Santa clara students cantabria wind energy pros and cons

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WHAT IS WIND ENERGY? PROS AND CONS Wind energy is the energy from wind, ie, the kinetic energy generated by the effect of the drafts.

This energy is converted into other useful forms of energy for human activities. Its main use is to produce electricity from wind turbines connected to grids of electricity distribution ADVANTAGES OF WIND ENERGY It is a safe and renewable energy, ie, continuously renewing and inexhaustible. Is an indigenous and universal appeal, as it exists throughout the world. Not produce emissions or polluting waste generated that contribute to the greenhouse effect or acid rain. It has a fast build time (less than six months). Facilities are mobile, so its dismantling will allow full recovery of the area. Installation is compatible with many other land uses. It is becoming cheaper as technology advances. Each Kw / h of electricity generated by E. Wind instead of coal prevents the emission of one kilogram of CO2 to the atmosphere. Its construction and maintenance creates jobs ADVANTAGES IN CANTABRIA

The development of renewable energy provides stable and quality employment in Cantabria. It boosts the economy through the creation of a value chain where they can integrate many companies in the region. The progress of the wind sector in Cantabria is a real opportunity for local development in depressed areas and beset by the decline of the primary sector. In the Valley of Soba is the only wind farm community The companies also collaborate with the social development of municipalities


Visual impact: installation generates a high modification of the landscape. Impact on birds: mainly by the collision of birds with shovels, unknown effects on modification of the usual migration and nesting behavior. Noise impact: the friction of the blades with the air produces a constant noise; the nearest house should be at least 200 m. Chance of archaeologically interesting area Impossible Storage: The electricity produced can not be stored; is instantly consumed or otherwise lost. Need for infrastructure: Wind farms are often located in remote areas far from the point of consumption, and to transport the electricity pylons that can save important distances are required. Too much wind did not help. If the wind turbine exceeds specifications, the circuit must be disconnected from the network or change the pitch of the blades to stop spinning, since high wind speeds may damage the structure

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