FISH AND CHIPS: Elisenda Olivella……………………………………………………….. 3
YOUR FAVOURITE HOLIDAY: Cristina López ………………………………………… 6
AN INTRODUCTION TO ROB ROY: Rosa Blanco…………………………………….. 22
AN OLYMPIC DAY: M. Dolors Camats …………………………………………………… 24
WOCHENENDE IN BERLIN: Marta Olivé ……………………………………………….. 27
OUR TRAVEL AGENCY: Núria Ruiz………………………………………………………… 33
MOBILE PHONES IN CLASS: Teresa Coma…………………………………………….. 35
TELL ME WHY: Sira Melo ……………………………………………………………………. 39
Lesson Plan 1 Teacher’s name:Cristina López Pujal School: Escola Municipal de Treball de Granollers Lesson Name: Your favourite holiday Subject: English Level: 1st of ESO Time Allotted: 3 lessons Pedagogies used: -‐
Co-‐operative learning.
Competences taught: -‐ Digital competence. -‐ Learning to learn. -‐ Communication in foreign languages. -‐ Sense of initiative and entrepreneur. -‐ Cultural awareness. Objectives: The students’ aims are to get to know about a new place they would like to visit.They will make a poster,a trip plan and a presentation. They will have to be able to collaborate because they will work in groups of 4.
Prior knowledge of students: -‐ The verb “to be”. -‐ The verb ”have got”.,
-‐ The future “be going to” for plans. -‐ Vocabulary used to describe places. Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) -‐Blackboard or whiteboard. -‐Computers and a printer if possible. -‐Some material to make a poster.( a cardstock,markers, crayons,scissors) -‐Photos. Brief description: The students will work in groups of four.They will decide the place where they are going to travel and then they will do some research to get to know about it.After that,they will make a poster with photos and brief explanations to describe them.Finally they will make a trip plan that will include the activities they are going to do every day,and they will make a presentation in front of the class.They will be told to take into account the country’s customs when they arrange the trip(shops’ timetables,meal times,local time or public holidays). Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) Warming up. -‐ Brainstorming. ( 5 minutes) To begin with the teacher is going to ask the students what comes to their minds when they hear the word “holiday” and all the words related to holidays will be written on the blackboard. Tell the students they are going to work in groups of four to plan a holiday.Making groups (5 minutes) Ask them to decide where they are going to travel-‐they will need to negotiate in order to make a decision.(5 minutes) Now it’s time they start working. They will be told that by the end of the project they will have made a poster and a trip plan that they will present to the class. They can use computers to find out some information about the place they chose.(landmarks,climate,traditions,customs).They will also choose some pictures that they will use for their poster. ( 20 minutes)
It’s time they start making the poster.They will decide what is the most relevant information they want to use. (30 minutes) Once the poster is finished,they will imagine that they are given the chance to travel to the place they’ve chosen,but before they leave they should make a trip plan that shows what they plan to do every day.The teacher makes them reflect about the tense they will need in order to accomplish their task.Everybody must use the future “be going to”.(5 or 8 minutes) Students make the arrangements for their trip taking into account the country’s customs,traditions,food and currency.They could even check for flights so that they learn how we book flights online.(30 minutes) Finally,the groups decide who is going to present each part and they do their presentations.They can use their posters to help them explain.(if there are 6 groups,30 minutes) Assessment: The teacher will take into account the students’ attitude towards their tasks,the poster,the Trip plan and the students’ presentations. Special Directions for Cooperative Grouping The students will work in groups of four.It would be suitable that all the students in the groups were good at different skills(art,ICT,Oral and writing competence in English) so all of them feel that they are good at something.
Lesson Plan 2 Teacher’s name:Elisenda Olivella Puig School: CFA Marinada Lesson Name: Fish & Chips Subject:English Level: 2nd/ 3rd Adults , A2, 3rd ESO Time Allotted: 2 weeks( 3 hours a week) Pedagogy/ies used:Gamification, flipped classroom Competences taught: Linguistic and communicative C., Digital C., Social and Civic C., Mathematical C., Cultural C., Learning to learn C. Objectives: Learn food and kitchen utensils vocabulary, learn British recipes and follow instructions on how to cook. Share dishes from different countries, learn how to express quantity in English.
Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) For teacher and students: Computers, projector, screenboard For students:notebooks, kitchen utensils, food Brief description: In this lesson, students are asked to watch a video on how to cook fish and chips and then do activities based on the video and extra activities for discussion. Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) At home Task 1: Audiovisual task students watch the video “how to cook fish and chips” from You Tube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yohSEYq9tSo In class Task 2. Brainstorming In class, create a board and show it to the class using www.padlet.com. Students write comments on the following questions: what verbs of action from the video can you remember?
What are the ingredients of the dish? What kitchen utensils do you need to cook it? What do you think the dish taste? Work in groups and share commentaries. Task 3.THINK Group students in pairs and, in turns, each student tries to remember the cooking steps . One of them writes down what the other student is telling about the video. The teacher controls the time using the countdown from www.classtools.net. When they finish , the pairs have to share the fish and chips recipes. They can also exchange recipes to correct grammatical mistakes. When they finish, each pair explains the recipe and the teacher clarifies mistakes and everything. Task 4. Create your own video cooking a recipe at home and then download the video . Students use www.educanon.com/www.camstudio.com Task 5. Students create a fakebook in www.classtools.net and share your cooking abilities, experiences and British recipes. Task 6:FINAL DISCUSSION Once the teacher has shown the commentaries on the fakebook to the whole class. Students discuss in class the following questions. How do you find British cuisine? Compare their dishes with students´ own food. What are the main differences and similarities with Catalan/Spanish food? Which are healthier, easier to cook, more elaborated, spicy, exotic etc. Assessment: The teacher: assessment grids for speaking and team work For video making: a mark (A, B, C, D) The student: students write their opinion about the lesson in www.answergarden.ch Special Directions for Cooperative Grouping Fast learners work with slow ones for the pair work activities.
Lesson Plan 3 Teacher’s name: AMPARO CODINA School: INST. VILANOVA DEL VALLÉS Lesson Name: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT IN SHAKESPEARE’S TIME Subject: ENGLISH Level: 2nd BATXILLERAT Date: BEGINNING OF 2ND TERM (JANUARY) Time Allotted: TRHEE SESSIONS (60’ EACH ONE) Pedagogy/ies used: Problem-‐based learning/ Project –based learning Focus on an open-‐ended question or task Provide authentic application of contents and skills Build 21st century 4 C’ competences Emphasize student independence and inquiriy Are longer and more multifaceted than traditional The product may simply be a proposed solution expressed in writing or in an oral presentation Project Based learning: including the creation of a product or performance often involves real-‐ worldm fully authentic tasks and settings. Multi-‐disciplinary tasks Follow variously named steps Competences taught: The different competences that students are going to work with are: Learning to learn competence, social and civic competence, cultural conscience and expression an even Self-‐initiative competence (critical thinking and analysis) Taking into account the kind of activity plan, the sub-‐competences that will be developed in class will be: working in pairs Managing projects and holding leadership roles Self-‐awareness and evaluation of group processes Working independently Explaining concepts Self-‐directed learning Applying course content to real world examples Researching and information literacy Problem solving disciplines
Objectives: To develop students’ vocabulary associated with crime and punishment To give students practice of speaking (presenting an argument) To develop students’ awareness of crime and punishment in Shakespeare’s time
Lesson Plan 4 Teacher’s name: Mónica Ramos Caballero School: INS Bisbe Sivilla Lesson Name: The Eurovision Song Contest History Subject: The Euro-‐eTwinning Song Contest (from the Twinspace: http://twinspace.etwinning-‐ training.net/1546/home) Level: 3rd ESO students Date: -‐ Time Allotted: 180 minutes (3 sessions) Pedagogy/ies used: Project Based Learning Competences taught: Digital, communicative, cultural awareness and expression, learning to learn, mathematical competence, social and civic, sense of iniciative. Objectives: To be able to develop communicative skills.
Prior knowledge of students: what they know about the Eurovision Song Contest Resources/materials needed: computer lab or a classroom with projector and sound and the worksheet. This activity is for half the class. Brief description: Introduction to the Eurovision Song Contest Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) 1. Brainstorming to know what students know about the Eurovision Song Contest. (All the ideas are portrayed in http://padlet.com/wall/9us8o4d7qred 2. Students watch an introductory video about the Eurovision Song Contest. This video contains some open questions.www.educanon.com/public/108714/255601 3. A second and a third video with questions are projected to go more in depth: http://ed.ted.com/on/lsVM5X0j , https://vialogues.com/vialogues/play/23493
4. In 1967, when the Eurovision song contest took place in Vienna, it was the first time in which a song written in English won. It was Puppet on a String, by Sandie Shaw. Before that, since the Eurovision song contest started in 1956, all the songs that won the contest were sung in French, Dutch, German or even Danish. The teacher launches the question why they think nowadays English is the most commonly used language in the contest. 5. The following link shows the Eurovision winners from 1956 to 2014: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ya_JNZcbyU In this link we have the 2015 winner: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sGOwFVUU0I 6. Here are the winners who sang in English: Lulu Boom Bang a Bang, Madrid 1969 (with 4 winner tie) Dana, All Kinds of Everything, Amsterdam 1970 Abba, Waterloo, Brighton 1974 Teach-‐In, Ding Dinge Dong, Stockholm 1975 Brotherhood of Man, Save Your Kisses for Me, The Hague 1976 Johnny Logan, What’s Another Year?, The Hague 1980 Bucks Fizz, Making Your Mind Up, Dublin 1981 Johnny Logan, Hold Me Now, Brussels 1987 Linda Martin, Why Me?, Malmö 1992 Niamh Kavanagh, In your Eyes, Millstreet 1993 Paul Harrington and Charlie McGettigan, Rock’n’Roll Kids, Dublin 1994 Eimear Quinn, The Voice, Oslo 1996 Katrina and the Waves, Love Shine a Light, Dublin 1997 Charlotte Nilsson, Take Me to Your Heaven, Jerusalem 1999 The Olsen Brothers, Fly on the Wings of Love, Stockholm 2000 Tanel Padar, Dave Benton & 2XL, Everybody, Copenhagen 2001 Marie N, I Wanna, Tallinn 2002 Sertab Erener, Everyway That I Can, Riga 2003 Rusiana, Wild Dances, Istanbul 2004 (English and Ukranian) Helena Paparizou, My Number One, Kyiv 2005 Lordi, Hard Rock Hallelujah, Athens 2006 Dima Bilan, Believe, Belgrade 2008 Alexander Rybak, Fairytale, Moscow 2009 Lena Meyer-‐Landrut, Satellite, Oslo 2010 Ell & Nikki, Running Scared, Düsseldorf 2011 Loreen, Euphoria, Baku 2012 Emmelie de Forest, Only Teardrops, Malmö 2013 Conchita Wurst, Rise Like a Phoenix, Copenhagen 2014 Mans Zelmerlöw, Heroes, Vienna 2015 7. Students work in groups of 4 students. a. Group 1 makes graphs showing the countries that sang in English. It is to know which has won the contest the most times. The graphs have to be explained (writing and speaking).
b. Group 2 makes a presentation regarding the fashion and trends of the different decades. (writing and speaking) c. Group 3 makes a presentation of the different musical styles in every decade. (writing and speaking) d. Group 4 focuses on The Olsen Brothers, Fly on the Wings of Love, Stockholm 2000 analysing the song and the group and the posthumous relevance of the song. e. Group 5 focuses on the Irish groups or singers who have won the contest and make a presentation of them analyzing why they think there’s such an Irish boom in Eurovision from 1987 to 1996.
After doing this work, each group has to make 10 questions which summarize the content of their presentation using http://www.socrative.com/ in order to test their mates’ attention and knowledge. Assessment: All the skills are assessed: oral and written expression and comprehension, bearing in mind all the competences. Special Directions for Cooperative Grouping: In order to do the group activities, students have to be grouped in 4.
Lesson Plan 5
Teacher’s name: Francesc Espadero Amat
School: Escola Les Fonts
Lesson Name: Human and other animals Communication
Subject: English and Science
Level: 5th and 6th Primary
Time Allotted: 2 weeks ( 3 session per week)
Pedagogy/ies used: Gaming and Flipped the classroom
Competences taught:
● Digital ● Linguistic
Objectives: Students should be able to
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
improve pupils’ level of English understand basic concepts from an audio know what communication is distinguish different types of communication refrase and tell with their own words these comcepts work in group in a collaborative way share the students’ outcomes
Prior knowledge of students: Digital
● ● ● ● ●
open, write and edit a text file save a text file in the computer surf in the internet search information in the net start, listen and stop a youtube audio.
● listen and understand basic facts ● speaking and writing about basic facts
Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) ● ● ● ● ● ●
computer lab headphones internet connection paper pen video camera or a digital camera that can tape.
Brief description:
Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) Step 1. Students are divided in groups of 3 or 5 pupils. Step 2. Then, they have to listen to the audio “What is communication? -‐ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7CN9Trw43w “. After that, they have to argue and decide what the video is about and summarize it in one or two sentences. Write this sentence or sentences in a PowerPoint. Students have to illustrate this text with a image that the group has to look up in the internet. Step 3. They have to watch the second video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEOPCEiigYQ and in groups they have to argue and summarize what are the main differences between human and other animal communication. Write it in the Powerpoint. Students have to illustrate this text with a image that the group has to look up in the internet. Step 4. Students have to watch the video http://ed.ted.com/on/fu0vsvSZ and answer the multiple choice questions. After that, students have to argue and decide what the video is about and summarize it in one or two sentences. Write this sentence or sentences in a PowerPoint. Students have to illustrate this text with a image that the group has to look up in the internet. Step 5. Students have to choose one of the following animals (bees, wolfs and cats) and search information in the net about how these animals communicate.
In case, they could not find information they can watch the following videos: ● How do bees communicate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pb1lRI-‐YePU ● How do cats communicate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbHRAC4exTI ● How do dogs and wolfs communicate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cbsrT4zMhU Advanced students may look for extra information about wolfs in the following text: http://www.wolf.org/learn/basic-‐wolf-‐info/biology-‐and-‐behavior/communication/ After that, they have to argue and decide what one of the the videos is about and summarize it in one or two sentences. Write this sentence or sentences in a PowerPoint. Students have to illustrate this text with a image that the group has to look up in the internet. Step 6. Each group of students has to finish their presentation in Powerpoint for other students. The students presentations have to include:
● What communication is . ● What human communication is . ● An example of verbal communication and another one of non-‐verbal communication. ● Why do animals communicate? ● Examples of animal communication.
Step 7. Students have to explain their presentations to the other groups in the class or other students in the school. They have to be taped during the presentation so it can be uploaded in the internet.
Assessment: The teacher is going to asses trough the students presentations and through students expositions. The Items that are going be be assesed are:
● ● ● ● ● ●
if every video is summarized properly. the different students’ views of communication if students understand different types of communication how these new concepts are refrased and told how students work in group in a collaborative way if students share their knowledge
Special Directions for Cooperative Grouping ● Students are going to work in groups of 3 or 4 students ● Their have to agree in each stap and their final work. ● The final work of each group is going to be told to other students and groups.
Lesson Plan 6 Teacher’s name: Marta Comellas Solé School: INS Lluís Domènech i Montaner Lesson Name: Make an Internet Fact Hunt about England Subject: English Language Level: 4th of ESO students Date: Sept-‐Desemb. 2015 Time Allotted: One term Pedagogy/ies used: a Problem-‐Based Learning Project Competences taught: 1-‐Competence in English as a foreign language 2-‐Digital Competence 3-‐Learning to learn 4-‐ Social and Civic competence 5-‐Cultural awareness and expression Objectives: Students will be able to: •
develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills
develop research skills
demonstrate and develop their oral presentation skills
build their knowledge on England’s history and cultural heritage
Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) •
Online web search resources:
I have collected a set of valuable sites for researching information on countries. I suggest you use them first. CIA -‐ World Fact Book -‐ http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html Internet Public Library -‐ http://www.ipl.org/ Country Studies at the Library of Congress http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/cshome.html CountryReports.org -‐ http://www.countryreports.org/ England reports: http://www.countryreports.org/country/UnitedKingdom.htm Economist.com Country Briefings http://www.economist.com/countries/ GlobalEDGE -‐ http://globaledge.msu.edu/countryInsights/ Yahoo Countries directory -‐ http://dir.yahoo.com/Regional/Countries/ CDC Traveler's Health -‐ http://wwwn.cdc.gov/travel/ 2. Computer lab 3. Worksheets to help you work on: 1-‐ What you know: http://www.mrsoshouse.com/pbl/c/cou2.htm 2-‐ What you do not know http://www.mrsoshouse.com/pbl/c/cou3.htm
3-‐ Hunt Templates http://www.mrsoshouse.com/ext/internethunts.html Brief description: Our high school has decided to take our 4th of ESO students on a trip to another country to practice and communicate in the language of the country. You are to break up into teams to investigate the merits of the country. Make an Internet Hunt of the country. You will have to design at least 15 questions about cultural and other specific particular issues about England . So, this hunt should point to many important facts about this country. Include a word processing answer key where you give the answer to each question.
Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) Step 1: -‐ Each member of the group identifies what they know about the country. Step 2: -‐ Identify what you you need to learn about the country. -‐ What are important things to consider? -‐ Be specific. Make a list. Step 3: -‐Assign each group member a set of facts to find on the Internet. Document who is assigned to find each question. Everyone will be researching info. Step 4: -‐ Browse around the internet and provide the web pages/ link pages next to each factfile or questions that need to be answered.Link each question to the site that has the answer. Step 5: -‐ Harness other sites on the Internet to fill in the missing facts. You may use a resource not listed here. Example: Tourism site. If a link is broken, use your online research skills to find the site/page. Copy the title of the source. Paste it in a web search engine. Step 6: -‐ Show that you know the answers through an oral presentation Include a word processing answer key where you give the answer to each question you posed in the hunt. -‐ Be sure to show the pros and cons of visiting/living in this country.
Lesson Plan 7 Teacher’s name: Rosa Blanco Mateo School: INS Celestí Bellera Lesson Name: An Introduction to Rob Roy Subject: English language Level: 3rd ESO students Date: 2n term Time Allotted: 1 hour-‐session per week (6-‐7 sessions) Pedagogy/ies used: Project Based Learning ICTs Webtools. Competences taught: Communication in foreign languages Digital competence Learning to Learn Sense of Initiative and entrepreneurship Cultural awareness and Expression. Objectives:
Before reading Rob Roy in class, students will learn about the social and historical background of the novel, so they can contextualize the book.
Research on Scotland‘s history, geography and culture.
Work collaboratively in small groups and use a variety of sources to gather information.
Oral presentation of the information gathered
Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) One computer per group is needed. Projector Brief description: Students get in groups of 3. (9 groups per class) Every group will be given a topic related to Scotland or to the novel Rob Roy. It will include some basic contents which the research will have to comprise. Students will work for 3 sessions gathering information on the topic and preparing an oral presentation using Glogster (or similar) to show all the information to their classamates. Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) SESSION 1 -‐ Presentation of the project. -‐ Group division & topic assignment -‐ Instructions revision SESSIONS 2, 3 & 4 -‐ Information compilation -‐ Work on Glosgter SESSIONS 5 & 6 -‐ Oral Presentation. -‐ Expositions and final questions TOPICS 1. GREAT BRITAIN 2. SCOTLAND & ITS MAJOR CITIES 3. HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY 4. SCHOOL SYSTEM & LANGUAGES 5. SPORTS, MUSIC & FOOD 6. TRADITIONS 7. SYMBOLS & ICONS 8. INTERVIEW TO A PERSON WHO’S VISITED THE COUNTRY 9. WALTER SCOTT & ROB ROY
PowerPoint Presentation
Group work & 1 laptop per group 10 minutes per group. 4-‐5 groups per session.
Lesson Plan 8 Teacher’s name: M. Dolors Camats School: Institut Eugeni Xammar Lesson Name: An Olympic Day Subject: English, Physical Education, Arts and Maths Level: 2nd ESO Date: June 2016 Time Allotted: Six months Pedagogy/ies used: Team work /Critical thinking/Interdisciplinary approach/Project based learning/ Inquired based learning Competences taught: Working in teams/ Managing projects and holding leadership roles/Researching information/ Applying research content to a real Olympic Games Day/ Problem solving/ Oral and written communication Objectives: Compare and contrast the modern and ancient Olympic Games/ Organize an Olympic Day/ Use different internet tools/ Get exercise Prior knowledge of students: Group work strategies and commitments /Instructions on internet resources/Venn diagram Resources/materials needed: Computer lab/ Olympic Games websites/Miniunitats didàctiques designed by M.Dolors Camats thanks to the “ Department d’Ensenyament” / Sports vocabulary and phrases worksheet/On line Olympic Games videos/ Sport equipment/ Cardboard, scissors, glue, drawing-‐pins, foam, felt, sellotape and coloured marker pens/ Cameras and mobiles. Brief description: The Olympic Games are the major international event of summer and winter sports in which thousands of athletes compete in a wide variety of events. Students in this High School practice a great variety of sports so they will collect data and carry out a research on the Olympic Games to organize an Olympic day for 2nd ESO students. Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) Step 1: Form groups to develop the different parts of the project: language, history, mathematics, music and arts. Step 2: Have students divide into groups of four and assign tasks.
Language group: Collect data about the vocabulary and phrases they will need to know in order to take part in the sport competition. Create a dictionary by using www.calameo.com and the audacity files/ Make twenty two-‐sided vocabulary cards. Write the word on the front and the meaning on the back/Create a word map (sports, equipment, places, team sports and individual sports) by using www.bubbl.us/ Disseminate the results/Test the classmates by using www.xtec.cat/formació/llicencies estudi/ miniunitats didactiques History group: Collect data about the Olympic Games in Greece, Barcelona 1998, London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro 5th August 2016/Learn about the Olympic Values/ Store this information/ Make a power point presentation using www.knovio.com/ Disseminate the results/Test the classmates by creating a quiz game (use www.kahoot.it or www.socrative) Mathematics group: Research enquires about sports students like/ Create a sports survey to find out about the sport they would like to play The Olympic Games day by using www.survey monkey.com/ Use Venn diagrams/ Decide which sports students will play on the Olympic Games day/Disseminate the results/ Test the classmates by solving different mathematics problems. Music and arts group: Research about the Olympic symbols (flags, hymn, torch, medals)/ Listen to Barcelona song by Freddie Mercury and other Olympic games songs/ Test the classmates by using the lyrics/Design different symbols to use during the Olympic Games day/ Vote the best ones by using www.google.forms/ Create medals to use in the closing ceremony using cards, foam or felt. Step 3: Brain-‐storming session to exchange suggestions about the project. Step 4: Visit Barcelona Olympic Games sites. Step 5: Interview a person who was involved in the Barcelona Olympic Games organization. Step 6: Plan the Olympic Games day. Step 7: Review the opening and closing ceremony as well as the equipment required and the procedure used. Step 8: Apply for a Medical help during the celebration of the Olympic Day. Step 9: Record the Olympic day event. Step 10: Create a wall to explain their experiences by using www.padlet.com
Step 11: Report on the project and disseminate the results in the local journal and create a final e-‐book by using www.calameo.com Assessment: Worksheets, quizzes, reading and comprehension exercises, Olympic day event. Special Directions for Cooperative Grouping: Classroom feedback sessions/ Dealing with
difficulties because relationship problems may sour, certain students will drop out the group commitment or others and they can become uncooperative.
Lesson Plan 9 Teacher’s name: Marta Olivé Manté School: Institut Domus d’Olivet Lesson Name: Wochenende in Berlin (Weekend in Berlin) Subject: German Level: 4st of ESO/1st Batxillerat Time Allotted: 12 hours +homework (about one month within a trimester) Pedagogies used: -‐
Co-‐operative learning through work in groups and e-‐twinning
Competences taught -‐
Communication in foreign languages.
Digital competence.
-‐ Learning to learn. -‐ social and civic competencies -‐ Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. -‐ Cultural awareness and expression Objectives: The aim of the lesson/project is that students plan a weekend in Berlin and describe it in a blog as if it had happened in reality. All materials must be written in German. They will work in groups of 4-‐5. It would be interesting to carry out the project in co-‐operation with a school of a foreign country where students also have German as a Secondary Foreign Language (e-‐twinning
project). The various “Weekend Plans” are presented and voted by the participants so that an “Ideal Weekend” can be defined.
Prior knowledge of students: -‐
Vocabulary about days of the week, telling the time, describe places in a city, vocabulary about feelings…
-‐ The verbs indicating movement and direction (with “akkusativ”) -‐ The present and past tenses (at least one or two years of German Language are needed before starting the activity). Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) -‐Blackboard or whiteboard for the teachers -‐One computer/laptop per group (camera/video recorder for specific sessions) -‐One computer for videoconferencing in the e-‐twinning sessions Brief description: (see objectives above) Lesson procedures: As this is quite a long project, its concretion must be further enhanced, also depending on the number of schools involved (ideally only two). The following are only some ideas: First session: Explanation of the project and organization of groups Sessions 2 to 8: Work in groups. In session 3 or 4 there could be a videoconference with the other school with students sharing ideas on accommodation. It could be done with a padlet (padlet.com) where students write options they have found -‐-‐ including prices, address, facilities of the place, etc.; the ideas on accommodation can be voted so that a decision can be made for the whole project. Some ideas for the work within these 7 lessons:
Develop a travel dictionary with useful sentences to use at the airport, hostel, when looking for a place, in a restaurant, etc.
Look for the details of possible accommodation (youth hostels for instance) and transfer to/from the airport to the hostel. 28
The conditions for all participants are that the plane leaves Barcelona on Friday afternoon and comes back from Berlin on Sunday evening. Each group makes a plan for Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday morning. Each group has to indicate the places to visit, places to eat, define the itinerary, etc. It is compulsory to consecrate Saturday to the learning/cultural activities (visiting museums and historic places for instance) and Sunday morning to leisure activities.
Each group must develop a Blog and write a detailed Weekend-‐Plan.
The students (of both schools) will vote the best plan for Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning and thus define altogether the “Ideal Weekend”
Once the Ideal Weekend has been decided each group has to write a report of the trip (as if the weekend had happened in reality). The description can be accompanied by videos, photos of the students there (fake), and it should also include invented histories (for instance explaining things that could happen… like loosing the luggage at the airport, meeting a mysterious person on the street telling stories about him/her, etc., falling in love with a german…).
Sessions 10-‐12: Presentation and evaluation -‐
The blogs will be the result of the project. Blogs will be presented to the classroom and then voted by students of both schools (survey monkey, polleverywhere….)
Assessment: The evaluation will include attitudinal aspects (working in groups, sharing the work to do…) and evaluation of the final project (the blog) Special Directions for Cooperative Grouping The students will form the groups themselves but a “correction” can be made by the teacher, with the agreement of the students, in order to have balanced groups (groups that include students with all competencies: ICT, oral competence, written competence, imagination/creativity…).
Lesson Plan 10 Teacher’s name: Manuela Martínez Navarro School: InstitutCelestíBellera Lesson Name: Sewing solutions against bullying Subject:English, tutoring, social skills and education Level: 1st ESO Date:!st term of course 21st September to 7th December Time Allotted:40 hours Pedagogy/ies used:PBL and IBL using ICT and webtools Competences taught: communication in a foreign language, digital, social, cultural awareness and expression, learning to learn and social and civic competence Objectives: 1. Have opportunities to work in cooperative groups (it involves negotiating, deciding, allowing for different interests and rhythms,…) 2. Brainstorm ideas and share information within a group and among groups (about bullying, cyberbullying, its causes, consequences, situations, means to avoid it, 3. Discuss, reflect critically about a topic that concerns the whole educative community 4. Identify specific strategies to make peers aware and fight teasing and bullying and applying these strategies to everyday life in order to minimize or avoid getting involved, as a victim as well as a aggressor of these behavior) 5. Develop values and attitudes (democratic dialogue) 6. Acquire social awareness 7. Actively participate in the learning process
8. Practice the use of written and oral English, get familiar with the vocabulary of the topic 9. Provide solutions working cooperatively 10.Create final products (dramatizations of sketches and creation of slogans, decorations or curtains with patchwork) 11.Explore and use different types of new pedagogies and webtools.
Prior knowledge of students: Personal experiences, other friends and family’s experiences, stories they have heard, read about or watched on tv Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) One per one laptops Teacher’s laptop, projector and screen Pieces of black or granate cloth (20x20cm ) and other pieces of different coloured patches, buttons, ribbons,… Needles, sewing threads,… Brief description: Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) Webgraphy: • About bullying: "The Causes of YouthViolenceandtheEffects." Video Web Friends Sweden http://www.fapac.cat/2012/10/Viol%C3%A8ncia-‐entre-‐iguals-‐bullying • About sewing: ENFILAR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tC8-‐EjizWo EMBASTAR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cy1S7evLDok REPUNT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8T0piuomSE FISTÓ: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqZWo9GiWm8 CADENETA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuqcH6aZ8Fo Two weekly sessions of 80 minutes from 15 September to 30th November
1st week 1. Students get in groups of 5 what makes 18 groups altogether (two or three girls plus two or three boys one of them being of the flexible groups 1 or 2) 2. Teachers present the students the topic of study and the main goals of the whole projectand what the final products they are expected to create. www.padlet.com 3. Introduce the topic by asking the students how important this issue is for them (whether they know friends or classmates that have suffered bullying, the emotional reactions they had or might have,…) This discussion or brainstorming of the first ideas can be done with pupils sitting round in a semicircle and the teacher acting as moderator www.padlet.com 2nd week 1. Do an anonymous survey (create the survey with a digital tool) to find out how many pupils have been affected by a bullying problem or what they know about it https://www.google.com/forms/about/ www.kahoot.com www.classtool.net 2. Give students a list of videos to research about the issue and take ideas for their sketches 3. Tell students they’re going to get in contact with students of the Erasmus+ that are going to come to Granollers with their teachers on 30yh November. Write to the, send info, findings, videos,… 4. Write introduction mails. www.twinspace/etwinning
3rd week 1. Team activities and dynamics. Draw and reach conclusions. 2. Work on texts in English to practice specific vocabulary and expressions and ask them to use gamification tools to practice it. http://badgeville.com/wiki/education http://www.knewton.com/gamification-‐education/ http://ed.ted.com/on/uk36wtoI Assessment: • http://answergarden.ch/view/ BLOGS: https://www.blogger.com/ TRUMBLR: www.trumblr.com. SCOOP.IT: http://www.scoop.it
Lesson Plan 11 Teacher’s name: Nuria Ruiz Carbonell School: Alba del Vallès Lesson Name: Our Travel Agency Subject: English Level: 2nd ESO Date: 15th July Time Allotted: 20 sessions Pedagogy/ies used: Project-‐based learning Competences taught: Problem solving, critical thinking,information processing, learning to learn, social competence and digital competence. Objectives: to encourage collaborative learning, to participate actively in the learning process, to practise the use of written and spoken English through communication with people abroad,
to develop ICT skills
Prior knowledge of students: They know how to express simple ideas Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) They will need video cameras or mobile phones and computers to upload the resulting videos Brief description: Students create a logo for their invented travel agency and record a video promoting it. They have to convince their classmates that their agency is the best choice. Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) -‐ invent the name of the travel agency -‐ create a logo -‐ draw it -‐ think about the structure of the marketing video -‐ write a draft -‐ rehearse it -‐ record it -‐ show their classmates the product -‐ vote for the best agency Assessment: Team work, ICT skills, spoken and written English will be evaluated. Special Directions for Cooperative Grouping The students will work in groups of 3.
Lesson Plan 12
Teacher’s name: Teresa Coma Osa School: INS Arquitecte Manuel Raspall Cardedeu Lesson Name: Mobile phones in class Subject: Discuss about the usage of mobile phones in class Level: 1st Batxillerat Date: First term Time Allotted: 2 sessions / 55 minutes each session Pedagogy/ies used: Problem-‐based learning Competences taught: Linguistic: grammar and vocabulary Interactive: speaking in turns, group debates
Objectives: To think about the use of mobile phones To decide when mobiles should or should not be used in class Prior knowledge of students:
Intermediate level of grammar Vocabulary related to mobiles and permission The rules for phones in school Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) Computers The rules of phones in school Web pages http://www.useoftechnology.com/cell-‐phones-‐school/ https://www.saferinternet.at/uploads/tx_simaterials/Using_the_mobile_phone_in_school.p df
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Brief description: Students will have to face school rules on mobile and different situation in which students do not obey these rules. Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step) UNDERSTANDING THE PROBLEM What is the problem? ◦ Students use of mobile in class. • ◦ School rules of mobile usage What do I know? ◦ School rules What do I need to know? ◦ Revise school rules • ◦ Reading about other school rules EXPLORE THE CURRICULUM Gather information ◦ Readings ◦ Web pages Share information • ◦ Peer work to share opinon Generate solutions
• ◦ Peer work to share opinon FIND A SOLUTION Solutions presentations • ◦ Individual group in a writing • ◦ Peer group in oral Debrief the problem • ◦ Peer group in oral Assessment: Students will be assessed according to Participation Using skills such as reading, speaking, writing and listening learning holistically rather than atomistically Ability to analyse a problem and find a solution How Group and individual presentations , considering: ◦ content, how the group ‘performed’ or some combination of both. Self and peer assessment
Reflective online journals
Lesson Plan 13 Teacher’s name: Sira Melo Herráiz School: INS Vil·∙la Romana (La Garriga) Lesson Name: Tell Me Why Subject: English Level: 4th ESO
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Date: 6 weeks (the project can start at the beginning of the year, for example) Time Allotted: 18-‐20 sessions Pedagogy/ies used: ● Project based learning ● Inquiry-‐based learning ● Co-‐operative learning ● Gamification ● Competence learning Competences taught: ● Research skills, critical thinking and information processing (develop a critical thinking to access, analyse, choose and gather the important information for a project) ● Planning, organization and communication skills (learning to learn) ● Understanding and communicating in English as a foreign language ● Social competence and constructive management of feelings (develop their ability to work c ollaboratively) ● Digital skills (develop their ability to create mind maps, edit videos, use web 2.0 tools and improve their skills in the use of the ICT in a collaborative project) ● Creativity and initiative (Develop a creative thinking) ● Problem solving, decision taking and risk assessment ● Intercultural awareness Objectives: Students will ● Recognize the style and elements of pourquoi stories by reading and analyzing different examples ● Extend cultural understanding as they explore the cultural origins and significance of
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pourquoi stories (of their own culture and of other cultures) ● Apply what they have learned by collaboratively writing a pourquoi story in a group setting ● Work in the frame of a real collaborative project ● Exchange own cultural findings with students from another cultural background ● Demonstrate oral presentation skills by presenting themselves to the other country students and by presenting their final product ● Use English in all the activities and as the main language of communication ● Discuss, debate, think in groups ● Integrate ICT in their learning process Prior knowledge of students: (knowledge and skills) ·∙ Students should be able to use the English language at an intermediate level. They should be able to understand the readings of an intermediate level and write a story following the information gathered on the Internet by a WebQuest. ·∙ Students should be able of understand the content of the lesson plan on how to write a pourquoi story. They should have had written stories before. ·∙ Students should be able to use ICT at an intermediate level. Resources/materials needed: (i.e. computer lab, worksheets, OHP…) Teacher resources and materials ·∙ Computer lab ·∙ WebQuest with all the necessary links up-‐to-‐date ·∙ Etwinning Twinspace of the project Students resources and materials ·∙ Computer or laptop with Internet connection (and web cam) ·∙ Digital camera or mobile phone with camera ·∙ Earphones and microphone ·∙ Etwinning access to the Twinspace of the project Brief description: This is a collaborative eTwinning project between countries (2 countries would be the best number to start with). Students will learn about pourquoi stories (or ‘Why’ stories) by reading examples of different countries and focusing on the folktales of the place where they live (town, region and country). They will learn the main concepts related to pourquoi stories with a WebQuest and they will use the Twinspace as the main platform of communication, as they will use the chat and the forum for some of the activities. The main final products or tasks of the project will be published in the project blog. Most of the activities are to be done using ICT. Lesson procedures: (step-‐by-‐step)
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TASK 1: STUDENTS INTRODUCTION Students introduce themselves to the people in their groups. As the groups will be formed with 2 students of each country, they will work in pairs. Each pair will shoot a video introducing themselves and will upload it in the twinspace. (video recording) SESSION 2 TASK 2: INTRODUCTION TO THE TOPIC What are folktales, legends and stories? (Poll with Kahoot!) Students will play the game in class as an introductory activity to the WebQuest. TASK 3: WEBQUEST ‘PORQUOI STORIES’ made with Zunal.com -‐ Task 3.1. (Introduction) What is a pourquoi story? What are the basic rules of narration? Students will learn about the basic rules of narration/ writing stories: the story order, the number of characters and their characteristics. à Students will have a collection of links and some questions to be answered. SESSION 3 -‐ Task 3.2. (Introduction) Read examples: American, Canadian, African and Europeanà Students will have links to different stories and questions to be answered. SESSIONS 4-‐7 -‐ Task 3.3. (Task) Choose a pourquoi story explaining something in your town, region or country. Translate it into English. Make a glogster with the story in both the original language and in English, adding photos related to the story (place, character, person, thing…). Students will present the story to their partner students. They will publish the group glogster in the blog of the project. (Blogger) -‐ Task 3.3. (Process) Students will have to find out folktales and pourquoi stories from where they live (village/town/ city, region or country). There will be links to some webs with important information and ideas for them to explore other ways of finding stories. o Example of stories in Catalonia § La font del lleó (Caldes de Montbui) § La pedra de l’encant (Granollers) § El pont del diable (Tarragona) § Why we spread tomato on bread slices (Catalonia) § El caganer (Catalonia) -‐ Task 3.4. (Evaluation) Students will be assessed with a rubric on their work during the process and the final product.
SESSION 8 TASK 4: COMPARISON Students of both countries will read the stories in the glogsters and write the similarities and differences they find between the stories of the different countries. (Twinspace forum) o What do folktales in both countries have in common? o Are there similar stories? Are they very different? SESSIONS 9-‐14 TASK 5: WRITING TWO POURQUOI STORIES Each group will write two folktales or pourquoi stories about something (thing, tradition…), someone (person or character) or somewhere from where the students live and from where the partner students live (town, region or country). They will have to use what they have learnt with the WebQuest about how to write a pourquoi story. 1. 1) Brainstorming. They will first exchange via a wiki (wikispaces) or todaysmeet possible things, places or people/ characters that could be explained by a pourquoi tale 1. 2) Mind map. They will create a mind map summarizing and organizing the options with which they will make the final choice (bubbl.us) 1. 3) Storyboard. Students will think of the characters, the setting, the moral of the story, the plot… and they will write a draft of the general structure of the story. 1. 4) Edition. Students will finally write the whole story, revise it and edit it by using a tool on the Internet: powerpoint, social storytelling with pictures, comic strip, video, storytelling tools, myebook, issuu…) [There will be some links to students presentations of pourquoi stories of other projects in the Twinspace for them to see examples] o They will use pictures, drawings, voice recording, video recording… for publishing it in a digital format. o Students will upload the final product in the project blog. Work guidelines: students will communicate with their partners using ICT (skype, the Twinspace chat, etc) to agree on the way they will work. They will have to set a calendar. SESSIONS 15-‐17 5. 5) Oral presentation. Students should present orally their stories (whatever the format is) to the class. At the end of each presentation, the teacher will ask the audience to share one or two positive things about the presentation. The teacher will also ask them to identify the how or why of the story. If students have made efforts to include cultural references, the class will be asked to identify them. SESSION 18 TASK 6: GOODBYE! (Informal evaluation) Goodbye messages ‘What I have learnt’ (padlet) TASK 7: EVALUATION (Formal)
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Evaluation of the project filling a survey (surveymonkey or google form) EXTENSION Dissemination of the stories. The final stories can be uploaded on the school website for the school community to see the work done by the students. Assessment: ·∙ Formative assessment. Students will be given a mark for each task done during the learning process: o General performance (individual collaboration in the group, participation) o WebQuest activities (Answers revised and marked by the teacher) o Translation of the story o Glogster (Rubric) o Participation in the forums and wikis o Mindmap o Storyboard and final story o Story digital edition o Goodbye activity (padlet) Special Directions for Cooperative Grouping ·∙ Groups will be formed by international students (2 Catalan and 2 of the other country) ·∙ They will communicate to plan and organize the work using the Twinspace and skype.