Photography Cover Maeve Stam (Halal Film & Photography) Hair & make­up Francoise Mol Styling Lisa Anne Stuyfzand Contact Postbus / PO Box 1581, 3500 BN Utrecht, The Netherlands +31 30 230 3800, professionals professionals

Index 2  Voorwoord Foreword 3  Colofon Colophon 5  Pijlers Pillars 6  Organisatie Meet the Team 9  Agenderen / Discuss 11  NFF Conferentie 2018 NFF Conference 2018 12  Conferentie: Plenair programma Conference: Plenary Programme 13  Conferentie: Parallel programma ochtend Conference: Parallel Programme morning 15  Conferentie: Parallel programma middag Conference: Parallel Programme afternoon 17  Inspireren / inspire 19   Het scenario & de collega’s The Script & the Colleagues 20 Jan Harlan: Music as a Scripting Tool 21 (Be)Grijp je publiek! Grasp Your Audience! 22 International Masterclass montage International Masterclass Editing 23 Our Brave New World Sessions 25 International Masterclass camera: Kees van Oostrum International Masterclass Camera: Kees van Oostrum 26 Be Dramatic! 27 Workshop Storytelling: Karen Palmer 28 Seminar animatie: Co-produceren met China Seminar Animation: Co-producing With China 29 Masterclass William Simpson

Intro 4

31  Stimuleren / Stimulate 33 BoostNL 46  Stories & Beyond 48 Sold! 51  Talents en Route 56  Talent Feedback sessies Sessions

57  Ontmoeten / Meet 59  Professionals Lunch and Drinks 60  Professionals Diner / Dinner & Talents en Route presentatie / Presentations 60  Bring Your Own Beamer 60  NFF Feest / Party 61   Script & Score 61   Professionals Diner / Dinner 62  Talent Speeddates 62  Closing Party

63  NFF Extended 63  Academy 66  Dutch Selection 67  Map 68  Blokkenschema Time Schedule 82 Partners

Pijlers Pillars

Agenderen / Discuss

Onder de pijler Agenderen organiseert NFF Professionals bijeenkomsten waar actuele thema’s en onderwerpen voor de Nederlandse AV-industrie op de agenda worden gezet, met als doel het vergroten van de kwaliteit, zichtbaarheid en toegankelijkheid van Nederlandse producties. Under the pillar Discuss NFF Professionals puts relevant themes and topics for the Dutch AV industry on the agenda with the aim of optimizing the quality, visibility, and accessibility of Dutch productions.

Inspireren / Inspire

Onder de pijler Inspireren staan vier dagen lang inspirerende masterclasses en seminars op het programma met nationale en internationale experts die verdieping bieden aan een onderwerp of vakgebied. This pillar presents inspiring Masterclasses and seminars for four days with national and international experts who offer indepth sessions on a subject or discipline.

Intro 5

Stimuleren / Stimulate

De pijler Stimuleren omvat diverse op maat gemaakte programma’s voor projecten in ontwikkeling, die kennisuitwisseling, samenwerking en co-producties tussen de Nederlandse en de internationale filmindustrie bevorderen. The pillar Stimulate consists of various tailor-made project development programmes that stimulate knowledge exchange and cooperation between the Dutch and the international film industry.

Ontmoeten / Meet

Onder de pijler Ontmoeten bevordert het NFF het netwerken van professionals, door middel van openbaar toegankelijke events en besloten ontmoetingen. Van vrijdag 28 september t/m maandag 1 oktober is de Stadsschouwburg Utrecht dé ontmoetingsplek voor professionals. The pillar Meet promotes the networking of professionals through publicly accessible events and private meetings. From Friday 28 September to Monday 1 October, the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht will be the meeting place for professionals.

Organisatie Meet the Team NFF Professionals Team

Silvia van der Heiden Managing Director Nederlands Film Festival

Petra Remmen Business Director Nederlands Film Festival

Rianne Poodt Head of NFF Professionals

Esther Schmidt Programme & communication NFF Professionals

Paulien Dresscher Programmer Interactive

Emmy Sidiras Coordinator BoostNL

Eline van Lint Programme NFF Professionals & NFF Talent

Sterre de Jong Producer NFF Conference

Amber Smidt Production manager NFF Professionals

Lisanne Heiligers Coordinator Guest Department

Marko Truyen Guest Department

Martijn Pons Assistant Guest Department

Jordi Wijnalda Coordinator SOLD!

Marit Oprins Meeting Coordinator

Nick Cunningham Editor NFF Professionals Publications

Susan Warmenhoven NFF Professionals Online

Intro 6

BoostNL Team

Marit van den Elshout Head of IFFR PRO

Fay Breeman Coordinator Hubert Bals Fund

Inke Van Loocke Coordinator CineMart/ Rotterdam Lab

Ido Abram Moderator NFF Professionals

Marten Rabarts Moderator SOLD!


Ellis Driessen Coordinator Stories & Beyond

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17/08/2018 11:50

Agenderen Discuss

Agenderen Discuss Onder de pijler Agenderen organiseert NFF Professionals bijeenkomsten waar actuele thema’s en onderwerpen voor de Nederlandse AV-industrie op de agenda worden gezet, met als doel het vergroten van de kwaliteit, zichtbaarheid en toegankelijkheid van Nederlandse producties. Under the pillar Discuss NFF Professionals puts relevant themes and topics for the Dutch AV industry on the agenda with the aim of optimizing the quality, visibility, and accessibility of Dutch productions.

Vrijdag 28 september Friday September 28 12  Conferentie: Plenair programma Conference: Plenary Programme 13  Conferentie: Parallel sessies ochtend Conference: Parallel Sessions morning 15  Conferentie: Parallel sessies middag Conference: Parallel Sessions afternoon

Voor tijden en gedetailleerde informatie verwijzen we graag naar de website: For times and detailed information we would like to refer to our website:

NFF Conference 2018

Het Nederlands Film Festival presenteert op vrijdag 28 september de NFF Conferentie. Nationale en internationale sprekers discussiëren in diverse sessies over de stand van zaken in het Nederlandse AV-landschap. Belangrijke leidraad van deze dag is het advies van de Raad voor Cultuur van maart 2018, de reactie van de Minister op het advies aan de Tweede Kamer, d.d. 2 juli 2018 en daaropvolgende reacties en ontwikkelingen in de industrie. De AV-industrie is als geheel uitgenodigd om mee te denken over de richting die de het zou kunnen nemen in de komende jaren.   Met sprekers van o.a. Facebook, Google/YouTube, Curzon, Netflix, NPO, OCW, het Nederlands Filmfonds en Vlaams Audiovisueel Filmfonds en internationale experts als The Bridge-regisseur Rumle Hammerich, Vlaamse producent Tomas Leyers, en Liz Rosenthal, digitale film- & mediapionier en oprichter van Power to the Pixel.

The Nederlands Film Festival presents the NFF Conference on Friday September 28 where national and international speakers will discuss the current state of affairs within the Dutch AV landscape. Important guidance of this day is the advice of the Council for Culture of March 2018, the reaction of the Minister to the recommendation to the House of Representatives, dated 2 July 2018 and subsequent reactions and developments in the industry. The AV industry as a whole is invited to think along about the direction it could take in the coming years.   The NFF Conference has invited speakers from Facebook, Google/YouTube, Curzon, Netflix, NPO, OCW, the Netherlands Film Fund and Flemish Audiovisual Film Fund, as well as international experts such as Rumle Hammerich, director of The Bridge, Flemish producer Tomas Leyers and Liz Rosenthal, digital film & media pioneer and founder of Power to the Pixel.


NFF Conferentie 2018


Conferentie: Plenair programma Conference: Plenary Programme Vrijdag 28 september 9:30–11:30 uur Friday September 28 9:30–11:30h

De NFF Conferentie start met een plenair programma voor de gehele Nederlandse AV-industrie, waar onder leiding van Nadia Moussaid de zichtbaarheid van de Nederlandse producties en de transitie van omroepen van lineair naar online wordt besproken. Met oa. Erwin Provoost (Directeur Vlaams Audiovisueel Fonds), Janneke Slöetjes (Director Of European Public Policy, Netflix), Doreen Boonekamp (Directeur Nederlands Filmfonds), Eefje Blankevoort (Partner bij Prospektor), Frans Klein (NPO, directeur Video) en Markus Sterky (Content Strategist Sveriges Television en voorzitter van de EBU TV-commissie).

Moderator Nadia Moussaid

The NFF Conference starts with an all-encompassing programme for the entire Dutch AV industry, in which the visibility of Dutch productions and broadcasters’ transition from linear to online television is discussed under the guidance of Nadia Moussaid. Speakers include (among others) Erwin Provoost (Director of the Flemish Audiovisual Fund), Janneke Slöetjes (Director of European Public Policy, Netflix), Doreen Boonekamp (Director of the Netherlands Film Fund), Eefje Blankevoort (Partner at Storytelling Agency Prospektor), Frans Klein (NPO, CEO Video) and Markus Sterky (Content Strategist of Sveriges Television and chairman of the EBU TV-committee).

Conference: Parallel Programme morning

Vrijdag 28 september 11:40–13:30 uur

Friday September 28 11:40–13:30h

In de late ochtend tot aan de lunch zijn er verschillende sessies die parallel aan elkaar lopen.

In the late morning until lunch there are several parallel sessions.

Play Money Hoe alternatieve investeringsvormen in de Nederlandse creatieve sector nieuwe vormen van verhalen en games tot stand brengen. Met onder andere Tijmen Tio & Tom van Boogaart (Sokpop), Herdjie Zhou (Lucky Kat Studio’s), Roel Ezendam (RageSquid) Moderator Adriaan de Jongh (Hidden Folks, 2017)

Play Money How alternative forms of investment within the Dutch creative sector create new forms of stories and games. With, among others Tijmen Tio & Tom van Boogaart (Sokpop), Herdjie Zhou (Lucky Kat Studio’s), Roel Ezendam (RageSquid) Moderator Adriaan de Jongh (Hidden Folks, 2017)

Multiplatformdistributie en publieksbereik Welke innovatieve methodes zorgen voor succesvolle distributie en publieksbereik in tijden van veranderende mediaconsumptie? Met Philip Mordecai (Director of Digital Ventures, Curzon UK), Elisabeth Sjaastad (Nettkino, Noorwegen), Joanna Solecka (Alphapanda, UK), Anke van Diejen en Noortje van de Sanden (Picl). Moderator Wendy Bernfeld (Rights Stuff, Canada)

Multiplatform Distribution and Audience Reach In times of changing media consumption, which innovative methods ensure successful distribution and audience reach? With Philip Mordecai (Director of Digital Ventures, Curzon UK), Elisabeth Sjaastad (Nettkino, Norway), Joanna Solecka (Alphapanda, UK), Anke van Diejen and Noortje van de Sanden (Picl). Moderator Wendy Bernfeld (Rights Stuff, Canada)


Conferentie: Parallel programma ochtend


Presentaties In deze sessie komen twee belangrijke spelers in het Nederlandse film en televisielandschap aan het woord. Suzanne Kunzeler (NPO genrecoördinator drama) presenteert het nieuwe NPO Drama beleid. Johan Oomen (Hoofd Kennis en Innovatie Beeld en Geluid) toont een inspirerende casestudy rondom het project Mind of the Universe; een samenwerking tussen de VPRO, wetenschappers van de universiteiten Leiden-Delft-Erasmus en Beeld en Geluid.

Presentations (Dutch spoken) During this session, two important players from the Dutch film and television landscape will come to the floor. Suzanne Kunzeler (NPO Genre Coordinator, Drama) presents the new NPO drama policy. Johan Oomen (Head of Knowledge and Innovation at Sound and Vision) will present an inspirational case study around the project Mind of the Universe; a collaboration between VPRO, scientists from the universities of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus and Sound and Vision.

The End of Transmedia? Nieuwe manieren van online verhalen vertellen worden tegen het licht worden gehouden. Wat werkt wel en wat juist niet? Met onder andere Liz Rosenthal (Power to the Pixel), Caspar Sonnen (Hoofd Nieuwe Media IDFA), Polina Medvedeva (maker/Sandberg Instituut). Moderator Martijn de Waal (Universiteit van Amsterdam)

The End of Transmedia? Discussing and assessing new ways of online storytelling. What works and what does not? With, among others Liz Rosenthal (Power to the Pixel), Caspar Sonnen (Head of New Media IDFA), Polina Medvedeva (maker/Sandberg Institute). Moderator Martijn de Waal (University of Amsterdam).

Vrijheid versus Restricties Welke werkwijze bevordert creativiteit het meest? Zijn we gebaat bij restricties of is absolute vrijheid het enige wat creatie stimuleert? Een sessie over verschillende manieren van aanpak en samenwerkingen in het creatieve veld. Met onder andere Rumle Hammerich (regisseur van o.a. The Bridge en voormalig hoofd Drama DR, Denemarken), Mieke Bernink (Head of Department Master of Film, NFA), Tomas Leyers (producent Minds Meet, België). Moderator Michiel de Rooij

Freedom versus restrictions Which way of working best enhances creativity? Do restrictions benefit our process of creation, or is absolute freedom the only way to go? A session that takes a closer look at different ways of approaching creative collaborations. With, among others Rumle Hammerich (director of a.o. The Bridge and former Head of Drama DR, Denmark), Mieke Bernink (Head of Department Master of Film, NFA), Tomas Leyers (producer Minds Meet, Belgium). Moderator Michiel de Rooij

Conference: Parallel Programme afternoon

Vrijdag 28 september 14:30–17:30 uur

Friday September 28 14:30–17:30h

Het anti-cliché verhaal In samenwerking met VERS, de vereniging voor nieuwe film- en televisiemakers, nemen we filmclichés in Nederlands drama onder de loep. Hoe kunnen we de representatie van diversiteit, gender en seksualiteit verbeteren en tegelijkertijd onszelf trainen om op een vernieuwende manier karakters en films te schrijven? Met onder andere Sharif Abdel Mawla, Sia Hermanides, Alieke van Saarloos Moderatie Maurice Seleky

The Anti-Cliché Story (Dutch spoken) In collaboration with VERS, the association for new film and television makers, we take a closer look at film clichés in Dutch drama. How can we improve the representation of diversity, gender and sexuality and at the same time train ourselves to write characters and films in an innovative way? With, among others Sharif Abdel Mawla, Sia Hermanides, Alieke van Saarloos Moderator Maurice Seleky

Tech Talks & Impact Drie presentaties over nieuwe ontwikkelingen en succesverhalen. •• Van publiek, naar fan, naar consument Lisa Rousseau (Head of Movie Content Partnerships, EMEA, YouTube en Google Play) biedt ons een inzage in hoe platforms als YouTube en Google Play een rol spelen in het betrekken van je publiek en hoe zij nieuwe mogelijkheden bieden voor marketing en distributie van film en televisie. •• Impact voor documentaire en series Bernadette Kuiper (Impact Academy) toont aan de hand van twee casestudies het belang en de waarde van een goede impactstrategie en het succes rondom de documentaire Alicia en de hitserie Orange is the New Black •• The mogelijkheden van Facebook Watch Welke rol speelt een platform als Facebook in de audiovisuele markt? Director of Facebook Media Partnerships Central Europe, JensUwe Bornemann spreekt over de nieuwe service Facebook Watch en hoe het kan ingezet worden door AV-professionals in hun distributie- en verdienmodellen.

Tech Talks & Impact Three presentations focusing on new developments and success stories. •• From Audience, to Fan, to Consumer Lisa Rousseau (Head of Movie Content Partnerships, EMEA, YouTube and Google Play) offers us an insight in how platforms like YouTube and Google Play can play a key role in engaging your audiences and providing new opportunities for the marketing and distribution of film and television series. •• Impact for documentary and series Bernadette Kuiper (Impact Academy) will talk about the success and importance of an impact strategy, focusing on two case studies; the documentary Alicia and the hit series Orange is the New Black. •• The Possibilities of Facebook Watch What role can Facebook play for the audiovisual market in the future? Jens-Uwe Bornemann, Director of Media Partnerships Central Europe at Facebook, talks about the newly launched video platform Facebook Watch and how it can best be used by creators and video publishers for their distribution and monetization strategies.


Conferentie: Parallel programma middag


Publieksfilm Sessie in samenwerking met Film Distributeurs Nederland (FDN) over nieuwe strategieën die publieksbereik van Nederlandse bioscoopfilms kunnen verbeteren. Moderatie Ruurd Bierman

Mainstream releases (Dutch spoken) Session in cooperation with Film Distributors Netherlands (FDN) on new strategies that can improve audience attendances of Dutch cinematic releases. Moderator Ruurd Bierman

Film: valt er wat te leren? Bijeenkomst in samenwerking met Eye Filmmuseum over het belang van filmeducatie en beeldverhalen vertellen. Fundament hiervoor is een goede samenwerking binnen de sector. Met als afsluiting de uitreiking van de ‘Filmleraar van het jaar’ door Barbera Wolfensberger (directeur-generaal OCW). Met onder andere Iris Verhoeven (JEF jeugdfilm), Florine Wiebenga (Eye Filmmuseum), Pien Houthof (LUX Nijmegen).

Film: Is There Something to Learn? (Dutch Spoken) Meeting in collaboration with Eye Film Museum about the importance of film education and storytelling. The foundation for this is good cooperation within the sector. The session will be closed with the award of ‘Film teacher of the year’ by Barbera Wolfensberger (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences). With, among others Iris Verhoeven (JEF), Florine Wiebenga (Eye Film Museum), Pien Houthof (LUX Nijmegen).

NFF Expert meeting AV-Industrie (besloten sessie) Onder begeleiding van Evelyn Austin (adviseur Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Bits of Freedom en The Hmm) nemen diverse makers, fondsen en beleidsmakers plaats aan de NFF expertmeeting, waar in de vorm van rondetafelgesprekken de onderwerpen uit het ochtendprogramma verder uitgesplitst en besproken worden. De conclusies worden aan het einde van de dag gepresenteerd aan alle conferentie deelnemers en zal resulteren in een document dat naar OCW wordt gestuurd. Dit kan dienen als gespreksdocument voor beleidsmakers en betrokkenen. Het NFF wil hiermee bijdragen aan de richting en verbetering van de Nederlandse AV-industrie.

NFF Expert meeting AV-Industry (closed session) Under the guidance of Evelyn Austin (Advisor Creative Industries Fund, Bits of Freedom and The Hmm) makers, fund chiefs and policy makers break down and analyse the points raised from the morning programme. The conclusions will be presented to all conference participants at the end of the day and will result in a document that is sent to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sciences. This can serve as a future discussion document for policy makers and stakeholders. The Nederlands Film Festival wants to contribute to the future orientation of, and improvements within, the Dutch AV industry.

Inspireren Inspire

Inspireren Inspire Onder de pijler Inspireren staan vier dagen lang inspirerende masterclasses en seminars op het programma met nationale en internationale experts die verdieping bieden aan een onderwerp of vakgebied. This pillar presents inspiring masterclasses and seminars during four days with national and international experts who offer indepth sessions on a subject or discipline.

Vrijdag 28 september Friday September 28

Zaterdag 29 september Saturday September 29

19  Het scenario & de collega’s The Script & the Colleagues

20  Jan Harlan: Music as a Scripting Tool 21   (Be)Grijp je publiek! Grasp Your Audience! 22  Internationale Masterclass Montage International Masterclass Editing

Zondag 30 september Sunday September 30

Maandag 1 oktober Monday October 1

23  Our Brave New Worlds Sessions 25  Masterclass Camera

26  Be Dramatic! 27  Workshop Storytelling: Karen Palmer 28  Seminar Animatie Seminar Animation 29  Masterclass William Simpson

Voor tijden en gedetailleerde informatie verwijzen we graag naar de website: For times and detailed information we would like to refer to our website:


Het scenario & de collega’s The script & the Colleagues Vrijdag 28 september 13:30–17:00 uur Friday September 28 13:30–17:00h

Het NFF en het Netwerk Scenarioschrijvers presenteren ook dit jaar een bijeenkomst die in het teken staat van het scenario. Dit jaar zijn de collega’s van de scenaristen aan het woord. Hoe brengen regisseurs, DoP’s, production designers en andere filmers een scenario tot leven en wat kunnen ze van elkaar leren?   Filmmaker Elizabeth E. Schuch is deze middag hoofdgast. Zij geeft een keynote over haar bijdrage als storyboarder aan grote films als Wonder Woman en Pacific Rim: Uprising en hoe zij haar ervaringen gebruikt als scenarist en regisseur van haar eigen werk.   Producent Stienette Bosklopper en actrice Marjolein Beumer vertellen over hun ervaringen met het schrijven van scenario’s naast hun oorspronkelijke disciplines.   En het creatieve team van de prijswinnende ‘One Night Stand’ Jungle analyseert met scenarist Ashar Medina de ‘vertaling’ van zijn scenario naar een visueel medium.   Aan het slot wordt de Visser-Neerlandia prijs uitgereikt, een prijs voor een nog te produceren scenario. De prijs wordt jaarlijks uitgereikt door het Algemeen Nederlands Verbond (ANV).

Once again the NFF and the Dutch Screenwriters’ Network will examine the subject of the screenplay and will assess how directors, DoPs, production designers and other creative professionals seek to bring a script to life, and what can they learn from each other?   Filmmaker Elizabeth E. Schuch will be the guest of honour at this event and will give a keynote about her contribution as a storyboarder on blockbusters such as Wonder Woman and Pacific Rim: Uprising, emphasising how she utilises her own experiences as scriptwriter and director.   Leading Dutch professionals Stienette Bosklopper (producer) and actress Marjolein Beumer will tell how they applied skills learned in their core disciplines when writing their own successful screenplays.   In addition, the creative team behind awardwinning One Night Stand project Jungle will analyze, together with writer Ashar Medina, how they transposed Ashar’s scenario to screen.   The Visser-Neerlandia prize for an as-yet-to-beproduced screenplay will be awarded at the end of the session. The prize is awarded annually by the Algemeen Nederlands Verbond (ANV).

Presentatie is in handen van Jaap Peter Enderlé en Jenny Mijnhijmer. De regie is in handen van Pepijn Moors.

Hosts on the day are Jaap Peter Enderlé and Jenny Mijnhijmer. The director is Pepijn Moors. Language Dutch and English

Voertaal Nederlands en Engels


Jan Harlan: Music as a Scripting Tool Zaterdag 29 september 10:00–12:30 uur Saturday September 29 10:00–12:30h

Jan Harlan was Stanley Kubrick’s vaste producent sinds Barry Lyndon én werkte met o.a. Steven Spielberg. In deze inspirerende lezing combineert Harlan zijn vertelkunst met zijn liefde voor (film)muziek. Velen beschouwen muziek nog steeds alleen als onderdeel van de post-productie, maar Harlan toont aan hoe de soundtrack juist de structuur van een hele film kan bepalen.   Muziek is tekenend geweest voor hoe Jan Harlan de filmwereld is ingerold. Zijn zwager Stanley Kubrick vroeg hem in 1968 of hij hem kon helpen bij de muziekkeuze voor zijn film over Napoleon. Hoewel de film er nooit kwam, bleef de samenwerking voortbestaan. Én de gezamenlijke passie voor leidende muziek in film. Als pleitbezorger van de kracht van een score vertelt Harlan in deze lezing over een volgens hem vaak vergeten onderwerp op filmscholen; muziek in film. Aan de hand van tal van voorbeelden laat hij zien hoe muziek narratief en uitleg kan vervangen. Daarbij gaat hij in op filmrechten en andere juridische zaken. Hoe maak je als beginnend filmmaker een score van wereldklasse met een klein budget?   De Duits-Amerikaanse Harlan is de zoon van twee operazangers. Door zijn ruim vijftig jaar aan ervaring in de filmwereld, is hij een vaste gastdocent aan The European Film College in Denemarken. Hij was één van de producers van The Shining en regisseerde een documentaire over het leven van Stanley Kubrick: Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures.

Jan Harlan was Stanley Kubrick’s regular producer since Barry Lyndon and worked with Steven Spielberg, to give one example. In this inspiring talk, Harlan combines his narrative skills with his love for (film)music. Many people still consider music as part of post-production, but Harlan demonstrates how a soundtrack can determine the structure of an entire film.   Music was instrumental in Harlan’s entrance into the world of cinema. In 1968, his brother-in-law Stanley Kubrick asked if he could help select the music for his film about Napoleon. The film was never realised, but their collaboration persevered. As did their joint passion for leading music in cinema. As an advocate of the power of a score, Harlan will talk about a topic he thinks is often ignored at film academies; music in film. Illustrated by numerous examples, he will show how music can replace narrative and explanation. He will dwell on movie rights and other legal matters. How does a fledgling filmmaker compose a world-class score on a small budget?   The German-American Harlan is the son of two opera singers. Owing to his fifty years of experience in cinema, he is a regular guest lecturer at The European Film College in Denmark. He was one of the producers of The Shining and directed a documentary on Stanley Kubrick’s life: Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures.

Deze lezing is georganiseerd door Shortcutz Amsterdam (Labz) en NFF, en wordt gesponsord door Buma Cultuur.

Language English

Voertaal Engels

This talk has been organised by Shortcutz Amsterdam (Labz) and NFF and is sponsored by Buma Cultuur.


(Be)Grijp je publiek!

Grasp Your Audience! Zaterdag 29 september 10:00–12:30 uur Saturday September 29 10:00–12:30h

Wie is je publiek, wat houdt hen bezig en hoe zorg je ervoor dat ze je zien? Het NPO-fonds nodigt drie makers uit het culturele veld uit die hier op een geheel eigen en innovatieve manier in geslaagd zijn. Zij presenteren hun projecten, waarmee ze een groot of bijzonder publiek wisten te bereiken. Tijdens deze sessie vertellen zij over hun ervaringen en geven ze tips aan makers met televisieprojecten in ontwikkeling.   Marketingmanager van het Stedelijk Museum Karin Sommerer presenteert Stedelijk X waarbij ze samenwerkte met influencers. Regisseur David Cocheret vertelt over het succes van de online serie De Slet van 6VWO en theatermakers Daria Bukvic en Nasim Miradi laten zien hoe de voorstelling Melk & Dadels haar publiek weet te bereiken. De presentatie is in handen van dj, actrice en presentatrice Eva Cleven, bekend van Het Klokhuis, Z@pplive en FunX. Deze ochtend wordt georganiseerd door het NPO-fonds, in samenwerking met NFF. Voertaal Nederlands

Who is your audience, what occupies their minds and how do you make sure they see you? Three creators from the cultural field who managed to do this in unique and innovative ways, present projects with which they have succeeded to reach a large or specific audience. In this special, they talk about their experiences and provide tips to creators with projects in development.   Marketing Manager of the Stedelijk Museum Karin Sommerer presents Stedelijk X where she collaborated with influencers. Director David Cocheret talks about the success of the online series De Slet of 6VWO and theater makers Daria Bukvic and Nasim Miradi show how the theater play Melk & Dadels reaches its audience. The event is hosted by DJ, actress and presenter Eva Cleven, known from The Apple Core, Z@pplive and FunX. This morning programme has been organised by the NPO Fund, in association with the NFF. Language Dutch


Internationale Masterclass montage International Masterclass Editing Zaterdag 29 september 13:30–17:00 uur Saturday September 29 13:30–17:00h

In deze nieuwe editie van de Internationale NCE-masterclass montage is dit jaar de voor twee Oscars genomineerde Dylan Tichenor, ACE, bekend als de vaste editor van Paul Thomas Anderson, te gast bij NFF. Begeleid door fragmenten uit zijn beroemdste films vertelt Tichenor over zijn werk.   Tichenor monteerde naast zijn werk voor Anderson, (van Boogie Nights en Magnolia tot het dit jaar uitgekomen Phantom Thread), films als Unbreakable voor M. Night Shyamalan, The Royal Tenenbaums voor Wes Anderson en The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford voor Andrew Dominik. In 2005 nam hij de montage over voor Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain. Een uitdagende klus, niet in de laatste plaats omdat hij inviel voor zijn plots overleden leermeester Geraldine Peroni van wie hij het vak leerde bij de films van Robert Altman. Zijn twee Academy Award nominaties verdiende hij voor There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007) en Zero Dark Thirty (Kathryn Bigelow, 2012). Deze masterclass is georganiseerd door de Nederlandse vereniging van Cinema-Editors (NCE) en NFF. Voertaal Engels

In this new edition of the International NCE-Editing Masterclass, the NFF gives the floor to twice Oscarnominated Dylan Tichenor, ACE, known as Paul Thomas Anderson’s regular editor. Illustrated by fragments from his most famous projects, Tichenor will tell about his work.   Apart from his work for Anderson (from Boogie Nights and Magnolia to Phantom Thread, released this year), Tichenor edited films such as Unbreakable for M. Night Shyamalan, The Royal Tenenbaums for Wes Anderson and The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford for Andrew Dominik. In 2005, he took over editing duties for Ang Lee’s Brokeback Mountain. A challenging job, not least because he filled in for his suddenly deceased mentor Geraldine Peroni, who taught him the ropes while editing Robert Altman’s films. He earned his two Academy Award nominations for There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007) and Zero Dark Thirty (Kathryn Bigelow, 2012). This masterclass has been organised by the Netherlands Association of Cinema Editors (NCE) and NFF. Language English


Our Brave New World Sessions Zondag 30 september 13:00–17:00 uur Sunday September 30 13:00–17:00h

Hebben wij nog wel controle over de technologieën die wij ontwikkelen? De manieren waarop wij onze verhalen vertellen, veranderen: van urban en mobile tot immersive, augmented en interactief. In deze Brave New World Sessions wordt gekeken hoe ze van elkaar verschillen en ook wat hun invloed is op onze wereld.   Deze middag vol inspiratie en nieuwe verhalen wordt afgetrapt door moderator Dan Hassler-Forest, onderzoeker, schrijver en universitair docent aan de UU, met een gesproken column over utopisch denken als kritisch potentieel van kunst en media. Vervolgens zal aan de hand van een aantal panels en presentaties een breed spectrum van inspirerende verhalen langskomen over The Future of the Screen, The Real and the Virtual of VR, de Interactive Expo en PublicSpaces.

Are we still in control of the technologies we develop? More and more of these technologies change the way we tell our stories. From urban and mobile to immersive, augmented and interactive. In these Brave New World Sessions, we look at how they are different, but also at how they influence our world.   This afternoon full of inspiration and new stories is kicked off by moderator Dan Hassler-Forest, researcher, writer and assistant professor at UU, with a spoken column on utopian thinking as a critical potential of art and media. Next, several panels and presentations will offer a broad range of inspiring stories about The Future of the Screen, The Real and the Virtual of VR, the Interactive Expo and PublicSpaces.

Keynote: Karen Palmer De keynote van deze middag is voor rekening van Karen Palmer. Palmer is een internationaal gerenommeerd kunstenaar en veelgevraagde spreker die in haar werk film, storytelling, kunst, wetenschap, technologie en neurologie verbindt om zo responsieve en interactieve filmervaringen te genereren. Zij zal op inspirerende wijze vertellen over hoe met (en door) nieuwe technologieën nieuwe verhalen verteld kunnen worden, die recht doen aan deze moderne tijd.   Het bezoek van Karen Palmer wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Het Nieuwe Instituut met steun van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

Keynote: Karen Palmer The keynote address of this afternoon is by Karen Palmer. Palmer is an internationally renowned artist and sought-after public speaker who in her work combines film, storytelling, art, science, technology and neurology to generate responsive and interactive film experiences. She will give an inspiring speech on how to tell new stories, with (and by means of) new technologies, that do justice to this modern era.   Karen Palmer’s attendance is partly facilitated by Het Nieuwe Instituut with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The Real and the Virtual of VR De kracht van Virtual Reality is dat het de mogelijkheid biedt kunstmatige werkelijkheden als echt te ervaren: tijd en ruimte tot gecontroleerde werkelijkheid gekneed. Vesna Petresin heeft met haar performancewerk binnen dit medium een sterke eigen handtekening en verkent het in diverse contexten. Petresin is transdisciplinaire kunstenaar en onderzoeker, en is verbonden aan de Master Film aan de Nederlandse Film Academie.

The Real and the Virtual of VR The strength of Virtual Reality is that it offers the possibility to experience artificial realities as real: time and space moulded into a controlled reality. Vesna Petresin is transdisciplinairy artist and researcher and connected to the Master Film at the Netherlands Film Academy. With her performance work she has a strong idiosyncratic signature, exploring the medium in various contexts.

The Future of the Screen Nieuwe technologieën brengen nieuwe schermen. Urban, mobile, augmented of interactief, ze veranderen de manieren waarop de verhalen verteld en vertoond worden. Samen met twee sprekers die zich richten op mogelijke toekomstige toepassingen, die misschien niet meer zo ver weg zijn als we denken, verkennen we de mogelijkheden van het scherm in nieuwe vorm met Glitchkunstenaar Rosa Menkman en designer en filmmaker Keiichi Matsuda.

The Future of the Screen New technologies beget new screens. Urban, mobile, augmented or interactive; they change the ways in which stories are told and displayed. Introducing two speakers who focus on possible future applications, which may not be as distant as we think, we explore the possibilities of the screen in its new form with glitch artist Rosa Menkman and designer Keiichi Matsuda.

The Expo Panel: Brave New Worlds De Interactive Expo die dit jaar te vinden is in de Academiegalerie en Impakt, laat de beste interactieve werken zien van het afgelopen jaar. Een aantal van de makers waaronder Noa Jansma, Tessa Pope, Studio Louter, Douwe Dijkstra en Dries Depoorter lichten een tipje van de sluier op en wijden ons in in hun werkwijze en ideeën over onze ‘Brave New World’ over.

The Expo Panel: Brave New Worlds The Interactive Expo, set up this year in the Academiegalerie and Impakt, displays the best interactive works of the past year. Noa Jansma, Tessa Pope, Studio Louter, Douwe Dijkstra and Dries Depoorter lift a corner of the veil and initiate us into their methods and ideas on our ‘Brave New worlds’.

PublicSpaces: Marleen Stikker PublicSpaces is een nieuwe beweging die het publieke domein online wil versterken en een alternatief zoekt voor de bestaande dominante commerciele platforms. Is het mogelijk een online omgeving te ontwikkelen waar publieke waarden gelden? Marleen Stikker, oprichter van Waag en tevens lid van de raad van bestuur van Public Spaces, zal in een kort betoog toelichten hoe onderwerpen als privacy van burgers, fake news, trollen en de rol van Facebook in het publieke debat heeft geleid tot dit initiatief.

PublicSpaces: Marleen Stikker PublicSpaces is a coalition of parties sharing a common goal: reconquering the internet as a public domain. PublicSpaces is based on the concept that an environment that is so pivotal for humanity as a whole should not be claimed by a few parties for political and/or economic gain. Marleen Stikker, founder of Waag and member of the governing board of Public Spaces, will speak a few words to elucidate how issues such as citizens’ privacy, fake news, trolls and the role of Facebook in the public debate have led to this initiative. Language English

Voertaal Engels


Internationale Masterclass camera: Kees van Oostrum International Masterclass Camera: Kees van Oostrum Zondag 30 september 19:30–22:15 uur Sunday September 30 19:30–22:15h

Het is de wens van nagenoeg elke Nederlandse filmmaker: doorbreken in de Verenigde Staten. De Nederlandse cameraman Kees van Oostrum maakte het waar en ontving meerdere Emmy nominaties. Sinds 2016 is hij president van The American Society of Cinematographers.   De van oorsprong Nederlandse cameraman Kees van Oostrum (geboren in Amsterdam) studeerde aan de Nederlandse Filmacademie. Hij vervolgde zijn studie aan The American Film Institute en ging aan de slag in de Amerikaanse film- en TV-wereld. Zijn werk vallen onder andere de drie Amerikaanse burgeroorlogfilms van regisseur Ron Maxwell: Gettysburg (1993) met onder meer Martin Sheen, Gods and Generals (2003) met Jeff Daniels en Robert Duvall, en Copperhead (2013) met Peter Fonda. Van Oostrum werd genomineerd voor drie Emmy’s en won in 1992 de ASC (American Society of Cinematographers) Award voor zijn cinematografie van de mini-serie Return to Lonesome Dove. Van 2014 tot afgelopen zomer was hij een van de vaste DoP’s van The Fosters, een in de Verenigde Staten baanbrekende serie over twee lesbiennes die meerdere pleegkinderen grootbrengen. Van Oostrum regisseerde tevens twee afleveringen van deze serie.   In deze masterclass zal Van Oostrum aan de hand van fragmenten uitweiden over zijn werk als DoP en gaat hij in op het verschil tussen werken voor film en TV. En natuurlijk blijft ook zijn werk en visie als hoofd van The American Society of Cinematographers niet onvermeld. Moderator is filmjournalist Benjamin B., bekend van The American Cinematographer en The Filmbook.

It is the desire of just about every Dutch filmmaker, to crack the US market. Dutch cameraman Kees van Oostrum did it, and received several Emmy nominations in the process. Since 2016 he is president president of The American Society of Cinematographers.   Amsterdam-born cameraman Kees van Oostrum graduated from the Dutch Film Academy. He continued his studies at The American Film Institute and went on to work primarily in the US film and TV world. His work includes the three major American Civil War films with director Ron Maxwell: Gettysburg (1993) starring Martin Sheen, God and Generals (2003) with Jeff Daniels and Robert Duvall and Copperhead (2013) with Peter Fonda. Van Oostrum was nominated for three Emmys and in 1992 won the ASC (American Society of Cinematographers) Award for his cinematography on the mini-series Return to Lonesome Dove. From 2014 until last summer, he was one of the DoP’s of The Fosters, a pioneering series in the United States about two lesbians bringing up multiple foster children. Van Oostrum also directed two episodes of this series.   In this masterclass, Van Oostrum will elaborate on his work as DoP and will discuss the differences between working for film and TV. Of course, his work (and vision) as head of the American Society of Cinematographers will not go unmentioned. Moderator is The American Cinematographerjournalist Benjamin B., and writer of The Filmbook.


Be Dramatic!

Maandag 1 oktober 10:00–12:30 uur Monday October 1 10:00–12:30h

Voor het vierde jaar op rij neemt Be Dramatic! je mee op reis door Europees drama. In samenwerking met de Franse think tank en festival Série Series wordt een aantal casestudies gepresenteerd van nog niet vertoonde series.   We starten met een Nederlands project met internationale ambitie: The Flying Dutchman. Een periodedrama over Albert Plesman en Anthony Fokker, pioniers van de Nederlandse luchtvaart tijdens het interbellum, vertegenwoordigd door regisseur Joram Lürsen en producent Idse Grotenhuis (Topkapi).   Daarna gaan we naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk voor een case study met het creatieve team van Informer (in post-productie), een hedendaagse thriller over terrorisme en undercoveragenten. Infomer is geschreven geschreven door Rory Haines en Sohrab Noshirvani, geregisseerd door Jonny Campbell (The Casual Vacancy, Westworld) en geproduceerd door Neal Street (Penny Dreadful, The Hollow Crown) en wordt binnenkort uitgebracht op BBC One.   De laatste stop is in Zweden met een masterclass van producer Lars Blomgren, onlangs door EndemolShine aangesteld als Head of Scripted EMEA. Daarvoor was hij directeur van Filmlance International, het productiebedrijf achter The Bridge, dat aan meer dan 180 gebieden verkocht werd. Lars Blomgren zal zijn ervaring en gedachten delen over hoe het motto ‘think global, act local’ van toepassing is op de creatie van series.   Het programma van Be Dramatic is samengesteld door NFF Professionals, Série Series en Festivalprogammeur Léo Soesanto.

For the fourth year in a row, Be Dramatic! takes you on a journey through European drama. In association with the French think tank and festival Série Series, several case studies are presented of as yet unscreened series.   We will depart from The Netherlands, with the presentation of an upcoming Dutch project with international ambition: The Flying Dutchman, a period drama about Albert Plesman and Anthony Fokker, pioneers of the Dutch aviation during the interwar period, directed by Joram Lürsen and produced by Topkapi Films.   We will then head to the United Kingdom for a case study with the creative team of Informer, a contemporary thriller dealing with terrorism and undercover agents, currently in post-production. Informer is written by Rory Haines and Sohrab Noshirvani, directed by Jonny Campbell (The Casual Vacancy, Westworld) and produced by Neal Street (Penny Dreadful, The Hollow Crown) and will be released soon on BBC One.   The final stop will be in Sweden with a masterclass by outstanding producer Lars Blomgren, recently appointed Head of Scripted EMEA by EndemolShine. Before taking over this position, Lars was the managing director of Filmlance International, the production company behind Bron/Broen (The Bridge), which was sold to over 180 territories and has been adapted in five countries. Lars Blomgren will share his experience and his thoughts on how the motto ‘think global, act local’ can apply to creation of series.   The programme of Be Dramatic is curated by NFF Professionals, Série Series and Festival progammer Léo Soesanto. Language English

Voertaal Engels


Workshop Storytelling: Karen Palmer Maandag 1 oktober 10:00–17:00 uur Monday October 1 10:00–17:00 uur

Welk type verhalen zijn nodig om ‘Our Brave New World’ te creëren en welke makers gaan deze maken? NFF organiseert een workshop met Karen Palmer, die door een proces van artistieke retrospectie, introspectie en ‘parkour’ de creatieve toewijding zal losmaken, die nodig is om deze wereld te bouwen.   Bij het creëren van haar (prijswinnende) Sensory Storytelling heeft ‘verteller van de toekomst’ Palmer vele inzichten verkregen voor het vertellen van verhalen. Voortbouwend op deze inzichten heeft zij een methodiek ontwikkeld voor creatieve makers om hun angst te doorstaan, om ​​ zo nieuwe werelden en transformationele ervaringen te creëren voor deelnemers door middel van (digitale) verhalen. Deze workshop is een samenwerking tussen NFF, Karen Palmer en Klasien van de Zandschulp. Het bezoek van Karen Palmer wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door Het Nieuwe Instituut, met steun van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Let op De locatie van de workshop is LAVA, Asterdwarsweg 5, 1031 HR Amsterdam Voertaal Engels

Which types of stories are required to create ‘Our Brave New World’ and which type of creators will create them? NFF organises a workshop by Karen Palmer, which will be a process of artistic retrospection, introspection and parkour, unleashing the creative commitment required to construct this world.   In creating her (award-winning) Sensory Storytelling works, ‘Storyteller from the Future’ Palmer gained many insights for telling stories. Drawing on these insights, she devised a methodology for imaginative creators to move through their fear in order to create new worlds and transformational experiences for participants through (digital) storytelling. This workshop is a collaboration between NFF, Karen Palmer and Klasien van de Zandschulp. Karen Palmer’s attendance is co-facilitated by Het Nieuwe Instituut, with support from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Please note The location of the workshop is LAVA, Asterdwarsweg 5, 1031 HR Amsterdam Language English


Seminar animatie: Co-produceren met China Seminar Animation: Co-producing With China Maandag 1 oktober 14:30–17:00 uur Monday October 1 14:30–17:00h

China is inmiddels qua koopkracht een van de belangrijkste economieën ter wereld. Hoe kunnen buitenlandse filmmakers en producenten hun kansen beproeven in de Chinese animatieindustrie? Twee specialisten, de producenten Manuel Cristòbal (Spanje) en Becky Bristow (USA), geven een unieke kijk in de keuken.   Naast het produceren van animatie hebben beiden veel ervaring op het gebied van educatie; zo zijn ze betrokken bij The California Institute of the Arts en de U-TAD University in Madrid, en tevens bij de Beijing University Digital Arts & Design en Jilin Animation Center. Door deze dubbelrol zijn ze de uitgelezen sprekers om te vertellen over de invloed van de staat, de verschillen met het Westen en onderwerpen als financiering, communicatie en natuurlijk educatie.   Bristow werkte voor o.a. Mattel Toys, Nickelodeon, Walt Disney Studios en voor de grote Chinese animatiespeler Xing Xing Digital. Cristòbal, in 2012 door CARTOON uitgeroepen tot de beste Europese animatieproducent, werkt momenteel met Submarine aan een animatie over Buñuel.   Producent Leontine Petit, chairman van Bridging the Dragon, de organisatie die Europese en Chinese filmprofessionals met elkaar verbindt, geeft een korte presentatie over de huidige Europese-Chinese samenwerking op het gebied van film.

By now, China is one of the leading economies in the world as far as consumer buying power goes. But how can foreign filmmakers and producers try their luck in the Chinese animation industry? Two ‘handson’ experts and specialists, the producers Manuel Cristòbal (Spain) and Becky Bristow (USA), offer a unique glimpse behind the scenes.   Besides being animation producers, both speakers are well-versed in the field of education; for example, they are involved in The California Institute of the Arts and the U-TAD University in Madrid but also in Beijing University Digital Arts & Designand Jilin Animation Center. With this dual role, they are the ideal speakers to dwell on the influence of the state, the differences with the West and topics including financing, communication and natural education. Cristòbal will tackle the cooperation with China from a European perspective.   Bristow worked for Mattel Toys, Nickelodeon and the Walt Disney Studios, but also for the major Chinese animation player Xing Xing Digital. In 2012, CARTOON proclaimed Cristòbal the best animation producer in Europe. Currently, he is working on an animation about Buñuel with Submarine and he set up the Chinese animation project Dragonkeeper.   Producer Leontine Petit, chairman of Bridging the Dragon, an association connecting European and Chinese film professionals, will give a short presentation on the current European-Chinese cooperation in the field of film. Moderator Tom van Waveren (Cake Entertainment)

Moderator Tom van Waveren (Cake Entertainment) Georganiseerd door Animatieproducenten Nederland (ApN) en NFF, met steun van het Nederlands Filmfonds. Voertaal Engels

Organised by Animation Producers Netherlands (ApN) and NFF, supported by the Netherlands Film Fund. Language English


Masterclass William Simpson Maandag 1 oktober 19:30–21:30 uur Monday October 1 19:30–21:30h

Van comic artist tot toonaangevend storyboard artist. Door zijn baanbrekende werk voor Game of Thrones staat de Noord-Ierse William Simpson bovenaan het verlanglijstje van veel actie en fantasy makers. Aan de hand van zijn storyboards en fragmenten van de uiteindelijke producties, neemt hij ons mee in zijn boeiende wereld.   Het werk van William Simpson staat vooral bekend om zijn energieke stijl en om zijn veelzijdigheid. Zo illustreerde hij als comic artist voor zowel DC Comics als die andere zwaargewicht, Marvel Comics. Zijn werk liep uiteen van onder andere Batman en Judge Dredd tot aan Hellblazer. Sinds 2000 is Simpson ook actief in de filmwereld. Hij maakte storyboards voor films als het post-apocalyptische Reign of Fire met Matthew McConaughey en Christian Bale, het Liam Neeson-vehikel Unknown én werkte daarnaast veelvuldig samen met de Ierse auteur en Oscarwinnaar Neil Jordan. Zijn ster rees pas echt sinds zijn bijdrage aan Game of Thrones. Aanvankelijk werd hij gevraagd de wapens voor de reeks te ontwerpen, maar al snel was hij medeverantwoordelijk voor de algehele look and feel van deze wereldwijde successerie. Voertaal Engels Locatie Filmcafé Utrecht, CAB-Rondom 90A, Utrecht

From comic artist to leading storyboard artist. Due to his pioneering work for Game of Thrones, Northern Ireland’s William Simpson is at the top of the wish list for many action and fantasy makers. Using his storyboards and fragments from his final productions, Simpson will draw us into his fascinating world during his NFF Masterclass.   William Simpson is best known for his energetic style and his versatility. As comic artist he has illustrated for the heavyweight DC Comics and its rival Marvel Comics. His remarkably varied and illustrious output includes work on Batman, Judge Dredd and Hellblazer. Since 2000, Simpson has also been very active in the film world. He has made storyboards for films such as the post-apocalyptic Reign of Fire with Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale and the Liam Neeson-vehicle Unknown, and has frequently collaborated with Irish Oscar-winner Neil Jordan. Since 2011 his star has been in the ascendant with his contribution to Game of Thrones. Initially he was asked simply to design the weapons for the series, but soon he was partly responsible for the overall look and feel of this worldwide success series. Language English Location Filmcafé Utrecht, CAB-Rondom 90A, Utrecht

planet x is excited to announce their relocation to a brand new studio in amsterdam later this year.

amsterdam / antwerpen —

PLX_Adv_NFFProfGids_180817.indd 1

17/08/2018 11:50

Stimuleren Stimulate

Stimuleren Stimulate De pijler Stimuleren omvat diverse op maat gemaakte programma’s voor projecten in ontwikkeling, die kennisuitwisseling, samenwerking en co-producties tussen de Nederlandse en de internationale filmindustrie bevorderen. The pillar Stimulate consists of various tailor-made project development programmes that stimulate knowledge exchange and co-production between the Dutch and the international film industry.

33 BoostNL 46  Stories & Beyond 48 Sold! 51  Talents en Route 56  Talent Feedback Sessies / Sessions

Voor tijden en gedetailleerde informatie verwijzen we graag naar de website: For times and detailed information we would like to refer to our website:

Voor het BoostNL programma van dit jaar, een samenwerking tussen het Nederlands Film Festival en International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) gefinancierd door het Nederlands Filmfonds, zijn acht Nederlandse en internationale projecten in ontwikkeling geselecteerd. Deze krijgen een op maat gemaakt programma aangeboden met deskundige ondersteuning en begeleiding van toonaangevende script-, productie-, verkoop-, distributie- en marketingprofessionals. Ook gaan ze in gesprek met mogelijke toekomstige co-producenten. BoostNL start op het NFF en loopt tot januari 2019 op de IFFR PRO dagen in Rotterdam.   Het doel is om Nederlandse projecten in ontwikkeling én internationale filmprojecten die steun hebben ontvangen van IFFR’s Hubert Bals Fonds, intensiever te begeleiden en te presenteren aan mogelijke toekomstige partners. Het programma richt zich op projecten die in een gevorderd stadium van ontwikkeling zijn en dus klaar zijn voor presentatie op een co-productiemarkt.

This year’s BoostNL programme, a collaboration between the Nederlands Film Festival and International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) supported by the Netherlands Film Fund, will see eight more Dutch and international projects. They are offered a tailor-made programme in which they receive intensive expert support and guidance from leading script, production, sales, distribution and marketing professionals. And exposure to new finance and production partners. This programme kicks off in Utrecht and concludes in January 2019 in Rotterdam during the IFFR PRO Days.   The aim is to help Dutch projects in development, but also international film projects that received support from IFFR’s Hubert Bals Funds, by guiding them more intensively and presenting them to potential future partners. The programme focuses on projects that are at an advanced stage of development and ready to be presented at a co-production market. Films that are almost completed can also participate as a work in progress. Owing to the combined forces of the two festivals, every project can be supported made-to-measure at different stages.


BoostNL 2018


La hija de todas las rabias The Daughter of All Rages Tanacatana Films (Nicaragua), Pomme Hurlante Films (France)

Maria is full of rage because her mother abandoned her in their local landfill. She will learn to stand up for herself and in the end forgiveness will set her free. Synopsis In the landfill of the capital of Nicaragua, Maria, an eleven-year-old girl, accidentally poisons her mother’s pure breed puppies. Lilibeth had planned on earning much needed money by selling them. As a form of punishment, she takes Maria to live and work in the recycling facility in their community. Maria becomes part of a group of abandoned children who work in exchange for food and shelter. Lilibeth regrets her decision and intends to get Maria back, but her daughter no longer wants to live with her and asks to be transferred to a facility further away. Biography Laura Baumeister (Nicaragua), directed several short films in Mexico, Nicaragua and Germany. Her works have participated in festivals like La Semaine de la Critique in Cannes, Morelia International Film Festival, FICUNAM, Stockholm Festival, and Toulouse among others. At the moment, she is working as a director in Nicaragua and Mexico and is developing her first feature film.

Company Profile Tanacatana Films started in Nicaragua as an independent audiovisual production company focused on Central American cinema. Founded by Laura and Rossana Baumeister, sisters and colleagues interested in art, cinema and communication. It is a plural and international team committed to creative search for cinematographic expression that moves and generates connections with the public in each project. Director & Screenwriter Laura Baumeister Producers Bruna Haddad & Rossana Baumeister Co-producers Eva Chillon & Daniel Chillon Attending Laura Baumeister, Rossana Baumeister & Bruna Haddad Contact Bruna Haddad (Tanacatana Films), Managua, Nicaragua

Laura Baumeister

Rossana Baumeister

Bruna Haddad


The Last Ride of the Wolves HALAL Pictures (the Netherlands), Jole Film (Italy)

An artist secretly films his criminal father and his accomplices, a gang known as ‘The Wolves’, during the preparations of what is to be their last and alltime biggest heist. Synopsis An artist secretly films his criminal father and his accomplices, a gang known as ‘The Wolves’, during the preparations of what is to be their last and all-time biggest heist. The result is not only a rare insight into the lives of these old-school criminals, but also a disarming testimony of the relationship between father and son. Director’s bio Alberto De Michele ( 1980) studied at the Rietveld Academy and was a resident at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam. His short film I Lupi (2010) won the UIP Prix and was nominated for the Short Film Tiger Award at IFFR. De Michele is currently working on his first feature film The Last Ride of the Wolves.

Company Profile HALAL is a production company and photography agency consisting of a fiction, documentary, photography and commercial department. With a DNA that is thinking outside conventional narratives, the fiction department has received appraisals globally from the likes of Sundance Film Festival, Berlinale, Tribeca Film Festival, San Sebastian Film Festival and BFI. Director Alberto De Michele Screenwriters Alberto De Michele & Simone de Rita Producers Gijs Kerbosch & Christine Anderton Attending Alberto De Michele & Christine Anderton Contact Christine Anderton (HALAL Pictures) Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Alberto De Michele

Christine Anderton


Methusalem Keplerfilm (the Netherlands), Staragara (Slovenia)

At a family celebration, Iris’ father breaks the news that his life is complete. On his upcoming birthday he will end it. Done. Deal. This turns Iris’ life upside down. Synopsis Up to the moment Iris’ father Jan announces he is ready for his death, her existence was one of a carefree and ambitious professional. An existence that gets unexpectedly and profoundly derailed. Iris realises she does not want to let him go and it reveals the less charming sides of being human. Hypocrisy, vanity, guilt, shame. Faced with her father’s death wish Iris tries everything to change his mind, to proof life is worth living. That she is worth it. Feelings of denial, fury, despair and love alternate. As a last resort, she kidnaps him to the Slovenian Alps. Director’s bio Floor van der Meulen (1989) directed several documentaries. 9 Days — From My Window in Aleppo (2016) won Best European Short Film Award during the EFA 2016 while her short drama In Exile (2016) won Best Actress at the ‘Dutch Oscars’. Van der Meulen has been selected to develop Methusalem at the Berlinale Script Station.

Company Profile Before founding Keplerfilm producers Derk-Jan Warrink and Koji Nelissen worked on awardwinning projects, both in their native the Netherlands as internationally, such as The Lobster (Yorgos Lanthimos), Bullhead (Michaël R. Roskam) and Blind (Eskil Vogt). With a strong focus on developing and nurturing talent, Keplerfilm’s business is telling stories; whether funny or sad, always deeply human and with a heart, and aiming to intellectually entertain the audience. Director Floor van der Meulen Screenwriters Bastiaan Kroeger Producers Derk-Jan Warrink & Koji Nelissen Attending Floor van der Meulen, Bastiaan Kroeger & Derk-Jan Warrink Contact Derk-Jan Warrink (Keplerfilm) Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Floor van der Meulen

Derk-Jan Warrink

Bastiaan Kroeger


Mr. K The Film Kitchen (the Netherlands), Beluga Tree (Belgium)

In a remote hotel, illusionist Mr. K finds himself trapped in a bizarre nightmare. In order to escape he has to uncover the secret hidden behind the building’s crumbling walls Synopsis As the illusionist Mr. K walks into a remote hotel, a shiver of anxious anticipation runs through the building. Trying to leave the next day he finds it is not as easy as he thought. People are welcoming towards him, but questions concerning the exit are carefully evaded.   Looking around he makes a bizarre as well as terrifying discovery. Slowly but surely the corridors of the building are becoming more narrow. The hotel is shrinking.   In order to escape he will have to expand his mind and uncover the hidden secrets of the hotel. Director’s bio Tallulah Schwab was born in Oslo, Norway. She studied film directing at the Netherlands Film Academy. She made various short films for which she received awards both inside and outside the Netherlands.. In 2014 she completed her first feature film, Confetti Harvest, and in the same year she made the series Taart.

Company Profile The Film Kitchen specialises in producing feature films for the international market. The company cooperates with experienced as well as with young filmmakers. Interesting content is the aim and it is combined with cinematographic quality. The Film Kitchen produces arthouse films and feature films for a main stream audience. Director & Screenwriter Tallulah Schwab Producers Ineke Kanters & Jan van der Zanden Attending Tallulah Schwab, Ineke Kanters, Jan van der Zanden & Luuk Hoekx Contact Ineke Kanters (The Film Kitchen) Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Tallulah Schwab

Ineke Kanters

Jan van der Zanden

Luuk Hoekx


The Neo-new Adventures Little Reunions Culture and Media Co., Ltd. (China)

A mystero buffo of an assorted troupe — kings and generals, gifted scholars and beautiful ladies, ghosts and goblins, drunkards and troublemakers. For a hundred years they have shared songs together, on stage and off. Synopsis In a night in the 1980s, the two guardians of the Underworld pick Qiu Fu-xin up who just passed away. On the road to the Ghost City, Fu-xin watches the familiar scenery of the Underworld, and bumps into old friends. They chat and constantly look back at the Human world across the river…   In the Human world, a kaleidoscopic scroll unveils with the turbulent times. The opera troupe head Liu Shucheng’s and the clown actor’s Qiu Fu-xin’s ups-and-downs sketch out a group portrait of the troupe with a series of vivid everyday fragments. Director’s bio Qiu Jiongjiong is a painter and filmmaker. From 2006 to 2012 he made several experimental and documentary features, all of which won awards at festivals in China. His latest documentary Mr. Zhang Believes premiered at Locarno in 2015 and was selected in Hamburg, Vancouver, MoMA’s Documentary Fortnight etc. later on.

Company Profile Little Reunions, founded by Jin Rui, is a production company focusing on investment and production of art films. Jin Rui has coproduced Li Ruijun‘s Fly with the Crane, which premiered at Venice in 2012 and Liu Jian’s Have a Nice Day which was in competition at Berlinale in 2017. Director & Screenwriter Qiu Jiongjiong Producers Cheng Rui, Ding Ningyuan & Qiu Jiongjiong Attending Qiu Jiongjiong & Cheng Rui Contact Cheng Rui (Little Reunions Culture and Media Co., Ltd.), Shenzen, China

Qiu Jiongjiong

Cheng Rui


El rostro de la medusa The Face of the Jellyfish Gentil (Argentina)

Solitude, the desire to connect with others and the impenetrable mystery of the Other’s experience: this is Marina’s journey. At the centre: the impossible face of the jellyfish, sneaky, free, giving no answers. Synopsis Marina is developing a thesis on how we strive to get closer to animals and how problematic an encounter between the two is. The zoos and aquariums of Berlin, Seattle, Buenos Aires, La Habana, Lima and Rome become the settings where Marina records images for her research.   In between, there is the elliptical story of Marina’s love affairs and heartbreaks.   The impenetrable mystery of the Other’s experience: this is Marina’s journey. At the centre there is the impossible face of the jellyfish.   How to connect when there is neither face nor gaze? How to connect with others at all? Director’s bio Melisa Liebenthal (born in Buenos Aires, 1991) studied at Universidad del cine (Argentina), EICTV (Cuba) and Le Fresnoy (France).   Her work revolves around the intimate and nourishes from the autobiographic. Her first feature, Las lindas won prizes at Rotterdam, BAFICI and Asterisco LGBTIQ international film festivals.

Company Profile Eugenia Campos Guevara is an independent producer and partner of Gentil, a company based in Buenos Aires. Her filmography include: Las Lindas, by Melisa Liebenthal; La vendedora de fósforos, by Alejo Moguillansky; Flora no es un canto a la vida, by Iair Said and Las hijas del fuego, by Albertina Carri. Director & Screenwriter Melisa Liebenthal Producer Eugenia Campos Guevara Attending Melisa Liebenthal & Eugenia Campos Guevara Contact Eugenia Campos Guevara (Gentil) Buenos Aires, Argentina

Melisa Liebenthal

Eugenia Campos Guevara


Tiger Stripes Ghost Grrrl Pictures (Malaysia)

An eleven-year-old girl experiences horrifying physical changes to her body, to the point where she is no longer able to hide it from the world. Synopsis Eleven-year-old Zaffan is a confident and freespirited girl, until she experiences horrifying physical changes. While her emotions and urges are switching from one extreme to the next, she realises that her body is morphing at a frightening rate.   While trying to maintain normality at school, her body reaches a state where she is no longer able to hide it anymore, and all hysteria breaks loose. Rumours about Zaffan’s monstrous transformation have made even her own parents fear her. Labelled as a demon, Zaffan faces confinement and isolation... that is until Zaffan decides to reveal her true self to the world. Director’s bio Having graduated from the London Film School with an MA in Filmmaking, Eu has directed short films in the UK and also Malaysia. She moved back to Malaysia at the end of 2013, and has worked as a scriptwriter and development executive for feature films and scripted formats in regional broadcast.   In 2016 she won a grant through a short film competition and mentorship programme entitled Shortcuts. With that, she made Lagi Senang Jaga Sekandang Lembu, which premiered in competition in the 2017 Venice Film Festival. The short film has continued to travel onto many international film festivals, including receiving the Special Jury Mention in the

International Short Film Festival Clermont Ferrand 2018.   Eu is an alumna of the Berlinale Talents Campus. She is now developing her first feature film Tiger Stripes, which has taken part in the South East Asian Film Lab in Singapore (2017). This year, she is developing the film as a selected participant in the Less Is More workshop in Europe. In her work, she likes to explore the female body and identity within the context of South East Asia. Company Profile Ghost Grrrl Pictures is a new film company producing female-centric stories coming from the South East Asian region. The aim of the company is to represent strong, feared and misunderstood females in cinema — from colossal monsters to tough little girls who just cannot fit in. Director & Screenwriter Amanda Nell Eu Producer Foo Fei Ling Attending Amanda Nell Eu & Foo Fei Ling Contact Foo Fei Ling (Ghost Grrrl Pictures), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Amanda Nell Eu

Foo Fei Ling


When We Lost to the Germans Toen we van de Duitsers verloren Family Affair Films (the Netherlands)

Summer 1974. The city is empty, all friends are on holiday. Classmates Daan and Jonas (both twelve-years-old), not friends, have to get along with each other, but their head is full of Heleen, who is gone — and not on holiday. Synopsis Summer 1974. The Netherlands just lost the final of the World Cup to West-Germany. The town is empty, all friends are on holiday. Classmates Daan and Jonas (both twelveyears-old) are not friends. But today they have to get along with each other. They stroll through town, trying to have some fun. But their heads are full of their classmate Heleen, who is gone — and not on holiday. Director’s bio Guido van Driel has written and drawn many successful graphic novels including When We Lost to the Germans. Van Driel’s feature debut The Resurrection of A Bastard, based on his own graphic novel, was rewarded with praising reviews and nominated for a Tiger Award at 2013 IFFR. Van Driel is now finishing his second feature film Bloody Marie, release expected in February 2019. When We Lost to the Germans will be Van Driel’s third feature film.

Company Profile Family Affair Films produced features like Beyond Words by Urszula Antoniak (2017 Toronto), History’s Future by Fiona Tan (nominated for Tiger Award 2016 IFFR) and children’s film Life According to Nino by Simone van Dusseldorp (winner Best Film 2014 Cinekid). Rosanne Pel’s feature debut Light As Feathers will go into premiere at 2018 Toronto IFF and is selected for competition at the 2018 Rome FF. Guido van Driel’s second feature Bloody Marie is in post-production and expected to be released early 2019. Director Guido van Driel Screenwriters Guido van Driel & Bas Blokker Producer Floor Onrust Attending Guido van Driel & Floor Onrust Contact Floor Onrust (Family Affair Films) Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Guido van Driel

Floor Onrust


BoostNL Experts Ido Abram — EYE (the Netherlands) Deputy Director EYE Filmmuseum / Pitching Trainer BoostNL Contact /   Ido Abram is Deputy Director of EYE Filmmuseum and heads the following departments: Programming, Distribution, Education, Hospitality Services and International Affairs. EYE promotes film culture, debate, reflection and innovation through adventurous film programming, distribution, research and experimentation. Before he joined EYE, Ido was the director of the Binger Filmlab and CineMart Director at the International Film Festival Rotterdam. Ido is member of the Board of ACE Producers and the Advisory Board of Cinekid.

Ilann Girard — Arsam/Olffi (France) Consultant / CEO Contact   Former General Counsel of Pandora Cinema, Ilann Girard has started Arsam a consultancy firm in 2001 and Arsam International a Paris based production company in 2003. He is also the founding partner and CEO of the largest database and toolbox about public funding. Ilann has executive produced Renaissance, March of the Penguins and Plastic Planet. He has produced Goodbye Bafana by Bille August, Lebanon by Samuel Maoz, I, Anna by Barnaby Southcombe, When Day Breaks directed by Goran Paskaljevic and more recently Final Portrait directed by Stanley Tucci. Arsam is currently in post-production on a 3D feature documentary about Merce Cunningham.

Silje Nikoline Glimsdal — TrustNordisk (Denmark) Sales & Project Manager Contact /   Silje started as an intern at Zentropa in 2009, and she quickly joined their international sales team at TrustNordisk, one of the leading sales agencies in Europe, that same year. With a Bachelor in dramaturgy from the University of Aarhus, Silje has collaborated with screen- and play writers, for both the theatre and the film industry. Apart from being a Sales Manager at TrustNordisk, she is responsible for incoming projects, scripts and development.

Aranka Matits — Featurette (the Netherlands/Germany) Acquisitions Contact /   Aranka Matits, as the founder of Featurette, advises on acquisitions, co-productions and strategic planning. Current clients include Amsterdam-based sales agency Nine Film as well as theatrical distributors September Films (Benelux) and Condor Distribution (France). Recent acquisitions include Palme d’Or winner Shoplifters, Oscar winner Una mujer fantástica and Golden Bear winner On Body and Soul.

Pierre Menahem — Still Moving (France) Co-Founder / Producer Contact   Pierre Menahem started his career in the film industry in 1997 working at Celluloid Dreams as Director of Sales and Acquisitions, supervising the sales and marketing of a catalogue of 200 titles of acclaimed directors such as Kitano, Kiarostami, Dardennes, Sokourov a.o. and attending all principal festivals and markets among which Sundance, Berlinale, Cannes, Locarno. He founded Scalpel Films in 2004 and then created a sales division in production company MPM Film. During this period he served as jury member in several festivals (San Francisco, Jerusalem, Palm Springs, Belfort, Annecy, Holland Film Meeting). As an expert in international sales and co-productions he participated in many workshops such as Produire au Sud, The Producers Network, Mediterranean Films Crossing Borders, EAVE, Locarno and Morelia Industry Academy. In 2015 he created Still Moving, a Paris-based international co-productions and sales company, with partner Juliette Lepoutre. Together they produce, co-produce and/or sell an average of three to four arthouse films every year.


Marcin Luczaj — New Europe Film Sales (Poland) Acquisitions Contact   Marcin Luczaj graduated in Film & Media Studies from the University of Lodz and in Cultural Studies from the University of Warsaw. He works for New Europe Film Sales, a Warsaw-based sales agency for both features and shorts, where he is responsible for acquisitions. The company represents such films like Rams (Un Certain Regard winner — Cannes), Summer 1993 (Best First Feature Berlinale), Winter Brothers (Locarno winner), United States of Love (Silver Bear Berlinale) to name a few. Marcin has several years of experience as a programmer for Warsaw Film Festival and ZUBROFFKA International Short Film Festival, and as a guest curator for various international film festivals. He has also been working as a producer and production manager at Koi Studio.


Paul Miller — The Foundry (the Netherlands) Contact /   Paul Miller is a partner at Amsterdam based The Foundry, which supports producers to package and finance their projects. Previously, Paul was Director of Film Financing at the the Doha Film Institute and Head of Film Production at New York based Crossroads Films, under a first look deal with United Artists/MGM. Paul’s credits include the Golden Globe nominated, A Love Song For Bobby Long starring John Travolta and Scarlett Johansson and the Academy Award nominated Lone Star.

David Pope — Advance Films (United Kingdom) Script Consultant / Screenwriter Contact /   David Pope has worked as script consultant on projects worldwide including work with Academy Award and BAFTA nominated producers and screenwriters and national film funds. He is the annual consultant for the Rotterdam Lab at CineMart and co-founder of Stowe Story Labs. David recently completed a commission writing the latest draft of thriller Tempelhof and is currently commissioned to write psychological thriller Rulin.

Franz Rodenkirchen & Francoise von Roy — solace23 (Germany) Co-Owners / Script Consultants Contact /   Solace 23 offers individual consultancy, tutoring, lecturing and workshops in script development and story editing.   Francoise von Roy is a freelance script consultant, who has worked in film and TV development for over 15 years, including several years as Head of Development of an animation and documentary production company. Since 2013 Francoise has been working exclusively as a script consultant for international film projects. Together with Franz Rodenkirchen she holds the bi-monthly script development workshop Script Circle for writers and filmmakers and the intensive workshop ‘6 Days of Practice’ for producers and others involved in script development.

Joanna Solecka — Alphapanda (UK/Poland) Head of Alphapanda Warsaw Contact /   Joanna is a marketing strategist and Torino Film Lab expert in the Audience Design field. She is a reative producer for shorts and documentaries and lecturer at the international training workshops for fiction and documentary filmmakers. Currently Joanna works for Alphapanda, a European boutique social media agency for the film industry. Alphapanda’s expertise covers all areas of marketing and promotion, including strategy, social media campaigns, advertising, research and outreach. Alphapanda’s client list spans from Hollywood majors (20th Century Fox, Warner Bros) and European Film Awards to independent producers and distributors.

Marie-Pierre Vallé — Wild Bunch (France) Head of Acquisitions Contact /   Marie- Pierre Vallé holds a Bachelor of Arts (Literature and History of Art). She was responsible for TV films acquisitions in TF1. She went on to become Creative Director at StudioCanal and since 2008 she is the Head of Acquisitions at Wild Bunch, working in the domestic and international independent companies. Wild Bunch particularly looks for young directors and new talents. Their films have been successfull all over the world and often awarded at numerous important film festivals.

Álvaro Vega — DobleSentido (Spain) CEO/Founder Contact /   Álvaro Vega is a highly experienced professional in films promotion. Between 2007 and 2012 he managed the marketing and publicity areas at Vértigo Films, one of the main Spanish distributors. He accumulated more than 100 films promoted, from blockbusters to new filmmakers releases, as well as the best international independent cinema. Currently, Álvaro develops his activity as CEO & Founder of DobleSentido, his agency of marketing, communication, events and training for the cinema industry.

Joost de Vries — An Original Picture / APostLab (the Netherlands) Producer / Managing Director   Joost de Vries has been a producer for 25 years. With his company An Original Picture he works closely with exceptional filmmakers with international ambitions. His recent credits include Yorgos Lanthimos’ Academy Award-nominated and Cannes Jury Prize-winner The Lobster, Venice FIPRESCI Prize-winner Oblivion Verses and Serbian co-production Humidity which premiered in Berlin.   Joost is also managing director of the international training institute for post-production APostLab (formerly EP2C) where he combines his love for film with improving the technical and creative process. He also works for completion bond No Risk, monitoring films of a certain scale and complexity.


Lorna Tee — International Film Festival & Awards Macao — (Macao) Producer / Head of Festival Management Contact /   Lorna Tee is a pan-Asian film producer and works for numerous film festivals. Previously, she has worked for Focus Films, Variety, Irresistible Films, CinemAsia Film Festival, Berlinale and more. Currently, she is the Head of Festival Management for International Film Festival & Awards Macao. Her producing credits include The Beautiful Washing Machine, Rain Dogs, Crazy Stone, Love Story, The Shoe Fairy, At the End of Daybreak, Lover’s Discourse, Come Rain, Come Shine, Postcards from the Zoo and Mrs K.


Stories & Beyond

Stories & Beyond 2017

De 4de editie van Stories & Beyond biedt dit jaar een podium aan een geselecteerde groep Franse, Waalse en Nederlandse scenarioschrijvers met het doel professionele feedback te krijgen op hun projecten.   In een-op-een gesprekken ontmoeten de schrijvers (in sommige gevallen in het bijzijn van hun regisseurs) vooraanstaande figuren uit respectievelijk de Nederlandse, de Franse en Waalse filmindustrie. Deze professionals kijken vanuit hun specifieke expertise en professionele achtergrond naar relevantie, sterkte en internationale aspecten van de verhalen.   Met als doel sterke films te produceren, zet Stories & Beyond de schrijvers centraal en biedt een platform om experts te ontmoeten en ideeën uit te wisselen in een open atmosfeer. Deze bijeenkomst is op uitnodiging.

The 4th edition of this year’s Stories & Beyond offers a platform to a selected group of French, French-speaking Belgian and Dutch screen writers to get professional feedback on their projects.   In individual meetings, the writers (in some cases accompanied by their directors) meet with key creative industry figures from respectively the Dutch, Walloon and French film industry.   These professionals will share their specific expertise with regard to relevance, strength and international aspects of the stories and storytelling. With a view to produce strong projects, Stories & Beyond puts the writers at the centre and offers them a platform to meet and exchange ideas in a non-competative ambiance. By invitation only.

Experts / Professionals

Belgium •• Silure (Catfish) script Patricia Desmarès producer Panache Productions / André Logie

Belgium •• Diana Elbaum / Beluga Tree

France •• Ducks script Neary Adeline Hay producer the cup of tea / Edwin Kadri •• Feathers and Wings script Zina Modiano producer Petit Film / Amélie Jacquis •• Red Jungle script Juan José Lozano producer Dolce Vita Films / Marc Irmer •• This Land of Mine script Diane Sara Bouzgarrou Thomas Jenkoe producer Films de Force Majeure Jean-Laurent Csinidis The Netherlands •• Happy Together script Ger Poppelaars / Rogier Proper producer De Productie / René Goossens Annemiek van Gorp •• Human Beasts (Cobra) script Helena van der Meulen producer Submarine / Sabine Veenendaal •• Paradise in the Desert (Paradijs in de woestijn) script Ike Bertels producer Baldr Film / Katja Draaijer •• Perspiration (Zweet) script Jacqueline van Vugt producer Revolver Films / Kirsi Saivosalmi •• The Way Back (De terugreis) script Marijn de Wit producer Hazazah Pictures / Maarten Kuit

France •• David Atlan Jackson / Backup Media Group •• Sylvain Eymard / Film France •• Julie Savary / ARTE Cinéma •• Marie-Pierre Vallé / Wild Bunch The Netherlands •• Esther Bannenberg / Cinemien •• Stienette Bosklopper / Circe Film •• Maarten van der Duin / WildWords •• Denis Vaslin / Volya Films •• Esther Wouda / Gloworm Film


Selected Projects


Sold! Een besloten programma vol nieuwe mogelijkheden en kruisbestuivingen tussen Nederlandse filmproducenten en de internationale wereld van sales en distributie. Met onder andere presentaties van recente Nederlandse filmproducties en films in ontwikkeling die internationale potentie hebben, en een-op-een-meetings met sales agents en distributeurs. Ook vindt er een symposium plaats waarin aan de hand van verschillende casestudies verkend wordt hoe Nederlandse films nog beter en effectiever hun weg naar een wereldwijd publiek kunnen vinden, waaronder het Gouden Kalveren-winnende Gluckauf.

An invitation-only programme filled to the brim with new opportunities and crossovers between Dutch film producers and the international world of sales and distribution. The event includes presentations of recent and soon-to-bereleased Dutch films with international potential, and one-on-one meetings with worldwide sales agents and distributors. During a no-holds-barred symposium, attendees will, via case studies that include the multi multiple Golden Calfwinning Gluckauf, discover better and more effective ways for Dutch films to find wider audiences across the world.

List of attending experts. For an updated list of attendees, please check:

Michaela Cajkova — Filmotor (Czech Republic) Founder   Michaela is founder of Filmotor. She began as a production manager for shorts and later specialised in several film distribution areas like acquisition assistant in Czech TV, festival and VOD manager in Taskovski Films. Filmotor (Eastern Memories, Beautiful Things, Songs for Kit) is the first sales in the former Czechoslovakia with a special focus on first creative and documentary features and VR. Searching for innovative and challenging cinema in terms of images and storytelling.​

Yana Georgieva — Bankside Films (UK) Head of Sales   A polyglot graduate of the Salento and Kingston Universities, Yana has worked on various television programmes in production and film distribution as well as producing and directing multiple short films. Sleeping Dogs is the first feature film Yana produced, which received nominations from the British Independent Film Awards and was selected for several international film festivals including the Raindance Film Festival. She has been with Bankside Films (Freeheld, Ill Manors) since 2013.

Hein van Joolen — Gusto Entertainment (The Netherlands) Founder   With sales and marketing experience for blockbusters and arthouse films alike at a.o. Pathé, Universal Pictures and Lumière, Hein van Joolen has been running his own sales agency Gusto Entertainment since 2014. His mission: to get more people to movie theaters, in particular for Dutch films. He has been consulting film producers on ways to position their films more effectively in the market. Additionally, he has been organizing the popular sneak preview series Amongst Friends since 2009.

Kasia Karwan — The Moonshot Company (France) Founder   Kasia Karwan is the founder of The Moonshot Company, based in Paris. She has worked in renowned film sales agencies, cultural public institutions, with film festivals and production companies. The Moonshot Company (Back Home, El futuro perfecto) was born in Paris at the beginning of 2016 to promote new talents of independent cinema worldwide. The company aims to support director-driven, engaging cinema of various genres and origins, combining artistic power with socio-cultural impact.

Marcin Luczaj — New Europe Film Sales (Poland) Acquisitions   Marcin Luczaj graduated in Film & Media Studies from the University of Lodz and in Cultural Studies from the University of Warsaw. He works for New Europe Film Sales, a Warsaw-based sales agency for both features and shorts, where he is responsible for acquisitions. The company represents such films like Rams (Un Certain Regard winner — Cannes), Summer 1993 (Best First Feature Berlinale), Winter Brothers (Locarno winner), United States of Love (Silver Bear Berlinale) to name a few. Marcin has several years of experience as a programmer for Warsaw Film Festival and ZUBROFFKA International Short Film Festival, and as a guest curator for various international film festivals. He has been also working as a producer and production manager at Koi Studio.


Silje Nikoline Glimsdal — TrustNordisk (Denmark) Sales & Project Manager   Silje started as an intern at Zentropa in 2009, and she quickly joined their international sales team at TrustNordisk, one of the leading sales agencies in Europe, that same year. With a Bachelor in dramaturgy from the University of Aarhus, Silje has collaborated with screen- and play writers, for both the theatre and the film industry. Apart from being a Sales Manager at TrustNordisk, she is responsible for incoming projects, scripts and development.


Aranka Matits — Featurette (the Netherlands/Germany) Acquisitions   Aranka Matits, as the founder of Featurette, advises on acquisitions, co-productions and strategic planning. Current clients include Amsterdam-based sales agency Nine Film as well as theatrical distributors September Films (Benelux) and Condor Distribution (France). Recent acquisitions include Palme d’Or winner Shoplifters, Oscar winner Una mujer fantástica and Golden Bear winner On Body and Soul

Jaume Ripoll — Filmin (Spain) Co-Founder / Development Manager,   Originally a filmmaker and media writer, Jaume Ripoll is co-founder of the multiple award-winning Filmin, a platform for independent cinema in Spain​, Portugal and Mexico. Jaume is the vice-chair of EUROVOD, the first European association that manages online film distribution, present in eleven countries; and the creator of Atlántida Film Fest, the first online film festival. Jaume has participated as expert speaker at film festivals in a.o. Rotterdam, Cannes, Berlin, Venice, and Locarno.

Marie-Pierre Vallé — Wild Bunch (France) Head of Acquisitions   Marie-Pierre Vallé holds a Bachelor of Arts (Literature and History of Art). She was responsible for TV films acquisitions in TF1. She went on to become Creative Director at StudioCanal and since 2008 she is the Head of Acquisitions at Wild Bunch, working in the domestic and international independent companies. Wild Bunch particularly looks for young directors and new talents. Their films have been successfull all over the world and often awarded at numerous important film festivals.

Hanna Verboom — Cinetree​(The Netherlands) Founder   Actress and filmmaker Hanna Verboom is, first and foremost, a social entrepreneur. In 2014, she founded film platform Cinetree, a curated VOD environment of the best films and documentaries, recommended to you by well-known figures in the Dutch cultural world. Hanna believes in the ambition and the eye of young filmmakers, and with Cinetree, she provides them with the podium they deserve.

Jordi Wijnalda — Cinemarket (Worldwide) Content Coordinator & Curator   A nomadic independent filmmaker, Jordi graduated from Columbia University’s School of the Arts, and went on to work for the Film Society of Lincoln Center, IFFR (and its distribution initiative IFFR Unleashed), and Binger Filmlab. He assists filmmakers and producers at finding new/alternative ways of sales and distribution at Cinemarket, a new platform for film professionals to bridge the gap between independent filmmaking and their potential audiences around the world.

NFF Professionals kondigt met trots vier jonge, nieuwe Nederlands filmtalenten aan: Rosanne Pel, Sven Bresser, Max de Wolf en Julia Rombout. Onder begeleiding van Derk-Jan Warrink (Keplerfilm), zullen deze talenten deelnemen aan een op maat gemaakt programma waarbij ze een scala aan filmprofessionals kunnen ontmoeten.   Talents en Route is een initiatief van het NFF om veelbelovende regisseurs en producenten uit Nederland te ondersteunen bij hun internationale carrière. Voor dit programma selecteert het NFF Nederlandse regisseurs en producenten die al een paar jaar werkzaam zijn in de sector. De talenten krijgen een pitch training, worden voorgesteld aan de (inter)nationale industrie en nemen deel aan de verschillende onderdelen van het NFF Professionals Programma.

NFF Professionals proudly present four young, new Dutch filmtalents: Rosanne Pel, Sven Bresser, Max de Wolf and Julia Rombout. With guidance from Derk-Jan Warrink (Keplerfilm), these talents will participate in a tailor made programme where they will meet a wide range of film professionals.   Talents en Route is the initiative from NFF to support promising filmmakers and producers from the Netherlands with their international career. For this programme the NFF selects Dutch directors and producers who have been active in the sector for a few years and offers them a custom-made programme in which they will meet the (international) professionals attending the NFF. The talents receive pitch coaching, are introduced to the (inter)national industry and participate in the different parts of the NFF Professionals Programme.


Talents en Route


Sven Bresser Filmmaker

Regisseur Sven Bresser studeerde af aan de HKU met de korte film Cavello. Deze was genomineerd voor de Tuchinsky Award, Beste Studenten Film bij NFF en heeft de VERS Award voor Beste Film gewonnen. Hij maakte na zijn afstuderen de korte film L’été et tout le reste, die in première ging tijdens het Filmfestival van Venetië 2018 en is geselecteerd voor het Toronto International Film Festival 2018 en voor het NFF 2018. Zijn One Night Stand Free Fight gaat tevens in premiere op het NFF 2018.

Films •• 2018: Free Fight (midlength, IJswater films) •• 2018: L’été et tout le reste (short, IJswater films) •• 2016: Cavello (graduation short) •• 2015: La nuit porte conseil (short) Contact

Filmmaker Sven Bresser graduated from the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht in 2016 with the short film Cavello. The film was nominated for the Tuschinsky Award, Best Student Film at the Nederlands Film Festival and won for the VERS Award for Best Film. After graduating he made the short L’été et tout le reste shortly after his graduation, which went into premiere at Venice Film Festival 2018 and is selected for the Toronto International Film Festival 2018 and NFF 2018. His One Night Stand Free Fight will also go into premiere at NFF 2018.

Sven Bresser


Rosanne Pel Filmmaker

Regisseur Rosanne Pel ontving haar masterdiploma aan de Nederlandse Filmacademie in 2015. Daarvoor studeerde ze aan de Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht waar ze in 2011 haar Bachelor voor regie en scenario behaalde. Tijdens haar studie maakte ze verschillende korte films waaronder Out of Sight (2010), geselecteerd voor IFFR en winnaar van de NPS New Arrivals Audience Award. De speelfilm Light as Feathers, die deel uitmaakte van de Works-in-progress selectie van 2017, is geselecteerd voor TIFF Discovery 2018 en NFF 2018, en is haar debuutfilm als scenarist en regisseur.

Films •• 2018: Padded Lady
Feature film (In development) / Producer Family affair films — Floor Onrust •• 2018: Light as Feathers (debut film, 90’) / Producer Family affair films — Floor Onrust •• 2011: Heraut (Graduation film HKU, 40’) •• 2010: Liquid Sun (20’) Screenplay — Nomination Dioraphte Award •• 2010: Terug (20’) Direction and Screenplay •• 2009: Uit zicht (20’) Direction and Screenplay — NPS New arrivals audience award IFFR Contact

Rosanne Pel received her master’s degree at the Dutch Film Academy in 2015. She received her bachelor for directing and scenario fiction in 2011. During her study she made several short films among which Out of Sight (2010), which was selected for IFFR and winner of the NPS New Arrivals Audience Award. The feature Light as Feathers, which was part of the Works-in-Progress selection of 2017, is selected for TIFF Discovery 2018 and NFF 2018. This film is her debut as screenwriter and filmmaker.

Rosanne Pel


Julia Rombout Producer

Producent Julia Rombout studeerde in 2015 af als filmproducent van de Nederlandse Filmacademie in Amsterdam. Kort daarna won ze de FPN Award op het NFF. In 2016 richtte ze haar filmproductiebedrijf July Film op en daarnaast werkt ze ook als junior-producer bij Rinkel Film. Op NFF 2018 gaat de korte film Nothing to Declare (Hetty de Kruijf) in première in de Gouden Kalf competitie en daar draait ook de korte film Pizzamonster (Kurt Platvoet).

Producer Julia Rombout graduated in 2015 as filmproducer from the Dutch Film Academy in Amsterdam. Shortly after she won the FPN Award at the NFF. In 2016 she founded her filmproduction company July Film and besides this she also works as junior producer at Rinkel Film. At NFF 2018 the short film Nothing to Declare (Hetty de Kruijf) will have its premiere in the Golden Calf competition and the short film Pizzamonster (Kurt Platvoet) will also be shown.

Films •• Fully Hooked Up (2018, fiction, 90’, in post-production) / Director Eva Zanen / Script Janneke van der Pal / Production company Topkapi Films •• Nothing to Declare (2018, fiction, 20’) / Director Hetty de Kruijf / Script Bastiaan Kroeger / Production companies BIND, July Film & Tessa Beijer •• Echo (2018, documentary, 25’, in postproduction) / Director Huibert van Wijk / Production company July Film

•• Pizzamonster (2018, fiction, 12’) / Director & Script Kurt Platvoet / Production company July Film •• Rafael (2018, fiction, 90’) / Director Ben Sombogaart / Script Tijs van Marle & Massimo Gaudioso / Production company Rinkel Film •• La isola (2017, fiction, 10’) / Director & Script Gonzalo Fernandez / Production company ULTRA Produkties & July Film

Contact /

Julia Rombout


Max de Wolf Producer

Producent Max de Wolf werkte tijdens zijn studie mee aan Geen koningen in ons bloed (2015) van Mees Peijnenburg, die een Gouden Kalf won, en aan videoclips voor onder andere Ronnie Flex. Sinds zijn afstuderen aan de Nederlandse Filmacademie in 2016 is hij verbonden aan productiebedrijf HALAL, waar hij werkte aan producties die onderscheiden werden op o.a. Sundance Film Festival en de Berlinale. Momenteel werkt hij aan een online webserie die eind 2018 online in première gaat.

Films •• Harco’s (2018, online serie for VPRO,8x5-10’) / Director Giancarlo Sanchez / Script Jim Deddes / Producer Jan Hulst •• Stray Sheep (2018, Kort!) / Director Madja Amin / Script Madja Amin / Assistant producer Randy Oost •• Emily (2018, Kort!, 10’) / Director Marlies van der wel / Script Marlies van der Wel / Assistant producer Marlies van der Wel •• The Walking Fish (2018, Wildcard Nederlands Filmfonds) / Director Thessa Meijer / Script Thessa Meijer / Line producer Thessa Meijer •• Limburgia (2017, One Night Stand) / Director Noël Loozen / Script Noël Loozen / Production manager Joeri Kloppert

Producer Max de Wolf worked during his study on We Will Never Be Royals (2015) by Mees Peijnenburg, who won a Golden Calf, and on music videos for among others Ronnie Flex. Since graduation at the Dutch Film Academy in 2016 he has been working at production company HALAL, where he worked on productions which were awarded at a.o. Sundance Film Festival and Berlinale. At the moment he is working on an online webseries which will premiere online at the end of 2018.

•• Botanica (2017, Filmfonds short) / Director Noël Loozen / Script Noël Loozen / Line producer Joeri Kloppert •• Cavello (2016, graduation film HKU / Director Sven Bresser / Script Sven Bresser / Producer Sven Bresser •• Op Zuid (2016, graduation film NFA) / Director David Eilander / Script Emily Reekers / Producer Emily Reekers •• Clan (2016, graduation film Dutch Film Academy) / Director Stefanie Kolk / Script Stefanie Kolk / Line producer Stefanie Kolk •• Dupe (2016, short) / Director Jonas Smulders / Script Jonas Smulders / Producer Jonas Smulders


Max de Wolf


Talent Feedback Sessies/Sessions

Voor de Talent Feedback Sessies selecteert het NFF beginnende scenaristen, regisseurs en (junior) producenten met — of eventueel zonder — een filmplan in ontwikkeling voor het geven en krijgen van feedback ván en ontmoetingen mét gevestigde filmprofessionals. De sessies stimuleren ook mogelijk toekomstige samenwerkingen.   Dit programma is bedoeld voor beginnende makers die net klaar zijn met hun opleiding en/of graag een netwerk willen opbouwen.

In the Talent Feedback sessions, the NFF selects fledgling scriptwriters, directors and (junior) producers with — or possibly without — a film plan in development to give feedback and get feedback from and meetings with established film professionals. The sessions also offer potential future collaborations.   This programme is intended for beginning filmmakers who recently completed their training and/or want to build a network.

Projects + Talents •• Beschermengelen (Pepijn van Weerden) •• De onopvallende gast (Carlijn Fransen) •• Dina (working title) (Deepti Rao) •• Dnallegeips (Rosita Wolkers) •• Rent a Friend (Miriam Guttmann) •• Getikt (Claire Zhou) •• Nu zijn we hier (Annigje Peters) •• Onderbrenger (Roel van Eijk)

Experts •• Lotte Bronshoff (Lemming Film) •• Sacha Gertsik (BNNVARA) •• Suzan de Swaan (Millstreet Films) •• Sarieke Hoeksma (ScriptAcademy) •• Jeroen Scholten van Aschat (screenwriter) •• Pieter Bart Korthuis (screenwriter)

Junior-producers •• Chris Stenger (Family Affair Films) •• Emma Kuijper (DOXY Films) •• Hanneke Bosman (BosBros.) •• Luuk Hoekx (The Film Kitchen) •• Maaike Neve (BIND Film) •• Max de Wolf (HALAL Pictures)

Moderators •• Paul Bertram (ScriptAcademy) •• Dorien van de Pas (Nederlands Filmfonds) •• Nienke Poelsma (Cinekid) •• Ingrid van Tol (Advisor)

Ontmoeten Meet

Ontmoeten Meet Onder de pijler Ontmoeten bevordert NFF Professionals het netwerken van professionals, door middel van openbaar toegankelijke events en besloten ontmoetingen. Van vrijdag 28 september t/m maandag 1 oktober is de Stadsschouwburg Utrecht dé ontmoetingsplek voor professionals. The pillar Meet promotes the networking of professionals through publicly accessible events and private meetings. From Friday 28 September to Monday 1 October, the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht will be the meeting place for professionals.

Vrijdag 28 september Friday September 28

Zaterdag 29 september Saturday September 29

59  Professionals Lunch Professionals Drinks

60  Professionals Lunch Professionals Drinks Professionals Diner Dinner & Talents en Route presentatie Presentation Bring Your Own Beamer NFF Feest/Party

Zondag 30 september Sunday September 30

Maandag 1 oktober Monday October 1

61  Professionals Lunch Script & Score Professionals Drinks Professionals Diner Dinner

62  Talent Speeddates Professionals Lunch Professionals Drinks Closing Party

Voor tijden en gedetailleerde informatie verwijzen we graag naar de website: For times and detailed information we would like to refer to our website:

Friday September 28

Professionals Lunch & Drinks Bijpraten of nieuwe contacten leggen: dagelijks organiseert het NFF Professionals Programma de Professionals Lunch en Professionals Drinks. Ook is het cafĂŠ van de Stadsschouwburg de gehele dag geopend voor koffie of een afspraak.

Professionals Lunch & Drinks Catch up or make new contacts: every day the NFF Professionals Programme organises the Professionals Lunch and Professionals Drinks. The cafe from the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht is open throughout the day for coffee or a appointment.

De lunch is van 13:00 tot 14:00 uur. De borrel tussen 17:00 en 20:00 uur. Locatie SSBU, Zindering

Lunch is served from 13:00 until 14:00. Drinks are ready between 17:00 and 20:00. Location SSBU, Zindering


Vrijdag 28 september


Zaterdag 29 september

Professionals Lunch & Drinks Bijpraten of nieuwe contacten leggen: dagelijks organiseert het NFF Professionals Programma de Professionals Lunch en Professionals Drinks. Ook is het café van de Stadsschouwburg de gehele dag geopend voor koffie of een afspraak. De lunch is van 12:30 tot 14:00 uur. De lunch wordt gehost door de Netherlands Film Commission en Film France. De borrel tussen 17:00 en 19:00 uur. Locatie SSBU, Zindering

Saturday September 29

Professionals Lunch & Drinks Catch up or make new contacts: every day the NFF Professionals Programme organises the Professionals Lunch and Professionals Drinks. The cafe from the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht is open throughout the day for coffee or a appointment. Lunch is served from 12:30 until 14:00. This lunch is co-hosted by the Netherlands Film Commission and Film France. Drinks are ready between 17:00 and 19:00. Location SSBU, Zindering

Professionals Diner 19:00–21:00 uur Tijdens dit diner zullen de Talents en Route deelnemers zichzelf presenteren en Nederlandse en internationale experts kennis met elkaar kunnen maken. Natuurlijk onder het genot van een heerlijke maaltijd. Op uitnodiging.

Professionals Dinner 19:00–21:00 At this diner the Talents en Route participants will present themselves and Dutch and international expert can meet eachother. Of course while enjoying a delicious meal. Invite only.

Bring Your Own Beamer 19:00–23:00 Het NFF organiseert in samenwerking met Rafael Rozendaal en HKU Bring Your Own Beamer, een event in de Nicolaïkerk met mediakunst, animatie/visuals, interactieve installaties en performances met 80 makers. Locatie Nicolaaskerkhof 8, Utrecht.

Bring Your Own Beamer 19:00–23:00 NFF organises in collaboration with Rafael Rozendaal and HKU Bring Your Own Beamer, an event in the Nicolaï church with media art, interactive installations, animation/visuals and audiovisual performances from 80 artist. Location Nicolaaskerkhof 8, Utrecht

NFF Feest 23:00–04:00 uur Deze avond (en nacht... ) wordt spectaculair afgesloten met HET feest voor de gehele AV-industrie. Locatie Winkel van Sinkel, Oudegracht 158, Utrecht

NFF Party 23:00–04:00 This evening (and night...) will be closed in a spectacular matter with THE party for the entire AV-industry. Location Winkel van Sinkel, Oudegracht 158, Utrecht

Sunday September 30

Script & Score 10:30–12:30 uur Componisten en filmmakers maken kennis met elkaars werk. Een aantal componisten maakt muziek op basis van filmscripts in ontwikkeling/pre-productie. Componisten kunnen zich presenteren, filmmakers kunnen zich laten inspireren. En misschien leidt het tot een mogelijke samenwerking. Op uitnodiging.

Script & Score 10:30–12:30 Composers and filmmakers get acquainted with each other’s work. Some composers make music bases on filmscripts in development/preproduction. Composers get to present themselves, filmmakers can get inspired. And perhaps this will lead to a possible collaboration. By invite only.

Professionals Lunch & Drinks Bijpraten of nieuwe contacten leggen: dagelijks organiseert het NFF Professionals Programma de Professionals Lunch en Professionals Drinks. Ook is het café van de Stadsschouwburg de gehele dag geopend voor koffie of een afspraak.

Professionals Lunch & Drinks Catch up or make new contacts: every day the NFF Professionals Programme organises the Professionals Lunch and Professionals Drinks. The cafe from the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht is open throughout the day for coffee or a appointment.

De lunch is van 12:30 tot 14:00 uur. Deze lunch wordt gehost door Versteeg Wigman Sprey Advocaten. De borrel tussen 17:00 en 19:00 uur. Locatie SSBU, Zindering

Professionals Diner 19:00–21:00 uur NFF organiseert nog een gezamenlijk diner. De kans voor gasten en bezoekers van het NFF Professionals Programma om elkaar en internationale gasten en sprekers te ontmoeten in een ongedwongen sfeer. Op uitnodiging. Locatie The Venue, Varkenmarkt 16, Utrecht

Lunch is served from 12:30 until 14:00. This lunch is co-hosted by Versteeg Wigman Sprey Advocaten. Drinks are ready between 17:00 and 19:00. Location SSBU, Zindering

Professionals Dinner 19:00–21:00 NFF organises another joint dinner. It is the opportunity for guests and visitors of the NFF Professionals Programme to meet each other and international guests and speakers in a r elaxed setting. Invite only. Location The Venue, Varkenmarkt 16, Utrecht


Zondag 30 september


Maandag 1 oktober

Monday October 1

Talent Speeddates 10:30–12:30 uur In korte één-op-één gesprekken kunnen beginnende makers vragen stellen aan de gevestigde orde en hun netwerk uitbreiden.

Talent Speeddates 10:30–12:30 In short one-on-one sessions, beginning filmmakers can ask questions to the establishment and expand their networks.

Professionals Lunch & Drinks Gezellig bijkletsen of nieuwe contacten leggen: dagelijks organiseert het NFF Professionals Programma de Professionals Lunch en Professionals Drinks. Ook is het café van de Stadsschouwburg de gehele dag geopend voor koffie of een afspraak.

Professionals Lunch & Drinks Want to catch up or make new contacts: every day the NFF Professionals Programme organises the Professionals Lunch and Professionals Drinks. The cafe from the Stadsschouwburg Utrecht is open throughout the day for coffee or a appointment.

De lunch is van 12:30 tot 14:00 uur. De borrel tussen 17:00 en 19:00 uur. Locatie SSBU, Zindering

Professionals Closing Party 21:30–03:00 uur Na dagen vol talks, masterclasses, meetings en nog veel meer opgedane inspiratie, sluit het NFF Professionals Programma vanavond knallend af. Nog een laatste keer proosten en dansen tot in de late uurtjes! Locatie Filmcafé Utrecht, CAB-Rondom 90A, Utrecht

Lunch is served from 12:30 until 14:00. Drinks are ready between 17:00 and 19:00. Location SSBU, Zindering

Professionals Closing Party 21:30–03:00 After days full of talks, masterclasses, meetings and more acquired inspiration, the NFF Professionals Programme closes with a bang. One last time for us to cheer and dance until the wee hours. Location Filmcafé Utrecht, CAB-Rondom 90A, Utrecht

LONDON / NEW YORK / AMSTERDAM We work with the worlds leading distributors, broadcasters, sales agents & production companies to sell their stories, because storytelling is not just what we do, it is who we are.





CREEER MET ONZE COLLECTIE CreĂŤer zelf en ga aan de slag met de collectie van Beeld en Geluid:

De DAFF feliciteert iedereen die genomineerd is voor een Gouden Kalf! De Dutch Academy For Film (DAFF) verenigt filmtalent uit alle disciplines. De leden bepalen mede de nominaties en winnaars van de Gouden Kalveren voor speelfilm en lange documentaire. Hierbij werkt de DAFF samen met het NFF. Ook lid worden en meestemmen?

Zie voor meer informatie of mail naar

NFF Extended NFF Extended is het platform, jaarrond, voor de Nederlandse filmsector bedoeld om collega’s in de sector te verbinden, informeren én te inspireren. NFF Extended organiseert door het hele jaar diverse bijeenkomsten over relevante, actuele en urgente onderwerpen. De vorm waarin en de locatie waar deze bijeenkomsten gehouden worden, zijn afhankelijk van de inhoud en het doel van de betreffende bijeenkomst. NFF Extended wordt door het Nederlands Film Festival georganiseerd in het kader van de versterking van de arbeidsmarktpositie van filmprofessionals, in samenwerking met EYE Filmmuseum en in overleg met diverse (branche)organisaties. Kijk voor nieuwe bijeenkomsten en meer informatie op:

Academy De nominaties en winnaars voor de Gouden Kalveren in de categorieën speelfilm en lange documentaire worden bepaald door middel van het Academy-model, ingevoerd in 2015. Net zoals bij onder meer de Oscars, de BAFTA’s, de Césars en de Lola’s kiest een grote groep filmprofessionals de winnaars van de grote Nederlandse filmprijzen. Het doel is de betrokkenheid van makers bij de filmsector te vergroten en hen een stem te geven als het gaat om het erkennen van talent. Voor het uitreiken van de Grote Prijzen van de Nederlandse Film, de Gouden Kalveren, werkt het NFF samen met de Dutch Academy For Film (DAFF). Stemgerechtigd zijn leden van de DAFF, Gouden Kalfwinnaars en Nederlandse winnaars van A-festivals. De Gouden Kalveren in de categorieën Beste Televisiedrama, Beste Korte Film, Beste Korte Documentaire en Beste Interactive worden toegekend door een jury. Kijk voor meer informatie op:





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Het Filmcafé CAB-Rondom 90A +31 (0)6 39325593


External locations Venue Varkenmarkt 16 + 31 (0) 30 268 1326

Hoog Catherijne





Hotels Court Hotel Adama van Scheltemab aan Korte Nieuwstraat 14 +31 (0)30 233 0033



1. NFF Festivalhart / festival heart: Winkel van Sinkel Oudegracht 158 2. Louis Hartlooper Complex Tolsteegbrug 1 3. Kinepolis Jaarbeurs Jaarbeursboulevard 300 Filmtheater ‘t Hoogt 4. Hoogt 4 5. Pathé Rembrandt Oudegracht 73 6. Academiegalerie Minrebroederstraat 16 7. Impakt Lange Nieuwstraat 4 Praktische info / Practical info  66

EYE hotel Wijde Begijnestraat 1–3 +31 (0) 30 303 6303

Maliehotel Maliestraat 2 +31 (0) 30 231 6424 Mother Goose Hotel Ganzenmarkt 26 +31 (0) 30 303 6300

8. Stadsschouwburg Utrecht Professionals Programme & NFF Professionals Desk Lucasbolwerk 24 / +31 (0) 30 230 3807 9. Centraal Museum Agnietenstraat 1 10. JK24 Janskerkhof 24 11. NFF Filmboulevard Vinkenburgstraat 12. Nicolaïkerk Nicolaaskerkhof 13. NFF Pop-up Bioscoop Utrecht Centraal

Dutch Selection Digital Film Library The NFF Professionals Digital Film Library is back in 2018 with a wide selection of leading films produced in the Netherlands over the past twelve months. Professional badge holders will have the chance to access a variety of English subtitled films and TV productions from the Netherlands, which will be available for screening during NFF Professionals online. Most NFF competition titles will be viewable in the library. Furthermore, film professionals will be able to access other NFF highlights, such as recent student and short films and new Dutch television productions, via the screening platform.   Badge holders will have online access to the NFF Professionals Digital Film Library from September 17 to October 15.

NFF International Screenings NFF International Screenings comprises brand new Dutch feature and short films including international co-productions. These Englishsubtitled films are screened in the festival venues during the festival and include, amongst other, this year’s opening film Niemand in de stad by Michiel van Erp, La Holandesa by Marleen Jonkman (2013 HFM), and Light as Feathers by Rosanne Pel (2017 HFM WiP). For a complete overview and schedule of the selection see:

Praktische info / Practical info  67

Professionals Programma Professionals Programme Vrijdag 28 september / Friday September 28









9:30–11:30 • Conferentie Plenair programma Conference Plenary Programme




11:40–13:30 • Conferentie Parallel sessies Conference Parallel Sessions




14:30–17:30 • Conferentie Parallel sessies Conference Parallel Sessions • NFF Expert Meeting



13:00–14:30 • Professionals Lunch 13:30–17:00 • Het scenario & de collega’s The Script & the Colleagues

17:00–20:00 • Professionals Drinks 18:00–18:30 • Wrap up



Praktische info / Practical info  68

Professionals Programma Professionals Programme Zaterdag 29 september / Saturday September 29










10:00–13:00 • Talent Feedback sessies/Sessions • BoostNL Pitch Training (besloten sessie/ closed session)

10:00–12:30 • Jan Harlan: Music as a Scripting Tool 10:00–12:30 • (Be)Grijp je publiek! Get Your Audience! 12:30–14:00 • Professionals Lunch





14:00–17:00 • BoostNL Expert sessies/session (besloten sessies / closed sessions) • Talents en Route Meetings

13:30–17:00 • Masterclass montage / Editing Dylan Tichenor

14:00–17:00 • Stories & Beyond


17:00–19:00 • Professionals Drinks






23:00 Praktische info / Practical info  69

19:00–21:00 • Professionals Diner & Talents en Route presentatie/ Presentation (op uitnodiging/ invite only) 19:00–23:00 • Bring Your Own Beamer

23:00–04:00 • NFF Filmfeest

Professionals Programma Professionals Programme Zondag 30 september / Sunday September 30









10:00–13:00 • BoostNL Expert sessies/Sessions (besloten sessies/ closed sessions) • Talents en Route Meetings


10:00–17:00 Sold!







10:30–12:30 • Matchmaking Script & Score 13:00–17:00 • Our Brave New World Sessions

12:30–14:00 • Professionals Lunch

14:00–17:00 • BoostNL Expert sessies/Sessions (besloten sessies/ closed sessions) • Talents en Route Meetings • Individual Meetings 17:00–18:30 • Floating Sales Symposium (besloten/private)

17:00–19:00 • Professionals Drinks





23:00 Praktische info / Practical info  70

19:30–22:15 • Masterclass Camera Kees van Oostrum

19:00–23:00 • Professionals diner/Dinner

Professionals Programma Professionals Programme Maandag 1 oktober / Monday October 1

10:00 11:00 12:00







10:00–13:00 • BoostNL Expert sessies/Sessions (besloten sessies/ closed sessions) • Talents en Route Meetings

10:00–13:00 • Be Dramatic! ism Série Séries

10:30–12:30 • Talent Speeddates

12:30–14:00 • Professionals Lunch

13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00

14:00–17:00 • BoostNL Expert sessies/Sessions (besloten sessies/ closed sessions) • Talents en Route Meetings • Individual Meetings Internationale BoostNL Projecten met Nederlandse professionals

14:30–17:00 • Seminar animatie: Co-produceren met China / Seminar Animation: Coproducing With China

15:00–17:00 • Talent Awards

17:00–19:00 • Professionals Drinks

18:00–18:30 • NBF/NFA Pitches

19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 Praktische info / Practical info  71

20:00–22:00 • Masterclass William Simpson 22:00–03:00 • Closing Party





31-08-18 13:51

Feeding creativity







VICE NIGHT Een avond propvol prachtfilms tijdens het Nederlands Film Festival, geselecteerd door VICE Dinsdag 2 oktober 19:30 – 21:30 Louis Hartlooper Complex 1 Utrecht

Film Producers Netherlands is the association of film producers, our aim is to stimulate and support a dynamic and creative film industry. We represent the majority of Dutch film producers, promoting their common interests and collaborating with (international) parties in the film industry.

Film Producers Netherlands

Film Producers Netherlands | contact Marjan van der Haar (Managing Director), tel +31 6 3179 0017,, Film Producers Netherlands | board members Marleen Slot (Viking Film, Chairman), Maarten Swart (Kaap Holland Film), Digna Sinke (SNG Film), Sander Verdonk (New Amsterdam Film Company), Laurette Schillings (Topkapi Films) Film Producers Netherlands | members An Original Picture Joost de Vries BALDR Film Frank Hoeve Katja Draaijer BosBros Burny Bos Jolande Junte Circe Films Stienette Bosklopper Lisette Kelder Cool Beans Richard Claus De Familie Film & TV Monique Busman Michiel van Erp De Productie Annemiek van Gorp René Goossens Family Affair Films Floor Onrust Noortje Wilschut Chris Stenger FATT Productions Hans de Weers Elwin Looije Graniet Film Marc van Warmerdam Marten van Warmerdam

Halal Gijs Kerbosch Christine Anderton Hazazah Pictures Maarten Kuit House of Netherhorror Jan Doense Herman Slagter IJswater Films Marc Bary Steven Rubinstein Malamud Johan Nijenhuis & Co Johan Nijenhuis Ingmar Menning Jos Stelling Films Jos Stelling Kaap Holland Film Maarten Swart Kaliber Film Mete Gümürhan Aydin Dehzad Bas Broertjes Keplerfilm Koji Nelissen Derk-Jan Warrink Keren Cogan Films Keren Cogan Galjé

KeyFilm Hanneke Niens Hans de Wolf Marten van Warmerdam Lemming Film Leontine Petit Fleur Winters Erik Glijnis Millstreet Films Rachel van Bommel Suzan de Swaan Mulholland Pictures Ate de Jong New Amsterdam Film Company Sander Verdonk Julius Ponten Philip Harthoorn Thomas den Drijver Karlijn Landman Nuts & Bolts Film Company Denis Wigman Marijn Wigman Rosan Boersma OAK Motion Pictures Trent PVPictures Paul Voorthuysen Revolver Amsterdam Raymond van der Kaaij Kirsi Saivosalmi Rotterdam Films Mildred van Leeuwaarden Dirk Rijneke Sigma Pictures Productions Matthijs van Heijningen Guurtje Buddenberg Sluizer Films Anne Lordon Anouk Sluizer SNG Film Digna Sinke The Film Kitchen Jan van der Zanden Ineke Kanters The Rogues Rianne Poodt Guusje van Deuren Topkapi Films Frans van Gestel Arnold Heslenfeld Laurette Schillings VENFILM Maarten van der Ven Viking Film Marleen Slot Volya Films Denis Vaslin Fleur Knopperts 24 FPS Features Anton Scholten

Films from the Netherlands


13-12-17 09:57

Eye International - NFF Advertentie - dd 10-8-18 - V2.indd 1

10-8-2018 12:04:11


De BankGiro Loterij is de cultuurloterij van Nederland. Deelnemers maken elke maand kans op vele geldprijzen en bijzondere belevenissen bij onze partners. Zo genieten deelnemers van de BankGiro Loterij binnenkort van een VIP-ontvangst op het Nederlands Film Festival. Wij wensen ze veel plezier! Ook meespelen? Ga naar GRATIS naar 50 topmusea Tot 50% KORTING op dagjes uit KANS OP VIP-evenementen

Ook meespelen en uw eigen VIP-KAART ontvangen? Ga naar

Š Corbis/HH, R.Beusker, D.Scargliola/S.Brakkee

ADV_BGL_NFF_170x230_B1303_01.indd 1

08-08-18 16:24

Join us for talks, beers, inspiration & expanding your network.

May 21st - 22nd 2019 Tolhuistuin Amsterdam First speakers will be announced soon.

Our previous speakers: composers Hauschka (Lion), Dustin O'Halloran, Dickon Hinchliffe (Peaky Blinders), Cliff Martinez (Drive), Ilan Eshkeri (The Sims, Shaun the Sheep); video game composer Joris de Man; the legendary Professor Thomas Dolby, musician, entrepreneur and futurist; Sony Playstation Music Supervisor Duncan Smith; OK Go's digital strategist Mike Rosenthal; Dutch composer Stephen Emmer; composer of the Angry Birds theme Ari Pulkkinen; Dexter music supervisor Gary Calamar; Henry Daw from Microsoft and many more.


Audacity drives to excellence

Grootste en nieuwste bioscoop van Utrecht


Dé plek voor elk filmevent

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Comfortabele stoelen DS prefereert GEM. BRANDSTOFVERBRUIK: 5,9 l/100km; 16,9 l/KM, CO 2 (g/km) 135

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Geniet eindeloos van de beste series, films en documentaires op NPO Start Plus: Geen reclame € 2,95 per maand Opzeggen wanneer je wilt

The Bridge 1-4

Klem 1&2

Killing Eve

Start nu één maand gratis NPO Start Plus op

NPO18-010 Adv NPOstart 170x230+5mm WT.indd 1

14-08-18 13:31

Beleef het NFF met de Volkskrant

VK_NFF_170x230+5mm.indd 1

13-08-18 08:41


virtual production platform

Next Level Previs Visit your film set in VR. Explore any angle and every option before shooting starts.

Actual footage of ‘Bumperkleef’, an upcoming feature by Topkapi Films ©2018 DeepSpace is an initiative of Planet X Technologies in collaboration with ScreenSpace Lab

PLX_Adv_NFFProfGids_180823.indd 3

23/08/2018 14:44



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Wil jij jouw verhaal over Europa vertellen? Ga jij de uitdaging aan om samen met een bekroonde Europese regisseur hier een korte film over te schrijven en te regisseren? Doe mee aan de #EUandME Jonge Filmmakers Wedstrijd en wie weet win jij een beurs van € 7.500. Meedoen kan tot 31 oktober 2018. Meer weten? Kijk op: 14/08/18 17:24

Nederlandse postproductie bedrijven hebben zich verenigd in de NPA, de Netherlands Post production Alliance. Bezoek voor meer informatie.

Kijk, Luister, Volg! Het laatste nieuws uit de stad en provincie Utrecht via radio, televisie, app, website en social media.

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13-8-2018 11:51:17

Het NFF bedankt zijn partners NFF wishes to thank its partners NFF Hoofdsponsors / NFF Main Sponsors

Nff Partners



u t r ec h t EG

RACHT 158 35




BeamSystems • Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid • Buma Cultuur • Cam-a-lot • Centraal Museum • Cinando • Cinelink • CommITment • Event Engineers • EYE International • FestivalTickets • Film Commission Utrecht • Film Producenten Nederland • Filmtechniek • Het Nieuwe Instituut • HONG KONG Amsterdam • IMPAKT • Intermission • International Film Festival Rotterdam • Interpulse • JK24 • Ondernemersfonds Leidsche Rijn Centrum • Pascalle Koldenhof • Livetime Productions • ShortsTV • Smits Light & Sound • STELLA Agency • TSC Crowd Management • Universiteit Utrecht • Utrecht City Hotels • U-OV • Veenman+ • Versteeg Wigman Sprey Advocaten • VR OWL • WarnierPosta

Subsidiënten en Fondsen / Subsidies and Funds

CoBO • Elise Mathilde Fonds • Mondriaan Fonds • Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie • Van Baaren Stichting

Speciale dank aan alle makers, vrijwilligers en vrienden! Special thanks to all makers, volunteers and friends!

Photo: John Gundlach

UP TO 35% CASH REBATE FOR FILMS & SERIES Praktische info / Practical info  83


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