Originally English comes from the Germanic languages. Nowadays there are 340 million native speakers and so English is the third common language worldwide. Most of the natives live in Great Britain and the United States of America but also a lot of countries have English as their first foreign language at school. With the colonization of America, Australia and parts of India and Africa, English became a global language. English has a big lexis with more than one million words. Worldwide many different types of the original language exist. Typical Dishes: Fish and Chips Tea Baked Beans
Irish is one of the three Gaelic languages. Nowadays it is the official language in the Republic of Ireland and is spoken by 70.000 people every day. Circa 1, 6 million people are second language speakers. The letters which are used in Irish are Latin. In a written way Irish can be everywhere in Ireland but for example in restaurants the language of the menu is normally just English. All signs are officially posted in Irish and English. Typical dishes: Stú/ Stew Coddle Prátai/ Potato Liamhás Bagún/ Bacon Guinness/ Beer
Group photo Ireland
It is the native language of 8, 5 million people and is also an official language of Finland. On the whole it is spoken by 10 million people. But you can use the Swedish language everywhere in Scandinavia. So for example Swedish people can communicate with Norwegian people very well. Swedish is a part of the northern section of the Germanic languages. The alphabet includes 29 letters. Circa 20 dialects exist in Sweden.
Typical dishes: Korv met mos/ sausage with mashed potatoes KÇ’ttbullar met potatis/ Meat balls with potatoes
Group photo Sweden
German is a part of the western sector of the Germanic languages. It is the native language of 90 to 98 million people and 55 million people speak it as their foreign language. It is also the national language in Namibia. German is the most officially spoken language in the European Union and is one of the 10 important languages worldwide. Many German writers and poets are famous all over the world. Typical dishes: Eisbein mit Sauerkraut/ knuckle of pork boiled and served with sauerkraut Bauernfrühstück/ bacon and potato omelette Bratwurst/ fried sausage Schnitzel/ pork cutlet Bratkartoffeln/ Sauté fried potatoes Knödel/ dumpling
Group photo Germany
The Italian language is currently spoken by 70 million native speakers, who mostly live in Italy. Besides Italian is also the official language in Switzerland, San Marino and in the State of the Vatican City. As all Romanic languages Italian comes from Latin, which was spoken in the old areas of the modern-day Italy. The dialects are sometimes very different from each other. Some dialects are even classified as an independent language. Typical dishes: Lasagne alla Bolognese Mozarella/special cheese Pizza Pasta Polenta (in the north)
Group photo Italy
Catalan is the regional language in Catalonia, at the Balearic Islands and in Valencia. Also it is the official language in Andorra and is also spoken in some parts of Italy. About 11,5 million people speak Catalan. It developed between the 8th and 10th century and it belongs to the language family of the Romanic languages. Typical dishes: Pa amb tomàquet/ Bread with tomato Pop a la gallega/ Galician style octopus Tapes/ “Tapas”
Group photo Catalan
Spanish is a global language and is currently spoken by 329 to 358 million people as their native language. Worldwide Spanish is the fourth common language after Mandarin, Hindi and English, with a number of speakers of 450 to 500 million people. As many languages, Spanish comes from Latin, which was brought by the Romans to the Spanish territories. There are many variations between continental Spanish and the Latin-American Spanish. And even within Latin America there are variations between each country but basically just in the ordinary language and words from the everyday life. Spanish also exists as a mixed language with Portuguese in Portugal, Uruguay and Brazil. Typical dishes: Pan con tomate/ Bread with tomato Pulpo a la gallega/ Galician style octopus Tapas/ “Tapas” Paella/”paella”
Introduction English
What’s your name?
Wie heißt du?
Como te llamas?
Com et dius?
Vad heter du?
My name is…
Ich heiße…
Me llamo...
Em dic...
Mitt namn är
How are you?
Wie geht’s dir?
Como estás?
Com estas?
Hur mår du?
I’m fine.
Mir geht’s gut.
Estoy bien.
Estic bé.
Jag mår bra
I dont’t feel good..
Mir geht’s nicht gut.
No me siento bien...
No estic bé.
Jag mår inte bra.
How old are you?
Wie alt bist du?
Cuántos años tienes?
Quants anys tens?
Hur gammal är du?
I’m…years old.
Ich bin…Jahre alt.
Tengo... años
Tinc... anys
Jag är
Where are you from?
Woher kommst du?
De dónde eres?
D’on ets?
Var kommer du ifrån?
I’m from…
Ich komme aus...
Soy de...
Sóc de...
Jag kommer ifrån
Hej då!
Bless you!
Gud välsigne dig!
Excuse me!
Ursäkta mig!
Thank you!
Por favor
You`re welcome!
De nada!
De res.
Varsegod / inga problem
What’s your favourite…?
Was ist dein Lieblings-…?
Cuál es tu ... favorito?
Quin es el teu...... preferit?
Vilken är din favorit?
I like…
Ich mag…
Me gusta...
Jag gillar
My hobbies are…
Meine Hobbies sind…
Mis hobbies son...
Els meus hobbies són...
Mina intressen är
Do you have siblings?
Hast du Geschwister?
Tienes hermanos?
Tens germans?
Har du syskon?
I have a brother/sister.
Ich habe einen Bruder/Schwester.
Tengo un/a hermano/hermana
Jag har en bror/syster Tinc un/a germà/germana
What’s the weather like?
Wie ist das Wetter?
Qué tiempo hace?
Quin temps fa?
Today it’s sunny/cloudy/ rainy/snowing.
Heute ist es sonnig/wolkig. /Es regnet./Es schneit.
Hoy hace sol/hay Avui fa sol/ nubes/llueve/nieva. està tapat /plou/neva
Vad är det för väder? Idag är det soligt/molnigt/regnigt / snöigt
English clothes t-shirt trousers socks jacket shoes sweater dress skirt jeans underwear
German Kleidung T-shirt Hose Socken Jacke Schuhe Pullover Kleid Rock Jeans Unterwäsche
Italian abbigliamento maglietta pantaloni calze giacca scarpe felpa vestito gonna jeans biancheria
Spanish ropa camiseta pantalones calcetines chaqueta zapatos jersei vestido falda tejanos ropa interior
Catalan roba samarreta pantalons mitjons jaqueta sabates jersei vestit faldilla texans roba interior
Swedish Kläder t-shirt byxor strumpor jacka skor tröja klǎning kjol jeans underkläder
Irish Eadai t-léine briste stocaí seaicéad bróga geansaí gúna scort jeans fo-éadaí
accessories cap scarf gloves swim suit
Accessoires Cap Tuch Handschuhe Badeanzug
accessori cappello sciarpa guanti costume da bagno
accesorios gorro bufanda guantes bañador
accessoris gorro bufanda guants banyador
accessoarer keps scarf huntskiar baddrǎckt
accessories caipín scarf lámhainni snámh oireann
glasses others cash desk price bags changing room size
Brille Sonstiges Kasse Preis Taschen Umkleide
occhiali altrui cassa prezzi borse camerini
ulleres altres caixa preu bosses emprovador de roba talla
glasǒgon andra kassa priser väskor omklädningsru mmet storlek
gloiní eile deasc airgid praghsanna malaí seomra gléasta
gafas otros caja precio bolsas probadores de ropa talla
patterns striped spotted checked flowered plain patterned
Muster gestreift gepunktet karriert geblümt einfarbig gemustert
modelli a strisce a pois a quadretti a fiori a tinta unita decorato
patrones de rayas de topos de cuadros de flores liso estampado
estampats de ratlles de topos de quadres de flors llis estampat
mönster randigt prickigt rutigt blommigt en fàrgat mónstrerat
patrún breaac chonaic sheiceáil bláth X patrún
Redewendungen Shoppen gehen Ich brauche... Ich suche nach... Kann ich dir helfen? Kannst du mir helfen? Ich brauche die Größe... Wie viel kostet es?
Mi serve... X
Necesito... Estoy buscando... ¿Puedo ayudarte? ¿Me puedes ayudar? Necesito la talla... ¿Cuánto vale?
Necessito... Estic buscant... Puc ajudar-te?
Jag behöver... Jag letar efter... Kan jag hjälpa dig? Kan du hjälpa mig? Jag behöver storlek... Hur mycket kostar det?
Can I have the receipt?
Kann ich die Quittung haben?
Posso Avere lo scontrino?
¿Puedes cobrarme, por favor?
Pots cobrarme, si us plau?
Kan jag va kvittot?
Do you have a bigger size for these
Haben Sie diese Hose eine Nummer
Ha una taglia piú grane per questi
¿Tienes otra talla de estos pantalones?
Tens una talla més d’aquests pantalons?
Har du dessa byxorna i en större storlek?
Shopping I need... I’m looking for... Can I help you? Can you help me? I need the size... How much is it?
Sto cercando posso aiutarla? Può aiutarmi? Mi serve la taglia... Cuanto costa?
Em pots ajudar? Necessito la talla... Quant val?
Siopadóireach ta Is gá dom... Táim ag lorg... Bealtaine liom cebhru leat? X Dnim onm an meid... Cé mhéad a chosnaionn sé? Is féidir liom an bheilh a fháil? An bhfuil bü agméid nios mö do na
trousers? Do you have these socks in another colour?
größer? Haben Sie die Socken auch in einer anderen Farbe?
pantaloni? Ha queste calze in un altro colore?
Do you have this dress in another pattern? Can you wrap these briefs for a present?
Haben Sie das Kleid mit einem anderen Muster? Können Sie dies als Geschenk einpacken?
Where are the changing rooms? Can I pay with my credit card?
¿Tienes unos calcetines de otro color?
Tens aquests mitjons d’un altre color?
Har du dessa strumpor i en annan färg?
Ha un vestito con un altro motivo?
Tens un vestit amb un altre estampat?
Wo sind die Umkleideräum e?
Dove sono i camerini?
¿Dónde están los probadores?
Em podries embolicar aquests calçotets per regal? On són els emprovadors?
Har du denna kläningen i ett annat mönster? Kan du sla in dessa trosorna?
Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen?
Posso pagare con la carta de credito?
¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito?
¿Tienes un vestido con otro estampado? Può ¿Me podrías incartarmi envolver estos questi boxer calzoncillos per un regarlo? para regalo?
Puc pagar amb targeta de crèdit?
Var är ombytes rummet? Kan jag betala med kreditkort?
briste? Mian leak go bhfuil na stocai im Balstat eile day? An bhfuil tü ag güna le patron eile? Is féidir leat timflailleadh na mionteagasc do i läthair? Aik a bhfuil na seomrei feistis? Is féidir liom ioc le mo chárta creidmneasa?
English water orange juice
German Wasser Orangensaft
coke tea coffee beer wine soup salad potatoes beef pork chicken turkey fish/sea food
Cola Tee Kaffee Bier Wein Suppe Salat Kartoffeln Rind Schwein Hühnchen Truthahn Fisch/ Seefrüchte Nudeln Gemüse
noodles vegetables
Italian Acqua Succo d ´arancia Coca-cola Tè Caffè Birra Vino Zuppa Insalata Patate Bistecca Bistecca di maiale Pollo Tacchino/ Pesce Pasta Verdure
Spanish Agua Zumo de naranja. Coca-cola Te Café Cerveza Vino Sopa Ensalada Patatas Filete Cerdo Pollo Pavo Pescado
Catalan Aigua Suc de taronja. Coca-cola Te Cafè Cervesa Vi Sopa Amanida Patates Filet Porc Pollastre Gall d’indi Peix
Swedish Vatten Apelsin juice
Irish Uisce Sú oráiste
Coca-cola Te Kaffe Öl Vin Soppa Sallad Potatis Kokött Griskött Kyckling Kalkon Fisk
Pasta Verduras
Pasta Verdures
Nudlar Grönsaker
Coke Tae Caife Beoir Fíon Anraith Sailéad Prátaí Mairteola Muiceoil Sicín Turcaí Iasc/ Bia farraige Pasta Glasraí
dessert: ice cream cake
Desserts: Eis Kuchen
Dolce: gelato torta
Postres: helado tarta
Postres: gelat pastís
Glass: X Kaka
Uachtar : reoite Cáca
I would like to have the menu, please.
Ich hätte gerne die Speisekarte.
Può portarmi un menù perfavore.
Querría el menú por favor
Voldria el menú, si us plau.
Jag skulle vilja ha meny, tack.
Is there anything you would recommend?
Können Sie mir etwas empfehlen?
C’è qualcosa che mi può consigliare?
¿Qué me recomendarías ?
Què em recomanes?
I would like to eat/drink…
Vorrei mangiare/bere …
I’ll take…
Ich würde gerne essen/trinken … Ich nehme…
Är det nagonting du skulle rekommendera ? Jag skulle vilja äta/dricka…
Ba mhaith lion go mbeadh an roghchlár. An bhfuil aon rud a mholfá?
Jag tar..
The food was really delicious/bad.
Das Essen war sehr lecker/ schlecht.
Il piatto era molto delizioso/ cattivo.
La comida era muy buena/mala.
El menjar era molt bo/ dolent.
Maten var väldigt god/äcklig.
Ba mhaith a ithe/ól Beidh mé… A bheith. Bhí an bia sobhlasta/go dona.
Could I have the bill, please?
Könnte ich bitte die Rechnung haben?
Potrei avere il conto perfavore?
¿Podría traerme la cuenta, por favor?
Podria portarme el compte, si us plau?
Kan jag fa notan, tack?
Fèidir liom a bheith an bille le do thoill?
How can I get to the square
Wie kann ich den Platz erreichen?
Come arrivo in piazza?
¿Cómo puedo llegar a la plaza?
Com puc anar a la plaça?
Hur kommer Jag till torger?
What’s the name of this street? Where`s the cathedral? How far is it?
Wie heißt diese Straße?
Qual`e` il nome di cuesta strada?
Com es diu aquest carrer?
Vad-heter denna gatan?
I’m looking for this address
Wo ist die Kirche? Wie weit ist es weg? Ich suche diese Adresse!
¿Cuál es el nombre de ésta calle? ¿Dónde está la catedral? ¿Está muy lejos? Estoy buscando esta dirección
Conas is féidir liom a fháilchun an chearnóg? Cad é an tainm ar an tsráid?
On és la catedral? Queda molt lluny? Estic buscant aquesta adreça
Do you have a map? Go straight on
Haben sie eine Karte? Gerade aus
¿Tienes un mapa? Sigue recto
Var ligger kyrkan? Hur långt är det? Jag letar efter den här adressen Har du en karta? Gå rakt fram
Tens un mapa? Vés recte
In front of the church Where can I get the taxi?
Vor der Kirche
Can you help me please?
Wo kann ich ein Taxi bekommen? Schau nach links Schau nach rechts Entschuldigen Sie… Können Sie mir bitte helfen?
I want to go to.. Can you show me the way to..?
Ich möchte zu/zum..gehen. Können Si emir den Weg zu … zeigen?
You have to go… To …streets ahead
Du musst … gehen Zu/nach …Straßen
Look left Look right Excuse me..
Delante de la iglesia ¿Dónde puedo coger un taxi?
Davant de l’església On puc trobar un taxi?
Framför kyrkan Taxin?
Mira a la izquierda Mira a la derecha Perdone
Mira a l’esquerra Mira a la dreta
Kola till vänster Kola till höger
Ursäkta mig
¿Me puede ayudar, por favor? Quiero ir a...
Em pot ajudar, si us plau?
Kan du hjälpa mig?
Voldria anar a... Em pots explicar com es va a...?
Jag vill gå till
¿Puedes indicarme cómo llegar a...? Tienes que ir… Hacia … calles más
Kan du visa mig vägen till?
Has d’anar…
Du måste gå
Cap a …carrers més
till framåt
Around the corner Thank you, for your help.
weiter. Um die Ecke Danke für deine Hilfe
adelante A la vuelta de la esquina Gracias por tu ayuda
endavant A la cantonada
Runt hörnet
Gràcies per ajudar-me
Tack för hjälpen