1 minute read


Symptoms of endometriosis include:

Period Pain, Ovulation Pain, and Pelvic Pain


Pain during or after sex

Pain when using your bladder or bowels (usually during your period)

Heavy vaginal bleeding, irregular bleeding, bleeding for longer than normal

Blood in your stool or urine

Mental health problems (such as anxiety and depression)

Nausea and vomiting

My daughter experienced over half these symptoms.

Countless visits to the GP, numerous CT Scans, MRIs and the like (especially traumatic during COVID19 lockdowns) all resulted in the same medical advice: “suck it up buttercup, its just your period, go home and take a couple of Panadol”

Then HALLELUJAH I speak with a couple of colleagues last month who recommended the amazing Dr Simon Gordon, Melbourne’s leading Specialist.

I CANNOT TELL YOU in words the heavy weight that has now been lifted. Thank you both SO MUCH

Here’s to life !! Endometriosis sucks

If you suspect YOU, your daughter, or any other woman you know and love suspects they might have the dreadful, incurable disease - try this Quiz https://epworth.org.au/who-weare/our-services/endometriosis-centre/ endometriosis-awareness-month#quiz

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