Flipchart english hr

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Generating, Managing and Using Money

Planning for the Future

How households generate income

How households invest

How households handle money

How households plan for the future

How households spend money

FINANCIAL CAPABILITY Using Financial Services How households use loans How households save How households use bank accounts How households use insurance

Using Social Capital, Assets and Competencies How people interact within family and community How households use assets How households gain knowledge and skills


Ability to save

Ability to use bank accounts

Ability to use loans Ability to use insurance Ability to invest

Ability to coordinate within the family

Ability to plan for the future

Ability to participate in community life

Ability to handle money on daily basis

Ability to use assets Ability to spend money responsibly / wisely

Ability to generate sufficient income

Ability to gain knowledge and skills


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Ability to generate sufficient income Ability to spend money responsibly /wisely Ability to handle money on daily basis Ability to plan for the future

Ability to invest

Ability to use loans

Ability to save

Ability to use bank accounts

Ability to use insurance Ability to coordinate within the family Ability to participate in community life Ability to use assets Ability to gain knowledge and skills

PUBLISHED BY Deutsche Gesellschaft F端r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Gmbh Rural Financial AInstitutions Programme

C O N TA C T Dr. Detlev Holloh, GIZ Programme Director A-2/18, 4th Floor, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi 110029 India T : +91 11 49495353 F : +91 11 49495393 E : Detlev.Holloh@Giz.De W : Giz.De

C O N C E P T A N D L AY O U T Quicksand and Design Route RESPONSIBLE Dr. Detlev Holloh New Delhi, March 2014

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